A Corner of School Composition (Collection of 19)
Looking for a bosom friend
2024-06-05 03:01:15

A Corner of School Composition (1)

The most beautiful corner of our school is the towering tree.

Our campus has a row of neat towering trees, which are extremely beautiful all the year round.

In spring, there sprouts a vibrant green where everything recovers. The new leaves of the poplar are round, with a sharp corner protruding in front. From a distance, it looks like a green fan growing on a towering tree. The ginkgo tree was not willing to be outdone, and he quietly put on a layer of green yarn. The small fan-shaped leaves that had just spread out looked so tender and green, as if they were blown away by the spring breeze overnight.

In summer, there is a thick green. Both poplar and oak trees stretch out wide leaves to support teachers and students with green mulberry trees. After lunch, it becomes a place for teachers to chat and students to play.

The autumn wind blows, poplar. The leaves of the oak and ginkgo trees were blown yellow and floated down, paving a golden road for the ground there. Stepping on it makes a rustling sound, like saying, "Why should we leave our parents' arms?" In fact, I don't want to! But the seasons are merciless.

When winter comes, poplar trees. After the leaves of the oak tree and the ginkgo tree are irretrievably withered, people's dream eyes are focused on the proud and unyielding pines and cypresses. At this time, you can't help but exclaim that "the snow presses the pines, and the pines are straight and upright. You should know that the pines are noble and clean, and when the snow melts,".

The towering tree on the campus adds a lot of color to our school, so I think this is the most beautiful part of the school.

A Corner of School Composition (2)

There are many magical scenery in my school, and those hills impressed me deeply.

Below the hill is a pool of water, in which lotus leaves grow and lotus flowers bloom. Some lotus flowers just spread two or three petals; Some lotus flowers were all unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy; Some lotus flowers are still flower buds, which are extremely beautiful.

The hills are various, some of them are like a white haired old man standing on the top of the hill; Some are like a fierce lion lying on the mountain; Some are like a monkey standing on the hillside. Hill after hill rose up like giants standing in the pool.

There is a beautiful pavilion on the hill. People often sit in the pavilion to rest. The small pavilion is colorful, which is very bright! The red tiles, yellow pillars and green benches are extremely beautiful.

There are also many small flowers and grass growing on the hill. The flowers are competing for beauty, fragrant and charming. The grass is also green and lovely, like putting a green little dress on the hill.

These hills in our school are beautiful. Welcome to our school!

A Corner of School Composition (3)

Today, my father and I went to the school gate to see the osmanthus tree. Although the door was closed, I could see that the osmanthus was very small, colorful, colorful, and beautiful. The osmanthus was very fragrant and beautiful. Of course, the osmanthus was light yellow, small and exquisite, and beautiful.

The osmanthus trees on campus are very cute! Its wooden strips are thin, sharp in the front and thick in the back. Of course, there are some

All trees are like this. Sometimes the same is true of the leaves. In autumn, many flowers withered, so did osmanthus. So today I am very happy. Today, my father and I are really happy! I'm so surprised. It's really great. 3 Osmanthus trees on campus

I remember that long ago, I could see the figure of that osmanthus tree on campus. The classroom is close to the osmanthus tree. When you turn your head, you can see the osmanthus tree.

Osmanthus fragrans trees grow in front of the teaching building, but also in front of our classroom building. When I met a problem in the exam, I was very nervous, but when I saw the osmanthus tree, my heart would be calm as water. During the break, students will go to pick up osmanthus and enjoy the osmanthus rain. It has brought us many joys. Although osmanthus is not as elegant and simple as orchid, not as noble as peony, nor as charming as azalea, I have a special liking for it!

A Corner of School Composition (4)

In the warm spring season, there is a particularly beautiful backyard in the corner of the school. The air is clear, just like in the primeval forest, the sun shines warm in the backyard, which makes me feel warm, and also makes people feel like entering poetry and painting.

From a distance, there are big green trees planted in a fence surrounded by celadon bricks. Behind the tree, there is a winding path paved with stone bricks of several colors. In the middle, there is a bow shaped bridge. Below the bridge is a small stream, which is crystal clear. There is also a long wooden corridor leading to the small pavilion down the stream. When the children are tired, they can rest on the corridor. Further down, there is a small pavilion where children can play and chat in spring. In summer, children can enjoy the cool in the pavilion. In autumn, children can read under the pavilion. In winter, it was so cold that the children dared not come out. The pavilion was covered with thick snow. The pavilion was like a lonely child. There is a piece of grass beside the pavilion. There is a placard in the grass. It says: Know it well, ask for it, and get it.

Standing there, I felt it was so beautiful. The fresh air and beautiful scenery were really a paradise. We must protect it and not pollute such a beautiful campus.

A Corner of School Composition (5)

There is a rockery in our school.

Below the rockery is a round pool. Look! What's in the pool? oh There were green water plants and cute tadpoles in the pool. Look! What's that? It was originally a small fish, and it was still spitting bubbles. The bubbles were really like pearls! It's so funny!

There is a pavilion above the rockery. Its tiles are yellow, with four corners above and four red pillars below. Inside the pavilion, two white haired grandfathers are playing chess. They are entranced! No matter how many people were arguing outside, they couldn't listen. There was a red water cart beside the pavilion. The water splashed by the water cart was like buttons! There is also a small pine tree beside the water wheel. It's beautiful!

When autumn came, when I just entered the school, a smell came to me. It was originally several huge osmanthus trees. There were many golden flowers hidden among the green leaves. It was the golden osmanthus tree; And that shiny little flower, it is silver osmanthus, really sweet osmanthus flowers ten miles! The laurel tower is named for it.

The corner of the campus is really beautiful. Every time I pass here, I can't help stopping to enjoy it.

A Corner of School Composition (6)

There are many scenes in my campus, such as small pools, large banyan trees, flower beds, botanical gardens... But I still like the bauhinia tree and the art gallery.

The Bauhinia flower tree is as tall as a two storey building. Its trunk is as thick as one or two people around it. It looks strong and straight. The leaves of the Bauhinia flower tree are so luxuriant that they are piled on top of each other, leaving no gaps. Bauhinia flowers are so beautiful, just like colorful butterflies. When the breeze blows, thousands of "butterflies" dance and are extremely beautiful. A lot of Bauhinia flowers fell on the playground. Looking from afar, they looked like a pink carpet with the fragrance of flowers.

The art gallery is also interesting! There are also some riddles, jokes, news, articles, etc. besides the information of words, numbers and English. Those riddles puzzled students, jokes made students laugh, news made students know world events, and articles made students know a lot of truth... No matter spring, summer, autumn, winter, the art gallery is often a place of laughter, which makes me linger. I like the art gallery and the bauhinia tree in the school.

A Corner of School Composition (7)

Our campus has a unique scenery, with beautiful ponds and blooming lawns... you will be full of praise after watching it. Especially the Huangguoshu tree that wakes up from a dream against the spring wind.

Spring has come, and the campus is a happy scene. Grass and flowers can't help dancing. A "sentry" beside the playground is hurriedly preparing secret weapons! She stood in her own position with her chest straight. A bright sun came and shone on its green hair. Looking up from the bottom, the naughty little doll seemed to have been changed into a new dress by Grandpa Sunshine. The little dolls were very happy, swinging their bodies, as if to say, "Wow! I have seen dark green sweaters, green hairs, but never seen such clothes!" The little doll really looked like a little emperor, For a while, the mother of the big tree gave it a quilt, while the father of the branch told it a joke, which made it laugh.

From a distance, Huangguoshu is tall and big, all thanks to the trunk. The trunk of Huangguoshu is very thick, like a telegraph pole standing on the road. There are seven or eight trunks of Huangguoshu. Each branch grows out of the big tree and runs out in a dense way, as if spring is coming. They are fighting for their own territory. The unknown roots grow in the hard soil. They bring vitality to Huangguoshu. I really admire his tenacity.

The world is so big that everything is strange!

A Corner of School Composition (8)

My school is a suburban school. Although the campus is small, the teaching building is bright and clean. There are basketball stands, horizontal bars, parallel bars and table tennis tables on the playground. What I like most is the open space on the east side of the campus.

In our spare time, we pick up white stones in the open space and catch grasshoppers. Sometimes they quarrel and fight over a few stones. I don't know when there is a pile of small hills on the vacant land. I asked Zhang Shuo and Guo Jinlu to dig out the big stone on the earth mountain in four days. Three days later, we dug out more than half of the earth, but the stone was still firmly buried there. On the fourth day, we dug down some soil, and also dug out the small stones nearby. We found that the big stone was a bit loose. Finally, Guo Jinlu squatted on the earth and lifted it, The big stone was finally dug out by us. At this time, we were sweating, but we were very happy and left cheering.

Behind the open space is our new teaching building. The words "dilapidated building reconstruction project" are written on the upstairs. We are teaching here. Everything in the classroom is new. The blackboard is a magnetic blackboard, and even the tables and chairs are new.

Children, what is your school like? Welcome to our school!

A Corner of School Composition (9)

There is no lack of beauty in life, just a lack of eyes to find beauty. When I watched carefully, I found the beauty of school.

Behind the teachers' office is the teachers' dormitory building, also known as "Jien Building". It has three floors and a clean environment. It is the place where teachers rest and live.

There is a small garden in front of Sunshine Study. There are many plants in it. There are pennisetum, wild chrysanthemum, triangular flower, leek, rose, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, etc., of which the pennisetum is like a small green disc, the petals of the wild chrysanthemum are white, and the flower core is yellow, which is really beautiful. On the left is a cedar. The cedar stands straight like a soldier, as if guarding the whole school. The leaves of the cedar are different from those of other trees. Some of the leaves of other trees are like palms, some are like fans, and some are like shuttles. But the leaves of this cedar are like needles. There are also triangular flowers under the cedar. The triangular flowers smell like morning glory. Next to the cedar is the kindergarten, and outside the kindergarten is our school's internal Yang Cao.

On the right is the sunshine study of our school. There is a fake tree in it. Behind the fake tree is a bookshelf. There are many books on the bookshelf. On the right side of the bookshelf are newspapers for some adults or teachers. There are tables on both sides of the fake tree. Because we have to sit upright when reading, I reluctantly walked out of the sunshine study. The road in front of the sunshine study is a stone path, There are lawns on both sides of the road. There are some plants in the lawns. I was thinking about the name of Sunshine Study? As a result, I looked at the top of the Sunshine Study, which said "Fenglou Academy".

Children, welcome to our school.

A Corner of School Composition (10)

Our campus has high pavilions, wide and bright classrooms, colorful flower beds... I like the colorful flower beds most.

As soon as you enter the school, you can see the colorful flower beds. Red, green, white and purple flowers compete for beauty. Some flowers are in bud, but dare not open; Some flowers clustered together, as if whispering; Some flowers have already opened, but they blush again

A group of butterflies were gathering honey on the flower bed, and the bees were too busy to fall behind. The flower smiled at them as if to say, "I have some honey here. Come and pick it!"

To the left of the flower bed is a tall pine tree. He wears green clothes all the year round, and it is not cold in winter. Pine leaves are like sharp thorns, and their sharp heads will turn yellow in autumn.

On the right side of the flower bed is a pond with clear water at the bottom. There are many small stones in different shapes at the bottom of the pond. They are big, small, round, flat, and so on. It's funny! There are also many small fish in the pond, yellow, red, green... different colors, so beautiful! Two little fish swim together, as if whispering; Several small fish jumped out of the water and back again, as if they were doing sports; A few small fish are wagging their tails desperately, as if they are wagging their tails faster than others

I love this corner of the campus full of childlike charm, but also the vibrant campus.

A Corner of School Composition (11)

I live in a beautiful school. What I like most is the botanical garden.

The botanical garden is located in the north of our school, where flowers are in full bloom and green trees are around. It seems that every day is spring.

When I walked in, the most striking thing was Magnolia grandiflora. Look! They are just like graceful girls. When the breeze blows, these "girls" will dance and look great! Cherry blossom is also unwilling to be outdone. Although it is very small, there are not a few of them. Seen from a distance, it seems that many fairies in white gauze skirts are jumping on the trees. Don't forget the noble white camellia! Its petals are very tender. They feel tender, soft and comfortable; Its petals can be white, snow-white, as if it was a pile of snow.

Whenever class is over, the students in the class near here will come here to play. Look! Some students are playing games and have fun; Some students are jumping rope, tired and sweating; Some students leaned against the tree and read quietly. In spring, students will move shelves from the art classroom to draw from life; In summer, I come here to enjoy the shade; In autumn, they will come to look for pinecones; In winter, I will come here to have a snowball fight. The four seasons are always lively.

I love my school, but also love the botanical garden!

A Corner of School Composition (12)

I am now studying in Tianfei Palace Primary School. My primary school is a hundred year old child. The most attractive corner is the Osmanthus Path.

When I walked into the campus, a strong fragrance of flowers swirled at the tip of my nose. I was immediately attracted and walked along the fragrance to the northeast corner.

Wow, the paradise of sweet scented osmanthus is in front of us! Countless osmanthus trees lined up neatly beside the stone road. A path was surrounded by osmanthus sachets. When people stepped into the path, they would immediately be intoxicated with the sea of flowers.

Walk in and see, the trunk of the osmanthus tree is dark green, and the surface feels very rough, like the calloused hands of an old man. One by one, the goose yellow osmanthus flowers huddle together in groups, dragged from the green leaves, like a father holding his children, making them happy! As soon as the class was over, the students would run to the tree to play, play, talk and laugh. It adds a beautiful scenery to the campus.

When the wind blows, the petals fall down like a continuous drizzle, and fall down like a fairy, beautiful and gorgeous. But I think the osmanthus is so small that it will end its life if you touch it often, but each piece of it will bloom its own fragrance in your lifetime.

Isn't this spirit of selfless dedication just like our teachers? Pass on all the knowledge to us, and like our beautiful campus, let our campus life become colorful.

A Corner of School Composition (13)

Summer arrived, I ate a cool popsicle and skipped to school. When I arrived at school, I suddenly changed my appearance. I saw a vast expanse of green in front of me. It was very beautiful.

When I arrived at the school, I saw the flagpole at the corner and the flower bed beside it. Behind the flagpole was an iron fence, and below it was one flower vine after another climbing up the iron fence, and one orange flower after another grew on it. Passing there, the fragrance will quietly slip into your nose, making you feel very comfortable and happy.

There are two large mushrooms in the flower bed beside us to help us hold umbrellas. Don't be afraid when you see them, because they are made of stone. There are colorful flowers and a big carambola tree beside them. We often pick carambola, which always makes people feel delicious. There are many flowers and trees there. They are very fragrant. The fragrance is almost floating to our classroom. It's really fragrant.

This place is really wonderful, and it is always praised by people.

A Corner of School Composition (14)

At noon today, several of our best classmates had lunch and had nothing to do. We agreed to go to the back garden of the school.

The back garden of the school is not big, but the air is very fresh. When spring comes, cherry blossoms and willows sprout outside the wall. The flowers and plants send out bouts of rich fragrance, floating back to the garden from time to time. From a distance, I can see that some places on the grass are green and some places are dark yellow, just like a carpet with yellow and green patterns. Under the transparent golden sun, the garden seemed to have just been cleaned, shining with various beautiful and bright lights! Occasionally in some scattered places, you can also see many colorful flowers arranged evenly.

Stepping on the zigzag path paved with stone slabs in the grass, we stopped in the middle of the path. Looking around, you can see green bamboos growing in the deep of the grassland. Through the dense bamboos, you can also vaguely see pink wintersweet flowers. A breeze blows, and wintersweet flowers dance happily. They are very beautiful, like a group of dancing girls.

I don't know who shouted: "Look, it's the Drip Book House!" We looked up at the sound and saw a huge plaque under the eaves of the book house, with four big brown wooden characters "Drip Book House" written on it. We went in at the same time. Suddenly, a fresh fragrance came to my face. The bookstore is actually a pavilion full of children. Some of them are painting, some are reading, and some are doing their homework. This is really a good place to learn. Everyone pushed and jostled to sit on the chairs in the pavilion. Looking back, they saw a green lotus pond in front. The water in the lotus pond is really green, green like a flawless emerald; The water in the lotus pond is so quiet that you can't feel it flowing; The water in the lotus pond is beautiful. The color is changeable. The water near the center is green, the edge is light green, and the water near the "Drip Book House" is green. A huge stone stands in the center of the lotus pond with its head held high, engraved with "Green Lake Lotus Pond". Every summer, the lotus pond will be full of lotus flowers, some of which are in full bloom, pink petals, golden stamens, as if laughing; Some buds are blooming, like talking, while others are still in bud, like a shy girl bowing her head; The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs.

Along the path beside the lotus pond, we have stood on a stone arch bridge. Standing on the bridge, looking down the bridge, just a few lively and extremely cute little goldfish passed by the downstream of the bridge. Under the midday sun, the scales on the back of the small goldfish are shining red and blue, especially one of the shiny black goldfish. While swinging its big tail like black gauze, it playfully spits bubbles and looks at me. I also looked at the goldfish. I didn't know which troublemaker cried out. Those little goldfish were frightened and quickly flashed into the crack of the stone. I think that no matter who has seen such a scene, he will praise it from the bottom of his heart: "The corner of the school is really beautiful!". On the way back to the classroom, the scenery I just enjoyed still emerged in my mind, which made me unforgettable for a long time.

A Corner of School Composition (15)

There are many magical scenery in my school, and those hills impressed me deeply.

Below the hill is a pool of water, in which lotus leaves grow and lotus flowers bloom. Some lotus flowers just spread two or three petals; Some lotus flowers spread out, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy; Some lotus flowers are still flower buds, which are extremely beautiful.

The hills are various, some of them are like a white haired old man standing on the top of the hill; Some are like a fierce lion lying on the mountain; Some are like a monkey standing on the hillside. Hill after hill rose up like giants standing in the pool.

There is a beautiful pavilion on the hill. People often sit in the pavilion to rest. The small pavilion is colorful, which is very bright! The red tiles, yellow pillars and green benches are extremely beautiful.

There are also many small flowers and grass growing on the hill. The flowers are competing for beauty, fragrant and charming. The grass is also green and lovely, like putting a green little dress on the hill.

These hills in our school are beautiful. Welcome to our school!

A Corner of School Composition (16)

Every campus is beautiful, including our campus. There is a playground in the center of our campus. Let's start with the playground.

In the morning, the sun rises from the east, the wind is sunny. In the east of the playground, there are two small flower beds. The flower beds are covered with green grass, which seems to be covered with green carpets. There are also two clusters of gold wood in the flower beds, like round ice cream, and two small leaf banyan trees, guarding the flower beds day and night.

In the south, there are two clusters, which have been carefully pruned and cultivated into four words: "self-reliance and self-improvement". There is a tall palm tree in the middle of the golden wood, and the flag raising platform is in the middle. Red floor tiles are used as the color of the flag raising platform. The high five-star red flag warns us to study hard and fight hard.

To the west is the school gate. There is a row of willows outside the gate. When the spring breeze blows, they dance. Some comb their hair, and some show their hair. As soon as you enter the gate, there are two big pine trees guarding the campus all the time. There is also a small flower bed under the tree. The grass has poked out its head. On one side is the display board of three good students, on which there are pictures of three good students. There is a big banyan tree in the north, and there are golden trees under it. The golden trees are arranged neatly. This big banyan tree can be higher than our teaching building and lead to the sky.

Our corner must be more beautiful than other schools.

A Corner of School Composition (17)

School Corner Composition 1

A small corner is not as spectacular as the ocean green sea; There is no beautiful scenery; There is no trickle of music, but it gives people a quiet and elegant: there are two hills in the garden, dragon cypress, yellow ocean, crabapple, heather and thousand headed cypress. Spring, plum and apricot are separated, and flowers and trees are well arranged. There is a fish pond in the garden. The lotus lies in the pond. The fish fly at the bottom of the pond. The garden is surrounded by winding paths. Everything is enjoyable.

Walking on the gravel along the winding path is soft and comfortable. The tenacious wisteria climbs up desperately. The purple flowers are like clusters of mature grapes, and like sapphires embedded in green leaves; Although the Begonia flower has withered, the green branches and leaves are still spreading around endlessly, adding a hint of green to the garden. A breeze blew in the face, and the leaves brushed gently on the face, like a mother's hand stroking the child's face. The golden Huang Yang also showed no weakness and competed with them for beauty. There are two hills with green grass and wild flowers. The noble and elegant peonies are also in full bloom. The white petals are slightly pink in the middle, like the cheeks of a shy girl. When she leans down, a fragrance is refreshing. Looking at Xiaoyuan from a distance, it seems that the green silk is embroidered with various colors, which is extremely beautiful.

In the center of the garden, between two hills, there is a most eye-catching place, that is the pond. The lotus leaf floats on the water, like a baby in swaddling clothes greedily sucking milk, or like a pair of lovers snuggling together, reluctant to part. The golden goldfish and red carp chase each other in the water, floating and sinking from time to time, giving the garden full of vitality and vitality. In the evening, a few "quack quack" frogs can be heard occasionally, as if to tell people that "I live in this beautiful garden". Frog calls remind me of the innocent and happy past when I caught frogs in the river with my friends in the same year.

How can we resist the charm of such a charming garden? Don't you see: three people in a group, two people in a group, many students come here to enjoy the scenery. They are afraid of destroying the beautiful scenery. Maybe they have been intoxicated with the beautiful scenery, and their feet are light and steady, and their faces are extremely comfortable and happy. Some students take photos here with cameras. Look! The young man was standing among the plum and apricot trees, leaving his smiling face in the trees. oh dear! How can he climb plum and apricot trees? How bad! Alas! It's not all his fault. Who can tell Xiaoyuan is so charming.

A small garden, a small corner, so that I quickly put fatigue out of the clouds, let me relaxed and happy. It has become a part of my study life and my spiritual charging station. A corner of the campus, a beautiful corner!

School Corner Composition 2

Our campus is not only beautiful and lovely, but also full of vitality and vitality. There are lovely scenery everywhere. What I like most is the front playground of the school.

Walking into the gate, there are two iron trees more than one meter high. The needle shaped leaves are so neatly arranged.

Standing at the gate, there is a large front playground in front of us. The cement floor is so clean. The front playground can hold 2000 people. Every Monday, all teachers and students hold a flag raising ceremony there. There is a flag raising platform on the right side of the front playground, and a five-star red flag is on the iron pole, where it flies with the wind. The front playground is surrounded by rhubarb coconut trees and alpine banyan trees. It looks like green umbrellas from afar. In the hot summer, the students were tired of playing, enjoying the cool under the trees, chatting and telling stories. In front of the playground, there is a three storey teaching building, which is a classroom for Grade 5 and Grade 6. It is very bright. There are several small flower beds in front of the classroom, in which many azaleas are planted. The fragrance is fragrant.

On the first floor, there are two large rectangular flower beds. There are many autumn chrysanthemums, roses, lilies and orchids. It can let students relax their minds and protect their eyes after class.

How beautiful this corner of the campus is! It provides a playground for students and is our paradise.

School Corner Composition 3

We all love our campus. The campus is like a big garden, with green grass like shade and garden like clusters. Let's learn in the sea of knowledge. Our campus has a very advanced teaching building, but I prefer a small vegetable garden.

When entering the small vegetable garden, the big trees are like giant umbrellas that are stretched out without any gaps. Around the big trees is a undulating grassland. The grass on it has withered and yellowed in winter, but the grass beside the stones has begun to wriggle green buds up and out. It's really "wild fire can't burn out, and spring wind can grow again". There is a wooden corridor on the ground. How simple it is! Several rows of seats are made of black wood. When students are tired of playing, they can rest here for a while.

In the small garden, there is a vegetable field. The upper part of Chinese cabbage is green and the lower part is white. Several rape flowers grow very high, which can be about twice as high as Chinese cabbage. The Chinese cabbage against the black soil is very beautiful. The wind vane on one side is still, as if looking at the purple wisteria on the wall!

The wisteria on the wall has a few purple flowers. It is a winding climbing master. Like to bloom in the warm spring, flowers like grapes hanging on the vine, heavy. The flower spikes are covered with vines, which are simple and elegant in color and fragrance. It seems that they are welcoming me.

Is the vegetable garden on our campus very beautiful!

School Corner Composition 4

When I entered the experimental primary school, there was a magnificent science museum, a spacious playground, and a beautiful hillside. But the place that attracted me most was Sunrise Square.

Sunrise Square is located in the center of the school. In the center of Sunrise Square stands a huge ball. The ball is carved with exquisite patterns, including hand in hand, dancing girls, athletes moving scenes, and students gathering to talk about learning. Below the ball is a strip shaped pillar supporting the ball. The pillar is inserted into the three steps against the ball. There are several potted plants around the steps. It seems that we have never seen potted plants wither before. Isn't this tenacious vitality a good example we should learn from?

There are many stones around the ball. The stones are different in size and shape: like potatoes, like camels, like bamboo shoots... There is a secret hidden under the ball. What is it? That's the fountain. Every festive day, the fountain will spray water. The water will shine in the sunlight, and sometimes you can see rainbows.

There are wisteria corridors on both sides of Sunrise Square. Whenever you walk into Sunrise Square, you will smell the faint scent of wisteria, which will make you intoxicated. Once class is over, students will come to Wisteria Lane to read, chat, play games

How about, after listening to my introduction, you must want to see the sunrise square on campus‘

A Corner of School Composition (18)

The playground of our school is rectangular and wide. There are two tall trees in front of the playground, like two huge green umbrellas. The green umbrella is now hung with small red lanterns, which are extremely beautiful.

Every Monday morning, students will hold a solemn national flag raising ceremony on the playground and do broadcast gymnastics. As the music played, the students did gymnastics on the playground in order.

When the bell rings after class, the students rush to the broad playground like birds out of their cages. Some are kicking shuttlecock, some are jumping rope, some are playing games... The playground is full of vitality and excitement. When the bell rang in class, the whole playground seemed frozen and silent. Only the two tall trees in front of the playground stood quietly beside the playground.

After school, the students walked across the playground one after another. Some older brothers stopped to play basketball on the playground. They held the basketball back and forth on the playground and kept shouting, "Catch the ball, catch the ball, score goals..." Some younger students stopped to see this scene, sat on the railing of the playground and looked at it silently, thinking, "Which side will win?"

This is our school playground. How about it? Envy!

A Corner of School Composition (19)

The mushroom pavilion is actually a large mushroom made of two large stones. The paint on the "cap" has almost fallen off, leaving only a faint pink color. It is large and can block wind and rain. There is a disc on the "stipe", so students can sit down and rest. There is a bright red word "Honesty" carved on it. Across a path, there is a green iron fence outside.

In spring, the mushroom pavilion is beautiful! The next few trees are in the flowering season, and the pollen is tender, which makes people feel comfortable. When a gust of wind blew, the petals flew all over the sky and fell on the ground, laying a pink carpet on the mushroom pavilion.

In summer, cicadas climbed on trees and cried, "Summer is coming, summer is coming!" We often jumped rope, kicked shuttlecock, played "eagle catching chicks" and hide and seek by the mushroom pavilion. I often hid under the big disk and walked around with the footsteps of the people looking for it, but it was the mushroom pavilion that helped me win a round of games!

In autumn, the ground is covered with dead branches and withered leaves, some red, some yellow, very beautiful. We like to jump around the mushroom pavilion. The leaves rustle and play a few pieces! We will also pick up some beautiful leaves and make some "leaf collages", including owls, big trees, and our favorite mushroom pavilion!

In winter, there is no heavy snow here, only a few small snowflakes. We often take umbrellas to pick up a few snowflakes, but they are fragile and melt at once. Although the snow is small, it always puts a white hat on the mushroom pavilion!

The mushroom pavilion accompanies us through the cold, the heat, the sadness and the joy. It carries too much happiness for us. Three years later, I still like it.

A corner of the campus

Our campus has a lot of scenery, including gardens, playground, mushroom pavilion, etc., but my favorite is the big garden.

Walking into the garden, I saw a tall banyan tree, which is as tall as three floors. It needs three people to encircle it. The leaves are piled on top of each other, and the branches are like a fish net or a huge spider web, more like a green umbrella for us to enjoy the cool.

Walk along the flagstone path to Wisteria Corridor. The purple flower, its long branches turning around on the pillar, doesn't it feel dizzy? Some branches turn twenty meters at a time, like an extremely long rope, more like a huge snake with a thin body, very ugly.

Go around the mushroom pavilion to the plum blossom forest. The plum blossom blooms very luxuriantly in winter vacation. Due to the rain for many days, only part of the plum blossom is still very beautiful and emits fragrance. When you smell it, you will become very energetic. Its color is very red. A bee is picking honey among the flowers. Look, there are a lot of little bees. What are they doing? It seems to be a singing contest!

Our school is really a big garden, and every corner is unforgettable.