Composition of Fog 100 (7 popular articles)
Trample a dead pig
2024-06-15 06:45:29

Composition of Fog 100 (1)

In recent days, the sky has always been gray, and the sun has been hiding, only at noon. What's the matter? It was the fog.

Haze, also known as pm2.5, is a kind of inhalable particles, which is harmful to human health. Excessive inhalation can lead to upper respiratory tract infection, lung cancer and other diseases, as well as conjunctivitis and infantile rickets.

So, how did haze form? Haze is actually caused by automobile exhaust, chemical pollution, coal emissions and other reasons. Sometimes cooking also produces a small amount of pm2.5

The haze has done us great harm. Physical education should be held in a small classroom; Driving is easy to cause, and fog lights need to be turned on; Can't see clearly when walking, easy to fall; Bring diseases to our bodies; In serious cases, the visibility shall not exceed 50 meters.

Let's resist the haze and move towards a healthy life.

Composition of Fog 100 (2)

In autumn, the mountains are covered with mist, and the trees are covered with mist.

The mountain wind can not be lifted after turning, and the warm birds are whistling each other falsely.

Passion and carelessness here burn all branches overnight.

Yellow needles and red leaves make skirts, and Tiannv weaves colorful clothes.

The Immortal King danced with each other lightly, and the people who were on the peak did not know it.

During the period of incarnation as a bird, immortals, silk and bamboo invited Shengge.

Phoenix does not sing when it appears, and the letter turns the body to be graceful.

The house bird forgets its feelings and beats, whines.

The guests were surprised to hear the stagnant picture, and I laughed at you.

Senior 3: nude Ding

Composition of Fog 100 (3)

Have you seen the fog in the morning? I've seen it before. The scenery is wonderful!

Early in the morning, I opened the door. Ah! Why can't my eyes see clearly? I quickly rubbed my eyes and looked carefully, but I still couldn't see clearly. I asked my mother curiously what was going on, and she said, "This is fog." Oh! Only then did I understand that the fog was like thin layers of white yarn, covering the houses, trees and flowers, as if playing hide and seek with me again.

I love the morning fog!

Grade 4 of Mingzu Primary School in Yanhe County, Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou: Liu Yang

Composition of Fog 100 (4)

I got up early in the morning, stretched myself and went out! The fog outside is so heavy, I sighed.

The fog is in front of me, I can see it, but I can't touch it. I was so happy that I played hide and seek with the fog. I was surrounded by fog layer upon layer. It was like a beautiful girl, hiding in the fog.

The enchanting fog was flying in the air, and the trees were covered with crystal dew, as if the trees were dressed in white clothes. It was so beautiful.

First grade: Zhang Siyao

Composition of Fog 100 (5)

Article 1:

oh dear! How could the haze be so serious in the morning these two days? Because the haze has brought us a lot of inconvenience.

On the way to school in the morning, it was dark, and the fog was like a huge cage, covering the whole Wuzhi County. Most of the people on the street are driving. Those who do not drive are wearing masks or covering their noses. Everyone looked serious, as if thinking: When can the fog be lifted?

Ah! When did Wuzhi's air become so bad? Even this fog, which is rare in a hundred years, lasted for two or three days. Let's act together and fight for no longer living in the cage of fog!

Part II:

Today is as foggy as before, and the former sunrise has disappeared without a trace.

In the morning, when I was fully armed and ready to go to school. Suddenly, I was shocked by the sight in front of me. My mouth was open enough to hold two eggs at a time. The sky was gray, and the fog in the yard seemed like the immortals in the movie were riding on the clouds and descending into the mortal world. Walking on the road, the visibility is only one meter away 150 words of composition about haze 150 words of composition about haze. In the white fog, the lights were shining faintly, and only the sound of the horn was heard. My mother drove carefully for fear of throwing us off.

Haze is especially harmful to people's lives. It reduces their life span. We must drive away the haze and keep it away from us.

Part III:

This morning, when I just got up, I went to the toilet outside the house. Suddenly, I felt a gray outside. I thought it must be foggy outside. But on the way to school, it was also gray and smelly. I thought it must be haze.

When we arrived at school, the teacher told us that haze is harmful to our health, and it contains harmful gases, so we had better not go out to play. But after class, I went to the toilet, and everyone around me was covered with a layer of white gauze. I really wanted to travel in the fairyland. But when I got to the toilet, there was "poison gas" outside and "stink gas" inside. Let me go. Where should I go? "Haze, haze, where should I go?"······

Today, the haze is really big!

Composition of Fog 100 (6)

Seeing this topic, you should know who I am! Yes, I am the bad guy that you are afraid of - Haze. Don't worry. I'm not here to pollute your lungs. I just want you to listen to my story.

In the spring of this year, I enlisted troops to crusade against the capital, Peiping, and won a resounding victory. The people of Peiping were overwhelmed by the attack of our army, and masks became popular immediately. Of course, our military strength can not be withstood by several masks. General Ben sent a senior general, PM2.5 (that is, fine particles), to make a surprise attack. As a result, Peiping was caught unprepared.

After leaving Peiping, I led PM2.5 and PM10 south. Recently, I came to Hangzhou with beautiful scenery.

"General, the scenery here is very good, let's destroy it!" Military adviser PM2.5 gave me an opinion, and I nodded tacitly.

So all my staff, no matter fog or haze, started to take action, and the pavilions, pavilions and pleasure boats in Hangzhou were all surrounded by us. However, when the battle was about to win, the storm that had always been at odds with me came. God, our army was seriously injured and killed. Only the military division PM2.5 survived luckily. But it doesn't matter. When the time is ripe, you will know how powerful I am!

One sunny day a few days later, tens of thousands of newly recruited soldiers and I reappeared in Hangzhou. Hum, Hangzhou must suffer this time! I saw that all the soldiers used the "separation technique", and the sunny day turned into a cloudy day. Climbing the window, drilling the balcony, all kinds of tricks appeared together, but Hangzhou is too difficult to attack! Until today, Hangzhou has not been attacked by us.

Speaking of this, I have to reveal several ways to resist our army's attack. After all, we are good friends: 1. Don't open the window when the pollution is heavy; 2. Try to go out less and drink more water; 3. Speak less outdoors and breathe with your nose. Shh, don't let others hear you!

[Chapter II]

hello everyone! My name is Haze. I believe everyone is familiar with me, right?

Since I was born, I knew that I could not go down to the world to play like my brothers and sisters, such as wind, snow, hail and rain... because when I came here, I had too much influence on people! Therefore, I have been staying at my grandpa's house, day after day, year after year

One evening a few years ago, my grandfather suddenly came to my room angrily, his face wrinkled into pimples, and said to me: "Tomorrow, you will go to the world! You must teach them a lesson!"

"No, Grandpa, you can't do that!"

"It's not that I'm cruel, but that human beings ask for it. They wantonly destroy the environment, which makes me unbearable!"

Before I could speak, Grandpa pushed me into the world.

Seeing people, because I had lung disease, because I had a car accident, because I had to wear the mask of Rankan... I was really sad, so sad

But my grandpa seemed to be a little unhappy. He said, "I will let you come back when people are absolutely aware of environmental protection."

So please don't pollute the environment! Let God reduce wrinkles and smile more on Grandpa's face, OK?

Composition of Fog 100 (7)

It was another cold rain and a whole day. It was not big or small. It's so cold and humid that people can't work. Why don't you come here and enjoy yourself? Why be stingy with that little rain? It will not quench the thirst of the earth or reduce the haze in the air after a whole day. It just brings a piercing cold. The damp in early winter may make you feel uncomfortable. It's so cold. It makes my hair stand on end. It's not afraid, it's freezing!

In the afternoon, the weather finally stopped, and I don't know whether it was sunny. Nothing can be seen clearly when the mist is swirling around, and it's still fog. It's not easy to see a blue sky now. Everything is dim. The flowers and trees along the road are covered with dust. I can't see the color of the leaves. A few days ago, I saw the environmental sanitation sprinkler spraying trees and flowers with water. After spraying, it was really fresh and green. That was a comfort! It seems that the breathing is different, and the oxygen content will increase a lot at once. Now I really miss the green trees, blue sky and white clouds!

With the development of industry, the GDP has gone up, but the awareness of environmental protection has been ignored! The disorderly arrangement of high energy consumption and high pollution only sees the benefits of the current 20 years. But destroyed the permanent environmental state. I can't imagine what it will be like in the future! This kind of development is really not desirable!

Grade 5: Sun Dongxiao

A 100 word composition on haze

A few days ago, we had haze weather here. All schools have a day off, just because we are boarding schools, so we didn't have a holiday, it's sad!

When I finished class, I looked at the distance and the gray sky, and my mood became melancholy.

Haze is caused by a large number of vehicle exhaust emissions and people's destruction of nature. If we want to improve this bad weather, we must protect the environment. This is not only a personal responsibility, but also the responsibility of every citizen of the earth!

Let's take action together to protect the environment and our only place of existence - the Earth!

First grade: permanent waiting

A 100 word composition on haze

I am a sparrow. I travel in the human world. They say that human intelligence is the highest of all animals. Higher animals are what humans call themselves. In my opinion, human beings are clearly the stupidest animals on the earth.

Look at the barren land on the hillside. It is desolate without any green grass and red flowers. The source of everything is the chemical plant on the top of the slope. Look at the thick black smoke from its chimney. Ozone layer clothes that destroy the earth. I flew to the chemical plant. I saw a similar animal and flew over. I saw it dying and said to me, "Go, the smoke is poisonous." I looked at it and flew away reluctantly. I believed that those stupid human beings would be punished. I looked at the chemical plant with hate eyes. Unfortunately, I was just a sparrow, with little power.

A few months later, the chemical plant is still running, but mankind has already paid the price for what they have done. Look at the smog in the city. Does the earth feel that human beings have lost? And then send out haze to remind people?

Fortunately, people already know the mistakes, and many people are protecting the environment. But will the spilled water still come? Human beings can only pay the price for their own behavior. If human beings do not repent, then the day of the death of the earth is also the time of the death of human beings. A 100 word composition on haze