700 words of model essay on the full score of the senior high school entrance examination of kinship
Aunt Bangbang
2022-10-29 00:08:27

Love has great power, love is selfless dedication, love is warm, happy, sweet... Everyone has had love in their hearts, and I have also had love. The love I feel is more like a song in my heart.

I remember when I was in junior high school, because after entering middle school from primary school, the pace of learning was accelerated, and the rules of life and work and rest time also changed, which made me very uncomfortable. After entering junior high school, because I had to do a lot of homework, I could go to bed very late every day. My grandmother who lived in the same room with me also told me every day: "Children should hurry up to write, so that they can rest early, and tomorrow they will have to get up early to read. ”Every time I would talk back to my grandma and say, "I know, I'm bored." Grandma has loved me since childhood. She knows that I'm worried because I can't finish my homework, so she doesn't have the same opinion as my child. One night before the monthly exam, I had more homework than usual. When I finished my homework, it was late at night. I suddenly thought why I didn't hear Grandma's "nagging" voice today. Just as I was turning around, I suddenly found that there was a freshly cut apple and a cup of steaming chrysanthemum tea on the table. Where's Grandma? I got up curiously and went to the lobby. I saw my grandmother fell asleep on the sofa in the lobby. In order not to affect my study, my grandmother went to the lobby to wait for me to finish my homework. Looking at Grandma's silver hair, wrinkled and kind face. Remembering my attitude towards my grandmother the other day, my eyes moistened. I realized how much my grandmother loved me. I grew up with her when I was young. When I was young, my grandmother used to braid my hair for me every day and often taught me to sing. "Only my mother is good..." This song was taught to me by my grandmother. This song is more like the melody of love. Then Grandma seemed to wake up after hearing something. She opened her eyes and said to me; "Child, have you finished?" At this time, I finally couldn't control my tears and sobbed to my grandma: "I... I..." Grandma took my hand and said: "Don't say anything. After finishing your homework, go to bed quickly. I'm so energetic to take the exam tomorrow."

After this incident, I quickly adapted to the pace of learning life in junior high school, and my learning efficiency has also been greatly improved. Through this incident, I also love my grandmother more and my family more. Whenever I think about this incident, I feel so happy in my heart, always sweet in my heart. Let this song of love echo in my heart forever.