Rural Life Composition (16 compilations)
The sea is upside down
2024-05-31 03:47:25

Rural Life Composition (1)

During the holiday, my mother and my brother went to the countryside to play. We took the train for two days and a night and finally arrived at the station. As soon as we got there, the villagers waited for us there and held a welcoming ceremony for Shengda. We were very happy. My brother and mother went to the house. My cousin and I went to catch fish in the river near the village. We'll see who catches the most. I caught fish with a big net. He fished with a hook. The game lasted fifteen minutes. I caught twenty-three and he caught twenty-four fish. I still lost. Let's go to the villagers to be the judges. Let's compete to see who will cook the fish first. I thought to myself: Of course I won if I caught less. The time of the game is twenty minutes. Fifteen minutes later, I still have three fish left, but my cousin has finished roasting. I lost again. But we had a happy day. We went back by train again.

Rural Life Composition (2)

We go to the country in April.

It is the custom of rural people to plant melons in front of their houses and bamboo behind their houses. Every summer, green bamboos and green leaves come into sight. When a gust of wind blows, the green leaves slowly shake like green elves.

As a rule, people in the countryside have to raise a few chickens and dogs. The dog runs to that place very quickly at the slightest movement. It's really a leader dog. Chickens, walking in front of and behind their houses, will always see a hen leading a group of chickens in the bamboo forest to find food, or see cockerels with towering tails striding up and down on the ground.

In this morning when the fragrance is curling, the sun slowly opens the dark curtain. I walk slowly on the country road. Occasionally, I see several small sparrows flying by in unison, and some birds pecking at the grass seeds and other things. I am breathing sweet air in the country, which smells much better than the air containing car exhaust in the city. I suddenly saw a bamboo pole wrapped around the melon and rattan outside the door of a family. There were several small yellow flowers on the green leaves. It was more lovely than a pair of stone lions squatting in front of Cheng Li's door or two big flag poles.

Further ahead, there is a small river. This river is clear to the bottom and more beautiful than the polluted river in the city. I saw several ducklings playing by the river. I really want to go down and play with them.

I want to go. I reluctantly say goodbye to them. They told me the happiness of life in the countryside.

Rural Life Composition (3)

Different from the city, the countryside has its unique features.

Summer is coming. Watermelon seedlings are sprouting from every family. The tender green melon seedlings swayed gently in the breeze, very lovely. Think again about the big and sweet watermelons when they are ripe. I can't help salivating!

The watermelons there are appetizing, and the wheat is not bad. The dark green wheat seedlings are really like hormones. They are very strong and tall. They are almost knee high!

As a rule, people in the countryside have to raise several cows. When walking past their houses, they always hear the sound of strong cows "mooing". If you want to make the calf feel safe for you, you must gently scratch its neck, otherwise, it will be hard!

Rural life, which is simple, contains a bit of luxury. It turns out that rural life also has a unique beauty beyond the city!

Rural Life Composition (4)

The second day after the New Year is the second day of the first month. Dad decided to go back to my hometown, Wudi.

Before dawn in the morning, Dad drove with his brother, aunt, uncle, mother and I. On the road, I thought: What is the countryside like? Is it better than our county town? It's better to eat, dress and sleep

A series of questions came to my mind. This makes me want to see the countryside as soon as possible. Soon, my father took us to the countryside. After reading it, I was stunned. The countryside is not the same as I imagined. Our houses are made of stone, but the countryside is made of straw and soil. The windows are much simpler than ours. They use wood and glass. The simplest thing in the countryside is to cook. Below is the stove cover for burning firewood. On the top is a large round pot with a diameter of about one meter, round on the top and sharp on the bottom. This made me realize the hardship of the countryside, which is not comparable to our county town. After watching, my parents and I went to grandma's house. Because I got up early this morning, I was already sleepy, so I lay down to sleep. Shortly after lying down, I felt warm under my body. I didn't care about sleeping, so I got up and ran out to ask Grandma.

Grandma said, "This is not a bed but a kang." After hearing this, I suddenly realized.

Life in the countryside is really hard! I will develop the countryside well when I grow up.

Rural Life Composition (5)

My childhood was spent at my grandmother's house, which was in the countryside. What impressed me most was the field in the north of the village.

Since I can remember, my father has often taken me to play in the fields. In spring, the soil in the fields is still stiff in some places, and the water surface of the river is also covered with a layer of ice like thin sand, which is full of vitality. On the ground, green seedlings like needle tips have grown up. When I walk over, I step on the field stem carefully to move forward for fear of stepping on the seedlings. Although the river is still frozen, it is only thin. Crouching beside it, I can hear the sound of gurgling water. The beautiful sound has been flowing into my heart... Look up, there are several birds flying in the sky, and they chirp from time to time. Maybe they are singing about this vibrant spring? In summer, the fields are full of green. The trees are so luxuriant that even the bird nest above can not be found, but I heard magpies chirping. The crops in the fields are also dense, which looks like a green ocean.

A warm wind blew, and the "sea" was undulating. In autumn, the fields are full of harvest. From a distance, the cotton in the cotton field is snow-white, like clouds floating in the sky, or like a group of lambs chatting together. The farmers are also working in the fields. I accompanied my grandmother to the corn field to break the stick. The corn is golden yellow. Wearing a light green coat and a cluster of reddish brown whiskers on the tip, doesn't it look like an old farmer's simple smile? In winter, my father always takes me to the fields to catch hares and chase voles. When it snowed heavily, the fields were very beautiful, just like a fairy tale world. The leaves on the trees had all fallen off, and the nests were clearly seen. There are many animal footprints on the ground: dogs, voles, rabbits... because there is no food in the field, those sparrows always steal food from the villagers. The naughty brother always uses a small stick to set up a basket and put some millet into it. Every time, some poor little sparrows fell into his trap. When I found my brother caught sparrows, I would secretly carry them in my arms and take them to the fields to fly. Because I think the field is their home.

The countryside is beautiful!

Rural Life Composition (6)

I always think that life in the city is not as fun as that in the countryside. Children in the city have less rich childhood than those in the countryside. In rural life, there are always many interesting and colorful things. Although there are no toys, there are a series of sincere smiles; Although there is no computer, there are people who work hard.

Every summer vacation, I have to go back to my hometown to live with my grandparents for a period of time. In July and August, it was very hot, but the countryside was still busy fertilizing and weeding for the growth of corn. Every time I go back, I will follow my grandparents to learn the skills of farming, weeding and fertilizing.

With the hope of a bumper harvest, the goods participated in the hard work with them, sweating on the body, but full of joy and excitement in the heart.

My favorite thing is to help my grandparents fertilize corn. Because I have mastered the skill of fertilizing. First, look at the wind direction. After the wind direction is determined, throw the fertilizer into the air and keep it down, which is convenient and fast.

In fact, I also like the busy harvest season, that is, when the wheat is harvested. At this time, I will be very happy, because the wheat is very "hateful", which makes me "half dead". It was too hot. I saw the wheat as if I saw the enemy. I waved the sickle and wore gloves on both hands, because there were many small "needles" on the wheat. It will hurt very much if it goes into the skin. Therefore, there will be a strange phenomenon of wearing gloves in June.

Sometimes, my family and I have to work until more than eight o'clock at night to have dinner. Every family has turned on the lights. Everyone prepares steamed buns, water and other things for the next day's work after dinner, so that we can have enough physical strength to harvest food!

In fact, like most children, I am also very easy to understand and experienced. I also ride a bike to deliver food and water to my family when I help them with their busy farming. I feel very successful when I see them happy.

This is my pleasure. Is it ok? One day you have a chance, you can also go with me into nature, into the countryside, and taste the fun that is hard for urban children to experience.

Rural Life Composition (7)

The countryside is linear and original. All things are bought by the elderly and young people with sweat. Today, I will go to the countryside to dig potatoes!

My grandmother led the way and took us to a very empty place. There was nothing. In fact, potatoes were underground!

I picked up the rake and dug for a while, but I didn't find anything. I was digging hard, but it was still not. It was more difficult to dig potatoes in such hot weather as 33 degrees centigrade. After a while, I was sweating and I just dug one. What a tragedy! How did these rural people live for so many years!

Only then did I realize the hardships of the rural people. I wiped my sweat and continued to work hard. It's dark, we should go home. After working hard all afternoon, we can finally have a rest. I just dug 13. It's OK, but I understand the hardships of the rural people. They are not afraid of fatigue, not afraid of failure, and have been moving forward. I have to admire this spirit.

Rural Life Composition (8)

The countryside lives on the way to the countryside. How beautiful the scenery there is!

The houses of rural families are divided into several rows, each of which is only dozens of square meters. Rural people always plant flowers in the fence in front of their houses. There are impatiens, cockscomb, dahlia... They open at different times, so beautiful! Villagers also like to plant some melons in front of and behind their houses, but when the flowers fall, they produce green and red melons in front of their houses.

Every family in the countryside keeps a dog in front of their door. As long as a stranger passes by or enters the door, he always barks incessantly until the stranger leaves.

When we go out for a walk in the dusk, we will surely see men, women and young people coming home from work, talking and laughing all the way, and looking energetic. When night fell, they ate dinner, took out Dengzi and sat in the moonlight to talk about family affairs. Children listened to stories or played hide and seek games around adults.

The scenery of rural people is really beautiful!

Rural Life Composition (9)

When I was young, I lived in the countryside for a period of time. Those days were very interesting and meaningful.

It was winter then. Early in the morning, I went with some children to "steal" sweet potatoes. After a while, we dug out a pile of intact sweet potatoes. The children also said, "Today is to dig at relatives' houses. Usually we go to steal some with our families, but the digging is still messy." Then we went to a wasteland, dug a hole, put the sweet potatoes into the hole, covered with dry grass, and found some corn stalks to light and put on the dry grass, Preliminary steps completed!

Then there was a long wait. These children learned that they would climb the mountain to catch some insects and pick some fruits to eat when they were on holiday. Or catch some crickets to fight. In a word, it is hundreds of times better than life in the city.

The conversation is over, and the sweet potatoes are ripe. Pushing aside the ash, several sweet potatoes with syrup flowing out of their skins and fragrant smell came into sight. Peel off the skin and eat one mouthful. It is glutinous and fragrant, which makes people praise endlessly.

After eating the sweet potatoes, the children found another kind of tree root and asked me to bite it. I bit it, and the sweet taste in the tree root rushed to my tongue. How sweet it is! The children took out a thick leaf and patiently taught me how to make a sound

In fact, the countryside is not as boring as we imagined, but there are interesting and novel things everywhere.

Rural Life Composition (10)

I grew up living in a big city. Some people want to live in a big city, but I want to live in the countryside.

The countryside is a place that makes me look. It has beautiful flowers and trees, green mountains, cool and delicious springs, and endless rice fields.

I longed for it because I was tired of life in the city. 1. To be a qualified citizen, do not spit, do not litter, and speak civilized words rather than dirty words. I agree with you very much, but no one abides by it. 2. When I went to primary school, the school stipulated to do a good job of primary school students. No fighting, no swearing, no damage to public property, we should abide by the school's words and deeds. But who would listen? Every day, either the glass falls or some students are beaten to pieces. 3. Traffic regulations. In the city, most people have bought BMW and Mercedes Benz, which is true, but people do not comply with the traffic regulations, and often run red lights to prevent traffic accidents. 4. The city is too big, so I don't have a place for fun, and it's easy to get lost... Look, the city is very dangerous!

But the countryside is a scene of harmony. Everyone speaks civilized words and abides by traffic regulations. You can also go fishing in the stream, drink spring water on the mountain, and plant seeds and plant weeds in the paddy field with your parents.

I am eager for you -- the countryside, let me grow up freely in your arms!

Rural Life Composition (11)

Autumn is a harvest season and a fruitful season. This season is not only full and delicious, but also golden everywhere. Today, my father and I went to grandma's house to experience the autumn in the countryside.

Grandma's family has a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and crops, all of which bear rich fruits. Under the condition of hard work, Grandma was still very happy. Because corn is the most expensive crop this year, and among so many crops, corn has the best harvest. When I saw it, it was really! The fields are full of corn "trees", which bear large corn with full fruits. Seen from afar, the golden color of corn blends with the vibrant autumn everywhere, making everyone look radiant.

In order to help my happy grandma, my father and I also experienced a round of corn snapping! But Grandma doesn't want to take a whole stick with leather. It's hard for me and Dad. Suddenly, I thought of the correct way to break corn. Although it is simple, it is difficult to operate in practice!

First, hold the mature corn, and then tear off the husk of the corn cob. Second, break the corn into two pieces from the middle, and finally break it off with force. Ah, how difficult it is!

In the evening, when I drank the delicious and sweet corn porridge, I couldn't help thinking of a poem by Li Shen: "Who knows that every meal on the plate is hard." We must treasure food and stop wasting!

Rural Life Composition (12)

It was in April that we went to the countryside.

It is the custom of rural people to plant melons in front of their houses and bamboo behind their houses. Every summer, green bamboos and green leaves come into sight. When a gust of wind blows, green leaves slowly shake like green elves.

As a rule, people in the countryside have to raise a few chickens and dogs. The dog runs to that place very quickly at the slightest movement. It's really a leader dog. Chickens will always see a hen leading a group of chickens in the bamboo forest to find food when they walk in front of and behind their house, or see cockerels with their tails striding up and down on the ground.

In the morning when the fragrance was curling, the sun slowly opened and the darkness was heavy. I walked slowly on the country road, occasionally saw several small sparrows flying by, and some birds pecking at the grass seeds and other things. I was breathing sweet air in the countryside, which smelled much better than the air containing car exhaust in the city. I suddenly saw a bamboo pole wrapped around the melon and rattan outside the door of a family. There were several small yellow flowers on the green leaves. It was more lovely than a pair of stone lions squatting in front of Cheng Li's door or two big flag poles.

Further ahead, there is a small river. This river is very clear and much more beautiful than the polluted river in the city. I saw several ducklings playing by the river. I really want to go down and play with them.

I have to go. I reluctantly said goodbye to them. They told me the happiness of rural life.

Rural Life Composition (13)

Last National Day, my parents and I went to my hometown Zhanjiang. The next day when I came to Zhanjiang, my grandmother suggested taking me to my grandfather's hometown, a small village in Guangdong. Early the next morning, I set out with my grandfather, grandmother, sister and cousin in high spirits.

When we were driving, we saw that there were sugarcane forests on both sides of the road, as well as large tracts of corn fields. My father told me that he cut sugar cane when he was a child, and he hurt his hand carelessly! After a winding field path, we finally arrived at Grandpa's new house. Many neighbors greeted us warmly. Grandfather's house is a newly built bungalow. There is a small yard just outside. Grandma has planted many flowers and plants in the yard. The most interesting thing is that since she has been away for a long time, birds have built nests in the trees in front of our yard and laid several eggs. During the day, the mother bird flew far away to find food. At night, we could see it. I hope that the birds will live in our house all the time, but my grandpa can't stand the nest. One day he took a stick and took the nest, which made me sad.

When I get home, I go to the small yard with my aunt to weed the flowers. There are so many weeds! My hands were blistered, and my aunt found a caterpillar in the weeds. I am laboriously weeding here, but my sister is hiding in her room to watch TV. She really enjoys it.

There is also a cowshed outside the yard. There is an old buffalo in the cowshed. A few days ago, it gave birth to a calf. Now, it is squatting under its mother's stomach to drink milk. A group of local chickens near the cattle pen are looking for food in the grass. The chickens in the countryside are different from those in the urban vegetable market. They eat worms by themselves and exercise muscles. No wonder Zhanjiang chickens are so delicious. These chickens are very timid. They run away whenever there is any movement. I also found a lost black chicken chick in the bamboo forest. It was black and yellow, very cute. When it found his mother was far away, it quickly ran back to her mother.

Time flies, and we will go back soon. After seeing our neighbors again, we left the countryside. Next time, when I have time, I will definitely come here to play.

Rural Life Composition (14)

This summer vacation, my mother took me to the countryside to experience life.

There is no hustle and bustle of busy cities in rural areas, but a unique freedom and leisure. In the morning, a clear chirp of birds wakes you up from your dream, stretches out and looks out of the window. The birds outside the window jump and chirp happily on the branches, making you feel refreshed.

In the morning, people went to the fields to work, or pull grass, or grow vegetables. The animals also began to walk leisurely and contentedly. Crowds of ducklings are swimming in the river, chickens are eating insects in the grass, and hens are laying eggs in the chicken coop. Soon, you can hear the hen's "cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck". The goslings quacked on the road, as if to say, "Give me something to eat!"!

While the weather was not hot, my brother and I went fishing in the pond. The pond was not big and the water was not deep, but there was a lot of dirt. We had to take off our shoes, stand on the dirt with two feet and touch it with both hands. Although we touched several fish, we became clay figures!

In the afternoon, when it was getting dark, it was time for our children to play crazily. We went to the grass to catch grasshoppers with our friends, and then put them into the boxes we had made in advance; When you are thirsty, you go to others' greenhouses to "pick watermelons" and "pick cucumbers". They are sweet and thirst quenching, better than cola and better than bread.

In the evening, people gather in groups in the coolest place, looking at the bright moon and laughing happily.

Rural life is so interesting, I like it!

Rural Life Composition (15)

I was very excited. I rode on the Beijing Shenyang Expressway and flew all the way to Gaomatou Village, where I came to my aunt's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the crowing hens and roosters. There is a gourd vine in front of the chicken roll, and the gourd leaves cover small gourds, like chickens playing hide and seek with us! Looking to the right, the first row is small tomatoes, red, yellow, green, green tomatoes drink green leaves looming. Cucumbers are thick and yellow, and have to "sleep" on the ground. There are green onions beside cucumbers and cucumbers. The green onions are half a meter high and very green. Looking to the left, there are piles of dry sticks and piles of hay. I know that they are used for burning fire.

When we got into the house, my third aunt and grandma warmly welcomed us. I saw that the room on the right had a big kang, which could be lit below. It was very cold in the countryside in winter. As long as the big kang was lit, we would not feel like sleeping in a snow nest. The houses in the countryside are large and natural, and the crops are free of pesticides, so they are very safe to eat.

At noon, my third aunt's grandmother wrapped a pie and was about to bake it, but I hurried to ask me to light a fire and do what I said. My uncle took a pile of dry sticks, took one of them, struck a match, lit a dry stick, and stuffed it into a hole. I also tried to put several dry sticks. I put them very fast, and soon they were full, and the fire could not be extinguished. My aunt told me: "This thing should be left open for the wind, or it will go out. I learned the lesson of the last time, and it was really cooked. I ate a few cakes for lunch. Yes, it's not good to eat the fruits of our own labor. Then we went to my uncle's house after we slept. There was a little goat, three ducks, and a dog at his house. The right side of my cousin's house is very similar to my aunt's house. Looking ahead through my uncle's house, there are three pieces of land. The peanut is planted in the middle, the stick is planted on the left, and the radish is planted on the right. My uncle said that he planted the peanut in the middle. Three pieces of all green land are like a big barrier. After watching the ground, my uncle took me to catch the cicada. As I walked, I saw a big green grasshopper, and I caught it myself. My uncle praised me for my good work. As I walked, I found that cicadas came out at night. You can never see cicadas in the daytime. If you see them, you can also get them from trees. When I got home, my third aunt and grandma had already made dumplings. I was still burning the fire for supper. Although it was celery sink, today it was so delicious that I barely ate a few.

I got up at 7 o'clock the next day, but as soon as I saw that the whole family was up, I quickly washed and rinsed. After I washed and rinsed, the cake was also baked. After eating the cake, I argued that I would go to the market. On the way, we sat down at my uncle's house again. Although I was my uncle, I just went to college. Then we arrived at the designated place. It was understood that they would change places one day. After we went, we bought four bags of peaches, three bags of peaches were distributed to three uncles, and one bag was given to three aunts and grandmothers. On the way, we went to my uncle's house to sit down. I accidentally found that there was a peach tree behind my uncle's yard, but the peach was still very small before the harvest season.

When we got home, we went to burn incense for our great grandparents and great masters. The atmosphere was very heavy at that time. It seemed that we would attend a ceremony. After the sacrifice, we returned home and said goodbye to our families. With this memory, we were reluctant to ride on the Beijing Shenyang Expressway.

Although this rural life is very short, the local customs and natural green make us unforgettable for a long time!

Rural Life Composition (16)

This Saturday, I came to my hometown Chaiguling to experience rural life.

PM2 in rural and urban areas. Then he left me, and even every breath was so comfortable that I stopped there for a long time before I reluctantly left to start a day of rural life. Step 1: Feed the chicken. As the saying goes, "A good start is half the battle". But a chicken is not like a man. How can he listen to me? At first, the chickens seemed to be colluding with each other. As soon as they saw me, they fled everywhere, which made me unable to start. I was worried. I used the "Hedong Lion Roar" and thought, now you should obey. But these chickens became restless when they were frightened by me. They jumped left and pecked right, as if they were protesting my order. Thanks to my grandmother's advice, I managed to get through the jaws of death.

Then it was time to release the ducks. I was waving the bamboo pole in my hand. Under my "wise" leadership, the ducks scattered like sand, and I became a "bare rod commander" in an instant. Some ducks swaggered in front of Grandpa's house; Some, like generals, are patrolling with several "duck soldiers". "Alas, I messed up again!" I could not help crying in my heart. But at that moment, a miraculous thing happened suddenly. The ducks seemed to hear my heart and formed a queue automatically, and I just managed to get through this hurdle.

Although today, I am tired and out of breath, but my heart is as sweet as honey.