A Small Animal Composition (19 practical articles)
beyond dreams
2024-06-05 05:46:57

A Small Animal Composition (1)

Some time ago, Grandma bought me some furry animals. This small animal has a sharp, red mouth. The black eyes were like a shining black gem. What is more attractive is the fluffy yellow hair. It looks fat and makes people like it more! Did you guess? This kind of animal is chicken.

As soon as these chickens released them from the box, they were like prisoners who had regained their freedom. They ran away as if thinking, "Ha ha, I'm finally out!" But they were not as smart as I was. Their small heads were not as big as their big heads. Or in the yard, where can they go when the doors are closed? After a while, when they found that they could not escape from the "iron cage", they shook their bodies from side to side and gathered together as if they were discussing something. "Jiji" "Jiji" for a few minutes, they elected the first chicken king, a black chicken walked in front, it may be the chicken king. It is estimated that they will not escape, so they are ready to settle down here.

I quickly brought a box of rice and scattered some on the ground. When they saw it, they hurried to eat, but some larger chickens pushed the smaller ones aside and enjoyed the "delicious food" alone. I saw it and hurried to make a bowl of special delicious rice for the chickens. The chickens gobbled up more than half of the meal together, and their bellies swelled up. Although I'm full, I don't forget the bad taste, so I wipe my mouth on the ground.

Once, when the chickens were playing, I saw two chickens fighting for a worm. One end of the worm was bitten by a yellow chicken, the other was bitten by a black chicken, both pulling in their respective directions, and the worm was almost divided into two sections. Suddenly, they put down the insects, as if to use force to solve the problem. The yellow chicken spread its wings as if it was about to rush to the black chicken and beat it. The black chicken seemed to say, "Come here, I'm afraid of you!" The yellow chicken finally couldn't help rushing over, and the black chicken refused to be outdone. It blocked the opponent's attack with its arms, and a "shadowless foot" came, kicking the yellow chicken to the ground. The yellow chick was irritated and ran forward to beat the black chick to death. When they were inseparable and both were defeated, they saw again that the worm ran away when they were fighting. They fought for nothing. I could not help laughing as I looked on.

The chickens brought me joy and made me love them more.

A Small Animal Composition (2)

My family once had a dog. He had a small, round head as big as my fist. One of his two small triangular ears always stood up and hung down. His eyes were small and round, like two shiny black glass beads on his face. The nose and mouth are small and wet. The black and white short hair on the head and the black dot short hair on the body are soft to the touch, like a cute little panda, and also have a short tail. It is chubby and runs like a big ball rolling. Because the dots on his body are like beans, he is named Doudou.

He was very naughty. Once again, his mother was cooking. After cutting the meat, she went to take other dishes. At this time, the best time for Doudou to commit the crime came. He jumped on the table, but did not jump. How would he go up? It went out of the kitchen to the living room and put a plastic stool into the kitchen with its head. First jump onto the bench, then jump onto the table. I blamed myself for being too small to jump onto. I thought it was going to give up. Unexpectedly, it put the tall plastic bench on its head in front of the small bench, jumped onto the small bench, jumped onto the big bench, and finally jumped onto the table. Doudou's plan succeeded. She ate the fat meat and left some meat residue. Mom came back to look at the table, "Where is the meat? Why is there only meat residue left?" I smiled and pointed to Doudou who was hiding in the corner. Doudou looked at her mother innocently. Her mother looked at the bench, unable to laugh or cry.

After a while, Grandma said that she would give a puppy away. Together with my little partner, I came up with a solution: hide Doudou and send the skin that looks like him away. Although this method is a bit bad, it can only be done like this. So we put Doudou in Grandma's sundries cabinet. Because there are many sundries in it, nobody cares about it. I'm afraid it's afraid of darkness. I put a flashlight in it and put a lot of snacks. Then she said to her grandmother, "Doudou is missing. Please send Pipi away! Then she had to send Pipi away. In order to make the performance real, Doudou stayed in the cabinet for several days and said she found it.

When he was nine years old (six months old), he always had diarrhea. I was afraid that he would die every day. But one day I had something to do, so I had to go out once. Before going out, I gave him a lot of food, but after coming back, he didn't move at all. I looked at him, his eyes closed tightly, and I thought he was asleep, but his nose had no breath and was not wet, Tears fell on Doudou like rain, but his eyes never opened again

Doudou, how are you in heaven?

A Small Animal Composition (3)

I like dogs because they are very handsome.

Its small triangular ears droop on its small round head. Two black eyes are like two crystal jewels, with white fluff all over the body, and a small tail always swings. It walks and sways, as if to show how handsome it is.

It is very gluttonous. Once, we bought a bag of ham sausage from the supermarket. When I got home, I put the ham sausage in the refrigerator. The dog saw the ham sausage and started a plan to steal it. In the afternoon, our family were taking a nap. The dog put away his paws, walked gently to the refrigerator, reached out his paws and gently pushed the refrigerator away, carefully grabbed the bag of ham sausage from it, and devoured it. I heard the sound of eating. I thought whether there was a mouse at home. When I got up, I knew everything. It was the dog who was eating ham sausage. I walked up to it and said, "How delicious you are!" The little dog suddenly looked back, and saw that it was the little owner. He called back "Wang" and began to play cute. At this time, my anger was lost. Say to it: "I will not punish you, little cute". Every time he steals food, he always acts cute, so he is also a real "greedy dog".

It is also very naughty and emits a lot of "dog bombs" every day. Once, when my family went shopping without it, I said to it, "Be good." It responded with a "bark", and then we left with confidence. But just after we left, the house changed a lot. Its super poop was all over the bedroom, bed, lamp, door and sofa. When we got home, our chin was extended to 3cm. I gave the dog a good beating. But the popular saying is really good: "The country is easy to change, the nature cannot change." It just can't change this problem.

Although my dog is greedy and naughty, I still like it.

A Small Animal Composition (4)

There is a little turtle in my family. It has a very hard shell and two big red spots on its face. It seems embarrassed. Every time I look at it, it always retracts its head into the shell, as if to say, "Master, don't look at me, I'm shy." How lovely!

My tortoise is cute sometimes, but it is naughty sometimes. Once when I was watching TV, my aunt went to feed the little turtle, and suddenly heard her shouting, "The turtle? Why is it missing?" I hurried to have a look, but it was really missing. I observed carefully and found that there was a shallow watermark on the ground, like a picture painted by a tortoise on the ground. So I looked along the traces it had scratched. At this time, I saw a small tortoise, who was observing the traces it had scratched on the floor. He looked intently and suddenly turned to see me. I thought he was going to retract his head into the shell, but this time he climbed over and rubbed my trouser legs as if to say, "Master, I can draw!"

This is my lovely and naughty little turtle.

A Small Animal Composition (5)

My family has two small red goldfish. I like them very much.

The little goldfish looks very cute. The gills are red, like red diamonds. The gills of goldfish swim suddenly and violently. The head of the little goldfish is red, like wearing a red hat. It is a ruby that shines at night.

The little goldfish is not only cute. And the food is very cute. Every time I take out the fish food, the little goldfish will look forward to the food in their mouth. When I eat it backwards, the little goldfish will rush to swim over, their eyes shining. Swallow all the fish, and then wander lazily in the water. Sometimes he wags his tail to show his gratitude.

The little goldfish is very quiet when sleeping. As long as you stroke it with your hand, it will wake up and swam to the other side. It seems very angry. The little goldfish is very strange when he sleeps. His eyes are open. It turns out that the fish has no skin. How interesting!

I like my little goldfish!

A Small Animal Composition (6)

There is a cute kitten in my family. Her name is Xiaoxue. It has a snow-white coat color, a pair of big watery eyes, four small flexible legs and a small tail like a rope.

Kitten is very naughty. A chicken feather, a string ball, a toy mouse and several toy fish are Xiaoxue's favorite toys. Once you play, you don't know when to play. Every time you play with toys, you will fall down. After playing for a long time, you will fall down several times. He is cute when he smiles. He will play coquetry on you when you call. He also makes you scratch it. When he paints, he will draw many small plum blossoms.

One day, I didn't come back for a long time. When I came home that night, Xiao Xue immediately rushed at me because I had been out all day and didn't come back. He wanted to hug me, then ran to his bowl and asked me to pour food for him. After eating, I will come to play with me again. I will play with chicken feathers, thread balls, toy mice and toy fish. I am very happy. Xiaoxue is really naughty. A chicken feather, a string ball, a toy mouse and a toy fish can play enough. Xiaoxue is really cute!

A Small Animal Composition (7)

My favorite animal is a puppy. My hometown has a dog named "Coke". Because its coat color is very similar to the color of Coke, I named it "Coke". Coke's eyes are very alert. Its eyes are like shining black grapes falling on the ground.

Coke's sole is very small, its sole is about the same size as my big sharpener. The fur color of Coke, as its name implies, is of course dark brown. Coke is very naughty. It stays at our house during the day and doesn't know where to go at night. But when I find it, it will chase me, wagging its tail and looking at me affectionately; Sometimes I bite my trouser leg and let me play with it.

Every time I play with Coke, Coke will lead me to find his good friends in front of me. When Coke goes to other dogs' houses, they will play the game of branches, but Coke will lose every time, and I can't help him win.

I like my pet "Coke" very much. It is my best animal friend.

A Small Animal Composition (8)

My favorite animal is a puppy, which is called "Little Cute"

Its ears are droopy, its eyes are watery, and it has always looked at its feet. Its nose is small, its mouth is a little small, its beard is a little short, and its tail is short. Its hair is white and yellow, like wearing a floral dress, and it has a pair of lovely and flexible plum blossom feet.

Xiaoxiao is a naughty and cute puppy, who eats dog food and beef every day. One day, Xiaoxiao saw me watching TV, and she climbed onto the sofa to watch TV with me. One night, Little Cute took a sock to her nest and bit it. She was really a naughty and cute puppy.

One day, Xiaoxiao and I went out to play together, and we met a bad guy. Xiaoxiao pounced on the bad guy, and I also knocked him down. Xiaoxiao bit the bad guy severely, and the bad guy screamed in pain. The bad guy got up and ran away.

I went to play with Xiaoxiao. You can see how my cooperation with Xiaoxiao is going.

This is my little cute.

A Small Animal Composition (9)

I have hardly raised any small animals, such as chickens, ducks, cats, sheep, pigs... I have only seen them at my grandmother's house, but my favorite small animals are newborn lambs.

This New Year, we returned to our hometown in Dingxi. It happened that the grandmother's ewe was giving birth to a lamb. After a painful struggle, the mother finally gave birth to a sticky lamb. Mother sheep licked its eyes with her tongue, and it slowly opened. The mother licked the lamb's body lovingly. Strangely, the lamb stood up trembling, kissed the mother's body, and turned around her. Finally, she knelt down to find her mother's breast and ate! Lovely, oh! Is this what my mother often said "sheep kneeling milk"?

It was so young, so cute, and so sensible. I said, "Dad, I want to hold it, OK?" Dad picked up the lamb, and just as he gave it to me, the mother of the lamb cried out, "baa baa", and the lamb also cried, "baa baa". It was like being angry that we had taken its child, and I quickly let go of the lamb, The lamb hopped and ran to her mother's side. The mother sheep licked the lamb again.

I like lambs and loving mothers.

A Small Animal Composition (10)

I have raised many animals in my life, but I like the rabbit best. My father bought the rabbit from other places, because my mother and I like small animals.

The rabbit has red eyes, looks like two red gemstones at night, has a round tail, looks like a small pompon, and has long ears. When I am in a bad mood, it will put its head and feet together, like a big white ball. If I don't smile, it will revolve around me and look at me with puzzled eyes. It seems to be trying to amuse me.

He treats me as a good friend. Every time I feed him food, he will smell the food with his nose first, then look at me, and then eat it with a big mouth.

Every time I play with it, it makes my stomach ache and makes me laugh all the time. When I was tired playing with him, he would fall asleep in his cage.

After listening to my introduction, you must also want to have such a rabbit!

A Small Animal Composition (11)

I like a lot of small animals, of which one of my favorite small animals is puppy, which is very naughty and cute. I like it because the dog is my loyal friend.

It has smooth golden hair, big and bright eyes, thin and long tail and hard and short legs.

My father gave me a puppy named Fafa. Every day when I first came downstairs after school, it kept screaming at home. When I came up, it came out and wagged its thin and long tail while shouting at me, as if to say, "Master, master, you are finally back. There is something delicious hidden in your backpack. Would you like to give me some? Please. " Every time a puppy sends a stranger who he doesn't know to come to my house, he goes mad like a bull. He barks at the stranger Wang, Wang, Wang, Wang, as if to say, "Go quickly, I don't know you." Until the stranger leaves. Sometimes it is also very leisurely. When the dog Haifa has nothing to do every day, he rolls around, strolls here and there, squats or lies down. Every morning, I would play with Fa Fa Fa. As long as I was ready to jump at Fa Fa, he would step forward with his own feet. When I could not jump at Fa Fa, Fa Fa kept this position. After a while, I would jump at him, and then Fa Fa ran away directly. It's funny. It seems that it is playing with me.

Now, my dog Fa Fa has given birth to five children. Two days later, a black and white spotted dog died. I am very sad. The remaining four puppies are very healthy. They roll like pandas every day. How lovely!

In short, puppy is my favorite and most loyal animal friend.

A Small Animal Composition (12)

Before I begin to introduce my favorite animal, I will first guess what it is. "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, long ears, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, short tail." What animal is it? Yes, it is a lively and lovely rabbit.

It has a pair of intense eyes, red eyes like a shining red gem embedded in it; It is covered with snow-white fluff, which looks like cotton

Soft like; It has four feet with super jumping power. Its four feet are as agile and fast as powerful springs; It...... Listen to my story, is the rabbit cute?

The little white rabbit is very cute when eating. It looked at the cabbage carefully from top to bottom, as if thinking about whether it had expired. After watching it, the little white rabbit opened its small and lovely mouth, and ate cabbage with a big mouth. The appearance of eating cabbage was very beautiful. When it ate, its cheeks were puffy, like two meatballs falling off. The whole body firmly squatted at the place where the food was eaten. The head of the little white rabbit turned east and west. I think the little white rabbit might be looking for fresh food. That's why he turned east and west. The ears are long and erect, which may be listening to whether there is an enemy coming to grab something to prepare for

I remember one Saturday, I took the rabbit to the park to play. Alas, I remember being happy and sad. As soon as the rabbit arrived at the park, he jumped and jumped happily, which made me feel very happy, but the rabbit was so naughty that he ran to the place where the grass grew luxuriantly, and could not find it. If I had not carefully watched where the grass was moving, I might never have found it. But it runs too fast. It doesn't feel tired like an expert. It runs and I follow. If I don't pay attention to it, the rabbit will run away

The little white rabbit is really cute. I like it very much.

A Small Animal Composition (13)

My favorite animal is ants. Ant is a kind of insect. The common species are black ant, white ant and red ant. I like black ants. The ant colony is divided into three levels: queen, worker and soldier ants. The queen is responsible for laying eggs, the worker ants are generally responsible for building houses and carrying things, and the soldier ants are responsible for fighting.

Through my observation and understanding, I found that ants have the following characteristics: First, ants live underground and are social animals. The ant's hole is not the size you see outside. In fact, it is extremely huge. It is divided into many small rooms, including food storage rooms and sleeping rooms. Among them, the place where the queen ants live is the largest. Second, the ant is a strong man. It can lift something 100 times heavier than itself. From a scientific point of view, ants are heavier than what humans lift. Third, ants can also swim. They will first let dozens of ants into the water and then stand on the first floor one by one. They will stand on the water with their tentacles, and their bodies will not even touch the water. Everyone said that the ant's' swimming method is so ingenious! Fourth, the attack power of ants is actually very strong, because the number of ants is extremely large. They work together to attack a target, so they can defeat enemies many times larger than their own bodies!

This is the little animal I like. It has great ability!

A Small Animal Composition (14)

I like pigeons, which have the best memory among birds.

It is white, its eyes are as bright as black gems, and the feathers on its neck are thin, really like a necklace, which is indistinguishable from the feathers on its belly. The pigeon's mouth is black, its mouth is long and sharp, and it has already pecked your hand when you are not aware of it. The feather on its back is also white. When it flies into the sky, it blends with the white clouds. The feather on the belly is white and fluffy, like a shirt. The claws are orange, very sharp, like a pair of small hooks, which can tightly grasp the stones or branches to prevent themselves from falling. When flying in the sky, the tail opens like a small fan. Its wings are white, and when opened, they are as beautiful as giant hands.

It was the most interesting when it ate. I sprinkled some food on it, but it ignored me. I stood there for a while, but it turned its head. It didn't turn around until I left, turned left, and looked right. When it found no one, it pecked at a grain of rice. Then it quickly looked up to see that no one had eaten another grain of rice. In this way, they ate up the rice.

The last time, the pigeon flew out to play. It didn't come back after several days. I was anxious to wait at the window, but it still didn't come back. At this time, my father saw how anxious I was and asked me what happened. I said, "I let it go and let it go out to play, but it hasn't come back for a few days. It must be lost." Dad said, "It's OK. Pigeons have the best memory." When I returned to my room, I found that pigeons had come back and were eating in my room.

My pigeons are so interesting. I like it.

A Small Animal Composition (15)

I like dogs because they are very handsome.

Its small triangular ears droop on its small round head. Two black eyes are like two crystal jewels, with white fluff all over the body, and a small tail always swings. It walks and sways, as if to show how handsome it is.

It is very gluttonous. Once, we bought a bag of ham sausage from the supermarket. When I got home, I put the ham sausage in the refrigerator. The dog saw the ham sausage and started a plan to steal it. In the afternoon, our family were taking a nap. The dog put away his paws, walked gently to the refrigerator, reached out his paws and gently pushed the refrigerator away, carefully grabbed the bag of ham sausage from it, and devoured it. I heard the sound of eating and thought whether there was a mouse at home. When I got up, I knew everything. It was the dog who was eating ham sausage. I walked up to it and said, "How delicious you are!" The little dog suddenly looked back, and saw that it was the little owner. He called back "Wang" and began to play cute. At this time, my anger was lost. Say to it: "I will not punish you, little cute". Every time he steals food, he always acts cute, so he is also a real "greedy dog".

It is also very naughty and emits a lot of "dog bombs" every day. Once, when my family went shopping without it, I said to it, "Be good." It responded with a "bark", and then we left with confidence. But just after we left, the house changed a lot. Its super poop was all over the bedroom, bed, lamp, door and sofa. When we got home, our chin was extended to 3cm. I gave the dog a good beating. But the popular saying is really good: "The country is easy to change, the nature cannot change." It just can't change this problem.

Although my dog is greedy and naughty, I still like it.

A Small Animal Composition (16)

My favorite animal is dog, because it understands human nature best and is a good friend of human beings. My brother's family has two dogs. They have brown and white hair, bright eyes and sharp teeth, like sharp knives.

Once, I went to my little brother's house to play, and his two dogs barked at me as soon as they saw me, as if they regarded me as a bad person. My uncle saw it and told the two dogs not to bark. The two dogs seemed to stop barking when they understood my uncle's meaning. They stared at me curiously with round eyes. Soon they became familiar with me and chased each other around me.

At lunch time, the two puppies were running around under my feet. When I threw a bone, they grabbed it and ate it with relish. When they finished eating, they blinked and looked at me again, so greedy that they stuck out their tongues. After a while, my mother threw a bone, and they scrambled to eat. After eating, they looked at my mother again. I finally know that they will look at whoever gives them bones to eat.

In the afternoon, the two puppies disappeared. My little brother and I struggled to find the two puppies, but the naughty little brother scared the puppies away again. They hid far away, and my little brother could not catch up with them.

Dogs are really human! Just like a lovely child, it can bring infinite joy to everyone. I really want to have a puppy, too.

A Small Animal Composition (17)

Before I begin to introduce my favorite animal, I will first guess what it is. "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, long ears, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, short tail." What animal is it? Yes, it is a lively and lovely rabbit.

It has a pair of intense eyes, red eyes like a shining red gem embedded in it; It is covered with snow-white fluff, which looks like cotton

Soft like; It has four feet with super jumping power. Its four feet are as agile and fast as powerful springs; It...... Listen to my story, is the rabbit cute?

The little white rabbit is very cute when eating. It looked at the cabbage carefully from top to bottom, as if thinking about whether it had expired. After watching it, the little white rabbit opened its small and lovely mouth, and ate the cabbage with a big mouth. It looked very beautiful. When it ate, its cheeks were puffy, like two meatballs falling off. The whole body firmly squatted at the place where the food was eaten. The head of the little white rabbit turned east and west. I think the little white rabbit might be looking for fresh food. That's why he turned east and west. The ears are long and erect, which may be listening to whether there is an enemy coming to grab something to prepare for

I remember one Saturday, I took the rabbit to the park to play. Alas, I remember being happy and sad. As soon as the rabbit arrived at the park, he jumped and jumped happily, which made me feel very happy. But the rabbit was so naughty that he ran to the place where the grass grew luxuriantly, and could not find it. If I had not carefully watched where the grass was moving, I might never have found it. But it runs too fast. It doesn't feel tired like an expert. It runs and I follow. If I don't pay attention to it, the rabbit will run away

The little white rabbit is really cute. I like the little white rabbit very much.

A Small Animal Composition (18)

I like pigeons, which have the best memory among birds.

It is white, its eyes are as bright as black gems, and the feathers on its neck are thin, really like a necklace, which is indistinguishable from the feathers on its belly. The pigeon's mouth is black, its mouth is long and sharp, and it has already pecked your hand when you are not aware of it. The feather on its back is also white. When it flies into the sky, it blends with the white clouds. The feather on the belly is white and fluffy, like a shirt on the body. The claws are orange, very sharp, like a pair of small hooks, which can tightly grasp the stones or branches to prevent themselves from falling. The tail opens like a small fan when flying in the sky. Its wings are white, and when opened, they are as beautiful as giant hands.

It was the most interesting when it ate. I sprinkled some food on it, but it ignored me. I stood there for a while, but it turned its head. It didn't turn around until I left, turned left, and looked right. When it found no one, it pecked at a grain of rice. Then it quickly looked up to see that no one had eaten another grain of rice. In this way, they ate up the rice.

The last time, the pigeon flew out to play. It didn't come back after several days. I was anxious to wait at the window, but it still didn't come back. At this time, my father saw how anxious I was and asked me what happened. I said, "I let it go and let it go out to play, but it hasn't come back for a few days. It must be lost." Dad said, "It's OK. Pigeons have the best memory." When I returned to my room, I found that pigeons had come back and were eating in my room.

My pigeons are so interesting. I like it.

A Small Animal Composition (19)

My family has three cute and interesting turtles. I like them very much.

They all have small pointed heads and small green bean like eyes. The most interesting thing is the mouth of the little turtle. Their mouth corners must be tight, and only a white line can be seen. It was always like laughing, so I gave them a name, "Laughing Tortoise". There are also regular patterns on the hard shell, clumsy limbs and short tail, which make people feel very funny and cute at a glance.

After several years of getting along, I found that the most interesting thing was the turtle's somersault. First, I turned the turtle upside down, and then waited patiently to see what was happening to the little turtle. After a short time, the tortoise began to move. First, he stretched out his head to take a look at the surrounding environment, then leaned on the ground. Then he stretched out his front leg and rear paw on one side and also leaned on the ground. He put his head on the ground, pushed his feet hard on the ground, and rolled over. However, sometimes they sway from side to side and lie down again. They did not lose heart, but turned over. I never thought that the heavy tortoise had such a clever trick!

The tortoise eats miscellaneous food and is not picky. They will eat whatever you give them. For example: rice, steamed bread, feed, meat, etc., they all eat.

I like my three cute and funny turtles. Do you like them?