The Taste of Failure
2022-11-03 01:00:03
Junior three

The road of life is very long. We have experienced thousands of different things, and we all have different feelings. I only know the taste of success is sweet, but I don't know the taste of failure.

Many students said: "The taste of failure is bitter." But, how hard? How bitter is it? Is your mouth bitter? Problems follow me one by one. This time, I finally tasted the taste of the so-called failure.

The so-called "pain" is due to this midterm math exam. On the day of the exam, when I handed in my math papers, I was very sure that I could achieve the desired results, because this midterm math exam was very simple. Getting full marks is as easy as pie! After a day or two, the math papers came out, and I almost collapsed. Because this test paper really surprised me. I don't score 90 points. I put my test paper in my schoolbag and didn't want to read it. I really don't want to see it. Such a poor result. Who is to blame? you 're right! Blame me, blame me for my carelessness, blame me for not carefully looking at the requirements of the topic, blame me for not being complacent... At that time, I remembered what my friend said: "The taste of failure is bitter." Yes, bitter, very bitter. But it is not a bitter mouth, but a bitter heart. It seems that I am almost out of breath. In fact, this is also a happy thing. I can't help but know what it is like to fail. I also taught me a lesson and let me remember that I should never be careless or conceited in the future.

Now I know not only what it means to succeed, but also what it means to fail. And I learned that no matter what you do, you should concentrate on it. I think this is the saying: "Failure is the mother of success".

Taste of failure Composition 2:

Life has a variety of tastes, there is a taste of happiness, it is sweet; There is a sad taste, it is sour; There is a sense of shame, it is hot; The taste of failure is bitter, I know, I also understand, because I have experienced

It was an exam. I handed in my paper with confidence. When it was handed out, I was dumbfounded and only got 60 points. I had to sit down, crumple the paper into a ball and throw it into the desk, but I was still very sad because some of the students next to me were comparing scores with other students; Some are strutting about; Others even came to the teacher's office to ask for a credit card. I saw their every move, so I was in a panic. Fifteen buckets were used to draw water -- seven up and eight down. I was afraid that the teacher would criticize me and give me a shot. As expected, the teacher was extremely dissatisfied and said, "You did poorly in the exam this time!" I listened to the teacher's words and felt more sad and uneasy.

School is over, and I'm on my way home. Along the way, Big Tree shook his head and said to me, "You did badly in the exam!" Little Grass hung his head and said to me, "When you get home, what will you do?" I went home in fear. When I got home, my mother asked me about the score, but I couldn't say anything, so my mother had to let me take out the test paper. As I took the paper, I thought about my mother's anger. Take out the paper and think: Let the storm come more violent! At this time, my mother's hand reached out. I thought my mother was going to hit me, so I closed my eyes. But my mother touched my head and comforted me, saying, "It's OK! Next time we must work hard. How can we see the rainbow without going through the storm?" I listened to my mother and felt a little better, but I was still in a bad mood. So, I secretly made up my mind to do well in the next exam.

Failure is the mother of success, but the taste of failure is unpleasant!

Taste of failure Composition 3:

A cold test paper declared my failure in the exam. It's astringent, like eating a betel nut. But after being astringent, it seems that there is a little bit of acidity, which is the taste of tears. It devalues you to nothing, making you feel that your aura has disappeared.

It was a failed exam. In the fourth grade, we were all very nervous as the examination period came. Almost all the students were studying hard, but only I didn't work hard. I put all my energy into playing. Gradually, my grades began to decline. In a mock exam, I carelessly finished the questions and handed in the paper. As a result, I almost failed the exam that time. The final exam finally came. I got 63 points! At ordinary times, I only get 80 points at the lowest. How can such a big reduction not make me sad? When I got home, my mother asked me how I did in the exam. I told my achievements with tears in my eyes. The mothers' faces turned from sunny to cloudy at once. Then I threw myself on the bed and cried. After the event, I slowly recalled that I knew the reason for failure and also understood the taste of failure.

Failure is a wisp of smoke in the past, which can make you confused or disappear in a moment. In the taste of failure, there is one of the most memorable taste - acid. It contains both the factors of failure and the consequences of your failure, but if you can face the consequences with a better attitude and achieve the next targeted goal with firm belief, the consequences will taste sweet.

Taste of failure Composition 4:

"Failure is the mother of success" is my motto. Get up where you fall. After several failures, I deeply realized the truth contained in it.

In the examination of the school's Olympic Maths class, I did not do well and missed the qualification to continue to compete this time. Therefore, I can only wait for the next opportunity to participate, and I am very depressed. The taste of failure is very bitter. In particular, what I dare not face easily is that President Wu, my parents and many other people care about me, love me, and pour their hopes on me. How can I tell them? When I think of those eyes full of expectation, my ears turn red and I feel ashamed.

I can only use the pen in my hand to record my mood at this moment. I failed to live up to everyone's expectations and could only weep silently alone, feeling like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine

"Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? No one can casually succeed." My favorite lyrics suddenly sounded in my ears. Yeah! No road in the world is always a smooth road. There are flowers and tears on the journey of life; On the way of competition, there are many competitors and many experts.

What should I do if I encounter failure? It is from then on that I am not able to recover and shrink back; Or do you face difficulties and become more brave as you get frustrated?

At this moment, her mother's words echoed in her ear: "The road of life is long and distant, how can we be smooth and everything be successful? Failure is the mother of success! Hold your head up, Xiaowei! Try to pursue your ideal and future, and always have a confident smile!"

Never be depressed after setbacks, be strong and brave to fight against failure. Learn to treat pain as enjoyment, difficulties as opportunities, constantly learn from setbacks, and learn from failures. Only in this way can we accumulate and make success with failure!

Failure, in everyone's life, will encounter it. It was like a flying stone, which suddenly came in front of people. Some people hate it. When it comes, they cover their eyes and pretend not to see it. While deceiving themselves, they also let their progress stagnate and miss their life. Some people frankly accept it, understand it, and then surpass it, reaching a new height on their life path.

Therefore, I have learned that failure is not a terrible scourge, and the most terrible enemy is the passive depression after encountering failure.

Taste of failure Composition 5:

The road of life is very long. We have experienced thousands of different things, and we all have different feelings. I only know the taste of success is sweet, but I don't know the taste of failure.

Many students said: "The taste of failure is bitter." But, how hard? How bitter is it? Is your mouth bitter? Problems follow me one by one. This time, I finally tasted the taste of the so-called failure.

The so-called "pain" is due to this midterm math exam. On the day of the exam, when I handed in my math papers, I was very sure that I could achieve the desired results, because this midterm math exam was very simple. Getting full marks is as easy as pie! After a day or two, the math papers came out, and I almost collapsed. Because this test paper really surprised me. I don't score 90 points. I put my test paper in my schoolbag and didn't want to read it. I really don't want to see it. Such a poor result. Who is to blame? you 're right! Blame me, blame me for my carelessness, blame me for not carefully looking at the requirements of the topic, blame me for not being complacent... At that time, I remembered what my friend said: "The taste of failure is bitter." Yes, bitter, very bitter. But it is not a bitter mouth, but a bitter heart. It seems that I am almost out of breath. In fact, this is also a happy thing. I can't help but know what it is like to fail. I also taught me a lesson and let me remember that I should never be careless or conceited in the future.

Now I know not only what it means to succeed, but also what it means to fail. And I learned that no matter what you do, you should concentrate on it. I think this is the saying: "Failure is the mother of success".