300 character Tomb Sweeping Composition (15 selected)
Happiness comes from hard work
2024-06-02 06:07:24

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (1)

On the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, as a member of the brigade committee, I was honored to lead my first and second grade classmates to sweep the tomb of martyr Deng Zhongming.

Wearing my school uniform and red scarf, I solemnly came to the tomb of martyr Deng Zhongming. Another brigade committee first introduced martyr Deng Zhongming to the students and swore an oath. Deng Zhongming, a native of Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, on August 3, 1943, Deng Zhongming camped with the 46th Regiment of the New Fourth Army in Fengtanzhuang, Lukou, Jiangning. Suddenly, he met the enemy, and died at the Gaoqiao Ferry when crossing the Qinhuai River in the transfer. He was 39 years old at that time. After that, we came to Zhongming Pavilion, and I put the wreath in front of the pavilion. This is a small hexagonal pavilion. There is a tombstone in the middle of the pavilion. On the front of the tombstone, there are seven characters "Tomb of Deng Zhongming Martyr". On the side of the tombstone, there are lines of inscriptions. All our students paid tribute to Deng Zhongming. The first and second grade students put their small white flowers beside the tombstone to show their respect······

We would like to thank those martyrs who died for our country. Without them, there would be no New China. Their indomitable spirit remains in the hearts of the world forever.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (2)

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, but my relatives and I went to sweep the tomb the day before yesterday. The place is still the same, and the process has not changed. Qingming Festival has basically become a gathering day for our families throughout the year.

In the tomb publicity area, I saw the promotion of some new tombs, among which the favorite is planting trees for burial, that is, planting a tree in the place where the ashes are buried instead of building a cement or marble cemetery. Go to the tree for worship at ordinary times.

Cemetery is basically a permanent thing. If people continue to die, the area of the cemetery will continue to expand. If they all spend a lot of money to build a cemetery like this, it will not be long before "dead people and living people compete for land". But if it is planting trees, then what people left behind will be a forest.

From another point of view, the tree is growing constantly. Every year when we go to worship, we will definitely see its changes. It feels like the dead relatives are living in a new way in the world, which is more spiritual than the aging tombstone.

It is hoped that this way can be accepted by more people, so that it can be popularized.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (3)

Today, my family and my uncle's family went to Qinglong Mountain to visit the tomb.

Early in the morning, the sky was drizzling and foggy. My father and I got up at 6:30 and began to fold the "gold ingots" to burn for the dead relatives. I was also curious, learning origami with my father. I thought that my grandmother loved playing mahjong when she was alive, and she also gave me a set of "" and "mahjong tiles". After loading the items we need to carry, we drove to Qinglong Mountain. Along the way, vehicles came and went, and they might also like us, to visit the tomb. On the bus, we heard the sad sound of fireworks, saw golden rape flowers on both sides of the road, and imagined Grandma. We really missed her and couldn't help crying. It reminds me of an ancient poem, "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die".

When we got to the cemetery, we took out the sacrificial objects and walked slowly to Grandma's grave. My uncle dumped the folded paper and gold ingots in front of the grave, and lit the fire. How tall the fire was! My cousin and I wept like rain, and we were very sad and sad. When the fire subsided, we all took turns to crack our heads for Grandma and said some thoughts and wishes.

After completing all the ceremonies, the Tomb Sweeping Ceremony was over, and we left Qinglong Mountain with sadness.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (4)

As the saying goes, "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die". That day, I came to Tiandong to visit the tomb and worship my ancestors.

Tiandong's scenery is really beautiful! There are hillsides, streams and forests, which make me feel like entering a continuous picture. It's really beautiful!

Carrying a small backpack with water and my little hoe, I walked on the rugged mountain road with sweat on my head because the weather was very hot, and walked with firm steps. My father said, "Look at the chameleon and take a picture." I picked up my father's mobile phone and snapped the lovely chameleon. We continued to walk, and came to a thorny forest. It was really hard! There are many weeds here. We can't see the road clearly, but it's dangerous. Each of us picked up a stick to explore the way, and finally arrived at the destination after nine turns and eight turns. There were many nameless weeds on the side of the grave. My uncle strode to the grave, grabbed a bunch of weeds and pulled them aside. Mother carefully cleaned up the old paper money on the grave, put the sacrifices in place, and burned incense sticks. My sister and brother scrambled to grab paper money, and then pasted it around the grave.

While I was concentrating on incense and praying, I nearly fell down with a deafening "bang" behind me. Turning around, it turned out that someone was setting off a "sky cannon". No wonder it was so scary. I can't help thinking: Why do they set off firecrackers? In case of mountain fire, it would be bad!

I have a myriad of thoughts, remember our ancestors, sweep the grave safely, and set off less firecrackers!

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (5)

This week is the Tomb Sweeping Day. During the holiday, my grandfather took my mother and I back home to visit the tomb. We got up early in the morning and went straight to the station when everything was ready. As soon as I got on the bus, I found that almost all the people around me were holding flowers, paper money, incense candles and other things. They must have the same purpose as us!

Sitting in the car, looking from afar, the yellow rape flowers spread on the ground like blankets. After an hour or so of bumping, a pleasant sound came from the car: "Here we are in Mianyang, please take your luggage and get off!" After hearing this, I quickly asked my mother and grandfather to get off.

As soon as I got off the bus, I saw Grandpa Ding waving to us from the opposite side. We also ran quickly to meet him. Grandpa and Grandpa Ding discussed for a while, and we started walking towards the cemetery. It may be that I usually lack of exercise. I started to shout tired after just walking a few steps, clamoring to take Grandpa Ding's bike. My mother couldn't beat me and finally agreed. I am as happy as a bird on my bike. Tell me, don't laugh at me. This is the first time I've ever ridden a bicycle in my memory! When we arrived at the tombstone, my grandfather and mother uprooted some weeds around it, and cleaned the dust on the tombstone. Grandpa Ding inserted incense candles, and I also helped to place tributes and flowers. We bowed and bowed before our ancestors one by one, hoping that he would bless us all.

On the way home, it gradually darkened, as if it was going to rain. I can't help thinking of a poem written by Du Mu - it rains in the Qingming Festival, and passers-by on the road want to die

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (6)

"It rains in the Qingming Festival, and passers-by on the road want to die; ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points at the Xinghua Village." The custom of tomb sweeping during the Qingming Festival has been around for a long time, and has become a permanent ceremony since the late Tang Dynasty. The ceremony can be divided into two types, one is "hanging paper", the other is "cultivating tombs".

On April 4, our family took rich fruits to our destination, the pagoda temple, to help my grandfather and grandmother sweep the grave. When I arrived at the temple, I saw a huge crowd of people, all of whom came to express their intention of being cautious and pursuing the future. We also began to get busy, sometimes busy loading fruit, while busy carrying dishes. Later, Master also asked us to offer incense to show our respect to our ancestors.

The annual Tomb Sweeping Festival always brings people many feelings, just like what people say, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not blowing, and the son wants to be raised but not loved". Therefore, I would like to cherish the good time spent with my family so as not to cause many regrets. At the same time, we should also be filial to our parents, not do things that make them sad, not talk back when they are angry, report to their parents for peace when they go away, chat with them more when they are free, not make them angry, often take their parents out for a walk, relax and breathe, etc. The most important thing is that filial piety does not necessarily mean having money, but having heart.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (7)

"It rains in the Qingming Festival, and passers-by on the road want to die, so I ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points at the Xinghua Village." Whenever I think of this poem by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think it seems that the Qingming Festival is coming, and the steps of Qingming are not far away

About 8 o'clock, my mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen Grandma's kind and amiable appearance, and there was nothing related to Grandma in my mind. What does she look like? Be nice to me... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother: "Mother, have I met Grandma? How are you treating me?" My mother said helplessly: "To tell the truth, she is very kind to you. You made a mistake, and she always protects you..."

After several decades of car bumps, we finally came to Grandma's grave. We cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, dredged the drainage ditch, placed offerings, lit incense and candles, and burned the folded paper money into ashes for relatives to worship, so as to express our yearning for the dead relatives. After we finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, my uncle took out firecrackers and "crackled" them. The sound was deafening, like thunder in the sky. I silently made a wish in front of the tomb, "I hope my grandmother can bless me with my smart reading, progress in learning, happy family life and good health".

In the smoke filled mountains, we walked back on the muddy path. The grave sweepers with the old and the young on the road, or in groups of three or five, or one or two slow walking alone, are worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese hair tribe, and it is so meaningful.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (8)

The third day of the third lunar month is the traditional Chinese festival Tomb Sweeping Day, which reminds me of a poem I learned in grade one: during the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains in succession, and passers-by meet with dead souls

My father, mother and brother went to the hometown of Anshun to visit the tomb. Although the sky was not beautiful, I saw golden rape flowers.

Our hometown is here. We went to visit the tomb. Above is the tombstone of Laozu Tai, below is the tombstone of Laozu Gong. There are a lot of delicious food, incense and money paper in front of the tomb of the ancestral mother. In order to remember the dead old people and relatives, first the grandfather generation kowtow, then the father generation kowtow, and finally our grandson generation kowtow.

This Tomb Sweeping Day is very meaningful to me. I have a question that I am very impressed with. Now the environment is getting worse and worse. Can we celebrate the Tomb Sweeping Day without burning money paper to remember our dead relatives, the elderly. The burnt money and paper scraps float everywhere and pollute the environment. What if there is a forest fire? Next year, I suggest my father take me to remember the dead relatives. When the old people are old, I will take a bunch of flowers to see them.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (9)

Today, I went to the bamboo garden behind my grandma's house to sweep the grave. Along the way, I came to my grandma's house with a strange feeling. I felt sad and excited... Well, it was a strange feeling anyway.

Finally, everyone is here. We came to the bamboo garden behind Grandma's house, where there was a grave. Below the grave are four stone walls made of stones, and above them are semicircular and covered with many weeds. There is a stone tablet in front of the grave. Mother said it was called a tombstone. At this time, I knew that this was the tomb of my great grandfather and great grandmother. Although I had never seen it, my heart was still very sad. There is a small table made of stones in front of the tombstone, which is used to place sacrifices. Grandma began to put the prepared dishes on the table, with a bowl of rice and two bowls of wine on each corner. At this time, my aunt leaned against the tomb and cried sadly. Everyone was trying to persuade her not to cry. Grandpa lit the candle, poured the gold ingots in the bag onto the ground, and lit them with a lighter. Everyone kept bowing to the grave, even the most naughty brothers didn't say a word.

After the worship, I left the bamboo garden with sadness.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (10 words)

On a sunny and sunny morning, Dad drove his car and took the whole family to visit the tomb and worship the ancestors.

About five minutes later, when the bus arrived near the cemetery, everyone got off the bus, took out the items for ancestor worship, and walked on a small gravel road. Small stones "clucked" at our feet, as if welcoming the tourists who came to worship ancestors.

I looked at the whole countryside and enjoyed the beautiful scenery before me. Golden rape flowers, green wheat seedlings and many beautiful crops form a colorful picture with blue sky and white clouds. Looking at it, I am intoxicated with the beauty!

Walking into the cemetery, people came and went, and the smoke was filled. We walked through the bustling crowd to our tombstone. My grandparents took out paper money and other ancestral objects from the plastic bags. My parents and I also came to help split them and divided them into three piles.

When everything was ready, the whole family worshiped and made wishes in front of the three ancestors' tombstones. The small house behind the tombstone was replaced with new soil. My mother said: "This is the custom of Tomb Sweeping Day. Every Tomb Sweeping Day, we need to replace new soil, which means our family has successors!" I could not help nodding.

Grandpa lit three piles of offerings in the loud sound of firecrackers.

The tomb sweeping was over, and we left the cemetery of our ancestors with deep nostalgia and embarked on the road home.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (11)

Qingming Festival is a traditional culture and an important festival. Generally, people will ask for his blessing in front of their dead relatives, and then carry out tomb sweeping.

This year's fourth. I participated in the tomb sweeping activity with my relatives on the Fifth Tomb sweeping Day. I was very excited and jumped happily. The next day, I came to the fifth grandpa in the "White Grave Head". My grandpa loved me and my sister most in his previous life. I remember that year, when I was only five years old, my grandpa was lying in the hospital bed. When I visited my grandpa in the hospital, my young heart was under great pressure. The last time I saw my grandfather, his face was white and his hands were cold. Every word he said was so precious. He asked our four sisters to read. Later, I left in obscurity. My sister and I hugged each other and cried bitterly. But grandpa will never come back. From then on, I vowed to study hard and win honor for my grandfather. When I think of this, my tears fall to my chest from time to time. I clench my hands, bow down at Grandpa's grave, and present a bunch of flowers I bought with my pocket money to Grandpa's grave. From then on, my heart is calm.

I will always love my grandfather, the love from the bottom of my heart.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (12)

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My father called me out of my warm bed early in the morning and said that I would go back to my hometown to visit the tomb today. After a busy time, we set out on the way back to our hometown. It was cloudy and drizzling, as if God was mourning for his ancestors. Although it is still very early, there are more pedestrians on the road than before. This reminds me of Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, who said, "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and passers-by on the road want to die."

Although it is still raining in my hometown, there are still many pedestrians on the street. They are preparing for tomb sweeping. Some are carrying hoes, some are carrying sickles, and some are carrying sacrifices. When we arrived at Grandma's house, Grandma had already prepared the sacrifice for tomb sweeping. Together with the people from our hometown, we climbed to the top of the mountain in the rain and finally came to the place where Grandpa's cemetery was located.

When we came to Grandpa's grave, everyone began to get busy. Several grandfathers were busy cleaning up the weeds on the grave. My uncle arranged the sacrifices, my father inserted candles, lit firecrackers, and my mother and I bowed respectfully in front of Grandpa's grave in the sound of firecrackers. I silently made a wish in my heart, hoping that Grandpa would bless me to study hard. After taking everyone to worship, we packed up and went down the mountain.

Qingming Festival, a traditional festival in China, expresses our grief for our deceased relatives.

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (13)

On the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, my classmates and I came to Beiman Martyrs Cemetery. The revolutionary ceremony began.

I bowed my head, the chilly spring breeze blew in my face, and the chilly feeling penetrated my whole body; White flowers are shaking around; One by one, the heads around me were bowed in silent mourning; In front of me, rows of tombstones stared at people silently.

I immediately thought a lot. In the past years, countless ambitious young people came from all sides of the country, fought hard and sacrificed blood to protect the country and save the Chinese nation in dire straits. Today, although they lie here quietly, their heroes are still watching the grass, trees, mountains and rivers of the motherland, and the ever-changing development of the motherland. This is exactly the future and ideal they hoped for. "You can smile now."

Today, where you shed your blood and gave your precious lives, we are living happily. We must study hard, grow up, take over the red flag in your hands, realize your will, and make our country more prosperous and strong.

Martyrs, rest in peace!

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (14)

This article "Tomb Sweeping Composition 300 Words" is organized by this website for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

"It rains in the Qingming Festival, and people on the road want to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points at the Xinghua Village." This poem was written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It expresses the thoughts and feelings that people miss the dead very much on the Qingming Day.

It's Tomb Sweeping Day. I'm going to visit the tomb with my grandfather. Go to see my grandpa's father and mother. We went to the cemetery after lunch.

When we got there, my relatives and my grandfather had to erect the tombstone first, because the tombstone had been buried under the soil before. They started working, and I had nothing to do but play.

After playing for a while, I found a man herding sheep on the grass in front of me, but I didn't dare to lean forward, so I began to play with the soil. After a while, my grandfather asked me to get a brick to fix the tombstone.

After the tombstone was erected, we began to shoot. Of course, it was the children who ordered the cannon, so I started to fire the cannon. After the cannon is fired, "money" will be burned. Of course, burning "money" is what adults should do. When we finished burning "money", we began to bow. Everyone bows three times and starts going home······

Tomb sweeping composition 300 words (15 words)

It is also Tomb Sweeping Day, a festival full of worries, and also a festival of outing. At 7:15 on Friday morning, I arrived at the school on time to participate in the activity of "visiting the martyr cemetery on foot". It is said that we have to walk 20 miles, which is a long way, so I prepared three bottles of mineral water to prevent thirst. The brigade set out in a mighty manner. Everyone walked briskly on the busy street, without realizing the meaning of twenty li. After leaving the urban area, there is no neat and flat sidewalk, only potholed earth roads. As soon as the big team walked up, the loess flew from the students' feet in an instant, but the flying dust could not block the poisonous sunshine. I don't know whether God tests us on purpose, but there is no cloud in the sky. The sun shines its sharp light meticulously, and everyone is finally tired. Inadvertently, we found the exhibition center, and the students suddenly got up their spirits and rushed to it like ten thousand horses. At the same time, the wind is coming, so cool!

After half an hour's rest, I set out again. I didn't arrive at the martyrs' cemetery until I walked "with iron feet and silver legs".

At the foot of Martyrs' Mountain, we got dressed, stood in awe, and presented our own small white flowers to express our sacrifice to the British and British.

After the activity, I thought a lot: today's happy life is the life of the revolutionary martyrs, and we should cherish this hard won life.