Fruit and vegetable composition (popular 6)
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2024-06-25 02:59:49

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (1)

Our life is rich and colorful. In the third grade, not only the school held many activities, but also our class held many meaningful activities, such as fruits and vegetables

One day in the third grade, we held this meaningful activity. On that day, the students were very happy! I was no exception. On that day, I brought a lot of fruits and tools.

After class, I quickly walked back to the class happily. As soon as I entered the class, several students who could draw carefully decorated the blackboard. The students couldn't wait to sit on the chairs, and I also did it.

Each group started a fierce competition. Our group's theme was the Baolian Lantern. At the beginning, I carefully took out the knife, Hu Dewei gently took out the washed fruit, and Li Siyuan also took out the plate on his own initiative.

All the tools are ready. I cut the top half of the orange into six pieces, and then use a spoon to dig out the fruit grains. The surrounding area is decorated with cut cherry tomatoes, so that a beautiful lotus lantern is ready.

We began to think about the content of the introduction. I thought about the beginning. It was like this: "A long time ago, Erlang God had a 19-year-old sister. Her sister's lotus lantern was the treasure of his family..." Everyone talked to me. Finally, Li Siyuan, who didn't like to talk, joined in. It was our turn to show. Hu Luwei introduced our Baolian Lantern. It was my turn to show the story our group had made up. I was nervous, but when it came to the time when I could not tell, the group students would timely supplement. Soon, with the help of the group, our group's story was finished and received bursts of applause.

That meaningful activity has left me unforgettable

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (2)

In their daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are no strangers to composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a carefully arranged fairy tale composition about the battle between the vegetable kingdom and the fruit palace, for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

We are now 3098 years old and have invented the time machine, which can go to any time. I was lucky to be the first person to board the time machine and return to the past. It is said that before the age of dinosaurs, the earth was dominated by fruits and vegetables, and there was a war between them. Nobody had seen it, but I will go to have a look.

I walked into the time machine, and in a blink of an eye, I arrived at the battlefield of their war. Neither side knew what I was doing, so they used cannons to blow me up. I ran and climbed and finally came out.

The two sides finally started a war. You hit me with artillery, and I blew you up. The fire was very fierce. The vegetable kingdom sent the captain of the sharp knife team - cucumber guard, and the fruit palace sent the captain of the big shield team - Uncle Watermelon. The two sides are locked in a stalemate and have to fight to the death. Cucumber guards are surprisingly fast, but Uncle Watermelon's watermelon shield is not vegetarian, and he was hit by the cucumber guards so many times without being hurt. Beans of sweat fell from their heads. Both sides sent many soldiers when they saw that their people were going to lose; The vegetable kingdom sent the leader of the poison gas team, Aunt Durian. The Fruit Palace sent the leader of the Concealed Weapon Team, Apple Little Sister.

As soon as Aunt Durian came on the stage, she was full of energy, which shook the earth three times. She used enough stink to poison the enemy, and the enemy almost fell foul. But Apple's little sister is not bad either. She used its unique secret - triple poison sword. At this time, the cucumber guards could not help but use the must kill technique - breaking triple blade! This move not only broke the triple poison sword, but also cut the watermelon shield in half. Uncle Watermelon's eyes suddenly turned red and asked all his soldiers to help him fight against his opponent. But the vegetable kingdom also used all its soldiers and generals to fight with the other side for three days and three nights. Aunt Durian used a must kill technique - stinking! The stench killed many people. Uncle Watermelon must kill with force - Shield is the world! All have increased defence shields. In the end, both sides used a big move at the same time - sweeping the army! In this way, both sides were defeated and the battle was finally over.

When I go out again, the earth will become my world!

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (3)


Ningning's mother bought some vegetables and fruits from the market and put them in the basket. As soon as she came back, she put the basket in the kitchen and went upstairs to sleep.

The vegetables and fruits in the basket are chattering, and can't be quiet for a moment.

Bitter gourd said: Brothers, my nutritional value is very high, Ningning eats me, will be very healthy!

Carrot said: Brother Balsam pear, I didn't say you. Ning Ning would eat you, and it must be bitter. I have high nutritional value, sweet and crispy, and Ning Ning must like to eat me!

Doumiao said gently: Although my nutritional value is not high, I am a pure green healthy food. Ningning will trust me and use me to cook soup.

I am also a green healthy food with high nutritional value. Ningning absolutely likes my food very much. Spinach said proudly.

Tomato said: It is enough for you to provide some nutrition for vegetables! The main thing is that we squeeze our fruits into juice for Ningning to drink, so that Ningning can have a healthy body.

Hami melon said: use me to squeeze juice! In the fruit family, I'm the sweetest. Ningning must like me!

Papaya slowly said: I have nutrition and sweet, Ningning must like me, use me to squeeze juice!

At this time, Ning Ning came down from upstairs and said: You are all useful to me. Don't argue!

The kitchen was much quieter at once.

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (4)

I got up and went to my aunt's room: "Aunt, get up and cook, my parents are not at home.

After that, the aunt "plopped" down on the sofa and said, "Go and do your homework. Let me check what I can do."

I smiled and ran to do my homework. My aunt turned on the computer, checked it again and again, and then went out to buy vegetables.

After a while, my aunt came back with food in her hand and said:

"Let me show you something today - vegetable and fruit salad!"

I said, "Good! If it is not delicious, I will go out to eat. You can eat your salad at home!"

My aunt said, "OK!"!

My aunt has been in the kitchen all morning. When I went in, I saw my aunt cutting vegetables. She cut carrots, cucumbers and potatoes into small pieces; Cut vegetables, cabbages and rape into one petal; Then he took out the fruit and cut the apples, pears, peaches, bananas and watermelons into small pieces. Finally, pour them into a basin, pour some oil, salt, jam, and then mix them all. Finally, I was asked to eat.

I looked at the rice and said:

"It doesn't taste good when you see it!"

The aunt said, "If you taste it, you will want to eat it!"

I said, "Well, all right!"

I closed my eyes and took a bite - hey! It's really delicious!

Just at the moment of entrance, it seemed that people also rose into the air, and there seemed to be many flowers with faint fragrance in the air... When my aunt saw it, she said, "Hey, eat quickly!" I smiled at my aunt and began to devour it.

This is my favorite meal. Although it is not very beautiful, it is delicious, because there is a kind of "seasoning" of love in it. Only my aunt who loves me most will use it! This is probably the most unique craft in the world!

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (5)

I first brought a lot of vegetables and fruits, but I didn't know where to start. When I was struggling, my mother "drilled" out of the room. After listening to this assignment, my mother asked me, "What year is this?" I immediately replied, "It's the Year of the Rat! Oh, I understand, that is to say, I can be a pig!" My mother smiled, Nodding repeatedly.

I took some toothpicks and a big potato, and started to make them! I took a small piece of watermelon skin first, then connected the potato and watermelon skin together, and connected them with a toothpick. Then, I drew a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth with a pen, and I drew a "right eye" for the pig. Ha ha, it's very cute! Finally, I took coriander and toothpick and inserted it in the tail of the pig, and a lovely pig was finished! I saw there was a little space under the mouth, so I added a lollipop under the pig's mouth again. Ha ha, it's so funny!

Later, I became more and more interested in it. Through my efforts, my mother and I made peacocks and Huluwa again. I was very happy to see my works. Although I was very tired, I saw successful works, and this fatigue disappeared into the sky.

Finally, I couldn't wait to ask my mother: "Mom, Mom, how do they do it on WeChat?" I looked at my mother's mobile phone, wow, they are doing well! Next time, I must do their work! It feels good to do handwork!

Fruit and Vegetable Composition (6)

On the palace of the castle, I saw the pomelo king wearing golden and gorgeous clothes, sitting on the mushroom throne, loudly delivering instructions; Watermelon ministers, wearing black glasses and fashionable striped robes, bowed to the pomelo king and accepted the imperial edict. In the garden of the castle, the Queen of Tomatoes, wearing a beautiful red skirt, took a walk under the orange tree to rest; The strawberry princess sang and danced happily around the queen. In the hunting ground, Prince Eggplant rode a white horse, drew a bow and shot arrows in the dense forest, chasing the fleeing prey. At the gate of the castle, cucumber guards, dressed in barbed green armor, patrol back and forth with carrot spears; At the same time, I also saw the lovely Apple Sister, Green Pepper Sister, Spring Onion Brother and Potato Baby playing in the playground of the castle, and their laughter came from time to time!

The fruit and vegetable castle is a lively scene, and the elves live a carefree life. If I could be a banana fairy to join their castle, how wonderful it would be!