My Teacher's 50 Word Composition (14 Collections)
Free and easy life
2024-06-15 06:20:22
fifth grade

My teacher's 50 word composition (1)

When I mention "teacher", I will think of your busy figure on the podium, in the classroom and in the office. Teacher is the greatest profession in the world.

Teacher, you have poured knowledge into the students' minds word by word, bit by bit, with endless hard work and sweat. The blackboard is crowded with new Chinese words, mathematical calculation problems, English text outlines... Every word is condensed with wisdom.

Teacher, you taught us Tang poetry and Song poetry, and I was intoxicated with the chanting sound, which is unforgettable. You let us feel the charm of classical culture, and you also taught us many famous aphorisms, such as The Analects of Confucius. Whenever I encounter difficulties in life and study, I will not worry any more when I think of the famous sentences you taught me.

Teacher, under your guidance, I have grown from childish ignorance to excellent character and learning. You have worked hard and cultivated the flower and future of the motherland with a dedicated heart!

My teacher's 50 word composition (2)

Teacher, I want to say to you: "Teacher, you have worked hard! Thank you for your meticulous teaching and care over the past two years."

I remember when I was in the first grade, my mother said to me, "You are so lucky to meet such a kind teacher." Yes, teacher. Whenever we make progress in learning, you are happy for us; Whenever we fail, you encourage us. Those bits and pieces will always be remembered.

Teacher, you are the gardener, cultivating our young trees. You are like the rain in spring, nourishing the flowers, and we are sucking the rain to grow up.

Thank you again, teacher, and wish you health and happiness forever!

My teacher's 50 word composition (3)

Teacher, I want to say to you: "You have worked hard. You must be very tired after teaching us all these years. You must be very upset when you face so many people every day. Especially when you do not do well in the exam, you usually criticize us, educate us, break our hearts, and pay too much for us."

I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I was also very sad. I knew that I didn't listen carefully in class before, and I was careless, which led to the failure of this exam. In the future, I should listen carefully in class, not make small moves, speak actively, and listen to the teacher's words, so that the teacher won't worry too much about me, and try to get a good result in the next exam, not to let the teacher down.

Teacher, I want to say: "I love you, you will always be my good teacher!"

My teacher's 50 word composition (4)

Teacher, I want to say to you: Thank you. Do you remember, teacher? Once, I conveyed many troubles to you through letters. You always remember patiently and tell me some truth of life.

Teacher, I want to say to you: hard work. You warm us like the sun, and you care about us like a mother. Do you remember, teacher? I used to know how many times you taught us when you were ill. After class, you had to explain the problems that we didn't understand. After returning home, you had to correct our homework and prepare lessons late. You are too hard!

Teacher, I sincerely say to you: Happy Teacher's Day!

My teacher's 50 word composition (5)

Every teacher has a pair of magic hands. They hold chalk, and at the same time, they are tirelessly looking after a forest.

My English is not very good. If I were a tree, I would be short and small. But one day, I was awakened by the sweet rain and dew. A hardworking gardener irrigated me. She is my teacher, and I still remember myself before that: a girl who had no eyes when she came to English class, always looked like a modest girl with her head buried, praying that she could be invisible, and she would not find me. How funny it seems now, but I was like that before that day.

My teacher's 50 word composition (6)

Today, I was very sad to hear that my teacher was going to ask for a three week leave.

Teacher, are you not feeling well? Or are we too naughty to worry you? Are you overworked? However, Mr. Yang, you can rest assured that after you leave, I will study hard, listen carefully in class, finish my homework carefully after class, preview before class, and review after class. Achieve good results to repay the teacher's love for us.

Teacher, you should cultivate well at home. We will take time to visit you. I hope you can recover soon! Come to teach us, we all miss you!

My teacher's 50 word composition (7)

Teacher, I want to say to you: "Teacher, you have worked hard." However, you always rush to the office, and I have no time to tell you.

Teacher, I want to say to you, "I will definitely get a good result next time." But I'm afraid that if I fail in the exam, I will be scolded by you again, so I didn't tell you.

Teacher, I want to say to you: "I will try my best to do my homework!" But there are mistakes in every exercise and test, so I dare not tell you.

Teacher, I really want to walk into your office and offer you a cup of hot tea, but I am a little timid, so I dare not give it to you.

Teacher, I want to tell you

My teacher's 50 word composition (8)

Teacher, during the years when you were in my primary school, you cared about me and educated me every day. It's really good for me to learn new knowledge and teach me how to behave.

However, I always made mistakes when I was in the junior grade. But every time I made a mistake, you didn't blame me. Instead, you reasoned with me to let me know where the mistake was. Now I am a senior sensible, and I have learned a lot of knowledge and learned how to behave.

These are inseparable from your meticulous teaching. You are just like my mother. When Teachers' Day comes, I want to say to you, "Teacher, I wish you a fast holiday!

My teacher's 50 word composition (9)

I feel that the most powerful and strict of my teachers is my head teacher.

My head teacher is not tall, but he has great power in his small size.

This is my head teacher.

Grade 3: Despair 1990

My teacher's 50 word composition (10)

Sunday, June 12, XX Weather: sunny

Miss Liang, I want to tell you that your skin is white and tender. You have a pair of eyes. Your eyes are as big as a walnut. You are always careful in class. Your voice is always hoarse. You are too thin. I like your class very much. You let me know that Chinese is very interesting. The students all like you very much.

My teacher's 50 word composition (11)

Wednesday, September 7, XX Weather: sunny

Miss Liang, I want to tell you that your skin is white and tender. You have a pair of eyes. Your eyes are as big as a walnut. You are always careful in class. Your voice is always hoarse. You are too thin. I like your class very much. You let me know that Chinese is very interesting. The students all like you very much.

My teacher's 50 word composition (12)

Yesterday, I recited ancient poems for my teacher. I recited four ancient poems. I thought I couldn't recite ancient poems! I suddenly memorized the ancient poem.

My teacher's 50 word composition (13)

Grade 5 English Composition My Teacher 50 Words 1

Teacher "-- is the engineer of the human soul, their nurturing a tree and a young seedlings, and cultivate a batch of a batch of excellent talent. In their care, we grow up healthy and lively. In so many teacher, what impressed me most is her -- taught me half a semester math teacher, teacher Chen.

Grade 5 English Composition My Teacher 50 Words 2

His gray hair, kind face, wearing clean clothes. We all like to play games and Mr Wu. He often helps us lead pencil, when class was over, we always put the cup and clothes to his custody. He careful watch us play in the playground. On one occasion, a student teacher to teacher wu, a big, red apple. Give it to Mr Wu to eat, staring at the apple, the fat kid in our class. Looking at she exhaled a book and eating an apple, Mr Wu laughed.

Grade 5 English Composition My Teacher 50 Words 3

There are many people and things, all disappear in the long river of memory, but there is a teacher to my memory.

The teacher teacher is my first grade teacher zhang. Said her fine eyes, she can with her mouth, taught me many, many know and life.

Remember once, the school is going to have a fairy tale, students get the first prize of fairy tales can be included in a book - "the childlike innocence beautiful". I am very happy, with my parents when I came back to say to want to attend, let them make up a fairy tale with me. I was just like fairy tale story。.

My teacher's 50 word composition (14)

My mother is also a teacher, but I am always afraid of my mother, because as long as I do wrong or slow, my mother will scold me fiercely and sometimes beat me. Teacher Zhang is not like this. She will draw a "△" on my exercise book to remind me that this word is not good enough. Sometimes she will write her beautiful words on my exercise book for me to imitate. When I make mistakes, Mr. Zhang will kindly remind me of what I did wrong.

Seeing Miss Zhang's warm smile and the bright eyes behind her round lenses, I think she is more beautiful than my mother.

I remember that teacher Zhang has never asked for leave since the first grade. Once she had diarrhea and vomited, and her face was as white as a sheet of paper. She insisted on giving us lessons. Another time, Mr. Zhang didn't come to the morning self-study. It was Mr. Chen who took charge of the morning self-study instead of Mr. Zhang.

We felt very strange. What happened to Mr. Zhang? Later, during the Chinese class, Mr. Zhang came, looking haggard, as if he had never slept. When school was over, we asked Miss Zhang "what's wrong", and then we learned that the night before last, Miss Zhang's father-in-law was hospitalized with a broken blood vessel and vomited a lot of blood. Miss Zhang spent a whole night in the hospital, and she came directly from the hospital to give us lessons.

Ah, I really want to stand on tiptoe and plant a pot of lilacs in front of Mr. Zhang's window, let the green branches and leaves of lilacs stretch into Mr. Zhang's window, and stay with my most beautiful Mr. Zhang night after night.