Teacher's composition 350 words (19 in total)
2024-05-31 01:32:51

Teacher's composition 350 words (1)

He is tall, thin and has a serious face. He is our math teacher, Mr. Yu.

In class, Mr. Yu always has a serious face. It seems that this expression is the only one that suits him best. He is very strict with us, so we are a little afraid of him. However, his strictness enables us to have good study habits and correct learning attitude. We listen carefully in class, do not drift, and finish our homework on time.

Although Mr. Yu is strict, he always teaches us meticulously in class. If you don't understand this problem, he will tell you thousands of times until you understand it. In class, Mr. Yu always likes to hit the table with a long pointer. When you hit the table, you have to listen attentively.

During the exam, he always reminds us to read the questions carefully and understand the meaning of the questions. I don't know how many times I have heard this sentence. After the exam, he will carefully correct the exam papers, and explain them to us in class, so that we can correct mistakes. To tell the truth, it was really hard, but he didn't show his fatigue on his face. Maybe it is his hard work. Our math scores are good. When we see our good results, Mr. Yu can always show a comfortable smile. I think he should have a sense of achievement in his heart! Because our good results are inseparable from his careful teaching and hard work.

This is my math teacher, a strict teacher.

Teacher's composition 350 words (2)

My Chinese teacher is Miss Huang. She wears rimless glasses, which makes her very knowledgeable. Every time she stands in the classroom, her hair is black and bright, and she wears a long ponytail. She is very tall. Every time we stand in the classroom, we have to look up to her, so she is very dignified in our minds.

Miss Huang works hard every day. After each dictation, I immediately corrected many dictation papers and sent them out one by one, staring at us for correction. Not only that, every morning when we go to school, Miss Huang also insists on criticizing many homework assigned the night before in the classroom. Her action is very agile, which makes us admire.

Mr. Huang is very serious in teaching. In class, she will be scrupulous in reading and lecturing, and will be passionate in reading with us. Whenever we read by ourselves. She would either approve her homework or read a book. After class, the teacher also sat on the platform, or read books or find students to correct homework. Don't leave until the bell rings. Because of Mr. Huang's earnest efforts, we have all achieved excellent results.

We are all proud to be Miss Huang's students.

Teacher's composition 350 words (3)

School has begun. I am a third grade student. When we were promoted to a new grade, our head teacher also changed. Our head teacher used to be Miss Zhao, but now it's Miss Guan.

Mr. Guan is neither tall nor short. His shiny black hair has a ponytail at the back of his head. Eyes are not big, but they are very energetic. They also wear a pair of glasses, which makes them more elegant.

Mr. Guan speaks kindly. The first time I spoke to Mr. Guan was when I checked in. On the day of registration, I had just entered the classroom. When Mr. Guan saw me, he kindly asked me, "Are you Bai Chen?"? I was a little nervous when I first saw the new teacher, but when I heard the teacher's kind words, my nervous mood relaxed at once. It seemed that I had known Mr. Guan for a long time.

Teacher Guan is also very dedicated. Every day, she always comes to the classroom early, leads the students to read the text and helps them solve problems. Teacher Guan is also very strict. In class, she asked students to listen carefully in class, not to make small movements, not to whisper. If you violate these rules, Mr. Guan will certainly criticize you severely. Of course, if you behave well, she will also praise you with a smile.

This is my new head teacher. I like my new teacher.

Teacher's composition 350 words (4)

She is the most beautiful in my eyes! She has long hair, a pair of bright big talking eyes, and a smile that makes you feel kind. She is not only kind, but also has a rich imagination. She is my head teacher, Miss Cai Dongmei

Her eyes can speak, and her ears are very smart. Once, in math class, while she was writing on the blackboard, my classmates beside me and I talked excitedly about funny things in whispers, and our eyes were still staring at her from time to time. When she turned around, I quickly closed my mouth, but it was still late! She seemed to have long back eyes, turned around and stared at me with her beautiful big eyes. Her eyes were full of blame, as if to say: "This is not what you should do!" At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, I lowered my head shyly. I knew I was wrong and made up my mind that I would never do this again.

After work, she also established a class blog for our class, which is also our warm home. When I get home, I will log on to the class website to see what's new in the class recently and who has published new works.

Miss Cai is like the sun, shining warmly on all our classmates. Miss Cai, I want to say to you quietly, "In my eyes, in my heart, you are the most beautiful and best teacher!"

Teacher's composition 350 words (5)

Our old class - Mr. Gao

She has long black and beautiful hair, a pair of curved eyebrows with talking eyes, and her white skin shows that she is very energetic. She is our head teacher, Miss Gao Xincui.

Miss Gao is always good at playing chess in class management. Maybe it's because she has been teaching for a long time. She is particularly familiar with the Thirty six Stratagems and Sun Tzu's Art of War.

One day, just after lunch, we were talking about our personal affairs heartily. Unexpectedly, Miss Gao suddenly flashed into the class from the back door when we were unprepared, caught us in the act, and then listed all kinds of "crimes". At this time, we had to hang our heads and let Miss Gao get angry, but instead of punishing us, she left with a smile, We seem to have won the "gold medal of impunity". As soon as she turned around, we started talking again. At this time, Mr. Gao rotated 180 degrees at a lightning speed, which made us dumbfounded and tongue tied. Teacher Gao sneered twice and then said, "I just let you go to reform. Which one of you is not only unrepentant, but also more rampant. You are really too young to teach!" This is called "playing hard to get". How cruel!

The above is just a small matter for the head teacher to use. For our lively young players, we need to use more methods. There are countless "skirmishes" between us and Miss Gao, but we are always seen through by Miss Gao's eyes, and finally we return to justice. This is our beloved head teacher, Mr. Gao. Under the leadership of such a teacher, our class is going up day by day. One side of the wall is decorated with brocade banners and certificates of merit!

Teacher's composition 350 words (6)

The new semester has begun, and great changes have taken place in the school. Our teaching building has been changed, and our English teacher has also been changed to the current teacher He. Teacher He is twenty-four years old this year. She has a pair of bright big eyes, a high nose, and a head of dark hair, which makes her very beautiful.

In class, the teacher is very careful. Each time, she first catches the key points and then explains them to everyone in detail. After the explanation, she will give us some questions that students often make mistakes. She will also let us have oral dialogue on the spot. One person asks, the other answers.

On one occasion, the teacher asked me to get up and have a conversation with her to express a request, that is, to ask what can be done, and the other party could answer directly. It's very simple. Just listen to what the teacher says and ask or answer according to the meaning. That's what I did. The teacher said I did very well, which made me feel that learning English was not very difficult. In addition to these, she also taught us many skills of memorizing words and methods of reciting texts. I like her very much. I'm glad that I have a good person like He who spent this year with me. I believe that under his careful guidance, My English scores will certainly have greater progress!

Teacher's composition 350 words (7)

My favorite teacher is Miss Guo, who gives us rich knowledge; Teach us the truth of life; Let's accept the influence of communism.

Mr. Guo, I like your patience in teaching students. Third grade, I write very badly, the first time you asked me to copy homework. But after copying again, the words are still very scrawled. You decide to teach me how to practice calligraphy. I am very afraid of giving you a bad first impression. You will say I am stupid. But you don't. You teach patiently step by step. When encountering words that are difficult to write, you will practice with my hand. At this moment, it seems that there is a warm current flowing in my heart. In order to help me practice calligraphy well, you temporarily stopped exercising. In order to help me practice calligraphy well, you often accompany me to practice very late. Can I write this beautiful character without your patience?

Mr. Guo, I like the virtue that you change when you know your mistakes. Last Friday morning, the students of Class 41 said that Liu Ziqi had gone to their classroom. You criticized Liu Ziqi severely. He said nothing at that time. Later, when you learned the truth, you made a self-criticism in front of the whole class: "" I criticized Liu Ziqi because I didn't understand the situation. I was wrong, and I apologized to Liu Ziqi... "After hearing what you said, the students were filled with tears. We are proud of having such a good teacher.

Miss Guo, I like you. I like your love for us and your noble morality

Teacher's composition 350 words (8)

My best teacher is a moral teacher. Her name is Liu Jie. At school, she is my teacher; Outside the school, she is my aunt. From my first year to the third grade, Miss Liu has taken care of me a lot.

You must have a question: Why can I call Miss Liu Aunt outside the school? That's because my father and Chen Yan (teacher Liu's son)'s father are comrades in arms. So, outside the school, I can call Miss Liu Aunt.

Mr. Liu is my best teacher. Let me start with one thing

In a morality class in grade two, Mr. Liu was giving a lecture, and my classmates and I were listening carefully. In those days, my lips became red. In class, I always want to lick my lips. When I licked my lips, Mr. Liu gave me a look. Every look made me fidgety, afraid that the teacher would disturb me. About the end of the class, I licked Miss Liu again and finally said, "Don't lick, aren't you afraid to lick your lips?". Because I'm afraid of licking my lips off. I now know that I won't lick my lips off. It was Mr. Liu who frightened me.

Another thing happened in a heavy rain. That afternoon when school was over, it rained heavily. I didn't bring my umbrella, so I waited for my mother at the school gate. Teacher Liu saw me standing there and lent me my umbrella. But the teacher went home in the rain.

The next day, Miss Liu didn't come. I heard that she had a cold.

Now thinking of these things, I think Mr. Liu is a respected teacher.

Teacher's composition 350 words (9)

Look! My Chinese teacher, wearing white shorts and a black coat, is a humorous Chinese teacher. He is about 30 years old and loves beauty very much. I like writing and publishing.

Once, in a Chinese class, the teacher wanted to write a composition, which should focus on the image of the characters, so the language teacher said to Liu Yang, "You go out!" After Liu Yang went out, we all suddenly understood and began to discuss. Liu Yang did not make any mistakes, why let Liu Yang go out, and the teacher would not criticize people. At this moment, the teacher said to the students, "Liu Yang, is he fat?" At this time, the students laughed happily and said, "Then everyone knows that he must be fat." The language teacher asked again, Liu Yang's eyelids are double, but still single, which made everyone puzzled. Everyone touched their heads and shook their heads, The teacher said to everyone, "You don't know that. You don't care about your classmates. Everyone should know how to care and care for each other." After listening to the teacher, we learned that we should have a love.

On another occasion, several students did not listen to the teacher carefully in class, and they could do nothing. The teacher had to occupy his own rest time to make up lessons for students. The teacher was too hard. I want to say to those students: "Study hard and let the teacher have a good rest!

I want to say to the teacher: "I love you, teacher. You have worked hard, and I will not disappoint your hope for me."

Teacher's composition 350 words (10)

There is a strict teacher in our class. He wears blue clothes and is a little delicate. He wears high-heeled shoes on his feet and has a mole on his right face. In class, he always holds a Chinese book in his hand. You must have guessed it. He is the head teacher of our class. If you guessed it, it is not surprising that language and literature teachers are generally head teachers. Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang.

The most obvious thing is a mole on her face, which is big and round, like a big green bean (maybe not so big). Do you know how strict our Chinese teacher is? Please tell me in detail.

We did very well in one exam. But then the teacher walked to the classroom with a heavy step and slapped the test paper heavily on the table. The expression on his face was gloomy, as if it was going to be a storm. We all thought that the test was not good and would be approved (not for this reason). The teacher said in a heavy voice: "The group leader came to hand out the test paper." The classroom was extremely quiet, only the group leader made the rustle of the test paper.

When the test paper was handed out, the teacher suddenly shouted in a high decibel voice: "Get up if there is a crying face in the composition." Several people in the class stood up, and the teacher asked: "Do you know why you have a crying face?" Several people shook their heads, and the teacher said: "Because you are off topic!" The old teacher wasted more than 20 minutes because of this small problem!

Our teacher is so strict!

Teacher's composition 350 words (11)

"Teacher is the engineer of human soul", which is both right and good, and our Teacher Fei is such an "engineer". Teacher Fei already had some white hair on his head, and a round face was studded with bright eyes. Her eyes are always on us: whenever we make progress, she will look at us gently, as if to say: "You have made progress! But don't be proud." Whenever we lose heart, she will look at us with encouraging eyes, as if to say: "Don't give up, persistence is victory!"...... She often says: "There are no stupid children, only lazy children!". Use this sentence to tell us to study hard. Teacher Fei worries about us every day: in class, she imparts rich knowledge to us; During recess, she played games with us. Teacher Fei worked very hard. One day after school, I left my homework at school. When my father took me to school after work, I was surprised to find that Teacher Fei was still preparing lessons. It was very late at that time. Seeing the teacher working so hard, I decided to study hard and repay the teacher when I grew up! Teacher Fei is really our good teacher. I'm proud of Teacher Fei! Class 1, Grade 4, Puchang Primary School

Teacher's composition 350 words (12)

In life, people's brains are either born or smart like prodigies. They are all surrounded by a teacher who loves you and educates you. It is the teacher who leads us to the society and the future; It is the teacher who sprinkles the people with love and conscience and patriotic pupils on our hearts; It is the teacher who raised us with hard sweat; It was the teacher who worked hard day and night to study for us. Every day, he hurried to batch homework and test papers. On the second day, the teacher was still angry and held the test papers. I think the teacher is also very hard. But there are some naughty boys in our class who always make the teacher angry and don't understand the teacher's difficulties. I think the teacher is also very angry, but the teacher doesn't care about this, just let us listen to more knowledge, so that we can repay the motherland, repay our parents, and do something for the motherland with our own achievements. How hard the teacher has to sweat and work. At this moment, I can't use words to describe my respect and worship for teachers. I would like to teach future students the way teachers do. People say that children are the flowers and children of the motherland. Maybe teachers treat us as their own children. Finally, I want to say to the teacher, "Teacher, you have worked hard".

Teacher's composition 350 words (13)

On Teacher's Day, I saw many people send gifts to their teachers and smile and say: "Happy Teacher's Day, teacher!" and "Teacher, you have worked hard!". The teacher always smiles and nods. Everyone has seen these scenes.

However, if the teacher assigns us more homework and delays our class time, we will hear the complaints of the students: "Alas, how can the teacher be more annoying than my mother!" and "Teacher, when will you not delay? You must delay this time!". I heard it. It's not my taste. The teacher must be more unpleasant.

To put it another way, if you were a teacher, you tried to spend your time in order to improve the students' ability, but what you got was the complaints and dissatisfaction of your classmates. What would you think then?

In class, teacher, when you turn to write on the blackboard, the sensible child will see that the ash from the chalk has whitened your hair, and is not afraid of hardship. When many old people used to be teachers, they would say proudly when they saw their students grow up and have made achievements; "This is my student

On this day, while dancing the dance of "Heart of Gratitude", I deeply felt that on the way of life, we only need to cherish!

Teacher's composition 350 words (14)

Thank you, dear teacher! You are like a hardworking gardener, while we are the flowers of our motherland, which are carefully watered by your care. You use your care to feed our growth

Miss Xu! You teach us carefully for our healthy growth. In the first grade, Mr. Xu, you took us to play games and taught us "a, o, e..."; in the second grade, you took us to practice calligraphy and let these elves set up a home on a wall, which became a warm wall; In the third grade, you led us to know Grandpa Jin and his story. You also took us to the library and let us travel in the sea of books. What I remember most is that you took us to plant the first peach tree on the school rockery that year; In the fourth grade, we were already very sensible, so you took us "little bookworms" to know many famous writers, such as Ba Jin, Lao She, Lin Haiyin, and so on; At the beginning of the fifth grade, you went to the platform with a serious face. The first sentence you said was: "Students, we have entered the fifth grade, the fifth grade is the senior grade, and we must not be distracted in learning..." In a flash, it will be the sixth grade. Teacher Xu, you still love us so much. Everything you care for us is always in our mind.

Do you remember that time? I am sick and have a fever. As soon as you hear that I am not feeling well, you immediately pour me a cup of hot water and tell me to drink more water

Do you remember this? On that day, Pan Wei accidentally knocked over the ink on the desk, and the floor, desk, schoolbag and chair were all covered with "black dragon prints" of ink. You are not afraid of being dirty or tired. Pick up a wet rag and wipe it

You are also very knowledgeable in literature, which makes us admire you very much. "Xu Baijun" will appear in magazines, newspapers, books and so on. In your spare time, you teach the secret of writing to the people in our writing class

Thank you, my teacher! You are really a good teacher!

Teacher's composition 350 words (15)

In our life, I think in addition to our parents, the person who gives the most to us is our teacher.

Every morning when we get to school, we can see that the teacher has already stood on the corridor to greet us. Some students often complain that the school makes us arrive at school too early in the morning, but they haven't considered it. The teacher has also spent a lot of time for our study.

When we finished school in the evening, everyone could go home happily and have dinner with Mom and Dad, but the teacher could not go. Many times after school in the evening, I passed the teacher's office and saw that the light was still on and the teacher's figure was printed on the wall. She was sitting at her desk correcting our homework and exam papers. The teacher sacrificed her rest time and paid too much for our study.

Yes, the teacher is like a candle, burning himself and lighting our way forward. Thank you, my dear teacher.

Teacher's composition 350 words (16)

The second class this morning was history. Our history teacher stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom on time. But unlike usual, the teacher has a small microphone on his mouth and a microphone on his waist.

The class began, but everyone's attention was obviously not in the class. Everyone was peeking at the "new equipment" on the teacher. After a few minutes, the teacher finally found that we had not listened carefully, so he stopped: "Is everyone more interested in the teacher with a microphone?" We all nodded. The teacher chuckled: "The teacher has talked too much recently, and his voice is not very good. If I don't have a microphone, I'm afraid that the students behind can't hear the teacher's voice." When we heard the teacher say this, we all understood, but it was not worth it.

I think our teacher is really too hard. He doesn't talk to us every day in class. After class, he has to take the trouble to answer students' questions in the office. It's strange that his voice is not bad for a long time.

After listening to what the teacher said, the class was quiet and unusually quiet. We didn't want to let the teacher talk hard anymore. We all wanted to let the teacher's voice get better earlier.

Teacher's composition 350 words (17)

Speaking of my teacher, it's not easy. Her black hair is long and bright! I remember when she took over our class, she left a deep impression on us that day.

"I am your new head teacher, Xie Yumei, Xie teacher. "Well, don't guess! I volunteered to apply for the primary school department!" God! The discipline of our class has become famous in the primary school department. How could anyone come to our class voluntarily?

"My enthusiasm is like a fire! It burns the whole desert!~" Needless to say, this must be the troublemaker in our class. Let's see how Teacher Xie cleans him up. Teacher Xie gently said, "It's good to like singing. We also know that you sing well, so we don't need to show it in class! Continue to class!" The whole class sighed, "No!" That's all, We have become good friends with Teacher Xie.

On that day, we talked to Teacher Xie about her role. Her motto was: "No sage, no fault." It was so classic!

This is our beloved Sister Xie.

Teacher's composition 350 words (18)

Look! The big eyes wear round glasses, which are bright and energetic. They are very beautiful with light pink lipstick; Listen! In class, she amused us from time to time. Her naughty appearance was not consistent with her age. Ha ha, this is our clever teacher Wang.

Mr. Wang's shortcoming is that he is too perfect to find any fault. She loves beauty very much, like a little girl. At the beginning of school, I found that Mr. Wang painted his nails with white powder and cherry blossom decoration, which was very beautiful.

Teacher Wang is not only beautiful, but also beautiful in heart.

At the beginning of school, some of our students were not full at noon, so they had no spirit in the afternoon class. Mr. Wang watched and worried about the quality of students' listening. The nickname of "Idea King" was not coined in vain. Within a few days, we were shocked by the new classroom——

On the wall of the classroom, four small boxes appeared on the shelf for plants. Each box was full of food. Cookies, snacks, chocolates... When we were confused, Mr. Wang told us that we could take a kind of food with the consent of the monitor on duty, but not throw the wrapping paper on the ground, and only take it once a day in the second or third class of the afternoon. Although there are many conditions put forward, we are still very happy. First, we have something to fill our stomachs. Second, we think Mr. Wang is too considerate. This is unexpected for other teachers, and it is also a special treatment that other students in other classes cannot enjoy.

Our teacher Wang is beautiful in person and soul. Her words and deeds teach us to be a little sun that can bring warmth to others.

Teacher's composition 350 words (19)

Gratitude is: the little squirrel's affectionate look at the pine tree, the bird's infinite desire for the blue sky, or the fish's happiness when swimming in the water... Speaking of gratitude, I think of my Chinese teacher: Ying.

On a sunny, spring breeze morning, you walk into the classroom with a smile on your lips. You made a gesture to calm down our class. Then your voice like a nightingale filled the whole classroom. You speak so carefully and meticulously. You keep drawing in the air with your hands, and your eyes are full of passion.

You are not only careful in your lectures, but also care about us after class. You repeatedly exhort: "Be careful after class, don't make a scene, and keep to the right when going up and down the stairs..."

Ah! Teacher, you are like a hardworking gardener. It is you who have cultivated us into flowers competing for beauty, and you have led us on the road to success, so we should repay you.

Thank you. That's the end of my speech.