College entrance examination composition: familiar
never give up
2022-11-03 03:55:53
college entrance examination

"Good evening, audience friends, and welcome to today's news broadcast." This familiar phrase may have accompanied a generation from children to youth. Perhaps the same few familiar faces let this generation know the outside world through the ever-growing TV screen. As an announcer of the news network, he made everyone remember a person, a style, a delivery This magnetic voice, dignified appearance, grand broadcasting style, and clear pronunciation were once regarded as the highest level of broadcasting. With the sound of more than 20 years, the familiar sound disappeared in the air. In my dream, I didn't expect that people who had been familiar with the voice for so many years suddenly walked away. Gently, I left, just like Xu Zhimo left Kangqiao, without taking away a cloud I once felt aesthetic fatigue, and once complained a little: in a great country, can only a few people occupy the news network forever. But when one of the familiar voices left us forever, we found that we had lost something forever, and suddenly remembered that this thing was so precious Perhaps when he was working on weekdays, he did not receive the rush of popularity, nor fanatical fans, nor so many paparazzi tidbits. He is a window through which we learn about the world, the world sees China, and eastern and western cultures can communicate. Today, the familiar window is closed forever, leaving us only the familiar memories. The ancients used to describe the highest level of music as "the sound lingers in the ear for three days". His voice lingered in his mind for a long time after he left, and each sentence and word could make people ponder and aftertaste. It seems that when he left, his voice was still frozen in the air, and even the radio waves could decay more than ten light years later, but his voice was reflected in people's hearts. Someone jokingly said that his face was national, unsmiling, and always solemn and solemn like marble. Yes, it seems that the familiar national face has not left a mark with time, because in more than 20 years, despite the changes in time and space, his voice has never changed, and has not changed because of time. I remember a singer singing in his lyrics, "Just a few days after you left, Teresa Teng also said goodbye to us. Eileen Chang spent her last night in autumn, one Princess Diana was missing from England, and your favorite guitar is now living in my room." The world is constantly changing, but my mind is unwilling to leave the past, and time keeps walking far away, But my heart has been stuck in that moment of solidification. Once, when one great man after another fell, we learned the sad news from him. Today, his departure cannot tell us with the voice we are most familiar with. Tears cannot stop staying. It is not grief, but regret, because the Chinese people cannot bear to leave this departure, which is as familiar as three meals a day. Time may change a lot of things, perhaps many familiar years have become strange in the imprint of time. However, he was able to withstand the sculpture of the greatest artist in nature, and he never lost his true colors. His last wish is to return to broadcasting as soon as possible and continue this familiarity, but Then suddenly, the dust returns to the dust, and the soil returns to the soil. The laws of nature are showing that the green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red for several times. All the past, all the familiar just advance to a specific time to a constant destination. With his love for life, work and people, he has performed his wonderful life in his own voice. Let us remember this familiarity and sublimate it to eternity I will be as calm as the wild geese sing and mourn. I am depressed and uncomfortable when I look up to the sky and rest too much. I can't wait to hear this sad story, and the Spring Cave can die from it. Mr. Luo Jing, go all the way!