Flowers bloom again in composition (18 anthologies)
A man of peace
2024-06-15 02:48:05

Flowers bloom again in composition (1)

Through ups and downs, the flowers of success are quietly opening.

People always say that things are not going well, and I am particularly touched by this. As young people, we have a wide range of interests. For example, I am very fond of singing and humming from time to time.

During the election of the third day of the junior year and the New Year's Poetry Festival, I prepared to show my skills with my classmates every day, but everything was not satisfactory. The night before the competition, the teacher refused to let us perform. What a pity! I can only say that everything was not satisfactory.

Before graduating from the third day of the junior high school, a new principal came to the school. The school has a new rule: as long as the students who make the most progress in the class have scholarships! I really made great progress. Even the head teacher praised me, but it's a pity that I made progress, second! In this way, I passed the scholarship. But I really waved my arm and didn't take away a cloud. Finally, I didn't catch anything. My mood, alas! It can only be said that everything is unsatisfactory!

Executed, the drama group had a competition, because I loved singing, so I entered the drama group. I am very happy to hear that this competition has a certificate. So I tried my best to perform well. The teacher said that my voice was low, so I tried to sing loudly and said that I was stiff. I practiced every day and kept repeating! Ninja's mood of being renamed every day finally arrived at the day of the competition. Hehe, what's the result? The result is that there are more than 30 people in the competition, but I don't have a certificate! I still find a reason to say that the certificate is not enough. It's not my turn. There are all students in Class 14. Let me tell you what!

Why is there so much unhappiness in the world?

I don't agree, I don't agree!

Why can everyone get good results while I can't? Maybe I'm too easy to be self satisfied. Why am I so easy to be self satisfied? I always think I did my best. The stupid bird flies first. Yes, I am the stupid bird, but I am always the latest and slowest one.

Gradually I learned a truth that it is not difficult to do well, as long as we learn to persist, and learn to persevere. Get up even if you fall down.

In this way, I gradually changed. I was chosen in the singing contest and praised by the teacher because of my persistence and hard work. It is also because of the previous disappointments. I will not give up easily, and I will persist.

The journey is long, the desperate Range Rover, and the flowers of success are bright and open!

Flowers bloom again in composition (2)

The moment I opened the curtains, I saw the warm sun that never appeared in winter. In the vague memory, the snow water began to melt, the vegetation stuck out of the snow cover, and the animal friends in the forest opened their sleeping eyes. In the dim time, another spring appeared

When I was a child, I often wrote like this in my composition. Today, I still unconsciously reveal these words. What has been fully proved? The perception of childhood is as reliable as it is memorable. When I opened this yellow chapter again, I still felt an inexplicable impulse and joy. I think this is the magic of spring.

After hearing a song, I unconsciously clicked to open the "word" document, let me watch the notes flowing on the keys and forget to leave, then I went to the piano and played an unknown song. This is spring, and this is the time when everything comes into being; This is spring, and this is the footprints of people who go hiking; This is spring, and everything here is thriving, unwilling to lag behind; This is spring, and this is the most energetic season after a long winter's sleep. This is the flower fragrance season that fascinates me.

I don't like the high temperature of more than 30 degrees in a small city in summer. Although this is a city with four distinct seasons, I still can't adapt to the "pleasure" of being trapped in a steamer; Although I am sentimental, I don't really love the autumn which is defined as "bleak and negative" in my heart. I don't like to see the fallen leaves in rows. When there is no freshness, people's mood will be suppressed; The cold in Northern China has been frozen for a long time, but the low temperature will still make the cold with high incidence prevail

I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the spring. Now it seems that the other three seasons and spring are really unbeatable; Maybe, when the next season comes, I will like that beauty as much as I love it... I wanted to be an introduction, and after making an inscription, I began to disappear for many days, but now it seems that more than half of the words are flowing on the second white paper of the text, so I can just write it down. There is no need for the freedom of wordiness, no need to stipulate the happiness of four lines and a bar. Look at the spring with casual eyes, and look all over the earth with casual eyes.

"Children come back early from school. They are busy releasing paper kites while the east wind blows." A poem that is sure to be heard in spring is also what children expect most in spring. My memory has searched again and again, but I can't always find the piece I want to fly a kite. In my childhood, although it was interesting, I was lazy to run, jump, chase and sweat. But it will be a pity to think about it now. After all, there was so much leisure time in my childhood that I took 20 minutes out every day to run and jump, which is enough for today's memories.

But after all, the golden age does not come again, so this spring agenda will be put off. But it is not hard to imagine that there is still a blueprint in my heart - although I am busy with my studies, I am sure that I can squeeze out a good time to have nothing to do. Take a kite and a happy mood to fly paper kites. Like the children in Dongfeng, like those after school, they run, play and smile, adding to the memories that should have been left long ago, and also counting the wish of "childhood dream".

In spring, we still have so much to do.

Fly kites, go out for a walk, play the piano, sing songs, go on an outing, go for a walk, have a field party, go to the park to see whether the camphor pine forest is still green after a winter, and see whether the little squirrels in the depths of the pine forest are beginning to store food for the winter again

Without much time to think, I will stop writing and visit the footprints of spring one by one.

Flowers bloom again in composition (3)

Heroes plan to dominate the world;

The beauty asks for a white headed chant, a lifelong love.

See also that flowers bloom in the Three Kingdoms, and many beauties are mistaken by heroes.

In such an era of chaos, killing, blood and conspiracy are coming, and the land of China is full of smoke and horseshoes. But there are some women who hide in the deep courtyard, or look at the jewels in the carrier's arms against the door frame, so I can smell a trace of fresh flowers.

Big and small Qiao is a parallel orchid in this troubled world. Noble and generous, born in a family of great families, every smile and every twinkle shows the grace and grace of people. Big Qiao marries Bofu, and little Qiao marries Gongjin. They were supposed to be high spirited and laughing at life. However, Bofu died early and Gongjin was injured and killed. Tears dried up and the man could not smile at the corners of his eyes. The sound of running clouds and flowing water is still there, and Zhou Lang has never been mistaken since then.

The flowers that came out of the soil trampled by the horse's hooves would break off so early, leaving a lingering sound between heaven and earth.

A few years later, another branch of wintersweet stood proudly in the world - Cai Wenji. "Eighteen Hujia pats" can not tell her bitter history of blood and tears. The vast desert sands buried a woman's good youth. His father was implicated and hurt, so he was forced to marry to the desert and had children with King Zuoxian. Later Cao Cao tried his best to return to Zhongtu and spend the rest of his life. You don't belong to the desert where you have lived for more than ten years, nor to your familiar hometown. You only belong to the ideals and beliefs in your heart. The wintersweet stands proudly on the branch, only for her fragrance, but no one understands you, pity you, spoil you, love you. How about being pure and pure? Always turn into dust.

The branches withered and the eighteen strokes of Hu Jia came from the sky

The flowers of troubled times are in full bloom and soon wither. See the flowers bloom and cry again. Whether it's Zhen Luo like a lotus, or XX Diao Chan, or Lily, who is waiting for the emperor to be lucky, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu... Although they are not as powerful as the changes of the country, not as thrilling as the bloodthirsty imperial court, and not as beautiful as the blood setting sun, the little rouge is not as beautiful as the blood setting sun.

Farewell to flowers, who is keeping the wish of a couple for life? See the flowers bloom again, and the drama of beauty is still on; See the flowers blooming again. Their beautiful appearance, stubborn bones and arrogant heart let me breathe a trace of pure air in the heavy Three Kingdoms.

Flowers bloom again in composition (4)

The seasons are the same, the flowers are the same, and the sound and appearance are hard to find without Si people—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"Is it fast?" "Is it fast!" Time never stops for anyone. Although you are so reluctant, you still left. The calendar in hand has been crumpled unconsciously. I looked up and caught a glimpse of the blooming magnolia outside the window. The light purple, with a light sadness, was just like my mood.

Any confused thoughts will bring me back to that season, that time, and that you

The first time I met you, you were in a gorgeous dress, and your mouth always stuck to a curly arc, a childlike character. At that time, I smiled at you: a boy, dressed like that, how silly! God is so fond of playing tricks on people. When I just entered the new classroom, I caught a glimpse of the proud radian in my eyes. "Oh! No, it's really unlucky!" my heart screamed, sat down in the seat not far from you, and shook his head helplessly.

In the days after that, we spent in learning and fighting. As the saying goes, "no fight, no acquaintance", maybe we are born enemies. We always make a noise, making the class "restless", and then smile at each other, sneak away, and leave the rest of the battlefield to the monitor. So we became good friends in the fight. In school, we play together; In the classroom, we read and study together; On the playground, we played together. We are left everywhere in the school. In that day when magnolias were in full bloom, our friendship became deeper and deeper.

That day, under the magnolia tree, we sat quietly, and no one spoke. Only the magnolia tree bloomed quietly, emitting attractive fragrance. "Oh, how beautiful the flowers are!" You suddenly opened your mouth, but your voice was strange. "Yes, but even the most beautiful flowers will wither." "Flowers will bloom and fall, and so will life. Gathering, gathering, scattering, coming, going, far, and fading are your lifelong confidants and wealth. There is no invincible flower in the world, and there is no feast that will never end..." I listened to you quietly and felt a little disappointed. You told me you were moving away. He forced out a smile and said "treasure" reluctantly, but he was speechless and just stared at the purple magnolia tree.

It is another year when flowers bloom. Outside the window, lavender magnolias quietly open. The season is the same, the flowers are still blooming, but you have gone, and the voice and appearance are hard to find, leaving me only deep thoughts

Flowers bloom again in composition (5)

Summer came slowly with light steps, and the pomegranate tree in Grandma's backyard was blooming again.

The small flowers on the tree were burning in the air like fire. Looking up, they were bright red, as if they were splashing a large amount of paint on the blank drawing board, with a touching smile.

Back to my hometown again, I set foot on the path in the field, came to my grandmother's house, walked into the backyard, and looked at the pomegranate tree, which was still lush and blooming. Grandma smiled and said, "After a while, the pomegranates will be ripe again." In the past, when the pomegranates were ripe, I would sit down and eat some to immerse myself in the delicious taste.

Looking at the pomegranate flowers in the trees, my thoughts returned to the day when I was a child and my grandmother sent pomegranates to the neighbors, and I felt very happy.

At that time, I always hoped that pomegranates would mature. When I finally came to pick pomegranates, I was full of joy. I couldn't wait to pick pomegranates while stripping a plug in my mouth to chew the sweet juice. When I picked a basket full of pomegranates, Grandma would take me to my neighbor's house to send pomegranates.

Knock on a door, pass a bag of fragrance, and harvest a happy smile. Grandma Li, the neighbor, always thanked her and invited us to sit in. Grandma always waved her hand and said with a smile, "Why should I thank you? It's sweet to share good things with everyone!" When she left Grandma Li's house, she had a happy song in her heart. Unexpectedly, the fruit of this small pomegranate flower could bring so much happiness.

My mind was pulled back by a burst of fragrance - it was the pomegranate flower in front of me!

While enjoying the red pomegranate flowers outside the window, a knock on the door rang. When I opened the door, I met Grandpa Zhang, my grandmother's neighbor for many years, who brought me a box of apples. He smiled, "My son-in-law planted them in his hometown, didn't sprinkle pesticides, but picked them when they were just ripe, and brought them to everyone to taste..." Grandpa Zhang's smile was so simple, like a rotten pomegranate flower, warming my world, and the sun filtered through the sweat on his nose, It reflects the crystal clear brilliance. This small box of apples has moved me so much.

Sharing among neighbors, offering sincere flowers from the heart, is an infinite happiness. This small pomegranate flower eliminates the barrier between neighbors, breaks the heart wall between people, and narrows the distance between you and me. Pomegranate flowers are still blooming year after year, and the simplicity and kindness of the hometown people have never changed. I sit at the window and look at the red trees, which are still beautiful.

Flowers bloom again in composition (6)

Another year, the flowers bloomed again, bright, lasting and fragrant.

You are brilliant and beautiful, but you are also arrogant and outspoken. Only you can fully display such contradictory beauty. Your bright and soul grabbing red always blooms with the inherent dignity. Under your cold appearance, you are as weak as water; Your delicate body is as tough as steel. Your every second will bring the color of life to the extreme.

You are brilliant and beautiful. The green of willow is not yet strong, and the pure fragrance of gardenia lets Buddha fly into people's dreams. You shake off the dust gracefully and stand there quietly with the buds to be released, just like the clouds on the horizon. Gradually accompanied by the rich air slowly opening, gently but seriously unscrew your beauty, layer by layer, revealing the fragrance. When you smile on the slender branches, the verdant red suddenly takes away all the colors in the world. The bright and valuable beauty can not be described by any painter.

You are arrogant. The night is as cool as water, the moon is held up by bright stars, and the moon is as bright as silver. You will end up in the night, but your beautiful head has never been lowered, as if nothing can move you in this world. You are still wearing a gorgeous red dress. When the breeze blows, a flower petal falls down. Against the breeze, by moonlight, it falls to the ground. After that, one after another. But you are still standing there with dignity, standing in an impeccable position. Your delicate body unexpectedly has such a powerful soul, which does not wither because of decline, nor wither because of the end.

In 12 months of a year, you have 10 months to bloom your life. You won't show your weakness in front of people. You wrap your soul under your clothes with sharp spikes, cover your inner softness with a cold, arrogant and enchanting appearance, and interpret the most brilliant and beautiful legend with your life. You walk in the world with ease, never leave with nostalgia. Blooming or withering, can not escape the ring of time.

Another year, the flowers bloomed again, and the moonlight was devout.

Flowers bloom again in composition (7)

Looking at the gardenia that will shed tears, I remembered Lan telling me that the flower language of gardenia is: pure friendship.

-- Title

I always love summer, because I can wear my favorite T - shirt in summer; There are my favorite blue sky and white clouds; There is my favorite gardenia; I have my best memories.

Every summer, Lan and I would hide in a place unknown to all but us, where there were many incomparably brilliant gardenias. We sat under the gardenia tree and looked up at the sky. The sky was blue and clear, and the floating clouds flowed without leaving a trace. Lan picked a gardenia with her light hand, and I took it away mischievously. I looked at it carefully. The white and flawless petals were elegant and pure, and there was a faint fragrance, refreshing. I turned to see Lan, who was lying quietly on the grass, drawing a beautiful arc around her mouth, her eyes closed, and her long eyelashes hanging quietly. The orchid is really beautiful, as beautiful as a brilliant gardenia.

Lan suddenly got up and pulled me to say, let's make a wish on gardenia.

Make a wish?

Yes. It is said that if two good friends make a wish under the gardenia, their friendship will never change.

Che, how old are you to believe this? How naive!

Although ten thousand people were unwilling, Lan forced them to make a wish. Now think about it, it was really naive. [Source: Discipline Network ZXXK]

It was very naive. At that time, we were all 10 years old and ran out to play with Lan every day; It's almost past childhood, and I like to play the outdated game of jumping rubber bands; They are a new generation of teenagers. They are still sleeping together at night because they are afraid of ghosts

Lan and I always like to do something different. We have our own unique language, which others cannot understand. They have their own conventions. There is only a secret place that nobody knows

Lan and I used to have a puppy named Diandian, which Lan picked up on the street. I remember that when Lan just picked it up, he kept shouting, which made Lan confused. So Lan called me, and together we pushed the stubborn puppy into the bathtub and cleaned it. Diandian is so cute that people always want to tease him. Lan and I will find happiness in it after studying. The little hairs are very white. The pure white ones are as white as gardenias.

And I think of gardenias. Yes, how can we not forget that summer when we made a wish under the gardenia, that summer when Lan lay under the tree with a quiet smile, that little spot that brought us countless happiness, and that unique language that only belongs to us. But, in the end, the banquet will end.

Under the gardenia tree, Lan's familiar smiling face makes people sad. The brilliant and pure gardenia bloomed wantonly, and the reluctant rain fell wantonly, falling on the sad gardenia, turning into tears, hitting our faces heavily. Although so stubborn and stubborn to force a smile, but can no longer hide the tears in the heart, burst into tears.

Gardenia began to fall, and fell in color

I have to leave after all, despite how reluctant and sad. Before leaving, Lan sent me a bunch of beautiful pure white gardenias, with faint fragrance, still lingering in front of my nose. It is the taste of gardenia and orchid.

Lan, you just forgot that even though the gardenia blooms so brilliantly, it will always wither.

Outside the window, in early summer, light rain, and gardenias bloom

Flowers bloom again in composition (8)

The gate of the courtyard was lightly closed, and the green moss spread up the steps like legs. The soft and bright sunlight penetrated the glass window to illuminate the hut, and the peach blossoms in the courtyard fell in circles.

Embroidering Spring with Shoes Sole

With the spring breeze all over my face, I gently pushed open the wooden door, put my head out and cried sweetly: "Hello, Grandma!" When there was no response, I shouted again in a high pitched voice. Grandma then responded, turned her head and waved to me with a smile. The traces of time have already crept quietly all over Grandma's face, like the grooves on walnuts. Grandmother held a needle and thread, holding the soles of her shoes round and round. I leaned against the edge of the bed and sat down, looking carefully at my grandmother's shoes. The grandmother suddenly thought of something and said, "Let me embroider two peach blossoms on my shoes!" The needle and thread danced on the soles of the shoes, like a flying spirit, and the two peach blossoms opened their mouths with laughter. I smiled happily when I put on my grandmother's thousand ply shoes. This is "human face matches peach blossom"! Looking at my grandmother's dexterous hands, I suddenly wondered: Is this beautiful spring embroidered by my grandmother?

Picking wild flowers and weaving smiling faces

I still remember clearly that when I was young, I always played with my grandmother. Grandmother was unable to move and play interesting games with me, so she had to take my meaty little hand for a walk in the field. I always break away from my grandmother when I see something funny. I run to chase bees after butterflies, leaving her to watch me silently behind. When I was having fun, I suddenly heard my grandmother's call. I had to run to her reluctantly. She picked out the most colorful wild flower from her hand and inserted it in my head. Then she held my cheek and looked around, as if enjoying the work. She smiled and said, "It's beautiful!" I proudly pulled her around to show off. The fields were full of laughter and laughter.

Reclining chair, waiting for flowers to bloom

Grandmother curled up and lay on the couch. She had lost her former vitality and looked bleak. The familiar song "Where Has Time Gone?" was still rolling in the old radio. She took her favorite book, Gone with the Wind, and walked to me trembling to let me read it to her. I took a small stool and sat in front of her to recite it vividly, sitting for a whole day. Another peach flower fell quietly in the courtyard, and fell among the pages. Looking at my grandmother's old sleeping face, I couldn't help but feel my nose sour, and an unknown elegant "flower" rippled on the page.

Now, I can only hold the black and white photo album and sit alone in the yard, letting tears fall freely. A breeze came, mingled with the smell of newly turned soil. Is it the flower season again? Looking up, inadvertently, the peach blossoms in the trees touched the softest place in my heart.

The flowers will still bloom next year, won't they?

Flowers bloom again in composition (9)

Old Time always snatches the best time in life without people's consent.

While time is running away minute by minute, it also makes people grow up gradually.

Like flowers, the same action is always repeated throughout the year.

Seeing the flowers bloom again, I am no longer that young and ignorant child.

Just like the seven years passed in a hurry, there has been a lot of growth in the seven years; I have made countless friends in seven years; Having known countless people with different personalities, they began to learn to be independent and no longer shed tears easily.

Because I know: tears can't solve any problem! Seeing the flowers bloom again, I became another student sister and saw the new class of students working hard in military training.

I exclaimed: Is this school year going too fast! Seeing the innocent smiles on their childish faces, I realized: Do I still have such innocent smiling faces?

Seeing them chasing and fighting, I thought to myself: Is this game meaningful? However, my classmates said I pretended to be deep, and my mother said I thought too much.

Is it? Maybe I'm only a few months older than them. Maybe it's just these months that make me different from them! See flowers blooming again.

I have been used to this kind of repetitive and non monotonous life. After entering junior high school, I understand what is called collective life.

Maybe I was worried about whether I would adapt to a new environment when the flowers bloomed last time? Now I get an absolutely correct answer: Never fail to adapt!

Although there are busy assignments every day and each semester has a heavy ranking, it does not make life monotonous! A little joke between classmates may also be a way of caring

May let the unhappiness that was scolded by the teacher disappear.

Time will change a lot, but the flowers will bloom from withering.

Why aren't we? See the flowers bloom again, I also grow up!

Flowers bloom again in composition (10)

The warm current has driven away the cold winter, lifted the cold snow quilt, dotted green branches, welcomed the birdsong, and also sent the attractive fragrance of flowers. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers and prospers.

After PE class, my classmates and I dragged our tired bodies to the teaching building. As soon as I went up the steps, I smelled a fragrance, but I didn't know where it came from. On the second floor platform, three vibrant peach trees suddenly came into sight. Peach trees stand tall and graceful, like shy girls, half covering their faces, smiling in their eyes, showing their tenderness and beauty. Peach blossoms blossomed brightly. With the breeze blowing, a very light fragrance and the warm mountain wind rushed into my nose, making me happy and energetic.

This year, the peach blossom bloomed very early. The peach trees were crowded with pink flowers. A closer look reveals that the flower has five petals, each of which is pink at the outer end, and only the small one seventh of the part close to the stamen is white. The flowers are blooming like lovely smiling faces. Looking at them, you will feel refreshed and relaxed.

While intoxicated, I suddenly saw bees gathering honey among flowers. There are fewer than five bees. In the dense peach blossom cluster, the bees are diligent in picking nectar, picking one flower after another, and never tire of it. Just flew away, then flew in. They are so diligent that I am amazed. Bees collect honey not only to fill their stomachs, but also to spread pollen for flowers and contribute to the reproduction of all things. Bees are lovely, and bees are great.

Looking at the busy figure of bees and thinking of my lazy self, I can't help feeling ashamed. Isn't learning the same? Learning is to learn knowledge and enrich yourself. The more the better. People are like bees collecting honey. Only by studying hard can they become a knowledgeable and capable person.

People are bees, knowledge is nectar. The bee gains nectar because of hard work, and the man gains knowledge because of hard work. Honey cannot be collected completely, and knowledge cannot be learned completely. Honey, to accumulate, a little makes a lot, can be more sweet; Knowledge also needs to be accumulated. Only by accumulating more can it be transformed into ability. But there is no shortcut to accumulation. If there is, I think, it is more than the efforts of others.

Bees rely on nectar to survive, and human beings rely on knowledge to make continuous progress.

So I made up my mind to study hard and strive to be a thirsty "little bee"!

Flowers bloom again in composition (11)

See flowers bloom again

Old Time always snatches the best time in life without people's consent. While time is running away minute by minute, it also makes people grow up gradually. Like flowers, the same action is always repeated throughout the year.

Seeing the flowers bloom again, I am no longer that young and ignorant child. Just like the seven years passed in a hurry, there has been a lot of growth in the seven years; I have made countless friends in seven years; Having known countless people with different personalities, they began to learn to be independent and no longer shed tears easily. Because I know: tears can't solve any problem!

Seeing the flowers blooming again, I became another student sister. Seeing the new class of students working hard in military training, I sighed: does this school year pass too fast! Seeing the innocent smiles on their childish faces, I realized: Do I still have such innocent smiling faces? Seeing them chasing and fighting, I thought to myself: Is this game meaningful? However, my classmates said I pretended to be deep, and my mother said I thought too much. Is it? Maybe I'm only a few months older than them. Maybe it's just these months that make me different from them!

See the flowers blooming again. I have been used to this repetitive and non monotonous life. After entering junior high school, I understand what is collective life. Maybe when the flowers bloomed last time, I was worried about whether I would adapt to a new environment? Now I get an absolutely correct answer: Never fail to adapt! Although there are busy assignments every day and each semester has a heavy ranking, it does not make life monotonous! A small joke between students may also be a way of caring, and may let the unhappiness that was scolded by the teacher disappear.

Time will change a lot, but the flowers will bloom from withering. Why aren't we? See the flowers bloom again, I also grow up!

See flowers bloom again

Through ups and downs, the flowers of success are quietly opening. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

People always say that things are not going well, and I am particularly touched by this. As young people, we have a wide range of interests. For example, I am very fond of singing and humming from time to time.

During the election of the third day of the junior year and the New Year's Poetry Festival, I prepared to show my skills with my classmates every day, but everything was not satisfactory. The night before the competition, the teacher refused to let us perform. What a pity! I can only say that everything was not satisfactory.

Before graduating from the third day of the junior high school, a new principal came to the school. The school has a new rule: as long as the students who make the most progress in the class have scholarships! I really made great progress. Even the head teacher praised me, but it's a pity that I made progress, second! In this way, I passed the scholarship. But I really waved my arm and didn't take away a cloud. Finally, I didn't catch anything. My mood, alas! It can only be said that everything is unsatisfactory!

Executed, the drama group had a competition, because I loved singing, so I entered the drama group. I am very happy to hear that this competition has a certificate. So I tried my best to perform well. The teacher said that my voice was low, so I tried to sing loudly and said that I was stiff. I practiced every day and kept repeating! Ninja's mood of being renamed every day finally arrived at the day of the competition. Hehe, what's the result? The result is that there are more than 30 people in the competition, but I don't have a certificate! I still find a reason to say that the certificate is not enough. It's not my turn. There are all students in Class 14. Let me tell you what!

Why is there so much unhappiness in the world?

I don't agree, I don't agree!

Why can everyone get good results while I can't? Maybe I am too easy to satisfy myself... Why am I so easy to satisfy myself? I always think I did my best. The stupid bird flies first. Yes, I am the stupid bird, but I am always the latest and slowest one.

Gradually I learned a truth that it is not difficult to do well, as long as we learn to persist, and learn to persevere. Get up even if you fall down.

In this way, I gradually changed. I was chosen in the singing contest and praised by the teacher because of my persistence and hard work. It is also because of the previous disappointments. I will not give up easily, but I will persist/

The journey is long, the desperate Range Rover, and the flowers of success are bright and open!

See flowers bloom again

The sky is as clear as a lake. It's so crystal clear that people can hold their breath. It's a bit serene, as if they are sleeping. The years passed by melt into memory, suddenly, flowers bloom in front of the window.

Clusters of blooming cherry blossoms seemed to reflect your bright and clean smile. I was suddenly surprised and dropped the petals in my hands.

You look sad, standing on the platform, haven't said a word for a long time, the classroom is silent. I clenched my fists, sweating slightly on my palms, and looked at you from my seat as always. Finally, you slowly spit out from your mouth: "Class division!" Then there was an uproar. You walked out of the classroom silently, leaving me a figure of departure.

Now, your smile has been rippling in my heart for a long time. The memory can't stop regressing to the starting point of our acquaintance. At that time, I was just in the second year of junior high school. I was still an ignorant child. I met you seriously, teacher. You are the head teacher. I can't listen to your instructions. In class, the rapid rhythm makes me stagnate. Several times, I sat in my seat stupidly, at a loss. Eyes, let your eyes meet mine. Although you are serious on the surface, your eyes are very concerned. In class, the students enthusiastically put their hands up in your class. Only I didn't answer a question after all, just silently took up my pen and wrote down the main points you said. After class, you asked me to go out to talk more than once and always encouraged me. I hope I can raise my hand and speak like other students.

That time, it was your class, or you stood on the platform, having a lively class. I didn't know why, but I raised my hand. Waiting for you to call me up to answer the question. Eyes, let your eyes meet mine. You smiled and motioned to me. I quickly stood up and spelled out the smiling English words with a silent voice. In that class, I was very active and raised my hands again and again. Maybe it's because your smile warms me.

Since then, we have not only been teachers and students, but also friends. I often think that the friendship between us should last until graduation, but I never thought it would become so short. However, because of this, the memory is warm and lasting.

The night is as cool as water, which wakes up the sleeping memory. It is so clear, just like the cherry blossoms on the side, bright and clean, and the flowers on the heart are also quietly blooming in the hazy night.

See flowers bloom again

The golden rape flowers bloom again around the houses with grey tiles and white walls.

There was an empty nest old man next door. His wife died, and his children had no time to accompany her. They were busy working, and she lived alone.

The old man likes to sit on the chair and bask in the sun every afternoon. The house is surrounded by golden rape flowers. White butterflies dance in the sky above the flowers. The warm sun is scattered and silver hair is shining, forming a beautiful picture.

As a child, my friends and I enjoyed going to grandma's house. Because the venue is open and there are delicious food there. The granny would sit on the next chair and watch us play with that happy smile on her lips. Rape perianth wind gently blowing, swinging its body. The granny held a hymn wrapped in a book case in her hand. Occasionally, she would hold a hymn and ask me: "Little girl, what's this word?" Sometimes, I could not answer it, so I blushed. When the old lady saw this scene, she would burst into laughter.

As a teenager, the life in junior high school, and the heavy academic work, I have no time to visit my grandmother's home. Only when I came home from school every day, I rode my bike to the old man's door and said hello to her. The old woman sat at the door and the afterglow of the sunset shone on the old man and the rape flowers around the house. A few days later, I never saw her again. I guess her children were taken care of. Just as it happened, my grandmother was ill in hospital, and I had to go to the hospital to take care of her. I learned from my grandmother that the old lady next door.

When I went to see the old man, he had pipes all over his body, as thin as wood, and his hands were still dripping. At that moment, touched my heart, sour. Her children are taking care of her, and I sit beside the old man. I heard the old granny call me. Although it was very quiet, I still listened. I gave my grandma a few mouthfuls to eat.

Time flies imperceptibly, I have to go home. On the way home, I saw those rape flowers withered. The messy petals lie quietly on the black soil.

When I was young, I mistakenly thought that Grandma would get better, but I didn't expect that the meeting in the hospital was the last one. The journey of life is full of joys and sorrows, and each day is performing one of those scenes. Maybe we should learn to cherish every day, every minute, and every second without causing deep regret.

March is coming, and rape flowers are blooming again.

Flowers bloom again in composition (12)

When the cold wind passes, the snow and ice disappear, and flowers bloom again.

It was February 23, 2006, and I sat in front of the computer with no pursuit. I was staring blankly at the keyboard with almost stiff fingers, watching the dust fall from between my fingers. The fleeting years are like swords, and every year is going to be like a year. But we have survived under the shadow of the sword until now, and then we are getting old gradually. The hair began to become sparse, the teeth became loose, the walking was slow, the language was garrulous, and the mind gradually became unclear. It turned out that life really ended so quickly, and life was so vulnerable.

I almost despair.

When I saw the flowers blooming.

Swallows glide across the sky, which seems much more energetic than us. No one will look up to Huakao alone like me | zk168 looks at the sky in this spring and sees the swallows gliding overhead to the pillow. There are not many white clouds in the sky, but it is overcast, and a wisp of spring breeze is also carrying a chill. Maybe it is necessary to ask pedestrians to withdraw from the house to look at the bleak spring. But I let the spring wind blow my messy hair even more messy.

The flowers are in bloom. It's wintersweet. The strength accumulated all winter finally broke the flower bud and sent out a strong strange fragrance, which attracted bees and idle people.

I can't avoid vulgarity, because I must also come to admire the purity of the four gentlemen.

Take a deep breath of plum, it seems that everything has become beautiful, and the body and mind have become much warmer in a moment, so the plum tree in my heart is gradually blooming.

The cold wind passed by, but my heart was calm.

Flowers bloom again in composition (13)

Where the wind blew last night, who can count the falling leaves

Morning dew Epiphyllum, close to the horizon. The colorful peach blossom bloomed enthusiastically in our carelessness. Beautiful youth, in our neglect, a little bit of the passage. Smart you, have you ever noticed her light footsteps.

Hairspring soft fragrance pavilion

The wind keeps blowing, the trees are shaded, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue.

A group of us, who did not know the height of heaven and earth, chased and fought on the canal embankment. A light east wind, with delicate fragrance, rushed forward. "How fragrant!" Lily's nose was the sharpest. "How beautiful!" "Well, you can eat peaches soon!"

Lying on the grass, the soft grass caressed us. "I really want to grow up as fast as a peach blossom." "Well, it's good to be an adult. Don't be controlled. There's too much time and it's too slow..."

At this time, how can we notice that peach trees are quietly opening on a small peach tree beside the big tree.

Wind, sword, frost and sword

When I just entered junior high school, I leaned against the peach tree, and the white clouds in the sky also patted on the leaves with missing.

The failure of exams, the pressure of entering a higher school, and my parents' expectations wrapped me like silk.

"I'm so sad, is this growth? Is this youth? I'm so bored..." I murmured and shook my head.

At this time, I did not pay attention to the peach blossom hanging on my skirt in the rain.

Cui Xiaohong's Sorrow Kills

This summer seems to be moving over step by step, but it has come after all. The day before graduation, walking in the campus, the peach blossoms opened again. How can the green palm of the leaf cover up the beautiful face of the city, and the red halos are smiling at me. Are you laughing at my stupidity? In the face of a parting, I suddenly realized that our flowering season has passed by inadvertently. What I yearn for is what I have ignored, and it is the most important thing of youth, the beautiful youth.

See the peach blossoms again. Are the beautiful ones as bright as the clouds any more than those of the year before last?

In the rainy season and youth, it is impossible to retain them. Just now, start to grasp the current time, and don't let the neglected ones become the most important again.

Flowers bloom again in composition (14)

The seasons are the same, the flowers are the same, and the sound and appearance are hard to find without Si people—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"Is it fast?" "Is it fast!" Time never stops for anyone. Although you are so reluctant, you still left. The calendar in hand has been crumpled unconsciously. I looked up and caught a glimpse of the blooming magnolia outside the window. The light purple, with a light sadness, was just like my mood.

Any confused thoughts will bring me back to that season, that time, and that you

When I first met you, you were in a gorgeous dress, and your mouth always kept a curly arc and childlike character. At that time, I smiled at you: a boy, dressed like that, how silly! God is so fond of playing tricks on people. When I just entered the new classroom, I caught a glimpse of the proud radian in my eyes. "Oh! No, it's really unlucky!" my heart screamed, sat down in the seat not far from you, and shook his head helplessly.

In the days after that, we spent in learning and fighting. As the saying goes, "no fight, no acquaintance", maybe we are born enemies. We always make a noise, making the class "restless", and then smile at each other, sneak away, and leave the rest of the battlefield to the monitor. So we became good friends in the fight. On campus, we play together; In the classroom, we read and study together; On the playground, we play ball games together. On campus, we are everywhere. In that day when magnolias were in full bloom, our friendship became deeper and deeper.

That day, under the magnolia tree, we sat quietly, and no one spoke. Only the magnolia tree bloomed quietly, emitting attractive fragrance. "Oh, how beautiful the flowers are!" You suddenly opened your mouth, but your voice was strange. "Yes, but even the most beautiful flowers will wither." "Flowers will bloom and fall, and so will life. Gathering, gathering, scattering, coming, going, far, and fading are your lifelong confidants and wealth. There is no invincible flower in the world, and there is no feast that will never end..." I listened to you quietly and felt a little disappointed. You told me you were moving away. He forced out a smile and said "treasure" reluctantly, but he was speechless and just stared at the purple magnolia tree.

It is another year when flowers bloom. Outside the window, lavender magnolias quietly open. The season is the same, the flowers are still blooming, but you have gone, and the voice and appearance are hard to find, leaving me only deep thoughts

Flowers bloom again in composition (15)

1: See flowers bloom again

The warbler flies, the grass grows in April, and the rose blooms in one corner.

My maternal grandfather loves roses most.

When I was young, my parents were busy with their work and often sent me to the countryside to be looked after by my grandfather and grandmother. April is a season of blooming flowers. My maternal grandmother loves flowers, and her backyard is full of countless flowers and plants; In summer, roses droop; Autumn chrysanthemums stand proudly; Winter wintersweet reflects snow. Grandmother loved roses alone.

When I was a child, walking on the path leading to the garden, I shook the dew on the grass leaves in the morning. My grandmother always held my little hand in her generous and kind hand and told me the story of roses: "Once upon a time, in a remote village, there lived two brothers and sisters. Although they lost their loved ones and lived together, they were optimistic and yearned for a better life in the future. My sister especially loves the petite and beautiful roses. My brother knows my sister's hobby and will always fold a bunch of roses for her when she comes back from herding cattle every day. The good times didn't last long. My brother fell off the cliff on the way to herd cattle. My sister had to bury his brother's bones in the wild rose bushes on the mountain. " I can't remember how many times I heard her tell this story, but every time she told it with tears rolling in her eyes, she conveniently chose the most beautiful flower from the vast rose bushes to fold it down and insert it in my soft hair. Every time, I would use my tender little hands to wipe away the tears in her wrinkles - just because my mother told me, Grandma's only little brother fell off the cliff and died when he was young.

Now, I have grown up and left my grandmother's arms for a long time. I have never seen a rose bush in full bloom like her garden. The sea of roses often opens in my mind and dreams. The rose has taught me to absorb water and sunshine, and the blossom will be bright; Rose, taught me to stand unyielding despite the wind and rain; The rose has taught me to stretch out my hands to wipe the tears off their faces when others need comfort

On a dreamy night, in the dim light, I saw roses blooming and my grandmother smiling like a flower

See flowers bloom again Composition 2: See flowers bloom again

Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes, a growth ring, 365 days, the reincarnation of memory, repeat the mistakes.

When the flowers bloom, which tree is brilliant, which tree is prosperous, which opens in the cold wind and memory, who will support it? Who will watch? The wheel of time drives the chips of memory, rotating, rotating, we are countless parts, affecting countless chains, running. I saw the flowers blooming again. Under the biting of the cold wind, I saw your extremely enchanting smile again. It was so high and magnificent. You haven't changed. You haven't changed a bit at any time. But I have changed. I can touch you. My face has added a lot of life. I am more sensible than before. Have you found it? Seeing your smile in the flowers, hearing the music in the flowers, and sensing your sigh in the remaining petals, are you going to leave again?

I saw the fireworks in the dark sky again, and the gorgeous figure bloomed in the invisible night, but you were more desperate than that flower. In a few seconds, you disappeared quietly. Regardless of the cost, regardless of the consequences, what are you doing for? You jump into the darkness regardless of the consequences. Is this your goal? Have you ever thought that it devoured you and ended you! Crazy rushed to the dark, turned and disappeared beauty, leaving only a silent smoke, who will stay for you? Who will hurt you?

In the flower season, we should be happy and innocent, but what's on our faces? It's sadness! It's tears! Yes, time has bound us. It has drawn sadness on our faces and imprisoned our unruly smiles. You hear me? In the fields, on the mountains and by the sea, we are shouting: "Freedom, happiness, come back!" Has the chain of time stopped? No, it is still turning, whipping our hope, it is still turning.

A petal fell sadly and slipped through my fingers, leaving only a faint fragrance

See the flowers bloom again Composition 3: See the flowers bloom again

"71 points is 71 points, anyway, I had expected it!" I said to my classmates lightly, looking as if nothing had happened and the sun was still shining.

Math Monthly Exam Score - 71! This is like a thunderbolt to me, who has always been good at mathematics, and it instantly disintegrates my confidence. "But what about 71 points? Who didn't fail the exam? It doesn't matter..." "It really doesn't matter? Is this your inner word?" The real one in my heart shouted to the one who pretended to be strong. The one who pretended to be strong was completely defeated. I was so vulnerable and weak! I pretended to ignore the questioning and disdainful eyes of others and pretended to smile, but who noticed that my mouth twitched inadvertently?

That afternoon after school, the sunset was beautiful, beautiful. In the setting sun, I said to Ge: "I'm on the same level with you, Ge Zi, you are 60 and I are 70, almost." Ge laughed after hearing this, and I laughed too. Who can taste the taste behind the bitter smile? After the bitter smile, there was a long silence. The atmosphere of silence almost choked us... Finally, we broke up in bad mood.

I walked alone on the way after school, kicking the stones at random. The stone fell into a small pond on the roadside and made a sound of "plop". Following the reputation, I could not help but stop. What came into sight was a piece of happy pink, bright and bright, without decoration. Many budding buds were held high, and became more beautiful and moving with the help of lotus leaves. It seemed that I could not hear the noise of cars and horses on the road, but I was still staring at the full pool of lotus. Where has the eyeful of residual lotus gone? The long and lonely winter did not make it disappear, nor did the world's cold-blooded indifference make it decadent. Instead, it accumulated new strength and finally showed its brilliance to people. A faint fragrance rushed into the nose and the heart and spleen. I took a deep breath, a very soft place in my heart seemed to be moved, and my upset mood gradually disappeared, and my heart gradually recovered calm. I enjoyed her beauty alone. The full pool of lotus swayed with the wind, as if waving to me, as if encouraging me not to be depressed because of a failure in a monthly exam. Yes, everything will pass. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?

With a smile, I firmly stepped forward with the shadow of the setting sun.

I -- see flowers blooming again.

See flowers blooming again Composition 4: See flowers blooming again

Old Time always snatches the best time in life without people's consent. While time is running away minute by minute, it also makes people grow up gradually. Like flowers, the same action is always repeated throughout the year.

Seeing the flowers bloom again, I am no longer that young and ignorant child. Just like the seven years passed in a hurry, there has been a lot of growth in the seven years; I have made countless friends in seven years; Having known countless people with different personalities, they began to learn to be independent and no longer shed tears easily. Because I know: tears can't solve any problem!

Seeing the flowers blooming again, I became another student sister. Seeing the new class of students working hard in military training, I sighed: does this school year pass too fast! Seeing the innocent smiles on their childish faces, I realized: Do I still have such innocent smiling faces? Seeing them chasing and fighting, I thought to myself: Is this game meaningful? However, my classmates said I pretended to be deep, and my mother said I thought too much. Is it? Maybe I'm only a few months older than them. Maybe it's just these months that make me different from them!

See the flowers blooming again. I have been used to this repetitive and non monotonous life. After entering junior high school, I understand what is collective life. Maybe when the flowers bloomed last time, I was worried about whether I would adapt to a new environment? Now I get an absolutely correct answer: Never fail to adapt! Although there are busy assignments every day and each semester has a heavy ranking, it does not make life monotonous! A small joke between students may also be a way of caring, and may let the unhappiness that was scolded by the teacher disappear.

Time will change a lot, but the flowers will bloom from withering. Why aren't we? See the flowers bloom again, I also grow up!

Flowers bloom again in composition (16)

When it first arrived at our house, it was just a small jasmine bud, round and white, with a sharp head. At that time, I had heard others say how charming the fragrance of jasmine was. I was so happy when my mother brought a pot back. I kept asking my mother if I could raise this potted flower. Finally, my mother agreed and told me to water and fertilize every day. While I put it on the shelf on the balcony solemnly, looking at the sun shining on the flower bud, I felt as sweet as honey, and a faint jasmine fragrance seemed to linger on the tip of my nose.

Every morning, I happily run to water it and carefully fertilize it, for fear that too much will cause it to be overnourished. But after a few days of heat, I gradually forgot about watering.

Over the years, the smooth white petals and the green and sharp leaves also began to become dry and wrinkled. In a few days, the dry leaves and petals fell on the soil without water and withered. Compared with the scene when jasmine flowers first appeared, it looked very bleak.

At this time, I suddenly realized that it was I who made an unforgivable mistake and let the good jasmine wither and never grow again. I gave up completely and left the potted flower on the shelf on the balcony. It was lonely and a little bit like crying in the corner.

However, despite my dissuasion, my mother went out of bed every day to water the dying jasmine flowers and applied twice as much fertilizer as usual. I don't expect miracles, but the reality has shown me the greatness of life. Day after day, the tender strips are drawn out again, and the shallow branches are covered with small jasmine flowers, just like small white lanterns, thin petals, smooth touch, and green leaves. Facing jasmine under the sun, my heart is full of surprises for new life, and I am ashamed of my negligence and easy giving up.

The faint aroma once again haunts the tip of the nose, refreshing. I couldn't help humming: "Fragrant and beautiful branches, fragrant and white people praise..."

Flowers bloom again in composition (17)

A few peach trees in the distance opened, and the enchanting trees were on the winding branches, smiling brightly against the wind.

Yang Chun, who created this word? A single word "Yang" describes the color, smell and taste of spring vividly.

Holding my camera, I was bent on taking pictures of the peach blossom blooming on the river bank. The peach blossoms, which tremble in the breeze, bloom beside the water, using water as a mirror and the sky as makeup. I am full of joy to take the most beautiful one. However, when I held up the camera, I found that I could not shoot it.

Because, in the fields across the bank, there are large areas of rape flowers in full bloom.

All over the country, we really want to make the world pale. They are blooming desperately, and the warm golden color is piercing my eyes. They just burst into my world suddenly, and I can hear them laughing, laughing, raising their heads! No one's smile can have such soul stirring power.

I always feel overwhelmed by the dazzling gold. It is not the dried yellow sand color, nor the oily gold color, but the painter's bright and bright brushstroke with vine yellow and spring.

Under the dazzling sea of flowers, their green leaves and stems are hidden. This makes them closely linked to the brown land. Bees go from flower to flower, from flower to flower. Rape flower is not easy to see alone. If it is separated, it is only a thin plant. But once it is connected into pieces, no one can resist their huge life groups.

There are brown and black birds leaping from the sky, stirring this jar of warm air.

However, I can still see that on the land covered with golden flowers, a few seedlings of camphor sprout vaguely, surrounded by yellow flowers, sharing a blue sky.

The wind blows, mixed with the smell of rape flowers. It is not a delicate fragrance, but it is really oily and stuffy, which can remind people of the taste of vegetable oil. When the flower withers, it will knot; When the seeds are set, the oil can be pressed; When the oil is squeezed, it returns to the soil

I have never seen rape flowers wither. It seems that one day I woke up and found that all the rape flowers were gone and the long pods had come out. Only once in a while, a small, lonely rape on the roadside still struggles out a little golden yellow in the dust. It said, "Goodbye!" I did not hear it, and I will never hear it again.

"I don't want to compete with others for spring, but all the people are jealous." People appreciate the noble quality of plum blossom and demote all the flowers competing for beauty in spring to vulgar flowers. "Peach red is another spring." Peach flowers are gentle and beautiful, and it is not too hard to compete for spring. But I don't know how long the rape has endured darkness in the seed, how much trampling it endured when it was a short seedling, and how much contempt it endured when it just bloomed! How can they not compete for spring? They are not arrogant and pretentious, they have only hot life, in this season to open heartily, desperately open. They are always the same color as the sun.

I held up the camera and it was golden.

Another year of flowers, another year of flowers

See also Huakai's 800 word composition (II)

I remember that outside the fence of the primary school, the open space across the street was full of dandelions. The white dandelion like flying snow and yellow dandelion like goose feather are still an unforgettable and pleasant scenery.

No matter day or night, there is so quiet. For me, who was lonely since childhood, it is a rare paradise in the world.

After the final exam of the third grade, it was rumored that I would divide classes. I had to leave some friends in the class. Naturally, I was in a bad mood, so I went downstairs to relax. When passing the dandelion field, I saw the dandelion wandering around and felt a little disgusted with these white things. "Tread on you!" I swore in a low voice and would step on it.

"Don't step on it!" came a short cry. I took back my feet and turned my head. He was wearing a white dress, a ponytail and a pair of white tiger teeth. He was very young and cute.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?" I pouted, crossed my waist, and looked unhappy.

"Please, it's the last moment." She begged me, and the eyes of the water spirit told me a kind of loneliness without words. There are people like me. I nodded subconsciously. Then he asked curiously, "What's the last moment?"

It turned out that he was a child of migrant workers. There was a saying in her hometown that as long as he made a wish to the dandelion on his birthday, his wish would be realized on the next birthday. I asked her what she wished for, and she said she wanted a good friend.

"I'm your good friend." She blinked her eyes, stretched out her little finger and said, "Pull the hook." I also stretched out my little finger and put them together: "Pull the hook and hang. Don't change in a hundred years!"

The fourth grade started, and it was really divided into different classes. A group of people who didn't know each other were replaced, and all the former friends were gone. "Hey!" Someone patted me, and I turned around to see that it was her! "What a coincidence!"

Before the end of that year, she made a wish to the dandelion. I also learned from her appearance and made a wish to the dandelion: "We are still in the same class in the fifth grade."

At that time, the class partners were singing Jay Chou's songs, one of which was very pleasant, so they asked others what the song was called, and he preached the "Agreement on Dandelion". I looked at her and smiled. Isn't that plagiarizing us?

After the final exam, when we went home together, we passed the dandelion. She told me that she would go to Beijing next year.

I was stunned for a moment, as if I had been cheated, and then I realized that all the conventions of dandelion were deceptive. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" I jumped into the dandelion angrily, and stepped on a piece of dandelion with seven feet and eight soles. Scold: "liar!" angrily ran home.

At night, I was in a bad mood, so I came out to hang out. Unexpectedly, I came to the land of dandelions.

From afar, I saw her crouching in the middle of the dandelion, sobbing low. Somehow, I felt a little guilty. Finally, I didn't dare to walk past.

The next year, she really left. However, that year, I finally made several very good friends. I don't seem lonely anymore.

That year, when walking through that patch of dandelion, I suddenly remembered that my teacher said that dandelion was a wind flower.

It turns out that separation is for double happiness.

This year, when I walked through such dandelions, I saw flowers blooming again.

See also Huakai's 800 word composition (III)

The golden rape flowers bloom again around the houses with grey tiles and white walls.

There was an empty nest old man next door. His wife died, and his children had no time to accompany her. They were busy working, and she lived alone.

The old man likes to sit on the chair and bask in the sun every afternoon. The house is surrounded by golden rape flowers. White butterflies dance in the sky above the flowers. The warm sun is scattered and silver hair is shining, forming a beautiful picture.

As a child, my friends and I enjoyed going to grandma's house. Because the venue is open and there are delicious food there. The granny would sit on the next chair and watch us play with that happy smile on her lips. Rape perianth wind gently blowing, swinging its body. The granny held a hymn wrapped in a book case in her hand. Occasionally, she would hold a hymn and ask me, "Little girl, what's this word?" Sometimes, I could not answer it, so I blushed. When the old lady saw this scene, she would burst into laughter.

Youth, junior high school life, heavy study, so I don't have time to go to grandma

Be a guest at home. Only when I came home from school every day, I rode my bike to the old man's door and said hello to her. The old woman sat at the door and the afterglow of the sunset shone on the old man and the rape flowers around the house. A few days later, I never saw her again. I guess her children were taken care of. Just as it happened, my grandmother was ill in hospital, and I had to go to the hospital to take care of her. I learned from my grandmother that the old lady next door.

When I went to see the old man, he had pipes all over his body, as thin as wood, and his hands were still dripping. At that moment, touched my heart, sour. Her children are taking care of her, and I sit beside the old man. I heard the old granny call me. Although it was very quiet, I still listened. I gave my grandma a few mouthfuls to eat.

Time flies imperceptibly, I have to go home. On the way home, I saw those rape flowers withered. The messy petals lie quietly on the black soil.

When I was young, I mistakenly thought that Grandma would get better, but I didn't expect that the meeting in the hospital was the last one. The journey of life is full of joys and sorrows, and each day is performing one of those scenes. Maybe we should learn to cherish every day, every minute, and every second without causing deep regret.

March is coming, and rape flowers are blooming again.

Flowers bloom again in composition (18)

Rape flowers bloom around Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is also known as the outing festival. It's the happiest thing to go outing with my friends on Qingming Festival. When I was in the countryside, I got up early every Tomb Sweeping Day and sneaked to the east of the village, which was the place agreed with my partners the night before yesterday.

The traces of rape flowers can be seen everywhere in the countryside, by the side of small bridges, roads, fields... They are all crowded together in a lively way. Occasionally, when the wind blows, they push and shove, and even can hear their laughter.

Girls' hair is long. If you fold a flower and insert it into your hair, it will not fall after running for a long time. The boy's hair is short, so he pulls out several rape flowers and weaves them into a wreath to wear on his head. Not everyone can wear that wreath. You can only wear it as a "crown" if you win the game. The game is hide and seek, which is divided into the "White Army" and the "Red Army". The "Red Army" captured the "White Army", and the "White Army" hid in the rape fields. A bright "white army" hides in the rape field, which really means "flying into the cauliflower and nowhere to find".

Once I was the "Red Army". I hurried to the rape fields to find the "white army", but where could I find it? The dense rape flowers are high enough to cover my eyes. There are green and yellow everywhere. With nowhere to look, I simply lay on the ground and looked at the bright sky. The sun is gently screened by rape flowers, and the wind blows in the flower stalks, carrying the fragrance of the soil. Time passes slowly. I don't need to worry about anything. I just listen to the whispers of the wind and the sound of flowers, feel the sun bouncing on my face, and see the delicious cotton candy made in the endless sky. Unconsciously, the rape flower grows higher and higher, and my body is lighter and lighter. Sitting on the cauliflower, I saw those "white soldiers" at a glance.

"Xiaoyi..." A faint call came from the ear. Ah! I opened my eyes suddenly. "Xiaoyi..." The call came again. Several "white soldiers" ran up to me and said breathlessly, "I found you. The game is over. Why are you still here?" "I... I fell asleep." I explained with shame. "Oh, let's go home, goodbye!" Several "white army" figures gradually disappeared in the depths of cauliflower, disappeared in the hazy sunset

As the rape blossoms and withers, I gradually grow up. The rape flower bloomed in spring and produced a fruit called "Childhood", although it fell into the soil and disappeared. But as long as the flowers bloom again, they always remind me of sweet memories