Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (Selected 16)
Be strong enough to survive
2024-06-05 07:58:42
Argumentative paper

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (1)

I grew up with the love of my parents. My father's love was like a mountain, my mother's love was like a sea. My parents' love grew up with me. Love is a great feeling.

Grandma said that when I was born, I was only 51 cm long. My parents worked hard day and night to feed me, washed diapers and carefully observed my body changes every day. I hope I can grow up quickly. When I was two years old, my mother bought many picture books and told me every day. She also taught me to know things, colors, numbers, animals, etc., and how to get along with other children. When I was young, my mother was very gentle and cared about me, and my father was also very gentle and cared about me, and my father came back from work every day to hug me and kiss me, play with me, read with me, tell me stories, etc

When I was three years old, my mother sent me to the kindergarten to make friends with my children to learn from teachers. It was the first time I left my parents in kindergarten, so I was afraid. I often cried in school, and my mother was the first to pick me up after school.

When I was in primary school, my mother was always very strict with me. My mother and father also paid special attention to my study. Every time at home, my mother would always be very relieved to teach me how to learn, teach me difficult problems that I can't write, and so on.

I love my selfless father and mother. Do your parents work hard to bring us up?

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (2)

The rain hit the ground crazily, leaving a lot of debris.

At the thought of that damned test paper, my heart was nervous. I didn't do well in this test. It rained heavily just after school, but it was neat to draw another scar on my heart.

I came home soaked and saw my parents furious. I just kept silent. I was used to seeing such scenes. But when I saw the words about father love or mother love, my heart seemed to be pricked by a needle. Love had nothing to do with me.

I can't stand them telling me what to do, and I don't want to be pointed at my nose and said viciously that we are all for your good.

I gradually alienated them and didn't want them to stop in my world. I had nothing to say with my parents.

Until one time, I saw a stack of neatly stacked photos and asked my mother what it was. Suddenly, her eyes were shining with excitement and she was very happy to say to me that this photo was all about you when you were a child. You were very nice when you were young. One time, you went to have your hair cut, and after your hair was cut short, you cried all over the place, You wrote funny Chinese characters according to the picture of gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd painting gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd gourd

I was stunned. The mother in front of me was so focused, as if she could not finish speaking for three days and nights. Her mouth was full of childlike laughter.

It turned out that I was wrong, and so completely wrong. It turns out that I have always grown up in love, and I have so much.

The debris on the ground outside the window reflects the brightness of the sun. The sky is so blue, and life is so beautiful.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (3)

I'm glad that I have the greatest maternal love in Wuxia, rather than the mouse's love for cheese on the splint. This love is like a light balloon, so I have no burden.

When I was babbling, the first word I would say was - Mom, you taught me how to use chopsticks correctly, how to button, how to tie shoelaces, how... If you are like a gust of wind, then I must be a blown leaf. I remember when I was young, when it rained, there would always be a silent umbrella behind me, silently supporting a small piece of sky belonging to me, Every time I ask you if you have been caught in the rain, a sentence will come from behind: "If the rain doesn't reach me, you just take care of yourself". But every time I come home, I see my clothes are soaked, and my heart is always sour, but I can't say anything

When I see the busy figure in the kitchen, I will rush to the kitchen at the first time. What does my mother do today? " "When will Mom eat?" Many questions come into your mind at one time. Every time you come out of the kitchen, one or two more bubbles will appear. At this time, the words have no idea where to start, and you dare not even look directly into your eyes

That morning, I asked some friends out to play. Behind me, there were always bursts of words like "Be careful on the road", which made people feel overwhelmed by the words "like the way". In three or two words, I dodged the past. Time flew by. At night, the lights in the square went out, the phone rang, and my mother's voice appeared again, "Go home! It's dark, come back by car, and my mother has prepared the meal..." I looked up at the sky and there was a small star nestling in the arms of the moonlight, still with light

Ah! Maternal love, immersed in sweet dreams, is like the sky of stars, which can't be seen at a glance.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (4)

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." I have a mother who loves me. She raised me. She let me see the beauty of the world, and she let me feel the warmth of the world.

My mother, she is like a normal mother. I hope I can be admitted to key junior high schools, middle schools and universities. Because she regrets that she didn't study hard when she was a child, and now she doesn't have profound knowledge, she hopes that I will study hard and lay a foundation. Alas, I really hope that women can become phoenix and children can become dragons!

My mother can swim very well, like a small fish. According to her, when she was young, she swam from one end of our village lake to the other. In the summer vacation three years ago, my mother took me to the lake in our village to swim. Because I can't swim yet, I just walked a few steps on the lake and fell into a deep place. (There are also more than ten centimeters from the water surface.) I jumped hard, and my head came out of the water. At this moment, I shouted, "Help!" When my mother heard this, she swam to save me and sent me to a very shallow place. Look, how's it going? She can not only swim herself, but also save others.

My mother can also play basketball! She taught me how to play basketball. She taught me how to stride over hurdles in three steps, dribble... Of course, there are rules, and she also taught me to recognize the score line. According to her, she participated in basketball games when she was young! The game ended before I was born. I don't know the details of the game. But I think she will win the championship, because playing basketball with her is equal to giving away points if she has no skills.

My mother loves me too. Two years ago in the summer vacation, we went to Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, because I ate too much instant noodles on the train. The next day after getting off the train, I had a stomachache, which was very uncomfortable. She was so worried that she shed tears. She was a woman who seldom shed tears, and almost didn't see her shed tears. At the critical moment, my uncle told her the nearest clinic, and she immediately carried me to the clinic. She crossed the road and went to the clinic for a drip. I felt much better immediately. She was also relieved.

"Who can say that the heart of every inch of grass will be rewarded by the Three Chunhui?" My mother grew up with me, and I grew old with her.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (5)

During the summer vacation, my parents and I selected a book - "Mom is a scarecrow". My parents promised me to finish reading this book with me.

However, the reading plan did not go well because both parents were busy, and they always said they would accompany me when they were free. Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I thought: Yes, Mom and Dad are so busy. Maybe they don't have time to watch it with me. I'd better watch it myself. So, I just flipped it carelessly.

Just as the saying goes, "There is no way out when the mountains are heavy and the waters are heavy, and there is another bright future", when I am about to give up this reading plan, my parents finally have time to read with me! I was so excited that I hurried them to sit on the sofa and read together.

We opened the book. It turned out that the book mainly told the story of scarecrow mother, watermelon baby, and water father, who became a happy family after a difficult adventure. The scarecrow mother guarded the baby watermelon. Later, when the baby grew up, it had a nice name and a smile. Then, the father of water changed from a bucket of water into a man, and he became a smiling father. Smiles grow happily under the care of parents, and even the whole city is moved by their stories.

As I read, I was also moved by their stories, and I could not help but red eyes. At this moment, I can't help thinking how great the love of parents is! I said to my parents: "Mom and Dad, I feel like a watermelon baby, because I am as happy as him!" My parents were amused by me.

After reading this book, I understand that we can't repay our parents' love, and all we can do is study hard at school, help do housework at home, and be filial with our own actions.

I want to thank this book, because it teaches what love is. The love of scarecrow mother and water father makes the watermelon baby grow up happily, and my parents also use their love to protect my growth.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (6)

What is love? Love is mother's exhortation; Love is the teacher's guidance; Love is helping each other

Do you know that there is a kind of love, which is selfless love. However, we didn't realize it. This kind of love is invisible love - father love!

It was the first Sunday when I just entered junior high school. How I wanted to stay at home for a while. However, the teacher also asked me to train. How unwilling I am, but even if I am not willing, I still have to bite the bullet. When I got up in the morning, I began to procrastinate, let alone the tangles in my heart. "I don't want to learn -" I begged to wait for my father. Tears of frustration came out before the words were finished.

"No one with a conscience wants to leave home." Dad patiently advised, "but you can't stay at home all your life.

Dad leaned me on his solid shoulder as he spoke. My heart is less sad and more calm. He said gently, "Your mother and I agree that you should practice Taekwondo to make you more skilled and better than others. As long as you stick to it, you can gradually become strong. There is still a long way to go. You can't rely on us all the time. One day, you will fly away, leave this nest, and build your own family. This is not your permanent home, but your hometown... "

Dad has never been so kind. After hearing his words, the storm in my heart stopped. My heart is like a white rabbit experiencing wind and rain, panicking and helpless, suddenly being caressed and embraced by a warm hand. The heavy heart was relieved.

Dad, you are a mountain and I am a tree. The wind and rain in my heart are coming. Who is my strong backer except you?

Father's love is great and invisible. He needs our careful observation

Love, grow with me!

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (7)

That time, I knew I was wrong. I learned filial piety from that time, and I have a heart to be filial to my parents.

My father and mother went shopping that day, leaving me and my brother and sister at home. When my father and mother went out, they specifically told me and my sister that you should take good care of my brother. He is still young, so don't let him run around... At that time, my sister and I just answered casually. Later, my sister and I watched TV together. We were so fascinated that we didn't even know that my brother cried and ran out. Later, my parents came back only to see me and my sister, but not my brother. Then my mother asked me about my brother with my sister? My sister and I were awakened from watching TV by this sentence, and our faces were confused. We didn't know where our brother was. Mother asked her sister again about her brother. Did you lose him? My sister replied that I don't know. I was doing my homework just now. I asked my sister to watch. Mom, you'd better ask my sister! Then my mother looked at me with a look full of anger and anxiety, then slapped me on the face and said, "Where's my brother?"? At that time, my heart really hurt, why? Why do I suffer Later, my brother played with his uncle.

Just after that, I had a fever the next day. At that time, I didn't tell my parents that it was because my parents didn't love me as they imagined, and I felt that I was a superfluous figure in this family. Because no parents said, the fever became more and more serious, and fainted in the living room. When my parents saw me faint, they ran to me and called me, but they couldn't wake me up. Then my mother saw that my face was red, and she stroked my forehead with her hands... Then my parents rushed me to the hospital. The next day, I woke up with a confused face and saw my parents around me. Then I said, "How could I be here?"? Don't I do my homework at home? And Mom and Dad, aren't you accompanying your brother at this time? Then my mother replied that my brother was taken care of by my uncle. Why don't you talk to your parents when you are sick? It's silly enough. Hearing this sentence, I would like to say that Mom and Dad, aren't your favorite sisters and brothers? How can I be in charge of me? It's not like I didn't tell you. I might as well give myself some strength... But just wanted to say something, my mother hugged me and said, silly child, when you get sick, you must tell your parents that you can't delay your illness. You know, you are my precious daughter. If something happens to you, what should you let your mother do, How can we live!

From that fever, I knew that I should not doubt my parents' love for me. It's also right for my mother to beat me for my brother. Who told me not to watch my own brother in order to watch TV? It's a light punishment for me

In fact, parents in the world love their children very much, but the way parents love you is different... From now on, I will never make my parents angry, because they gave us life and gave us a warm and loving family. From now on, I will study hard and be promising when I grow up. I will give my parents a good return for what they have done for me. When they are old, they often go home to look forward to them, accompany them, chat with them, take a walk, and help them to beat their backs

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (8)

Time makes deep things deeper and shallow things shallower—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Your love for me is the most natural emotion between heaven and earth. Grandpa, thank you. You grew up with me, and your granddaughter will grow old with you

Grandpa is a very patient person. He always likes to play with flowers and plants. I often play around with him. My grandfather said that he liked wild chrysanthemums, but I didn't think so. He always said: "The flowers are too small. They are all over the mountains. It's better to have peonies. How beautiful they are!" My grandfather sighed: "Girl, the wild chrysanthemums are small, but they are flowers that come and go with the seasons!" I didn't understand the meaning of this at that time, so I just nodded vaguely.

——Your love full of wisdom grows with me!

I like cherries since I was young, so my grandfather planted a small cherry tree in the backyard. Whenever the cherries are ripe, Grandpa will always pick the biggest and reddest cherries for me to eat. In the sun, the red cherries were very beautiful. I picked up the biggest cherry and handed it to my grandpa: "You can eat it too, grandpa!" "No, grandpa doesn't eat it and doesn't like it, thank you, girl!" I know grandpa is unwilling to eat it, and he wants to leave the best for me.

——You are full of warm love, accompany me to grow up!

Grandpa's calligraphy is also very good. When I was young, I always stood beside my grandfather and looked at his square characters. Grandpa's words are really beautiful: square and upright, strong and powerful. Under my grandfather's instruction, I even wrote like a model! Grandfather always said to me, "Girl, do you see that? Being a man is just like this square character, open and aboveboard. In the future, if there is anything unhappy, just write it in calligraphy..."

——You are full of bright love, accompany me to grow!

Grandpa and granddaughter will remember: wild chrysanthemums, small cherries, square characters... and your infinite love for me.

You are a tree of flowers, love, warmth, hope, you are the April day of the world

Your love grows with me

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (9)

There is only one good father in the world. A child with a father is like a treasure. Without his teaching, there would be no mistakes without this silent night. Unconsciously, I thought of my father, and I was lost in thought. When I remembered my father's voice, face and smile, I cried. In my tearful eyes, I saw that my father's face was blackened by the sandstorm of life, and the scars of years left wrinkles, especially the growing white hair, which made my heart seem to be occupied by something. When I get home, my father always likes to touch my neck with his big, thick hands.

This is a kind and severe performance. Whenever I am free, my father still likes to take me for a walk in the street. He always walks on my left side, afraid I will get hurt. I don't know why. I always have an unprecedented sense of security with my father. In my father's heart, I will always be the best. However, I am always dissatisfied with my study. Every exam will disappoint my father. At that time, my father's face became cold, without his usual smile, but he never blamed me.

Because in my father's heart, he knew that I had grown up and would certainly understand the principles of learning. It is this special encouragement from my father that makes me confident in my study. My father asked a tutor to help me with my study. Every night he always stayed with me, looking at my father's red eyes. My heart is full of guilt. I swear to myself in my heart: I will succeed, and I will not let my father down. Dad's love has always been like this, light and silent, but it has given me the greatest encouragement, so that I have confidence to sail and wake up my memory.

At this moment, the sky is starry and the earth is silent. Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, I hope it can convey my deep yearning for my father to him.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (10)

The first time I felt the existence of love strongly and deeply was on the first day of kindergarten. Gao Gao pouted and was taken to the kindergarten by his mother, a beautiful place with many toys but a nightmare for me. She found the head teacher and said a few words, then she put me in the hand of a middle-aged woman holding her hand tightly. Then she ordered a few words such as "Be obedient" and left, regardless of my feelings. When she left, it seemed that she also took the beauty and brightness away from my world. I was like a mire, sinking little by little, and the vitality of life was also drifting away. My only thought is: escape! Get out even if you die! I rushed forward desperately to hold my mother's hand, but the middle-aged woman grabbed me from behind. I grabbed the railing, pressed my weight up, and wanted to go down the stairs. But I didn't succeed. After all, I was just a child. It was useless for me to break free. She still pulled me back as easily as a chicken. I screamed at the top of my voice and shouted again and again: "Mom! I want to go home!" I could not shout anymore and cried until I felt dizzy. I thought my mother didn't want me anymore, but I didn't know that my mother stood in the kindergarten all morning until I stopped crying.

This is my last year in primary school, full of honor and flowers. After two years of hard work, I finally achieved good results. Being embraced by my teachers and good friends on the platform, I struggled to find my mother in the crowd. I think my mother will not come. In an inadvertent moment, I aimed at a familiar figure standing in the dark corner, ah, that was my mother! I ran to my mother with ecstasy. I wanted to tell her that my mother had not given me a chance to speak, but she had already taken away my medal and handed it to the backstage teacher for "hard work". But he refused to give me a chance to tell, so he left me alone to look at his mother's back. When I got home, I saw that the table was full of my favorite dishes, but my mother disappeared. Maybe this is the way my mother loves me!

The end of the semester has passed, and I am enjoying the winter vacation. Every night, I carry my mother to play computer until very late. When I hear her footsteps, I will rush to bed and pretend to sleep. Last night, I did the same thing again, but my mother did not look at me and left this time, but sat in front of the bed quietly looking at me. I prayed in my heart that my mother would leave soon, but it backfired. My mother stroked my hair and said alone, "I didn't expect my daughters to grow so big. My mother was busy with work and hadn't seen you like this for a long time "Mom, I love you!" Mom didn't say anything, but just held me tightly, which made me breathless, but at the same time, I also felt the unprecedented warmth.

The river was moved by the spring rain, so the water murmured. The flowers were moved by the scorching sun, so they poured out their fragrance. The maple leaves were touched by the autumn wind, so they dyed the mountains. Mom, your love touched me. Here I just want to say, "Mom, thank you for your company all the way. I'm sorry, for me and for your family, you are busy in heaven and earth and your family, living a life of two frontiers. But I always use adolescent rebellion as an excuse to hurt you again and again, and, Mom, I love you!

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (11)

Each of us can not do without the care of our parents and relatives. Their love has always accompanied us. Even if they go to other places to do business, they will call us. Warm greetings, this is love. Love can neither see nor touch, but it really surrounds us. We should find the love around us and cherish the love in front of us. Sun Yun, the mentor of spiritual growth, said, "Let those who love you not be disappointed with you, and repay those who love you, always remember."

I think my relatives have paid a lot of love to me. Once, when I was ill, my grandmother took me to school to ask for leave, and then went to the hospital. We went to school for self-study. We waited for a long time to get water, pay money, and give injections. Finally, we hung up the water and didn't go home until six or seven in the evening. Grandma has always been with me and never left for a moment. That time I hung water for two or three days in a row. Since then, Grandma has asked me to add clothes, reminding me that I don't want to catch a cold. I know that those instructions are Grandma's love for me.

Another time, when I got up in the morning, I vomited all the time. My father and mother are very worried. Let me go to the hospital to have a look. But I was afraid of injection and medicine, so I refused, so my parents had to follow me. At noon, I was having a delicious meal when I suddenly vomited again. Mom and Dad were so worried that they forced me to go to the hospital, but I refused. Mom and Dad said gently: "Let's go and have a look. We'll come back if we have nothing to do. If we have something to do, what will we do?" I said that we will have nothing to do. In the evening, we will really have nothing to do. My parents said, "We are scared to death. Next time we have to go to the hospital." I know that those worries are my parents' love for me.

Their love has been watching over me. If they go out to do business, they will also call me every Friday to ask about my study and life. To my shame, sometimes I don't cherish it. I just answer casually and don't take it seriously at all. But I know my parents are serious. How much blood and sweat they have shed for me! When I grow up, I must repay my parents and let them not worry and feel sad.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (12)

The road of life is always winding. In our growth process, we will also taste all kinds of ups and downs. In the process of growing up, I found that there was always family around me.

It was a Sunday morning, and I was busy doing the homework assigned by my teachers. Suddenly, the phone rang "Ding Ling...", interrupting my thoughts on doing my homework. I hurried to answer the phone. It was my father's voice. My father went out on his motorcycle in the early morning without a sound, and I'm wondering if he hasn't come back yet. Now, the "truth" has finally come to light: Dad was not very well yesterday, and today he went to the hospital to hang salt water. After hearing this, I realized that what happened yesterday was really wrong.

It was 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and all the students in our interest class were out of school. It was snowing heavily that day. It was not far for me to walk from school to the station by bus, but I was lazy and called my father to pick me up. Now think about it, I really shouldn't make it worse for Dad.

At noon, after eating instant noodles, I hesitated: what should I do first? Or should I visit my father first?

I thought: If I hadn't let my father pick me up in the snow, my father's illness would not have worsened. So I got on my bike and ran to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I found my father's ward and felt guilty when I saw him lying on his bed. My father has paid so much for my growth, but I don't know how to repay him. Instead, he has made it worse. I asked, "Dad, are you feeling better...?" Dad said, "Oh," and said, "Better." Seeing that I don't wear much clothes, he said to me, "Aren't you cold when you wear so little?" When I heard this sentence, I couldn't help feeling moved. I really want to throw myself into my father's arms and shout, "Dad!" But I didn't do that because I think I have grown up, and it would be very embarrassing to do that. Dad took out a packet of biscuits from the nearby table and said to me, "Your grandmother gave it to you. You can eat it." I said, "I don't want to eat it. You can eat it yourself." Grandma had already come. When I got out of the hospital, I rode on my bicycle. A gust of wind blew past me, and I was blown out of tears by the wind. It's funny to think about it now, but on reflection, this is the power of fatherly love!

I went home to do my homework for a while, and my father hung up the salt water and came back. I was so happy to see my father back to his original strength. Dad cooked two bottles of eight treasure porridge, one of which was for me to drink. When he heard that I only ate a bowl of instant noodles at noon, he said to me, "Come and have porridge. You can't do your homework with an empty stomach!" He was still serious, but full of cordial tone.

Yes, in my growth process, there is always a father's love with me, and family love with me. It is my parents who give me wings to fly, so that I can fly freely in the growing sky! I grew up in fatherly love

Tick tock tock...... The rain is washing the nature again! Just like my father used his warm and philosophical words to heal my heart.

Now my heart is seriously infected with the virus. I had a quarrel with my good friend, and there was no place to be angry. When I got home, I was not satisfied with anything. I wanted to be anxious with anyone who didn't provoke me. The dog was afraid of the dog, and the cat hid from the cat.

When I was doing my homework, I bit my pen and burst it. Dad heard this and sat down beside me and said earnestly, "What? Bad mood again? Did you quarrel with your friends? It's normal to quarrel among friends. The key is to see how you deal with it. First, find out your own reason and think about what you didn't do well. Friends should be tolerant. Don't be petty. If you are wrong, you should be brave to apologize to your friends. True friendship can stand the test, and friends will never dispute with you. Don't study with a bad mood, it will not work. "

After listening to my father's words, my mood suddenly brightened, just like the sky after the rain, so bright and pure as new. My mood is as bright as sunshine!

My life grows with father's love: when I fail, my father will use his flame of love to rekindle my hope; When frustrated, my father's love will turn into a heat wave, surging in my heart, encouraging me to move forward; When I was proud, my father's love became an ice seal, sealing my pride and complacency together in the ice sculpture, giving me a humble way to do things.

With my father's rich and colorful love, I have a rich and colorful life. I thank my great father for making me grow happily and become more perfect under the baptism of love.

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (13)

Love grows with me

On the way of growing up, Love helped me write down my footprints.

Motherly love is like spring sunshine, melting snow and ice.

When we enter Grade 6, we focus on our studies. Teachers usually assign a lot of homework, and the pressure increases with each passing day. Once, the teacher did not assign homework. I was overjoyed. When I got home, I turned on the computer and prepared to "rush".

"Kid, what are you doing? Review quickly, the exam is coming!" Listen to you, and Mom's tweeter starts again! In desperation, I had to pick up the Chinese book and review by myself. I always think: Mom, you are forbidden to let me play computer, and people should rest!

Soon, the results of the second unit test of Chinese came out, and I scored 98 points. I thought back that my mother's love for me was such an expression. Later, I also understood.

The friendship of my classmates is the purest. They help me through difficulties and take me to travel in the ocean of knowledge.

Once, I had a high fever, which reached 40 degrees, so I asked for three days' leave. I was very sad. I thought I would miss school for three days, so what should I do? My heart is like fifteen buckets of water - -- seven up and eight down. A few days later, I returned to school. As soon as I came to the classroom and just sat down, I didn't expect that I was as popular as a star. A group of students soon gathered around: "Are you all right?". I thought: How nice you are! The class is so good!

Stranger love, like winter sunshine, warms me.

After staying at school for 8 hours, I rushed out of the campus and ran home. "Pa", I fell a big somersault. At this time, a big sister came to me, helped me up, took out a tissue, wiped my hands, shook my clothes, and said kindly, "Be more careful when you walk!" Then I hurried away... At this time, my heart was full of warmth, and I cried when I looked at his distant figure. You know what? I regret why I didn't even say thank you. Until now, I am grateful to that sister.

Love is like a bridge. Along with my heart and yours, there is too much love around me on the way to growth. At the same time, I will return my love to everyone around me, so that love can grow with me.

Love grows with me

Mother is running water,

I'm a little fish,

I lay quietly in my mother's arms,

Mother's love for me is caressing

My father is Gao Shan,

I am a small tree,

I stood quietly on his shoulder,

Dad's love for me is love

The teacher is a gardener,

I am a flower,

I slowly suck the sweet rain and dew,

The teacher's love for me is fraternity,

My classmates are birds,

I'm a bird, too,

Let's fly happily together,

My classmates' love for me is friendship

Little me,

Wrapped up in great love,

It is fragrant everywhere,

Love grows with me!

I grew up with the love of my parents. Feeling after reading Silent Father Love

I grew up with the love of my parents. I read Silent Father's Love. Today, when I was surfing the Internet, I came across an article telling a true story about father's love. After reading, I couldn't help shedding tears. This article tells a story that fully corroborates the title of "Silent Father Love". I think that silent love is better than sound. The article tells the story of a mute father and the hero of the article, that is, the daughter of the mute father. In the streets of Tieling Worker Street in Liaoning, almost every morning or evening, you can see an old man pushing a tofu cart to sell tofu. That old man is the dumb father of the hero. He sells tofu to feed his children and provide them with schooling. But the hero learned how humiliating it is to have a dumb father from the age of two or three, so he hated her dumb father since he was young. After school, whenever other children call her "dumb third" (the hero is the third in the family), she will run home and scold her father who is grinding tofu to vent her anger. Later, the hero was admitted to college. For the first time, the father of Yaba wore the blue coat sewn for him by his aunt, and with a proud smile, invited his father and fellow villagers to celebrate the hero's admission to college. When she was eating, she cried, and in front of everyone, she put some pieces of pork in her father's eyes, which was shining like never before. After graduation, she went to pick up her father to enjoy her daughter's belated affection in the city, but on the way back home by taxi, she had an accident. When it was determined that she would die, her father picked her up and stopped a large car on the roadside, and asked the driver to send her to the hospital for rescue. Finally, she survived, but became a "vegetable" for half a month. When people lost confidence in her, only the dumb father stayed by her bed and waited firmly for her to wake up. He massaged her carefully with his rough hands every day, and called her in a voice that could not pronounce. Half a month later, she finally opened her eyes. Later, the hero has become a normal person after recuperation. The father of Yaba has no hatred for the hero's discrimination against him. Look, this is the love of parents. The love of parents will play the symphony of love every day when you are not aware of it. See here, do you think you should be grateful to your parents? Your parents gave birth to you and raised you. They gave everything for you. Don't you learn to be grateful? When it was raining heavily, my parents came to pick you up in the rain, even if you were wet, they didn't complain; When you are sick, your parents always stay by your side, buy you delicious and interesting things, and almost never leave you; When eating, your parents will give you the dishes you like to eat until you finish eating; When you are sleeping soundly, your parents wake up to see you and cover you up many times. All this is for you, until white hair grows on the sideburns. My father and mother are the same. I think we should do some housework for our parents within our power, learn to take care of ourselves and study hard, so that our parents can reduce their daily tiredness and worry, and make them happy. We should learn to be grateful to our parents. Gratitude requires not only action, but also sincerity. To put it simply, gratitude is gratitude, which comes from the heart. Finally, I wish parents all over the world good health and good luck.

Motherly love, grow with me

Motherly love, grow with me

Xu Jianfeng, Class 5 (2), Fenglin Town Central Primary School, Yongjia County

Parents are the best teachers for children. In the process of each child's growth, they will make some small mistakes more or less. When my growth boat lost its way in the sea of life, my mother's love was like a beacon, illuminating the direction of my voyage.

I remember one time, my exam result was very poor, and the teacher asked us to go home and ask our parents to sign on the test paper. I thought: "If my mother sees my score, she will be scolded." Looking at the score on the test paper, I got a brainwave and changed the number 7 to 9, haha, more than 90 points. Although I am proud of my smart move, I am guilty of being a thief after all. Back home, my heart was like hanging fifteen buckets, seven up and eight down. I took the test paper and asked my mother to sign it. "Not bad," my mother said as she looked at it. When I was feeling proud of my deception, my mother's face sank and asked, "Is this your real score?" I dared not look into my mother's eyes and said, "Yes," with a voice I could hear. At this moment, my heart was pounding. It's over. My mother saw through it. Today, there is no need for pain. To my surprise, my mother didn't scold me, but said to me sincerely: "This time, I didn't do well in the exam. Next time, I should work hard. Honesty is more important than score. I should be honest both in study and in life." Listening to my mother's instruction, I was extremely ashamed and said: "Mom, I'm sorry, I will never lie again."

On the road of growth, there are flowers and thorns. Along the way, my mother's love accompanied my healthy growth.

Love will accompany me all my life

Years like a sharp knife, the long road of life can be full of wrinkles. However, with the infiltration of love, the road of life has been carved into thought-provoking sculptures. Therefore, it is worthwhile to brew love in a dull life.

Love has many endorsements. No matter what kind of love, it has its unique charm to perform a wonderful life play. I will feel that when we walk on the road to enjoy and perform these plays, we will feel as warm as a spring breeze. Of course, the rainbow shining after the storm is the most beautiful. If love is flat, then it is also a great ruin on the road of life. Therefore, love is magical, complex and simple, and elusive. However, people who are devoted to virtue and love all have the same starting point, which has a great impact on us.

When I was "Teeth" learning English, I received the first sunshine, which was so warm. That was the love of my parents. Their contributions to me are generous and selfless, without any reason. It is a ratio close to 0, a diaphragm close to 0, and a wordless one close to 0. When I hurt their hearts, they would not blame me, but would tell me some truth. Although I heard it vaguely at that time, with the growth of age and the improvement of social ability, I gradually understood these principles and carefully drove on my zebra crossing. I think these principles will be of great benefit to my life. Spring and autumn come and go, and flowers bloom and fall. In the wind and rain, my parents accompanied me through 16 years, silently supporting and encouraging me behind my back. Maybe this is the most direct expression of love.

When I had my own language, love gave me the second sunshine - the love of friends. They are my confidants, my paradise and my childhood home. However, as a young and ignorant person, I didn't know how to care for our friendship with my heart, which made our white bridge a stain. However, they forgave me, and the bridge of purity released its color again. I learned that not only to enjoy love, but also to give love. Look, the small trees on the bridge are growing healthily

Although these kinds of love are not the only ones on the road of life, I understand that love is the strongest. But if you don't take care of it carefully, it will also leave you

The day passed, and night came. Strangely, the sun was still shining

Love half my life

Critical love

There are many kinds of love, including mother love, father love, friendship... But I think the most intimate love is the teacher's criticism of the students.

My teacher Zhou is a very strict person with clear rewards and punishments. I always keep a straight face and treat men and women equally. But I can feel the love of criticism from him.

That time, I forgot to bring my test paper. I sat in my seat and had butterflies in my stomach. Afraid of being known by Mr. Zhou. But what I feared most happened.

"Where's the test paper?" Teacher Zhou asked.

"No," I said.

"Did you not bring or write?" Teacher Zhou asked incredulously.

"No," I whispered. I dare not raise my head, but keep it low.

"Really? Write a thought for me and send it to my office this afternoon."

"Well," I replied.

Mr. Zhou left, correcting the test paper. I didn't bring it with me. I was asked to write my thoughts and understanding. Other students didn't bring it with me. Why didn't they write it. Ah! Write it! What bad luck!

When I was writing about ideology, I suddenly understood why Mr. Zhou asked me to write about ideology. He wanted me to understand that I should be brave to admit my mistakes, know where I was wrong, and then correct it to avoid doing the same thing wrong next time.

Thank you for your criticism of love. Your love grows with me.

Playing the Main Melody of Life of Love

"Education of Love", as long as we look at the title, we know that all the stories in this book are full of love. Use love to educate people, use love to influence people, and use love to inspire people...... The Education of Love is the representative work of the Italian writer Amicis. The novel, in the form of the diary of Italian fourth grade pupil Amrico, tells a touching story from the first day of school in October to July of the next year. The whole book displays the theme of love incisively and vividly, which is exciting, touching and thought-provoking everywhere. It makes people reluctant to leave. This book also teaches people to love the country, society, and the collective, and not to be selfish. It also teaches children to respect teachers, respect elders, care for others, and coexist with each other. The description of this book is exquisite, and the language description is also very suitable for children's habits and tastes, which makes people never tire of reading In this book, I met the intelligent Daloise and the unscrupulous Ulanti; Antonio, the "little mason"; Arrogant "gentleman" Carlo Nobius and others... They staged love stories and touching stories together... It was very touching to watch. I think Education of Love is our teacher in life, and Education of Love is our friend on the way of growth. Education of Love is really our good teacher and good friend! Read the Education of Love! Let love accompany you for life and enlighten you! Grow with you!

Three Steps of Sweet Family

In the morning, I was still lying in the warm quilt and reluctant to leave. When I arrived at 6:00 on time, my mother said in a sweet voice, "Baby, get up."

For breakfast, one bread and one glass of milk "Balanced nutrition is important," Dad said while reading the newspaper

The family enjoyed lunch. Although there was no full Manchu and Han banquet, it was still a lot of fun

Dinner is plain and full of warmth

The scene reappearance ends

Day after day, year after year, we are living like this, happily

One step

Constitutive formula; Laughter+balanced nutrition=breakfast

Laughter is an indispensable part of sweetness. Like a screw, it occupies a small place in the machine, but it is an indispensable part


Constitution: incomparable happiness+3 dishes and 1 soup=lunch

We have three generations in the same house, and the old are well cared for. Three generations, the young respect the old, and the old love the young. We are extremely happy


Constitution: happy wings+warmth=dinner

The love of my parents and the advice of my elders surrounded me like happy wings

Love does not have to be vigorous, plain and warm, like fine water but long flowing, delicate love grows with me

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (14)

In the process of everyone's growth, there is always love around. Father's love is as selfless as mother's love, and does not seek return. Fatherly love is a kind of feeling that is unknown and invisible. Only people with heart can understand it.

When I was young, my father was strict. She doesn't have her mother's kind face. In my mind, she is always a "black tyrant". I still remember that when I was in primary school, my mother asked me to pick me up every day as before. I was complacent. Suddenly, a word came from behind: "No, let her learn to go home by herself." I thought it must be my father. Although I tried my best to solve (count), act coquettishly, and play rashly... Dad still said that. After school, I watched other students throw themselves into my mother's happy (should be "warm") arms. I am envious and sad. I don't understand why my father made this decision? Until now, I understand that my father wants me to develop an independent character and doesn't want me to rely on my family forever.

When I just entered junior high school, I naturally had more homework every day than Xiaoxue. One day, my father looked at me dragging my tired body home and walked into the kitchen without saying anything. There was only a knock at the door. Dad came in with a plate of cut apples. He put the door aside gently and went out. I looked up and watched my father go out of the door. I picked up an apple and put it in my mouth. I don't know why, that bowl of apples is so sweet, without any sour taste, as if it was added with honey. It seems to add something I can't say. For the first time, I realized that father love is so delicate and precious. I still remember reading an article "Father's love is like a mountain", in which the father's love is also unknown and ubiquitous.

Hobbies are like a bridge connecting your heart and mine. My father is like a diligent gardener. Under his care, my body and mind grow up healthily. Love accompanies me, father love moistens things silently like spring rain, accompanies me, protects me

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (15)

When I was one year old, when I fell asleep at night, I often kicked the quilt. It was you who covered the quilt for me gently and then tucked it in quietly. At this time, you were my patron saint and silently paid when I needed you. When I was three years old, you taught me to read. You cut the cardboard squarely and wrote regular script neatly. When you heard my "big, small, more, less" pronunciation, you smiled quietly. At this time, you are my point reader and help me correct my mistakes.

When we were five years old, we played together in the yard. I like the butterflies in the yard. I asked you to catch them and play with them. But you told me that butterflies also have their families. How can they be separated from each other? I nodded vaguely. At this time, you were my guide and taught me to care for every life. When I was seven years old, I had a strange idea. I wanted to eat this and that. You put on an apron and studied every day. When you were free, you would go into the kitchen and cook for me every day. This satisfied my tricky taste. At this time, you were a star chef and tried your best to supplement my nutrition. When I was nine years old, I was always impatient when I couldn't do math problems, and you always explained patiently beside me until I fully understood. At this time, you were like a patient teacher, guiding me when I was confused.

When I was eleven years old, my mood was up and down. I was always quarreling with friends and losing my temper for a small matter. At this time, I suddenly feel more worried, and you always find time to talk with me and resolve my troubles. At this time, you are like my bosom friend.

At the age of thirteen, you were a big part of my life. In the morning light, we went to school together. At noon, we talked about the interesting stories of the day while eating. At night, we studied exercises together under the light. At this time, you are no longer a patron saint, a point reader, a cook or a friend, but a father.

On the way to growth, I am not alone, because my father always doesn't speak well, and we don't need to use too many gorgeous words to express our love for my father, because my father always knows what I mean - love is not old!

Love Accompanies My Growth Composition (16)

What is love? Love is the teacher's earnest instruction; Love is a friend's sincere blessing; Love is the selfless help of good people... But in my eyes, love is everything my mother gives me!

When I was young and ignorant, I also made my mother suffer a lot. That time, my mother took me to my grandmother's home when I was four years old. Although it was only a few steps away, it was as far as the way to learn from the West. I stood there and didn't go, but my mother couldn't hold me with big bags and small bags. My mother had a brainwave and said to me, "Honey, shall we compete? Look who comes to grandma's house first, and there will be sugar to eat first!" "Sugar"? Hearing this word, I felt energetic at once. On the way, I ran in front of my mother and said to her vaguely, "Hurry up!" At this time, my mother ran crazily with me regardless of the things she was carrying and the high heels she was wearing.

Along the way, my mother in high heels twisted her feet many times. Every time I turn around and call her "hurry up", I don't find the painful expression on my mother's face. Later, I heard my grandmother say that my mother's feet were red and swollen. Until now, I am very ashamed of this matter. It is my mother who encouraged me with her gentle love, accompanied me to grow up on the road of life, and let me slowly understand that I should learn to do my own things!

Gradually, I grew up from an ignorant child to a Young Pioneer with a red scarf on his chest. Everything around me is changing, but my mother's love for me is still unchanged. Once, my mother took me to Changchun to play. I want to play a game called "Ghost House" in Victory Park. But my mother was afraid of me, so she wanted to go with me. When I came out, I felt very excited, but I didn't find my mother's face was pale and her legs were trembling. I took my mother's cold hands and went to play the next thrilling game.

Now, I have entered junior high school. I thought my mother would be very angry when faced with exam after exam and failure again and again. I didn't expect that everything was not like this. My mother still accompanied me with deep maternal love.

After the exam, I went home with a sad face, took out the test paper, and looked at my mother's serious and anxious look. I felt very uncomfortable, and silently questioned myself. Is such a result worthy of the teacher's trust and mother's efforts? My mother said a lot to me, and I also understood the truth. I know that only hard work can lead to success. Is it not that my mother's love is silently paid, accompanied by my happy growth?

Mother's love, like the warm sun; My mother loves my story, like the boundless Milky Way; Mother's love, like a bright light, guides the direction of my life... Mom, I want to say aloud to you: "You grow with love, and I love you!"