Embrace the Sunshine Composition (19 Collections)
Old Lane Old Man
2024-06-10 07:01:57

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (1)

Sunshine, how selfless you are. You embrace and shine on everything in the world, making everything in the world shine.

In the early summer morning light, I walked alone on the country road, bathed in the warm sunshine. There is a pond in front of us. The light yellow sun slants across the clear and clear water surface. The water grass spreads on the floating mud at the bottom of the water. It seems to be swinging from side to side. The floating mud is oily and deep as silk.

The forest like summer lotus stands in the pond. The fresh and green lotus leaves open in all directions, looking up at the blue sky. The lotus flowers have different shapes and colors, with red faces and shy drooping, white as jade like celestial beings swaying gently, red and white flower bags like spindles, wanton blooming like Wang Feng singing "Blooming Life"... Among them, there are also lotus tents, very like a newly grown sunflower plate, also green with uniform blue, but smaller than the sunflower plate.

The sun caresses the lotus like a mother. The water drops on the lotus leaves are crystal clear and rolling playfully. What about those on the lotus flowers? Some dripped down, some hung in the air, as if fascinated by the flower fairy, unwilling to leave the flower fairy for a long time or the milky sunshine.

I think that the lotus root on the muddy bottom is one after another. Each one must be fat and thick, as strong as the arm of a bodybuilder, revealing bulging muscles. It is true that several Uncle Hornon not far away have already gone down to the lotus pond. With sickles, they cut the lotus path, pulled the floating mud away, and pulled out lotus roots as long as a shoulder pole from the water. Under the sunshine, the lotus roots began to shine with tiny starlight.

Sunshine, you not only bathe in the lotus pond in summer, but also bathe in the four seasons - you bloom the flowers in spring, you ripen the fruits in autumn, and you warm the wind in winter

Sunshine, how selfless you are. How can I not praise you, applaud you and applaud you?

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (2)

Now teachers of many subjects use PPT, which is really convenient and increases the class capacity. But to be honest, I don't like it because I hate darkness.

For example, Mr. Xing almost has to use PPT in class. In class, the teacher inserts the U-disk, closes the door, turns off the lights, and closes the curtains. The whole classroom is dark, with only one big screen flashing. The whole class of 52 students breathed together. The sultry and heavy atmosphere made me gasp for breath. In addition, the teacher kept asking us to do questions, draw pictures, and talk about formulas. Even though I try to control myself to remember everything, I am still very tired after class.

It's better in winter. In summer, the classroom is not ventilated, so it's very hot. My hands and body are always sweating. Once I sweat, I feel sticky. I feel uncomfortable all over and don't want to write.

I like Hua and Zhu in class. When they have a class, they open the door, open the window, open the curtains, let the sun shine in, let the breeze blow in, so I feel my efficiency is very high, and I can hear everything.

So, teachers, let's give up the darkness and embrace the sunshine!

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (3)

Spring always likes to be late. The cold air has not dissipated. The sun weakly, miserably and lazily casts its weak light, and I tighten my neckline.

The haze of the speech contest lingered like the weather at such a moment, and the smile on my face was a little stiff. Originally full of blood, it was like being thrown into the refrigerator.

What should I do? My heart was at a loss. The wind is still whistling and the sunshine in this winter is too little, which really makes people depressed and depressed. I don't want to let the "cold wind" hit me again! But I saw such a scene through the window.

Outside the window is a row of bare poplar. In winter, they have lost the vitality of sunlight and have been deprived of their green coat by the cold wind. Now they are crisscrossed with branches and look uneven, even the bird nest on the tree has lost its protection.

This is the masterpiece of winter. I looked at it for a long time, but there was a feeling that it was still alive. Believe it or not, it was never afraid of the arrival of the wind. Every time, it was strong enough to survive. Their backbone was so straight and never bowed to any difficulty. Although the sun seldom takes care of them, they are always close together and sprint towards the sunny place without any side escape. Never, they still pursue persistently, and stretch upward. They know what they want.

Leaves whirling, cut my melancholy, I suddenly realized that they are a cluster of sunshine in winter.

The sun is getting brighter and brighter, and the cold is getting rid of little by little. I realize that the sun is a strong and never discouraged spirit.

There are nine out of ten unsatisfying things in life. The bitter, bitter and sweet life is inevitable, because we all have dreams, expectations, the heart beating to explore the future, and a cluster of sunshine shining in our hearts. The billowing sea may be a little afraid, but if every drop of sea water is turned into pearls reflecting colorful light under the sunshine, the surging waves will be a kind of magnificent, fearless and unrestrained.

This cluster of strong sunshine in winter will shine forever.

I went out of the house and took a deep breath. I wanted to go outside to enjoy the light, but I accidentally found a touch of green in the withered grass. When spring came, I put my hand out of my pocket and embraced the sunshine that had been strong.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (4)

There is wind, rain, flowers and sunshine outside the window.

The sunshine of childhood is a hope and dream, which urges people to move forward.

The sunshine of youth is a kind of effort and desire, which urges people to strive for goals.

Youth's sunshine is a harvest and busyness, which urges people to struggle for life.

The dedication of sunshine

As the saying goes, God will open a window for you when he closes the door.

In our village, there is a man who can't speak. When we were young, our parents were from novels. If you are not obedient, listen to him. He will come back to you at night. We always become obedient when he hears about it. Because every time he sees us, his mouth will flow for a long time, so we call her Ashan.

Several years later, when I was in primary school, I would pass that gloomy path every night. There were high stones on the roadside, as if I didn't know when it would fall down. Once, it was raining cats and dogs. I had never seen it since a few days ago. It was silly. Later, my mother learned that on the day of the heavy rain, a group of children passed by the stone and fell down. When the stone was about to hit the child, he pushed the child away and the small stone ran over his body!

Innocence of sunshine

It was autumn again in a twinkling of an eye, and a golden dream began to continue, adding a thick touch to the bright life.

Ginkgo leaves began to fall and flew down from the branches, like a paper butterfly cut by Grandma.

Grandma may be because of the butterfly before the meeting. She always believed that she was a butterfly, flying in the blue sky. Whenever she saw the hero and heroine in the TV play break up, she would cry for a long time. When he saw the doll in the supermarket, she would yell wow, so beautiful! When I didn't walk out of the supermarket, I suddenly found several more dolls in my hands!

The smile of the sun.

There lives a lovely girl downstairs. She always shuttles around the community with ponytail and dress.

He always follows me. Maybe it's because of his behavior that I'm bored. One time, Father Sun just put out his head and he began to knock on the door. I opened the door and said impatiently, why so early! He took the sponge baby in his hand and said to me with a smile that his sister looked at the pearls.

Instantly the iceberg in my heart was melted by his smile.

Man is the only creature whose wings grow on the soul. In this case, he will open his arms and look at the sun for a lifetime.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (5)

I don't know when the falling leaves have piled up, and the bare branches can't keep the leaves away. It feels chilly. In order to keep warm, I added some clothes. Suddenly found that it was late autumn. "The autumn flowers are pale and the autumn grass is yellow". The autumn is as thick as a cup of coffee without sugar. Even so, autumn also has its unique beauty -- bleak beauty! The one meter warm sunshine in the late autumn brings endless hopes and longings.

On the afternoon of the weekend, although the autumn wind is blowing, I can't help chasing the steps of the sun. My husband has asked my brother-in-law to go fishing with him, and my daughter has already asked me to pick wild chrysanthemums to make chrysanthemum pillows. So after lunch, I took a motorcycle to a pond. My husband was busy inserting fishing rod, and my brother-in-law was busy cheering up his fishing rubber boat. I took my daughter and my lovely nephew to travel through the woods. The wild chrysanthemums all over the mountains were blooming very brightly. We were like a group of heinous "flower picking thieves". In a panic, clusters of flowers went into the plastic bags we had already prepared. Under the leadership of my nephew, our little expedition team (the trails on the mountain are full of thorny vines) arrived at the top of the mountain one after another, but found a strange mulberry forest. It is said that it is strange because the mulberry tree grows zigzag, and the tip of the trunk grows into a root in the ground, which is arched as a whole. When finishing, the mulberry grove became an amusement park for two little guys. They are like naughty monkeys. They climb this tree and play happily in that tree. When I was tired of playing, my nephew suddenly thought of something and wanted to go back to the pond. It turned out that the two little boys had long expected to play on the water by boat, and their brother-in-law, who was intoxicated with fishing, had to row the boat and take them to the center of the pool. These two guys are amazing. They have to row by themselves when digging deep in soft soil. One of them grabbed a paddle and rowed recklessly, but turned around in the original position. Because they don't know how to plan, the ship can run normally. The splashing water wetted my brother-in-law's clothes, but the two laughed their heads together, their bright smiles like blooming sunflowers. The joyful sound of cheering followed the water waves in the pool

As the night fell, the sun smiled and waved to us and went home. Our pockets were full of happiness! My arms are full of warmth! On the way home.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (6)

Those who embrace the sunshine will not refuse to accept the sunshine because of the darkness of the night.

Goethe once said: "Nature trapped people in darkness, forcing people to yearn for light forever."

No one is a born winner. Everyone will encounter difficulties of one kind or another. Maybe some people will only complain negatively about the unfairness of God, and think that they can't win the day without trying. Then they can only be beat down mercilessly by life and curl up in places beyond the reach of the sun forever; Maybe some people believe that man can conquer nature, and face difficulties and setbacks with an optimistic attitude, then they will be greeted by bright sunshine, and the ruthless darkness will disappear. In the face of adversity, we should firm our ideals and embrace our dreams, so that we can break through obstacles and have our own sunshine.

There is a girl who had a dream when she was very young: to become an excellent skier. However, unfortunately, she had bone cancer. In order to save her life, she was forced to cut off her right foot. Later, the cancer spread and one after another bad luck fell on her. I think, in the face of this situation, many people may think that it is impossible to realize their dreams and give up, and then live in obscurity. However, this girl never gave up her dream. She always told herself: "I will take responsibility for my life! Never give up easily, I will challenge adversity!" Because of her firm will and desire for ideal, she was not defeated by illness. On the contrary, she overcame all difficulties with tenacious life fighting spirit and incomparable courage and set many world records for herself, including winning the championship of the 1988 Winter Olympics and the gold medal in the American ski championship. Even later, she became an expert in climbing dangerous peaks. She is Diana Gordon, a legendary skier in the history of American sports. She proved to the world that adversity can be defeated, and she can also have her own sunshine.

We are still in the spring of life, and every small heart is a full seed, like a budding heart, with sweet breath, standing in the warm, fresh sun. In the face of difficulties, we should be like Ibsen said, "Don't be complacent because of luck, don't be depressed because of bad luck. The real strong person is good at finding the shadow from the good times, find the light from the adversity, and always calibrate their goals." To be a real strong person, have their own sunshine.

Embrace the sunshine, even if tomorrow is the end of the world, you can still face it with a smile.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (7)

Someone once said: "Tolerance is a virtue." Tolerance can contain the vast sea and support a blue sky.

Lin Xiangru moved Lianpo with a tolerant heart. Since then, the two men have turned their quarrel into friendship, which is said to be a good story; Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, disregarded past grievances and turned an assassin who wanted to assassinate himself into a hero, a great general who was good at fighting and helped him calm down internal and external troubles. Throughout the ages and at home and abroad, countless admirable great people often have a benevolent heart.

Admittedly, tolerance is an indispensable part of the society in which people interact with each other.

Nowadays, there is always a villain on the TV screen, whether it is an idol drama or a life drama, but they often have a thorough understanding in the end. Some people say that such a 'story' is like a cold meal, which is fired by the writers and regarded as a treasure. So, I have to ask, since it is so popular, why do we still like to watch it? I think there is only one reason: happiness.

From this phenomenon, we can easily see that everyone yearns for harmony and happiness.

Harmony, where does happiness come from? I think it's tolerance. The swallow and crape myrtle in Huanzhu Gege were persecuted by the queen before, but in the end, the swallow and crape myrtle did not return a tooth for a tooth, but saved the queen. The sentence "home and everything" not only touched Qianlong, but also melted the queen's cold heart. When the distance between the hearts gets closer, life naturally becomes happy and sweet.

The old man Han in the "Eight Arrays" is obviously not so lucky. He has recorded 18 years of revenge and suffered 18 years of torture. He tried his best to avenge. In the end, he got revenge, but ended up separated from his wife and son. Is this the result he wants? Over the past 18 years, he has not only hurt himself, but also his daughter, Dieyi.

Seeing this, I thought: if he could tolerate all this with a tolerant heart, maybe the outcome would not be so tragic, right?

This is also the truth of "step back and expand the horizon". When your heart is wide, you will not be forced to narrow down the narrow road; When my heart is clear, I can see the sun even though the clouds are thick!

Please open your hands, embrace the sun, embrace happiness.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (8)

In daily study, work and life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in memory in written form. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a carefully arranged composition by Xiao Bian to embrace the sunshine. I hope it can help everyone.

Sitting under the swing wrapped with ivy, listening to the ancient and distant songs, watching the light and shadow scattered through the cracks of the trees, feeling the breeze whispering in the ear, sipping a cup of tea, and embracing the sun wantonly

The sky became very fast, as if I had sprinkled ink on it. It was gloomy, and the people who pressed it could not breathe. Sitting in front of the window, looking at the beautiful flowers. It sways in the wind, and the darkness of the sky is smaller than it. "Bang --" The big raindrops fell from the sky and fell on the ground, causing ripples. Water splashes the leaves and petals of the flower, forcing it to yield. The petals of the flower were knocked down by the rain, drawing a circle of reincarnation in the air, and finally fell gently into the soil, buried silently. Broken petals with the wind, to the distant wandering.

I can't bear it. The angel who came into the world is now tortured to such an appearance. Close the curtains, and the orange light in the room shines on my face, hazy. My mind is still the picture of the poor angel being hit by the rain. I turn off the light and climb to bed, forcing myself to sleep. The world is very quiet, only the persistent rain accompanied by the lonely and cold night, this night is doomed to be sleepless.

In the morning, the sound of birds wakes up the sleeping world. Get out of bed, look at the darkness in the room, come to the window, reach out and open the curtains. The rising sun filled my cabin in an instant, and the warmth flowed from my face to my whole body. Looking at the hazy world in the sun, I smiled. In the sunshine, the bouquet of flowers in front of my window relaxes the tender leaves and petals and makes every effort to embrace the sunshine. Yesterday's heavy rain seemed to have no impact on it. It was still so small and beautiful. I was stunned, and my whole blood was boiling up. Such a small bunch of flowers could stand still in the wind and rain, not to mention people? Yes, after the storm, there will always be sunshine. And what we should do is not to face the wind and rain bravely and welcome our own sunshine?

A minute of time, a sentence of a breeze whisper. Time and time again the cycle of seasons, time and time again the alternation of dawn and night, reflect the story into my heart, write my legend in my heart, face the wind and rain bravely, we will be able to fly above the sky and embrace our own sunshine!

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (9)

I have been with her for six years. She is always sunny and always accompanies me silently. In my memory, I vaguely remember that

It was sunny that day. I walked with her on the green and quiet playground. Her hair was yellow and shiny in the sun. At that time, I was very active. I looked here and there, but soon I saw every corner of the playground. Suddenly, bursts of noisy voices caught my attention. I took her hand and walked there.

Squeeze in the crowd to see, I asked that a bird was injured. When she heard this, her face suddenly became nervous. Her eyebrows soon became a ball. Her face was slightly red. Her watery eyes seemed to be crying. She was nervous and worried.

"What a pity!" one student said sadly.

At this time, she began to push forward. I quickly followed her and pulled her sleeve. I deeply felt her anxiety. "Excuse me, please excuse me." Her voice echoed in the crowd. When we pushed to the front, a little bird was lying on the grass. Its fluffy feathers were powerless on the grass. I looked carefully and found that it was tightly bound by a piece of wire. It was obvious that it fell from a tree, and it took a long time for it to squeak weakly. Looking at it, her face became more pale.

She was about to reach out for help when I grabbed her. "Don't go, she may not survive," I whispered.

"No, I want to help it." She broke away from my hand, squatted down again, and gently stroked it with her little hand. The little bird was very cute, and looked like a child under her hands. After a while, she took out her handkerchief, carefully pressed her, and carefully pulled out the wire that trapped the little bird. I watched her every move, as if a surgeon stood in front of my eyes.

At this time, a wisp of sunshine fell on her hair, and the golden hair became more and more bright. Under the sunshine, she was so charming and moving. She was full of love and sunshine, and then she was a beam of light.

I walked with her on the playground again. Her hair was flowing and flowing, which drove everyone's heart

Since then, I have been deeply infected by her love and sunshine, and become more loving and sunny.

She is the sunshine that has always been around me

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (10)

Winter is cold, but with its company, your heart will feel warm. Autumn is a harvest season. With its follow, it will be more golden. Spring is full of vitality. With its embellishment, it will be more colorful. Summer is full of it, which will make you more energetic after work. It is sunshine, and it always goes with you.

I feel stressed when I face the great test of the high school entrance exam. But at this time, my parents, grandma and friends are more nervous than me.

I don't know what happened these days. My father, who is not always interested in me, cares about me very much. Every day when he comes home from self-study at night, he will come to my room and accompany me to do my homework. Even though my father graduated from junior high school, he can't help me with my homework, but his company has strengthened my confidence in fighting against the dark.

Father, you are my sunshine. The light you bring has made me defeat darkness and tiredness.

My mother gets up at four o'clock every morning to help me make breakfast. When I wake up, my eyes are still open, and my nose is led to the kitchen by the fragrance. I see my mother smiling and looking at me, and the simple four words of "eat quickly" make me feel moved.

Mother, you are my sunshine, you bring me to the dawn, full of vitality all day long.

Every Saturday holiday, Grandma would take me out to play. I talked to Grandma about my dreams and future, and played games with my childlike grandma. Grandma said to me, "Although you are going to take an exam, you should also adapt to relax yourself, you know? This will combine work with rest, and study will be easier.

Grandma, you are my sunshine. You let my tiredness go away from me. Relaxation and study are both right.

My friends are even more worried about me. Every day, they send me school supplies and greetings, telling me: "The high school entrance exam is not a big thing, the most important thing is to relax, I believe you will succeed, come on!" In the face of these messages, I was moved.

My friends, you are the sunshine. It is you who make me feel happy and friendly. Let me unswervingly guard my dream to the present.

In the middle school entrance examination, I am on the way, accompanied by the sunshine all the way, warm, courageous, motivated and happy. I firmly believe that I will embrace my own sunshine and my own future

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (11)

The story of warm and cool Chen continued. I rubbed my swollen eyes and put the pink bookmark on page 139. Then he came out of the room where the sun could not shine.

When I opened the door, a warm current came into my face, and I smelled the sunshine. When I looked up, the sun rushed to sprinkle on my face and body, then spread over my instep and threw it to the ground. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I like this feeling so much: warm, drying my back.

Reach out and let the sun flow through my fingers. I can't catch it, but I can really feel it: it is slightly green, fluffy and transparent, and has a texture that can be broken when you flick your fingers. I am dumbfounded, this feeling is strange, "warm"? Maybe it is! What is the distance between it and me, which makes it beyond my reach?

The door of memory made a reluctant sound, and I began to recall how I kept away from it step by step. Finally, I found:

Once upon a time, I liked to sit in the classroom on the fifth floor and watch people coming and going below. Senior high school seniors and senior high school seniors were doing reciprocating movements like ants, repeating the same displacement every day.

Once upon a time, I began to fantasize whether I would sit in the classroom and watch the students running around when I grew up. They looked exactly the same. They rushed down from upstairs and accidentally knocked me to the ground?

But suddenly one day, I was indifferent to the world for no reason. I was used to turning a smile into an upward movement. After the smile, my heart was still calm; Accustomed to traveling alone in the huge world, turned around and left, after all, just a passer-by. It was not until my heart was filled with an indelible sadness, and my naked heart felt faint pain under the sunshine, that I began to face up to the unfilled void in my heart: I had bowed my head and been busy in my life for too long, as if I had forgotten to look up and smell the sunshine. Originally, the cold heart also needs a bright corner: give me warmth, let me boil!

"Sunshine", what a beautiful word! "Warm", what a perfect interpretation!

Reach out your hands, let the sun linger in my palmprint, open your arms, let the sun play in my arms. I enjoy it wantonly, like a greedy cat

Friends, let us in this quiet world, let the sun filter our increasingly closed heart, let those hidden in the bottom of the heart smile, the most real appear in our mouth. Open your arms, let's embrace the sunshine!

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (12)

The light wind is refreshing the fragrant memory of flowers; The dissolving moon shows the tranquility and beauty of the night; It is this kind of tranquility that brings me into the happy Eden

A small balcony full of flowers, a gently rocking rocking chair, a fat and big cat, a refreshing cup of coffee, and a group of fights are in the scene. They stretch out their hands to block the light of the setting sun piercing into their eyes, like a fantasy of light and dark. I like this feeling, which is my happiness.

When China is rushing, people ask happiness: "Have you eaten?"? When China was heading for a well-off society, everyone asked happiness: "Where do you get rich?"? Is the definition of happiness so superficial? Is happiness just so humble?

It is time to unload the external sense of wealth and utility and turn to internal harmony. In the past, we walked behind the scenes and only looked at ourselves. How can we talk about happiness? Now, we need to walk towards the light. What we see will be the whole world, and what the world will give back to us will be profound happiness.

Zhu Guangya, life is a big event. He has done one thing in his life, but he is the most powerful force in the blood of New China. Facing the light of China, we resolutely move forward to defend our home and show the integrity of the Chinese nation. Enjoy the happiness that belongs to him only.

Yang Shanzhou, an old hero, is energetic and honest. Since she took office, she has devoted herself to the last day. She is selfless and perseveres in her faith. What she left behind is a green shade and a spirit. Facing the light of dedication, she felt the warmth of harmony and enjoyed the happiness that only belongs to him.

Liu Jinguo, a shield, stands at the front of danger and never retreats; It is a sword. It raises its eyebrows to the evil. It will never tolerate the iron willed generals forged by fire and loyal guards with clean sleeves. Facing the light of justice, he felt infinite satisfaction and enjoyed the happiness that only belonged to him.

In fact, happiness is not just these things. Happiness is not material, not money, nor beauty. Please don't desecrate him. Happiness is a feeling, a dedication, a joy. It is not only a surface, but also a spiritual pursuit.

These great and ordinary people use what they have to create more. Think of the light in your heart and move forward. They can feel their own happiness.

Please leave a touch of sunshine for me. I want to bathe in it and march forward bravely. I don't want anything flashy but peace of mind; I don't want everything in the world. I just want to find happiness that belongs to me.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (13)

When I was young, I liked the darkness mixed with dreams, until one day, I embraced the sun

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Late at night, the wind rustled the leaves, and everything fell asleep. The weak light set off a quiet and harmonious campus. Lying in bed, tossing and turning, difficult to sleep; Close your eyes, and dream fairy tales flash through your mind. Hand in hand with the daughter of the sea to find Snow White and defeat the evil witch. All my dreams remind me of the past

Many years ago, I was born at night and seemed to decide that I was a "night traveler". Since the moment I opened my eyes and looked around, I fell madly in love with the dark night and the dark dreamland. I love playing with toys, listening to stories and dancing with stars at night. I love darkness, and I love that mysterious and fantastic world. Every day, I will ask my mother to close the curtains because I hate the sun. It is so hot and dazzling when it shines on people. Therefore, I became a "night god", always sleeping in the daytime, watching the stars and watching the moon at night ♂, Sleep soundly during the day! I feel happy and satisfied with such a life.

Until one day, I felt lonely. I didn't want to always be with toys. I wanted to have good friends. Mother also let me try to play in the daytime and sleep at night. At first, I was not used to it at all. When it came to the day, my eyelids would hang down and I could not lift them; At night, my spirit is so good that I can't sleep at all. My mother was worried. She reported me to the sun during the day. The sun blinded me. I was clamoring to go home. But when I saw my little sister, my interest came. Play with them and play hide and seek. At night, we soon fall into a sweet dream. Gradually, I fell in love with the sun. If you see a girl who likes to run in the sun, it must be me. Gradually, the oath of "never see the sun" also dispersed with the wind.

Sitting under the osmanthus tree, the leaves fall one after another, like lovely little angels flying all over the sky. Looking up at the sun, the past comes back to my mind. Although the bright moonlight is soft, it is not as bold as the sun. I love the sun, love its warmth, love its everything. I want to embrace the sun and feel its fierceness.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (14)

There is wind, rain, flowers and sunshine outside the window—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The sunshine of childhood is a hope and dream, which urges people to move forward.

The sunshine of youth is a kind of effort and desire, which urges people to strive for goals.

Youth's sunshine is a harvest and busyness, which urges people to struggle for life.

The dedication of sunshine

As the saying goes, God will open a window for you when he closes the door.

In our village, there is a man who can't speak. When we were young, our parents were from novels. If you are not obedient, listen to him. He will come back to you at night. We always become obedient when he hears about it. Because every time he sees us, his mouth will flow for a long time, so we call her Ashan.

Several years later, I went to primary school. Every night, I would pass that gloomy path. There were high stones on the roadside, as if I didn't know when it would fall. Once, it was raining cats and dogs. I had never seen it since a few days ago. It was silly. Later, my mother learned that on the day of the heavy rain, a group of children passed by the stone and fell down. When the stone was about to hit the child, he pushed the child away and the small stone ran over his body!

Innocence of sunshine

It was autumn again in a twinkling of an eye, and a golden dream began to continue, adding a thick touch to the bright life.

Ginkgo leaves began to fall and flew down from the branches, like a paper butterfly cut by Grandma.

Grandma may be because of the butterfly before the meeting. She always believed that she was a butterfly, flying in the blue sky. Whenever she saw the hero and heroine in the TV play break up, she would cry for a long time. When he saw the doll in the supermarket, she would yell wow, so beautiful! When I didn't walk out of the supermarket, I suddenly found several more dolls in my hands!

The smile of the sun.

There lives a lovely girl downstairs. She always shuttles around the community with ponytail and dress.

He always follows me. Maybe it's because of his behavior that I'm bored. One time, Father Sun just put out his head and he began to knock on the door. I opened the door and said impatiently, why so early! He took the sponge baby in his hand and said to me with a smile that his sister looked at the pearls.

Instantly the iceberg in my heart was melted by his smile.

Man is the only creature whose wings grow on the soul. In this case, he will open his arms and look at the sun for a lifetime.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (15)

The sun came out and shed a little light, golden and warm. Grandpa, over the years, you have warmed me like the sun, and you are my sunshine.

I remember one spring morning when I was young. At that time, the weather still retained a trace of winter chill, and the wind was blowing, like rough bark, across people's faces. I had to go out to play. You couldn't beat me, so you followed me all the way. As a result, I walked a long way before I found that I had forgotten to take the windscreen. I covered my face with my hand and squinted as I walked on. Carefully, you found that, without hesitation, you took off the hat on your head and gently put it on my head. The broad brim of the hat is not suitable. But you smiled with satisfaction. I looked up and saw the wind blowing up a few silver hairs on your head.

I suddenly felt a trace of regret for my behavior. "Grandpa, are you not cold?" "Not cold, not cold at all!" You gradually hunched up and walked with me.

Grandpa, it is you who help me drive away the cold with your sunny love.

I'm in the fourth grade. Autumn comes as promised. The red leaves outside the window are like butterflies flying. As you are getting older, it is more and more inconvenient for you to move. But you insisted on picking me up from school. I said let my mother pick me up. You shook your head and said with a smile that it was your habit to pick me up every day after school, or you would be restless. I nodded my head and said yes. I felt sad when I watched your walking speed decline.

Grandpa, it is you who accompany me through my childhood with the warm love like sunshine.

Some time ago, I was sick and couldn't go to school. I was bored walking around at home. There was no wind outside the window, and the air in the room was about to solidify. I felt that I was suffocating.

I walked aimlessly to the desk and saw a note you left before going out. It says "Be strong and brave in the face of setbacks". Your kind face appeared before my eyes.

Outside the window, the sun came out, and the warm sunshine spilled into my hut and my heart.

Grandpa, you are my sunshine. As long as you are here, I feel warm.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (16)

On the way of life, no one tells you how to remember the hurt of others, nor how to hurt others. If you learn, you hurt yourself—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Someone once said: "Tolerance is a virtue." Tolerance can contain the vast sea and support a blue sky.

Lin Xiangru moved Lianpo with a tolerant heart. Since then, the two men have turned their quarrel into friendship, which is said to be a good story; Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, disregarded past grievances and turned an assassin who wanted to assassinate himself into a hero, a great general who was good at fighting and helped him calm down internal and external troubles. Throughout the ages and at home and abroad, countless admirable great people often have a benevolent heart.

Admittedly, tolerance is an indispensable part of the society in which people and things interact with each other.

Nowadays, there is always a villain on the TV screen, whether it is an idol drama or a life drama, but they often have a thorough understanding in the end. Some people say that such a plot is like a cold meal, which is fired by the writers and regarded as a treasure. So, I have to ask, since it is so popular, why do we still like to watch it? I think there is only one reason: happiness.

From this phenomenon, it is not difficult to see that everyone in Qishi yearns for harmony and happiness.

Harmony, where does happiness come from? I think it's tolerance. The swallow and crape myrtle in Huanzhu Gege were persecuted by the queen before, but in the end, the swallow and crape myrtle did not return a tooth for a tooth, but saved the queen. The sentence "home and everything" not only touched Qianlong, but also melted the queen's cold heart. When the distance between the hearts gets closer, life naturally becomes happy and sweet.

The old man Han in the "Eight Arrays" is obviously not so lucky. He has recorded 18 years of revenge and suffered 18 years of torture. He tried his best to avenge. In the end, he got revenge, but ended up separated from his wife and son. Is this the result he wants? Over the past 18 years, he has not only hurt himself, but also his daughter, Dieyi.

Seeing this, I thought: if he could tolerate all this with a tolerant heart, maybe the outcome would not be so tragic, right?

This is also the truth of "step back and expand the horizon". When your heart is wide, you will not be forced to narrow down the narrow road; When my heart is clear, I can see the sun even though the clouds are thick!

Please open your hands, embrace the sun, embrace happiness.

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (17)

Perhaps, after experiencing the washing of tears and cleaning up the childishness, we will eventually grow up and share peace with the sun in the dense fragrance of life.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In a farmhouse inn, a handsome man drank bitter wine alone. Tears fell down his handsome face. I saw that he was more mature. The sharp peaks stopped, the swift rivers converged into a lake, and the brilliant talent was leavened. The famous line that has been circulated for thousands of years came out across the sky, "Cut off the water with a knife and the water will flow more, and raise a glass to ease your worries."

Tears made him more mature, and tears created a generation of writers. It was he who made me understand. He gave me sunshine. Thanks, Li Bai!

Standing on the tower of Chang'an, looking down at the city, singing and dancing, the golden wall is brilliant, which can be attributed to her. However, she could not understand why, after the birth of the golden age, she still had to bear the curse of killing her husband, drowning her son, and harming her daughter. Why did those former officials disobey and rebel again and again, suddenly, tears fell down her cheeks, and the cold wind cut her into pieces, mottled. She reached out to wipe away the tears she had seen for a long time, continued to work at the desk, and used up one after another. She, a generation of women, achieved the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and finally lived in the palace and died alone.

It is tears that have made a generation of heroines among women and made the stories of Wu Zhou politics. She told me to be strong and dare to fight; She gave me a piece of sunshine. Thanks, Wu Zhao!

In a lotus pond, there is a girl rowing a boat, enjoying the scenery in the lake. It was dusk before she knew it. She gradually opened her slightly closed eyes and looked at the evening sky. Then she rowed the oars and swam to the shore. However, the boat seemed to be disobedient, so it went into a lotus pond and startled Oulu who was resting here. Looking at the scene, she could not help singing: "Fight for the ferry, fight for the ferry, start a pool of European herons."

It was she who taught me how to be strong and how to bear hardships. She made me as tough and unyielding as she was in difficulties. She made me see that ancient women were not necessarily weak but also as bright and happy as she was. She gave me sunshine. Thanks, Yi An!

A waning moon hung in the night sky, and the closed palace door locked Qing Qiu, but also could not lock his lonely heart. "Worry and sorrow" He looked at the palace and pavilion in the distance, "just like a river flowing eastward". The thousand years of sadness was sealed in the book, reading his words and understanding his tears and sorrow.

It is he who makes me feel the resonance of my heart. My heart is always moved by him. He can always give me a piece of sunshine. Thanks, Li Yu!

In 13 years, the sun has been shining all the way. No matter how rough it is, it is enough to have you always with us!

I hope the sunshine will be bright in the future, and I will have you all the way!

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (18)

I love my current life in Senior Three (Gaoshan). My life goal is always so obvious. I want to be admitted to a good university. Life is wonderful because of pursuit; Sweet because of struggle; It is beautiful because it is sour/sweet/bitter/spicy. Senior 3 tries hard to experience as if everything is ready.

Every inch of sunshine in senior high school sprinkles on us like goose feather, caressing us calmly. From junior high school ferry to senior high school, we have now removed the lamentation that the environment around us has changed again and again, and smoothed the sadness of friends around us who have gone again and again. With a young mind to adapt to the surrounding environment, I am used to making more friends and bravely facing the life of senior three, rather than avoiding it. Accustomed to taking a brisk step with starlight. Used to let the beautiful moon accompany us home at night.

Of course, senior three is like a high mountain. It's not easy to climb to the top. Senior three taught me to be confident and brave, to stretch my wings to soar in the unknown sky, and to learn to breathe the air in the process of hard work, so that I am no longer afraid.

Senior three also taught me to be content and calm. Although in high school my family had undergone tremendous changes before, although now I can not live a carefree life like before. But now nothing matters. I will face it with a smile, learn to be content and stop complaining. A contented man is always happy. The two big trees of my parents are not as luxuriant as before, but that doesn't mean that I am nothing. A person should be created by himself. You can also be nothing or supreme. The right to choose is in your hand. It's all in your mind to become a phoenix and a chicken tail.

I love the life in senior high school. It makes me understand that psychological spirit can change everything, everything can be eternal, just depends on how you look at it. Previously, we could not accept the ever-changing things. Now, as long as I look at the sunshine outside the window of Senior Three, I can see the stars in the future, such as a beautiful blanket, a basin of water and hanging orchids, stretching in the sun, the shadow of birds passing the window, and time is always so serene.

I love the sunshine of the third year of senior high school. Eating is valuable, and sleeping is more expensive. If I want to climb the mountain (third year), I can throw away both. The sunshine of the third year of senior high school accompanies my growth!

Embrace the Sunshine Composition (19)

Under the shade of a tree

The branches on the top of the head crisscross, and the dense leaves cover the sky, casting a dark gray shadow. A small sparrow closed its wings and fell beside me: "Hey, little snail! Where are you going?" "I'm going out for a walk!". Anyway, you can't see it in your whole life. Unless... you climb to the top of the tree! "

This tree is a thousand year old tree and the king of the forest. I am a small snail, and I have lived near the root of this tree since I was a child. Our family has lived here for generations. Because the tree is too big, we have always lived under the shadow of the tree and never seen the sun.

"Can I see the sun when I climb to the top of the tree?" I asked doubtfully. "In the daytime and sunny days." The little sparrow said, "Is it difficult... do you want to climb?" "Hmm." "Oh, don't tease me. You snails should honestly enjoy the shade of the trees. It's wishful thinking to see the sun!" I left without saying a word.

In rainstorm

Starting from the roots, I moved up little by little. Two hours later, I think I have climbed far. He turned his head hard, and could not see his home. Looking up, I couldn't see the top of the tree. "It doesn't matter! As long as I persist, I will surely see the sunshine!"

I can't remember how many days I have climbed, but I feel the ground is getting farther and farther away from me. One day, I climbed for more than six hours in a row. Fatigue makes my consciousness vague; The sultry weather makes me drowsy. Suddenly, a thunderclap exploded at the top of the tree, and heavy rain poured down, and "streams" poured down from the top of the tree trunk. I was accidentally washed down from the tree by the "stream". When I woke up, I couldn't open my eyes or even believe what had happened. How I wish that everything just happened was just a dream! But when I carefully confirmed the extremely familiar environment around me, I couldn't help crying.

The rain stopped and the tears stopped. "Did the original belief of going to see the sun collapse? Did the original strong willed me disappear?" I repeatedly asked myself in my heart.

Wiping away the rain and tears, I climbed up again. "It doesn't matter! As long as I persist, I don't believe that I can't embrace the sun!" I encouraged myself again and again in my heart.

In the sunshine

It's dark again when it's dawn; It's dark and light again.

Finally, one morning, through many branches and leaves, I climbed to the top of the tree and saw the sun I had longed for for a long time - so dazzling, so brilliant. The golden sunlight poured down from the sky and covered the endless forest with a layer of golden gauze. I am enveloped by the golden light. I try my best to stretch my body, feel the warmth with my long feelers, and embrace the brilliance with my whole body and mind. This is the sunshine of victory and the joy of success!

Let us all go to pursue and embrace our own sunshine!