Growing Pains Compositions 200 (15 selected)
Leaves fall to soothe the dust
2024-06-07 00:21:28

Growing Pains Composition 200 (1)

Everyone has different worries, especially those of us who are growing up.

After that exam, my eyes were red and swollen with tears, and my tears were still flowing freely to wet the scores that I should not get.

I didn't know how long I had been lying in bed that time, but I was still thinking about the horrible score. The pillow was wet, and my eyes were bleak, like running water, and my face was white. I think of my parents and their role in drafting corrupt work. The relentless years have carved all the wrinkles on their parents' faces.

A cold wind blew, and I had a cold war, which interrupted my painful thinking.

No, I can't back down. I must take back my place and score. Failure is just yesterday, just the past. I want to turn a new page and return to zero everything in the past. I want to start again, face failure with a new attitude, and meet the next challenge.

I must turn my troubles into my strength and my determination, wipe away my tears, start to summarize and find the reasons, let the troubles disappear with time, and let me take the first step towards success.

Outside the window, the bright moonlight poured down thousands of miles, and the stars also came out, blinking bright eyes.

I couldn't help laughing.

Growing Pains Composition 200 (2)

Everyone has troubles, and I also have troubles. Otherwise, I would get stuck again.

I remember being carefree when I was a child. I ate and played and ate. But as I grew older, I entered school. I got more and more homework every day and my schoolbag became heavier and heavier. In school, there are always worries about composition and exams. They are afraid of being criticized by teachers and scolded by parents if they fail in the exam and study well. Alas

I remember one night when I was doing my homework, I was anxious to finish my math problems early and went to watch TV, so I did it casually. When my mother checked, she found many mistakes and the words were blurry. Her mother was angry and pulled her face. She turned off the TV and pulled my clothes to the desk, He scolded loudly: "Look at the homework you did today, you made so many mistakes, and you are still in the mood to watch TV. From tomorrow, you are not allowed to watch TV." For several hours, my mother sat next to me, scolding incessantly, making my head swell and dizzy, thinking: If I were a little bird, how wonderful it would be! You can fly freely without worry.

Everyone has troubles. Let's hold our heads high and welcome the troubles of growth!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (3)

When it comes to this topic, I'm really dumb and eat coptis - I can't say how bitter it is!

It sounds good to be a team leader, but if you think so, you are totally wrong! Every time I correct my homework, I use my "hot eyes" to carefully "criticize", even punctuation. Imagine that if I change the question wrong and happen to meet in the exam, then I will not be guilty of "heinous crimes"? Therefore, I, the team leader of "picking the bone in the egg", am very unpopular! One day, when I saw that a student's answer to his homework was only two simple words, I couldn't help frowning, so a big "special step" appeared in the homework book. After the homework was sent out for correction, his cries and curses that seemed extremely unjust echoed in my ears

Maybe it's because I'm too fierce! Whenever Liu Xiaowei, who is as tall as a dwarf, opens his teeth and claws at me, I squint at him, "Get out of the way!" Immediately left as if nothing had happened. Maybe he was still making faces at me behind my back!

Alas! Being a team leader is a lot of trouble!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (4)

Today, I thought Miss Guo would make us have a good time in PE class, so I asked us to climb stairs. Climbing and crawling back and forth for many times, I'm exhausted! However, I'm still very happy because I got a Cherry Baby and posted it on the growth list.

I wish Mr. Lei could give us another Cherry Baby in music class. But some students began to talk as soon as they entered the classroom. When Mr. Lei came, they were still talking. As a result, Mr. Lei fined them to stand. Mr. Lei took a piece of paper and a pen to write down our shortcomings. Later, Mr. Lei played the piano and we sang in a neat and pleasant way. Mr. Lei wrote our advantages on paper.

It's really troublesome and happy! Classmate, what do you think?

Growing Pains Composition 200 (5)

It's so happy to see those children playing carefree. I did the same a few years ago. When people grow up, they have more troubles. When I think of those troubles, I have a headache. If I never grow up, it would be great. I really don't want to grow up.

When I was in junior high school, my learning level gradually declined, and I could not learn how to learn. Seeing that other students' grades were improving, my grades were still standing still.

At the same time, my neighbor's child was in the No. 38 Middle School, and he was the first in the school. At the lowest point, he was the third in the school. My mother often used this as an excuse to say, why can he be the first, but you can't? And every week when I came home, my mother and I quarreled.

I always fantasize that it would be great if there were no worries in my life, but people can't be free of worries, just like that even under the sun, there will inevitably be temporary clouds. In fact, worry is not terrible, the key is how you treat it. From now on, I will learn to deal with troubles, eliminate troubles, and mature with colorful dreams!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (6)

My biggest trouble is studying. In fact, everyone will have some or many troubles.

My biggest trouble is learning. I'm in Grade 6 now, and my grades are very poor. So my mother assigns me homework every night. In addition, the teacher assigns too many homework. Sometimes, if you pass my window, you will surely see a boy doing his homework in obscurity under the light until late at night. That boy is me. Every school unit test is always the most sad time for me, because my exam results are always the second worst. Sometimes, I should be able to do it, but my carelessness was defeated. I grew up in the village of many children. Who can appreciate the taste of other children playing and playing heartily in the vast world! Sometimes I don't do a little homework, but I can't because I want to be a free person and be my own master. I won't procrastinate, and I will finish it.

However, as we grow up day by day, we have more troubles.

Maybe people have no worries, maybe they have no fun.

Growing Pains Composition 200 (7)

Happiness is everywhere, and worry is everywhere—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In the long years of growth, everyone will have happiness and joy, of course, there will also be times of trouble. That is to say, our life is full of colorful sunshine, but even when the sun shines, it is inevitable that there will be temporary clouds. In my growing years, there were many clouds.

In life, I have a lot of troubles, because I always think about how to do talent? How should I face the world, life and myself These questions make me wonder what to do. I am very vague about myself. Everywhere I go, I look at the blue sky and am at a loss.

In learning, I am stupid like a pig. For me, examinations are like climbing mountains. Zhong Xian and others are already high on the top of the mountain, but I'm still halfway up the mountain, and I always can't catch up. It's because I climb the mountain in the wrong way or I...... These troubles really make me speechless!

Alas - there are so many troubles. There are countless naughty stars in the sky and endless drizzle on the ground! However, this is everyone will exist. I want to make myself a stone. No matter it is windy or rainy, it will remain unchanged.

Growing Pains Composition 200 (8)

In the process of life growth, there are countless troubles with us.

I also have difficulties. When I went to junior high school, my academic performance was much worse than that of primary school, and gradually I could not keep up with my studies. In the ranking, from 25 to 51. When I got home, my mother scolded me: "You don't study hard, you are lazy, how can you go to high school?" How can I find a job when I have a junior high school diploma? Which unit needs you. You see how good a person (classmate) is. "Oh, how annoying!

At the beginning of junior high school, everything has become a strange learning environment, teachers, students. After more than half a semester, there are still many students I don't know. During recess and extracurricular activities, they played together while I was alone. When I was in primary school, I got along well with my classmates. Why not now?

Yesterday, my mother stole my diary, and I immediately blamed her, but my mother still said that parents can see all their children, including the diary. If only I hadn't encountered any trouble in my life!

A person can't, so I can't have trouble. I have to face trouble, deal with trouble, eliminate trouble, and become mature with wonderful youth!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (9)

After the summer vacation, my daughter will eat and play all day long, and sleep all day long. Put the homework assigned by the school far behind, playing it is called a cool word! But the good times didn't last long. My mother began to take charge of my study. It was really hard! I had to obey my mother's wishes and study hard. But whenever I have time, I will play with computers and mobile phones. And playing is endless. Of course, playing computer for a long time will damage your eyes. My eyesight is gradually declining. I always squint at things. My mother seemed to find something strange about me and used a very old-fashioned method to measure my eyesight. She asked me to stand 5 meters away from an object and see the words written on the object clearly. At first, I could see clearly, but when I saw the back, it became more and more difficult and blurred. I had to tell my mother that I couldn't see clearly. My mother said angrily to me, "Your eyesight is so poor! You still play computer every day. From today on, you can't play computer or mobile phone any more!"

what? Can't play anymore! My computer, my mobile phone, my game! You are so broken!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (10)

Everyone has trouble growing up. Some people can't swim, and some people can't run fast. My trouble is learning.

In my first and second grades, my grades were still good, and I didn't get less than 90 points in every subject. But in my third grade, my grades began to decline. In my fourth grade, I transferred to school, and my grades surprised me. I failed in the first exam. I felt sad about this for a long time.

I didn't expect that I would regress so quickly. Among all subjects, the most difficult thing for me was to memorize English words. Every time I couldn't calm down. When I thought of words composed of different letters, I felt headache. I tried to write carefully several times before dictating. That was right, but when the teacher dictated, I forgot. After thinking about it, I may just memorize words by rote. The teacher told me some ways to memorize words, and my mother also reported a spelling class for me. I must study good methods carefully to make a breakthrough!

I believe that as long as we face the problem bravely and overcome it, our troubles will be defeated!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (11)

Learning is our first task, but it also makes us carry a heavy burden. The daily work is too heavy for us to breathe, so let's not talk about the rest time. Near the exam, our weekend ended in failure. The English teacher assigned words and the math teacher assigned test papers, which made my head grow bigger.

There are so many troubles in life! When I get home, I cannot avoid listening to my parents' nagging. Sometimes, I imagine that it would be nice to be alone on the vast grassland, listening to the sound of nature, watching the birds flying in the blue sky and white clouds, listening to the sound of the gurgling streams, carefree, free and happy. However, I can't do it. It's not that I choose fate, but that fate chooses me. I can only say: "We can not change the living environment, only to adapt!"

Worry is a toxic smoke. When you are calm and your inner world is separated from the complicated world, you can stay away from it.

Growing Pains Composition 200 (12)

Everyone has troubles, but it is because of these troubles that I will grow up and mature.

When people grow up, their troubles naturally grow up. Only they know the feeling of troubles.

Lots of homework!

After school in the afternoon, I rode back home quickly on my bike, ate dinner greedily, and began to do my homework. I had to do my math homework first, and it was more than 8 o'clock when I finished my math homework. There are also English homework, Chinese homework, in short, there are a lot of homework waiting for me! After finishing the last homework, it's more than 11 o'clock. It's boring! But the more annoying 'is still below!

In the morning, the relentless alarm clock rang. I really didn't want to get up. I crawled into bed and slept for about 10 minutes. I knew I would not sleep again, but I just couldn't get up. Finally, my mother dragged me from the warm bed to the ground with her cold hands, saying that I was late. It was like a blow to me. I immediately wiped my face and rushed to school like a rocket. I was really late.

He was criticized by the teacher and was fined for standing. Ah.

There are a lot of troubles in life. It is because of these troubles that I understand a lot of truth. I want to overcome these troubles!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (13)

I thought: Why am I so confused that I went to the wrong house! I turned around and wanted to go, suddenly I felt wrong. This is my home! What is this girl? Hello! My name is Conghui, your cousin. what! Yesterday I dreamed that I had a cousin. Today I have a cousin.

What's the matter with this sentence? Why don't you do your homework? Why don't you use it? The teacher said that the homework should be assigned by oneself. what? My cousin is too happy to decorate by herself! I went into the room and started my homework. I had just finished my homework when my cousin came in. Brother, how to do this question? Chinese, too simple. Stop nagging. What should I do? I patiently instructed my cousin. After she understood, she nodded and left.

She has been in my home for a week, and she has never asked me about English and math. Is she an academic bully? One day, when I asked her this question, she said that he only studied art, music and Chinese. She also said that in Britain, children should choose what courses to study. When they grow up, it would be good if they learned their major.

How happy foreigners are!

Growing Pains Composition 200 (14)

Growing pains composition 200 words 1

Adults always say, "Children are the most carefree." Little wonder we also have many growing worries. They come from the pressure of learning, as well as physical changes. I don't know how many times I have heard, in many places I have heard people often compare us, the energetic young people, to the rising sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. At that time, it was a symbol of hope and beauty. But they don't know, and I don't know when youth and worry became twins.

In the sixth grade, the study became more and more tight, and there was no time to have a good rest. Every day, the time was full. Alas, I didn't know what to do! Needless to say, there are mountains of homework and busy schedules; It is needless to say that the parents' examination class and strict educational requirements. They all caught pocket money.

Dear Mom and Dad, can you give us some time and space? Do we have to put pressure on us?

Growing pains composition 200 words 2

Everyone can't have a smooth journey on the road of growth. There will always be surging waves rushing towards us.

When I was young, I was very naive. I think I can do what I want when I grow up.

In the twinkling of an eye, the life in primary school has become a memory, entering a strange middle school era, and worries quickly approached me. Increase from three subjects to six subjects, and prepare and review. I just carried a heavy schoolbag on my back.

I failed the first exam. This achievement made me very depressed and I didn't know how to explain it to my parents. Back home, my father saw my grades and felt very sad. Later, he stipulated that I could only watch TV for one hour on Sunday, and I could only study in the rest of my free time.

Recalling my carefree childhood, I couldn't help crying.

I want to get rid of boredom and become a carefree teenager!

Growing pains composition 200 words 3

My father always said that his work was very stressful, and my mother always said that she had to work and take care of her family, but they didn't know that I was worried. When I was in kindergarten, my mother always asked me to choose my hobbies. At that time, they respected my ideas, but it was different when I was in primary school. My parents asked me to learn this and that later. They always arranged my life fully. Dad and Dad said that if I learn more now, I will not be afraid when I grow up. Mom said that if I work harder now, I will grow up very sweet, It's like eating sugar, but they don't know that I'm really hard. In fact, I'm under a lot of pressure. In fact, my troubles are not less than theirs. Sometimes I will tell my father that I'm a little devil, and I will tell my mother that my mother always holds me and says it doesn't matter. A man should not be afraid of hard work or fatigue. Ah! When will adults understand our children! In fact, our requirements are not high, so we have a good time with our friends. I think this is the trouble of growth!

Growing pains composition 200 words 4

I don't know why my interpersonal relationship has been bad, which can be seen from the number of votes I have cast for cadres. For this reason, I attribute it to my irascible temper, straightforward personality and a sensitive heart.

My mother said that I would like to treat everyone with a sincere heart, but I can't see the same sincere heart. Sincerely to her, but in return for ruthlessness, there is no sincerity and joy in the whole world, but the air is filled with intrigues. Is interpersonal relationship really so difficult? Mother also said that there are two kinds of people in the world, one is a liar, the other is a deceived person. I would rather be the former than the latter, because the taste of being cheated is too uncomfortable.

I prefer not to grow up, because the intrigues of the adult society make me more timid. Ah! How nice to be simple.

Growing pains composition 200 words 5

Childhood has gone, and we have not only joy, but also trouble.

Sometimes, we will be upset because of the contradiction between classmates; Sometimes, we will be annoyed by parents' nagging.

As for me, I am a good girl in front of outsiders, but behind me, it is quite different. At home, I will make my mother angry from time to time, and I will cry bitterly. This is the role of treason, and I have no way to control it. Sometimes I want my parents to share my troubles instead of being relaxed and happy as I thought, which aggravates my troubles, but they don't know it. I know this is the role of treason period, but I can't balance it. I have to take a step by step view to relax myself and feel better.

Although sometimes I realize my mistakes, I don't admit them because of my so-called face.

The troubles of adolescence are changeable, and we should solve them well.

Growing Pains Composition 200 (15)

Although I have put on a pair of glasses of nearly 600 degrees, I have a big head every time I have math classes. The math teacher writes most on the blackboard, and her handwriting is the smallest, sometimes scribbling. Every time I put on the right lens, stretched my neck, widened my eyes, and looked straight at my neck. My eyes were sore, and I couldn't see clearly. I can only hope that the students around me can copy all the word problems by copying one stroke in the east and one stroke in the west. However, the students have already worked out the answers, so they can only be "criticized" if they can't speed up. Alas! It's all because of glasses! In fact, getting "criticized" is a trivial matter. The worst thing is to have a computer class. Although I tried to have a good rest before each class, my eyes were still tired after forty minutes. Computer is different from other courses. The formulas and words in the whole class rolled on the screen like a horse lantern. I should not only listen to the teacher attentively, so as not to miss even one knowledge point, but also to make everything on the screen panoramic. After a class, my eyes were almost bulging out, which made me feel uncomfortable.

These troubles are still bearable and can be overcome. There is another kind of trouble that brings me irreparable losses, which is unbearable. I like playing football since I was a child. It's my duty to join in this grade competition and prepare to fight with several teammates. But in the end, our class won the last but one! I also know that my performance is really unsatisfactory. I am always timid when playing as a guard, for fear of damaging my glasses; When they are in the front, they are always afraid of the other party's fierce attack, and they shovel themselves down, so that they break their glasses. If you take off your glasses and kick, you will be even more blind. Even the players on both sides can't distinguish clearly. What are you talking about passing the ball?

In fact, the trouble of wearing glasses is more than these? The students who don't wear glasses can't understand this. Therefore, I want to remind students to protect your eyes. May you always have bright eyes and a bright world.