Writing about Animals Cat (5 required)
Laugh and forget
2024-06-15 08:26:53

Writing about Animals Cat (1)

One evening a few weeks ago, after school, I just got out of the student car and found that the lawn was a cute cat. Except for a piece of black hair under the ear, the body of the cat is all white. It seems that it is concentrating on catching small insects. I sneak up to touch it, name it Mi *, and start to observe her.

Mi * is lazy during the day and likes to bask in the sun and snore. Occasionally, when I get up and stretch, my eyes narrow into a line. But at night, his eyes will be round and his pupils will become bigger. This will make it easy to find prey in the dark night.

Although Mi * is young, she has a beautiful beard. Don't underestimate these inconspicuous mustaches. They play an important role in hunting. It can measure the size of the hole to see whether the body can pass through, so as to avoid being stuck by the hole.

There was no movement when Mi * walked. I pulled it down and found that it had thick meat pads on the soles of its feet. When it catches prey, its claws will protrude from the meat pad and firmly grasp the prey. Usually, when playing with me, Mi * will retract her sharp claws to avoid hurting her friends.

Mi *'s tail is very soft, and it plays a very important role. I sometimes see Mi * standing steadily on the ground after jumping from a very high place, which is the credit of the big fluffy tail.

Cat is not only cute, but also a good friend of human beings. Because it is the natural enemy of mice, we should love it and care about it.

Mi *, I should go home. Have fun here!

Writing about Animals Cat (2)

When I was in the first grade, my family had a little white cat called "Mi *". Its fur was white like a ball of cotton; His eyes are blue and yellow; The nose is pink, and a red bow tie is tied around the neck. In this way, it is more lovely. "Mi *" is naughty and cute, and I have a deep relationship with it.

"Mi *" is naughty. Once, I gave it my ping-pong ball to play with, and soon the ping-pong ball could not be found. "Mi *" stood aside, as if apologizing to me, but I was not angry with it. Another time, when I just came home from school, I saw him chasing his tail on the ground. I ran to him and said, "Don't chase it, you won't chase it." He seemed to understand and stopped chasing.

"Mi *" is cute. Every day when I come home from school, he always barks at me "Meow Meow", like a beggar, and I feed him some biscuits. After eating, he licked his mouth and went to bed. I forgot to do my homework when we played. One day when I came home, I found that "Mi *" was missing. When I asked, it was a gift, so I cried loudly. I cried for three or four days, my eyes were swollen, and my family comforted me. I finally figured out that fun is fun, but it affects my study.

I like my kitten, Mi *.

Writing about Animals Cat (3)

Last summer, my family raised a cute kitten.

It has a pair of round eyes, two pointed ears above its head, a small triangular nose, a small mountain shaped mouth, a yellow hair on its head, a white belly, and a tail that is always tilted.

It is particularly naughty. Once, my father bought some big lobsters in the market. The little cat thought they were fish? Just meow. When Dad put down the lobster, the kitten remained motionless and stared at the lobster. It seems to be saying, "Who are you? Why are you always climbing forward? Aren't you afraid that I will eat you?" The lobster pinched the kitten's tail forward, and the kitten jumped onto the sofa, lying there trembling.

After a while, it found a small round ball on the corner of the sofa, so it picked up the ball and played. I forgot all about lobster. Looking at all this, I couldn't help giggling.

Look! My naughty and funny kitten.

Writing about Animals Cat (4)

Like Lao She, my favorite animal is the cat. Cats are cute, brave, and some are cunning! There are several domestic cats under my family. From time to time, I call out to them in cat language: "Meow!" They don't know whether they are responding to me or trying to drive me out of the invasion of "national boundaries", so they also call out to me: "Meow!"

These domestic cats are afraid of everyone. But for some familiar people, they will look up to see whether the person is happy or angry. If they are happy, they will slowly "run" to it and rub its calf. However, it only rubs at people who are very familiar with it, such as its owner or something. The cat is very alert! Of course, sometimes the cat looks wrong

That day, I went downstairs as usual, and found that the kitten below was rubbing other people's legs as usual. I didn't think that the person was unhappy, and ignored it. I left it with a big stride. It's a pity that I came late and didn't get along with it yet! He wouldn't come and rub me. At this time, I once again recalled a classic sentence in Pearl Bird: trust often creates a beautiful realm, which is an iron law!

Now, let's talk about the face of the kitten. Its face is round, with brown fur, and a yellow and black bead in the monster's eye is rolling. How cute! Its mini mouth explains to us: "I am the overlord"! The sharp teeth in that small mouth can hinder its loveliness, so it usually purrs and "arrogantly" at people from time to time.

By the way, I forgot to introduce its eccentric character. When he is happy, he will stand on the stairs and meow, which is very cute; In addition, when it is angry, it will show its teeth and crack its mouth, and even take out its small claws to wave towards the void; Sometimes it will grab bones from the dog, and when the dog is about to grab the bones, it will throw them into the garbage. Then he bared his teeth at the dog and ran away like the wind, as if to say, "Hum, how dare you bully me? Don't give back your bones.". If anyone offends it, hum, be careful!

This is my favorite little animal - cat.

Writing about Animals Cat (5)

There is an old cat in my grandmother's house. The old cat has a black and white pattern. The elder has a long tail. Her eyes are bright, especially at night. She can see things clearly.

This summer vacation, the old cat gave birth to a kitten. Since then, the old cat has changed and become a responsible mother.

In the past, it always loved to be around people, even sleeping on grandpa's lap. However, since it had a baby, it was inseparable from the baby and never loved to be with people again.

I remember once when I went to deliver food to him, I wanted to observe how the baby slept. At this time, the mother cat saw it and rushed to block me, as if ready to attack at any time. Her previous friendliness to me was gone, and her mouth was meowing, as if to say, "Don't disturb my baby's sleep, or I will be rude!" Seeing its fierce appearance, I was scared to stay close to it.

Every night, the kitten has already gone to bed, but the old cat is still very vigilant to observe the movement nearby, afraid of being invaded, and will not lie down until it is sure that others are asleep. When it rests, although its eyes are closed, its ears are still erect, and it does not relax at all. Once there is a noise, it will react immediately.

When the weather is good, the old cat will take the kitten for a walk and bask in the sun. At this time, the kitten will rub its head against the old cat. The old cat will stick out its tongue to help the kitten clean its hair, and meow in its mouth, as if they are talking cordially, or as if the old cat is telling the kitten something

I admire this old cat. It is conscientious, kind and hardworking He is really a good mother.