Composition of Reading a Good Book (15 Collections)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2024-06-13 02:40:18

Reading a composition of a good book (1)

When the best ray of sunshine hid, the darkness gradually fell, and the yellow light shone on the books in front of me. At that moment, I knew that my life journey was not lonely.

Looking across the world, why there is not a school of flamboyant prosperity; There is no tragic decline of a dynasty in history; These are not a good book, nor are they navigation lights in the fog. If you taste it carefully, you will find that it is not a good book that can make people clear their eyes.

When I was young, accompanied by a book, I realized Enrique's love for the world in Education of Love. He loved his classmates, friends, teachers, parents, motherland, people, life, labor and everything just. His feelings condense into a stream of love, which moistens my pure heart and flows everywhere in my blood.

When I was a little older, accompanied by a book, I understood Fu Lei's earnest teaching to my son; Accompanied by books, I enjoyed the wonders of the underwater world; Accompanied by books, I realized Jane Eyre's attitude towards life, principles of doing things and correct understanding of herself; Accompanied by books, I walked into Paul Kochagin's life and realized his iron spirit.

When I was a little older, when I read the Water Margin, I read Lu Zhishen's rude nature and Lin Chong's principles of life. It can also read the heroic posture of Liang Shanbo, a white eight general. They stand proudly on the top of the mountain, and their chest shines with golden light. That is their blood and that is their pledge.

"Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently". That is how books come to us quietly and put knowledge into our minds, making us full of energy and clear eyes.

It's really cool to read a good book!

Reading a composition of a good book (2)

A book you like is a friend and a place where you can go whenever you want; Books are the golden keys to the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like an enlightenment teacher, guiding my way forward; It tells me the principles of life, lets me get more knowledge from it, and sets up my goal in life.

In the summer vacation, I read a copy of Fan Wenjing, written by Wang Weiying. Teach me how to make my characters full and bright! This is about people; Teach me how to set up suspense method, desire first restraint method, plot sudden change method! This is about things; Teach me to grasp the characteristics, choose the angle, arrange the order and express flexibly! This is a landscape painting; Teach me to observe carefully, focus on the center, depict details, and enrich associations! This is for writing. Teach me fairy tale imagination, extended imagination, imagination of the future, science fiction imagination! This is imaginary; Teach me to write life diary, hobbies, feelings, diary style composition! This is a diary; Teach me the title, body, honorific, signature and time! This is a letter writer. Teach me to "feel" less, "describe" more, "feel" not new, "feel" not deep, "feel" out of tune! This is the feeling after reading Only then can I improve my composition. And there are countless good words and sentences. For example, a good sentence for painting scenery: Spring girl comes quietly, wakes up the earth and blows green grass. Miss Liu looked in the mirror and combed her beautiful long green hair. The wild flowers by the pool looked up at Miss Liu combing her green hair, and they were also a little envious. Miss Chun quietly walked up to Miss Liu and said a few words. Miss Liu danced happily, and the curious butterfly fell on her shoulder to eavesdrop on what they were saying.

Books enrich my after-school life and give me wings of fantasy. Love books, books are human nutrition, but also the ladder of human civilization progress!

Reading a composition of a good book (3)

"Books are the nourishment of the whole world." This is Shakespeare's view on books. Today, I would like to recommend a book - "If you give me three days of light".

This book was published by Guangming Daily Press in 2007 by American writer Helen Keller. The world's best-selling over 100 million, vivid language and exquisite illustrations make me long aftertaste, never tired of seeing.

This book mainly tells the story of Helen Keller who walked out of the desperate situation step by step when he was blind in two eyes and imagined what he would do if he had three days of light.

The person who impressed me most was the heroine Helen Keller. Although she is blind, she never gives up reading. Shouldn't we learn from Helen Keller's optimism and perseverance? In real life, some people give up and shrink when they encounter a small setback. However, these setbacks are not worth mentioning compared with Helen Keller.

After reading this chapter, I also had a great touch. Since then, I have always wanted to give up when encountering difficulties. Helen Keller is always trying to read without seeing it in my mind. For a long time, I also have the good habit of being strong and never giving up, thanks to the book "If you give me three days of light"! I believe that if you read this chapter, you will become stronger and more optimistic!

"Make good use of your eyes, as if tomorrow you will encounter a disaster of blindness." This sentence is what I will never forget after reading "If you give me three days of light". This is what Helen Keller wrote to every reader at the end of the book. She let us know that we should cherish what we have, not covet what does not belong to us, but know how to be satisfied. We should also cherish the present and learn from Helen Keller's spirit.

I like to watch If You Give Me Three Days of Light, which makes me love reading and gives me a unique view of life. There are also some good habits. Here, I recommend it to you. If you read this book, we will become friends and discuss the contents of the book together! I hope it can also enlighten you. Come and buy it!

Reading a composition of a good book (4)

"Come out, come out, the little man making chrysanthemum wine with handkerchief?" Who was singing at this time? Listen carefully. It turns out that this is from the book Flower Field on the Handkerchief.

The author of the book Flower Field on the Handkerchief is Naoko Anda of Japan. Naoko Anda has won the Broad Introduction Fairy Tale Award, Primary School Culture Award, etc. In 1962, after they published the "Moonlight Organ", they embarked on the path of fairy tale creation. This book mainly tells about an old woman who gave Liangfu a magic handkerchief that can brew chrysanthemum wine, but Liangfu broke his and his grandmother's promise, and an incredible thing happened

I recommend this book to you for three reasons. First, the technique used by the author is exquisite, warm and touching, fresh and natural, and it is a fine art focusing on the beauty of sensibility and details. For example, this sentence in the book: "The old woman looks not terrible at all. A few white hairs are gathered behind her head, and she is smiling and squinting her eyes." This sentence makes me seem to have a kind old woman in front of me. There are also "dancing children, this chapter wrote that the villain father first picked up the violin, clamped it under his chin, then took the bow in his right hand, and gently played it on the thin strings." This series of action descriptions describe the appearance of the villain father playing the violin.

The second reason is that this book tells me to be an honest and trustworthy person and not to be a person who does not keep his promise. Reading this book reminds me of it. One day, my mother asked me to go to the shop to buy salt. I gave the money to the granny in the shop. She should have given me back two yuan, but the granny gave me back three yuan. I thought I had one more yuan today, so I could spend it at will. When I think of the good husband in this book, he paid a heavy price because he was dishonest and trustworthy. I said to my grandma, "Grandma, you gave me an extra change of one yuan." Then I returned the money to my grandma. My heart was sweeter than honey.

The third reason is that the villains in the book are hardworking and hardworking. They help Liang Fu make wine and help him. I also want to learn the spirit of small people in books.

This book has benefited me a lot. I believe that if you come to read it, you will learn more than I do!

Reading a composition of a good book (5)

Shakespeare said, "Books are the nutrition of the whole world." I think that's right. I can't read or eat all the nutrition in my big cabinet. And I think the best thing to see is the "Secret of Cherry Blossom Lane" in Smiling Cat's Diary.

"The Secret of Cherry Blossom Lane" is created by Yang Hongying, a contemporary children's literature writer, with great effort.

However, I can't laugh or cry after reading it. In other words, it's ridiculous. I'm not saying that the author is not good. But what the characters did made me speechless. She is our close relative - Mom

The hero of this story is called Angel, and her mother. In the late autumn when the leaves are falling, the dried cherry trees in the Cherry Blossom Lane bloom all over the night, and the quiet Cherry Blossom Lane in the past is crowded and bustling.

Angel was sent to a place called "starting line gas station" by her mother to have a "smart needle" and drink "smart soup". But it was discovered by the righteous Laughing Cat that the so-called "smart needle" was just an ordinary needle, and the so-called "smart soup" was just the soup made of coke and ginger. What is even more incredible is that the stationmaster of the "starting line gas station" used to only sell cotton candy.

The second time I was cheated was in a "little talent training base" created by a liar who claimed to be a doctor. Angel's mother spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to send Angel to study. People there read very advanced books to Angel. The liar who claimed to be a doctor turned out to be just a rat medicine seller.

After being cheated twice in a row, Angel's mother did not repent and went to the third place. Angel's mother spent a total of 60000 yuan to buy 20 top scholars' books. Because the boss said that the book was written by the champion himself, but it was actually printed one by one by the machine.

After reading this book, I found that my mother is the closest person to us, but also the person who does not understand us the most; Mother is the person who loves us the most, but she doesn't know how to love us. As Angel's father said: "You are not for Angel's good, you are to satisfy your vanity, which has driven you crazy."

I hope my mother will read this book.

Reading a composition of a good book (6)

In a happy summer vacation, reading a good book is better than watching TV or browsing the computer once. Reading a good book is like a good friend who can understand my heart after knocking for a while. It was the same as a long journey, recognizing new knowledge and seeing new scenery.

In the summer vacation, I read a book that is still fresh in my memory. The hero of the book "Memory Angel" is Wang Xiangxiang. She is a good student with excellent character and learning, but she has no friends. Once because of the disappearance of his famous scientist, Grandpa Wang Ting. I went there, never got the feeling of friendship, and made many good friends. She, Zhou Promise and Xuan'er hand in hand to find her grandfather's whereabouts. Repeated failures could not stop Wang Xiangxiang from giving up his search. With the help of teachers and partners. Wang Xiangxiang finally found the whereabouts of the memory angel mentioned in his grandfather's letter. From the angel of memory, I found that Grandpa lost his memory. But this made Wang Xiangxiang firm in his belief that he must find his grandfather. Whenever I see here, I admire Xiangxiang's persistence. However, at this time, a thin layer of fog covered the eye frame from time to time. I was very moved by this, and I still can't forget this shocking picture.

The book "Angel of Memory" has benefited me a lot. I will face anything seriously and bravely in the future. I will not give up my way because of a stumbling block. As long as I persist, the dawn of victory will shine on my face.

Reading a composition of a good book (7)

The most beautiful words do not show people by rhythm, but by charm; The most beautiful words do not show people by words, but by connotation; The most profound words do not show people by complexity, but by sincerity.

Probably because I read "Watching Off", I began to learn to reflect on myself every day. Meditate with your heart, how do I spend today? Have you missed a place in your life? Have you smiled and said goodbye to your parents in the morning, and have you had a comfortable and full evening? All of a sudden, I seem to understand a lot of truth, as if the road ahead of growth is suddenly open and bright. Maybe, people have to go through such a process in their life. Unconsciously, they learn to grow, become strong, and finally become open-minded when the clouds roll and the flowers bloom and fall.

There is a saying in the book: Happiness is that the person who waves "goodbye" in the morning returns at night, leaving his schoolbag in the same corner and his sneakers under the same chair. The author Long Yingtai interprets the happiness in her understanding with the most simple and plain tone. Maybe this seemingly ordinary plain is the real happiness. Maybe happiness is simple, not so gorgeous and illusory, and it is displayed to people in a simple manner. Simple and plain is the most true happiness.

She also wrote in the book: I slowly and slowly learned that the so-called "one scene between parents and children" only means that the fate between you and him is that you are constantly watching his back fade away in this life. You stand at this end of the path and watch him disappear at the corner of the path. Moreover, he silently tells you with his back that you don't need to chase him. Slowly, slowly, I realized that my loneliness seemed to be related to another figure.

This is a sentence that makes people exclaim, silence and think deeply. After careful consideration, perhaps it is true that as she said, parents and children are two intersecting straight lines. After the intersection, they begin to deviate from the original center point, and the two gradually move away. Then, in the long river of years, the children walked forward without looking back, until one day they found that they were also exhausted, while the parents behind them were as white haired as the Milky Way. At this point, perhaps only then began to really understand the meaning of happiness, only then began to lament that youth is fleeting, fleeting. What you have given up is easy to get, but when times change, you have to struggle for it, and then you begin to become open-minded and have nothing to ask for. What is important in life is only after you feel "can't ask" and "can't forget".

When you don't look at this flower, it is still with you; When you come to see this flower, the color of the flower suddenly becomes clear, and you will know that this flower is not outside your heart.

From this moment on, let's learn to cherish, learn to be grateful, and begin to savor happiness from behind every bit of daily life. Maybe, suddenly, you will understand that a flower, a cloud, a smile, and a greeting are also the true meaning of happiness.

Reading a composition of a good book (8)

Fairy tale is a wonderful and magical world, in which there are many beautiful fantasies. I have loved reading fairy tales since I was a child. I must read Andersen's Fairy Tales every night to sleep. Every story in the fairy tale is so complicated and fascinating. It is like a colorful stone, which deeply attracts me and makes me love it.

Traveling in Andersen's fairy tale world, the first thing you see is a rich world. There are kind-hearted princes, beautiful princesses, lovely little red hats, vicious witches, match girls, strange thumb girls, smart dwarfs, ugly ducklings

Here is a wonderful imaginary sky. Each story of it is like a bright pearl illuminating the hearts of each of us. Sometimes it makes me laugh and sometimes it makes me cry; Sometimes I feel a lot of emotion.

In "The Ugly Duckling", the ugly duckling with inferiority is excluded, ridiculed and hit everywhere. But it did not despair, did not degenerate, but overcame many difficulties, and finally became a white swan. From the ugly duckling, I feel that the ugliness of appearance is not terrible. As long as you have a dream in your heart, you can succeed if you keep working hard, persevering and struggling. This makes me think of myself. I usually flinch when I encounter a little difficulty in learning. I'm tired of helping my mother do something small in life. Compared with the ugly duckling, I am so small.

In The Little Match Girl, a little girl was selling matches in the snow on New Year's Eve. Although it was terribly cold and it was snowing heavily, the little girl sat on the ground in thin clothes and bare feet. She begged that someone would buy her matches and that she would go home early without being scolded. The coldness of her family and the ruthlessness of the society froze to death on the street when she lit a match and imagined the happiness of herself and her grandmother. My heart tears when I read this, why would the whole world be as callous as the snowflakes flying all over the sky? The little girl is so pathetic. But I grew up in a new era and lived in a happy and warm family. I had enough food, warm clothes and fun. Compared with the little match girl, I am a world apart! Think about my parents again. They are working hard every day. They go out early and return late to work, earn money to support our family, provide us with education, and train us to become the pillars of our country. They are hard-working, sometimes even don't let us do housework, obedient to us, never criticize, let alone not let us go home. On the contrary, coming home late will make them worried. If the little match girl lives in our country, I think she can go to school happily with her schoolbag on her back and listen to the teacher in the bright classroom, just like us; On New Year's Eve, we can also have reunion dinner with our beloved family.

In Andersen's Fairy Tales, I learned to treat others kindly, face the difficulties in life bravely, cherish the happy time in front of me, and pass happiness on to everyone.

Andersen's Fairy Tales accompanied me through the summer vacation. It was like an elf and my close good partner, always growing up with me. It made me understand a lot of truth, so that my pure heart was moved by the truth, it more rounded my dream of reading!

Reading a composition of a good book (9)

During the summer vacation, I read the book Journey to the West. The story is about Tang Monk's master and apprentice going to Xitian Boxing.

Tang Monk was the boxer selected by the Buddha to go to the Western Heaven, so he was ordered to go to the Western Heaven to practice boxing. The Monkey King is specially protecting Tang Monk. He is transformed from the fairy stone on the Flower and Fruit Mountain. What he fears most is Tang Monk chanting the Hoop Curse. But Zhu Bajie is a lazy and delicious guy. He is Marshal Tianpeng in the Tiangong. Because she teased Chang'e after drinking, she was demoted to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor, and finally got the lesson she deserved. Monk Sha was originally a guard in the Heaven Palace. He was discovered by the Queen Mother and demoted to the mortal world because he ate flat peaches at the peach meeting. The white dragon horse was changed by the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Because he burned the luminous pearl given by the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor sent him into the prison. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva saved the third prince. The Bodhisattva said to the third prince, "Go to Xitian Fist with Tang Monk and them."

They helped each other, united and loved each other. After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties and hardships, they walked a hundred and eight thousand miles, killed demons and eliminated demons, and finally got the scripture.

This story tells us that we should unite, love and help each other. Do not give up halfway. Persistence is victory.

Reading the Composition of a Good Book (10)

The ancients said: "There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beauty like jade in the book." It can be seen that the ancients had a special preference for reading. Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress." Yeah! Books can take us to sweet dreams, and also to the vast ocean of knowledge.

During the holiday, I read Helen Keller's "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", which gave me a deep feeling.

I was deeply moved by Helen Keller's strong perseverance and spirit of not bowing to fate. Helen Keller has spent 88 years in her life, but 87 years have passed without light and sound. In spite of this, she overcame great difficulties and was admitted to Harvard University. With her arduous struggle, she has made remarkable achievements.

Three days of light is just a short moment for us ordinary people, but for Helen Keller, it is unimaginable. Three days of light is just a waste of time for us, but it is of great significance for Helen Keller.

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." I like a sentence in the book: use your eyes as if you would lose light tomorrow. Many of us do not protect our eyes, and Helen Keller expressed an excellent attitude to life: love life, cherish life, enjoy life, not waste time, not waste talent.

I want to give a piece of advice to all the people with sound limbs in the world: make good use of your eyes, and don't let us live in the dark. Similarly, please cherish other senses and experience the wonderful life with your heart. Make full use of your every sense, open your heart and explore the world!

After reading this book, Helen Keller made me understand that we should cherish every minute of life, cherish everything now, and don't let it slip away from our hands.

Reading a composition of a good book (11)

I'm in a good mood today. Take a book and choose "Military Dog Blackie".

The article tells about a military dog called Sunspot. Once, the instructor gave it a task to find out who was the "thief". The sunspot soon found out, but the instructor shook his head repeatedly. At last, Sunspot's self-confidence was defeated and he chose someone else. The instructor finally told sunspot the answer, and sunspot left without looking back. It no longer trusts anyone, including instructors. It upset everyone.

After reading this article, I think both humans and animals should have their own dignity. And I don't think the instructor in the article should do that either. Everyone would react like sunspot. But the reaction of sunspot really surprised me. Because before that, I thought only people would have dignity. But I was wrong. Even a dog has its own dignity. People and animals can have nothing but their dignity.

After reading this article, I remembered that in life, I cannot deprive the dignity of the person I am being treated with. I remember one time it was a self-study class, the teacher was not in the classroom, and my deskmate talked to the classmate in front. At that time, I didn't want to pay any attention to them, but their voices became louder and louder. I couldn't help it. I scolded both of them, and even other students heard it. Later, I regretted that my scolding was wrong, which affected the friendship and unity of the students and hurt their self-esteem. I want to say "sorry, I was wrong" to them.

Reading the Composition of a Good Book (12)

Childhood is a beautiful picture with a beautiful world on it. Childhood is full of dreams and happiness.

Everyone has a childhood, and everyone's childhood is different. Compared with Gorky, our childhood is brilliant; It is colored; Is happy; There is no worry and pain; It is 66 carefree. Everyone's childhood is not as poor as Gorky's, even less than one millionth of his. So, why don't we study hard and be filial to our parents?

After reading the book Childhood, I felt the author's tragic experience in his childhood, and then I realized that the children of our generation are: born in bliss, not blessed. We are the apple of our parents' eyes. We were spoiled by our parents when we were young, used to it, obedient, and self respecting. We have not suffered any injustice and pain. We still complain all day long, and we are tired of doing something. No matter how well intentioned our parents are, we do not know how to respect and understand them.

Childhood is an autobiographical novel written by Maxim Gorky based on his childhood. It tells the childhood life of Alesha (Gorky's nickname) from the age of three to ten. The novel begins with "I" going to my grandfather, and ends with "I" being asked by my grandfather to "live on earth". It exposed the darkness, cruelty and inhuman life of the Russian tsar period. Golgi has lived in such an environment since childhood, suffering from torture and humiliation, both mentally and physically. However, Gorky did not lose confidence in life, but walked over firmly.

Reading a composition of a good book (13)

The fable I read today is Lion and Mosquito.

This fable is about a lion who, with his ferocity, sat on the throne of the forest king in the thick forest. The king lion is no longer as modest as before, but bullies "good people" everywhere. Small animals dare to be angry, because no animal has ever beaten a lion. We have to let it be.

However, the mosquito was unconvinced and challenged the lion. When the news came out, everyone was talking about it.

The time of challenge came soon. The lion heard that mosquitoes would make trouble on the first anniversary of his accession to the throne. The lion did not pay attention to it, but continued to receive greetings and worship from animals.

After the lion and mosquito signed the terms, they began to fight.

The lion was already impatient, and rushed to the mosquito, trying to catch it with his claws. The mosquito gently flapped its wings and flashed to one side. Then it flew to the lion's face and took a bite. In this way, they "fought" for dozens of rounds. After a long time, the lion lost its fighting spirit and was exhausted. But we couldn't find a way to subdue the mosquito. The mosquito finally won, and everyone was very happy.

But when everyone celebrated the victory, no one noticed that the brave man who had just defeated the king of the forest was stuck in the spider web alone and could not move. A small spider slowly climbed over, and it turned out to be a spider's dinner.

This fable tells us that nothing is invincible in the world. Just like the mosquito in the story -- the lion -- the spider. Just like playing chess, a powerful elephant can't beat a weak old tree. This is a triangle circle.

Reading a composition of a good book (14)

As we all know, if you read a good book, you will benefit for life. However, if you read a bad book, you will surely suffer endless evils! For example, horror novels, funny comics and other books that are not suitable for children. If you have such a book at home, please drive it away from you immediately! Otherwise, you will be surrounded by that bad force, which will affect your growth.

I know I can't read bad books, but I also did this stupid thing. I feel very sad when I think of it.

One day, my mother took me to play with one of her friends who opened a bookstore. My mother was chatting with that aunt while I was reading in the bookstore. I read several books in one afternoon. In the evening, my mother said: "My child, we should go, come back next week!"

Aunt said: "You can pick out some books and take them home to read!"

"OK?" I asked incredulously.

The aunt touched my head, smiled and said, "Of course! Take it back!"

I said excitedly, "Thank you, auntie!"

I selected an invincible giant tooth beast, which is a horror novel. It tells the story of several children saving the dungeon.

After reading this book that night, I always thought about the terrible appearance of the giant tooth beast when I went to bed at night. I couldn't sleep at all. When I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I was afraid.

The next morning, I mistakenly packed "The Invincible Giant Toothed Beast" into my schoolbag. When I got to school, one of my classmates borrowed a book from me. I opened my schoolbag and found that the only extra-curricular book was "The Invincible Giant Toothed Beast". "I only have this one, do you see it?" I asked. "Of course, any book will do!" he said. I lent him my book.

Teacher Di was correcting his homework in front of him when he came across the book and asked, "Is this your book? As the head of a class, I should read such a book! Read well, read well, read well. You are still a child, and this kind of book is harmful to your growth!"

"I, I...... Teacher, I was wrong!" I said with a red face.

"It's good to know that you are wrong. One slip of the road will lead to eternal hatred. Never look at these cultural garbage again." The teacher said.

Alas, when I think of that, I regret it. So, students must read good books in the future, and they must not look at the cultural garbage again!

Reading a composition of a good book (15)

In the summer vacation, I read the good book "Going Forward with a Whistle" by Mei Zihan.

This book was written by Mei Zihan from his own point of view. He ran very fast when he was young. His mother could not ride a bicycle before, so he ran behind and held on. His speed was so good that his mother could ride a bicycle later. His best friend was Hua Zukang when he was young, and later he went to the United States. His father is in prison. His current friends are: Cao Dimin, Lao Dan and I are the third generation Lin Yingcheng and his son Lin Dong. I have Big Foot Grandma and Small Foot Grandma, as well as my sister Xiaoping.

When I was young, I liked to be a scout ghost. I went with Commander Jiansheng, Jun De, Tao Tao, and Fat Nine to scout the empty house in the former sanatorium, and was driven home by Zhang Bo of the residents' group. Later, I passed the key middle school without any effort, and no neighbors or relatives congratulated me. No one made a fuss about it. In the past, food coupons were required for food, including cake coupons, meal coupons, bean product coupons, etc. At that time, we used to drive away the sparrows with the broken steel pot.

This book is really very beautiful!