Fact writing composition 500 (collection of 17 articles)
Unfavorable in middle age
2024-06-05 09:24:55

Fact writing composition 500 (1)

Today is the National Day and the 30th anniversary of the founding of China. I had a boring morning. In the afternoon, I went to my sister's house to play. I arrived at my sister's house in high spirits, but I was disappointed when I arrived at her house. My sister didn't think of what to play. We stirred our brains and finally came up with a game: robbing the bench.

We asked ten children to play. The rules of the game were as follows: Let the five children (including my sister and me) circle around the four benches with the music. As soon as the music stops, you should grab a bench and sit down. Whoever fails to win will be eliminated. In the second round, there were four people and three benches. In the last round, there were only two people and one bench left. Whoever grabbed the last bench would win. The big aunt is the referee. My aunt first invited Wang Yue, Lai Yun, Yu Jing, me and my sister to play. The rest of the children were cheering on the side.

They were standing opposite each other. Yu Jing didn't show any weakness. He raised his head and chest, without any fear; Looking at Lai Yun, he half opened his eyes, put his hands into his pants bag, and looked at Yu Jing, a skinny monkey. With the big aunt whistling, the game began. As soon as the music started, they turned around the bench. When they are turning vigorously, we are entranced. The music suddenly stopped. Lai Yun didn't seem to be able to respond. He just stood there and watched my sister and I grab the bench. But she didn't know what had happened. Her eyes brightened and she found an empty bench. Lai Yun immediately ran to sit down. Later, my sister was eliminated. The second and third rounds of Lai Yun and my two children were eliminated in turn. There were only two female students left in the last round. As soon as the music started, they slowly turned around the bench. Their eyes were staring at the only bench, and their hearts were also very nervous. Our cheerleading classmates shouted: "Come on, Wang Yue! Wang Yue will win! Come on, Wang Yue!" Yu Jing didn't hear the voice of the students cheering for herself, and seemed more nervous. It's no use being nervous. When the music stopped, Wang Yue grabbed more than half of the benches first, while Yu Jing only grabbed less than half. Wang Yue's victory made us jump and jump with joy.

Through this game, we are more agile. I'm so happy today!

Fact writing composition 500 (2)

On the castle of Kaka Kingdom, there are three cannons.

Over the years, the weather has been favorable, people have lived in harmony, and there has been no war. The three cannons have been silent.

One day, a teacher with a group of children came to the castle and said: "Children, this cannon was used for war, and war will only bring disaster to everyone. Now it is no longer fighting, and it would be nice to make the cannon dumb!!"

A child asked his teacher, "What happened when the cannon opened its mouth?"

The teacher replied, "When the cannon was speaking, it made a loud noise, which made me deaf. It's definitely not good music!"

When the children left the castle, they could not get rid of the cannon in their minds.

At the end of the year, the Kaka Kingdom summoned the minister of Bobo to tell him his intentions. Minister Bobo listened, nodded and went.

Two days later, King Kaka gave an order: turn your three cannons to the square of the castle and wait for the order!

Everyone was surprised. What happened to the king? Want to start a war? I won't fire at people!

When the New Year came, the king released his New Year's speech to the whole country through TV: "When the New Year bell strikes, three cannons will fire. Please don't panic, our carnival is about to begin!

The King's TV speech had just ended. With the New Year bell ringing, the cannon began to roar.

"Boom!" The first cannon threw 10000 sweets into the air.

"Boom!" The second cannon threw 10000 parachutes into the air. Pencils, erasers and other small gifts are hung on the parachute.

"Boom!" The third cannon threw 10000 flowers into the air.

Ah, what a good cannon! The square was ablaze with lights, and the children cheered heartily. Then there was another good news on TV: there were ten colorful flowers in ten thousand flowers. If you find them, please come to the TV station to participate in the lucky draw.

Soon, ten lucky children, with colorful flowers, met with children all over the country on the screen. The king himself handed out the prizes to them. Some lucky children have got game consoles, and some have got toy cars

Unforgettable carnival night, unforgettable cannon!

Fact writing composition 500 (3)

In class, I write, calculate, and practice over and over every day. It's boring. Only after class can I find fun and real happiness.

One Sunday morning, the warm and sunny weather also made me feel good. I put on my favorite roller skates and skated happily to Jianmin Square.

As soon as I arrived at the square, I found some children looking for something near the flower beds, so I stopped and walked over curiously. They were looking for ants. I also squatted down to look with them, but after looking for a long time, there was no sign of an ant. Where was the ant? Suddenly, my eyes flashed, "Is the ant in the soil?" I said to them. They suddenly understood, looked up and I said definitely: "It must be in the soil?" One child said: "The black soil is so dirty, how can you find it with your hands?" Another child said with great interest: "Buy a glove!" When I took out my pocket, I only had two yuan, so I couldn't buy gloves. These children all took out their pockets to change money. You are fifty cents, and he is one yuan... We have enough money and go to the small shop to buy gloves.

I put on my gloves and dug and searched in the soil. The children were also staring at me. The effort paid off. Finally, an ant egg, slightly larger than the silkworm egg, is oval and gray. I was surprised and said: "An ant egg!" Everyone looked at the ant egg in surprise. At this time, I found a black spider climbing up the tree. I hurried to catch it. Put the spider on the ground, and put the ant eggs in front of it, and the spider quickly climbed over as if it had seen a delicious food. I think you can't eat ant eggs for nothing. I picked up the spider web that the spider put on the bush and put the ant eggs on the web. Before it could eat them, the "master" on the web came up quickly and bit the ant eggs. The spider also climbed over. The most interesting thing was that he didn't eat the ant eggs and was kicked by the "master". Standing beside us, we laughed our heads off.

It is really interesting to lure spiders with ant eggs, which has been deeply embedded in my childhood memory.

Fact writing composition 500 (4)

In the next semester of the third grade, because of my mother's job transfer, I need to transfer from the original Jingyan County Yancheng Primary School to Leshan School, which is now Leshan Experimental Primary School. To go to experimental primary school, you must pass the exam. When I transferred to another school, I really regretted my performance at that time!

When I heard that I would be transferred to another school, I had an idea: I could not enter the new school if I missed the exam, so I could study in Yancheng Primary School all the time.

On the day of the exam, I did math first. I did a few questions at random, whether it was right or not. When I was doing Chinese, I wanted to play dumb again, so I asked the teacher some silly questions. Later, when I wrote about 50 words, I wanted to hand in my paper, but the teacher called me back. When I wrote more than 100 words, I thought, let's just hand it in. Anyway, I could not come here if I failed in the exam. Don't worry. Go to the toilet first and waste some time. You should be a bad boy in the eyes of teachers, and you can't pass the exam. After going to the toilet, I handed in my paper directly.

Later, I never thought that a teacher would intercede for me, and I finally turned around.

But I think, as long as I don't perform well, I can be kicked out when I am divided into different classes in the future. But since I was originally interested in mathematics, I could not help but perform well. I didn't have this idea until I went back to Jingyan once. Because I happened to meet my former head teacher, Mr. Zhou. She said to me, "Leshan's school is so good that many people in our class can't even go there if they want to. You should remember that you should never lose face to our class. Even if you don't want to miss me, you should also fight for your good friend Huang Siheng.". I also know that my former classmate Lei Xiaoyu doesn't want to go back after transferring. I think it must be really 'good' here, so I will behave better in the future.

I really regret that I didn't do well in the exam. I lost so many opportunities to do well.

Fact writing composition 500 (5)

Most of my childhood was spent in my hometown. For every child, a home with a yard is the most beautiful.

The garden, vegetable garden and small street in my hometown are my paradise. I can run and play freely in the yard, so I like this "geomancy treasure land" of my own.

My hometown is located in an alley in Quzi North Street. There is a wide street outside the gate. Generally, flowers and vegetables are planted. The other half is the main road! Sometimes, when the people who sell cakes or collect garbage come, they will sell them at every door.

I like to eat uncle's sugar cakes. I have bought them many times. Sometimes when my family is absent, I go to look around. The uncle smiled when he saw someone coming. After looking at it for a long time, I found that I had no money. I immediately pulled my face and said, "No money, stand aside!"

He is so funny that he seems to eat people. When he walked far away, I laughed.

There are two apricot trees in my hometown, which seldom bear fruit. I like to eat apricots and hope that they will bear fruit every year, but they always work against me.

I went to ask Grandpa why it didn't grow fruit? Grandfather teased me and said, "You are so greedy. How dare you tie the knot?"

I said "hey hey" twice, shook my head and left

There are still some visitors in my hometown. Although they don't know each other, they always come to my home.

Once, a stranger came to our house, without saying hello, and went straight to the house. I don't know which dialect to use, and said: "I take a bottle of water, take a sip on the river, cure all diseases, take two bites on the river, and live a long life!"

Everyone shook their heads and waved their hands. The man bowed politely and left. But I saw from the crack in the door that he was so angry that he threw the bottle away.

Childhood records the most beautiful and unforgettable life in my life. At that time, I was naive. I took the sun as the moon and the white clouds as cotton candy. Happiness blooms with flowers. When it withers, I grow another year.

Fact writing composition 500 (6)

One morning, the sun was shining brightly. Trees, grass and flowers are chatting on the grass.

Brother Dashu said proudly, "Well, brothers, I will be sent to the city in a few days, where I can enjoy the warm sunshine bath, find my new partner, and live a happy life. And you, hum! Don't want to go out all your life, always be a frog in the well!" At this time, Xiaocao's sister interrupted, "Tomorrow, I will be sent to a foreign plane to travel abroad with my companions, and you can't dream of going there. You can't compete with me." When Big Brother Dashu heard Xiaocao say so, they argued with each other. "Stop arguing. Your ideas are all right, but don't you think? No matter where you are sent, as long as you bring happiness to others, you are not very happy?" Hua said. Although Big Tree Brother and Little Grass Sister stopped arguing, they looked down upon it more and more, and thought its ideal was small and easy to achieve. And their ideals are really beyond the reach of ordinary people. But Hua Er doesn't think so. She just thinks: Go your own way and let others talk!

——In a twinkling of an eye, ten years later, trees and grass went to the places they wanted to go, and only flowers stayed where they were. But in his heart, he did not complain about God at all, because he believed that God was fair. Sure enough, in the afternoon, a big truck shoveled it into the truck with soil and roots and transported it to the beautiful big city - Beijing. When the flowers got there, they were beautifully decorated by the staff. A few days later, an old lady bought her and gave it to her sick granddaughter, Tian Tian. Tiantian is very excited about this potted flower. The flower is growing happily in the sun. Tiantian looks at this potted flower every day, and her illness has changed day by day. When Hua Er knew it, she felt very happy because she brought happiness to others and helped them.

From then on, the flowers lived happily, while the trees and grass still stayed where they wanted to stay. Boys and girls, if it were you, who would you be?

Fact writing composition 500 (7)

Carefree childhood has gradually passed away with time. Although I have been in the sixth grade, my thoughts often travel through time and space to recall the past.

When I was young, I was bold and naughty, but I liked to shoot. I still remember the incident of the third grade, which often comes to my mind.

It's winter vacation. My mother and I will go to grandma's house two days before the New Year as usual. On that day, my mother, my cousin's family, my cousin * Zhen and his mother drove to Grandma's house. After a long two hours, we finally came to Grandma's house with thirst and fatigue. The best show will come.

My cousin and I opened a box of milk we had brought first, and then poured packets of milk into the wine pot to drink. When we drank four packs in total, we were less thirsty, so I took my cousin Xu Yanbin to "explore".

In order to "explore", I bought two boxes of "Little Dragon King" brand guns and led my cousin to explore everywhere. I found a good place to explore. These two dilapidated earthen houses are in disrepair. They have no doors but only windows. The two houses were originally connected together. At the place where they could be connected, there was a wall that collapsed in half and was supported by five or six sticks. My cousin and I jumped in. A centimeter thick straw was spread on the ground, and a black desk with paint falling off was placed against the wall. My cousin and I buried the cannon in straw as a "mine". The straw was blown up all over the sky and fell down.

At this time, my cousin heard the sound of my guns, and went to buy two boxes of guns, ready to bombard us. He threw in from the window, threw several guns in front of the door, and kept throwing guns at the door, which scared us not to leave. Suddenly, I saw a gun explode in front of me. I put on my hat and hid in the corner. My cousin ran to the corner without a hat, and a gun fell into his hat. He pushed in front of me. I lowered my head and protected it with a hat. "Boom", my cousin's hat broke a hole, and his hair burned to a small piece. He burst into tears. His cousin heard him and stopped his attack.

Through this incident, I know the importance of safety.

Fact writing composition 500 (8)

On the eve of the Lantern Festival, my grandparents and I came to the teachers' home with great enthusiasm. Grandma said that we should make our own dumplings. I immediately danced with excitement.

Arrived at the faculty home, we came to the activity room on the second floor, where two large tables had been set, on which several large bags of flour and several thermos bottles were placed. The work will start soon. First, we need to mix noodles. I opened the lid of the thermos and poured some water into the basin, but there was too much water, and the flour almost became flour soup. I sighed, and my heart beat a retreat. I think: Forget it! Although I think so! Although I think so, I still insist on it. I followed my grandmother's example and managed to make the flour into a ball. I began to knead the dough repeatedly, but my hands were covered with flour paste after a few kneads. I really wanted to give up, but I was a little unconvinced when I saw that others did a decent job. I decided to continue! I sprinkled a little flour on the dough, like massaging it, kneading it. After a while, I could make dumplings. I was very excited, as if I wanted to do something great. Because usually I only eat dumplings, not make them.

I grabbed a small dough from the big one and rubbed it in the palm of my hand. The small dough rolled back and forth between my palms, becoming more and more round. Then, I pressed it into a round piece, scooped a tablespoon of bean paste filling on it with a spoon, and then it was time to close the edges of the piece together. However, the mouth could not be closed. I was puzzled. I put the face on my palm in front of my eyes and looked carefully for a while. Finally, I found out the reason - others squeezed it hard. So I squeezed it with all my strength, and the bean paste in the noodles rolled out like a volcano! I smiled helplessly and shook my head. Look at other people's bowls already have several dumplings, but I got nothing. At this time, the headmaster came up to him and asked, "Ouch, little brother, you haven't done anything yet?" This sentence aroused my competitiveness, and I went back to work

"The pot is boiling, the pot is boiling!" I ran away at the sound. It smells good! We all gathered around the pot to find out which dumpling was made by ourselves. "Look, I made this one, the biggest!" "It seems that I made this one." "Is that..." The dumplings in this pot not only contain bean paste and meat stuffing, but also contain endless joy!

Fact writing composition 500 (9)

If you are a drop of water, do you moisten an inch of land? If you are a ray of sunshine, do you light up a bit of darkness? If you are a grain, have you nurtured useful life? If you are the smallest screw, do you always stick to your position in life? If you want to tell us something, do you publicize the most beautiful ideal day and night? Since you are alive, do you pay your labor for the future human life to make the world more beautiful day by day? I want to ask you, what has it brought to the future? In the warehouse of life, we should not be just an endless payer.

One morning, my classmates and I walked from the canteen to the classroom. At this time, a boy jumped from the right side, which forced us to slow down. But the boy seemed to be looking for something on the ground, and we realized that it was impossible to stop and let him go before we left, so we made a detour. The style is so big that it seems that the bright sunshine is just a picture in front of us.

I looked back subconsciously. Although it was just a moment, it stayed in my mind for a long time. Because I saw that the boy was tirelessly chasing a plastic bag that was blown away by the wind again and again on the ground. After he finally picked it up, he put it into the nearby dustbin.

I was shocked immediately. I didn't notice that there was a dustbin beside me. I didn't notice that he was just picking up a plastic bag. I didn't notice the boy's resolute expression. From seeing him walk away happily until his back disappears slowly, I have been thinking about how simple, ordinary, happy and meaningful the dedication can be. It turns out that we also have such people around us. Boys' every move deserves our appreciation, attention and consideration

A most ordinary action, but reflects a personal accomplishment. Ordinary things are not far away from us, even near us. Maybe when we see the pedestrians rushing through the rain, we will only sigh with pity; Maybe when we see someone who is busy looking for an address and is exhausted, we will only stare silently; Maybe when we see the dustbin lying quietly when it is blown down by the wind, we will only think that someone can help it up. If we can bend down once, lean down, ask a question, and extend a hand, then we will all enjoy the happiness of dedication!

Fact writing composition 500 (10)

When it comes to civilization, everyone is no stranger. Sometimes, civilization is only 10 centimeters away from us; Sometimes, it may be only a few centimeters wide; Sometimes, it may just be the 'thickness' of a piece of paper. I believe that in fact, civilization is in our hearts, and we will inadvertently reveal it in our lives. Sometimes, more gestures are more considerate to others; Sometimes, waiting a little more patiently is a kind of care for others; Sometimes, more sharing is more warmth for others.

Once, my mother and I took a bus to visit our relatives. When the bus arrived at the bus stop, an old woman came up. There were many passengers on the bus and the trunk was crowded. The old woman had to stand beside the door. "Please buy a ticket when you get on the bus," said the conductor aunt.

At this time, the old lady grabbed the handrail with one hand and paid with the other. An aunt beside saw it and said, "Grandma, come and sit down. Let me help you buy tickets!" She stood up and pulled the grandma to sit down. When he took the money from the old woman and was about to buy a ticket, the bus suddenly turned sharply, and a one yuan coin fell from her hand on the bus. It was hard to find the one yuan coin when there were too many people. The aunt took out a one yuan coin from her pocket.

At this time, the old lady said, "You didn't mean it. I'll buy the ticket." "Grandma, this money was lost from my hands, and I should pay for it The passengers on the bus looked at them with admiration.

Just as the old lady, aunt and conductor were struggling to pay, the car had reached the new station. A smiling "red scarf" teenager squeezed to the door and said breathlessly, "Auntie conductor, I picked up this one yuan from the car, pay it!"

One yuan is a small thing, but I am glad to hear and see the touching scene on this bus.

I believe that civilization is in the heart of each of us, and it will naturally show up in our lives. I wish the flower of civilization can bear more fruitful fruits in our life.

Writing Facts 500 (11)

The winter vacation has passed, but I'm still thinking about an interesting thing in the winter vacation - setting off firecrackers. Setting off firecrackers is the custom of the New Year. For our children, it is the most interesting thing in the New Year. As it happens, we spent the New Year this year in Grandma's "firecracker".

On New Year's Eve, we went to Grandma's house and sat down in the living room. My uncle was also there. After receiving several letters of profit, my uncle's children were clamoring to set off firecrackers. We just bought some guns. My mother said to me, "You go up and play with them and watch them." I said excitedly, "OK!" Actually, I was even happier than them.

We left quickly and went to the roof. We couldn't wait to tear open the plastic bag of firecrackers, but I saw many kinds of firecrackers: skyrockets, bombers, ground mice, parachutes. The most common matches and sand cannons are also available, and there are many fireworks.

I asked them to light some incense first, so that they would not burn their hands when using the lighter. When everything is ready, we can start releasing. "What should I put first?" I was pondering. Suddenly, my sister said to me, "Let's put 'parachute' first. I haven't seen it yet!" Other children also agreed. "Good!" I pretended to be a "child king".

Then I put the "parachute" on the ground, lit the fuse, and went to one side. The "parachute" flew into the sky with a "whoop", which was the "pop" of the explosion. The most interesting thing came: a toy man took the parachute and fell from the sky. It was like a fighter plane exploded. Everyone clapped their hands when they saw this situation. 500 words of interesting composition in winter vacation

Follow the "Field Mouse"! I handed the incense to my sister and asked her to release it. She put the gun on the open ground, lit it carefully, and walked far away. The "Field Mouse" immediately began to disperse, scurrying around, flashing lights of different colors, but soon went out. I can't help feeling that although its "life" is very short, it has also made contributions to people and brought happiness to people!

While I was thinking, my mother came up and said happily, "Let's set off fireworks together!" "OK!" It was obvious that they were impatient. In this way, in the dark, they took their own fireworks and walked and danced happily. I can't help laughing!

Because I seem to see the hope of the motherland shining in the dark night. This year, we set off firecrackers to celebrate the New Year's Eve, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Next year, I will come again.

Writing Facts 500 (12)

"Jingle, jingle..." Everyone took their seats, made preparations before class, and began to read the text aloud.

"This is the fifth lesson. Why hasn't the teacher come yet?", "Is the teacher off duty (it was afternoon at that time)?", "This is a self-study class?"...... There are many discussions in the classroom about the teacher's absence. Some people are bold enough to run to the office without authorization, while others are chatting with their deskmates; Some are reading secretly. "The teacher is not here!" Xiaoz hurried back to the classroom and shouted. "Haye!" The classroom burst into flames, walking, running, chatting... Everyone was in charge of each other, making a loud noise, and some people even stopped their ears - the next class was envious!

Not long after that, the law guard walked to the platform step by step, and everyone stopped playing as if they were choking, and went back to their seats quietly, waiting to die.

"Points will be deducted. Stop making noise!" the guard shouted and returned to his seat. I can't believe it. How did the noise become silent? It has changed too much.

"Wow, look at the opposite mountain!" "It's on fire and smoking." "God, Baiyun Mountain (I don't know if it's really called this name) is on fire!" "Really!" There are too many things in this class. Why is the opposite mountain on fire? It was the first time that we saw a mountain fire when we were in school for a few years. We stuck to the window or went to the corridor to look. Some "experts" didn't listen to things outside the window, but just sat in chairs and read.

Finally, the pleasant bell for class ended, and everyone poured out of the classroom, still playing with music, as if it was the same as "class". Later, some curious students ran to ask the teacher. The teacher suddenly changed classes in other classes, which led to the duplication of courses in the two classes. So they went to other classes.

This lesson impressed everyone deeply, and I'm afraid I will never forget it.

Writing Facts 500 (13)

Xiaoming, a bookworm in our class, likes reading and buying books very much. That day, he took a hundred yuan to buy books in the bookstore at the school gate after class. Xiaoming is very careful. He takes out the money from time to time to prevent losing it.

But something happened. At noon, Xiao Ming found that the money in his schoolbag was missing. He hurriedly searched the schoolbag, but failed to find it. He still didn't give up. He turned the schoolbag inside and out, but still couldn't find the piece of Grandpa Mao. Xiaoming was very anxious and had to report to the teacher.

When the teacher knew it, he quickly let us look for it in all directions. The whole class immediately rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, never letting go of any corner. The lost 'book was found, and the missing pen came out. But this picture of Grandpa Mao is missing.

The students began to become Sherlock Holmes after many discussions. After repeated deliberation, they listed the following two suspicious people: 1. Xiaoming's deskmate, the monitor. They have been sworn enemies since the first grade. One small quarrel every two days, and one big trouble every three days. The monitor is very likely to take the opportunity to retaliate against Xiaoming. 2. Xiao Ming's former friend, Xiao Zhang, was a good friend before, but Xiao Zhang was jealous of Xiao Ming's good study. He had a quarrel the other day. But they both righteously denied that the mystery was still unsolved.

Unable to help, the teacher had to report the matter on the parents' WeChat group and seek their help.

The next day, Xiaoming came to school skipping, singing a song. We were very surprised and asked, "Why are you so happy when you found your money?" He winked his eyes mischievously and said, "The parents of our class student B found that there was an extra toy in his schoolbag last night, and the parents did not give him money to buy toys yesterday. After inquiry, B finally told the truth. Then the truth came out!"

Looking at Xiaob's ashamed expression, we stopped asking. This matter is gradually forgotten by us.

Fact writing composition 500 (14)

Since I got full marks in a Chinese exam in Grade 3, my mother has regarded me as a genius and wanted me to be better than others in everything.

Every time after the exam, my mother always asks me, "How many points did I get? What's the number in the class?" When I tell my mother that the score is below 90, my mother will be furious, and after scolding me, she asks me to get 95 points or more next time. The second time, I returned home with a 97.5 point exam paper in high spirits. I thought I would be praised by my mother. Unexpectedly, my mother frowned when she got the exam paper. Alas, I think my mother will never be satisfied. I'm not a genius. If I get full marks in the exam, I won't have to go to school.

My mother often compares me with others. I sometimes procrastinate when I do my homework. My mother takes my classmates as an example, "How fast do you see others do their homework? How about you? Do it every day at more than 8 o'clock. What will you do when you go to high school again?" Only when I am better than others will my mother show a satisfied smile. Mom, you always compare me with other children. Is it really good? I don't do everything fast and well. Don't just blame me! I hope to get more encouragement.

Every night when practicing the piano, my mother would always say, "Are your fingers too high? Are you proficient? Have you added the feelings the teacher said?" As long as I can't do a little well, she will keep talking. Several times, I was asked to play a difficult tune. After a week of practice, my mother would say to me, "Is the progress too slow? How much time has it been? I haven't practiced well, so I need to increase the practice time!" The teacher's homework is difficult, not every tune can be completed in a week! Many pianists practice a piece of music for a long time!

Mom, I'm not a genius. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. I can't do everything better than others. Please give me more patience and let me work hard slowly.

Fact writing composition 500 (15)

In the science class, Mr. Zheng explained that the growth of mold had something to do with water and temperature, and also assigned us to go home to do a comparative experiment.

In the evening, when I came home from school, I put down my schoolbag and took out two pieces of fresh knife to cut bread. My mother seemed very interested too. She came to see me do the experiment and looked at it. 1 My mother suddenly said, "Hongyi, what you are doing is a comparative experiment. Maybe you need to add more water to make the mold grow faster." I heard that my mother was very reasonable, so I picked up a cup, poured half of the cup of water on the bread, and then put the bread in the fresh-keeping bag respectively.

On the first day, there was no change in bread. On the second day, I still did not see any obvious change. On the third day, the bread without water turned moldy and gray, but the bread with water turned moldy and looked fresh. I saw it and thought: How can this experiment be completely opposite to what Teacher Zheng said? I came to Mr. Zheng's office with questions. After listening to my confusion, Mr. Zheng touched my piece of bread without mildew, and water immediately ran out of the bread. Mr. Zheng patiently said: "You use fresh bread that is not dried. The moisture of the bread itself is just suitable for the growth of mold, while the water added to the other piece of bread is too much, which inhibits the growth of mold." I lowered my head and thought: I failed this experiment! Teacher Zheng saw my thoughts and said with a smile: "Your experiment did not fail. Through your experiment, we know that too much water is not suitable for mold growth."

Oh, I suddenly understood that my experiment was a very successful experiment, which made me understand my unexpected knowledge. At this time, I thought of my grandmother again. She didn't have a refrigerator. Every time she made tofu, she always soaked it in water. It turned out that she was inhibiting the growth of mold!

Fact writing composition 500 (16)

In my childhood, I saw many funny things. Some things make me sad, some things make me sad, some things make me laugh and cry, and some things make me ashamed. But all these things add up to my whole childhood, but what impressed me most was the first time I took medicine.

Ah, it's really hard. I kept rolling on the bed. I felt something rubbing my head and turning me upside down, making me dizzy. It felt like a big earthquake was happening in the world. I was so upset that I cried out. At this time, my mother came back in a hurry. Seeing my appearance, she felt out a bag of black things from behind. My head didn't feel dizzy at once, because it was my least favorite Chinese medicine. I lay down on the bed again. Without saying a word, my mother opened the bag and poured out many granular things. I asked about the smell from a long distance, and I felt very uncomfortable 'smelling, I really don't like the smell. My mother poured it for me and let me drink it in hot water. I squeezed my nose and took a hard drink. In a moment, I felt that there was a lot of things rushing towards me from the root of my tongue. I immediately rushed into the urinal and vomited out with a loud sound. At this time, I felt much more comfortable. Ah, it was so comfortable. Just as I was preparing to feel successful, suddenly, many things rushed out of my face, and I vomited out at the bottom of my words. At this time, I felt that I was cured successfully. I looked at my mother and smiled. Although the medicine is bitter, it is good to have a bitter taste. It is a good thing to bear to drink it. I'm not afraid to take medicine any more. I quickly took the rest. I didn't feel any abnormal reaction this time. My mother told me that I had cured the disease. I'm very happy. I was very happy.

Good medicine is bitter, but it's very useful. We can't refuse it!

Fact writing composition 500 (17)

In my childhood, I saw many funny things. Some things make me sad, some things make me sad, some things make me laugh and cry, and some things make me ashamed. But all these things add up to my whole childhood, but what impressed me most was the first time I took medicine.

Ah, it's really hard. I kept rolling on the bed. I felt something rubbing my head and turning me upside down, making me dizzy. It felt like a big earthquake was happening in the world. I was so upset that I cried out. At this time, my mother came back in a hurry. Seeing my appearance, she felt out a bag of black things from behind. My head didn't feel dizzy at once, because it was my least favorite Chinese medicine. I lay down on the bed again. Without saying a word, my mother opened the bag and poured out many granular things. I asked about the smell from a long distance. I felt very uncomfortable smelling it. I really didn't like it. My mother poured it for me and let me drink it in hot water. I squeezed my nose and took a hard drink. In a moment, I felt that there was a lot of things rushing towards me from the root of my tongue. I immediately rushed into the urinal and vomited out with a loud sound. At this time, I felt much more comfortable. Ah, it was so comfortable. Just as I was preparing to feel successful, suddenly, many things rushed out of my face, and I vomited out at the bottom of my words. At this time, I felt that I was cured successfully. I looked at my mother and smiled slightly. Although the medicine is bitter, it is good to have a bitter taste. It is very good to drink it. I'm not afraid to take medicine any more. I quickly took the rest. I didn't feel any abnormal reaction this time. My mother told me that I had cured the disease. I'm very happy. I was very happy.

Good medicine is bitter, but it's very useful. We can't refuse it!