Applause - composition for senior high school entrance examination
A red heart
2022-10-27 03:30:55

Strong people deserve applause.

What is a strong person? The person who can stand up in difficulties and seize the fate is a strong person. These people are also often respected and applauded by people. People applaud them not only for themselves, but also for their strong character.

In history, the number of people who have been applauded for being strong is countless. Edison was one of them. Edison had a difficult life when he was young. Therefore, he has done many odd jobs, such as newspaper boy, newspaper deliverer, waiter, etc. Sometimes he endured hunger and cold to invent things. To make matters worse, he often fails dozens or hundreds of times to invent something. However, he did not fall down. In his words, "I will invent even if I am poor." "I am afraid of nothing if I fail. At least I know that the previous method will not work." Edison was a strong man, so he was applauded by the world. And this applause has lasted for a century and will continue.

Close the history books and look at the current people. Mr. Hawking is a strong man. He did not fall down in the face of a rare disease, but grasped the fate of the throat, and carried out scientific research firmly. He once said to reporters, "Even if I have only one finger to move, I will still live strong and continue my research." Mr. Hawking won acclaim from the world for his strength. His books sell well all over the world, and his deeds are praised by everyone.

Edison and Hawking can win the acclaim of the world because of their strong character. In our life, there are also strong people like them. A few days ago, SARS was rampant. But in this extraordinary day, there are many strong people among us. Aunt Wang Jing is one of them. Aunt Wang Jing is at the front line of SARS, fearing the fatal disease and bravely helping others. Although she was unlucky to be infected with SARS at the end, she fought against the disease firmly and won the acclaim of the world. People folded paper cranes for her and were moved to tears by her deeds. Although she has passed away from the world now, her strong character has always remained in people's hearts and been applauded by people.

From these people, we draw a conclusion: strong people deserve applause. At the same time, we also have this idea: I also want to be a strong person and win people's applause!