Composition on observing the moon (19 required)
Lost youth
2024-06-28 03:54:19
topic of conversation

Composition of Observing the Moon (1)

School has begun, and now most places have changed. I especially like the new look of the school.

Entering the school gate, the original pink school gate turned into a black gray, more matching with the antiquity of our school. A sweet smell of flowers and plants came into my nose, which made me wake up a lot!

When I entered the teaching building, the things in the hall also changed a lot! The corridor is equipped with antique windows, and many stories of ancient celebrities are engraved on the edge. Now our glass is bright and clean, which is a door to knowledge.

The school's farming garden began to harvest peanuts, and the big and fat babies were happy. The big tree has grown up a lot, even the fourth floor can be seen.

When we looked around, the school had changed completely. Take off the old "skirt". Put on a nice "jacket". Let's make our school younger and more lovely.

Every change in the school makes me happy and proud. The new school let me breathe fresh air. The school is developing constantly, and I can't fall behind. Come on!

Composition of Observing the Moon (2)

If the sky is a huge canvas, the cloud is a colorist. Today, let me take you to meet this colorist in my hometown!

The clouds in my hometown are colorful. You see, some clouds in the evening sky are fiery red, stacked in the arms of the sun. A gust of wind blew, leaving a thin white cloud on the sky blue canvas. The white gauze dress, which is like a celestial being, is constantly undulating. Big white clouds float in the air, making people think that it is the cotton candy that someone forgot carelessly. The golden clouds, like naughty children suddenly lying quietly on the beach. Looking at the blue sea water, the golden sand beach gradually appears along the coastline.

The colorists in my hometown are also naughty and active children. He soon turned himself into a BMW galloping on the grassland; After a while, he became a fierce lion on the grassland; After a while, he became a gentle sheep; After a while, he became a united and cooperative wolf pack again, loyal hunting dogs... He used many animals to decorate the sky vividly, which shows how superb his painting skill is!

Is the cloud in your hometown the same as the colorist in my hometown? If you don't believe it, just look up

Composition of Observing the Moon (3)

The moon, she waited for the sun after work, with a vast dark blue curtain, came to the world full of emotions. Then the dark blue curtain was thrown into the sky and many yellow shining pearls - stars were scattered. Then quietly and calmly watch the life of the world during her work. She is very relaxed, no worries, no sleepy, alone in such a big sky. In this way, whenever I can't sleep and sit in front of the window, the moon becomes my bosom friend. I told her my heart.

That night, there was only one bright moon, the golden moon, accompanying me alone. It is smooth, like a mirror, with soft light, giving people a feeling of comfort and infatuation. She was inlaid in the sky. Under the moonlight, the elegant gauze like color encloses the earth. A few thin black clouds came. The moon, like afraid of cold, slowly hid in the dark clouds, but after a while, she came out to talk with me again.

Moonlight, like flowing water, pours quietly on the earth, and everything seems to be covered with gauze, falling asleep beautifully.

The moon, like a naughty child, often plays hide and seek with the stars. Sometimes hiding behind the trees, sometimes hiding under the steep mountains.

Alas, Moon, why are you always unknown? But people like you so much. They like to express their feelings with you in poems. I also like you.

"Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and make three people with your shadow." The moon.

Composition of Observing the Moon (4)

After a summer renovation, the school has become completely new and beautiful.

Now, when we enter the campus, the first thing we see is the bookshelf like floor, which is pleasing to the eye.

Walking inside, you will find that the yellow doors have turned into blue. Looking at these doors, I seem to have floated up to the sky and played in the white clouds! In addition, blue can also play a role in keeping awake and protecting eyesight! Go further, you will see the cultural wall on each floor, where the decoration is different - on the first floor, there are some colorful boxes, on which you can put the pictures painted by your classmates. On the second floor, there are three very plastic books, which can be filled with some interesting things. On the third and fourth floors, there are some interesting circles, which may be used to place handicrafts!

Opposite the cultural wall, there are some topics about happiness, which are very interesting.

Now, although we have been used to this kind of school, I will never forget our surprised expression at the beginning of school

Composition of Observing the Moon (5)

Others will compare younger brothers and sisters to elves, cute, and I would like to compare my sister to the moon. Because she is as gentle and lovely as the moon, and she has a round little face. A small head, a small mouth that likes to comfort people, a small nose that is not high, breathing fresh air, and a pair of big eyes. When you talk about her, you can see her unhappy appearance with twinkling eyes; A pair of willowy eyebrows; Her hair is the most distinctive. Both sides of her head are bare, and she can't tell why a single hair is missing.

A lovely smiling face, especially good at doing things. One of her oral words was "Cool?" Once, my little sister came to Grandma's house, and I was there. As soon as she came in, she casually said "Cool?" "Cool, cool!" Everyone said. When everyone praised her, she became more energetic and posed a pose. The little sister didn't have a meal. For her, eating is a big thing. When she is happy, she will show her special skill of butt dancing. Alas! Before you don't dance, you must make everyone applaud. She is very fat. When she twists, her weight seems to be unstable. She is very cute.

In addition to being happy and twisting her buttocks, the little sister has a unique skill, which is to slip her beard. Once, my aunt held her, but my little sister bit her. My aunt was unhappy, but my little sister was on the contrary. She stroked her face with her tender hands and said with a laugh, "Good mother, good mother..." This time, I was at a loss and could only say nothing with a smile.

My little sister is lovely and gentle, like the moon. How about that? My little sister also makes you feel overwhelmed!

Composition of Observing the Moon (6)

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Ferom. He had black hair, a small mouth, and the most special thing was that his eyes were big and bright, and his tears turned into jewels. He has a dream that he can be a pilot and fly into space.

Once, while playing outside, he ran into a forest where the grass was covered with beautiful flowers and birds were singing happily on the branches. When it was dark, he came to a castle and walked into it unconsciously. There was a wicked witch in it, which was very bad. Philom walked up to him and said, "Could you please take me home?" The witch pretended to be a good person and said, "Of course. Where does your family live?" "My family is in Huahe Village." So the witch waved her cane and the boy returned home. It's not that simple. The witch is paid to help people. She is thinking what she should do to turn this little boy into? Flower, grass, tree, or pig? Or become the moon! I will use the light of two moons to absorb energy. So that night, when Philom was dreaming, he dreamed that he had become the moon, and was suddenly awakened. When he woke up, he found that it was not a dream. He really became the moon. Filom was very happy, because it also realized his desire to fly, and he could talk to the stars.

Finally, Ferom became the brightest moon in the night sky.

Composition of Observing the Moon (7)

Today is my happiest day. Looking at the delicious moon cakes, I know why. Yes, today is the Mid Autumn Festival!

After dinner, we moved our chairs and sat on the open ground early, waiting quietly. After a long time, the moon peeped out of the clouds like a shy girl with a veil. Gradually, the moon showed its beautiful round face and looked down at the earth. I stared at the bright moon and saw the hazy scenery in the moon. Is it mountains and rivers? Is it a river? Is it a bustling crowd The earth is much brighter than before. A bright moon is reflected on the quiet river. The autumn wind blows and the waves are sparkling. The whole river is like a long ribbon covered with gems. People drink and sing with the silver light of the moon to share the night of reunion. Suddenly, the moon hid in the clouds. Although it could not be seen clearly, it could vaguely feel the full moon's figure and the faint halo from the clouds.

The moon receded, but the bright moon in my heart is still high in the sky.

Composition of Observing the Moon (8)

I like the crescent moon just out of the "house"! At that time, I lay on the tender lawn of my hometown and looked up at the Milky Way. The stars were shining like silver flakes on the sky. Among them, there is a crescent moon, which is white with yellow, and even has a trace of pattern. I can see a lovely rabbit jumping, a woman named Chang'e.

In a trance, the moon is far away. I ran to the river. The water was clear. There was also a lovely moon in the water. The moon has legs. I called my sister loudly and said, "Let's go to find the moon!" "OK!" We found the moon on the beautiful petals, in the rain drops, and in the dry well. We didn't find enough. We ran into the yard. Unfortunately, there was no clue about the moon. I was a little disappointed. I looked at my sister. In her eyes, there were two moon dolls, white and tender! I shouted happily: "The moon is in your eyes!" My sister also laughed: "You are too!" We looked at each other happily and also looked at the sky. We were surprised together and said: "The moon has run back to the sky again, remember to play in our world next time!" Just after the voice went down, the moon seemed to be more white than before, and seemed to respond: "I heard it, next time I will play hide and seek with you!"

The moon began to be naughty again. It turned its round body into thin, hid in black clouds, and drew heavy curtains, regardless of our expectations and our losses.

In fact, the moon is everywhere, as long as we have a pair of eyes to discover and perceive beauty.

Composition of Observing the Moon (9)

Before the summer vacation, Mr. Zhu assigned an important task in the class to observe the moon and make records.

In order to better observe the changes of the moon, I decided to observe it from the beginning of June in the lunar calendar to the end of this month. I think this process must be very interesting.

On the night of the first day of the New Year, the moon hung in the black 'night sky like a curved thin line. It was looming in the sky. If you didn't look carefully, you might think you were dazzled. My parents told me that the moon on the first day of the lunar calendar is called the new moon.

In the next few days, the moon slowly grew thicker. On the sixth day of the lunar calendar, it became a crescent moon, like a curved boat floating gently in the air. I really want to sit on it and swing.

The moon is getting bigger and rounder, and it has turned into a huge disc at the turn of 15. At this time, the moon is called the full moon. It is crystal clear, and like a crystal ball, it emits soft moonlight, which puts a layer of gauze on the earth. How beautiful!

After a few days, the moon slowly became less round. On the 19th day, the moon seemed to be bitten by the dog, and a big hole was missing. Till today, the gap of the moon is getting bigger and bigger, and nearly half of them have been eaten by Tengu secretly!

What a magic moon! I like the night with the moon.

Composition of Observing the Moon (10)

I love the moon night, more love the moon. In fact, when I was young, as long as darkness fell, I would feel very bored, and the only thing that can make up for this boredom is the moonlight.

When I was young, my grandma and I set up swings and cool chairs in the courtyard. During the day, I played on the swing, and my grandmother shook the swing for me. At night, my grandmother and I sat on the cool chair and watched the moon. I lay on the cool chair and looked up at the sky. What a beautiful moon! What a bright night sky! The bright moon and the dense stars form a beautiful night sky.

The moon is holy in my heart, not only because the moon is bright and bright, but also because the moon has the legend of Chang'e flying to the moon. Chang'e is holy and beautiful. Sometimes the moon is flat and round. That's Chang'e dancing. Sometimes the moon is round. That's Yutu making medicine.

The moon looks bright. In the night sky, the moon and stars go from here to there, and from there to here, it should be dancing with the little stars. The moon is also very friendly. It doesn't bully the little stars because of its size. Instead, it dances with the little stars. The little stars are also very friendly. They agree to let the moon dance with them, and let the moon take the lead in dancing. It's amazing! You see, they dance like models, and some are still twisting their heads and necks.

How happy the moon is in the dark blue sky! When they were tired from playing, they rested on the side.

The moon is sometimes flat, sometimes round, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes crescent moon, sometimes jade plate. The moon is curved like a crescent moon, and also like a boat. It has a very mysterious feeling, as if it has arrived at the Milky Way; Sometimes the circle looks like a jade plate. In short, the moon is colorful, bright and moving, it can bring us light, let us imagine unlimited. As soon as I saw the moon, I thought of my friend who had transferred from school. I hope he can think of me as a good friend, and hope he can learn and improve.

The moon will always maintain its beautiful posture.

Composition of Observing the Moon (11)

After dinner, my mother got a call from my father and took me to the balcony to watch the moon. I asked my mother what the moon looks like. What happened to the moon today. Mother said the moon would turn red today. This is a total lunar eclipse. I don't know what it means. My mother said that the moon was covered by the shadow of the earth. I looked up and saw that the moon was a little red. Now the moon is as big as a banana.

The moon I saw last night was still big and round. Today's moon is really strange. My mother said that it would take more than ten years to see it once. The next time I saw it, I would grow taller than my father. Today's moon is a beautiful red moon.

Composition of Observing the Moon (12)

After a summer renovation, the school has become completely new and beautiful.

Now, when we enter the campus, the first thing we see is the bookshelf like floor, which is pleasing to the eye.

Walking inside, you will find that the yellow doors have turned into blue. Looking at these doors, I seem to have floated up to the sky and played in the white clouds! In addition, blue can also play a role in keeping awake and protecting eyesight! Further ahead, you will see the cultural wall on each floor, where the decoration is different - on the first floor, there are some colorful boxes, on which you can put pictures drawn by students. On the second floor, there are three very plastic books, which can be filled with some interesting things. On the third and fourth floors, there are some interesting circles, which may be used to place handicrafts!

Opposite the cultural wall, there are some topics about happiness, which are very interesting.

Now, although we have been used to this kind of school, I will never forget our surprised expression at the beginning of school

Composition of Observing the Moon (13)

After dinner, my mother got a call from my father and took me to the balcony to watch the moon. I asked my mother what the moon looks like and what happened to the moon today. Mother said the moon would turn red today. This is a total lunar eclipse. I don't know what it means. My mother said that the moon was covered by the shadow of the earth. I looked up and saw that the moon was a little red. Now the moon is as big as a banana.

The moon I saw last night was still big and round. Today's moon is really strange. My mother said that it would take more than ten years to see it once. The next time I saw it, I would grow taller than my father. Today's moon is a beautiful red moon.

Composition of Observing the Moon (14)

hot wire! During the Mid Autumn Festival, my father decided to take me to the planetarium to have a close contact with the Mid Autumn Moon through the astronomical telescope. It's really exciting to watch the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. I really hope the Mid Autumn Festival will come soon.

The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival finally arrived. After dinner, our family hurried to the planetarium. As soon as I came to the astronomical telescope, I couldn't wait to watch it.

Wow! The moon is big and round, like a big jade plate hanging in the sky. It's really beautiful. But after careful observation, I found that there are some inconspicuous small gaps on the edge of the moon. Eh, what are they? The uneven surface can't be a crater! I was so excited that I told my father about this discovery. My father checked some materials in advance, and carefully observed the moon through the telescope to confirm that my idea was right. I am very happy, which also aroused my interest in learning more about the moon.

I opened my eyes wide and concentrated on observing the moon through the telescope. At this time, I saw a straight ditch at the bottom of the moon, and then found a small dot next to the ditch connected to the ditch, like a melon stalk. My intuition tells me that this is not necessarily caused by the crater. What causes that? I decided to find the answer myself.

When I got home, I quickly went to the computer to find information about the moon. I checked the searched photos one by one, but none was similar to what I saw. I was a little disappointed, but not discouraged. I continued to search other pages. Finally, I found a similar photo. I quickly clicked "Description" with the mouse. It turned out that this trace was left by the ice and snow on the moon. (Fan Wennet) The volcanic eruption on the moon caused the ice and snow to disperse in all directions, forming the phenomenon I see today. I told my parents this answer, and they also looked at the information and appreciated my diligence. My heart is sweeter than honey.

This time I saw the wonders of the moon, which made me understand that there are endless mysteries in nature, which need us to explore, discover and uncover their mystery. My friends, make good use of the current scientific and technological means. Many secrets of the universe are waiting for us to explore!

Composition of Observing the Moon (15)

Every night I observe the moon, which is very magical. Now let me talk about it.

At the beginning of August, the moon is curved and thin, like a stretched bow. As Bai Juyi said, "Poor three nights on the first day of September, the dew is like a real pearl and the moon is like a bow"! It is hanging in the sky, chatting with the little stars.

After a few days, the moon seemed to eat a lot of things and get fatter. The plump moon hung in the sky like a beautiful aunt with a big belly smiling with us.

A few days later, the moon has become a semicircle. When I was young, I thought the moon was so round every day. Its bright moonlight shines on the earth, illuminating the high mountain climbing, the big banyan trees along the road, the cars and people walking leisurely.

On August 15, the moon is like a white jade plate. It is so bright and brilliant! Looking at the moon like a disc, I can't help thinking of the words in "The Moon in Gulang": "The hour can't see the moon, so it's called a white jade plate". On this night, many people are looking at the bright moon in the sky and thinking of their relatives in the distance. As the saying goes in Silent Night Thoughts, "Look up at the bright moon and look down at their hometown".

In a twinkling of an eye, half a month passed like this, and the moon slowly changed from a disk to a bud.

How wonderful the change of the moon!

Composition of Observing the Moon (16)

After a summer renovation, the school has become completely new and beautiful.

Now, when we enter the campus, the first thing we see is the bookshelf like floor, which is pleasing to the eye.

Walking inside, you will find that the yellow doors have turned into blue. Looking at these doors, I seem to have floated up to the sky and played in the white clouds! In addition, blue can also play a role in keeping awake and protecting eyesight! Go further, you will see the cultural wall on each floor, where the decoration is different - on the first floor, there are some colorful boxes, on which you can put the pictures painted by your classmates. On the second floor, there are three very plastic books, which can be filled with some interesting things. On the third and fourth floors, there are some interesting 'circles', which may be used to place handicrafts!

Opposite the cultural wall, there are some topics about happiness, which are very interesting.

Now, although we have been used to this kind of school, I will never forget our surprised expression at the beginning of school

Composition of Observing the Moon (17)

The moon, she waited for the sun after work, with a vast dark blue curtain, came to the world full of emotions. Then the dark blue curtain was thrown into the sky and many yellow shining pearls - stars were scattered. Then quietly and calmly watch the life of the world during her work. She is very relaxed, no worries, no sleepy, alone in such a big sky. In this way, whenever I can't sleep and sit in front of the window, the moon becomes my bosom friend. I told her my heart.

That night, there was only one bright moon, the golden moon, accompanying me alone. It is smooth, like a mirror, with soft light, giving people a feeling of comfort and infatuation. She was inlaid in the sky. Under the moonlight, the elegant gauze like color encloses the earth. A few thin black clouds came. The moon, like afraid of cold, slowly hid in the dark clouds, but after a while, she came out to talk with me again.

Moonlight, like flowing water, pours quietly on the earth, and everything seems to be covered with gauze, falling asleep beautifully.

The moon, like a naughty child, often plays hide and seek with the stars. Sometimes hiding behind the trees, sometimes hiding under the steep mountains.

Alas, Moon, why are you always unknown? But people like you so much. They like to express their feelings with you in poems. I also like you.

"Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and make three people with your shadow." The moon.

Composition of Observing the Moon (18)

The moon is very beautiful. Although the stars are also beautiful in the beautiful night sky, they are not as beautiful as the moon. The moon emits a faint yellow in the dark night sky, like a noble queen standing on it

In the twinkling of an eye, it was evening. The sun had gone down, and the sky gradually darkened. Only the cool breeze and stars blinking in the sky accompanied me to enjoy the moon. In the quiet night sky, the moon is like a shy girl, slowly emerging from a wisp of gauze like thin clouds. Slowly, the moon rose higher and higher. Later, the moon rose high in the sky, round, beautiful and lovely, like a big white disc.

In the "big disk", I seemed to see Chang'e lonely because she had been trapped in the Guanghan Palace; Wu Gang is desperately cutting down the osmanthus tree that can never be cut down; Yutu is there to make medicine for Chang'e

I think the moon is not as hot as the summer sun, not as weak as the oil lamp in the lonely house, not as bright as the neon lights in the city, but only its own crystal warmth.

In this dreamy world, the moon caresses the earth with its bright moonlight, making the earth more mysterious and making me intoxicated with the beautiful moonlight.

In the evening, I went to Grandma's house and looked at the moon after going out. It seemed that my bad mood was transformed into a new one. Feeling much better, he shouted to the moon: "The moon I love you, with you, I will be much better. I hope you can be my good friend, and I hope you can come to accompany me at midnight every day.". After saying that, he smiled at the moon. I always talk to the moon every night. I know that the moon can't talk, and I believe that the moon has feelings.

Sometimes, at night, I sometimes feel bad. I lie in bed and the moon appears early to see me. At midnight, I fell asleep and fell asleep. I saw something? The one who came to me and pulled me away. I was afraid to say, "Ah! Who are you? Why are you holding me?" The other said, "I am the moon, go quickly, it's too late." I felt very strange when I heard that. What does the moon want to do? Let's have a look at it then. Soon he took me to a new place and saw something very special.

I said, "Wow, what is this thing?" The moon said, "This is a moon boat. This is something I often use." I said, "What is this moon boat for?" The moon said, "You can fly to another world." I said, "Ah? Really?" The moon said, "Let me take you to another world." I said, "OK, great. I want to see it." The moon taught me how to take the moon boat and safety zone, and I know it very well. The moon said, "Are you ready?" I nodded and said, "OK, let's go" and "whoosh" flew into the cave. Wow, when I saw the colorful walls of the cave, it looked very beautiful. I asked the moon inexplicably, "Why did I come here?" The moon smiled and said, "Aren't you in a bad mood? So I will take you to something interesting in another magical world. " I said happily in my heart: "Thank you for bringing me here, you will always be my idol" Finally, I opened my eyes to see the beautiful ranch in another world. It seems that I am crossing time and space to another world. Wow, it's so beautiful. I asked the moon, "Where is this?" The moon said, "This is the place of the king The moon said, "Of course, we are going to another world, and this is not the earth." I woke up and said, "Oh, yes, hehe, take me to other places to enjoy it." The moon said, "OK, let's go." When I found this thing, I had to ask the moon. The moon had to explain it to me. It seems that it makes me increase a lot of knowledge in my memory. I have seen everything with the moon. We went back to take the moon boat. The moon said, "First, I will send you back to the earth of your hometown. Now it's almost dawn, and I have to go back to my hometown. Next time, I will take you to another interesting place. I said," Well, good, I will wait for you. "

Suddenly my father patted me on the shoulder and asked me to wash my face and eat. I finally woke up, ah! So this is a wonderful dream! With the moon in the middle of the night, I'm really not lonely anymore.

Composition of Observing the Moon (19)

When I came to the yard, I saw that the moon had not yet come out, so I stood there waiting and waiting and hoping. Until eight o'clock in the evening, I still didn't expect the moon. Only a few small stars in the sky winked at me mischievously. I was thinking: Is the moon a little shy tonight, hiding behind the white clouds, and dare not come out? Or is it playing hide and seek with me?

Moon, moon, when will you lift your veil and reveal your beautiful face?

Ah! Sister Moon finally lifted her veil and revealed her beautiful face. Seen from afar, half the moon hung in the sky with a smile, just like a golden shuttle passing through the thin clouds, or like a small boat, with its pointed head tilted, gliding in the wide silver river. At this time, the whole world was immersed in the moonlight and turned into a dreamy silver gray. It was very beautiful. Even the mischievous and cute little stars hid in a funny way.

Looking at the beautiful moon, I thought: When can I travel on the moon?