Writing Swallows (16 practical articles)
Womanly flower
2024-05-31 06:49:52

Writing Swallows (1)

Spring girl came to the world with a brisk pace. It took away the cold of winter and sprinkled the warm sunshine on the earth. Swallows also flew from the south. One swallow flew to Xiaoli's roof to build its own nest. Before long, the swallow had her own baby, and Xiao Li often went to see the swallow.

One day, the mother swallow went out to look for food. The naughty little swallows were playing. One of them accidentally fell off, fell on the ground, and several feathers fell down. The swallow looked around and tried hard to fly, but it was too weak. When flying upward, the sound of wings beating on the ground alerted a stray cat. The cat walked softly to find out what it was, and found that it was a swallow, so it called "miao miao". The swallow wanted to run away when it saw the cat, but it was caught by the cat. It "chirped" as if to say "Help!" At this time, Xiaoli heard the voice of the swallow drooping, and came to see a cat bullying the swallow. Without saying a word, she took a stick and rushed to the cat. The cat ran away when it saw someone coming.

Xiaoli beat the cat away, picked up the swallow, stood on a chair, and sent the swallow home. The swallow and its brothers and sisters "chattered" to Xiaoli, as if to say, "Thank you!"

In the sky, Father Sun smiled and thanked Xiao Li!

Writing Swallows (2)

Speaking of the little swallow, I think of the famous song "Little swallow, wear flowery clothes, and stay here every spring." In the warm spring, everything recovers. The flower smiled, the willow was happy, and the grass jumped out of the protective layer happily. The lovely swallow also flew from the south.

After a burst of spring thunder, the air was very fresh. Xiaoshan is a very kind girl. He likes small animals best. Xiaoshan went out of the house and took a deep breath. He found a couple of swallows and their four children under the eaves.

Near noon, the swallow couple "chirped" to the children, as if to say: "Mom and Dad go to find lunch, you don't run around." But when the children were having fun, the little sister Dongxue accidentally stepped out and fell from the house. Just as the kitten "Coco" came, Dongxue fell on her. Coco was very angry and said, "You hurt me!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Just now, I fell down from playing with my brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, you came over and I fell on you. I really didn't mean it. Please forgive me." "Well, I forgive you because you didn't mean it." Dongxue said, "Thank you for saving me. Can you play with me and my brothers and sisters?" "Yes, yes!" Later, they had a good time.

Maybe give others a chance to explain, then things will be more perfect.

Writing Swallows (3)

Swallows are small and exquisite birds, and everyone likes them.

I remember one sunny March last year, the swallow flew back and lived under the eaves of my house, which added some joy to us. One morning, I suddenly heard a chirping sound. Looking up, I saw that two swallows were fighting on the wire for drying clothes. You pecked me, and I pecked you. Why did they fight? I was thinking that there was a swallow in their nest. They quarreled about their children's food.

It happened that it was raining heavily outside. The swallow stretched his neck and seemed hungry. I immediately found some food and asked my mother to take a ladder and climb up carefully to give them food. Just then, the little swallow's father and mother flew in wet with something like a bug in their mouth. When the swallow saw her parents, she chirped happily and ate her favorite food. They braved the heavy rain regardless of their own safety, which really moved me. A few days later, the little swallow thought that she had learned to fly and fell down accidentally. I saw that she hurriedly picked it up with both hands. I wonder if she would get hurt. At this time, the swallow's parents must be struggling to find the child! I quickly sent it back to the nest, happy and warm.

A month later, the swallow grew up and could live independently. It flew out to find happiness. It's very warm to watch their families come and go.

Writing Swallows (4)

In a spring when peach blossoms are in full bloom, everything is awakened by Spring Girl, and swallows fly back from the south. I don't know since when, my house has added a few more baby swallows, their round heads, small wings, and the body is not full of feathers. They chirped happily and added a lot of fun to my family. I went to see them every day. One day, Yan's mother took Yan's father out to look for food. Feng's younger brother playfully blew down the chicks in the nest. The chicks cried on the ground, waiting for the parents who went out to look for food to come back. This just woke up the big cat who was sleeping in my house. The big cat was overjoyed and ran straight to the little swallow, thinking: Today we can have a good meal. Facing the "giant", the swallow trembled with fright. It tried to beat its wings, but it could not fly. The little swallow looked at the big cat in horror, hoping that it could show mercy and not hurt itself. But how can the big cat be merciful? I saw it with its mouth full of sharp teeth... I was going to pick up the fallen swallow, but I saw my big cat running. So I hurriedly found a branch and knocked on the big cat. When the big cat knew that I had hit it, it quickly stepped back a few steps, but how could it throw away this delicious meal. The big cat took a chance to pounce on the little swallow. I sat on the ground, protecting the swallow and beating it. Seeing the bad situation, the big cat ran away quickly. I held the swallow in my hand and stroked its feathers. I called my father, moved a ladder, and put the swallow back into the nest. The nest immediately became lively. Mother Yan came back, listened to Baby Yan and flew around the house, as if thanking me.

Writing Swallows (5)

The annual spring has come. The lovely swallow is back. My good friend came to my home again.

One day, the lovely swallow was about to give birth. When I knew it, I jumped three feet high and was very happy. The lovely swallow laid eggs. One day, the cute swallow was afraid to whisper at the window. What's the name of the cute swallow? I want to tell you that you have returned from a long journey. It's to see your old friend; I still want to tell you that we are good neighbors and will be friends forever.

The cute little swallow builds a nest in my home. The cute little swallow pecks the branches and grass to live and build a nest. About several months. Sometimes, I'm afraid that the cute swallow will be cold. I put a quilt in the nest. This is indeed a designer. The lovely swallow builds the nest into a heart shape.

One day, I was doing my homework at home, suddenly. I heard a "ah" and saw that it was a cute swallow that fell to the ground. I went out to have a look. The lovely swallow was probably just born. Just now her mother went to peck. The lovely swallow may be hungry. Go to ask her mother for food. When I saw it, I hurried to catch up with it. I gently picked up the cute swallow and touched it quietly. The cute swallow's smart appearance was very cute, like a cute elf.

As a matter of course, I sent the lovely swallow back to the nest. The brother and sister of the lovely swallow kept yelling at the lovely swallow as if they were saying, "Don't be afraid, we are here." At this time, the mother of the lovely swallow came back and also called, as if they were saying to the lovely swallow, "Don't be afraid, no one can bully you with her."

At this time, the Olympic Games began, and I ran home like an arrow. My grandma, grandpa, father and mother are watching quietly. Even a needle can be heard falling on the ground. The lovely swallow is also watching quietly. At this time, the Chinese gymnastics team won. We all laughed. Grandma's face showed patterns, and the cute swallow jumped up.

The cute swallow brought me laughter and added laughter.

Writing Swallows (6)

One day, I was playing in the yard. Brother Liu extended his long arm, Sister Peach Blossom smiled happily, and spring was coming.

Suddenly, I saw a swallow fall out of its nest. It struggled desperately and made a cry of "Ji Ji". There was a cat who wanted to eat it. When I saw it, I panicked, grabbed the stone from the ground and threw it. The cat retreated quickly and dodged easily. The cat pounced on the swallow, and the swallow struggled to fly up. The cat fell empty, and the swallow fell down again, which was very heavy. The cat was unwilling to meow twice, as if to say, "I have eaten what swam in the water, but what ran on the ground has not eaten what flew in the sky. Ho ho, today there is something delivered to us, just to taste it. I must eat you!" It bent its back again, Prepare to attack. I immediately picked up the branch to chase the cat. The cat jumped and ran to the corner. I grabbed the swallow and went back to the house.

When I got home, I immediately checked the injury of Little Swallow. He was afraid of me, but he had no power to fight. I found that its feet were injured, and its wings were also injured, bleeding. I ran to the side of the cabinet and found sterilized cotton and gauze. First, I helped it wipe and bandage the wound, and then made a small nest for it. It was very warm.

As the days passed, the wounds recovered day by day, and the feelings became better and better. But it belongs to nature, so I put it back to nature and hope it can live well.

Writing Swallows (7)

When spring came, the little swallows flew back from the south, but their former residences had changed completely. The green grass in the past had been occupied by factories that had sprung up from the ground. The clear river water has also been dyed black by the waste water discharged from the factory, and the grass and wild flowers nearby have become withered and yellow, so the swallow can't find a place to build a home.

The little swallow was tired and thirsty. When he was about to drink the water from the river, Little Bee, Little Frog and Little Bai ran to the little swallow and said, "This water can't be drunk. Don't you see it's black. Drinking it will make him ill. Some of our friends have left us forever because they drank the water from the river." Look at the little bee, the little frog Xiaobai avoids being sad. Little Swallow vows to find a healthy environment so that everyone can live a happy life.

So the little swallow took no pains to fly over the city and finally came to a valley. The grass here is so green, the flowers are so bright, the river is so clear, and the swallow finally found a place to build a home.

children! Xiaoyan has always been a friend of our city, but now we can't see them. Let's join hands. From now on, harness the environment, protect the environment, and let the swallow come back to us!

Writing Swallows (8)

A pair of beautiful and light wings and a scissor like tail make up a lively, lovely and gentlemanly swallow.

Little Swallow is a real architect. It stuck the mud on the wall, one flew out, and the other was still trying to stick it. After a while, that one flew back with mud in his mouth, and this one went out with mud in his mouth, so they took turns to fight. I don't know how long it took the little swallow to build the nest. The little swallow got into the nest, put his head in, and cried happily. This is the crystallization of the little swallow's sweat and hard work, wisdom and perseverance. You didn't get anything for nothing, ah! I admire you!

Tell you! Little Swallow is also a very famous musician. How like a staff when it stops on the wire, the stopped Swallow has become a note and a hymn of spring to be played!

The swallow is energetic, with long sharp wings and a forked tail like scissors. It flies quickly. Under the pure support of blue sky and white clouds, it looks more agile. "When will the twin flying swallow return? The peach blossom on the bank will fly in the water. When the spring rain breaks the bridge, people will not cross it. The boat will hold out the willow shade.".

Little Swallow is also an expert at catching insects. He can catch more than 100000 animals a year, which is admirable!

Ah! Little Swallow, the messenger of spring, you are so agile because you are working! I also know that you tell us a lot of truth in your work

Writing Swallows (9)

One day at the end of spring, after having dinner, I was surprised to find a swallow lying in the yard. Its mouth is yellow, and its head is covered with black and white fluff. It is obviously a little guy who has just come to the world. Probably fell from the nest.

The little swallow seemed to notice that I was observing it, so it raised its fat gray head and glanced at me with a dull look.

After a while, an adult swallow flew in and stopped on the clothes pole. I thought: This may be the mother of the swallow.

Compared with the little swallow, the posture of mother Yan is totally different. The plump and narrow wings, the forked tail like scissors, and the sharp eyes all let me marvel: this is really a beautiful swallow mother!

The mother swallow kept flapping her wings and made a sudden sound. At this time, the little swallow jumped anxiously for a few times, and occasionally made a weak "chirp" sound in his mouth. Mother Yan seemed to understand something and flew away. After a while, Mother Yan picked up a fat insect and fed it into the swallow's mouth. The little swallow became energetic when he was full. Mother Yan kept flapping her wings, as if she were demonstrating the flying movements to the little swallow. Even though the swallow tried to flap its wings and beat, it was too small to fly, and could only fly up one step at most.

When Grandpa saw how pitiful it was, he became reclusive and sent it back to his nest with a pole. In this way, the swallow finally reunited with his family.

Writing Swallows (10)

In a spring when peach blossoms are in full bloom, everything is awakened by Spring Girl, and swallows fly back from the south.

I don't know since when, my house has added a few more baby swallows, their round heads, small wings, and the body is not full of feathers. They chirped happily and added a lot of fun to my family. I went to see them every day.

One day, mother swallow went to nature to find food. Those little swallows chirped: "I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Suddenly, a little swallow fell from the tree. A mischievous cat heard the voice of a crying swallow and quickly went to find the crying swallow. At first sight, I have never eaten swallow meat. Today, I can finally taste it

The kitten is about to pounce on the fallen swallow. Xiaoming saw it. He quickly took the long and thin bamboo pole and slapped it on the ground. He said, "You smelly cat, you know? Swallow is a young bird. It eats hundreds of thousands of pests a year. Like you, you eat mice every day. Aren't you enthusiastic people who kill people?" Hearing this, the cat bowed its head and left with shame. Xiaoming took the swallow in his hand and came to his father. Xiaoming hurriedly asked his father to put the swallow in the nest. After listening, his father picked up a chair. His father took the swallow, gently stepped on the chair, and carefully put the swallow into the nest. His father put the swallow back into the nest. The swallow said, "Thank you, thank you!"

Through this story, I learned a truth that we should love animals and be a caring person.

Writing Swallows (11)

Spring girl came with light steps, and she put a colorful dress on the earth.

There is a nest built by a pair of swallows under the eaves. There are four lovely young swallows in it. Shanshan still comes out to play as usual. She looks at the peach blossom on the right side against the wall, and suddenly hears the sound of "chirping". Shanshan looks up and sees that there are four little swallows. They seem to be playing games. Suddenly, a little swallow slips down from the nest, Shanshan hurriedly ran forward to catch the little swallow. The three young swallows above were barking at random. It seemed that she didn't know what to do.

Shanshan took the swallow home. She observed that the cat Ling Ling ran over and shouted "Meow meow" to the swallow, as if to say "Who are you and why do you come to my house?". The swallow did not respond. The kitten thought for a moment. I used to eat mice. This is the first time I have seen a mouse with wings. The little swallow said, "Can I play with you?" The spirit said, "Yes, oh, how did you come here?" The little swallow said, "My friends and I fell down from home accidentally while playing. It was the little sister who helped me and brought me back." "Oh, so it is."

The door rang "Dong Dong Dong". It was Shan Shan's father who had come back. When he saw the swallow, his father asked Shan Shan, "Where did the swallow come from?", Then she picked up the swallow and put it back into the nest. At this time, the mother of the swallow flew back. She "chirped" to Shanshan and wanted to say, "Thank you, thank you."

Writing Swallows (12)

One spring, the mother swallow flew from the south to live under the eaves of Xiaohong's house, and soon they gave birth to three cute little swallows.

One day, Mother Swallow went out to look for food. The three little Swallows stayed in their nest. They were a little afraid and hoped that Mother would come back earlier. Suddenly a swallow jumped down from its nest and wanted to find its mother, but its two wings were not fully developed and it had not learned to fly, so it fell down at once. This also frightened Xiao Hong, who was enjoying the spring scenery. She wanted to catch the swallow very much, but it was too late. The swallow fell to the ground and was injured. It was just seen by the wild cat who was looking for food. The wild cat quickly rushed to the swallow to eat it. Xiao Hong saw that she ran over and kicked the wild cat with her foot. The wild cat ran back in pain, Xiao Hong thought that the wild cat was really driven away. Xiao Hong was about to go home to take medicine to bandage the injured swallow, but the wild cat took Xiao Hong's carelessness and quickly jumped on the swallow. The swallow gave a loud cry. Xiao Hong heard that when she looked back, the wild cat took the swallow in its mouth and ran into the forest. Xiao Hong quickly ran after it. At this time, the mother of the swallow also came back, saw her child being eaten, and also pecked the wild cat with her sharp mouth, The wild cat had to leave the swallow and run away.

Xiaohong ran to the front and saw that the swallow had been bitten by the wild cat. The mother of the swallow was circling in the air, "chirping". She was very sad. Xiaohong said to herself regretfully, "It's my fault that I didn't protect the swallow. It would have been better if I had picked it up and taken it home to heal the wound. Then the swallow would not have been bitten by the wild cat. Alas! Poor little swallow."

Writing Swallows (13)

In March, willow trees sprouted new buds, peach trees bloomed red flowers, and the lively and lovely swallow flew back from the south.

When I was 7 years old, it was also such a spring. I saw with my own eyes that little swallows built their nests under the beams of Grandma's house.

That day, I was playing with children in the yard. Three little swallows flew to the front of the house for several circles and chirped a few times, then fell on a tree and looked around. This time, I saw very clearly that these are three cute little swallows. They are wearing black coats, with white shirts exposed from their chest. Their small black eyes are very bright, and they have a tail like scissors. But before long, they flew away again. I was very angry. But after a while, the three little swallows flew back, this time with mud in their mouths. I jumped up happily, because I knew that swallows would build their nests under the beams of Grandma's house.

Only one swallow pressed the mud ball on the beam, but the other two flew out, and then flew back with the mud. The two swallows went out again to carry the mud, and the three of them were working like this. I don't know how long it took, but the swallow finally made his own nest. I am also happy for their success.

The swallow's nest is not the most beautiful in the world, but it is made with mud in its mouth bit by bit. This is the result of hard work.

How time flies! The winter of this year has come. The little swallows flew back to the south one by one. I miss them very much. I hope that winter will pass quickly and spring will come soon.

I love the swallow, its cute appearance and its persistent spirit!

Writing Swallows (14)

Every spring, swallows fly back from the south in a hurry. First, it chose a nest. It flew to my hall and circled on the beam for several times. I felt satisfied and began to build a nest. In spring, the ice in the river has melted, and the warm sun shines on the river bank. The swallow finds several twigs, takes them to the river bank and puts some mud on them, then flies to the roof beam and touches them on them. In a short time, a warm nest like a lump of earth will be built.

Swallows go out early and return late all day, and they don't know what they are busy with. One day, a few little swallows' heads were exposed at the edge of the swallow nest, and it was known that the swallow had gone out to find food. When it came back, six hungry little swallows scrambled to stretch their necks and open their yellow mouths. The swallow quickly stuffed the caught insects into the mouth of one of the little swallows, and the swallow nest was again quiet.

One day, a little swallow fell down from its nest while competing for food. I picked him up quickly. The old swallow saw it and kept flying around me, shouting, as if begging me to let its child go. I looked at the lovely elf in my hand. Its yellow mouth and fur could not cover its body, The two black eyes were rolling, and I couldn't bear to return it. When my father saw it, he said to me, "Please put it away quickly!"! The swallow can't live long without her mother. After hearing this, I quickly found a stool, put it on the square table in the hall, stood on it, put the little swallows back in their nest, and watched them chirp and sing again. My heart was full of warmth.

I don't know since when. Swallows, the elves we used to see when we were young, can't find their tracks anymore. Why don't they come to us? Where did you fly now?

Chapter 2: Swallow

On Saturday evening, the sky was overcast, and occasionally it was drizzling with rain. Several small swallows are playing happily on the road. Suddenly, a large truck roared past. My heart tightened and I closed my eyes in fear. I know something bad has happened

When I opened my eyes, there was only a swallow lying on the road. The original chirping swallow now droops its head and shrinks its wings on the road without moving, and its shining eyes have lost their luster. I know that this poor little guy will die soon, and I feel dejected. But the swallow struggled and tried hard to sing, as if to ask for help from his relatives, as if to make the last struggle of life, as well as to make a lamentable reprimand for the human beings who destroyed his life. Anyway, his voice is getting lower and lower.

Finally, a swallow flew past. This swallow is big. It may be the mother of the injured swallow. However, the poor little fellow had closed his eyes and stopped calling. The mother swallow fell beside the little swallow and watched for a while, then flapped her wings and kept moaning. It seems to say, "Boy, wake up quickly, open your eyes quickly." But the poor little swallow is still motionless after all. Topic composition: 600 words (5 articles) of swallow's composition. Topic composition: 600 words (5 articles) of swallow's composition. Swallow mother still beat her child with her wings desperately, and the little swallow's feathers started to move. In a flash, even I thought that the poor little swallow had come back from the dead. So the mother swallow slapped harder, which made me think that the swallow was just injured and seriously unconscious. In fact, as soon as the mother swallow stops beating, the little swallow will not move.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier gradually. The mother swallow was exhausted. In order to protect her child from the wind and rain, she spread her wings

Lie beside the child. Finally, she was desperate. She reluctantly left the swallow when she realized that the child had left her completely.

Great mother swallow! Great maternal love!

Chapter 3: Swallow

I want to be a swallow.

The lively and lively birds always bring the message of spring to people. When you see its graceful fairy bridge and elegant black dress, you will be happy to pass by! It should be spring

Spring follows the swallow with graceful steps. She threw her colorful hands to the earth, and the earth became beautiful.

Swallow It should be the messenger of spring, an angel sent from heaven to earth! Everyone loves the swallow. Who doesn't envy it?

After school, I was on my way home. It's autumn now, and the swallows have flown away. The soft golden yellow on the ground makes

I can't bear to trample on it. Watching the butterfly like fallen leaves fall slowly, my heart swelled with infinite sadness. The trees are all dead and lonely. What a beautiful spring the swallow brings!

I would like to become a swallow to welcome the spring!

I must help Spring awaken the earth early. I must wake up the wild flowers scattered in the grass like stars early. I must kiss the crystal clear brook early. I must send the news of spring to the animals early so that they can rub their eyes and loosen the bones and muscles that have not been moved in winter. I must make all living things happy and energetic early. I will shout loudly: Spring is coming!

I will sing and fly in the sky, occasionally skim over the thawed lake, occasionally shuttle among the soft branches of the budding willow trees, occasionally kiss the flowers just with buds, and occasionally smell the smell of the newly turned earth. I will fly over everything with a smile. I will use my smile to infect all people and tell them that the plan of a year lies in spring!

It was almost dusk. Standing by the window, looking at the falling sunset, I, my heart, still fly with the swallows who have passed the winter.

Chapter 4: Swallow

Swallow is a cute little animal. You must be very familiar with it. It has a pair of black and smooth feathers

Delicate wings and a scissor like tail.

Swallows are not only lovely but also industrious. Last spring, two little swallows flew under the eaves of my house, took a lot of mud and branches in their mouths, and kept pecking on the beams. Originally, they want to nest under the eaves of my house! When I knew it, I jumped three feet high with joy. From that day on, I go to see the bird's nest and swallow under the eaves every day to see if the bird's nest is ready. Swallows are really hard. They never stop at dawn and dusk, wind and rain. In this way, a few days later, the nest is ready. They chirped and flew around in front of the nest, as if they were having a celebration.

An unfortunate thing happened. One morning, a typhoon and a rainstorm broke the swallow nest. The swallows were so worried that they screamed. I saw it and wanted to help them repair the nest. I dug a large piece of wet mud in the ground and beat it like a brick, then flatten the mud into a bowl, and put some grass in it to stick it on. The nest was repaired. The swallows cried happily again, as if thanking me.

Soon, the swallow gave birth to five cute little swallows. Swallow father and mother fly to catch insects all day long, and feed the insects to the children mouth to mouth. How hard it is to be a parent! Aren't we humans the same? We children should remember the kindness of their parents.

In winter, the swallows fly away. They went south for the winter. I hope these swallows will come back to my house next year. I will help them build more nests to ensure that they can live comfortably and safely.

Writing Swallows (15)

I found why swallows fly south. Spring is coming. I found a pair of swallows building their nest under the eaves in front of my house. I have a question, why can't I see swallows in winter? Is it because they are afraid of the cold and have gone to the warm south for winter? So I went to the book "One Hundred Thousand Why" to help me answer my questions.

Originally, the swallow is a migratory bird. In the autumn before winter comes, they always make an annual long journey - flying from the north to the south in groups to enjoy warm sunshine and wet weather, while leaving the frost and cold wind of winter to the tits, grouse and thunderbirds who never fly south in winter. On the surface, it is the cold winter in the North that makes the swallows leave their hometown to spend the winter in the south. When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, they will return from the south to their hometown to have children and live and work in peace and contentment. Is that true? Actually not. It turns out that swallows feed on insects, and they have always been accustomed to catching flying insects in the air, but are not good at searching for insect food in the gaps between trees and the ground. However, there are no flying insects for swallows to eat in winter in the north. The lack of food makes swallows have to migrate from south to north every year from autumn to spring to get a broader living space. Swallows have become the "nomadic people" in the bird family. After reading the book, I finally knew why the swallow wanted to fly south.

There are many interesting phenomena in life, but those who do not like to observe carefully will not find them, and those who do not like to learn will never acquire these knowledge. We should polish our own eyes and be a conscientious person in life.

Writing Swallows (16)

Chapter 1: Swallow

One day, the sky was clear and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers. Peach blossoms beside the house also opened. From time to time, naughty birds pecked several down, while other birds were curious to enjoy the "Peach Blossom Rain".

But a swallow with less than full wings also wanted to try flying. It ignored the persuasion of its brothers and sisters, and "whooshed" and spread its wings and "flew" out. But how could it think that it ran wildly in the sky, sometimes hitting the electric wire, sometimes almost falling into the lake. Finally, the swallow lost strength and "bumped" toward his home. Because his wings were not full, he could not control his direction and fell straight down. If it had not been held by peach trees, he would not have known what it would have been like. Swallow's nest is boiling!

A kitten, Mimi, found it and slowly approached it. Just as she was trying to catch it, Mimi's owner, Fenfen, stopped it. Then she carefully picked up the swallow and hurried to the house. Mimi was curious and followed him.

Fenfen put the swallow in the "cradle" and then took out some professional tools. It turned out that Fenfen's grandfather was a surgeon. Fenfen first cleaned the swallow's wound, then disinfected, coated and bandaged it. The wounded swallow was reborn under the treatment of Fenfen.

Little Swallow was very happy during his stay at Fenfen's house and learned to fly really. In a twinkling of an eye, it was the day of departure. Fenfen reluctantly sent the little swallow home. The little swallow also chirped a few times, as if she was reluctant to part with her.

Finally, the swallow spread its wings and flew higher and farther. Fenfen gazed at the little black dot that was far away and smiled knowingly.

Chapter 2: Swallow

When Mingming came home, the first thing he did was to see the brown swallow in the cage. The swallow jumped around in the cage, eating or drinking. Mingming is very sad! What the hell is going on here? It turns out that

It was a sunny morning. Mingming and his friends came to play under the eaves. Mingming inadvertently looked up and found that there was a swallow's nest on it, so he wanted to try his luck - pierce the swallow's nest to see if he could catch a swallow or pick up a bird's egg. Mingming and his partner had a lot of effort to pierce the swallow nest. Luckily, there was a swallow in the nest who was not able to fly. Mingming was excited to catch it and put it in the cage. So the first scene happened.

It's very regretful to see the swallow not eating or drinking! He ran to the original eaves and found a swallow wandering there. Mingming thought: This must be its mother! She must be very angry to find her nest destroyed! She must be very worried to find her child missing! Mingming blamed himself very much, and he thought: If someone took me away, my father and mother would collapse... Mingming could not help but run home to get the birdcage and rushed back to the eaves, and opened the birdcage. The little swallow stumbled out of the cage and fell into the embrace of Yan's mother. Mingming smiled happily.

On the way home, the swallows chirped happily, as if to say: "Ming Ming, you did the right thing!" Ming Ming smiled in his heart and said silently: "Swallow, fly, fly to the blue, free sky!"

Chapter 3: Swallow

"Well, come and see, the swallows are nesting in our house." In the morning, my mother shouted to me as soon as I got up. I quickly ran up to the second floor. Ah, swallows are really nesting under the eaves of my house!

Swallows first take a large piece of mud, and then roll the mud up with their small mouths. When the mud is the size of beads, they begin to stick mud balls to the wall. It stood on the wall with its feet and its wings flapping in the air to keep balance. Then stick the nian liquid in your mouth and the mud ball on the wall. The mud ball cannot stick and always falls off. Swallow stuck it several times, and it took a long time to stick the mud ball on, so that it could be considered as a "brick". Swallows stick together one brick at a time.

After about a week, the nest was ready. How awesome! From the outside, the nest made by swallows looks like a vase half buckled on the wall, very beautiful! I wanted to see if the clay ball was very solid, so I picked up a piece of clay ball that fell from the ground when the swallow was making a nest. I kneaded it with my hands (nie), but it was really solid. It hadn't been crushed for a long time.

Swallow is really a great architecture expert! I really admire the spirit of the swallow's perseverance?

Chapter 4: Swallow

Everyone should be familiar with the swallow, a lovely bird, right? There is a nest of swallows under the eaves of my grandma's house. They are dressed in a black coat, with white shirts exposed in front. They also have sharp eyes and smart minds. They are really cute. Swallows are good birds. They help farmers eliminate pests. Swallow's nest is made of mud, very small and delicate. The adults said that swallows are a symbol of good luck. As long as swallows nest under someone's eaves, it means that the family will be very lucky. So no one will drive them away.

I like the little swallows that were just born under the eaves of my grandmother. They don't have much fur yet. When they get hungry, they stretch their necks and chirp, as if to say, "I'm hungry, feed me quickly." At this time, no matter how tired the swallows' parents will fly out to find food. They brought many small insects back to feed the swallow mouth to mouth, but the swallow had not enough to eat, and his father and mother were exhausted. When they are fed, they have to find food by themselves. No matter how tired they are, they have no regrets. They devote themselves to the growth of their babies, just like our parents. How pathetic parents are! When the swallow grows up, they will teach them to fly and hunt until the swallow can live independently. I looked at them under the eaves of my grandmother's house, and sometimes I was fascinated by them. It's a pity that I haven't been at Grandma's house for a long time, and they have grown up quickly.

I like swallows and admire their parents' selfless dedication.

Chapter 5: Swallow

On Saturday evening, it was overcast and drizzling from time to time, and several swallows were playing happily on the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past. My heart tightened and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I knew that something unfortunate had happened.

When I opened my eyes, I was shocked by the scene in front of me: the swallow had already fallen into its own pool of blood. It struggled feebly for a while, then fell down again. It was totally disoriented, and its eyes were half open. It seemed to be waiting for the family to help itself, but it had already left and gone to an eternal world.

After a while, another swallow came to the swallow who fell on the road. Maybe it was a mother and daughter or a companion! He snuggled up beside the swallow, his mouth opening and closing, as if to say: "My child, the meal has been cooked. It's OK, it scares you. Let's go, let's go back to eat." But the dead swallow did not move. "The mother" did not give up, and cried out: "Wake up quickly, it's time to eat!" "The child" still did not move. The mother waved her wings vigorously and shouted to the child, hoping to wake it up. The mother spread her wings again, as if to pick up and save the fallen swallow.

However, its strength was too small, so the mother had to squat down beside the child sadly, flapping her wings, as if waiting for the fallen swallow to wake up and go home to eat with it.

However, no matter how the mother waited, the child did not get up after all, and the mother left silently in despair. But at this time, who would understand the mother's heart wrenching mood?

Yes, who said animals have no feelings!

Chapter 6: Swallow

When spring came, the swallow and her mother flew back from the far south. Swallow mother flies freely in the sky. Suddenly came thick smoke. Swallow mother smelled it and felt dizzy, dark, and nauseated. She wanted to vomit everything she ate. Swallow mother flew to the sky to see, ah, it was a factory. The factory is very large. There are many towering chimneys. The smoke only makes the sun show a little face, and the sky has become dark.

The swallow flew to the river to look at the "mirror", but the scene in front of him surprised him: there were countless kinds of garbage floating on the water, paper boxes, snack bags, mineral water bottles These rubbish turned the originally clear river into black sewage. The swallow thought to herself: Where is my good friend Xiaoyu? Suddenly, a small fish stuck out of its head and gasped loudly: "Help! Help!" The swallow asked, "What's wrong with you, my good friend? ”Asked the swallow anxiously.

The little fish reluctantly replied, "It's because people open factories and discharge sewage into rivers at will, which makes me like this." "Shall I help you out?" The little swallow said heartily. The little fish said weakly, "But I will die if I leave the water. Don't waste your efforts." Then the little fish dived into the bottom. The swallow listened to the fish, flew to her mother and asked sadly, "Mother, what shall we do?" Her mother said sadly, "It seems that we have to leave the original home, hoping to find another pure sky."

After saying that, mother and daughter waved tears to say goodbye to the familiar home. Can they find it?

Chapter 7: Swallow

Sister Chun can't wait to come back from afar. Everything revives in her gentle call. "Ouch!" Who is calling? It turned out that the younger brothers of grass were all stretching themselves; The willow sisters combed their girlish hair. Look, the sisters of Peach Blossom are competing for beauty. They all look up with pink faces, as if they are whispering with Father Sun. The fifth grade composition of primary school is "The Little Swallow's Destiny Composition".

One day, Xiao Hong finished her homework and played with her friends in the yard. The spring breeze gently blew them. The swallow family under the eaves is also busy with the arrival of spring. Early in the morning, Yan's mother went to look for food. The swallows are busy cleaning up. Look, they are working hard. Alas, a swallow fell down carelessly and fell heavily on the ground. How painful it should be! No, a big cat came over wearing jeans. "Eh, what's that? It's black, and there are six steel wires around his mouth." The little swallow thought. "Ha ha..., little swallow, I can finally change my taste, ha ha..." So, the cowboy cat opened his mouth and jumped at the shrunken swallow. Fortunately, Sister Xiaohong reached out well and took away the Huamao with a lien.

Sister Xiaohong looked at the dying Swallow and was very sad. She took the Swallow back to her home and raised him. Soon, Little Swallow recovered. Sister Xiaohong, with the help of her mother, sent Little Swallow home.

From then on, standing at the door of Sister Xiaohong's house, I can always hear the moving Yange.

Chapter 8: Swallow


One day in late spring and early summer, two swallows came to my house and flew around the yard. They flew up and down in the yard for one morning and another afternoon.

Is the swallow here to catch insects? I looked up at the sky. I looked into the courtyard. The courtyard had to spray some pyrethrum morning and night. There was no trace of insects in the sky and on the ground. Swallow, what are you doing here?


The two little swallows who came to my house the first day came again the next day. Different from the first day, they tried to get close to me and my family: I painted in the corridor, and they fell on the flower rack opposite me; When my wife dries clothes, they fly to her side and squat on the line where she dries clothes, with their heads tilted, chattering and talking about something. That evening, two little swallows, with great courage, landed on the back of a chair beside me to watch me and our family eat. The daughter was excited and cried: Father! swallow! Grab it! The wife said, "Little Swallow can't catch it. If he catches it, he will be bald!"! The daughter put out her tongue. What my wife said was made up in the countryside to protect the swallows. She came from the countryside and believed it.


On the third day, just after daybreak, the daughter who went to school early shouted downstairs: Dad! Mom! Swallows have made a nest in my house! My wife and I hurried downstairs. Between the downstairs corridors, half a bend of fresh mud was forming a bend. One swallow was holding mud and standing on the clothesline in the yard, anxiously flapping its wings, while the other was flying back and forth in the air with mud. I was busy saying to my wife and daughter: Swallows are building their nests. They are a little afraid. Leave quickly! After we left, the swallow continued to take mud to make a nest. About four days later, the bird's nest was two and a half fingers high. I calculated in my heart that it would take about six to seven days to build a bird's nest. The wife said that swallows are not easy. When I looked at the bird's nest, I thought of my childhood: in summer, my father pulled yellow mud from two or three miles away to make mud cubes in the sun, and my mother stood up to dry the cubes one by one. Father carried mud all summer long, and mother bent her waist all summer long. In autumn, we had a bright yellow mud oven


When the swallow's nest was built, there were three little swallows in the nest who wanted to eat all day long. Two old swallows take insects every day and put them in the little swallow's mouth. Little Swallow began to learn to fly. He flew to my flower rack, to the clothesline, and to a pomegranate tree in the yard. The old swallow called them in the air, and they flew and fell, and flew and fell again; The old swallow was still calling them in the air. Later, they finally flew up to the sky and took off with their parents Soon, something amazing happened to us: that was the day after the little swallow flew into the sky, three or four hundred swallows suddenly came, flew around my house, then flew to my corridor in turn, flew around the nest of the little swallow, and then slowly left. The wife said that today may be the full moon of the little swallow, and the swallows came to congratulate her! I also made a guess: Swallows, maybe they came to see the Swallows, their homes, and their children have grown up That night, my wife and I, as usual, turned on the door lamp and looked at the swallow's nest in the corridor. Surprisingly, there were no old swallows near the nest, only three little swallows whose mouths were still yellow, and they looked out from time to time, and squeezed together behind the probes, making a low chirping sound. There is no old swallow near the nest. The swallow's home looks sad

Where has the old swallow gone?


There are three or four days before the Mid Autumn Festival, is it my wife? A daughter? Or myself? We suddenly found that there were no swallows chirping in the corridor, no swallows flying in the sky, and the blue sky was very quiet! Where's the swallow? Is the swallow gone? I ran to the top of the building to look, and I drove to the wild to see, but there was no swallow in the city or in the wild!

... Standing on a high slope in the outskirts of the city, I looked south, looked at the direction where the swallow might fly, and my heart was full of farewell, yearning, and unspeakable pain

The swallows who flew to my house for the first time tried to get close to me and my family again and again, to see if we would catch them and beat them, to see if we were bad people. We can't help them build nests and have children; When they left, they must have said goodbye to us affectionately, but because of the language barrier, we could not communicate

... Looking at the south, looking at the direction of swallows leaving, I can only wish them safe journey again and again in my heart! bon voyage!