Beginning of Father's Love Composition (8 required)
2024-06-15 08:29:30

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (1)


There are three kinds of feelings in the world: family, friendship and love. Someone said: "Love is a beautiful flower with charming fragrance; friendship is a cup of fragrant coffee, refreshing; and kinship is a towering tree, simple and unadorned." This towering tree, which grows in our children's hearts, is watered by the clear spring of love given by our parents, making it bring happy smiling faces, sad tears, sad eyes Painful look... towards the blue sky, healthy growth!


Father love is like a mountain, mother love is like water! Let's thrive under the care of our parents!

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (2)

Exercise 1: Father's love is like a mountain

My father is not tall, but his body is strong and his skin is dark. He loves me very much.

Once, my friend and I played a game of throwing stones on the grass. When I was having fun, a small stone head shot me in the head like a bullet. Suddenly, blood poured out like a spring. When my friends saw this, they were all in a panic and hurried to call my father.

My father heard the news and rushed to the grass. When he saw that my head was bleeding, he quickly covered my head with his own clothes. Then he carried me to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, my father was busy looking for doctors and taking medicine. I lay on my bed, looking at my father. At this time, Dad was covered with blood and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Blood and sweat flowed down my father's back. Looking at it, I couldn't help crying.

I am very proud of having such a father who loves me.

Exercise 2: Father's love is like a mountain Beginning of composition

My father has a pair of big eyes, a big talkative mouth, a pair of thick and long legs. He is very strong and looks very strong.

My father is very concerned about my health. Although my father is a policeman, he is very busy with his work and sometimes stays up late at night because of his work. However, when I finish my homework, as long as my father is free, he will take me to the basketball court to play basketball or the table tennis court to exercise. Once, I had a fever of 39 degrees, and I couldn't get rid of it by injection. I had a low fever for more than 20 consecutive days. On the fifth day of my fever, my mother was boiling medicine for me. My father was afraid that I would be bored, so he read me the Art of War and Thirty six Strategies, which had many words I didn't know. There were many funny stories on them, which made me forget the pain of high fever.

Dad not only cares about my body, but also very much about my study. Every time I show my exam results, my father will help me find the reasons for my mistakes, encourage me and give me more confidence.

My father's thoughtfulness in my life and help in my study made me deeply feel my father's love like a mountain.

Exercise 3: Father's love is like a mountain

My father is usually very kind to me and never beats me, but if I make a mistake, my father will never forgive me!

That time, I lied and was finally exposed by my father. He didn't spare me and scolded me severely. I am very upset. Don't you think I made a mistake? As for hitting me and scolding me? Only now do I know that Dad loves me. If there are no parents and we make mistakes, no one else will discipline us severely. Only parents can be really good to us. This sentence made me remember it deeply. If we form the habit of making mistakes from childhood, we will be in great trouble when we grow up.

When I grow up, I must repay my parents and let them live a good life!

Exercise 4: Father's love is like a mountain

Someone said: "Motherly love is boundless." I think father love is the same, regardless of each other.

When I was ill two days earlier, it happened to be dinner time. Dad was in a hurry, so he took me to the hospital for injection. When I was taking a drip, my father was afraid that I was hungry, so he hurried out to buy some bananas for me to eat. I handed my father some bananas to eat. My father said he was not hungry, but he refused to eat them. I waited until I was full and didn't want to eat any more. Dad began to eat voraciously. My father was already hungry! My eyes are wet. My father is so kind to me!

At ordinary times, my father is very concerned about my study. Many times, my father is very busy in the factory, but my father always takes time to help me with my homework. When I finished my homework, it was almost nine o'clock, and my father hurried to the factory to work. I know that when my father comes back from his busy work in the factory and takes a shower, he will not sleep until one or two in the morning. Dad Ping always taught us: "Thrift is a traditional virtue of Chinese people." He always practiced it. But every time my father helps me buy a tutorial book for study, he will not hesitate to buy it for me as long as he thinks it is useful for me

I am nine years old. Every drop of my growth and progress reflects my father's hard work and love. I think my father is the best father in the world! I really want to say to people all over the world: "Dad, I love you!"

Exercise 5: Father's love is like a mountain End of composition

There is a kind of love, called maternal love, which has been praised by human beings for thousands of years for its vastness, tolerance and consideration; There is another kind of love, but it is often wrapped by harshness and covered up by imperceptible care, thus losing due respect for it. This is fatherly love.

My father loved me very much, but I didn't feel it at all. One thing makes me understand how great my father's love is.

Last summer vacation, my father came back from a business trip! I was very happy because he could play badminton, table tennis and jump rope with me again... However, as soon as my father came back, he fell head first into the pillow and fell asleep. I used 36 strategies to end up in vain. I was very angry and shouted at him, but he was indifferent. Suddenly, I remembered that I had not done anything in my summer life. I picked up my pen and heard a series of grunts coming into my ears, which upset me. I unconsciously regarded "1" as "7", and "3+4" as "1"... After finishing this page, I took a long breath and checked it. It was almost all wrong. I looked at my father angrily and thought: Hum! I wanted to ask you to play with me, but you didn't tell me when you were sleeping. Now you disturb my study, which makes me angry. After correcting, I threw away my homework and went out to play.

At school, the group leader collected my homework from me. I opened my homework folder and found nothing in it. I gave the team leader an embarrassed smile and said, "Sorry, I didn't bring it." Fortunately, our team leader was very cheerful and let me go. The leader of the adjacent group, "Sister Ma", would have died a long time ago. I thought to myself: Usually, my mother said that my father was very careful. Why didn't I take my homework with me today.

After a while, I went out and saw my mother standing outside with her summer homework. I ran to her and said, "I love your mother." "You should say that to your father." Mother said. "Why?" "Your father found you didn't bring this this morning, and immediately rode a bike to deliver it to you. On the way, he fell off carelessly, and his foot was broken. He pushed a cart to come over, which was really not good. Call me, and give me my homework to go to the hospital." At that time, my eyes were moist.

Father's love, is real, no fancy words, no intimate action. Father's love, like a mountain, protects children from any harm. Ah! Father's love is like a mountain.

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (3)

At the end of this ordinary winter on December 20, I was born.

In this world, there are songs praising mothers everywhere, but who cares about the feelings of fathers? In this family, I felt the mother's love, but also deeply felt the great father's love. When the sunset fell from the sky, my father became old again. Father loves us without limits, and he pays for us silently, although you can't feel it sometimes. If the teacher is a candle, illuminating our life and sacrificing himself, then the father is like a bright moon in the night sky, pointing out the direction for us lost in the darkness and accompanying us.

My father never talked about the pain he had experienced, and he would not let you get hurt. However, in order to temper me, my father would also say: "Where you fall, you will climb up from where you fall." I know that my father sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart. It was another midterm exam. Before the exam, my father said to me, "Don't be nervous when you take the exam. It doesn't matter if you fail the exam. I will always be by your side." This sentence filled my heart with warmth. Father, although everyone has one, every father is the greatest in every child's heart, isn't it?

Every time he came home, his father would bring back some delicious food, and each time he said he had eaten. Ah, father, you are like my hand. Every time you encounter something, you should try it first. I can only experience it when you are sure there is no danger.

Father, you are a lamp on the horizon, illuminating my life; You are a road on the ground, let me step on your backbone through; You are a ladder under the apple tree, let me sit on your back and pick apples. In my success, there must be your sweat and bitter tears.

Father, although you never said how great you are and how much you love me, I understand. Father, an ordinary word, a great name.

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (4)

Dad is a humorous person, always changing ways to make me happy. But this time he made me too angry.

I just woke up from my nap, and my home was very quiet as usual. Dad was sitting on the sofa reading. I came out of the bedroom and walked to the kitchen. Suddenly, I felt a chill behind me, as if someone was staring at me and laughing.

I put on my shoes and prepared to go downstairs to breathe. When I came to the community, I found a strange thing. All the people were staring at me.

"What's wrong with everyone today? How can everyone stare at me?" I felt in my heart that the air seemed to be frozen. I suddenly felt a little nervous, and suddenly turned to run home. Along the way, I also found that people were talking about me.

As soon as I entered the house, I rushed to the toilet. When I looked in the mirror, all the mysteries were solved.

I angrily walked to my father: "Why do you want to paint a turtle on my face? Do you know how humiliated I am today?"

Dad hurriedly explained to me, "I drew a big turtle on your face, but I didn't know you would go downstairs."

I was too worried to speak and went into the bedroom angrily.

From that day on, I didn't talk to my father for a week.

In order to make me happy, my father begged me: "Son, don't ignore me, as long as you ignore me, I will buy you the latest comics and toys."

Can't resist the temptation. I promised my father.

However, it is through this matter that I remember to lock the door when I sleep.

After that, I also wanted to understand that Dad did this to make me happy. Dad loves me very much. I just hope Dad will stop making such a fool of me.

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (5)

If a mother's love is a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then a father's love is a jasmine, silently spitting its fresh fragrance in a corner! We have always praised the greatness of maternal love, but who knows the implication of fatherly love!

Father's love is so ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary.

A jasmine may not have a refreshing fragrance, but it will always make you feel fresh and elegant. Father love is like this, just like jasmine, which is quietly open. No matter where you are, your father's kind eyes will accompany you all your life. I was not born by my father, but the love he gave me from childhood really missed this point. In my uncle's mouth, I know how much he has paid for me. When I was young, my father brought me up alone. When he only earned 30 yuan a day, he wanted to buy good milk powder for me and raised me as a princess, without making me suffer a little. My infancy passed away in his love. When I was in kindergarten, he worked outside all day. At that time, I was still young and didn't understand how hard he worked. I only knew that when he came to pick me up, the sweat on his bronze face was dripping constantly, but he smiled to meet the test of life. Although I don't know much, I at least saw my father's optimistic heart.

But once, when my father came to pick me up, I saw his jaw was badly cut and my tears poured out. I rushed to him and asked him what was wrong. He smiled but did not answer. Later I learned that he was cut by a cutting machine at the construction site. Father's love is a ray of sunshine in spring, which gently shines on my body; It is a cool wind in summer that blows away the vexation in my heart; It is a string of fruits in autumn that guide me to success; A fire in winter warms my cold heart. Father's love is everywhere!

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (6)

2. Father's love is so ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary.

3. A jasmine may not have a refreshing fragrance, but it will always make you feel fresh and elegant. Father love is like this, just like jasmine, which is quietly open. No matter where you are, your father's kind eyes will accompany you all your life.

4. In my memory, the father's love is better than the mother's love. I am a grain of rice in all things. I thrive under the father's love!

5. If maternal love is compared to a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then paternal love is a jasmine, which silently breathes its fresh fragrance in a corner! Only praise the greatness of maternal love, but who knows the implication of fatherly love!

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (7)

If maternal love is compared to a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then paternal love is a jasmine, which silently breathes its fresh fragrance in a corner! Only praise the greatness of maternal love, but who knows the implication of fatherly love!

Chapter 2: Beginning of Father's Love Composition

A jasmine may not have a refreshing fragrance, but it will always make you feel fresh and elegant. Father love is like this, just like jasmine, which is quietly open. No matter where you are, your father's kind eyes will accompany you all your life.

Chapter 3: Beginning of Father's Love Composition

Father's love is like a mountain, and daughter is the grass in the mountain; Father's love is like the sea, and daughter is a small fish in the sea; Father's love is like fire, and daughter is the spark of this fire; Father's love is selfless to me—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Chapter 4: Beginning of Father's Love Composition

Father's love is so ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary.

Chapter 5: Beginning of Father's Love Composition

Father's love is the sun, even in the dark days, I can feel his light. Father's love is a high mountain. Even in the most difficult times, it encourages me to straighten my spine. Father's love is the Big Dipper. Even in the night when I can't see my fingers, it can let me know the direction. Father's love is a big tree. Even in the hot summer, it will support a shade for me.

Beginning of Father's Love Composition (8)

Writing a composition about fatherly love is the starting material of omnipotence

(1) Dad's love is a bright light, and I am a boat, which makes you light the direction for me lost. Dad's love is a pair of invisible wings. I am a bird that can't fly. You took me to fly and gave me the courage to live. Dad's love is a big tree, and I am a little bug. You have endured great pain and offered yourself

(2) In this world, there is a person whose love is silent. He can't express it. He just protects you by your side. Her love with her mother is generally great, but it is not always remembered. This is father love. Father's figure is tall and powerful, and his love is silent.

(3) If maternal love is compared to a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then paternal love is a jasmine, which silently breathes its fresh fragrance in a corner! Only praise the greatness of maternal love, but who knows the implication of fatherly love!

(4) If we say that maternal love is like water, then fatherly love is a mountain. If maternal love is a trickle, then paternal love is a rolling stream. Yes, my father's love, like a mountain, is tall and firm. Father's love, every bit, every drop is worth our careful taste. Father's love, like mother's love, is the greatest love in the world. I can often experience the mountain like fatherly love.

(5) A jasmine may not have a refreshing fragrance, but it will always make you feel fresh and elegant. Father love is like this, just like jasmine, which is quietly open. No matter where you are, your father's kind eyes will accompany you all your life.

(6) Father's love is solid, like a mountain. You can get close to it and feel his vastness and massiness; Father's love is warm like a fireplace. You can feel its warmth and warmth next to it.

(7) When I gave the first cry for the darkness and pain of the world, my father lit up my whole world like the red sun rising every day on the other side of the mountain. Beams of bright light string my childhood into songs. I am carefree on the swing of time. My father's beard rubbed out my innocent laughter and filled the mountain forest. Although sometimes I am too naughty, I will feel slapped. All the birds don't sing. The forest is also very empty. After a long time, I know that father love is both bearded and slapped.

(8) My father's footprints are deep and big. I always sit in his footprints under his back and read my father with my tender hands touching the texture full of vicissitudes. With the extension of time, my father's footsteps have become two parallel lines. I use my arms to lean on my father's footsteps and turn over each chapter. My father continued to write this wordless book for me, and I gradually remembered good and evil, honor and disgrace, pain and joy... My father's blood was surging in my veins, and I began to measure my life with my father's size

Writing Father's Love Composition 1

The most impressive thing in the world is maternal love, but the great fatherly love is often ignored.

When Zhu Ziqing was young, his father loved him very much. Unfortunately, he didn't know anything at that time.

When he reached middle age, he finally understood his father's intention. Of course, he regretted what he had done. If someone asked him why he was disillusioned? He can say with relief and a little disappointment: "I am also the father of a child, and I can treat my child from my father's standpoint."

In modern society, it seems that adults also carry a trace of childishness. Fathers and children can also talk to children with the most ordinary and gentle smile, instead of talking to children with sticks, violence, fists, or swearing at children with red faces and naked faces. Even so, the father's feelings towards his children are understandable. They hate iron, but they don't want steel. They all hope their children can become famous and have a good future in the future, but their way of disciplining children is a bit excessive.

I believe that father's love is the greatest. Even though he is very small and hard to be found, it shows that parents are putting down their airs and want to be friends with children.

Writing Father's Love Composition 2

My father is a flower carver. This year, he is 40 years old. He is not very old, but he has more white hair than my grandma.

Dad gets up early every day to work in the dark, and the sound of his hammering his head often melts into my sleep. At night, he always went to bed very late, fell asleep as soon as he went to bed, and snored everywhere.

Although I am busy with my work, my father is very concerned about my study. Before the beginning of each semester, he always goes to Xinhua Bookstore and buys a lot of exercises after careful selection. For this reason, I have repeatedly complained in my heart: when can I finish so many exercises?

At ordinary times, when I do my exercises well, my father always corrects them in person, delimits the concepts he thinks important, circles the questions I did wrong, analyzes the wrong questions for me, cuts out the wrong questions, and posts them on the wrong questions book, saying that he wants me to do it again before the junior high school entrance exam.

Whenever the midterm exam and the final exam, Dad is even busier. Before the exam, he would ask me what subject I was taking today, and told me: "Don't be nervous when taking the exam. I have done so many times in the exam, and I am sure I will do well this time." After coming back, he would eagerly ask: "Is the exam difficult? Are there any questions that I can't do? What is the composition topic?" Then, he would ask me to estimate the total score. Seeing his devotion, it seems that he cares more about this exam than I do. If I do well in the exam, my father will be too happy to sleep for days. If I don't do well in the exam, my father will help me find the gap, find the reason, and encourage me to get up and start again.

The day before he got the report card, he always called the head teacher to ask about the results of each subject and the rank in the section. I don't think so: "What are you doing in such a hurry? Why don't you know when you go to school tomorrow?"

During the summer vacation, my father sent me to Chengguan Town to study composition. Every time, he took me to Chengguan Town by motorcycle and hurried home to work. Looking at his back, I felt sad.

Later, I learned that my father wanted me to enter Shengzhou No. 1 Middle School and then enter a famous university. After knowing this, I blamed myself for some of my previous ideas.

Father's love is as deep as the sea, and its expression is always embedded in silent action.

When I wrote this, the image of my father reappeared in front of me, and white hair was so dazzling.