Composition on School Scenery (14 in total)
2024-06-13 06:28:54
describe the scenery

Writing about the School Scenery (1)

Our XX campus is beautiful, among which the most eye-catching is the flower beds on campus.

What a beautiful flower bed! In spring, flowers are blooming and competing for beauty. Pear flowers are as white as snow, peach flowers show pink smiling faces, and elegant and petite winter jasmine flowers dance yellow skirts like graceful girls

In summer, the sun bloomed, as if talking to the sun grandfather! Morning glory bloomed, like blowing a trumpet to welcome the arrival of summer.

In autumn, chrysanthemums bloomed in the flower beds. They were red like fire, yellow like gold, and pink like rosy clouds. In this beautiful season, how can there be no osmanthus? You see, those small yellow flowers give off a faint fragrance. The fragrance is ten miles away, refreshing.

In winter, all flowers wither. Only the plum blossom braves the cold and opens proudly. Whenever I see plum blossoms, Wang Anshi's "Singing Plum" will appear in my mind: "When I count plum blossoms in the corner, Linghan will open alone. It is not snow that knows from afar, but only faint fragrance."

Standing in front of the flower bed, a breeze blew, and the flowers trembled. All kinds of blooming flowers in the flower bed seemed to turn into smiling faces of the students, giving out happy cheers. I think, isn't the school like a big flower bed? We are colorful flowers, and teachers are diligent gardeners, who feed us with their sweat. I must try to absorb nutrition, open the most beautiful flowers, and add the most beautiful colors to the big flower bed on campus.

Writing about the School Scenery (2)

If you ask me where the school is most popular, I will not hesitate to answer: "The big banyan tree and the playground." Today, I will talk about these two places!

Let's talk about the big banyan tree first! The reason why people like it is that it is very tall, as high as two or three floors; It is very thick, and three or four children can surround it by holding hands; It is very green, green so naturally, as if every leaf has a new life trembling. We like to be under its branches and leaves: tired, we come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery while chatting with it; When it is hot, we come here to enjoy the cool, and it will also open the dense branches and leaves to shelter us from the sun; When we are free, we come here to play games with industrious ants and lazy snails

Let's talk about the playground again! There are many sports, which are very interesting, especially basketball. Every day there are classmates playing basketball on the playground. They sometimes huddle together to grab the ball; Sometimes, I would rush to catch up with the basketball in the playground; Sometimes they crowded together to discuss the battle plan, who would attack, who would defend, what to use as a signal, what method to use, and what formation to use; From time to time, distract the main force of the other side, and then "volley" the ball to the main player in the weak part of the other side, so that he can easily dunk and score; Sometimes Mars collides with the earth, and the two people put their hands on the ball together and dunk together to score; From time to time, he used the strange method of surprise and no foul to intercept the ball at the moment of the other party's dunk

This is the most popular part of the school.

Writing about the School Scenery (3)

Although the magnificent sea is spectacular and the mirror like lake is quiet, I think the lotus pond in front of the school corridor is more charming.

Today, I stood alone in front of the hallway of the school, looking at the beautiful lotus pond, smelling the fragrance, forgetting the world and myself. Alone enjoying the refreshing picture.

When the warm sunshine shines on the lotus pond, the stars on the microwave sparkling water are shining like diamonds, which is very eye-catching. Naughty fish shuttle in the water, playing, tossing and bouncing, splashing a few waves from time to time, rippling a few circles, which also makes me feel a bit free and unrestrained.

Now it is the moment when the ice disappears and the snow melts. The lotus leaves in the lotus pond have climbed onto the water. Some are flat, while some lotus leaf roots can't wait to stretch out of the water. In front of me, I can't help thinking of the scene that lotus leaves in the lotus pond were so dense that they covered the sky last summer.

At that time, lotus leaves were everywhere on the winding lotus pond. The lotus leaves are like green umbrellas, rolling with crystal beads. Some of them are floating on the water like thin pieces of jadeite; Some bent over and stared at the fish in the water; Others hold their heads high, like mighty soldiers.

Among the green lotus leaves are many lotus flowers. Although they are not as colorful as peonies, their graceful posture makes people stop and stare. The petals of the lotus are like coated with a layer of gold powder, wrapped in a thin layer of pink gauze. Where the breeze passes, the intoxicating fragrance is brewing in the air, which makes me intoxicated. This fragrance seems to be like the sentence of Zhu Ziqing's Moonlight over the Lotus Pond, which is used to describe the fragrance of lotus flowers, "like the faint singing voice on a distant high-rise". At this time, I remembered the poem in Yang Wanli's poem "Send Lin Zifang to Jingci Temple at Dawn": "The lotus leaves are endless green to meet the sky, and the lotus flowers look red in the sun", which is a beautiful and vivid portrayal of the lotus pond.

Writing about the School Scenery (4)

Our school has many sceneries, such as trees, grass, flowers, birds, etc

The trees in our school are very tall and big. In summer, when we have PE classes, we are still enjoying the cool under the trees! What a shade of green trees! Sometimes, we still play games under the tree! The trees in our school can also shade from the sun and rain! What a big green umbrella!

There are many flowers in the school, including red, yellow, blue and purple... They are really colorful and blooming. If the wind caresses them, the fragrance of the flowers will be scattered everywhere. It's so fragrant! Sometimes, we will sit beside the flower bed, looking at the beautiful flowers, smelling the sweet fragrance, and talking! But sometimes, some naughty children enter the flower bed to pick the beautiful flowers, but some young pioneers will come up to prevent them from picking flowers. We should learn from young pioneers!

There are a lot of grass in my school, including withered grass, green grass and fake grass on the playground. There are many fake grass in our school, and the whole playground has their shadow! There are few withered grass and many green grass. But in winter, all the grass turned yellow and died. But when spring came, they stuck their green heads out of the soil. It is really "endless wildfires, spring breeze and health".

This is our campus, a beautiful and fragrant place. This place is really good. I love my school!

Writing about the School Scenery (5)

Our campus is located in a secluded "Yishan" valley surrounded by mountains and rivers. Into the campus, we can see a teaching building, like a giant, safely sitting on the green "sofa", very quiet.

Our campus is not very big, but flowers and trees are everywhere. Against the backdrop of mountains, there are charming scenery all the year round: in spring, peaches are red and willows are green; In summer, flowers and plants flourish; Autumn, chrysanthemum fragrance; In winter, the pine is green and the snow is white. But what I like most is the spring scenery on campus.

Spring girl walked into the campus quietly, gently and silently, and the campus was full of vitality. The grass that "can't burn all the wildfires, but it grows again when the spring breeze blows" also broke through the ground and paved a green carpet on the campus. Look carefully, they are tender and hairy, very gratifying! The bare trees also sprouted new shoots. The buds are like green pearls, bright and bright. The willow droops its soft, silky branches and gently shakes in the spring breeze, as if waving to people. Several spring swallows flew freely over the campus, and a group of small birds chirped in the trees, as if to say: "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!" In the flower beds, various flowers are blooming, red, white and yellow, forming a colorful picture, emitting bursts of fragrance. Under the shade of trees, earthworms loosen the soil day and night, and ants crawl around looking for new nests. Flowers, grass, trees, birds and insects bathed in the warmth of the sun and enjoyed the beautiful spring.

The campus full of spring has created a beautiful learning environment for us. The hardworking gardeners - teachers are carefully preparing lessons and feeding us these flowers with hard work and sweat. The students are grasping this precious time to study hard. Some students listened intently to the teacher; Some are concentrating on writing; Some students stood in front of the window, staring at the sky, imagining the beautiful sunrise; Some are reading aloud, and the campus is full of sound of reading. During the break, the students enjoyed the vibrant spring scenery in the garden, and carried out various activities in the beautiful spring scenery. Some were doing high jump, some were doing long jump, some were playing football, and some were playing table tennis... The smell of spring was so fresh that the students were intoxicated with the spring scenery.

Ah! Spring brings vitality to the campus, happiness to us, and beautiful learning environment to us. We should grasp the good spring scenery, study hard, and become a pillar of the staff

Writing about the School Scenery (6)

Our campus is not only beautiful and lovely, but also full of vitality and vitality. There are lovely scenery everywhere. Like the campus gate. The fountain. But what I like most is the wide playground.

The playground on campus is a rectangle. There is a basketball court. Football Field. Volleyball court, etc. There are horizontal bars and parallel bars beside the basketball court. The playground is red and green. The green part is the lawn, and the red part is a 200 meter circle of track, on which children like to exercise.

The playground is surrounded by tall and straight poplar trees, guarding our playground like guards. The grass under the poplar also poked out its head, rubbed its eyes and looked at the strange world, as if to say: "I have slept for a winter and finally woke up!" The flowers on the flower bed were full of colorful flowers. The fragrance of these flowers attracted bees and butterflies, who danced in the flowers like a fairy dancing in a beautiful dance. The willow tree has green braids. A gust of wind blows, and the willow tree's braids drift with the wind, as if waving to us.

After class, the playground was immediately filled with laughter, and the students turned the horizontal bar and played table tennis on the playground. Some are lazing in the sun on the playground. Others were chatting and watching while walking on the runway. He also giggled happily. More naughty students chase and fight with each other on it... It's really lively.

Look, this is our campus, a happy campus, a beautiful campus. We study here. life. Happy growth.

Writing about the School Scenery (7)

Spring girl came to us quietly. Ice and snow melted and everything revived. The green grass, green leaves and various colorful flowers formed a vibrant spring scene for the campus.

On the campus lawn, you can see the green grass sticking out of the soil and looking at us happily, as if to say: "Dear students, we meet again!" Round mushrooms, watered by the spring rain, also show smiling faces.

On both sides of the main road of the campus, poplar trees stand there, motionless, like a sentry on guard. The round new leaves grow on the branches, which look like a green peach from afar. The beautiful and bright flowers are blooming together, which makes people feel very comfortable.

When class was over, the sweet bell rang, and the students "flew" out of the classroom like birds, and the campus was filled with joy. In front of the table tennis table, there were many people, cheering and cheering, which made the campus full of vitality and joy.

The beautiful spring and the beautiful campus are really a beautiful picture.

Writing about the School Scenery (8)

My campus is a beautiful campus, namely Guandu Road Primary School. It is in the middle of Guandu Road.

As soon as I entered the gate, I smelled the fragrance. Guess what it was? This is the fragrance of flowers. There are two flower beds on both sides of the gate. There are many beautiful flowers in the flower beds, including yellow, blue, white, pink, brown, pink, light blue... Of course, as long as there are flowers, there will be butterflies, and butterflies will fly happily on the flowers.

Our school's small garden is also very beautiful. There are various trees planted in the small garden, including palm, magnolia, osmanthus, bamboo. In winter, other trees withered. Only bamboo looks greener. The leaves of palm are like big fans. The magnolia tree is very tall, higher than the building. There are seats under the magnolia tree, When class is over, students often sit on it and read. The most prominent thing in the small garden is the pond. The water in the pond is very clear, and there are all kinds of small fish. It's very beautiful!

Our playground is more beautiful and tidy. Beside the red runway, there is a green lawn. In the middle of the green lawn, there is our five-star red flag. Every time we see the five-star red flag, it seems that we hear the beautiful national anthem. Our playground is very clean, even without a leaf.

This is our school, a beautiful and tidy school. Do you like my school?

Writing about the School Scenery (9)

I walked into the campus, stood on the playground, and wanted to look around. Ah! The original school is so beautiful. When I think about the past and now, I can't help shouting: "Beautiful, campus!"

I still remember the different seasons of spring.

In spring, the light rain "rustles" underground, strolling around the campus, the smell of wet soil could not stop coming. The small flowers in the flower bed were covered with crystal dew, like many sparkling diamonds, tottering, the breeze was gentle, the flower fragrance was attractive, peach blossom, flowers, camellias competing for beauty, purple and red. The grass on the playground sticks out, making the campus playground more beautiful and green.

Ah! Over there, the Wisteria frame is full of purple flowers. Seen from afar, the purple flowers are dotted on the Wisteria, which makes people feel comfortable. On the pole, some bird is singing

In autumn, the osmanthus sisters all showed smiling faces. The osmanthus fragrance wafted to us, even we smelled it in the classroom. The withered and yellow leaves left their mother's arms and floated with the autumn wind, like all kinds of butterflies dancing. Ah! Autumn rain, so transparent, so shiny, transparent as ethereal crystal, clear jade; Shining like brilliant silver, dazzling diamonds.

In winter, when it snowed, the north wind roared, and the snow was flying all over the sky. It was soft and white, like goose feathers, white flowers, light smoke, willow catkins, which floated and scattered in the campus, putting a white coat on the campus and growing a world of powder and jade. Everyone was running on the beach with umbrellas. From the bottom to the top, the heavy snow is flying, which is not only like the heavenly maidens scattering flowers, but also like countless butterflies flying in the air, making the campus white, more beautiful and vivid.

Composition on School Scenery (10)

"We are the flowers of spring, bathed in the bright sunshine..." Who is singing such a beautiful song? It turned out that it was the students of the primary school of No. 4 Middle School, and I was a student of the primary school of No. 4 Middle School. Our school is very beautiful. Let me introduce it to you!

Our school gate is an antique building, with gray white walls on both sides, dark green tiles, and modern retractable doors. It is really a perfect combination of modern and ancient times! Go ahead and see two ginkgo trees. They are like guards guarding the campus. In autumn, the leaves become golden, like gold ingots hanging on the trees. When they fall, they look like butterflies dancing in the wind.

A big stone in the middle is marked with a bright red "Li De Shu Ren". To the side came the flower bed, which planted many roses and several small trees. Rose flowers will open every month, colorful, bright colors, some red like fire, some pink like glow, some yellow gold, some white like snow, some half white half red, and some half pink half white... The playground is surrounded by red wind and rain tracks, and it is a standard 400 meter track! The lawn in the middle has green clover, butterflies and bees dancing happily in the lawn, and several kayaks, which are the exclusive equipment of the big brothers and sisters of the sports department.

During the physical education class, the playground became a sea of joy for the students. The students played shuttlecock, ball games, and ran here... I love my campus because it is a place for me to learn, teach us the truth of life, and give me a happy place. At the same time, I love the beautiful scenery here more! Author: Wang Ruoran (Grade 4) Instructor: Han Wenqian Guodong Education Little Orange School

Composition on School Scenery (11)

In my eyes, Liying Central Primary School is a beautiful garden; It is an ocean of knowledge; Or a happy family.

When entering the campus, the first thing I saw was a thick large stone book, which was engraved with dense words. Beside the big stone book is a beautiful small garden. The grass in the lawn is like every student on the campus, full of vitality. In the green setting, beautiful flowers are blooming one after another. There are golden jasmine, white Qionghua, purple magnolia, pink azalea... It's really a hundred flowers blooming, and they silently adorn the beautiful campus. Dressed in the morning sun and facing the fragrance of flowers, we came to the school. The fragrance of flowers seeped into our hearts, refreshing.

Next to the garden is a three story teaching building. After class, the sound of reading was heard, and the campus suddenly became quiet. Even the flowers in the wind stopped dancing, as if they were listening attentively and absorbing knowledge heartily.

To the east of the garden is our playground. "Jingle, jingle, jingle" class is over, and the playground is bustling all the time. The students rushed to the playground like swallows. Some played with eagles to catch chickens, some ran around to catch football, and some sat together in small groups, talking and laughing. Everyone had a good time.

This is my school, full of color everywhere, always full of laughter.

I love my campus!

Composition on School Scenery (12)

When you come to my school, you will see seven characters: XXX Experimental Primary School.

You walk into the school gate and see three teaching buildings like three tall sentries. The three teaching buildings are: Building A, Building B and Building C. Building B also contains a multi-functional building. There are book corners for students to read books when they have a rest after class, and reading rooms for second and third graders. There is also a multimedia classroom, which is the place for students to have open classes

The lower part of Building B is the storm corridor where classes sometimes take place. Sometimes you can play there after class. When you are tired of playing, you can sit down and rest. The school spirit and teaching instructions are written on the wall. There are also two lines written on both sides: "Six years make a lifetime" and "I am a Chinese child and I love to speak Mandarin", which are both reminders and requirements for us.

Walking to the playground is an authentic rubber track, surrounded by a football field, with a basketball court in front and a volleyball court on the left. Every time we finish physical education, we have 20 minutes to play. Some play football, some play basketball, and some play volleyball. We not only study here, but also exercise here.

There is also a pavilion. Previously, the pavilion was just a separate botanical garden, which cannot be walked through. But after modification, it has become an exquisite and beautiful pavilion, surrounded by colorful flowers, green grass, and tall banyan trees. Sometimes it's cool to do homework there in hot summer.

There is a flag raising platform between the playground and the pavilion. Every Monday, the flag is raised to speak and sing "The Magnificent Country", and the flag is looked at. When we raised the flag, we were all excited. When we watched the flying flag rise, our learning goals became clearer!

This is my school. I have only two years left to study here. I cherish every day here.

Composition on School Scenery (13)

When I graduated from primary school, I was ready to enter a strange school. I first entered junior high school because of the entrance exam. At that time, my mood was both excited and nervous. Later, the freshman training made me know more about this school and become more familiar with it. Now I am approaching the third day of junior high. I have been to almost every piece of land in this school.

This school is really large. There is an outdoor swimming pool, its own library, and several buildings are student classrooms, an auditorium and an administrative building. There are many places to exercise! Every time when I have an outdoor class, I have to walk a long way before I get to the classroom. In order not to enter the classroom late in class, I will put the things that will come when I have an outdoor class in advance on the seat. In this way, after class, I don't have to compete with my classmates, and go to the locker behind to pick up the things that will be used in the outdoor class.

However, as long as there is a teacher who finishes class late in the previous period of an outdoor class, we will try our best to ask the teacher to let us finish class earlier and prepare to go to other classrooms. As soon as the class is over, we will get our books ready, find our own shoes, take them to the classroom and put them on. We will arrive at the classroom as soon as possible, and try not to be late.

I went from unfamiliar to familiar with this school, and found many shortcuts to outdoor classes and class locations. I became more and more familiar with it. I also knew which way to go when it rained suddenly, if I didn't take an umbrella to go to outdoor classes, I would not get caught in the rain. So I became more and more familiar with this school, and also found many small secrets.

Composition on School Scenery (14)

Good morning, tourists. Welcome to Huizhou Huinan School. I'm your guide. You can call me Han Dao. Today I will introduce Huinan School to you.

Huinan School is located in Cold Water Pit, Huizhou, near Dongjiang University. It is a public school with beautiful environment and pleasant scenery. The students are united and friendly.

Once entering the school gate, we can see a five-star red flag in the center of the square, and some colorful flowers around. On both sides of the campus corridor are tall teaching buildings, and in the middle is the teacher building. Each floor has offices and meeting rooms.

On the right side of the teaching building is the playground. The runway is 400 meters long, with a basketball court in the middle and a football court next to it. Every day after school, students will come here to play and exercise happily.

Behind the teaching building is the botanical garden, in which there are many fruits and vegetables. Fruit includes watermelon, grape, peach, etc; Vegetables include cabbage, tomato, radish, etc. They are all food with nutritional value.

Raise your head, the sky is cloudless, lower your head, there are birds singing and flowers fragrance. Flowers bloom beside the fence of the Botanical Garden, adding a sense of joy to our mood. Vegetables and fruits in the Botanical Garden are also growing vigorously

Thank you for visiting our campus today. I am honored to be your tour guide. Thank you and have a good trip. Come to visit Huinan School next time, goodbye!