Game Composition of Eagle Catching Chicken (15 Collections)
Both wind and rain
2024-06-30 07:21:40

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (1)

Today is the last day of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday. My mother decided to take us out to play. She made an appointment to go to Xianghu Lake every day with her family and Xixi's family. Xianghu Lake is located in Xiaoshan. We arrived at the destination after about 30 minutes' drive.

It was not easy to park the car. We set up a tent on an empty lawn. Everyone took out food and began a picnic. When they are full, they begin to exercise. My father suggested playing the game of "eagle catching chicken", and the children applauded one by one.

The game began. I was a hen, my father was an eagle, and others were chickens, except Miao Miao. He said he would be a hunter and fight with eagles. "I'm hungry, and I want to eat chickens!" said the eagle, pouncing on the chickens. "Hug and run!" I shouted at her. At this critical moment, the hunter fell from the sky. He bumped into the eagle from the front, only to hear a "bang". The eagle ran into the hunter because he couldn't dodge. Both of them were dizzy and dazzled. How could they catch a chicken. "Yeah! Hug and save!" I cheered with the chickens.

In the second round, the hateful eagle launched an "attack" on us again. At this time, the eagle fell behind every day, and ran straight to the prey Tiantian. "Wow! No!" the chickens shouted together, blindfolded at the same time. Eh? How come there is no eagle's terrible snide? Everyone burst into laughter when they saw that the hunter was dragging the eagle's clothes back, "You villain, don't bully Tiantian!" Tiantian was also saved by the hunter.

Alas! The poor eagle could not defeat us, so he had to run away. "You chickens are too powerful. I'm old and tired!" "We won! We won! Yeah!" The game ended in our cheers.

This trip to Xianghu Lake is really interesting!

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (2)

Today, my father, mother, brother and I played the game of eagle catching chicken. My father is an eagle, my mother is a hen, and my brother and I are chickens.

The game began, and the hen quickly spread her wings to protect her chicks. The eagle left and right for a while, looking for opportunities to catch chicks. The chicks closely followed the hens, hiding from each other, and finally the eagle caught the chicks.

I think the game of eagle catching chicken is really fun.

Wang Xingyi, Class 8, Grade 1, Huaihua Experimental School

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (3)

Class is over. We like to play the game of eagle catching chicken best. The students swarmed out of the classroom and rushed to the playground like ponies. The originally deserted playground suddenly became a sea of joy.

The game began. I was a bad eagle, Xiao Ding was a mother chicken, and the other seven students were chickens. I rushed to the chickens, but the mother chicken tried her best to protect the baby chicks, so that I could not catch them. I rushed like a ferocious tiger to the east and west, but the mother chicken also rushed to the east and west, always protecting the baby chicken with its broad wings. I couldn't catch the chicken, so I went aside to try to find a way.

Thinking and thinking, I came up with an idea. I started chasing chickens in circles. At this time, the cunning method I thought came into use! I kicked my "paws" in the opposite direction and rushed back. Mother chicken didn't have any precautions at all, so I easily caught two delicious chickens. The mother chicken panicked when she saw it. I took advantage of the chaos and caught a chicken. I ate all three chickens I caught. The chicken is delicious! I drool and want to grab two more to eat.

So I repeated the tactics I had just used, but Mother Chicken didn't want to eat me. So I rushed in a straight line, but when I rushed to the mother chicken, I dodged the mother chicken and grabbed two chickens to eat. When the game time came, Mother Chicken had only one chicken left. I won! I cheered happily.

The game of eagle catching chicken is really fun.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (4)

Zeng Xuling, eagle catching chicken, must have been played by everyone. This is a simple game, but our class has turned it into a very popular game. Look! Here we go again. Let's join in the fun!

First of all, the students will use stone, scissors and cloth. If they lose, they will become eagles. The rest of the students will become chickens. Then they will choose a ferocious mother chicken from among them. They will take their positions and begin to make preparations. Some eagles will act like ferocious, trying to scare chickens. Some mothers are talking about plans with chickens. "Du --" The monitor whistles, and the chickens return. The mother chicken is in front, The baby stood in a row behind, like a strong and unyielding sword.

The game has officially started! The mother hen spread her wings and walked wide, just like the goalkeeper on the football field, staring at the football in front, firmly said to the eagle, I will protect my children. " The chickens hid behind their mother, bent over and walked quietly, afraid of being caught by an eagle. They were like thieves. The eagle rushed at them and said, "Ha ha! Don't struggle with the chickens, I'm going to eat you." The chickens jumped, slipped to the other side, and shouted, "Dream your dreams!" The eagle pounced and made everyone laugh. It was very interesting!

Ding Lingling, it's time for class, and we ran back to the classroom with great strides. We had a serious and quiet class, as if nothing had happened.

But in our hearts, we thought that after class, I would play the game of eagle catching chicks. The game of eagle catching chicks is too fun. I really like this interesting game. At the same time, it also made me understand that unity is sure to win.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (5)

One happy morning, the second class was over. Dear teacher Feng led our class to the playground to play the game of eagle catching chicken. Zhang Yifan is a fierce "eagle". Ren Yulei is a gentle and kind "chicken", while other students can only be cute chicks.

The game began. "Mother Chicken" led the "chicks" out to look for food. When they were eating with relish, suddenly the fierce "eagle" flew out of the mountain like a tiger, and looked at the fat and big "chicks" with greedy eyes. When the "* * * chicken" saw something bad, it spread its broad "wings" and looked at the eagle with bright eyes, fearing that the eagle would "eat" its own child. The eagle began to act, and he "flew" over, and took advantage of the "chicken mother"'s carelessness to carry a "chicken" away. "Mother Chicken" was very sad. She was indignant because she was blaming herself for not protecting her "child". "The eagle" wanted to seize the opportunity to catch "Baby Chicken" again. As a result, the eagle's head hit the broad wings of the "* * * chicken" who was struggling to resist and fell on all fours. "The eagle" quickly stood up and ran away in dismay. The students couldn't help laughing.

The game of eagle catching chicken is really fun. I like this interesting game.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (6)

Today, we played a game of "eagle catching chicken".

Zeng was a ferocious eagle, a teacher was a mother chicken, and the rest of the students were chickens. The "chickens" stood behind the "mother chicken" one by one. The game begins. The "eagle" stretches out its sharp "paw" and pounces on the "chicks", who scream with fright. "Mother Chicken" quickly spread her big and long "wings" to protect the weak "chicks" behind her. "Eagle" didn't catch "chicks". The "eagle" rushed to the "chickens" again, and they were so frightened that they lay on the ground and dared not get up. "Mother Chicken" hurriedly waved her "wings" up and down to stop the attack of the "eagle", but the "eagle" did not catch the "chicken". Seeing that he could not catch the chicken, the "eagle" turned his eyes and pounced quickly to the right when the "mother chicken" did not pay attention, but was still found by the "mother chicken". The "mother chicken" quickly stepped back to make the "eagle" pounce empty. The eagle had to stop, pretended not to catch the chicken, and walked slowly left and right to let the mother chicken relax her vigilance. Suddenly the "eagle" made a sneak attack, but the "mother chicken" was not fooled. The eagle still didn't catch the chicken, so he turned and left in frustration.

The game of "Eagle Catches Chicken" is very interesting.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (7)

On Friday afternoon, our class played the game of eagle catching chicken.

We lined up and went to the playground group by group. I was the "eagle".

The first game started. The "eagle" hopped around, absorbed, stretched out its sharp "paws", searched for the target and prepared to start, while the "mother chicken" stretched out her hands to protect her lovely "chicken". My right foot moved a bit, and they took a big step. When they didn't pay attention, I rushed to them. "The chicks" screamed with fright. I caught a "chick" and ate it with relish. "Mother Chicken" cried sadly.

The second game started. I jumped to the left, and they also moved to the left. For several consecutive rounds, the "eagle" did not catch a "chicken".

The third game started. I thought of a way. I made some funny moves. When they laughed, I threw out my sharp "paws" and jumped at the three "chickens". The eagle "gobbled up" and ate.

The game of eagle catching chicks was so funny. After half a lesson, the teacher asked us to go back to the classroom. The students felt that they had not played enough. Let's play again next time!

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (8)

On Saturday afternoon, several of my good friends and I were playing the game of "eagle catching chicken".

First, we decided that one child would be the "eagle", the other child would be the "chicken mother", and I and other boys would be the "chicken baby". The game began. The "eagle" stared at the "chicken baby" without blinking, and the "chicken mother" also carefully watched the "eagle"'s every move. Suddenly, the "eagle" launched its first attack. It pounced on the last "chicken". Fortunately, the "mother chicken" stopped it in time. Otherwise, the "chicken" would become the "eagle"'s dish. The "eagle" saw that one plan was not successful and came up with another one. It took advantage of the "mother chicken"'s carelessness to make a surprise attack. The "mother chicken" was caught off guard and let the "eagle" pick up my "chicken".

It's my turn to be an eagle. I think: Zhang Meng is a small man. We should catch him first. I rushed at Zhang Meng, but unexpectedly, "Mother Chicken" was so alert and flexible, which effectively blocked my attack. Later, under my repeated attacks, I finally caught a "chicken".

The game ended with our laughter, and I thought: nothing can be done by courage, but also by wisdom, and be good at using your brain.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (9)

On Saturday morning, in the golden composition class, the teacher led us to play a game called Eagle Catching Chicken.

At first, the eagle slept soundly at home. As a result, I was awakened by a burst of laughter. It went out of the house angrily. I thought to myself: I must have eaten them to disturb my sleep.

"The eagle" saw that "Mother Chicken" was playing on the grass with a group of "chickens", and thought: Before, you were lucky enough to run away. I won't let you run again this time.

The "eagle" flew to the "chickens". When the "chicken mother" saw the "eagle" flying past, she quickly shouted: "Children, hide behind me!" "Chicken baby" ran to the "chicken mother" and spread her wings. He said to the chickens, "If I was there, he wouldn't dare touch a hair of you."

The eagle flew past, and the mother chicken calmly blocked the front to protect the chicken. "Eagle" to the left, "Mother Chicken" to the left, "Eagle" to the right, "Mother Chicken" to the right. For a while, everyone was sweating and panting. Taking this opportunity, the "eagle" once again pounced on it. Before the "mother chicken" could respond, the "eagle" grabbed a fat and big "chicken". The eagle chases after the victory. We won.

The game was so interesting. Before we had played enough, the teacher said the game was over. I really want to play again!

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (10)

At noon break today, Mr. He said, "Everybody go downstairs and play the game of eagle catching chicken."

The students jumped three feet high with joy. The game started. Everyone wanted to be an "eagle". Just when we were quarrelling, Zhu Chenkai came up with a good idea. The stone, scissors and cloth were decided. Everyone had no objection. As a result, Zhu Chenkai became an eagle and Qiu Weiyue became a hen.

The game began. The eagle opened its sharp claws and rushed towards the chickens. The flexible chicken flashed, causing the eagle to pounce. The eagle pounced east and west again. Not only did it not catch a chicken, but it was also tired and panting. At the moment when the "hen" was resting, the "eagle" pounced on the "chick" viciously, and one of the "chicks" could not dodge and was caught! The eagle was not satisfied and continued to try to catch more chickens for lunch. Unconsciously, the bell rang after class, and the students reluctantly left the playground!

What an interesting game, what a happy time!

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (11)

On Monday, the teacher took us to the playground for PE class. There are six students playing the game of eagle catching chicken. I am the "eagle", Xiao Hong is the "hen", and the students who follow Xiao Hong are the "chickens". The game began. There was laughter on the playground. The "eagle" swooped over. The "hen" opened her arms to block the attack of the "eagle". The "chickens" closely followed the "hen", panicked and screamed. The attack did not succeed. "Eagle" thought of a clever plan. He made a feint, pretended to go left, and attacked right suddenly. The "hen" had no time to defend. "Eagle" caught three chickens. The eagle continued to use this method to catch the other three chickens again and again. The game is over. What an exciting and interesting game it is!

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (12)

Ding Ling... Class is over, we fly out of the classroom like happy birds, ready to go to the playground to play with eagles and catch chickens.

The first round of the game begins. Pan Yue is the "mother chicken" and Meng Fanchu is the "eagle". We squatted on the ground with "Mother Chicken" and asked, "What time is it for the eagle?" "The eagle" shouted, "It's nine o'clock." After "Mother Chicken" finished speaking, we stood up together, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The eagle kept circling around us, making me dizzy. "The eagle" ran left and right, and the big sweat trickled down from her face, but still could not catch a "chicken", so she stood there and kept turning her eyes to think. Suddenly, the "eagle" stared at Zhang Zelin at the end of the line, seized the opportunity to spread her wings and swooped over. Zhang Zelin, the "chicken", was caught before she knew what was going on. Her innocent expression made us laugh. Then the captured Zhang Zelin turned into an eagle.

More and more people took part in the game, and the team became longer and longer. The playground began to boil. The bell rang, and we reluctantly returned to the classroom.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (13)

On a sunny and sunny Saturday, my parents and I went to my brother's house to play. My brother and I finished our homework, and my brother said, "Let's play with eagles and catch chickens." I said happily, "OK."

My brother went to call some children from the neighborhood. First of all, who should we choose to be the eagle? Everyone wanted to be an eagle, but nobody would let anyone. Finally, my father said, "Whoever is the youngest will be an eagle." I was the youngest. I became an eagle, my brother became a hen, and others were chickens.

The game started. "Chickens" pulled one by one and hid behind the "hen". I tried to catch "Chickens" from left to right, but the "hen" opened its big hands and blocked my way. "Chickens" dodged behind the "hen", making me unable to catch them. I stopped panting and suddenly found that when the "hen" opened her hands, there was a big hole under her hands. I had an idea and came up with a good idea. I rushed right and left as before. The hen opened her hands again, and I took the opportunity to get under his arm. "Chickens" saw me rushing and ran around in fear. I saw a "chicken" running slowly, so I rushed to catch him. This "chicken" became my "food".

Eagle catching chicken is really an interesting game.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (14)

In the activity class this afternoon, when Teacher Zhou announced that he would play the game of "eagle catching chicken", the classroom suddenly became a sea of joy. I wish I could put on the wind and fire wheel on my feet and fly directly to the playground, because I like playing this game best!

We came to the playground like birds out of the cage. Teacher Zhou divided us into four groups, designated four "eagles", and then let us choose "hens", who to choose? Everyone pondered for a moment, and finally decided to choose Yang Ruoyun as the "hen", because she was quick and fast, and could better protect the chicks.

The game began, "chickens" followed the hens one by one, and set up a good posture. Where's the hen? Spread your wings and put on a posture of "one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand men can't get away" to protect the lovely "chickens" behind.

Look! The ferocious "eagle" has begun to attack! She ran, jumped and pounced. Some chicks panic, some run around, and some hide. The hen moved from left to right, letting the "eagle" pounce. The eagle moved to the left, and the hen also moved to the left. When the hen did not pay attention, the eagle ran quickly to the right. When the hen saw it, she moved quickly to the right, so that the eagle could not catch any chicks.

The cunning "eagle" refused to be outdone. It failed in one plan, but it found another. Look, the "eagle" pretended to rest. When we relaxed our vigilance, we jumped on a "chicken" when we were not paying attention, and the "hen" stopped the "eagle" quickly. Suddenly, the "eagle" ran towards the last "chick" with lightning speed. While running, the "eagle" said, "I'm going to catch you!" The "chick" ran away and said, "Ha ha, I didn't catch you!"

The happy time is always so short. The bell of school bell rings unconsciously, and we reluctantly leave the playground. I hummed along with the afterglow and recalled the scene of "eagle catching chicken". Today's game we played very happily, I can't forget this happy day.

Game composition of eagle catching chicken (15)

Chen Xincheng, the organizer and referee, arrived early and waved excitedly to us when he saw us all coming: "Here we are, hurry up, come and count off one by one to see who didn't come." "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!" Chen Xincheng said proudly that Li Xiaoran said, "I suggest that we decide to use stone, scissors, cloth to group. The referee counts separately. Everyone says yes or no. Raise your hand to pass, OK?" "Yes!" Nine young hands raised together to pass.

After working with stone scissors for a while, I was assigned to the chicken group, and the tall Zhang Tianming was just assigned to the eagle group with only one person. Zhang Tianming cheerfully raised his fist and demonstrated to our chicken group. "Now, start!" The referee gave an order. Zhang Tianming was not a vegetarian. Using his long arms, he really looked like an eagle's broad wings, such as flapping the sky and jumping directly into the chicken team. We run around like rabbits escaping capture, escaping from the eagle's claws. "Ah, ah, ah." Zhu Wenzheng made a series of hard sounds from his mouth. The result was that we all avoided his attack as gorgeous and graceful as a waltz dancer. Only Zhu Wen, who was too fat and could not move, was being caught. He reluctantly came to the prepared "chicken pen" for the prison and waited to fall. "The second round, start!" was another order. We had not come yet and were ready to escape. Zhang Tianming rushed over again as quickly as he could. "Bad! Bad!" "Ah! Ah!" This moan is not our voice, but Zhang Tianming's voice. He gave us a performance of a horse flip with a jerk. "All right!" Chen Xincheng, the referee, hurried to ask. "Ha, ha, ha!" Everyone laughed together. "Nothing, my body, nothing." Zhang Tianming patted the soil on his body and got up. "Oh, my brother is still laughing when he falls down. It's not enough." Then he grabbed it. "All right, all right, continue!" The referee's voice just dropped, and we quickly stood in line.

Time passes so fast. The red sunset glow is really beautiful. "Goodbye, we'll meet again next time." We said goodbye reluctantly. The beautiful sunset slowly fell in the air, just like the curtain falling after our performance.

On the way home, thinking about the wonderful game process just now, I couldn't help laughing again, because I remembered the funny scene when Zhang Tianming fell