Classmate friendship composition (16 recommended)
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2024-06-07 00:02:30
Argumentative paper

Classmate Friendship Composition (1)

My memory is like a vast blue sky. Every white cloud in the sky is my friend. Li Lin is the most prominent among these various friends. My friendship with her is like a waterfall. We have never quarreled, helped each other, and talked about everything close. Although she has transferred, we always keep in touch.

I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I couldn't go to class for a while because I had chicken pox. With my mother's careful care, I finally recovered from my illness. When I just entered the class, Li Lin offered to help me make up lessons. She studies hard during the day and helps me make up lessons at night. Once, because the teacher assigned a lot of homework, Li Lin helped me with remedial work for a long time. It just delayed her time to write her homework. Li Lin helped me make up my homework and didn't go home until 12 o'clock. She wrote her homework late at night and also helped me prepare my review notes for the next day. Due to lack of sleep at night, I didn't have enough energy the next morning, so I kept yawning in class. Finally I couldn't stay up and fell asleep, but my teacher found out. "Li Lin stands up," the teacher said sternly. Li Lin didn't hear what the teacher said. After a while, Li Lin still didn't stand up. The teacher was very angry and went to Li Lin. The teacher said angrily again, "Li Lin, stand back and don't waste everyone's study time." Li Lin stood behind in shame.

On the way out of school, I said to Li Lin, "You are too tired to help me with remedial work these days. Today you have a good rest. Let's continue tomorrow!" I have made your review plan for this evening. Don't delay it. " Li Lin said firmly. Li Lin still helps me make up lessons in the evening. After a few days, I made up all the homework I had left behind. And I got a good result in a test, but Li Lin was sick because of me.

My friendship with Li Lin is just like Gorky said: a true friend is happy for you when you succeed, instead of supporting you, and will give you timely support and encouragement when you encounter misfortune or sadness. When you have shortcomings and may make mistakes, it will give you correct criticism and help.

Classmate Friendship Composition (2)

When I was in junior high school, I had three very good classmates.

It's also interesting to say that their three seats are just one row down. And the reason why I can become good friends with the three of them at the same time is that I am good friends with Xiaoling, who sits in the last seat among them.

Xiaoling is tall, so her seat is a little bit backward. Generally, we will have a better relationship with classmates in the front and back seats. After all, we have more opportunities to chat and play together after class.

Xiaoling is very close to Xiao Jing in the front seat, and Xiao Jing is also very close to Xiao Liang in the front seat. So with this introduction, the four of us became good friends.

In fact, everyone's personality and family circumstances are different.

Xiaoliang is a left behind child. Xiaoling's parents often go to work without looking after her. Since she was young, she has been used to staying at home alone and playing with a lot of toys.

Xiao Jing grew up in the countryside. She is more determined, sensible and gentle, and always tolerant of us.

So after school, we all tried our best to go home together, and we didn't leave until the fork. Sometimes on holidays, we will go shopping together. Although we may not buy things, we will feel happy just walking around together.

Now think about it, such friendship is simple and beautiful. What is friendship? I don't know. Only when you realize the true friendship can you understand how valuable it is. Friendship is everything.

Friendship is not the affection between relatives, nor a greeting from strangers, nor a quarrel with others. Friendship is always a beam of sunshine in harmony, a bell flower in full bloom in the green field. Its power is infinite. It can melt ice and snow and make darkness bright.

To put it bluntly, friendship is a special feeling between friends, which needs to be supported by mutual help and trust. Friendship is strong, disasters can not destroy it, darkness can not wear it out. But friendship is also very fragile. As long as friends don't trust each other, it will collapse immediately.

Friendship is like a paintbrush. It can make the wilderness enchanting and the cold warm. Sometimes just a little red, the sadness in my heart will escape immediately; Sometimes just a little yellow, the warm sun comes to the heart immediately; Sometimes just a little green, the desert with strong wind will become an oasis immediately; Sometimes just a little purple, the plain grassland can immediately shine with lilacs

Friendship is omnipotent. If it is square, it also has edges and corners; If it is round, it is smooth as water; If it is long, it is like a bridge of happiness in the heart, extending indefinitely; It is short, but sometimes it can only last for a short period of time. In short, friendship can exist, but it can also be destroyed. It depends on whether someone cherishes it.

If you cherish it, it can shine more than gold; If you ignore it, it has no value.

You know, friendship is the most precious thing in the world.

Just like Wang Baoqiang's song "Going out depends on friends": "At home depends on parents, and going out depends on friends. Friends are like Erguotou. The more you drink, the more you get.".

Classmate Friendship Composition (3)

In the eyes of students, being a monitor must be perfect and excellent. But in real life, I am not perfect. I like to play and play. Maybe I was chosen as monitor because of this "specialty". At the same time, the students also elected another monitor - Qin Yangyang. To be honest, I didn't know her. I didn't speak to her when I was in primary school. We didn't have any friendship as the basis, so the two long days of Class One began. I don't know why students always compare us.

At first, I didn't care about the comments among my classmates. Slowly, it may be because of the role of jealousy. I became more and more concerned about this kind of public opinion. My natural character is to be competitive and gradually highlight myself in this environment. I will also compare with her and anything.

In fact, when the conflict between me and my classmates inspired me, I wanted to resign as the monitor, because I felt that I was unworthy, but the teacher rejected my request and said to me, "Since you chose to be, you have to do it well, right? Since you have made your efforts for this class, why not continue? Since you love this job, why do you give up? Do you think you deserve anyone? " The teacher's words were deeply imprinted on my heart. From then on, I vowed to myself that no matter what difficulties tomorrow will bring, I will never give up Class Two, Grade Seven! I won't give up all my classmates! I work hard silently for my vows, and silently endure all that happens!

Until one day, she said seriously to me that she wanted to change, she wanted to make friends with me and manage the class with me, and I was also very happy. But things are always so unsatisfactory. When we were trying to be good friends, I had some conflicts with her friend and my former friend. I didn't talk to her, and she wouldn't let others talk to me. In this situation, I thought this beautiful friendship was over, but she continued to make friends with me, a person everyone hates, regardless of her friends' opposition. This incident not only did not decrease, but went further!

To tell the truth, after I went to middle school, because my two best friends were admitted to Huachen, I was very lonely, and I was eager to find another person who was really good to me like Xiuping and Yaning. Until now, I have found her - Qin Yang.

She is a quiet person, but I am on the contrary. She is so weak, but every word she says is so forceful. She is so kind and beautiful. She never cares about who is right or who is wrong. I can't describe her in words I lack.

In a word, we are slowly accumulating in this way. Maybe friendship is like this. It is different from all feelings. It is so simple!

Classmate Friendship Composition (4)

In the 13 years of my growth, I have been exposed to many things and made many friends. I have also deeply realized that friends are an indispensable part of life.

I remember that I was in the third grade of primary school at that time, and that day was the day when I applied for Chinese scores in the college entrance exam. Although it was not yet five o'clock, it was already terribly dark. I know that a storm will come soon. Suddenly, there was an ominous feeling in my heart. "Li Tian 79 points!" The teacher's loud voice seemed to open with the thunder, which shook the margin and also shocked me. "79 points" is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. At that time, I was really given that score. I not only wanted to go home and explain to my parents, but also felt sorry for the expectations of my teachers and parents.

At that moment, after that moment, I didn't say a word, but I felt guilty. When someone talked to me, I didn't step on him. It seemed that everything was hateful in my eyes now, and I didn't have the usual excitement. Even the sky was gray. It was raining now, and it was really big, I thought, At that time, the mood can only be compared with that of this day.

After school, my good friend came over happily, as if to show off to me. However, when she saw my gloomy face, she left her smile and walked towards me quietly. She took my hand and shook it. She said, "Don't be unhappy. The exam is over. Besides, the results are not important. It's OK to work hard. There is also the final exam. You just think that this is your failure. I also believe that you can take the final exam!", She patted me on the shoulder and said to me, "There is a price!" Then she turned and ran away. I also felt better because of her words. I studied hard and got satisfactory results in the final exam.

I think that is probably the strength of friendship! When a person is upset but doesn't know how to do it, only the words of "friendship" from friends are the password to unlock your heart knot! I like this kind of friendship, and it is precisely because this kind of friendship accompanies me to grow, and friendship accompanies me!

Classmate Friendship Composition (5)

Friendship is a bright light in life. It can guide you on the right path and make your life colorful. If there is no friendship in one's life, then life will be like a dry well.

I am a good student in class, so after class, some students will come to me to ask for some questions. I used to sit at the same seat as a girl who was in the middle and lower levels of study, and she always asked me questions.

I remember one day in math class, the teacher left us a difficult problem. Once class was over, I sat quietly in my seat and thought. I took a pencil and wrote down the data on the draft paper from time to time. After repeated calculations, I thought hard for a long time, but I still had no idea. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. I could not help stamping my feet. At that moment, my "many questions" deskmate asked me again. I was perfunctory with her again and again, but her problems followed. I thought impatiently: Did she bother me on purpose? When not to ask, just ask at this time! And there's no end to it! The irritation caused by the anger and questions in my heart was that I could not restrain my mood. I stood up and shouted to her, "Don't ask me, I don't know! Don't you see I'm busy!" She was shocked by my action, and when I sat down, she left silently.

When I sat down to read the topic again, my eyes suddenly lit up. It seems that it is the "small problem" just at the same table that points out my thinking. I excitedly recorded the calculation in my heart and calculated again and again, and my heart swelled with gratitude. I wrote it and checked it. The answer is right, but my attitude towards my friends is totally wrong!

I was ashamed to think: her topic gave me ideas, but how I hurt my friends! I should say sorry to her! With a trace of gratitude and apology, I slowly walked to her side, gently said sorry to her, and then enthusiastically taught her the topic. She understood the question, and we were both very happy! She smiled at me. The smile was as warm as spring breeze, as warm as summer sun, as comfortable as autumn water, and as pure as winter snow! I can't help but teach her the topic, and also teach myself how to treat friends! A short break, our laughter echoed everywhere

Friendship is a consolation in times of difficulty; Is a star in the dark; It's a cheer for success! Although friendship is perfect, it is also a fragile tonic for the soul and needs the care of two people. Only in this way can it bloom with the most brilliant brilliance.

Comments: The writing is fluent and the description is detailed. From a small matter, the little writer wrote the truth between classmates.

Classmate Friendship Composition (6)

As the years go by, I have been in junior high school. I have been with my former classmates for 6 years, and I have developed feelings with them. When I get along with them, I feel that I am playing with my brothers and sisters. Suddenly, I suddenly become unfamiliar, and even feel a bit scary, because the new environment is unknown to me after all. At this time, I deeply felt what the writer said, "Familiarity is familiarity, strangeness is strangeness." The true meaning of this sentence made my nose sour. I remembered my intimate friends who had classes with me, studied with me, and played with me. Now we are all separated from each other, and we can no longer have classes together and be criticized by teachers.

In the short time at the bottom of the river, although I was warmed by the friendship of my new classmates, I felt that the friendship between me and my old friends was far from that between me and my male classmates who usually don't talk. Because my former male classmate and I are friends in silence, but we are strangers and warm friends. If there was a time reversal device, I would definitely go back to the fifth grade. Because it was the best time for me to get along with my classmates at that time. To be honest, compared with my classmates, I thought I was an ugly duckling, and I didn't like the description in the article "beautiful as flowers, beautiful and moving, slim and graceful". But the students didn't treat me like an ugly duckling, and I was not bullied.

However, I went to junior high school and entered the classroom. I heard a male classmate say to a female classmate, "You are not beautiful, you are not blamed, your mother is blamed?

I miss me and my classmates in the sixth grade, but our fate is over, we can only say 88.

Classmate Friendship Composition (7)

For me, friendship is higher than a mountain. It is a matter that makes me feel a deeper friendship. I remember once when I went to the toilet, I walked while talking with other students on the road. I didn't look at the road at my feet. I stumbled over a stone by accident, because we were on the shoulder, so I also got him involved. I fell down on the ground with a puff. It hurt me very much, but I was more worried about him. I said to him, '' I'm sorry, it's all my fault that you fell down But he said, '' Nothing I felt the atmosphere of friendship when I arrived. I secretly admired his spirit. I could not help feeling that he was particularly friendly, so I wrote a poem for him;


Friendship is inseparable from friendship.

Friendship is high and strange, while all things have low friendship.

Classmate Friendship Composition (8)

Let us remember together those long or short, bright or sad times we have spent together. If they accumulate and become immortal, our friendship will last forever—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

My friend, you are like the stars at night, quietly accompany me to study; Friend, you are like the sunshine in my morning, accompanying me to find the way forward when I am lost; My friend, you are just like a clean moonlight, shedding a bright light on my life. My dear friends, because of you, the countless days in my prime of life that are difficult to arrange have become the best destination of youth, and you have become the most beautiful pride in my youth.

The sun was shining. My friends and I were lying on the lawn, watching the white clouds. We sang beautiful songs, admired our friendship, and recalled beautiful immortal memories.

Did you remember

I don't need to remember any more. I remember every bit between us.

In summer, we walked into the avenue with our hands together, sometimes whispering and sometimes laughing loudly. No matter setbacks or frustrations, they all disappeared in the immortal friendship, leaving only the vision of a better future; When I am unhappy, it is my friends who accompany me, telling jokes, singing songs, and shining sunshine in my heart; When I was ill, it was my friends who made all the consolation calls and comforted me with words, which made the pain go away, better than good medicine... Dear friends, thank you for your company, and I will keep this friendship in my heart.

Along the way, unforgettable memories, pure friendship and golden flower years make them immortal. They are hidden in an album called "Youth". Even the oldest people can remain childlike. Let this immortal memory and friendship grow up with us. Many years later, we can still share memories in the dark, share blessings when we say goodbye, and share borders when we are far away.

Then, please allow me to write an immortal sentence in this album: "Friends, meeting you is my most beautiful accident!"

Classmate Friendship Composition (9)

My campus life is rich and colorful, including sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. From it, I learned profound knowledge, absorbed sunshine and rain... Of course, I also gained a precious friendship.

I remember one time, after PE class, I went back to the classroom with my classmates, completely forgot to take off my coat and ignored it. It was not until the students put on their clothes that I remembered it was still on the playground. But now it's almost time for class. It must be too late to get it on the playground. What should we do? I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. Just as I was frowning, my good friend Qian Jin came to me breathlessly and said with a smile, "Zhao Xinyue, your clothes were left on the playground. I'll get them back for you. Next time, don't forget it. It's really a horse!" "You are!" Hee hee - "We laughed together. Although the words of Qian Jin are childlike, they are like the sunshine in winter, shining on me warmly, bright and warm.

I remember another time, that is, this semester, English suddenly became difficult. In a unit test, I got the lowest score ever - 80 points. When the teacher reported the results, my mood was so ashamed and gloomy that I wished I could find a way to get in. After class, I sat on the seat and looked at the bright red "80" points, one by one forks. I really wanted to have a magic pen. Gently, I changed the front "8" into "10" and the bright red forks into cute hooks. Unfortunately, I could not have the magic pen, so I had to blame myself again and again with a feeling that I wanted to cry but could not cry. Why don't you be more careful. At this time, a familiar voice appeared in the ear. When I looked back, I saw that kind figure again. In order to achieve this goal, study hard, and success will not be far away from you. "Thank you, Xu Jiayi. "I said quietly, feeling a little more confident. After school, my mother didn't get as angry as I thought when she saw my grades. On the contrary, she told me with great sincerity:" Zhao Xinyue, teacher Chen said, you are very smart. As long as you can calm down and work carefully, your grades will be excellent, and I believe you! "Does Mr. Chen really say so? "My nose is sore. At the same time, I swear to study hard and live up to the expectations of my classmates, teachers and mother!

The friendship of my classmates can help me regain my confidence and get sunshine in the dark. And the teacher's instruction can make me more tenacious on the way of learning. I love Baoxiao, but I love the friends and teachers Baoxiao brought me!

Classmate Friendship Composition (10)

It was a sunny day. "Ding Lingling", the bell rang after class. I looked at the timetable and said, "Yeah, the next class is my favorite interesting class!" I almost jumped up from my seat. I waited and waited. The ten minutes after class seemed like hours to me. Finally, the bell rang, and I picked up my pencil box from the desk and rushed down the stairs like an arrow. When we came to the first floor, the teacher said to us, "Today we will make a model car." I was very excited and took over the parts from the teacher to make them. As time went by, my car model was finally completed. Class is over, I jump, jump, happily to the classroom.

When I came to the second floor, I was pushed by someone behind me. Suddenly, the tires, motors... were all scattered on the ground, and my masterpiece disappeared in the blink of an eye. At this time, there was a rising anger in my heart. I turned my head and saw that it was my classmate Zhou Jiaying. She angrily said to her, "Why did you push me?" She listened to me and said with disapproval, "I thought it was a big thing, but it was just a small thing." So we quarreled more and more fiercely, and neither of us would let anyone.

Just when we were red faced, she said: "Forget it, it's boring to make such a noise. We will break up with each other!" I heard that: "Break up with each other, who is afraid of everyone!" But in class, I thought to myself: "This is also my fault. I should not lose my temper like this. I have to apologize."

After class, I immediately found her and said with shame: "Sorry, Zhou Jiaying, I shouldn't quarrel with you for a small matter." Zhou Jiaying also said: "Xie Peiqi, it's my fault. I shouldn't push you." At this time, I reached out my hand and said: "Let's go play together!" "Good!" She said. So we became friends again.

You see, this is a trivial matter between classmates. Never hurt the friendship between friends for these trivial things.

[Reading appreciation]

The friendship between children is really simple and noble. To put it simply, it is because what happens between them is mostly trivial, and conflicts are straightforward and no conspiracy; Gao Jie is said because they understand the value of friendship. They should not "hurt" this composition because of a little conflict. It is "between classmates". Simplicity implies profound meaning. The preciousness of friendship is shown through the contradiction and break between each other, and small themes write big themes.

Classmate Friendship Composition (11)

A person's occasional loneliness may be a kind of happiness, a kind of relief, but what about a class?

I have also had my most sincere friendship, that is, every second, every minute and every day that we spent together in Class 4, Grade 6. Xie Yuchun, who is diligent and studious, Li Yijia, who has a unique personality, and Zhang Ronghe, who has a prominent physique, are all my classmates and friends. We have been together through ups and downs for six years, through spring, summer, autumn and winter together

Dolphins want to talk to angels, but the sky is too high.

The angel wanted to talk to the dolphin, but the sea was too deep.

I want to talk to you, but the road is getting farther and farther.

Maybe I can only hope that when you see me in a few years or more, you will not be surprised to ask me, "Who are you?"

I remember when I was in the third grade, my better classmate Chen Jiaming moved away and was replaced by Liu Yan. At the beginning, I didn't like Liu Yan at all. Even though her chubby appearance was cute, I extremely rejected her. Until now, I knew that I had already deviated from my best friend's group.

When the ink dries, your name has already been engraved in my deep memory, until forever, close your eyes, your smile, every move, gradually emerge in front of me, your voice in memory, as well as the silver bell like laughter, wrapped around the ears.

As the graduation song "This Summer" sings: "This summer, there is a kind of sad feeling, wandering between you and me..." Indeed, soon after graduation, we will all graduate. I wonder if the members of our class can meet in junior high school, but I will not forget you, because it is easy to forget the people who laughed with you, but the people who cried with you, It can always exist in the memory, even if you want to forget it! This is friendship. It is the most pure friendship without any flaw!

I will never forget the friendship between our six-year classmates in Class Four, Grade Six.

Classmate Friendship Composition (12)

There is an old Chinese saying: "It is better to have friends than to have brothers." Making friends is a great pleasure in life. At the special stage of life in middle school, due to the awakening of our hearts, we often have a sense of loneliness and need friendship to comfort our hearts more than ever.

Friends are easy to make, but it is difficult to maintain friendship. Small things can also destroy friendship, so we should take care of the flowers of friendship carefully.

First, treat each other sincerely, be honest and common. The communication between students is really a touchstone. Some people say that the friendship between students is the purest and most precious friendship in the world. However, this kind of friendship can not be established in a day or two. It is like a flower in a greenhouse. We need to irrigate and protect it with "sincere" water. A little careless, it may immediately lose its luster, wither and wither. Sincerity is simple, it does not need to be impassioned, nor does it need fancy words. What is it?

It is the excitement when you and I received a friend's postcard years later.

Second, learn to understand and tolerate. As classmates and friends, we should learn to understand. When classmates and friends encounter setbacks, depression and depression, they need an object to vent their feelings. Listening patiently is a great understanding of friends. In the process of listening, one or two words of emotional comfort were inserted from time to time to guide him out of the mud of trouble and unhappiness. As classmates and friends, we should also learn tolerance.

Third, communication should be "moderate". Grasping a moderate degree can make the friendship between students become eternal.

Only by grasping the standard of communication between classmates and friends, can healthy, pure and elegant friendship be established. Moreover, "distance is also a kind of beauty". In this way, only when students and friends meet and separate can they reach the realm of "still unfinished, still unfinished", be happy because of his arrival, and miss him because of his departure.

Fourth, we must adhere to principles and dare to say "no" when necessary. It is normal that students and friends often have things to trust each other. But some things are beyond your principles and objective reality. In the face of this situation, say "no" decisively.

In short, as long as we treat people sincerely and correctly, friendship will last forever; On the contrary, friendship is ephemeral and fleeting. Let's wish our friendship will last forever!

Classmate Friendship Composition (13)

Today, I had a quarrel with Xu Wenting. The story goes like this: Xu Wenting suddenly patted me on the shoulder during class, and I didn't answer her. Then she patted me again. I still ignored her and complained to her: "Are you bored? I want to practice, and don't interfere with my business!" This irritated her, and she twisted my leg vigorously. I was so hurt that I cried out, "What a pain! Xu Wenting, what are you doing?" She made a grimace to me and said, "Who told you to ignore me? How dare you say I'm bored!" At this time, I was very angry and shouted, "Oh! It's reasonable for you to twist me!"

When I shouted like this, the teacher was shocked. The teacher angrily called us to the office and asked seriously: "Why did you quarrel? Who started it first?" So we told the story from beginning to end. However, when we answered who was the first to pick it up, we said with one voice: "It's him (her)!" Although the teacher heard the story, he was confused by such a toss. Then, the teacher's face stiffened again and fell into meditation. At last, she said, "Both of you are responsible for this matter. Now you can apologize to each other, clear up the past, and become friends again, OK?"

So we got back together again!

Classmate Friendship Composition (14)

Friendship is the sun in winter, the breeze in summer, the bright moon in the night sky, and the companion on the journey; Friendship is an open heart, the crystallization of sincere meeting; Friendship is an invincible flower, rain and dew to moisten the heart, a selfless bee, a sharp sword to split the cold winter and the cold, and a small river to communicate two hot new emotions. My life has changed because of my friends.

I think that if there is no friend in the way of life, it is equivalent to losing color. Black and white life is always lack of fun.

Because I was transferred from another school, every face in this new class is so strange to me. Maybe it was fate that sent us to each other. I still remember that when I was just sitting at the table with you, your kind smile made me no longer feel so lonely. Inadvertently, you mentioned that I was your best friend. This is the confession of friendship. In this way, we regard each other as our best friends in our hearts.

Now I even think it's funny that our friendship has been suspended in time for reasons we don't know. We have embarked on a new track - stranger! So we watched each other for two months with strangers' eyes. Is it a black angel? She came to join the queue and squeezed into our world. She brought back our friendship that kept fresh in time with her warm smile. It is a magic that will not freeze our friendship. Our friendship seems to be more sincere than before. We are each other's angels, forever.

I don't know whose mischievous idea it was. Maybe it was our tacit understanding that we came up with it - in the eternal spring of campus - Peach and Lee Garden - we tied the knot! The sunshine in the early morning of the East is particularly comfortable. The golden sunshine is sprinkled on the land that has not yet awakened. It is for us. The sun gets up early and covers us gently. On a peach tree with only a few dead leaves left, the gray feathered birds chirped. It's really strange to see such a bird in winter. We all arrived here on time and didn't say anything more. It seemed that we had rehearsed for a long time and knelt under the withered peach tree. The teacher said that the peach tree has a history of more than 200 years. Of course, we didn't drip blood or anything. We just bought our favorite things and a letter written on beautiful cardboard under the peach tree, with our own secret address: I am bamboo, my deskmate is pine, and the "black angel" is Mei. Then, like in TV series, we vowed to "share weal and woe".

Finally, one year later, the distance between the classes blocked our friendship. God is jealous, and he does not want to repeat the story of "three friends in winter" and "three friends in the peach garden"! Now, how many times we pass each other, but we are strangers. Sure enough, there is no feast that never ends! Yes, spring is coming, and time has made that peach tree full of pale pink flowers. However, no matter how cute it is, the little bird like the angel's gray feathers has gone away. Because I know that all my life's love starts from him, I also hope that the original source of love has always been there, always there, even after the ups and downs of time, it can still be warm and clean as before.

In the next winter, will the sun shine on the sky? Will we hold hands and smile like we used to? No, that winter has gone, leaving only memories that will never be complete. The next winter, the sky will be frozen tears!

Classmate Friendship Composition (15)

The sincere friendship between my classmates gave me many beautiful memories. We go to school together and play together. In addition to class, the smiling faces of the students are like flowers blooming in spring.

I have a close classmate, Qu Canduo, who always helps me bring me lots of happiness.

I remember one time, it was in the first semester of Grade Six. We had math class, because I answered the wrong question in class, the teacher severely scolded me, I felt very sad, she saw that I was unhappy. He asked the students next to me what happened to me? When she knew that I had been scolded by the teacher, she quickly ran to comfort me. Then she went down to buy a bag of snacks for me when I was not paying attention, and said that we would go out together to relax.

I felt suddenly happy. I am very grateful for the comfort and happiness she has given me. I think it's good to have such friends!

Another time, it was our group cleaning the toilet that day, so I hurried to the school. Who knows, when I was in English class, I found that I forgot to bring my English book, and the teacher said who didn't bring the book out. She hurriedly handed me the book, but she was severely punished. This matter is deeply impressed in my heart, and I can't let it go for a long time

It turns out that true friendship is regardless of the size, the high and the low. With such sincere friendship, I feel happy!

Classmate Friendship Composition (16)

Friend, how familiar! This simple word reminds us of many things, including sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. All of this makes us very familiar, and reminds us of the happiness among our classmates. Hee hee... How happy!

As a junior high school graduate, the most precious thing is the friendship between our classmates. When we first entered junior high school, we were all dim children. We didn't know what classmate love was. We only knew that we could play together every day. We didn't expect to be separated. Hee hee every day Ha ha, discuss and learn together. We feel always carefree, how wonderful!

In a twinkling, three years later, we have grown up and have to leave. In my heart, I found that our time together is too short. We also complained about why the time is so short. But it is too late to regret. Now we have to cherish this friendship and let us remember our classmate relationship, which will be precious forever. I will never forget our classmate relationship.

I want to say: "Classmate love is always precious".


Friend, how familiar! This simple word reminds us of many things, including sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. All of this makes us very familiar, and reminds us of the happiness among our classmates. Hee hee... How happy!

As a junior high school graduate, the most precious thing is the friendship between our classmates. When we first entered junior high school, we were all dim children. We didn't know what classmate love was. We only knew that we could play together every day. We didn't expect to be separated. Hee hee every day Ha ha, discuss and learn together. We feel always carefree, how wonderful!

In a twinkling, three years later, we have grown up and have to leave. In my heart, I found that our time together is too short. We also complained about why the time is so short. But it is too late to regret. Now we have to cherish this friendship and let us remember our classmate relationship, which will be precious forever. I will never forget our classmate relationship.

I want to say: "Classmate love is always precious".