Composition of Color Changing Flowers (15 Collections)
Gentle wind and warm sun
2024-06-20 00:00:34

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (1)

One day, I was reading at home. Suddenly, I saw a small scientific experiment called White Rose Can Change Color. I thought it was very interesting, and I was eager to try.

I bought red ink first, then picked a rose from the "Herb Garden", and began the experiment. In fact, the experiment is very simple. Just put the red ink on the balcony and insert the white rose into the ink bottle.

Since then, when I came home from school, the first thing I did was to take a look at it on the balcony to see if it turned red. After a few weeks, there seemed to be a little sign of redness. I sighed, but I still didn't give up, and every time I poured some "water" on it, hoping that this flower representing hope and success would turn red quickly.

Although I poured "water" on it every day, I wondered why the flowers changed so little when I added ink every day? After several days of observation, I finally found a satisfactory answer. It turned out that several heavy rains had diluted the red ink! That's why white roses become so slow. But what can we do to prevent rainwater from entering the ink bottle?

I thought hard all night, and finally came up with a solution. I first drilled a hole in the bottle cap, and then carefully put the roses in, ha! It is just fine!

My idea was really right. After a few days, the roses began to turn red!

But at the very moment of success, I ran into trouble. A bee was always flying around the lace. I picked up a fly swatter to beat it, but it dodged me cleverly, and it also stinged me severely. In front of this small "enemy", I had become bruised all over. I took great efforts to eliminate it, This potted flower also got the best "care"!

A few days later, I was surprised to find that the white rose has completely turned red, and this flower representing hope has finally opened! Red, like a shy child, looks more beautiful and dazzling under the sunshine! At this time, I really felt that although I had paid a lot of sweat and effort, I felt it was worth it, because he made me understand that everything needs to be paid before it can be gained!

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (2)

After reading this topic, you may wonder why morning glory changes color? Why does it change color? Why, you still can't figure it out? Well, let me tell you!

That was last month. At noon, I finished my homework and went downstairs to play. When I passed the flower bed, I saw morning glory. Morning glory is beautiful! Blue and blue flowers blossomed and looked like sapphires from afar, surrounded by green leaves like emerald, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the afternoon, I ran downstairs to continue to observe morning glory. Just downstairs, I was shocked! Eh, why does morning glory turn red? It's still blue at noon! Am I hallucinating? I rubbed my eyes, closed them, and turned left and right in the same place. When I opened my eyes, the morning glory was still red.

The next day, I observed again. I asked my father, who said he didn't know; I asked my mother, but I didn't get the answer. Finally, my curiosity "exploded"! I must break through the casserole. How come no one at home knows? By the way, I haven't asked my sister yet! I ran to my sister and asked her. After listening carefully, she said, "Of course I know! Because morning glory contains anthocyanin, which is blue in alkaline solution and red in acidic solution. From morning to night, due to human activities, the carbon dioxide content in the air will increase. They combine with the water in the air and become an acidic solution. When morning glory meets it, the color of the flower will certainly change from blue to red. So morning glory can also be used as a carbon dioxide detector for people! " "I see, sister," I said as I tried to verify it myself.

I ran to the morning glory, some of which were still blue. So I moved them to a place with many people, and the morning glory turned red. So it is!

The mysteries of nature are endless. As long as we seriously explore, we will certainly gain more knowledge.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (3)

Have you ever seen paper flowers that change color? Have you ever seen paper flowers that change color when sprayed with water? Let alone say that in a science class, we saw the chameleon.

After science class, the teacher conjured up two white paper flowers just like magic. First, I waved in front of us to prove that they were nothing special. Then ask two students to come up with a flower. The teacher took the water with purple cabbage and sprayed it on the first one. Wow! The flowers and leaves have turned purple, and then spray on another flower, God! I can't believe my eyes. Another paper flower has turned into red flowers and green leaves! Red is like fire, like rosy clouds, green is neither thick nor light, like yarn, like fog. What an incredible thing it is! Everyone stared at the teacher.

The teacher put down the paper flowers, gave the experimental materials to each group, and let us do our own experimental exploration. Our group soon got the experimental supplies, wow! Many small test bottles! There are orange juice, washing powder and white vinegar... We started the experiment. One person records, the others are busy. Tang Jiuyin first dropped a few drops of purple cabbage water into the small bottle. The liquid in the bottle was like a child's face. The color had changed. Put the note in it! The note became light red, and my curiosity began to rise. I couldn't help but want to try it. I took the note and dropper carefully from Tang Jiuyin, for fear that I might knock over the small test bottle. I chose a bottle, dropped a drop of purple cabbage water, and then put the note in, and then took it out to see, wow! What a beautiful green! Later, members of our group took turns to do experiments, and finally found that the bottle of baking soda powder was the reddest, and the bottle of orange juice and white vinegar was the greenest.

When we came to this conclusion, the teacher revealed the reason why the paper flower changed color: "Purple cabbage water is neutral and also an acid indicator, while the substances that turn red are alkaline substances, while those that turn green are acidic substances. When the flowers change color, they are coated with these substances in advance, and when the purple cabbage water is sprayed, they will have a different color!". If we didn't do experiments, we would not believe it. It can be seen how important it is to do experiments!

This is really an interesting science lesson.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (4)

This semester, Mr. Zhang, a science teacher in our class, did a strange experiment on chameleon flowers for us.

We brought purple cabbage, white vinegar, salt water, tea, sprite, alkaline water and other lighter liquids, as well as many paper cups. I wonder what medicine the teacher sells in the gourd.

After class, the teacher turned on the computer and showed us a colorful paper flower. We looked from left to right, but we couldn't see any "ghost". The teacher asked us, "Do you want to know how this paper flower is made?" The teacher gave us a tray, an eyedropper, a small beaker, a paper flower, and two small brushes. The teacher asked us to brush the white vinegar on the petals, and then brush the alkaline water on the stems and leaves. Let the paper flowers dry for a while. Let's start to make purple cabbage water. The teacher asked us to tear the purple cabbage into small pieces and put them into paper cups, and cut them into pieces with scissors. When the water turns purple, the purple cabbage juice is done. We then used another brush to smear purple cabbage juice on the paper flowers. The magic thing happened, the petals turned red, the stems and leaves turned green, and we opened our mouth in surprise.

The teacher told us: "The purple cabbage water is an acid-base indicator, which will turn red when encountering acidic substances, and green when encountering alkaline substances. We painted white vinegar on the petals and alkaline water on the stems and leaves, and the purple cabbage water will turn color when encountering them." Then the teacher showed us the acidic and alkaline substances.

This class is really interesting, let us experience the fun.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (5)

On a sunny day, Grandpa moved his beloved flowers to the balcony to bask in the sun. Grandpa also watered the flowers. The flowers were yellow and beautiful in the sun. Xiaoming was playing football outside. He accidentally kicked the ball sideways, and the ball flew out. Unfortunately, it hit the little yellow flower planted by his grandfather. Unfortunately, the poor flower broke at the waist. Xiao Ming is silly to see the flowers falling on the ground. What should I do? This is Grandpa's favorite flower! He quickly hid the flowers and ran home breathlessly, moving his mother's favorite safflower to grandpa's balcony. When grandpa went to see the flowers again, grandpa was dumbfounded. Why did yellow flowers turn into red flowers? Is it a color change flower?

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (6)

A few days ago, the science teacher gave us an interesting lesson. Hehe, is it strange that a small paper flower can change color.

"Ding Lingling..." After class, all the students were sitting upright, waiting for the science teacher to come to class. The science teacher walked into the classroom with two bottles in one hand and paper flowers in the other. The teacher told us that one of the bottles was white vinegar and the other was alkaline water. The teacher also said to us mysteriously: "Boys and girls, I will do a magic trick for you. Your eyes will be wide open. Now these paper flowers are white, right? I can turn them into red later!" After saying that, I saw that Mr. Gu kept spraying a bottle of liquid he had brought in advance on the paper flowers. The magic happened, and the "petals" gradually became red, The "leaves" gradually turned green. "The paper flower has changed color! The paper flower has changed color!" Everyone shouted happily. It's amazing! We kept speculating, but Gu just smiled. Finally, we agreed that the problem must be the bottle of purple liquid and paper flowers. In order to know the answer, we begged the teacher to reveal the truth. Finally, Mr. Gu told us that the bottle of liquid was purple cabbage water. Substances like white vinegar that can turn purple cabbage water red are called acidic substances, substances like alkaline water that can turn purple cabbage water green are called alkaline substances, and substances like purple cabbage water are called neutral substances. Oh, if the students nodded their heads, they would look like sponges sucking the rain of knowledge.

"Seeing is better than hearing. Seeing is better than trying." Mr. Gu finally satisfied our wish and agreed to make purple cabbage water ourselves. We tore the purple cabbage we brought in in advance into small pieces and put them into a transparent plastic bag. Then we added half a cup of warm water to the plastic bag. Finally, we held the mouth of the bag and repeatedly squeezed the leaves for 3-5 minutes until purple water flowed out, Pour the purple cabbage water into a small beaker, and the purple cabbage water is finished. The time to witness is coming. We use a purple cabbage basin on the white rose we made. Gradually, a red rose appears. Wow, we succeeded! We succeeded! Similarly, we used purple cabbage water to test the acidity and alkalinity of grape juice, radish juice, washing powder, etc., and also used this knowledge to solve some small problems in life

What an interesting and meaningful lesson! In fact, in life, there are many scientific problems worth our discovery and exploration, but we haven't found them. Let's learn to observe, practice, and explore the mysteries of life!

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (7)

I planted a pot of morning glory on my balcony. It has beautiful flowers.

Every morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning. I found a strange phenomenon. Morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning morning?

I asked my mother why the morning glory changed color? Mom said that we should do an experiment first. First, we prepared two cups of water, one with white vinegar and the other with soapy water. Then we cut two morning glory flowers that were opening and put them into two cups respectively. I watched beside them. After about 20 minutes, I found that the morning glory in the cup with white vinegar turned purple, The morning glory in the cup with soapy water is still blue. Mom said that because there is a kind of anthocyanin in morning glory, which turns blue in alkaline environment and red in acidic environment, morning glory will show different colors with the change of acidity and alkalinity in the air. Oh, I finally understand.

Morning glory is really a strange and beautiful flower.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (8)

Once, when I was watching TV, a strange phenomenon caught my attention. The person on TV took out a pink rose first, and then a cup of red paint and water. She poured the red paint into the water first, and then put the pink rose into the cup. Then the words "30 minutes later..." disappeared on the TV, and I saw the pink rose turned into a red rose, and there was less water in the cup. I suspect that she must have changed the water and roses. In order to dispel doubts in my heart. I found a glass, a paper cup, and I found red paint. I learned from my aunt on TV to put paint into a paper cup, poured some water into the glass, and then poured some paint into the water. I picked a pink rose and put it into the cup, hoping it would change color. I waited anxiously and patiently, looking eagerly at the rose, hoping it would change. I will look at it every few minutes, and when I look at it, I suddenly find that it has some small changes, and there are some faint reds on the petals. I was very excited. I walked around the room from time to time, looking at flowers and TV. Finally, after a few minutes, the red color became more obvious, and there was less water. Then red covered half of the petals. At last the redness seemed to seep out. At this time, I was both happy and curious. I was happy that the flowers turned red. I was curious about why the flowers changed color? I asked my good friend, but she said she didn't know. I also asked other uncles and aunts who didn't know. I have no choice but to consult "Doctor of Computer". I searched for a long time, and finally found the reason why the flowers changed color. It turns out that the rose flower is affected by the dissimilation. When the flower breathes, the exhaled carbon dioxide forms a higher concentration in the air around the petals, and differentiates with the water in the air to form carbonate ions, which are weak acidic, causing changes in the pigment content in the petals, resulting in changes in color. Oh, so it is. I sing happily.

It seems that life is full of knowledge!

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (9)

You must be surprised to hear the question of the flower that changes color. How can the flower change color? However, there is such a strange thing.

On that day, the teacher took two white flowers, one inserted into the red ink bottle and the other inserted into the blue ink bottle. Let's observe the changes of these two flowers. The next morning, I came to the school early to observe the changes of the two flowers. Eh, the flower stem inserted in the red ink bottle has turned red, but the flower inserted in the blue ink bottle has not changed.

In the afternoon, I went to see the two flowers again. Wow, the petals of the two flowers changed slightly. The flowers inserted in the blue ink bottle became light blue, and the flowers in the red ink bottle became light red. This is really interesting! A few days later, the color of the two flowers became more and more similar to the ink color in the ink bottle, and finally they were even identical.

Why do these two white flowers in the ink bottle change color? I have consulted a lot of relevant information. It turns out that the main purpose of plant stems is to absorb water. When the color of water changes, the color of flowers will naturally change. The flowers for this experiment are very particular! It is better to use white flowers, because white flowers have no other variegated colors, so it is easy to show the colors.

As long as we pay more attention in life, we will find many strange phenomena.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (10)

One morning, the weather was sunny. Xiao Jun, Xiao Hua, Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang played football together.

Then Grandpa Wang happily picked up the kettle and walked out of the house. He went to the yard to water the rose. After watering, he went back to the house to have breakfast. At this time, Xiao Ming and his friends in the same yard with Grandpa Wang were playing football together. When they were playing hard, Xiaojun kicked the ball five or six meters away, just in time to kick Grandpa Wang's rose, and the beautiful flower was broken.

Xiaojun ran to the side of rose flowers and was shocked. Xiaojun thought: What should I do? If I run away now. The lord must not know, but when he remembered what the teacher said to him, he decided to accompany his camellia to the lord. Xiaojun ran home quickly and put the camellia at Grandpa Wang's door.

The next morning, when the lord went to water, he saw not roses but camellias. The lord thought about it and guessed what was going on.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (11)

The composition class is about to begin, and the students are a little irritable, and no one wants to go to it. Suddenly, Miss Sheng came in slowly and mysteriously, which was not her usual style of vigorous action. We found that Miss Sheng had nothing in her hand. At that time, she smiled mysteriously and said, "Today we will do a small experiment." Then she went out of the classroom to get the materials. The students were stunned for a second, and then all kinds of whispers began to ring. "What kind of experiment?" "It can't be an egg again, can it?" "It shouldn't be." All kinds of questions came up one after another, and the students became more excited as they talked. Some people could not help standing up and looking out of the door.

Soon, Miss Sheng came in again. This time, she had a white flower and a bottle tightly wrapped by paper. The little white flower is handmade, and two leaves are shaking on the flower stem. Mr. Sheng walked onto the platform and announced, "This experiment is called 'chameleon'."

At the urging of the students, Mr. Sheng hastily finished his opening remarks and the experiment began.

Sheng carefully picked up the white flower, and then grabbed the small bottle with his right hand. The sharp eyed students immediately found a trace of red liquid on the bottle. Is it red ink? It's not that simple. I thought to myself, and then the fact proved my guess. A smell of vinegar spread, and several students immediately stood up and shouted, "It's white vinegar, and the bottle is white vinegar.

Ms. Sheng opened the bottle cap, pressed the button on the bottle with her forefinger, and pointed the spray nozzle at the petals. We watched intently. Ms. Sheng was also nervous, and her face was solemn. Gently pressed the button, an unknown liquid was sprayed onto the petals, and a pink purple dot was added to the petals, which made the students more confused. It's not over yet. Mr. Sheng pointed the spray nozzle at the leaves of the flower again, and then pressed it gently, and the leaves turned green. "Is the paper used to make this flower different?" one student asked. Mr. Sheng shook his head again. "You guessed wrong. Let me tell you the principle of this experiment."

Then, Miss Sheng told us that she had painted white vinegar on the petals and soda on the leaves and stems before the experiment. The liquid in that bottle is not white vinegar, but purple cabbage juice. Purple cabbage juice is neutral, white vinegar is acidic, and soda water is alkaline. There are anthocyanins in purple cabbage juice. Anthocyanins are water-soluble substances, and their color will change due to different pH values. Therefore, when the anthocyanins in purple cabbage juice touch the white vinegar with acidic substances, they will become reddish, and when they touch the soda water with alkaline substances, they will become green.

Although the principle of this experiment involves a lot of knowledge that we have not learned, it still benefits us a lot.

Every small experiment has a scientific principle behind it, which will enable us to learn knowledge and understand science in the experiment.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (12)

It was sunny on Saturday. Taking advantage of the fine weather, I poured some water on the flowers near the door. When I was halfway through the watering, my mother suddenly called me into the room. It turned out that a bottle of blue ink at home was broken, and my mother wrapped it in a cloth and asked me to take the ink outside and throw it away. I poured the ink into the soil with flowers and left. The next day, the sky was still clear, so I watered my beloved flowers again. I am very happy to see these flowers so vibrant. But when I poured it, a phenomenon that surprised and puzzled people appeared in front of me. This is a very short flower. Usually I don't pay much attention to it. But now it makes me unbelievable, because its petals are blue! But the flowers I raise are only red or yellow, and there is no blue at all. How did this blue flower come out? This puzzled me a lot. Suddenly I remembered that the place where I poured the bottle of blue ink yesterday was the area where I found blue flowers. The similarities between blue ink and blue flowers make me believe that there must be some connection between them. So I did the following experiments.

I first tried to get some blue water and purple water, moved the flowerpot with flowers to the table, and also brought a small pair of scissors and a rose. The experiment began. First, I pour some of the blue water evenly onto the flowerpot and move it to the sunny window to absorb more quickly. Then I took a pair of scissors and cut the stem of the rose to make it have two "tails". I put one "tail" in the cup of blue water and the other "tail" in the cup of purple water. In this way, the rose can absorb both kinds of water at the same time. After finishing, I also moved the water and flowers to the window, and I can't wait for the results.

The effort paid off. A few hours later, I came to the window and saw that the flowers in the flowerpot had turned blue, and the rose surprised me even more. Its petals were almost blue on one side and purple on the other. This experiment also led me to a conclusion: flowers will not only absorb water, but also absorb pigment. When absorbed, the pigment will run into the petals, and the color of the pigment will become the color of the petals. If you don't believe it, you can pick a petal and gently rub it with your finger. Gradually, you will find that the petal becomes transparent. Through this way, we can know that the flower contains pigment. If it loses pigment, it will become transparent.

How about it? Isn't it interesting? In fact, science exists around us. It depends on whether you are careful and have the spirit of "breaking the casserole and asking the truth"!

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (13)

The hibiscus tree is like a big umbrella on the roadside. The umbrella is decorated with various flowers, which is very beautiful. Especially in the early morning, under the morning light, she is so charming and lovely. Some are full of dew, some are in full bloom, and some are just flowers.

Every day after school, I have to pass this road, and I often have a look. One day, I suddenly found a strange phenomenon. On a sunny morning, the color of hibiscus flower is dark red, like a red bell block; The half opened ones are also red, but not as red as the flowers and bones; The fully opened one looks snow-white at first glance, much like a white peony. But when you look carefully, there is a little pink on the root of the lowest petal. I wonder why the flowers on the same hibiscus tree have three different shades of color? In the evening, I came back from school to have a look! What's more, the flower buds turned white, while the fully opened and half opened ones turned dark red.

I want to take a closer look at the process of its color change. So on Sunday morning, I picked a big white hibiscus flower and observed it while doing my homework. I found that every once in a while, the color of flowers deepened. At noon, the flowers turned crimson. I think there must be something in the hibiscus flower to make it change color. So, what is this substance?

I was also surprised to find that if it was cloudy and rainy, the color change of hibiscus flowers was different from what I said before: in the morning, it was the same as in sunny days; At noon, the hibiscus flower did not change color at all; In the evening, the full bloom hibiscus is still white, but the color of Huaguduoer has changed from red to white. I began to suspect that the color change of hibiscus flower was related to temperature. Otherwise, how could the color change on cloudy and sunny days be different?

I did another experiment on a cloudy day. I picked a hibiscus flower and put it at home to compare it with the outside. I found that the hibiscus flowers at home would change color as they do on sunny days, but they would not change so fast and the color would not become so dark. So I concluded that the color change of hibiscus must be related to temperature.

In order to find out the reason for the color change, I specially consulted my biology teacher and read Jia Zuzhang's Why Flowers Are So Red. It turns out that the cell fluid of flowers contains anthocyanins. As long as the temperature and pH change slightly, the flowers will change color immediately. The anthocyanins of hibiscus are acidic, so they are red. The stronger the acidity, the higher the temperature, the redder the color. So hibiscus flowers will appear dark red and pink. It turns white because there is no pigment in the cell fluid.

After I found out the reason why the hibiscus flower changed color, I felt that I didn't pay attention to the things around me in the past. After walking that road for so many years, hibiscus blooms year after year, but it has never changed color before. Moreover, I think that observation alone is not enough for anything. We must also dig into the root and find out the reason. Only by being good at observation, discovery and thinking can we gain something.

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (14)

When the weather was sunny, Grandpa moved his beloved flowers to the balcony to bask in the sun. Grandpa also watered the flowers. The flowers were yellow and beautiful in the sun. Xiaoming was playing football outside. He accidentally kicked the ball sideways, and the ball flew out. Unfortunately, it hit the little yellow flower planted by his grandfather. Unfortunately, the poor flower broke at the waist. Xiao Ming is silly to see the flowers falling on the ground. What should I do? This is Grandpa's favorite flower! He quickly hid the flowers and ran home breathlessly, moving his mother's favorite safflower to grandpa's balcony. When grandpa went to see the flowers again, grandpa was dumbfounded. Why did yellow flowers turn into red flowers? Is it a color change flower?

Composition of Color Changing Flowers (15)

There is a tall and straight Chinese parasol tree near our school playground. Every spring, a tree's "trumpet" sways in the wind, giving us good news: "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

Mother's favorite flower is sycamore. After class, I flew to the plane tree and carefully selected "gifts" for my mother.

At noon, when I got home, I saw my mother washing clothes. Soap bubbles were colorful and very beautiful under the "dress" of the sun. In order to give my mother a surprise, I hid the sycamore flowers behind my back. When my mother turned around, I suddenly held the sycamore flowers in front of my mother. Unexpectedly, I tried too hard and threw the flowers into the washing basin.

I fished out the flowers quickly. Eh? How did the flowers turn blue-green? Is it because the clothes have faded? I quickly took out my clothes. The water was clear and the clothes did not fade. I picked up a basin of water with a basin and put the flowers into it. The flowers still remain their original 'white'. I thought for a moment, it must be the washing powder. I put a spoonful of washing powder in it, and the flowers immediately turned blue-green.

When I was puzzled, it suddenly occurred to me that the teacher in the science class had said to us, "There is a substance in the Chinese parasol flower, called anthocyanin, which is a complex compound. When anthocyanin encounters a substance containing alkaline, anthocyanin will appear blue-green; when it encounters a neutral substance, it will appear purple; when it encounters an acidic substance, it will become red."

Indus flower is really a natural test paper!