Composition of balance car (17 articles)
Out of print lonely lover
2024-06-05 02:35:37
primary school

Composition of balance car (1)

Today is a sunny and warm day. Our family came to my aunt's house as guests. Upon arriving at my aunt's house, I saw my uncle and several brothers who arrived earlier than us playing with a balance car. Looking at their cool appearance, I was so envious that I wanted to play with them.

My uncle and brothers gave me the balance car, and I couldn't wait to step on it. Before I could step on the other foot, the balance car spun quickly, and I fell heavily on my buttocks, grinning with pain. My uncle and brothers were amused. They laughed and pulled me up.

My uncle also said to me: "xx, the balance car moves by sensing gravity, and you must be careful when stepping on it!" Then he told me that when getting on the car, one foot should step on it, and the other foot should step on it immediately to prevent the balance car from spinning. After standing on the car, apply force on your toes, the car will move forward, and apply force on your heels, the car will move backward. With only one foot, the car will rotate around the side of the foot, which can be used to adjust the direction. After saying that, he held me up and asked me to practice as he said. After several times of practice, my uncle felt that I had understood, so he released his hand and let me try. I immediately got up in panic. People stood unsteadily and the car drove unsteadily, as if drunk.

My father shook his head and took me to the suntan. He said to me, "My father knew that you fell down just now, and he was afraid, but the more afraid we are, the more we will overcome it. This place is flat and open. I'm watching beside you, and you can practice boldly!" So, under the care of my father, I practiced according to the action essentials I just learned. Gradually, I was able to get on and off the bus smoothly, move forward and back freely, and turn flexibly... My father brought some stones as barrier piles to let me practice how to cross obstacles. With my father's practice, I can drive around the obstacles while enjoying the scenery soon. My mother saw it and exclaimed, "Wow, you learned it so quickly?" "That's it!" My heart was happy.

This time, I learned to play the balance car, which enabled me to master a skill, exercise my courage, and also won my father's reward - a balance car, really great!

Composition of balance car (2)

Last week, my mother bought me a balance car. I was excited and determined to learn it.

I opened the balance car, stretched out my right foot, and stepped on it gently. However, as soon as my right foot was put on, it turned and made me fall "on all fours". At this time, my excitement disappeared and I became timid. My mother encouraged me to say, "Now that you have bought it, you should learn it. Don't you also want to learn it?" After listening to my mother's words, I took a deep breath and thought carefully. Don't you want to balance the car? So I got up the courage and tried again.

Calm down, I slowly put one foot on it. For the sake of safety, I still choose to walk slowly against the wall. This time, the balance car will not rotate disorderly, and my heart will calm down. Then, I put my other foot on it, and gently pointed my toe forward, and the balance car moved forward. I was ecstatic, as if a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky after a heavy rain. I looked at my mother, who smiled and nodded to me. I walked a short way and was about to get down. Suddenly, I realized that I would not get down yet. I decided to ask my mother for help. But my mother deliberately plugged in her earphones and pretended to be listening to music with them, so I had to get down by myself. I slowed down and carefully put one foot off the balance car, but I didn't fall down. I was so happy that I ran to my mother, who praised me.

I am so happy today. I learned to ride a balance bike, and also let me understand the truth that "nothing is difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart". Only by persevering can we succeed.

Composition of balance car (3)

It is believed that everyone has his or her own favorite things, which may be our toys, or things we make ourselves, or shells we see on the beach, or our most precious photos, or gifts from good friends. My favorite thing is a balance car.

This balance car is a birthday gift from my big mother. It is blue and white with two wheels and a pair of black pedals. It's fun to step on it.

Before I got it, it was troublesome to go a little farther, so I always begged my mother to buy me a vehicle. On my birthday, my big mother gave me a big surprise. Wow! It's a balance car. I couldn't wait to try. According to the description, I carefully stood on the pedal, leaned forward, and the car rushed out. I was scared to stand straight, and the balance car stopped like the brake suddenly stopped. My legs clamped the pedal, and I tried hard to turn left to right. The balance car turned elsewhere according to my wishes, I lean back slightly, and the balance car moves backward like reversing. I rode around and thought: this balance car is not only fast, but also labor-saving. It's really a good thing. In a short time, I played with ease.

The balance car can be used not only as a tool for leisure and entertainment, but also as a means of transportation. Moreover, the price is affordable, which is really cheap. Such an ordinary balance car has brought me endless happiness!

Composition of balance car (4)

The hot sun has finally softened, and I can finally go outdoor activities. I can't wait to launch the balance car. I haven't ridden it for a long time. I really miss it!

"DidDidi", a series of rapid sounds sounded, reminding me that I was speeding, which scared me to slow down and move forward slowly. Turn, back, rotate, stop suddenly... After a while, the previous tacit understanding was re established. The balance car listened to me very much, and I had a lot of fun.

Suddenly, I saw my mother sitting beside me, looking down at her mobile phone, so I wanted her to try riding a balance bike. After a lot of hard work, my mother finally stood carefully on the balance car, but she was like a piece of wood when she went up. She clubbed there stiffly and didn't dare to move.

I had to patiently teach her to lean forward and step on her toes when she was moving forward; When retreating, the body is slightly backward and the heel is forced; When turning left, force the right toe, the left heel, or twist the leg to move the steering wheel

I asked Balabala if she understood. She understood, but as soon as the balance car moved, she screamed, "Ah! My son, please help me!" I had to help her quickly and let her put the weight of more than 100 kilograms on my shoulder.

After several twists and turns like this, my mother stopped riding the balance bike, so I had to play by myself again. Alas, I'd better ride by myself. Adults are really not brave in playing!

Composition of balance car (5)

On weekends, I often see my friends riding balance bikes happily in the small park below my house. They look very handsome and I envy them very much. So I begged my father to buy one for me. That day, I finally learned to ride a balance bike. I was so happy.

It was a hot afternoon. When I saw my father resting at home, I couldn't wait to ask him to go to the square to teach me how to ride a balance bike.

At the beginning, I saw that the balance car was very unstable. I didn't dare to stand on it for fear of falling. My father said, "Don't be afraid, as long as you practice hard, you will succeed." I hesitated for a while, and first stepped on my right leg, but the balance car shook left and right, which scared me not to put my left leg on. My father smiled and said, "I hold you." With my father's help, I successfully stood on the balance car.

As soon as I stood up, the balance car rushed forward as hard as I could. My body fell back, and my father quickly held me and controlled the balance car. I was in a cold sweat, and my heart was pounding. My father said, "It's OK, be brave, and have my father protect you!" I was grateful to my father, and thought: I must try my best to learn balance car.

Later, as my father taught me, I squatted on the balance car to practice. I practiced in front, and my father ran slowly in the back. The balance car became more and more obedient to me, and its speed became faster and faster. I don't know how long later, I found that my father behind me was already tired and sweating. "Dad, aren't you tired?" My father gasped: "It's OK... As long as you practice hard... I'm not tired." I was worried about my father's physical strength, so I slowed down.

After a short rest, I began to practice standing on the balance car. My father was not at ease. He helped me to practice slowly. I practiced very carefully. When my father released his hand, I didn't know. When I found out, I was surprised. I just wanted to stop, but my center of gravity was unstable, so I fell down, and my tears came out of my eyes. "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart." My father encouraged me, and the teacher said, "Persistence is victory!" I was not afraid of wrestling, and bravely stood on the balance car. Strangely, after I fell down, the balance car actually listened to me.

I'm so happy that I finally learned to ride a balance bike. The balance bike has now become my best friend. Through learning balance car, I learned that failure is the mother of success, and persistence is the truth of success. Thank you for supporting my father silently!

Composition of balance car (6)

Because of this year's COVID-19 epidemic, my father came back after three weeks and bought me a balance car. I jumped three feet high with joy. I've wanted it for a long time. I used to watch others riding balance bikes, and I thought it was cool!

As soon as my father entered the door, I couldn't wait to take the balance car. As soon as I raised my foot to step on it, my father stopped me: "The power has not been turned on yet!" After turning on the power, I was ready to step on it, and my father stopped me again: "I should stand in the direction of the footprints." So I carefully stood on the balance car in the direction of the footprints, and my heart was very nervous, Afraid of falling down. Dad encouraged me to say: "Don't be afraid, keep your body upright! The balance car can move forward or backward if you move forward or backward slightly. But don't move too far. Start slowly."

After listening to my father's words, I relaxed and moved forward slowly. Unexpectedly, my body leans forward too much and my speed is too fast. I'm about to hit the glass door of the balcony. At this time, my father shouted: "Your legs lean to the left!" I quickly responded and the car turned to the left. It turns out that the pole in the middle is turning. No wonder I want to sit on it at first, but my father won't let me.

After a few rounds in the living room, I became more proficient. My father praised me for learning very fast. I felt happy and began to relax my vigilance. After a while, the car hit the TV cabinet, and I fell down. Fortunately, it didn't hurt very much. But I will have a long memory when I ride in the future. I can't relax at any time.

In this way, I learned a new skill: riding a balance bike. It brings new fun to my home life!

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (7)

On the way to growth, we must constantly learn and innovate. In this section of road, I left a thrilling story when I learned the balance car.

At the weekend, the sky was cloudless, and only a few birds were flying in the sky and singing happily. Today I'm going to my friend's house.

When I arrived at my friend's house, I looked around carefully for a week. The tables, chairs, and TV were polished bright, and the floor reflected the shadow of my body. Then a balance car came into sight, and I got excited and thought: Isn't this a balance car. It's said that its speed is comparable to that of electric cars. Today I want to have a good experience.

I quickly called my friends and went downstairs. I carefully observed the balance car. The black shell highlighted its dignity, and the residual dust on the car showed that many people could not control it. My heart was flustered. My friend introduced me how to use it: first, hold the handle with both hands and step on the two boards with both feet, and then lean forward. On the contrary, I stepped on the balance car with excitement and nervousness, and my body refused to move for a while, thinking about the requirements. When my friend saw that I was so unwilling to move, he said, "You won't let me come.". I knew that he was a threat, but I refused to give in. As soon as my mind warmed up, my body leaned forward, and the balance car flew out like a bullet. I closed my eyes in bewilderment, and only heard a bang. I fell into the grass, and people also fell on their backs. I dragged the balance car and walked back listlessly step by step. When my friend saw me, he quickly comforted me: I fell down for the first time. My friends taught me a lot of skills and methods of riding a balance bike. Finally, with the help of my friends, I learned how to drive a balance bike.

Learning to ride a balance bike for the first time was a big challenge on my growth path. I finally succeeded, and I learned another skill. This experience is deeply impressed in my memory.

Composition of balance car (8)

Today, my mother bought me a balance car. I was ecstatic and could take the balance car out of the box directly. But I can't ride. What should I do?

My mother said to me, "You should do your own things and learn by yourself." I had to nod helplessly. But this balance car looks cool. In the middle of it is a long stick with two black oval circles stuck on it. The left and right under the long stick are the stepping boards. The pedals are black, the bottom is blue, and the tires are also blue.

I first supported the wall, then lifted my right foot onto the balance car, followed by my left foot. But soon, the balance car was out of my control and almost fell off. But this difficulty can't defeat me, so I tried many times and finally found the secret. As long as you lean forward, it will move forward. As long as you move backward, it will move backward.

We have a good grasp of progress, but what about turning? So I found that this long stick can move with an oval circle. He mainly controls the left and right directions. I suddenly realized the main control of the balance car. So I tried slowly. First put your hands on the oval circle, then put your left foot on the left pedal, and then put your right foot on the right pedal. Then release your hands and fix your feet correctly. Then lean forward and it will move forward. When turning, it can slow down. Then, clamp the oval circle with your left leg and right leg, and move left, and it will move with you, Move it to the right and it will follow. Later, after I made two rounds, I was happy to show my mother. Mother nodded happily.

This is my experience of learning to balance the car, and also let me know a truth: "You must stick to what you do, otherwise you will fail even worse."

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (9)

One day, I went to the park with my father, mother and brother. When he came to the park, his father took out something. He said, "This is a balance car. It's fun. Come and play!"

My first time riding a balance bike, I was a little afraid. My father smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. Come and play. It's not difficult to play. Just stand up and keep balance." After listening to my father's words, my interest increased greatly.

When I was about to stand up, my mother was worried: "You'd better not learn! How can you walk stably when two wheels are walking together? It's very difficult at first sight! If you don't hold your balance when you stand up, you will fall. How dangerous it is! The grandson of Grandma Wang's family next door fell down when he couldn't hold his balance when he was riding a balance bike, and nearly broke his leg." After listening to my mother's words, I hesitated. My father said it was very simple, but my mother said it was very difficult and dangerous. Should I ride the balance car or not?

Just when I was in a dilemma, my brother saw me and encouraged me to say, "Just listen to my parents, how can you know if it is really difficult? You'd better try it yourself, I believe you will know everything when you try it." After listening to my brother's words, I decided to stand up and try it myself.

I stood up carefully and tried to control the balance and direction according to the instructions. I found that riding a balance bike was neither as simple as my father said nor as difficult as my mother said. As long as I tried carefully several times, it would be easy to master.

In the end, I was very happy when I could ride as I wanted on the balance bike, not only because I learned to ride the balance bike, but also because I understood a truth: you can't just listen to others, you can only succeed if you try yourself!

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (10)

The balance car is also called body feeling car. The original principle is mainly based on a basic principle called "dynamic stability". The gyroscope and acceleration sensor inside the car body are used to detect the change of car body attitude, and the servo control system is used to accurately drive the motor for corresponding adjustment to maintain the balance of the system.

With the strengthening of people's awareness of environmental protection, the number of electric vehicles is increasing day by day. At the same time, scientists have finally developed a new two wheel electric balance vehicle after intensive research. The two wheel electric balance vehicle is a new type of vehicle, which is different from the front and rear arrangement of the wheels of electric bicycles and motorcycles, but adopts the way of two wheels being fixed side by side. The two wheel electric balance vehicle is supported by two wheels, powered by batteries, driven by brushless motors, and controlled by a single chip computer. The attitude sensor collects angular velocity and angle signals to coordinate and control the balance of the vehicle body. The vehicle can start, accelerate, decelerate, and stop only by changing the center of gravity of the human body.

I want to invent a more high-end balance car, temporarily named as No. 5 balance car, with a speed of 80-100km/h, which can be suspended 20 cm from the ground. It uses graphene batteries, without charging, and will slow down and avoid obstacles, with higher safety. It can be operated by voice, make phone calls and listen to music. Even if the owner is ten kilometers away, the balance car can also be operated. The No. 5 balance car will drive to the designated position according to the owner's positioning. The future No.5 balance car will be more efficient, safer, more convenient and more designed!

All of these are my beautiful dreams. Everything is still imagining. I will study hard now and realize my dream in the near future!

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (11)

A balanced car, as its name implies, is a car that needs to master balance. It has many types, including single wheel balance car, double wheel balance car and pull rod balance car. The balance car is a convenient and fast means of transportation, which is loved by people. However, it has another disadvantage, that is, it is not easy to control. Take me for example. In order to learn to ride a balanced bike, I spent a whole week and went through countless hardships.

Today, my friends and I got together on a balance bike and were discussing what to play today. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration and said: Let's hold a balance car chase race! Friends nodded their heads and agreed, so a fierce balance car chase started.

As the race was about to begin, the soldiers of the balance car were full of energy and ready to go. They just heard the referee say, "Go!" They rushed forward like horses out of the reins.

I took the lead and quickly left them far behind. Just as I was proud and looking back happily at these slow "snails", Ma Xikai said, "Look ahead!" I turned back, but it was too late. A huge deceleration belt rushed towards me, and I was thrown "dog gnawing mud" on the spot. Ma Xikai took advantage of the danger behind him, caught up with me, flew past me, and said to me, "Ha ha! Don't listen to the old man, and suffer in front of you!" "Damn! Ma Xikai, wait for me, and I will surpass you again!" I was so angry that I gnashed my teeth.

The competition continued. Although I tried my best to catch up, I still ranked second. The end was coming. I seemed to see Ma Xikai's joy after winning the championship. At that time, when he heard the sound of "Dong!", Ma Xikai fell to the ground. I rushed to see, oh! It turned out that his balance car was out of power (the balance car has power limit), so I overtook him and became the first.

In this way, the fierce balance car race ended successfully in our laughter. This competition has taught me a truth: when you fail in anything, don't be discouraged. You should sum up experience and learn lessons. When you win a temporary victory, you must be modest, prudent and down-to-earth. Don't be arrogant and conceited. Otherwise, all your efforts will be wasted and your achievements will fall short.

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (12)

My two wheeled standing balance car is black. Two big and cool off-road wheels support the center of gravity of the balance car and rely on the motor of the car body to move. A control lever is installed between the two pedals to control the movement of the car body with the lower legs, change the left and right directions of the balance car, and completely free your hands. Especially at the back of the pedal, there is a color indicator light that can emit colorful light, which is very cool.

Although I already own a balance car, I can't manipulate it skillfully.

So, I chose a cooler weather and went to an open space in the community. According to the instructions, I carefully and slowly put one foot on the pedal with a nervous mood, and listened to the "drip" sound. My heart thumped and became more nervous. In the panic, the subconscious quickly jumped on the pedal with another trembling foot, and the hands began to wave from side to side involuntarily. After a lot of forward and backward efforts, the balance car finally "balanced".

However, just a few steps forward, the balance car suddenly tilted forward, I was scared out of a cold sweat, and quickly readjusted the body's center of gravity, so that the balance car could resume normal driving and move forward slowly.

At the beginning, I was afraid of falling down due to unskilled operation. I always use my hands to carefully support the objects around me, moving slowly, and can't ride leisurely and freely. I thought, this is no good. So, I took a deep breath, relaxed my mood, boldly controlled the center of gravity, and slowly tried to release my hands. As a result, I really became.

After tens of minutes of hard work, I became more and more proficient in riding, and also mastered the riding skills of the balance bike, which made me more confident. Basically, the balance bike can be driven freely, and the speed of riding is getting faster and faster.

However, I didn't expect to encounter difficulties when going uphill. It is different from riding on the flat road. It is found that the speed and center of gravity of the balance bike can not be well controlled. Therefore, I also practiced uphill specifically. After such and such repeated practice and careful consideration, I can finally go up and down the slope easily.

Learning to ride a balance bike tells me that doing anything is not easy, and there will be bumps on the way. However, as long as we work hard, success will eventually beckon to you.

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (13)

A balance car is a new gadget. Like a bicycle, it is also a means of transportation, but it is controlled by the center of gravity of the body, while a bicycle is controlled by the handle.

My balance car looks like a white rabbit from a distance and a bicycle without handles from a close look. It is very beautiful. There are three colors all over the body: mainly white, plus black and blue.

At first, I could only hold the chair and drive slowly, but I didn't dare to drive fast; Driving fast, if the balance is not good, the car will hit each other and make a mess at home. So I kept practicing and thinking carefully. Slowly, I could let go of the chair and open it by myself. I was very happy. Later, I drove faster and harder. In this way, I learned how to drive a balanced car without teaching myself. Ah ah, it seems that I can drive to the library in the future. I can also drive the balance car to the small park in the community for a circle, and drive it to the property for express delivery. As long as it is a short distance, I can drive it. The more I think about it, the happier I am and the more proud I am.

Will the balance car be stolen when driving outside? It's my baby. Although the balance car cannot be locked, it is difficult to steal it. Why? Because it has a car key, which is the switch of the balance car. There are four buttons A, B, C and D on it. As long as you press A, the car can start.

The maximum speed of the balance car is 12 km/h, and it can drive 20 km at a time. It can travel from home to school almost twice. Unfortunately, there is no place to put it in the school, and the teacher will never allow me to open it!

The balance car can drive not only sitting, but also standing. How flexible! It's just a little more tired and difficult to stand. I am very proficient in sitting now, but not in standing. I will drive more in the future, and I will stand and drive very skillfully.

The balance car is my closest partner and most effective helper!

Composition of Balance Car (14)

During the summer vacation, my mother finally bought the balance car that I had long admired. I can't wait to open the packing box and take out the balance car. Wow! How cool! Two big flash wheels and wide "body" can also play music online. I like it so much that I can't wait to ride it.

After dinner, my father helped me carry the car to the square, and I rushed to the square downstairs like an arrow. I started to practice. I held my father's arm and stepped on the balance car carefully. Oh, it scared me to death. The balance car swayed around. I almost fell. I thought angrily: the balance car is not balanced at all! My father encouraged me to adjust my body first. If my body is balanced, I will not fall down. So I stood up straight, took my father's hand, slowly moved forward, and gradually found a balance. Just as I started to improve, my father suddenly released his hand and said to me, "You can try to ride on your own. You can't always let me help you, or you will never learn." I was surprised, my body lost its balance, and almost fell again. Fortunately, I was quick and jumped down.

After a shock, I flinched a little. With my father's patient persuasion, I stepped on the car gingerly again. Once, twice, three times... Slowly, I finally mastered the skills of riding a balanced bike: lean forward slightly, and the bike will move forward; When you lean back slightly, the car will back up; Turn left and step on the left foot; Turn right and step on your right foot; To stop, keep the center of gravity in the middle. Ha ha, with this "great discovery", I gradually learned to turn left, turn right, stop and other movements, and my speed has also improved significantly. I used to "crawl" like a snail, but now I can move forward quickly where nobody is.

Since I learned to ride a balance bike and go for a walk at night, I always swim in front of me like a fish. Through this event, I have learned a truth: as long as you persevere, study hard and practice hard, you will succeed in anything. There will always be a return.

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (15)

At first, I held the railing and staggered up. Suddenly, the car began to swing violently "flop"! I fell down and turned the horse upside down! Beans of sweat have poured down my cheeks. I persevered. I stood up hard again and stepped on it fearfully. I thought, "It's finally successful." I put my hands down and made a "yeah" gesture. Start to rustle. "Ouch!" I stumbled and lost my balance with my car and people. I fell again.

But I was not reconciled. Once again, I stood up. The car began to slide slowly. I slowly let go of my hand and stretched out my arm like a small eagle. My center of gravity moved forward, so did the car. Ah, so easy to control! I started to move forward. It was so cool. The back looked like a gust of wind blowing. I started the drag racing mode and played with my friends. There was a competition. "Prepare, rush!", "Wow!

After that, I came home with a red face. My mother asked me why I was so happy, and I said happily, "Because I learned to ride a balance bike“

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (16)

After we took my cousin over, I helped him with his things. When I opened the trunk of the car, I was immediately attracted by one thing - my cousin's balance car. I quickly took down his balance car. The balance car is a bit like a skateboard. It has two big wheels, one on the left and one on the right. There is a switch on the right. As long as you press it, the balance car will take you everywhere.

Can't wait to open the balance car, and then happily stood up. However, I never thought that when I just stood up, it was like a runaway wild horse, rampaging. Within five seconds, I was dumped by the balance car. My cousin looked at it and smiled. He took control of the wild horse as soon as he made a light stop. I was dumbfounded and deeply admired. Immediately worship my cousin as a teacher, and wholeheartedly learn balance car from the "master". After a little instruction from my cousin, I understood the operation method of the balance car: use your feet to control the balance car, press your feet forward, and it will move forward; On the contrary, it goes back. If you want to turn left, you should increase the weight of your left foot and decrease the weight of your right foot; On the contrary, the right foot should be heavier and the left foot should be lighter.

I thought to myself that the balance car was so simple. So, I stood up again. Unexpectedly, it was the opposite of my idea. As soon as I stood up, it began to circle, and it became faster and faster. Soon, I became dizzy and stopped with difficulty. This time I dare not underestimate it, and began to practice balance car seriously. At first, I often fell on my feet. However, after constant practice, I finally learned to ride a balance bike.

Composition of Balanced Vehicle (17)

When I got home, I found my father had already taken it back, charged it, and took it to the roof.

I couldn't wait to step on it. Before I could step on the other foot, the balance car spun quickly. I fell heavily and squatted on my butt, grinning with pain. Dad smiled and pulled me up and said to me: "Yao'er, the balance car moves by sensing gravity, so you must be careful when stepping on it!" Then he told me that when getting on the car, one foot should step on it, and the other foot should step on it immediately to prevent the balance car from spinning. After standing on the car, apply force on your toes, the car will move forward, and apply force on your heels, the car will move backward. With only one foot, the car will rotate around the side of the foot, which can be used to adjust the direction. After saying that, he held me up and asked me to practice as he said. After several times of practice, I felt that I had understood, so I released my hand and let me try it myself, but I immediately panicked. People stood unsteadily, and the car was driving askew, as if drunk. Suddenly, I found my father had two auxiliary wheels and a screwdriver in his hand, and I asked him to install them. Sure enough, it was very easy, but I knew that, I will never learn how to have an auxiliary wheel. I unloaded the auxiliary wheel again.

After constant practice, trial and effort, I believe I can become the owner of the "balance car".