Orange's composition 300 words (19 required)
Wife is a pig, don't explain
2024-06-28 04:24:41

Orange's composition 300 words (1)

My hometown is Taizhou, where is rich in fruits, such as loquats, pears, peaches, watermelons, strawberries, and wendan. I like oranges from my hometown best.

In spring, the drizzle is like silk, and orange trees greedily suck the nectar as precious as oil. They stretch the evergreen branches all the year round, and elliptic leaves laugh in the rain and fog. Soon after the small, white, fragrant orange blossoms opened, they were hung with green pearl like young fruits. As time goes by, the green young fruit grows up gradually.

In the golden autumn, the oranges are ripe. After the baptism of autumn rain, the branches appear more green. Orange oranges are shining like little lanterns in the golden sunlight. Take off one, gently push the orange coat with your hand, and a fresh fragrance comes to your face, making your mouth watering. The orange shows golden flesh, surrounded by white meridians.

There are about ten orange petals in the orange, like good brothers sitting around and whispering! With the hand flap down, like a curved crescent moon, like a yellow boat. With a gentle bite, you can see the fresh red and tender pulp. The taste of oranges is very good. They are sour and sweet. After eating one, I can't help but eat one or two more.

The use of oranges is great. Let me tell you! Oranges can quench thirst, orange peel can remove flavor, make orange lanterns, and orange collaterals can also be used as medicine. According to my mother, it can regulate qi, dissipate phlegm, and treat stagnation of meridians and qi!

I love my hometown oranges, but also my hometown!

Orange's composition 300 words (2)

My hometown is in Songyang. Orange is the specialty of my hometown.

Spring girl came, blowing green the earth, blowing green the orange leaves, blowing open the orange flowers, looking from afar, like a sea of silver, bees humming sweet songs in the flowers collecting honey, butterflies also flying in the orange garden.

In early summer, the sun was hot and high in the sky, many flowers and plants were rolled up by the sun, while those newly formed oranges hid among the green leaves, like shy girls, looking out of the green leaves. Look at them, they are so cute.

When autumn is crisp, yellow and green oranges hang all over the branches like small yellow lanterns. It looks very cute against the background of green leaves. Look, some oranges look like the PLA standing guard on the branches; Some are like children playing hide and seek; Some are like three or five naughty little boys whispering; Others are like a big sluggard lying on the ground, sleepy.

The ripe orange tastes delicious and sweet.

I love my hometown, and I love the oranges in my hometown more.

Orange's composition 300 words (3)

Today, I met a mysterious guest in class. Who is this mysterious guest?

It is as big as an egg and round as a small lantern. Its color is golden yellow, with two green leaves on it. It really looks like the little braid on the head of the beautiful girl, with a yellow coat on her body. It's really beautiful. It is also full of pores, like human pores, but also exudes a faint fragrance. Can you guess who it is? It is a very cute orange.

The small orange not only looks good, but also tastes delicious. Peel off the skin, and a fragrance will immediately come to your nose. Orange petal is like a family reunion, saying love and affection. I couldn't help taking a bite, ah! Sweet, delicious! I couldn't help taking another big bite. The sweet taste boiled in my mouth. It was super delicious!

There are other ways to eat oranges. You can use it to squeeze juice. The juice is sweet and delicious. It is rich in vitamins and makes you healthier.

What a lovely orange! I love it!

Orange's composition 300 words (4)

Autumn is the season of orange harvest. In front of the fruit stall, large, small, and yellow oranges leap into the eyes, making people dizzy

Orange is wearing a cute orange coat. This guy is as big as a small lantern! Touch it, it's a bit rough. Take a closer look, ah, its coat is full of sesame like small pockmarks like patterns embedded in the clothes, so interesting.

I nipped into the peel with my thumb, and there was a crack immediately. Then I gently lifted it out. Wow, white orange is stuck in flesh of the Laina fruit and tightly entangles orange sac. One petal of pulp snuggles together, holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, forming a small circle, like whispering.

I carefully broke off a crescent shaped pulp and put it into my mouth. Sour and sweet juice poured into my mouth and went straight to my heart. It was delicious. I couldn't resist her temptation. I ate one petal after another, savored its delicious taste, and immediately felt very refreshing.

Oranges are really beautiful and delicious. I like oranges in autumn.

Orange's composition 300 words (5)

Last year, my grandfather and I planted several orange trees in the garden of the community. At that time, they were shorter than me. But now, some of them are as tall as I am, and others are luxuriant and can enjoy the cool below.

The trunk of the orange tree is thin and long, with vertical stripes, which is very beautiful; The color is dark brown, But the branches are dark green.

Orange leaves have many colors, such as emerald green, dark green, or green with a little yellow. Under the sunlight, they will turn into crystal green and feel slippery. If they are used to make a bed, it may be more comfortable than sleeping on cotton. You see, there are some fresh leaves on the branches. They are green, like newly picked tea leaves. People can't help coming forward to smell them. Look at the reverse side of the leaves, there are veins with clear texture, and some white spots will be found on the leaves. When the breeze blows, the leaves also dance, and these white spots are like crystal pearls dotted on the skirt. It's very nice.

The milky orange flowers are like beautiful fairies standing on the branches. At this time, the trees were already full of oranges, small as pearls, which would not be easy to find without careful observation; It's as big as table tennis. But whether it's like table tennis or pearls, they are round and lovely.

Oranges are all treasures. Their skins can be used as medicine, fruits can be eaten, and flowers can be viewed. And the orange tree that my grandfather and I planted is even more valuable.

Orange's composition 300 words (6)

On Saturday, my parents took me to pick oranges at my aunt's house. We got on the bus and finally arrived at my aunt's house after an hour. My aunt gave me and my sister a pair of scissors and a bucket each. Dad drove us to the orange garden.

Soon, I saw the orange grove from a distance. The green orange trees were covered with red oranges, like little lanterns and many stars in the sky. Along the way, I saw the farmer uncle happily busy collecting oranges. They transported the boxes of golden oranges out of the orange grove, and their faces were full of the joy of harvest. When I got to the orange garden, I couldn't wait to take my tools into the orange forest. Ah! How many oranges! I feel this and look at that. I don't know which one to pick first. Finally, I chose one. I held the orange in my left hand and cut it with scissors in my right hand. But Kikyo was too hard. I used all my strength to cut it. I danced with joy and called out to my parents to show them the fruits of my labor. Looking back, my mother was a glutton, picking and eating. Dad walked up and down there, as if looking for childhood memories. My aunt keeps picking oranges. My sister and I were the most diligent, and soon the bucket was full. My father is responsible for the transportation. Then we went to another place to pick. This time, my sister and I competed, but when we finished picking, there was no difference. Finally, we picked some wild flowers and took them to the car. How fragrant!

We went home with a happy mood.

Orange's composition 300 words (7)

In autumn October, oranges are ripe. The orange garden in autumn is golden, beautiful, and also emits a faint fragrance, intoxicating.

On Saturday, it was sunny and sunny. Our lucky star reporter came to the ruby orange garden. As soon as I entered the orange garden, I saw orange trees all over the mountains. The orange garden was full of golden oranges, like golden bells. Seen from afar, the orange garden is green. A gust of wind blows, and the oranges emit bursts of fragrance, refreshing.

The garden owner's aunt introduced us to the variety and growth process of oranges: "The variety we planted here is Huahong No. 1. After planting the orange seedlings, they need to be fertilized, watered, weeded, sprayed with medicine to prevent diseases and pests, and reshaped and pruned. The orange tree blooms in the first year and bears fruit in the third year. Now is the mature season. Welcome to pick it... "

When they began to pick oranges, the students were like diligent little bees, holding baskets and happily picking oranges. Some oranges are light yellow, some are dark yellow, some are green in yellow, some are orange in whole body... Some of them are hidden in green leaves, just like a shy girl hiding under green leaves; Some two are close together, like a pair of close good sisters; Some stood proudly on the branches, as if saying, "Come and pick me!" Some three or five people formed a circle, as if playing a game of losing hands... I picked a full bag of oranges and returned with a full load. My mother praised me when I returned home.

This time, I ate the delicious oranges picked by myself, which made me feel the sweetness of the fruits of labor.

Orange's composition 300 words (8)

I got up early this morning. How fresh the air is! I will go up the mountain with my grandma to pick oranges!

I went to the mountain with excitement. There were oranges all over the mountain. At a glance, we saw yellow oranges hanging on the tree, just like small lanterns smiling at me.

We arrived half way up the mountain with great enthusiasm. Grandma put down the ladder and asked me to take the hook first and give it to her later. Grandma climbed the ladder when I put the hook under my feet to pick wild flowers. When Grandma said, "Give me the hook", I couldn't find the hook like a duckling looking for food. Grandma saw it and said kindly, "Isn't it just under your feet, silly child?" I looked at it and it was really under my feet. I quickly picked it up and handed it to Grandma.

We have so many oranges, yellow like gold, green like emerald. When I saw these oranges, I couldn't put them down. I wanted to take it for myself, so I reached out and grabbed it. Grandma saw that you can't take it off like this, and you should use scissors to cut it off. Otherwise, the orange would die. So I followed Grandma's method and learned to pick oranges.

Slowly I picked a full basket, and Grandma and I returned with a full load.

Orange's composition 300 words (9)

On August 31, my mother brought back some corn seeds, and I couldn't wait to plant them. I selected six full seeds, planted them in a flower pot, watered them, placed them in the sun, and waited for my small seeds to emerge tenaciously from the ground.

After a long wait, on the fifth day, my young seedling broke through the ground and came to this colorful world! I am so happy to see them. This is my first time to plant plants and witness the tenacious vitality of seeds!

In the following days, the first thing I do every day after school is to observe whether these "little dots" have grown taller and bigger. Use a ruler to measure their growth rate and water them. These seedlings have quietly integrated into my life and brought me many joys and expectations!

These young plants grow slowly under my careful care. Through this planting practice activity, I gained a lot of happiness in planting and witnessed the process of stubborn growth of seeds.

Orange's composition 300 words (10)

Orange in my hometown

My hometown is in Bijie, where every family grows orange trees.

There is an orchard in front of my home house, where many orange trees are planted. As soon as the Spring Festival is over, the orange tree will be full of small white flowers, which looks like Edelweiss falling on the tree in the distance. When the warm spring wind blows, the yellow stamens send out bursts of fragrance, which blows to the nose. Ten days later, small white flowers will wither, and many big green, round and orange like Buddha beads will grow all over the branches. With the arrival of summer, the orange grows bigger and bigger, the leaves become luxuriant, and the color changes from light green to dark green. In autumn, the harvest season comes, and the orange trees are big and round, like yellow lanterns. At this time, I can't wait to climb up the tree, pick the golden orange on the top, peel off the skin, break off a petal, put it in my mouth and bite it. The sweet juice immediately sticks to my tongue, and immediately smells delicious!

I love my hometown, more like the oranges

Junior 3: Xiao Jian

Orange's composition 300 words (11)

Ah, autumn is coming again. It's a good season for oranges to mature. I like oranges best!

Look, there is a big box. Let's go and have a look!

Open the box and have a look. Wow! There were dozens of yellow oranges lying inside, like shy girls. An orange looks about the same size as an apple, but the orange peel has some small things like beans. It is not as smooth as an apple, and it is uneven. I took a yellow orange and peeled off the skin. It seemed that several pieces of "crescent" pulp were close together like agate, and it seemed that several brothers were always together enjoying the taste of solidarity and friendship. I broke off a piece and chewed it in my mouth. I just felt a sour and sweet taste flowing all over my body. It was really delicious! When you eat in the middle, there will be grains of things. This is the seed of an orange. It grows delicious oranges.

In addition to being delicious, oranges have many uses: orange peel can be used as Chinese medicine, tea can be made, and orange meat can be dried. I like it best!

I love oranges!

Orange's composition 300 words (12)

I have always loved oranges since I was a child, and I still do. The outer skin of an orange is orange and round, which is very attractive at first sight. It's said that orange peel can also be used in bath water. I quickly took out a big and round orange and squeezed it. Wow, it's so soft! Like a small ball. I can't wait to peel the skin, and a fragrance comes to my nose. I picked one by one and put them into my mouth. They are sweet and sour. They are delicious! I put the orange peel in the bag, ready to take a bath at night and use it. In the evening, I hurried to have dinner, and immediately took my bag of orange peel and ran into the bathroom. My mother saw it and asked me: "What are you doing? What are you running for?" "I'm going to take a bath!" I said with a smile. When the water was almost gone, I put the orange peel into the water to soak it. At this time, I smelled bursts of fragrance again, and suddenly felt refreshed.

This is my favorite orange. It is not only delicious, but also can take a bath! Do you like it?

Orange's composition 300 words (13)

At the destination, wow, there are so many oranges in the orange grove! There are green, yellow and half green and half yellow... dazzling and colorful. Especially the mature oranges, hanging on the dark green branches and leaves, look very beautiful like golden lanterns. Some branches bear too many knots, bending the branches.

I picked up the scissors to pick the oranges. I could see so many oranges. I didn't know which one to pick. I'd better pick a short tree and find a big orange to start with, but some of them seem to be playing hide and seek with me. Just now, I was still in front of me. I was very shy when I wanted to pick them. I hid behind the leaves at once, but I still managed to pick them all. In a short time, my father and I picked several big baskets of oranges, and we were very tired.

During the break, I began to enjoy the delicious food, peeled off the orange peel, and ate the crystal clear red pulp picked by myself, which made me realize the hard work and the joy of harvest, and also let me know the truth that no pains, no gains.

Orange's composition 300 words (14)

After discussion, we got on the bus and drove up the mountain. Because my father was driving too fast, my friend's family couldn't keep up, so I asked my father to stop and wait. After waiting for a minute, they finally caught up. Open and open... finally arrived. I couldn't wait to jump out of the car, run to the entrance, and said, "You are following me and Dad now." So I walked forward, ah! Here we are at the orange field. Because today's oranges are not fully mature, they are still green with a little yellow. Suddenly, my father yelled. He found a big yellow orange on the top of the tree. But the top of the tree is 3 meters from the ground, and I am only 1. 2 meters, and can't climb trees. The highest one we came together was only 1. 7 meters. What shall I do? Wow, I remember, 1. A person of 7 meters can put 1. I'll pick up the 2 meters! In this way, we can pick oranges? Take action at once, and you've got it. One by one, I picked more than 40 oranges. It's not over yet. There are countless orange trees on the mountain. Anyway, I can't pick them.

After picking oranges, we went to pay for them and tasted them with relish. Eat well! It's sour and sweet. After tasting the oranges, my little tour guide continued to take them to the next stop - Bubagkeng.

Orange's composition 300 words (15)

Seen from afar, the orange is oblate in shape and orange in color, like a small lantern, a small leather ball, or a trolley wheel. When I came closer, there were many irregular spots on the orange peel. The orange peel was rough. I put it in my hand and was surprised to find that it was only as big as the palm of my hand.

Peeling off the skin, I saw that the crystal clear pulp made my mouth water involuntarily. When I held it to my nose, a smell of fruit came to my nose. I gently touched it with my hand. Its pulp was very elastic. I couldn't wait to break off a piece of pulp and put it into my mouth. The taste of the orange was sweet and sour. It was delicious!

The orange is not only delicious, but also valuable all over the body. Its skin is dried and can be used to make tea. It can stop coughing. It is also rich in vitamins and has great effect on us.

I like oranges. How about you?

Orange's composition 300 words (16)

By the way, this is the orange! The first color of an orange is turquoise, and then it slowly becomes yellow and green. In autumn, the orange will gradually become orange red.

The shape of the orange is also very special. It is oblate and can roll around like a car tire. It's very interesting. The skin of the sentence is very smooth, soft and elastic. Peel off the orange skin, and the room is immediately filled with the fragrance of orange. It smells great!

The pulp of an orange is like a lotus flower in bud, which is tightly wrapped like many crescents, or like a small golden pumpkin in a white gauze skirt.

Orange is rich in vitamin C, which makes your skin tender and smooth; Orange peel can also be soaked in water to relieve cough and phlegm. Smell it when you get carsick. It can also relieve discomfort. But no matter how delicious it is, you can't be greedy. If you eat too many oranges, you will get angry. So, don't eat too many oranges!

I like oranges. They are so delicious!

Orange's composition 300 words (17)

Day after day, the snow-white flowers turned into small grains, which were as green as green pebbles!

When I didn't pay attention, Xiaolili turned into some green oranges. They looked like dumplings, and they were hard to press. Little oranges slowly turned into yellow oranges, just like little lanterns hanging on trees.

Peel off the orange peel, and there are some lines on the orange like crossed wires. When I started to eat the orange, it was sour and sweet, and the juice flowed into every corner of my mouth, which made my teeth soft. Oranges are not only delicious, but also useful. They are full of treasures. Eating orange peel can clear away heat and detoxify. Rubbing it on your limbs can prevent mosquito bites. Smelling it can also prevent carsickness. When you bake eggs in the orange peel, the eggs will give off a faint fragrance.

Orange, you have made great contributions!

Orange's composition 300 words (18)

The orange branches are luxuriant, and the branches are densely evergreen. Although it is autumn, the small leaves are determined not to leave their mother, and they are still green and lovely.

Small oranges are small and exquisite, hanging on the branches one by one, just like small lanterns. The shy little orange hid in the green leaves, and some showed half their heads. The orange robe and green hat were very cute. They get together in small groups, as if they are intimate friends whispering, which is really endearing.

Ah, how beautiful the orange trees on campus are!

Orange's composition 300 words (19)

Mother bought some oranges today. I like oranges best, just like mice love rice. I can't wait to open the bag. Oranges grow very cute. Fat, flat. Wearing an orange coat on his body and a green straw hat on his head, he looks like cute lanterns. It feels soft and very elastic. When I lifted the skin, a peculiar smell of orange came to my nose. What unfolded in front of me was the pulp of an orange. It was like little brothers snuggling together to tell jokes! There is a layer of orange on the outside of the flesh, which really looks like a thin white gauze garment on the flesh. Break off the pulp and take off a flap, which is like a crescent moon or a boat. I can't help but put it in my mouth. It's sour, sweet, refreshing and delicious, and the water overflows everywhere. The whole body of an orange is treasure, and its pulp, skin, core and collateral can be used for medicine. Orange has high water content, rich nutrition, and a lot of vitamin C and other nutrients. Orange peel can be made into various delicacies, not only to increase appetite, but also to make orange peel soup, orange peel tea, orange peel wine, orange peel porridge, etc. Ha ha, pass by, don't miss it. Come and taste some delicious oranges!