Compositions on Building Homeland (19 Collections)
Don't forget your original intention
2024-06-13 00:56:47

Composition of Building Homeland (1)

On March 12, an inspiring day for all, the annual Arbor Day rang again. Today, let's use our own hands to sow a sapling, and tomorrow we will reap a green shade; Today, let's spread a trace of life with our hands, and tomorrow we will harvest a whole field full of hope; Today, let's plant a young wish with both hands, and tomorrow we will reap an incredible miracle.

Tree planting has a history of more than 2600 years in China, and this year is our 34th Arbor Day. Afforestation can not only bring huge economic benefits to our production and life, but also purify our world. Many tiny hairs and mucus on the leaves can not only absorb harmful particles such as carbon and sulfur in the smoke, but also absorb harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses, so as to reduce and reduce the dust in the air. Trees can also control land desertification, control water and soil loss, prevent wind and consolidate soil, increase soil water storage capacity, use photosynthesis of leaves to absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen needed by the human body, and improve the ecological environment.

However, it is worrisome that our country still has 168. 90000 square kilometers of land is desert and Gobi, accounting for about 17% of the total area of the country. 6%, and an average of 2460 square kilometers of land is desertification every year. The annual sandstorm in the beautiful capital Beijing is a warning of land desertification, which is a terrible thing. Around us, we can often see the towering chimneys emitting black smoke and the black water flowing into rivers and lakes. Think about how much pollution would be caused to the environment if there were no "environmental processing plant" composed of trees; Think about it. In 1998, a catastrophic flood disaster occurred in the south of China, which caused many property losses to the country and people. All this is the bitter fruit of not paying attention to environmental protection and afforestation. Therefore, every one of us should take care of trees. Whether it is Arbor Day or not, we should have a variety of trees to protect the ecological environment.

As primary school students in the new era, we should respond to the call of the country. Plant more trees and bring green to every place where it is needed. Sing a cheerful song to take the tree species to the wild mountains and let the seedlings thrive there; Wearing a bright red scarf, the green life is sown in the desolate countryside to let it take root and sprout; With our intelligent hands, we will cultivate the seedlings symbolizing hope on the banks of flooded rivers and lakes, so that they will not roar and rage and flood the world.

Planting and loving trees is also a virtue, a sentiment and a culture. Everyone likes the green environment, but it is not necessarily that everyone consciously protects and creates the green environment. Therefore, the conscious and enthusiastic creation and care for the green environment originate from the sublimation of his understanding of the meaning of life, his public mindedness, and his concern for society and others. It can be seen that loving trees and planting trees can reflect a person's morality, culture and cultivation.

I really look forward to the day when the clear river roams with fish, plays happily in the beautiful river of my hometown, birds sing loudly in the branches, the silent spring is no longer silent, the raging flood is no longer roaring, and the scorching heat wave is no longer raging. I look forward to the day when every valley will blossom with flowers of hope and every brook will dance with joy. It is expected that the bare mountains will become beautiful peaks surrounded by trees, that nothing will grow, that the rocky wilderness will become an oasis full of vitality, that the flowers will be red and the willows will be green, that the birds will sing and the birds will dance, that the air will be fresh and the sky will be blue, that every seedling we planted will become a towering tree, and that the green will embellish the sky of hope. In fact, this is not a dream or expectation. Only if we all give our love and strength, the dream can become a reality!

Composition of Building Homeland (2)

In the 21st century, the air is no longer as fragrant as before, the rivers are no longer as clear as before, and the birds in the sky are no longer jumping Why is this? Because people are selfish and greedy. Nowadays, people cut down trees and waste water resources recklessly, which leads to the shortage of water in many cities. However, they do not know their mistakes and start to increase their efficiency.

The blue sky has now turned into a gray sky. The forest is slowly becoming less and the animals are gradually disappearing. The North American traveling pigeons in the world became extinct in 1930. This kind of animal reached billions, but it became extinct in less than a century. This time is amazing. If the animals in the world disappear at this speed, it is possible that all animals, including humans, will become extinct in a few centuries.

In order not to let this happen, we should protect the environment from now on!

When we meet garbage on the road, we should form the habit of picking it up casually; Don't throw your garbage everywhere at ordinary times, try to throw it into the trash can on the street; At the same time, we also need to make more use of waste water: rice washing water can wash vegetables, flush toilets, wash faces, hair and clothes, and can also irrigate plants; In addition, if you have a balcony at home, you can plant some flowers that are beneficial to the human body. Install some bamboo lattices on the roof to hang things, and hang the flowerpots. This not only protects the environment, but also makes the monotonous family more beautiful. There are many trees along the road, which can purify the air.

If we follow this protection method, perhaps our future home will be very fresh.

However, I believe that more and more people will protect the environment. In the future, it is certain that most vehicles will be environmentally friendly, and all people will travel in a civilized manner. With the progress of science and technology, more and more advanced flying cars will be invented (only solar energy is needed to drive in the sky), and bicycles will never lag behind. On the contrary, they will be the favorite means of transportation for people in the future, convenient, light and especially environmentally friendly.

Students, let's act together! Let's protect the environment and jointly run a green home!

Composition of Building Homeland (3)

In recent years, with the country building an ecological civilization society, Sichuan Province has promoted the development process of Panzhihua Xichang urban agglomeration and the implementation of strategies such as "building a beautiful, rich, civilized, harmonious and tranquil river valley". The society has put forward higher requirements for urban ecological environment suggestions.

In order to build a city with characteristics of "beautiful lakes and mountains, rich ethnic customs", the review team composed of professors from Beijing Forestry University and other experts from inside and outside the province put forward valuable suggestions on the Overall Planning of Xichang Forest City Construction.

In this way, a vigorous creative activity began.

We should also take action. We will not create, but we can pick up garbage to protect the environment! For example, if someone litters on the roadside, you can stop it; If someone spits everywhere, let him or her clean up; For greening and environmental protection, we can also plant trees. If you see the felling of trees, you should inform the forestry or relevant departments in time. I have been to Luoji Mountain. Although the scenery there is beautiful, there is a shiny mountain. Why? Overgrazing? Or cut and cut? I don't know either; Do you remember the fire in Lushan? Who caused the tragedy is the result of human feudal superstition. Human's wrong practices have made Lushan lose a touch of green and vitality, and people creating forest cities have a job.

Therefore, we should actively participate in the activities of picking up white garbage and planting trees carried out by the school. It can not only educate us to protect the environment, but also keep the streets clean.

Some people think afforestation is a superfluous thing, then they are wrong! Why is there no sandstorm in Xichang? It's all the work of trees and environment! You know what? The urban and road greening coverage rate of our city has reached 98%. Afforestation can beautify the environment: evolution of air, prevention of sandstorms, prevention of landslides. We must build Xichang into a beautiful and rich forest city in spring.

Now, the clarion call for Xichang to become a national forest city is sounded again: make full preparations, overcome all difficulties and problems, and strive to promote the construction of a forest city to a new level!

Composition of Building Homeland (4)

We should build our own beautiful home. The materials made of buildings are very environmentally friendly. The air is fresh, the river is clear, the food is sweet, the flowers in the garden are "fragrant", and the grass in the grass is "soft".

The home is green. The vast forests can regulate the climate, conserve water, prevent soil erosion and other uses; The higher the forest coverage, the more carbon dioxide is absorbed, and the greenhouse effect can be effectively controlled; We should plant more trees and forests, even if the wind and sand can not damage our green homes.

Garbage becomes treasure. Garbage can infect diseases. It must be treated scientifically to protect the environment and turn waste into treasure; A series of environment-friendly materials, such as bowls, pots, necklaces and diamonds, are processed by processing plants, which not only reduces environmental pollution, but also can be used for multiple purposes.

Sewage becomes spring water. Sewage can pollute the environment, so it should be treated; Sewage is treated by special machines to turn sewage into spring water, which can be used for fish to live; It can be used for plants to drink water; It can be used by people.

Let's work together to build our green home!

Composition of Building Homeland (5)

What happened in the past month is undoubtedly a terrible disaster for our birds. Humans destroyed our homes with cruel means. Trees fell down and habitats disappeared. We were forced to fly back to the cold north. The road to escape is so hard, and countless box companions fall down on the way. They fly, and suddenly become stiff and fall. Looking at them, my heart was cut. The long road is also beyond my control, but thanks to his help, I became a survivor.

The surviving birds painfully recalled their lost homes and loved ones. They were so indignant that we decided to take revenge on human beings. As a result, we trampled on human crops countless times, and devoured beneficial insects that caught pests countless times. Birds have become the object of human hatred.

In this way, rats and ants roam the fields everywhere. The number of all kinds of insects has broken world records again and again. There are countless crops destroyed, and the number of beggars living on the streets has reached the highest in history.

Seeing this scene, we wantonly laugh at human beings, and we enjoy the pleasure of revenge from the barbarians who ask for trouble.

Until one day, I thought of him, the boy who had saved me on my escape road, and I flapped my wings. At this time, he was staring at the dying crops with a helpless sigh. I gently stopped on his shoulder to feel his temperature, his breath, and his trembling when I scared him. He recognized me, took me from his shoulder, held me in his palm, and smiled at me. I struggled to nod, flew out of his hand, gave a clear sound, and flew out of my partner around. In an instant, the insects and ants in the crops disappeared.

The boy exclaimed and then exulted. He picked me up and whispered in my ear: "Thank you, are you here to help us human beings? Thank you." Looking at his smiling face, I couldn't bear to refuse. But the terrible scenes forced me to say no, and I struggled to shake my head. He was surprised and said for a long time: "Why? Please, let the birds come back and help us! The earth has been devastated now. The earth is our common home. How can you let it become a piece of rubble? After all, we humans have been rewarded, and the human garden has also been desolate." He left with tears.

I flew home confused. Thinking of him with tears streaming down his face, I was restless and confused, so I decided to do my best to help him.

"Let humans go!" I shouted to the birds with all my strength. Suddenly, the noisy venue was silent, and all the birds looked at me in surprise. I went on to say: "Human beings already know that they are wrong. Help them!" Wang glared at me and said contemptuously, "Joke, who helped us when our home was destroyed?" Echoes were heard all around. I calmly went on: "Human beings have known their mistakes, and they have learned a lesson. Why should they hurt each other? The earth is also our home, can we watch it turn into ruins? We should get along well with human beings and build a beautiful new home together."

"Needless to say, there is only one way to save mankind, that is, you can defeat me and become the king of birds. Then you can order birds and save mankind." I know that it is impossible to defeat the king according to my ability, but I still nodded. I hope my blood can redeem some mistakes for human beings and resolve this fight.

Under the king's sharp claws, I fell again and again, although I was already scarred, I was still unwilling to climb up until I

incapable of action.

At the moment before I lost consciousness, I placed my hope on God: "God, please return to human and birds a common beautiful home!"

Protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful home Qianlan Changshu is an international garden city. How happy it is to live in this city. In life, it is our duty to protect the ecological environment and make our living environment better. When I was very young, there was a small river in front of my house. Probably after the factories around me discharged sewage and people poured domestic garbage into it, the river smelled foul. The river was black and red, like the soy sauce soup my mother ate when she was a child, but the smell was different. As long as my nose was up in the past, it was sour and disgusting. The smell made me want to vomit, so every day the windows of our house were never opened. My mother was afraid of the smell coming in, so she bought air freshener and sprayed it in the house for a few times. There are many plastic bags, boxes and other domestic garbage, dead fish and rotten shrimp on the river. For this reason, other villages are rated as health villages, but our village is not. A few years later, people's awareness of environmental protection has improved, and they no longer throw garbage into the river. Everyone has thrown garbage into the dustbin. Grandpa, in order to do a good job, endured the smell, rowed his boat to salvage garbage. The people from the village committee also came. They drained the river, dug up the sludge at the bottom of the river, and waited for it to naturally store water. After a lot of trouble, the river was reborn. The white pollutants floating on the river can no longer be seen. The river water is clear, sparkling and rippling in the sun. Small fish and shrimp are playing in the river. Now there are snails in the river, one by one. Grandpa also opened up a planting area in the river! In summer, the river is even more vibrant. The children make a splash on the river. They fight water battles, play games on the water, and laugh and laugh on the blue water. From September to October, the river is green, and white flowers are beautiful. At this time, Grandpa paddles in the bucket and shuttles in the river. He carefully puts the big buckets into the bucket. When he comes back, the bucket is always full. Coke spoils Grandpa. The change of the river not only beautifies the environment, but also increases grandpa's income, killing two birds with one stone, which is very cost-effective. Let's work together for a better home, for the well-being of our children and grandchildren, let's do small environmental protection and small gains from small things.

Composition of Building Homeland (6)

Changshu is an international garden city. How happy it is to live in this city. In life, it is our duty to protect the ecological environment and make our living environment better.

When I was very young, there was a small river in front of my house. Probably after the factories around me discharged sewage and people poured domestic garbage into it, the river smelled foul. The river was black and red, like the soy sauce soup my mother ate when she was a child, but the smell was different. As long as my nose was up in the past, it was sour and disgusting. The smell made me want to vomit, so every day the windows of our house were never opened. My mother was afraid of the smell coming in, so she bought air freshener and sprayed it in the house for a few times. There are many plastic bags, boxes and other domestic garbage, dead fish and rotten shrimp on the river. For this reason, other villages are rated as health villages, but our village is not.

A few years later, people's awareness of environmental protection has improved, and they no longer throw garbage into the river. Everyone has thrown garbage into the dustbin. Grandpa, in order to do a good job, endured the smell, rowed his boat to salvage garbage. The people from the village committee also came. They drained the river, dug up the sludge at the bottom of the river, and waited for it to naturally store water.

After a lot of trouble, the river was reborn. The white pollutants floating on the river can no longer be seen. The river water is clear, sparkling and rippling in the sun. Small fish and shrimp are playing in the river. Now there are snails in the river, one by one. Grandpa also opened up a planting area in the river!

In summer, the river is even more vibrant. The children make a splash on the river. They fight water battles, play games on the water, and laugh and laugh on the blue water.

From September to October, the river is green, and white flowers are beautiful. At this time, Grandpa paddles in the bucket and shuttles in the river. He carefully puts the big buckets into the bucket. When he comes back, the bucket is always full. Coke spoils Grandpa. The change of the river not only beautifies the environment, but also increases grandpa's income, killing two birds with one stone, which is very cost-effective.

Let's work together for a better home, for the well-being of our children and grandchildren, let's do small environmental protection and small gains from small things.

Composition of Building Homeland (7)

In recent years, the earth has suddenly suffered a lot of diseases, such as greenhouse effect, water and soil pollution, air pollution and so on. The earth began to cry secretly.

Why is Mother Earth so dejected?

It turns out that excessive pesticides, large amounts of white garbage, and randomly discarded batteries have polluted the soft soil, making Mother Earth's skin hard and barren.

It turns out that a large amount of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage are discharged into rivers and oceans without treatment, making Mother Earth's blood dirty.

It turns out that the randomly stacked garbage emits a putrid smell, more and more cars emit excessive exhaust gas, and the smoke emitted by higher and higher chimneys goes into the sky, making Mother Earth unable to breathe fresh air.

It turns out that fertile fields are barren, forests are deforestation, and oases are desolate, and Mother Earth's "lungs" are gradually depleted.

... Mother Earth is like a frail patient, who needs our care and care too much!

In response to the "World Earth Day", we should rely on our hands to prevent the environment from being damaged, vegetation from being cut down, and exhaust pollution. We should also adjust our living habits. We should try to use low-carbon and environmentally friendly things to replace our daily necessities. We should also work hard to spread the concept of environmental protection and let everyone move with us, Make contributions to protecting the earth!

Composition of Building Homeland (8)

I live in Liuzhai Village. Before, the water in my home was clear, like a big mirror. The forest was lush and green, like a piece of jasper. The sky was deep and blue, and the air was fresh and sweet.

I don't know when we started spitting, littering, cutting trees The ground became dirty, the garbage in the dump was much less, and trees fell one by one, only a few of which had not been cut down.

I came up with some ideas. First, I wrote some billboards, which said: "The ground:" I have dirty things on my body every day, and I can't wash them off if I want to, because there is not much water, so you should not spit and make me dirty. "Then I wrote some billboards, which said:" Garbage: I am toxic, I will harm you, so you put me in the garbage can! "Finally, I wrote some billboards, It said: "Don't cut us down. We are just like your children. Won't you be sad when your children die? So don't cut us down again."

In the future, I believe that the ground will not become dirty, there will be no garbage on the ground, and the trees will not be cut down again. I always remember that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Composition of Building Homeland (9)

Human beings are lucky to be born on the earth and live in harmony with other life forms. Life is a miracle. Life needs water, so we need to protect water sources and prevent pollution. Life needs air, so we need to protect air and plant more trees. I suggest that all parks, rockeries and cement roads in the city should be abandoned and planted with willows and poplars. Because rockeries, Cement pavement can produce oxygen for you. Some people in the city said that willows and poplars, when the time comes, willow catkins and poplars are flying everywhere, polluting the environment. I tell you, it is a masterpiece of nature, much more harmful than the invisible dust. You are breathing into the car exhaust all day long. Why don't you talk about it.

As human beings need food, we need to protect cultivated land. Now, no matter in the city or in the countryside, there are too many wasters of cultivated land. Although it has not changed for 30 years, it is nonsense. I dare say that in any township, there is a waste of land. Build some useless roads. In other words, this road can be used to paint trees and graves, Planting flowers on both sides of the road and carrying out image projects, you said these local officials should not be beheaded!

If you have the money, you might as well plant more trees to help the people living in dangerous houses. This is the root. Well, far from it, these are simple literature. Even if I don't write them, you should know that they are just written to arouse everyone's sympathy, arouse the environmental awareness of big families, protect their homes, protect the earth, treasure life, and coexist in harmony.

Composition of Building Homeland (10)

The ancients in our country were also powerful. They calculated the lunar calendar according to the full moon, and developed 12 hours according to the law of the sun's activity day and night. That is, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, You, Xin, Hai. Twelve hours, each of which corresponds to the current two hours, make modern people even more powerful, With high-tech telescopes, satellites and spaceships, our vision has been greatly improved, and we know that the earth is just a small mud ball in the universe, just like a grain of sand in the sea.

We all know that there are nine planets in the solar system, but only the earth has life, so we should be lucky, and we should also protect our common home, and nurture our earth. Now, human beings have destroyed the earth too much. All day long coal mining has hollowed out the earth, breaking the balance of the earth. Do you think we can avoid earthquakes!

In addition, there will be more cars than the population in the future. Cars need to breathe and take in oxygen, and the emissions are all toxic gases. Coal also burns, which also seriously pollutes the atmosphere. What is the cause of smog? In peacetime, coal and cars are the main culprits, followed by other industrial pollution. Therefore, mankind urgently develops new energy to replace coal, As for cars, I suggest that the global management should be unified. All private cars should be discarded and replaced with bicycles, so that everyone can strengthen their awareness of environmental protection and benefit future generations.

Composition of Building Homeland (11)

In a clear stream, there are many happy little fish living in the stream all day long. But since human beings came to the earth, the disaster of these little fish has come.

One day, a very noble lady came to the brook, saw the water so clear, looked at the garbage bag in her hand, and said, "The water is so clear, it's OK to throw a little garbage." So she threw the garbage in her hand into the river, and the garbage crossed a beautiful arc in the air and fell into the river.

At this time, another little boy came, holding a package bag in his hand. Seeing how clear the water was, he said, "It's OK to throw some garbage in the clean water." So he also threw the package bag into the river, and the garbage floated in the water, becoming a dirty boat in the water.

Then, many people threw beer bottles, watermelon rinds, apple cores and bones into the river.

The little fish frowned when they saw so much rubbish falling from the sky, so they coincidentally sighed and said, "Alas, this is the home we lived in since childhood, and it has been destroyed by hateful human beings from now on!" The fish opened their umbrellas and put on masks to avoid the rubbish falling from the sky, so as not to hurt their heads.

The little fish's home was destroyed from then on. They shouted, "Give us a beautiful and clean home! Humans, sooner or later you will be punished by nature!"

Composition of Building Homeland (12)

When you see several butterflies dancing in the forest, do you feel happy? When you hear a group of birds singing happily in the sky, will a smile appear on your face? When you smell the fragrant mixture of flowers and soil, will your nose feel fresh...... The choppy Yellow River; The endless Yangtze River; The inaccessible Mount Everest. These are the magical scenery brought by nature.

In my heart, nature is our common mother. She has given us so much kindness that we can't even repay her. "Who can say that every inch of grass will win the three spring sunshine"

Recently, I found that our "mother" has been very tired. She gave everything for her "children". However, her "children" are not sensible, and they break their mother's heart.

One day, it rained one after another. I think this is the tears of "mother", the tears she shed for us. In retrospect, the biological diversity has gradually decreased, the desert area has gradually expanded, and large tracts of forests are decreasing

Mother cried, and her body was covered with bruises. She is no longer healthy. Her face is wrinkled and aging

People, let's protect the home we rely on for survival together.

Composition of Building Homeland (13)

What happened in the past month is undoubtedly a terrible disaster for our birds. Humans destroyed our homes with cruel means. Trees fell down and habitats disappeared. We were forced to fly back to the cold north. The road to escape is so hard, and countless box companions fall down on the way. They fly, and suddenly become stiff and fall. Looking at them, my heart was cut. The long road is also beyond my control, but thanks to his help, I became a survivor.

The surviving birds painfully recalled their lost homes and loved ones. They were so indignant that we decided to take revenge on human beings. As a result, we trampled on human crops countless times, and devoured the beneficial insects that caught pests countless times. Birds have become the object of human hatred.

In this way, rats and ants roam the fields everywhere. The number of all kinds of insects has broken world records again and again. There are countless crops destroyed, and the number of beggars living on the streets has reached the highest in history.

Seeing this scene, we wantonly laugh at human beings, and we enjoy the pleasure of revenge from the barbarians who ask for trouble.

Until one day, I thought of him, the boy who had saved me on my escape road, and I flapped my wings. At this time, he was staring at the dying crops with a helpless sigh. I gently stopped on his shoulder to feel his temperature, his breath, and his trembling when I scared him. He recognized me, took me from his shoulder, held me in his palm, and smiled at me. I struggled to nod, flew out of his hand, gave a clear sound, and flew out of my partner around. In an instant, the insects and ants in the crops disappeared.

The boy exclaimed and then exulted. He picked me up and whispered in my ear: "Thank you, are you here to help us human beings? Thank you." Looking at his smiling face, I couldn't bear to refuse. But the terrible scenes forced me to say no, and I struggled to shake my head. He was surprised and said for a long time: "Why? Please, let the birds come back and help us! The earth has been devastated now. The earth is our common home. How can you let it become a piece of rubble? After all, we humans have been rewarded, and the human garden has also been desolate." He left with tears.

I flew home confused. Thinking of him with tears streaming down his face, I was restless and confused, so I decided to do my best to help him.

"Let humans go!" I shouted to the birds with all my strength. Suddenly, the noisy venue was silent, and all the birds looked at me in surprise. I went on to say: "Human beings already know that they are wrong. Help them!" Wang glared at me and said contemptuously, "Joke, who helped us when our home was destroyed?" Echoes were heard all around. I calmly went on: "Human beings have known their mistakes, and they have learned a lesson. Why should they hurt each other? The earth is also our home, can we watch it turn into ruins? We should get along well with human beings and build a beautiful new home together."

"Needless to say, there is only one way to save mankind, that is, you can defeat me and become the king of birds. Then you can order birds and save mankind." I know that it is impossible to defeat the king according to my ability, but I still nodded. I hope my blood can redeem some mistakes for human beings and resolve this fight.

Under the king's sharp claws, I fell again and again, although I was already scarred, I was still unwilling to climb up until I

incapable of action.

At the moment before I lost consciousness, I placed my hope on God: "God, please return to human and birds a common beautiful home!"

Protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful home Qianlan Changshu is an international garden city. How happy it is to live in this city. In life, it is our duty to protect the ecological environment and make our living environment better. When I was very young, there was a small river in front of my house. Probably after the factories around me discharged sewage and people poured domestic garbage into it, the river smelled foul. The river was black and red, like the soy sauce soup my mother ate when she was a child, but the smell was different. As long as my nose was up in the past, it was sour and disgusting. The smell made me want to vomit, so every day the windows of our house were never opened. My mother was afraid of the smell coming in, so she bought air freshener and sprayed it in the house for a few times. There are many plastic bags, boxes and other domestic garbage, dead fish and rotten shrimp on the river. For this reason, other villages are rated as health villages, but our village is not. A few years later, people's awareness of environmental protection has improved, and they no longer throw garbage into the river. Everyone has thrown garbage into the dustbin. Grandpa, in order to do a good job, endured the smell, rowed his boat to salvage garbage. The people from the village committee also came. They drained the river, dug up the sludge at the bottom of the river, and waited for it to naturally store water. After a lot of trouble, the river was reborn. The white pollutants floating on the river can no longer be seen. The river water is clear, sparkling and rippling in the sun. Small fish and shrimp are playing in the river. Now there are snails in the river, one by one. Grandpa also opened up a planting area in the river! In summer, the river is even more vibrant. The children make a splash on the river. They fight water battles, play games on the water, and laugh and laugh on the blue water. From September to October, the river is green, and white flowers are beautiful. At this time, Grandpa paddles in the bucket and shuttles in the river. He carefully puts the big buckets into the bucket. When he comes back, the bucket is always full. Coke spoils Grandpa. The change of the river not only beautifies the environment, but also increases grandpa's income, killing two birds with one stone, which is very cost-effective. Let's work together for a better home, for the well-being of our children and grandchildren, let's do small environmental protection and small gains from small things.

Composition of Building Homeland (14)

In our ordinary daily life, many people have written compositions. Compositions can be divided into primary school compositions, middle school compositions, and college compositions (papers). Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the construction of a beautiful home organized by Xiao Bian. I hope it can help everyone.

My hometown is a beautiful picture in my heart. The comfortable blue is the easiest to remind me of my quiet homesickness. The floating lovesickness affects my thoughts, and flies to the distant but clear blue.

In the morning, at the urging of the sun, I opened my eyes. What a charming fog! I stretched out my hands to touch it, but it flew mischievously. Fly, fly to my face, touch my hair, float to my body, I feel it, it invades my heart.

Blue, moving me, followed it, I came to the seaside. The sea is spacious and blue, and the cool wind blows in the face. Open your hands, as if you were flying under the blue sky and floating on the blue sea.

When it comes to the sky, I look up. It is white and blue again, transparent, like a piece of glass, with white clouds floating on it like snow; Under the white clouds, a long string of geese are forming a "human" line, flying gently to the south, opening their hands, as if I were one of the geese, flying and flying, flying to distant places.

Walking on this straight asphalt road, there are big sycamore trees on both sides. The branches and leaves are dense, and the trees are covered with shade. If it is summer, it is like holding a big sunshade, looking at it, it is blue and thousands of miles away, giving a feeling of vigorous and upward.

Look, in the field, the mature rice is full, heavy, and billowing, like brilliant rosy clouds scattering on the earth. The yellow ears of grain fall too straight to rise, but it still shakes vigorously with the wind, emitting an intoxicating fragrance.

Looking back, many students came face to face, and I joined their team. I followed them to the campus again. Everyone wears different clothes and speaks different languages. They gather on campus and become good friends. The bright clothes make the campus more colorful. We greet the singing birds on campus, say hello to our beloved teachers, and salute the flying red flag.

After school, we rushed out of the classroom like a group of happy birds. While walking, I watched the beautiful scenery of sunset. Fire cloud.

The night is another beautiful picture. The bright crescent moon is a smile, and stars are eyes. The night light transmits the autumn waves. The breeze is full of tenderness. We are intoxicated with the moon night.

This is a beautiful home, it is in my heart. I believe that it will show up in front of me on my journey of life.

Composition of Building Homeland (15)

Shandong was originally a province with beautiful environment, rich resources and a long history. There are towering Mount Tai, the only five mountains, the cultural charm of the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the beautiful Bohai and Yellow Sea Bay, the rich Shengli Oilfield... countless beautiful words are hard to describe! In recent years, the environmental problems in Shandong Province have become more and more serious. The increase in the sediment content of the Yellow River, the pollution of most of the Bohai Sea, the reduction of the number of times we see blue sky, white clouds and stars, the absence of free swimming fish in clear rivers, and the uncertainty of birds... How can these problems not worry us?

Nature is our home for survival. Some people, for their own interests, continue to destroy vegetation and forests, leaving little animals with nowhere to go and having to resign themselves to fate. Some people exploit natural resources without restraint, making them less and less, and industrial pollution exacerbates the deterioration of the environment. We are all residents of the earth and have the obligation to protect our homes. Forests can let us breathe fresh air every day, the atmosphere can prevent ultraviolet rays from directly shining on us, and water can sustain our lives... But these natural resources have been destroyed by our human beings. Human beings have cut down trees, polluted the air, polluted the river, and exterminated precious animals. What is really left to future generations?

Environmental protection is not an endless big thing. In fact, it is a good habit, which is accumulated from countless trivial things. I hope that mankind will stop destroying the ecological environment immediately and join in the protection of the ecological environment.

So, as a middle school student, how can we protect our homeland and make Shandong more beautiful? I think we should start from now on, starting from small things, and starting from bit by bit. First of all, enhance the awareness of saving. Start with saving a piece of paper, a pen, a kilowatt hour of electricity, a drop of water, a grain of grain... and save energy and protect resources. Secondly, protect the environment. Do not litter, plant more trees and grass. Dispose of garbage properly. Useless fixed point destruction, useful reprocessing. In addition, we should also be a small messenger of civilization. We will lead our families and friends to take active actions and participate in the construction of ecological homes with everyone. This is what we should do, and this is what we can do. Let's join hands to create an ecological Shandong; Be a small citizen who saves energy and protects the environment. Only through the efforts of all of us can our home be more beautiful. At that time, our home will become clean, environmentally friendly and beautiful. Let's imagine a beautiful home:

This is a clean home. Under the blue sky, there are white clouds. Under the white clouds, there are free birds flying. The birds are singing happily. There is no garbage on the street. It's all where they should go. Every house is bright and bright, and a little grey can be seen. Beautiful fish swim in the clear river. How happy they are!

This is also an environmentally friendly home. The gas emitted by the cars driving in this home is not carbon dioxide, but oxygen. People never use disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks, which not only protect nature, but also protect the environment. Waste things are reused by people to turn waste into treasure. And every house here is also built with things people don't need, beautiful and environmentally friendly.

This is a beautiful home. The balcony of each house is planted with colorful flowers, and sometimes bees and butterflies dance. Blue, green and blue are the colors of our home, and they are pure and beautiful. If a family wants to build a house, people will take the initiative to help that family build a house for free.

This is our beautiful home. Let's paint it with both hands and build it!

Composition of Building Homeland (16)

Composition on Building a Harmonious Home [Part 1]

We are the successors of the 21st century. We have a common home. It is our responsibility to build a harmonious and beautiful home.

It was a past event. One day I was carrying my schoolbag to school. The street was crowded with people and cars. I saw a woman carrying a large bag of rice carefully crossing the sidewalk from afar. Just after walking along the sidewalk, a teenager riding a bicycle knocked over the rice bag in the woman's hand. Mi suddenly leaked out of the crack like water and spilled all over the ground. The woman was so worried that she was at a loss and asked, "How do you ride a bike?"

"Sorry, sorry, I. I didn't mean to!" The young man apologized in a flustered voice. After a while, the pedestrians on the road gradually surrounded me, and I was no exception. There was a lot of discussion among the crowd: some said that people now ride too fast, some said that people now ride too fast, some said that he should be a child, and some said that he should pay for rice. Everyone expressed their opinions.

On the gray and brown road, the white rice was scattered on the ground one by one. "Hurry to pack up the rice on the road!" shouted someone in the crowd. After a while, the young man suddenly realized that he was in a hurry to help passers-by, squatting down with some unknown people to carefully pull up the rice on the ground. Use a plastic bag to let women pack dirty rice separately. After a while, there was little rice left on the road. Everyone stood up quietly one by one, waiting for whether the woman would "judge" the young man. Surprisingly, the woman looked at the young man who was sweating, apologizing and pleading for forgiveness, Then she turned to look at many strangers who helped her warmly and said, "Thank you, everyone. It's OK. Go home." At the same time, she turned to the teenager and said, "You should be careful when you ride your bike. Don't be so fast, or you will hit someone!" The teenager heard the woman's words and said nothing, but he raised a big bag of rice on the ground, Put it on the backpack rack behind your bike, and then say to the woman, "Auntie, let me help you send the rice home!" Hey! You little guy, my aunt pinched the boy's nose while laughing, and they gradually disappeared into the bustling crowd. The road is still full of people, and no one has noticed what happened here.

Maybe it was too ordinary, but it taught me that in this big family, we should learn to forgive each other, help each other, live in harmony, and work together to create a harmonious and beautiful home.

Composition on Building a Harmonious Home [Part 2]

Today, my mother and I went for a walk in Jiangbin Park after dinner as usual. When we saw the trampled roads on the grass, my mother said to me, "Ning Ning, look. These roads will lead to the poor quality of our water separators, which can actually reflect the quality of a person in any way." I nodded, I thought; If everyone can pay attention to himself in all aspects, he can leave a good impression on foreigners that we Chinese have not only backbone, but also good quality.

My mother asked me: "Ningning, Ningning, what are you thinking about? Don't think about it. Look at the two beautiful landscapes in the riverside park on both sides, like the guardian gods guarding our water diversion." The park, tall buildings, the Fenshui River Bridge, water, moonlight, street lights, and the mountains in the distance formed a bright landscape. I think: our Fenshui is making rapid progress, and our Fenshui rabbit is finally waking up. While enjoying the beautiful scenery, I heard someone arguing. I looked at them, shook my head and sighed, and walked away.

A harmonious society will not come out of nowhere, nor will it wait. The great cause of creating a harmonious home will not be achieved overnight. It requires down-to-earth hard work, the joint participation of all the people of the motherland and the synergy of all forces. The sons and daughters of the Chinese land, take active action, let's work together, unite as one, and play a harmonious entrepreneurial song in the motherland! It will be perfect. It is the sound of nature.

Composition on Building a Harmonious Home [Part 3]

4.6 billion years ago, the Earth was born in the distant solar system, which is a vibrant planet. Except for blue, most of the body is green, which is really a cradle of life.

Day after day, year after year, human society has developed by leaps and bounds. A large number of factories have been opened on the earth. Industrial waste gas and waste water have not been well treated. The "protective umbrella" has been destroyed. The earth has been covered with a thick layer of "dust". Due to the destruction of the ecosystem, some animals and plants on the earth have become extinct or are in danger of becoming extinct. For example, the Carolina parrot was killed in 1914 because humans coveted its meat and feathers, or as a pest in the orchard. There is also a kind of plant called mangrove. Mangrove grows in the shoals at the junction of land and sea. It is a special ecosystem that transits from land to sea. There are about 27 kinds of creatures extinct on the earth every day. In order to protect wild animals and plants, many countries have established nature reserves and promulgated the Wildlife Protection Law. Hunting and logging are not allowed in nature reserves and the natural ecological environment cannot be damaged. We humans are the masters of the universe, and the "diseases" on the earth will be treated by each of us.

However, human beings never listen to advice. They are still in war. Once upon a time, human wars broke out, artillery shells, rockets, chemical weapons, underground nuclear tests, destruction of plants by artillery fire, and destruction of life by nuclear radiation. It can be seen that peace is an important prerequisite for human beings to build a harmonious home.

"Protect the environment, protect our beautiful home!" The earth is pleading; "Keep peace, let's build a harmonious home!" The earth is appealing. Do you hear me?

Composition of Building Homeland (17)

The city with singing birds and fragrant flowers, colorful flowers, tall skyscrapers... These quiet and beautiful things have disappeared in the early 1950s. Why?

One day in the 49th century, human beings made streets and rivers stink and garbage everywhere because of littering. At this time, a beautiful lady had just come out to shop after putting on her noble makeup at home, and the atmosphere at that time had "decorated" her like a country lady. She was very angry and immediately ran to the nearby health bureau to complain. However, another thing that made her angry happened -- Miss Beauty fell down. It turned out that she stepped on a banana peel that was thrown everywhere after a staff member of the Health Bureau ate bananas. At this time, she has become unkempt and bruised, so she had to go to the hospital

The next day, another person was walking on the street. Suddenly, a gust of wind rolled up the dust lying on the dirty floor. Suddenly, the dust billowed, and the man was in a coma because he inhaled a lot of smoke.

Composition of Building Homeland (18)

Now many citizens think that "building a civilized city and building a beautiful home" is a matter of the government, and that it is irrelevant. Some people also think that this is just a slogan. Among them, most of the citizens are mentally and ideologically supportive, but most of them have no practical action.

To create a civilized city, the first step is to change the quality of citizens. Today, the quality of some people really needs to be improved. It is not uncommon for uncivilized people to harm others, not to benefit themselves, and selfishness. Citizens living in residential areas often find that some people, in order to cut corners, trample on the green belt that workers work hard to maintain, and turn a blind eye to the billboards erected in the green belt. On the road, the vegetable dealers place and sell food in disorder. They occupy the road and litter. It has caused traffic jams, destroyed the roadside environment, and caused chaos. Therefore, it has wasted the human, material, and financial resources of urban management. The Central Computer News Channel recently reported two kinds of questions about the National Day holiday. During the National Day holiday transportation this year, the incidents of mouth wringing and fighting frequently occurred due to seat giving and seat dislocation. There was a train from Guangzhou to Hubei, and a young man carelessly sat on the seat for the elderly. An old man on the opposite side suddenly shouted to the young man to get up. The young man was disgusted. Instead of getting up, he contradicted the old man. The two men stood still for a long time and refused to give way to each other. As a result, the old man taught the young men a lesson without saying a word. Finally, both were taken away by the police. Another kind of news makes us feel what our citizens call "environmental protection". CCTV reported that the number of tourists visiting the Great Wall of China during the National Day holiday this year has reached a record high, but the number of garbage has even reached a record high. During the long holiday, there is a cleaner every 200 meters on the Great Wall, and each cleaner can clean more than 100 kilograms of garbage a day. The cleaning workers said that tourists threw garbage directly on the Great Wall, and the cleaning workers would go up to clean up the garbage immediately. They work ten hours every day, which is very hard. In fact, tourists can throw their garbage into the trash can as long as they walk a few more steps, but in order to facilitate the few seconds of time, cleaning workers need to work hard for more than ten hours every day. This year's National Day holiday not only happened on the Great Wall, but also far more uncivilized cases. It can be seen that most citizens have not implemented the principle of "building a civilized city and a beautiful home".

How far is civilization from us? How can we build a civilized city and a beautiful home? In fact, civilization is all around us. To create a civilized city and build a beautiful home is a simple task for every citizen. As long as we take it seriously and actively, start from every word and deed in life, and start from improving our own quality and cultivation, we can build a civilized city and a beautiful home. For us, we should participate in more public welfare activities, pay attention to words and deeds, treat people politely, be faithful and harmonious, pay attention to health, consciously protect the environment, and love public property. We should speak civilized language, do civilized things, be civilized people, and bid farewell to all uncivilized behaviors.

To emphasize civilization and use etiquette, we should also carry forward national culture and show national spirit. As long as we talk about civilization and politeness from the side to improve our quality, we can make the city more civilized; Only when the city becomes civilized will the motherland change and our homeland become better and better. So, from now on, we should start from the little things around us. We should be polite and honest, improve our quality, and make our 5020xx "civilized and ceremonial nation" carry forward!

Composition of Building Homeland (19)

To build a happy home, we should first start from ourselves and respect, love and help each other with our classmates. Students should live in harmony, share weal and woe. For students in difficulty, we should extend a helping hand to help them, and for those who are confused because of something, we should open our hearts to give warmth. In the big family of school, I have deep experience. Once, I didn't get the ideal result in the unit test. I was very sad and felt that I was very poor. The students came to comfort me when they knew what was on my mind. Those sincere words enlightened me and made me feel warm. It is a kind of happiness to study and live in this harmonious and happy home.

To build a happy home, there should also be a strong romantic atmosphere. Shitai is a happy town full of romance. There are many fitness facilities for people to play in Dongfanghong Square. Especially in the summer evening, men and women, old and young, all came here together, and the square suddenly became lively. Especially on a moonlit night, there is still a gust of cool wind in the air. It is very comfortable when people feel cool on their faces. This cozy romantic atmosphere attracts me. On free nights, I will also pester my mother to play in the square. I love running on the lawn in the middle. It is a kind of happiness to feel harmony in this romantic atmosphere.

To build a happy home, we should have some fun activities. There was a "wind" blowing on the stone platform, which I called "dance wind" in private. After dinner every day, people who love dancing, together with their children, gather in the cinema and the station yard to participate in collective dance activities. I was also involved in the "wind" by my mother. Gradually, I fell in love with dancing. I felt that the neat and powerful dance steps had a sense of rhythm, and that it was an activity and fitness. After dinner, not only the stomach needs digestion, but also people need recreation. Chatting while jumping is a very healthy activity. Dancing in this fun filled activity, the important thing is that no one has requirements for you, and everyone is a willing dancer, which is a kind of happiness.

Happiness, not far away, very near, is right beside us, and all of this is inseparable from the joint efforts of you, me and him. Our Shitai is a thriving home, a small city full of love and happiness. Let's start from now on and contribute to the happy home and the happy country. Then our home will become stronger and stronger day by day, and our life will be more happy.