Composition with the theme of "If" (Selected 10)
Cold Moon with Frost
2024-06-15 04:14:55

Composition with the theme of "If" (1)

After 20 years, I plan to take the "instant mobile machine" I invented to visit the United States.

I went to the Statue of Liberty for the first time and carefully observed the bronze statue. The sculptor carved the Statue of Liberty wearing a wreath and gown, holding the torch in her right hand, holding a book of the Declaration of Independence in her left hand, and stepping on the broken chain. Inside the base is an exhibition hall. From the base, you can take an elevator to reach the bottom of the statue of goddess. There are 171 spiral stairs leading to the wreath on the goddess's head. From the top of the head, there are 60 torches leading to the goddess. Seeing this, I can't help shivering. It will take about ten years to complete this exquisite statue.

After watching the Statue of Goddess, I came to the White House immediately. The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. Located on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, USA, it is a white three storey building. Founded in 1792, it was rebuilt and expanded many times later. Since Adams, the second president of the United States, in 1800, President Li Ren has taken this as his official residence. In 1902, Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, first used the term White House in his correspondence. Later, it became the nickname of the US government. Seeing here, I think the White House is not as good as the Forbidden City of China.

After watching the White House, I went to the Grand Canyon of Colorado in the United States.

This view is generally east-west, starting from the confluence of the Colorado River in the east and near the Grand Wall Escarpment in Nevada, West Island, with an extremely irregular shape. The top of the canyon is 6000 to 13000 meters wide and contracted into a V shape downward. The two banks are higher in the north and lower in the south, with an average depth of 1600 meters. The widest part of the water surface at the bottom of the canyon is more than 2 kilometers, and the narrowest part is 120 meters. Most of the rocks in the canyon are red. From the bottom of the canyon to the top, there are rock layers from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic era, with different colors, and contain superior biological fossils of various geological ages, It records the vicissitudes of the North American continent and the process of biological evolution, just like a "living geological history textbook".

My friends, the United States is a developed country. I hope you can go to the United States to have a look at its history. At that time, don't forget to buy my "instant mobile phone".

Composition with the theme of "If" (2)

600 words composition with the theme "If I am" (1)

If I were a magician, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a magician, I would be a very ordinary girl, but I always hope that one day I can have magical magic and become an omnipotent mysterious magician. If I were a magician, I would wear a pointed magic hat, a cloak of invisibility, a wand in my hand, and patrol the sky with a flying carpet every day. If I were a magician, I would first fly over the endless desert, wave my wand and say a few spells. In a twinkling of an eye, the desert has become a vibrant "green paradise", full of green trees and sweet springs. Birds and other animals live happily here. They will no longer have no food, no home and no fear of sandstorms. I will also fly to the poor mountain area, use magic to turn a modern school, turn the boring textbooks into cakes with cream, and turn the characters in the books into dynamic cartoon supermen, so that all children can easily learn and sleep in a world full of cream fragrance. I will fly over the city. If I find the polluted sky and river, I will wave my wand, say a few "magic words", turn the waste gas into oxygen, turn the places with garbage into lawns, make the river clear, and let the lovely fish swim leisurely in the water

After I finished patrolling in the sky, I turned to various shopping malls and gently recited the mantra of "true and false appearance", so that all fake and inferior goods could no longer hide. In this way, customers will not be fooled, and little brothers and sisters will not have to worry about becoming "big headed dolls". If I were a magician, I would use magic to relieve the pain of all patients and let people all over the world live a healthy and beautiful life; I also want to make all the bad people disappear and make the whole world happy, happy and peaceful.

600 words composition with the theme "If I am" (2)

If I were a thief, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a thief

Zhao Enyu

If I am really a thief, I must steal

Little by little, in our life, many changes have happened unknowingly. Father's hair turns white little by little, and mother's wrinkles become more and more. If I were a thief, I must steal all the white hair on my father's head and all the wrinkles on my mother's face quietly, so that my dearest parents will always be young and beautiful!

In retrospect, there was a person who always stood in a special position. She had no kinship with us, but paid attention to us bit by bit like her mother. She was our teacher. The teacher should take care of us, and take care of many students at the same time. If I were a thief, I would steal the teacher's hard work, keep the tired figure away from the teacher, and make the teacher always energetic!

In school, our classmates are the most friendly to us. However, as time goes by, the spoon will inevitably touch the edge of the pot. We always have some small conflicts with our classmates. If I were a thief, I would steal all the misunderstandings and conflicts between our classmates, so that we and our classmates can study, live and face difficulties together happily forever, Enjoy happiness together and live in the sun together!

From the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 to the Qinghai earthquake in 2010, people were displaced, lost the most important people and things, and suffered from the "gifts" brought by natural disasters. If I were a thief, I would steal all the natural disasters, so that our earth would be far away from the torture of natural disasters. At the same time, I would also steal all the human "sins" - those piled up garbage, sewage flowing into rivers, so that our earth becomes beautiful, so that our mother earth will always be young!

From the day when human beings were born, something called "war" also came along. Although this kind of thing called "war" gave some people supreme rights, but more of it was to bring people resentment, grief, and injury. If I were a thief, I would steal all wars in the world and let the pigeons of peace fly all over the world, Let the bell of peace ring forever, forever!

At the end of the day, if I am really a thief, I want to „„ I want to steal the lollipop confiscated by my mother „ Steal it back „„

600 words composition with the theme of "If I am" (3)

If I were a magician, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a magician, I would be a very ordinary girl, but I always hope that one day I can have magical magic and become an omnipotent mysterious magician. If I were a magician, I would wear a pointed magic hat, a cloak of invisibility, a wand in my hand, and patrol the sky with a flying carpet every day. If I were a magician, I would first fly over the endless desert, wave my wand and say a few spells. In a twinkling of an eye, the desert has become a vibrant "green paradise", full of green trees and sweet springs. Birds and other animals live happily here. They will no longer have no food, no home and no fear of sandstorms. I will also fly to the poor mountain area, use magic to turn a modern school, turn the boring textbooks into cakes with cream, and turn the characters in the books into dynamic cartoon supermen, so that all children can easily learn and sleep in a world full of cream fragrance. I will fly over the city. If I find the polluted sky and river, I will wave my wand, say a few "magic words", turn the waste gas into oxygen, turn the places with garbage into lawns, make the river clear, and let the lovely fish swim leisurely in the water

After I finished patrolling in the sky, I turned to various shopping malls and gently recited the mantra of "true and false appearance", so that all fake and inferior goods could no longer hide. In this way, customers will not be fooled, and little brothers and sisters will not have to worry about becoming "big headed dolls". If I were a magician, I would use magic to relieve the pain of all patients and let people all over the world live a healthy and beautiful life; I also want to make all the bad people disappear and make the whole world happy, happy and peaceful.

600 words composition with the theme of "If I am" (4)

Write a 600 word composition with the title "If I lived in..." 201. If time could go back and let you live in an ancient dynasty or a modern short period, how would you live? Write a 600 word composition with the title "If I lived in..." 2. We often lament the shortcomings of some historical figures or events. Please choose a historical figure or a historical event to write an article from the perspective of reflection and revision with the topic "If it was then (or if it was him)...". Requirements: choose one of the two topics to write a 600 composition question for junior high school students. Add 2008-11-26 22:20 Attention! 600 compositions for junior high school students

600 words composition with the theme of "If I am" (5)

Write a 600 word composition of "If"

Write a 600 word composition of "If"

If I could clone

I want to clone countless banknotes to help people in trouble; I want to clone high-rise buildings to take in those homeless orphans; I want to clone beautiful scenery everywhere to make people's lives better. But what I want to clone most is the exhausted resources on the earth.

I once learned a text - Only One Earth. This text clearly introduces the earth to us, and at the same time, it also puts forward the reality that people destroy natural resources at will, making them nearly exhausted. You think, if there are no natural resources, how can human beings survive? Is it really necessary to wait for the destruction of the earth?

If I can clone, I will clone many resources that scientists believe cannot be regenerated. I want to clone a lot of coal, oil, natural gas... so that the world will never lack power energy, so that people living in cold regions can always feel warm.

If I can clone, I will also clone the water resources, air resources, forest resources, etc. that have been severely damaged at present. I will let the clear water flow into the dry fields; Let the desert spring out and become an oasis. I want high quality air to fill the skies of cities and surround the whole earth: to protect people around the world from disasters caused by environmental problems.

If I can, I also want to clone a lot of things, so that mankind can never run out of them and make contributions to human life.

600 Word Composition of "If"

600 words composition with the theme "If I am" (6)

If I were a thief, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a thief

Zhao Enyu

If I am really a thief, I must steal

Little by little, in our life, many changes have happened unknowingly. Father's hair turns white little by little, and mother's wrinkles become more and more. If I were a thief, I must steal all the white hair on my father's head and all the wrinkles on my mother's face quietly, so that my dearest parents will always be young and beautiful!

In retrospect, there was a person who always stood in a special position. She had no kinship with us, but paid attention to us bit by bit like her mother. She was our teacher. The teacher should take care of us, and take care of many students at the same time. If I were a thief, I would steal the teacher's hard work, keep the tired figure away from the teacher, and make the teacher always energetic!

In school, our classmates are the most friendly to us. However, as time goes by, the spoon will inevitably touch the edge of the pot. We always have some small conflicts with our classmates. If I were a thief, I would steal all the misunderstandings and conflicts between our classmates, so that we and our classmates can study, live and face difficulties together happily forever, Enjoy happiness together and live in the sun together!

From the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 to the Qinghai earthquake in 2010, people were displaced, lost the most important people and things, and suffered from the "gifts" brought by natural disasters. If I were a thief, I would steal all the natural disasters, so that our earth would be far away from the torture of natural disasters. At the same time, I would also steal all the human "sins" - those piled up garbage, sewage flowing into rivers, so that our earth becomes beautiful, so that our mother earth will always be young!

From the day when human beings were born, something called "war" also came along. Although this kind of thing called "war" gave some people supreme rights, but more of it was to bring people resentment, grief, and injury. If I were a thief, I would steal all wars in the world and let the pigeons of peace fly all over the world, Let the bell of peace ring forever, forever!

At the end of the day, if I am really a thief, I want to „„ I want to steal the lollipop confiscated by my mother „ Steal it back „„

600 words composition with the theme of "If I am" (7)

If I were a composition

If I were a composition (1)

I dreamed of becoming a teacher when I was young. Because a teacher is like a gardener, who diligently cultivates the flowers of the motherland and selflessly contributes, how great it is!

If I were a teacher, I would not be like some teachers, who are stiff faced and cold as ice all day long. I would like to be the big sister of my classmates, and care for every student in class. If students have questions that they don't understand, I will answer them carefully until they understand. I will not let them play after class with doubts. When class is over, I will carefully correct their homework. If anyone of them needs me to play with them, I will enthusiastically accompany them. If I meet someone who is unhappy, I will surely comfort him (her). I would rather share this unhappiness with him (her). When he (her) receives a windbag, I will try my best to tease him (her) until he (her) becomes as happy as other students.

If I were a teacher, I would treat every student equally, whether good or bad. I want them to feel the collective warmth, and not let any student be discriminated against in the class. Naturally, I will try my best to restrain the disputes among my classmates and try my best to solve the misunderstandings among them. however

Composition with the theme of "If" (3)

Open the window and look at the free flying birds in the sky that day. I can't help admiring those birds. They are free to fly wherever they want. They can fly to the place they want to fly. They can hover freely in the sky and look at the world. How I want to be a bird!

If I were a bird, I would first fly to Beijing, our capital, to see the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube, the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed by British and French forces. I will see the scenic spots in Beijing and see how beautiful our capital is!

If I were a bird, I would fly to Taiwan. Look! There was an old man facing the mainland in front of the window, saying something. I stopped on the windowsill, and the kind old man immediately brought me some bird food. While feeding, he stroked my feathers and said, "Hey! 60 years ago, when can I go back to the mainland to reunite with my family?" The old man shed tears. I was very moved. And wanted to help the lonely old man. I asked many companions to build a bridge. The old man walked across the bridge and returned to the mainland. He shed tears of joy, stroked my head and said "thank you". I am very proud of what I have done.

If I were a bird, I would fly to the sea to see how wide the sea is. Look! Those dolphins are waving to me! The big whale spewed a column of water several meters high. I'm getting soaked. The seagulls patrol the sea like soldiers. How broad the sea is! I can't see the end of him when I fly so high.

If I were a bird, I would fly to the scenic spots all over the country to visit. Those beautiful scenic spots are unforgettable to me. The landscapes of Guilin, the West Lake of Hangzhou, the Dragon and Tiger Mountains, and the Jinggang Mountains are always in my mind. How strong and prosperous our motherland is!

If only I were really a free bird!

Composition with the theme of "If" (4)

Since I was young, I have a dream, that is, to be a happy bird.

If I were a bird, I would fly freely in the sky. I will play hide and seek with eagles; Will sleep with sister Bayun; She will be a daughter to Dashu's mother; Dancing with other birds in the sky; Would chirp and sing every morning···

If I were a bird, I would make all life on the earth no longer lonely. I will greet them kindly: Hello, fresh grass! The green body sets off your strong will. Hello, beautiful flowers! Whose coming is your blooming "smile" for? Hello, diligent bee! You have traveled thousands of miles to pollinate flowers. What force is it that you are so diligent? Hello, tall and straight tree! Is your tall body and thick branches to give us a warm home?

If I were a bird, I would eat all the pests in the field. I will eat the caterpillars that will become butterflies in the future, or the locusts that will become black in the future, and I will not harm the plants any more. I will let all plants grow healthily and happily.

If I were a bird, I would not avoid humans like other birds. I will gently fall on their shoulders, sing for them every day, dance for them every day, and make them laugh every day···

How wonderful! Maybe this will be as far away as mountains and rivers, and I will always hide it in my heart.

Composition with the theme of "If" (5)

Every day when I came home, I was very tired, and there seemed to be something weighing thousands of kilograms hanging on my eyelids. But at this time, there would be a boring noise, "Shao Yixuan, come in and do your homework!" Heaven and earth, can you give me a chance to avoid homework!

Every day when school is over, the ESE teacher comes into the classroom seriously one after another, and they will relentlessly assign as many homework as possible. It is our bounden duty for students to obey our teachers. Everyone has to bury their heads in copying a dozen or more homework. Every copy feels like their heart will explode. At that time, I was so eager to have the weekend of the protagonist in "Escape at the Weekend".

If only there were no homework.

If so, I can read a lot of books every night. Unlike before, homework has to be done at 20:30. How can I have time to immerse myself in the ocean of reading; I can also play table tennis as I like. In the past, I didn't even have time to read, so I didn't have time to play table tennis... If I was given a chance, I would fight against the clock to arrange a good night. I also need to be assured to play computer, amplify the sound, and eliminate all enemies and monsters; Finally, I will take a hot bath, listen to beautiful music, and swim comfortably in the water

If it is on the weekend, it will be even more exciting! You can play computer freely, and you are not afraid of being scolded by the "tiger" at home; Can also sleep late, which use 6:30 every day to get up, but also crazy like homework. On weekdays, it is a race against time, in order to get back a little time that can be freely used by oneself, in order to squeeze some time out to play basketball and play video games... Oh! Hurry up and I'll write as hard as I can. Later, I have to go to the after-school cram school to study, and I have to learn the text when the road is blocked. You say, is this still a childhood? Can it make people live?

However, all this is a fantasy, unless all the teachers are sick, no, our teachers are excellent teachers and responsible teachers. Even if they are sick and ask for leave, they will certainly assign homework on WeChat.

Ah! God, give me a chance to avoid homework!

Composition with the theme of "If" (6)

The rain pattered down, and the rain curtain wrapped my thoughts, wrapped my chagrin—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


My father promised me that as long as I got 99 points in the mid-term or final Chinese exam and 100 points in the math exam from the third grade, I would be rewarded with a digital camera. Although it's not very useful for me, it's also good to take some pictures when I'm free. So I always study hard and hope to get a good result, but the first three semesters are not ideal. Seeing that the midterm exam of the second volume of the fourth grade is coming, I secretly work hard and hope to get a good result this time.


The exam is coming, and I am ready to wait for the bell of the exam. "Ringing..." The test paper was handed out, and I saw wow! Super easy! "Ringing bell..." I immediately picked up my pen and "brushed" a few times. A "perfect" examination paper came out. I checked it hastily again and handed it in after class. The same was true for the math exam in the afternoon, which was so careless that there was still one hour to finish. After the exam, I thought that there was hope this time.

One point each

The exam results finally came out. I've been listening to them for a long time! After a while, the teacher came in with a thick stack of test papers. "Qiu Junjie, Chinese 98, Maths 99." What? The teacher who changed the paper has corrected the mistake. Each subject is only one point short! I only deducted one point when I read the composition of the examination paper again. The two questions with one point were all written incorrectly due to carelessness. What a pity! If I had been more careful, more careful, and more checks, I might have done well in the exam.

If God gives me another chance, I will cherish it and never leave any regret!

Composition with the theme of "If" (7)

If you give me another chance, I will not do that. It was a sunny morning. I carried the new schoolbag my mother bought for me and walked to school happily. When I walked into the classroom, the students' eyes were attracted by the beautiful appearance of the schoolbag. I put my schoolbag in the drawer and went to clean with my classmates.

After cleaning, I took out my schoolbag to read. I found a large ink print on the schoolbag. I thought about it. Just now, only my deskmate was reading in the classroom. I said angrily: "My deskmate must be you. You must be jealous of my schoolbag to get ink on it." My deskmate said: "I didn't do it, really not me." When I heard her say this, I was very angry: "You are the only person in the classroom, not you or who? Is it the schoolbag that got the ink?" She knew she could not explain clearly, so she fell on the table and cried. I said, "Don't pretend any more. Don't think you can win my sympathy. I won't stop this." At this time, my deskmate stood up and argued, "I have been reading in my seat all the time. I didn't touch your schoolbag, and you misunderstood me." "Don't quibble. It's you who stained it. You have to accompany me with a new schoolbag." My deskmate burst out of the classroom crying sadly.

A few days later, my good friend Liu Anna told me, "I accidentally got the ink on your schoolbag that day, I'm sorry." Suddenly, my face was burning.

If you give me another chance, I will find out the ins and outs of the matter and will never be so impulsive. If you give me another chance, I will say to my deskmate, "I'm sorry."

Composition with the theme of "If" (8)

If I were a drop of water, I would come from the top of a mountain. Looking at the clouds in the mountains, I made a promise that I would embrace the blue sea, because that is my ideal.

On this high and cold mountain, I began a long journey of life. I slowly flow to the foot of the mountain with a wisp of spring. In the twists and turns between the mountains and forests, I saw lush grass and smart and lively animals, they waved to me kindly, wishing me a smooth journey. Flowing and flowing, I am dancing tirelessly in the gradually rapid stream. Suddenly, I flew from the cliff to the bottom of the valley. I closed my eyes and gasped. When I opened my eyes again, there was only the sound of "rumbling" water in my ears. I looked back at the cliff top and saw a stream of spring water still splashing downward. I can't help sighing that life should never be timid!

The water is still flowing. Unconsciously, I came to the sparkling lake. The water level scene is so calm. I opened my eyes wide in the quiet and far-off silence, calming the waves in my heart. But I will never stagnate.

The water is still flowing. It seems that my heart is still worried about the fairyland on earth, but the ideal in my heart is always indelible - I flow into the river. I don't have a moment's leisure here. The turbulent scene is always so soul stirring and exciting. There is only one idea in my heart, that is: to run to the sea and realize my ideal! Suddenly, I was rushed to a huge rock. Instead of being discouraged, I gritted my teeth, fought for my life, and strove forward. The waves are getting bigger and the wind is blowing harder and harder. In this river, I tried my best. Just then, a big wave rushed at me.

The water is still flowing, but this time it is much smoother. I calmed down and suddenly found myself in the embrace of the sea. I was ecstatic and jumped happily.

Yeah! Isn't the journey of a drop of water our life? There will always be rain, but as long as you have ideals and perseverance, the sky will show a rainbow smile.

Let each of us cherish our own ideal and fix it in the deep memory forever!

Composition with the theme of "If" (9)

I like to observe the beautiful world, like to watch different scenery, a chance, I became a camera.

Vaguely, I opened my eyes. It was dark all around. I was lying in the master's pocket. The faint light penetrated the pocket and hit me. A big hand reached in and took me out of the pocket. I opened the camera. At this time, it was quiet all around. I heard the master and his parents say, "Come to Kanas Lake." I opened my eyes wide, The morning fog looks very blurred in the sun. I can hear cicadas and see several butterflies and microorganisms mixed in the air with me. I looked up and saw the bright face of the master as he looked into the distant view - Kanas must be beautiful. Two hands lifted me up, and I looked up with joy and excitement. With the decline of the wooden fence in the field of vision, a round of sunlight fell on my mirror frame, and a piece of dark green jadeite inlaid among the mountains, lying under the blue sky. I was stunned, intoxicated in the magnificent and mysterious land of Kanas. It was the magic skill of nature's ghost axe that made this beautiful lake. The master held me high, adjusted the aperture, and focused. The scenery in front of me was set off by science and technology, which was more like a girl. "Click!" I was glad that as a camera, I would keep this extraordinary scenery forever.

At the graduation ceremony, every class had arranged the wreaths and balloons in an orderly manner. I lay on the table quietly and looked at the happy and slightly sentimental face of the host and his good friends giving gifts to each other. It was an unforgettable landscape. I was held in the host's hand. In front of my vision, three good friends gathered together. What I saw was the everlasting friendship, "Click!" Three scissors hands in different shapes will be the sweetest memory in my heart. I heard the voice of the head teacher, "Good class in the front row of the podium! Cheer up for the last photo in school! Laugh!" When I opened the video button, I saw the happiness and reluctance of each student in front of the camera, "Three, two, one, happy graduation!" Paper airplanes flying in the classroom, Thirty six peach blossoms bloom here, with laughter, and precious pictures are forever treasured in the camera.

Life is full of splendor, exquisite beauty and human touch. The end will be another beginning. While struggling, don't forget to pick up the camera, collect all the surprises in life, and record your youth.

Composition with the theme of "If" (10)

If I had 72 changes, I would like to become a bird flying freely in the blue sky, singing happily, and playing happily with animals in the jungle.

If I have seventy-two changes, I want to become a small fish, playing hide and seek with my friends (small fish) happily in the water, playing games happily, spitting out bubbles mischievously, gently touching them, one by one, bubbles burst out, and the small fish and I happily flicked their tails and laughed.

If I have seventy-two changes, I will become a cloud, follow the wind sister, and send water to thirsty crops to quench their thirst; Let the cracked earth close its lips and become moist again; Let the desert become an oasis.

If I have seventy-two changes, I will become a towering tree, always guarding the beautiful home of animals, not letting people cut down trees at will, or I will let him (her) replant 10 trees, so that the world will become more beautiful. I will not let humans catch small animals any more, because small animals have their own freedom, just like us. If human beings are caught by aliens and locked in cages, we humans will be unhappy because we need freedom. What about the animals? They are caught as pets, and they also need freedom, so please stop catching animals, or I will build a cage in the branches of the towering tree, and put you in the sky prison.

If I have 72 changes, I will make everyone happy. You will see me everywhere in the sky, the sea and the earth. I want to turn the earth into a beautiful and colorful home. We all live happily in it, without war, pain or pollution

If I have 72 changes