Roller skating composition (popular 17)
Maple leaves fall
2024-05-31 02:34:46

Roller Skating Composition (1)

When it was still early in the morning, I was dressed and equipped with "equipment". I looked awe inspiring, as if I was a soldier who was fighting in the front. What am I going to do? Oh, I went to learn roller skating with my brother Pan Jiahang, my personal "coach". Although he is my brother, he has excellent roller skating skills. What about "turning around" and "crossing step"... The unique secret that he is most proud of is "crab step". There is a reason why "crab step" is so called. When using "crab step", his feet are put aside and he slides forward like a crab in a crosswalk, with a high degree of difficulty. I'm afraid it's more difficult for me to learn than to go to heaven.

The speed skating started. My brother and I looked at each other with confidence, as if we were sure of winning. At the whistle, I rushed forward to a rocket whose butt was on fire. At first sight, my younger brother has been left behind by me. I thought: Coach is just like that. Later, my younger brother rushed up like an arrow leaving the string. Before I knew it, I was far behind. I was not reconciled, and increased the speed again. The younger brother also refused to give up, adjusted the speed and rushed up. Finally, my legs were sore and my feet hurt, but I still didn't cross the finish line. Look at my younger brother. He is walking around leisurely. I have to admit that he is better than me.

Then my brother taught me to turn around again. He rushed forward. Suddenly, he braked and completed a 360 degree turn. I also tried to do it, but just as I was about to turn around and "hang and wipe", I turned somersaults on the ground, and my brother laughed and belched.

It was late. After my brother and I parted, we went to have breakfast.

Roller Skating Composition (2)

On Saturday afternoon, my cousin and I went to the square to learn roller skating.

I can't wait to put on my roller skates, hoping to skate as fast as the children. Who would have thought that before I could stand up straight, I performed a "four legged" performance. I felt my way to my feet. Just as I stood firm, I fell down again. I tried many times and failed. Sitting slumped on the ground, I thought, "It's easier to see than to do.". Just then, my cousin came. As if I had seen a rescuer, I got up recklessly, stumbled and rushed to my cousin, ready to ask him for advice. Who would have thought that before he reached his cousin, he fell down again. My cousin helped me up and said with a smile, "Why should I give such a big gift as soon as I meet you?" I said to my cousin, who was so disheartened, "Please teach me how to skate!"

My cousin told me that roller skating should take a backward splayed step, with legs slightly apart to maintain balance. The center of gravity moves forward slowly, driving the body forward. Then he gave me a demonstration. I tried to skate a few times, and the effect was really good, but the speed was too slow, not much faster than walking.

My cousin taught me how to exert myself. Having mastered the basic methods, I felt a little proud and wanted to show off in the crowd. But before he slipped into the crowd, he was careless and fell to the ground in a hurry. The knee was skinned and painful. I didn't care about the laughter of people around me, so I got up again and practiced again. Gradually, the roller skates seemed to be obedient. Not only did I skate around the square several times without falling, but the more I skated, the better, the faster. Finally, I felt as if I had grown a pair of wings to fly freely in the crowd. I left the square reluctantly until the sun set and I was sweating all over.

Roller Skating Composition (3)

Today, I went to the square with Zhang Jiahao. I was very happy.

When we got to the square, we saw many people skating on roller skating, so we decided to play. When we came to the place where we borrowed dry skates, I saw a skateboard. The skateboard was different from what I had seen before. The left and right sides were not two wheels, but one wheel. I borrowed a skateboard and Zhang Jiahao borrowed a pair of roller skates.

I put down the skateboard, but I didn't know how to get up. I held the wall, put my left foot on the skateboard, and put my right foot on it. Then I was ready to move my right foot gently, but someone fell down. I got up and thought: How did I skate before? oh It turned out that I held the wall, put my legs on the skateboard, pushed forward with my body, and slid for several circles at a time. Sometimes I suddenly fell down, and my legs were trembling all the time. I am like a happy bird, sometimes flying, sometimes resting.

Today is really happy.

Roller Skating Composition (4)

On a sunny (m è i), sunny Saturday morning, I followed my mother to the park to learn roller skating.

The roller skates have four wheels, and the right foot has a brake (sh ). When sliding, the wheel rubs against the ground and shines. I started to slide. My mother took my hand and taught me how to slide. Soon, I got the gist, so I let go of my mother's hand and slid forward. I slipped faster and faster, "plop". I didn't control it well and fell on all fours. It really hurt! I tried to get myself up, "Come on, come on!" My mother encouraged me nearby. "One, two, three!" I used all my strength and finally got up, great!

On the second slide, I remembered the lesson of the previous one, squatted down a little bit, and then moved my feet (nu ó), thinking: I won't fall down this way, will I? But I didn't notice that the distance between my feet had become very wide by this time. "Ouch!" I fell a split and could hardly support it. Fortunately, my mother helped me. "It's hard to learn roller skating! I don't want to learn it anymore..." My mother saw my discouraged appearance and said, "Everything needs hard work to succeed." I understood my mother's meaning and said, "I must continue to learn." My mother listened, smiled and said, "OK, you can't give up halfway."

In this way, it took me an hour and a half to learn how to skate. You see, I can skate very smoothly now. You can also try it.

Roller Skating Composition (5)

My sister is an expert in roller skating, so I clamored her to take me to roller skating.

At the stadium, there are many skaters here. You see, some of them are like lightsome swallows, moving nimbly through the crowd; Some are like dancing butterflies, whose bodies are doing all kinds of beautiful movements up and down; What a dazzle! Others slide carefully aside

My sister and I put on skates and tied the belt. My sister said, "I will lead you step by step first. Don't rely on me when you walk. We must keep balance." I walked forward slowly, step by step. After walking for a few rounds, I thought: A smart man like me still needs to walk like this! Thinking, I let go of my sister's hand and ran forward. Before I slipped a few steps, I fell on all fours. I screamed in pain and almost cried out. Don't learn, but how can you give up halfway? He gritted his teeth and stood up strong again. My sister said, "Oh, you are too impatient to eat hot tofu! You know, when skating, you should lean forward, with one foot in front and one foot behind, and extend your arms back and forth." She demonstrated to me again. I skated once according to my sister's method, and I didn't fall.

Later, my sister was not around, and I still practiced and skated every day. Although I had failed many times and suffered many setbacks, I finally learned to roller skate.

Through roller skating, I understand that there must be many frustrations on the road of life, but as long as you are confident and persistent, you will succeed.

Roller Skating Composition (6)

Today, it's sunny and sunny. I'm very excited because I'm going to learn skating at the skating rink with my father!

When I came to the skating rink, I saw the lights on the rink flickering, and everyone quickly slid to and fro with beautiful music. Some of them were like swift swallows shuttling back and forth, and some were lined up in "long dragons" swimming back and forth. Look at those beginners, they can only hold the railing and move carefully, as if the "little turtle" is moving slowly. I was infected by the lively atmosphere. So I happily put on my skates and walked into the arena like a penguin. As soon as I wanted to step, my heart panicked. My feet were as heavy as lead. But I still forced myself to skate a few steps, but the skates seemed to be born to be my enemy, which made me come to numerous "squats". "Ouch!" The fall was not easy. I hung my head and frowned. Everyone around me laughed, making me want to dig into the ground. My father saw my embarrassed appearance on the side and came to me and said, "Han Sheng, learning skating is the same as learning. As long as you understand the tricks and master the skills, you will succeed." I thought about it carefully and found it reasonable. So I stood aside and watched the scene where the master was leisurely and complacent. I was determined to succeed.

Now I know. So I practiced seriously, one step, two steps, three steps... Slowly, I finally moved from slow to fast, and I smiled proudly. Now, I can slip backwards.

To learn skating, you can only learn it if you are not afraid of falling down; Similarly, when encountering difficulties in life, we can only see success in the near future if we move forward bravely!

Roller Skating Composition (7)

When I was 10 years old, I watched many children skating in the park. I was curious and wanted to feel it. He said to his parents, "Buy me a pair of skates." But I was too young at that time. My parents were afraid that I would be in danger, so they refused and I stopped asking.

Last year, my mother wanted to give me a gift before going abroad. I was very happy. I wanted a pair of skates. So our family came to Carrefour and bought a pair of red and white in-line skates. I immediately put it on and pulled it away. Suddenly, the huge shoes stuck to my feet. I walked a few times, and the "plop" is a four legged, I held the wall, slowly walked a few steps, at Carrefour, I gradually mastered the balance. Mother said: "It's not early to go home." I packed my things and went home happily.

On Sunday, my family came to the Embroidery Park, and I also brought my skates.

On a flat ground, I put on my newly bought skates and prepared to start "training". Although I have mastered the balance, I still have to be supported when gliding. My father said, "There should be a rhythm." My mother said, "I should lean forward, first put the center on the right foot and pedal the left foot, then move the center to the left foot and pedal the right foot." I did as my parents said, but just one step, I couldn't stop, and then one fell down. Failure is the mother of success. With excitement and nervousness, I practiced again and again and sweated heavily. Finally, I was able to move forward. I was happy to slip on the road of the Embroidery Park. Suddenly, somehow, my body leaned back, and I fell down again because I was too excited.

In this way, I skate when I have time, and my posture has become light! Now I am a "master" of roller skating.

Roller Skating Composition (8)

In March, the sun shines brightly in spring. Another weekend, I took my roller skates and went skating in Panlong Park.

When I got to the park, I couldn't wait to put on my skates. Coincidentally, my Shifu "Beifeng" was also there, and so were my brothers. They were playing the relay race, but they were short of one person. Beifeng said, "I will come after you (my nickname)." I promised. After several rounds of selection, I teamed up with Han Bingyang, Jiang Yi and other powerful factions, which increased my confidence a hundredfold.

The competition began. Jiang Yi and the cow ran the first leg. Needless to say, it must be Jiang Yi's "five wheeled monster" who won??! As a result, I did not expect. The second stick is Cold Ice Yang vs Meizhuang Chess. They are all experts. I dare not jump to conclusions! The result was another win in the cold ice sun, losing two games in a row. The atmosphere in the north will eat people. Now, he took the initiative in person. In the third round, I pk "Beifeng". At first, Beifeng was far ahead, but he didn't have a long time to live. He was entangled by the kite line, became a bundle, and fell on all fours. I took advantage of this good opportunity to overtake him. Jiang Yi and others laughed while I reached the end, but Beifeng was still halfway to untie the rope! I successfully pk Beifeng. In the end, our group won 3:0! They were annihilated.

There are still competitions like this. You can wait and see!

Roller Skating Composition (9)

My extracurricular life is rich and colorful, such as stepping on the jump pole, swimming, riding a bike, and so on. But my favorite thing is roller skating.

The thing is, once my cousin wore roller skates to play tricks with a friend. My cousin bounces around, his movements are awesome and beautiful. At that time, I made up my mind to learn my favorite roller skating.

In the afternoon of that day, I was so excited that I put on my new roller skates bought by my mother. My mother and father helped me from the third floor to the downstairs. As soon as my father and mother let go, I immediately slid out of the hall. But before I could slip out of the hall, I fell down. It was not easy to get up and slide for the second time, but I still fell "on all fours" before sliding far. I cried out pain when I fell. Dad finally couldn't bear it and came to teach me. He told me that when roller skating, my feet should be splayed, and my body should slightly squat down and lean forward. I listened carefully and tried to skate several times as my father told me. Oh, my God! I learned roller skating very quickly.

Now I have learned a new skill: roller skating.

Learning roller skating has taught me a truth: "You can't do anything by halves. If you can stick to it in the end, you can succeed at anything that is difficult.".

Roller Skating Composition (10)

My unique skill is roller skating. When the summer vacation of last grade was over, Grandma bought me a pair of gray roller skates with four large rubber pulleys. I was so happy that I couldn't wait to put on the roller skates and come to the square.

I saw many big brothers and sisters who were good at skating. I admired them very much and wanted to join them in a hurry. But I fell down when I just stood up. I was very angry and said, "I don't want to learn anymore." After a while, my mother came to me and said gently: "Don't be afraid of falling, don't be afraid of suffering, have courage, don't shrink from a little difficulty, then how can I skate?" My mother's words gave me great courage.

I sat down and looked at my brothers quietly, and found that they leaned forward, their arms naturally swinging from side to side with the rhythm of roller skating, their legs slightly stretched, and walked forward alternately with the rhythm of their left and right hands.

So I skated like them, roller skates seemed to be against me, like a disobedient child, and I fell again and again. After suffering, I finally got the gist of roller skates. The roller skates were obedient, and I learned to skate! Now my roller skating skills are very high, and ordinary children can't catch up with me.

Roller skating not only exercises my body, but also makes me understand the maxim: "Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.".

Comment: "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart". Young writers learn modestly. After hard practice, I finally learned how to skate and had fun in Congzuka. The action description is vivid and authentic.

Roller Skating Composition (11)

In summer, when night falls, my parents will take me to the big square for a walk after dinner. When I saw other children skating happily on the square in roller skates, I was very envious. My eyes were always following their figures, and my feet were still imitating them. My mother saw that I wanted to learn roller skating so much, so she bought me a pair of beautiful roller skates online.

Finally on Friday evening, just after dinner, I couldn't wait to drag my parents to the square with roller skates. It's very lively here. Many children are playing happily. Some are playing badminton, some are kicking shuttlecock, and some are skating here. And what I'm most interested in is roller skating. Look, some of them are flying like butterflies, some are running like ponies, and some are running like cheetahs. Seeing this, I quickly asked my father to help me change into roller skates. I stood up carefully and tried to move my feet. Although I knew that the danger came as soon as I took a step forward, I fell on all fours. Wow, it hurts! If I hadn't been in front of so many people, I would have lost "Golden Peas". My father standing beside me helped me up quickly and told me not to worry. There is a way to skate. Careful mother asked me to observe the movements of the roller skating children, while explaining to me: "lean forward, bend your legs, and swing your arms back and forth to keep your body balanced." I followed the way my mother taught me to skate, but I still fell over and over again, so I simply couldn't get up on the ground. My mother encouraged me: "Don't lose heart. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you persevere, you will succeed. I don't know how many times I fell down and how many times I got up. With my hard work and practice, I can finally skate as easily as other children. I wore roller skates, like a happy bird paddling round and round on the square, and cried excitedly as I skated: "I learned roller skating, I'm great!" My father and mother looked at my happy appearance, and their faces also showed a happy smile.

Through this roller skating, I learned a truth: no matter what you do, as long as you have perseverance and perseverance, you will succeed. Now I finally understand the true meaning of my father's favorite song, "How can we see the rainbow without wind and rain, and no one can casually succeed...".

Roller Skating Composition (12)

Today's children can skate, because I can skate and I can skate very well. But when I think back to my experience of teaching roller skating, sweat and tears are not lost!

I still remember that it was a Sunday afternoon when my brother said he would take me to the city square to roller skate. Hurry to the city square! The crowd is huge. Some people are taking a walk, some are playing table tennis, and some are flying kites. Look! The three-year-old child is learning his grandmother's square dance, and dancing like a decent person. When I arrived at the skating place, I couldn't wait to put on my roller skates, hoping to skate as quickly as the children. But who knows that I have not yet stood up straight and performed a "four legged" performance. I just stood up and fell down again when I felt my aching buttocks. I stumbled for several times, but I didn't sit firmly. My face was hot and I always lost face. It's "very easy to appreciate flowers, but difficult to embroider"! Look at my brother again. He slides like a swallow. I'm also envious of his death. He finally stood up with all his strength and gradually slid down from his brother, as if he wanted to hold the lifesaving herb. Little did he know that before he reached his brother, he fell down on the ground. My elder brother lifted me up and smiled, "You don't need to do such a grand ceremony when you meet me." I was so sorry that I dragged my elder brother and shouted, "Teach me how to skate!"

My brother patiently said to me: "Roller skating needs to take a figure of eight step, with legs slightly apart to maintain stability, and then gradually move, grasp it, and then gradually speed up." My brother also taught me how to use force and how to turn. I tried to skate twice, slowed down the speed, and kept training.

Grasping the basic way, I felt a little elated and wanted to show off in the group, but I fell on the ground again carelessly, and my knee was skinned, which was very painful! At this time, I held back my tears, clenched my teeth, ignored the teasing of others around me, fell down again and again, and stood up again and again. Gradually, roller skates seem to become more and more smart, and I skate faster and faster. Finally, I can travel freely in the group. I feel that I have grown a pair of wings, just like flying in the sky, I feel extremely happy!

In the sunset, I was sweating all over my body when my brother asked me to come back. I reluctantly left the city square. Although the body was very tired, the joy in my heart made me forget the sweat and tears.

Roller Skating Composition (13)

Learn roller skating

Today, my mother bought me a pair of roller skates. I was very happy. I finished my homework quickly, and then my father and mother began to teach me how to roller skate.

At the beginning, my parents were afraid that I would fall, so they put knee pads on me and supported me from side to side. When I started learning, I couldn't stand up, let alone walk. When my parents saw that I was tottering, I couldn't walk steadily. I lifted my foot and stepped on it carefully. Gradually, I asked my father to let me go first. With my mother's help, I felt that I walked more steadily. Then, I asked my mother to let me go. When my mother just let go of me, I came to shoot upside down in the air, and also came to a four legged, which made me unable to climb up. I was very painful, and I didn't want to learn. My father laughed with joy. My father said, "The technique of roller skating is to keep your heart steady and swing your hands back and forth so that you can keep from falling." Then I followed my father's advice. There was no falling, and the skating was smooth. I finally learned to roller skate.

I think: as our class song says, no one can casually succeed without experiencing the wind and rain and seeing the rainbow.

Instructor: Xue Ying

Roller Skating Composition (14)

I didn't like roller skating before, but since I saw a big brother wearing roller skates, he can move freely, I also hope my mother can buy me a pair.

I soon told my mother what I thought. But she thought it was just a kind of entertainment and didn't play any role. Finally, she decided to inquire about it and make a conclusion. In desperation, I had to hold a glimmer of hope and wait for her reply.

Finally, my wish came true, and my mother agreed to buy it!

On this day, my mother took me to the underground supermarket, 150 yuan a go, the shoes belong to me! We also bought hand pads, knee pads and elbow pads by the way. I'm so happy that I went home singing!

When I got home, I put on a whole suit. I didn't even dare to stand until I got dressed. I had to hold the bed and table and move forward little by little. "Good, good!" When I was happy, I suddenly couldn't control it. With a bang, I bumped into the coat hanger. Alas, it hurts. This is my first fall!

My living room is large, and I usually practice at home. My mother has become my tutor. My mother will take me to learn every day. In fact, my mother is not at all. But under her guidance, I have made great progress.

Ha, with the efforts of my mother and I, I learned and am very skilled! It's not in vain to try and fall. I am happy, I smile!

Roller Skating Composition (15)

Roller skating is my favorite sport. Why do you like roller skating? It comes from a walk.

At the weekend, our family took a walk together and walked to the square. Suddenly I saw a big sister skating on the square. I thought to myself: If only I had a pair of roller skates, how wonderful it would be to skate so well!

On my birthday, I finally got that pair of roller skates I had dreamed of. The next morning, I brushed my teeth and washed my face at the fastest speed. Then I went to have breakfast and finished breakfast. I'll go roller skating. But when I put on roller skates, I would never walk, let alone skate. So I held the wall and walked slowly. My father saw it and said, "Roller skates are for you to skate, not for you to walk." I said, "I can't skate." My father said, "I can't skate, so I need to learn." So he let go of the wall and slid forward and fell down. Although the fall was not light, but I didn't give up. During the knock and bump, I skillfully mastered some skating methods. For example, my legs are adult characters, writing one leg skating.

Once I was roller skating on the road, otherwise a car would come. I wanted to turn right, but my legs didn't obey me and I bumped into the wall. Causes thigh strain. Since then, I have never dared to roller skate again.

My father told me that roller skating should be patient and not give up halfway because of an accident. My father's words helped me regain my confidence. I started roller skating in the yard again. Through practice, I skate better than before.

Finally, I competed with my friends and won the first place. Look at me!

Roller Skating Composition (16)

Children, have you ever skated? I tell you, I can slip, but I used to slip and fall.

It was Saturday morning. I went downstairs with my mother in a nervous mood and put on my newly bought roller skates for the first time. My mother played when she was young, and she has a little experience. She said to me, "When I slide, my waist should be lower, and my feet should be outward... Yes, that's right, left foot..." But I always feel that there is a stone in front of my feet, just listen to a plop! I didn't slip a few times before I fell into a "dog gnawing mud"! I refuse to admit defeat. I have been so slippery, and finally I got a few farts. Oh, it hurts! But how can I give up because of this? With the pain all over me, I continued to persist, sliding, I found the feeling and tips. Ha! In this way, I learned roller skating.

Later, after continuous efforts, I even jumped over the small iron fence of the fountain downstairs of my grandma's house!

Roller Skating Composition (17)

When I bought roller skates in the mall, I chose a pair of my favorite red ones. When I got home, I couldn't wait to put on my roller skates, but as soon as I stood up, I fell on my feet. I stood up carefully again, but this pair of roller skates seemed to oppose me. I let it go forward, but he just went back, and I fell down again.

I learned the lesson of the previous two times, stood up with my hands on the table, took the first step carefully, and finally succeeded. I continued to practice. Although I often fell down, I was not discouraged at all because I liked roller skating very much. When I fell down, I got up and continued to practice. Finally, the sky pays off, and I can move forward by myself.

I continued to practice without holding the table, and still fell down frequently. My mother advised me not to practice, but I didn't want to give up. My father asked me to consult my brother's roller skating skills. I went to consult my brother, who told me some roller skating skills. I did as he said. It was really effective, and I won't fall again.

I have to continue to practice skating. The space in the room is too small, so I go outside to ski. My brother said that when sliding, I should divide my legs into "eight" shapes. I did so, which was very effective. I can slide slowly. Then I continued to practice turning. I first walked with one foot and followed with the other. But my brother said that he was wrong, and he demonstrated it to me again, and I understood that we should turn when skating, and we should not accelerate when turning, so as to avoid falling, we should rely on inertia. I tried and succeeded.

I continued to practice turning hard, and finally practiced turning well. I also practice speeding up. My speed is getting faster and faster, and I'm about to surpass my brother. However, I am not proud, and I still continue to work hard. Finally, I became an expert in roller skating.

I like roller skating very much, not only because I love roller skating very much, but also because it makes me understand that anything you work hard will be successful!