Fourth grade chronicle composition (18 collections)
Ordinary life
2024-06-10 05:51:47
fourth grade
topic of conversation

Grade 4 Narrative Composition (1)

Snow, in my childhood life, the memory of snow is very deep, like a fairy falling from the sky; Snow, like small notes beating in the sky; Snow, like a fairy coming to the world like pure white snow.

Every time I see snow falling on the earth like a fairy, I am very excited. When snow falls on the earth, the snow embellishes the world so beautifully in my memory. There was a heavy snow that made me unforgettable in the morning. I open the window, wow, the snow has turned the world into a pure and clean world. The snow like goose feathers is flying all over the sky, falling from the clouds in a swirl. I look out of the window, The snow on the ground is thick, the snow on the roof wraps the roof tightly, and the branches and leaves are covered with snow.

After a while, the snow gradually stopped, the golden sun showed a smiling face from the blue sky, the white fog gradually dispersed, the silver earth glittered under the sun's light, and became a world of powder and jade. I could not help but go out of my house. The scene in front of me attracted me. The snow on the ground gathered, like pieces of cream cake, and scattered, Like white flour, I felt the snow, and then I saw the cold. The path was as white as a carpet; The car was covered with snow; Snow covered the lovely green grass; There is also thin snow on the road; Ice floats on the river

Snow brings me a refreshing feeling. I like the pure white snow.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (2)

Today, just after class, I saw a classmate approaching me. I didn't know that he was going to steal my things. When he started to look through my schoolbag, I knew that I stopped him at once. But he was a boy, and his strength must be greater than mine. Under the competition between us, the book was torn. I was especially afraid because this was the book that the teacher lent us. The teacher said, If the book is broken, we need double compensation. This morning I was restless in class. It was only in the afternoon that I got up the courage to find the teacher and told her about this. The teacher not only didn't tell me, but also scolded the male classmate, and asked him to pay twice the money, and also asked him to copy the longest text. He looked very angry. I thought to myself: the teacher really helped me out, and the good students and teachers must let him go.

Today is really a unlucky and happy day!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (3)

I am a tall man with a fat face and big bright eyes.

I have one great advantage, that is, I like reading. You may see a little boy in a bookstore, holding a book and looking at it with great interest. One moment I was cheering, one moment I was silent, and one moment I frowned. That was me, a small frequent customer in the bookstore.

Remember one Sunday. I came to the bookstore at eight o'clock in the morning. When I saw a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Why", I couldn't wait to sit down and look at it. I don't know how long it took, an elder sister of a waiter called me: "Are you tired, little friend?" "Not tired" "Look at the time!" I looked up at my watch. It was half past eleven. I put down my book reluctantly, ran out of the bookstore, and went home.

I have also read different types of books, such as: Chinese and Foreign Celebrities' Stories, The Arabian Nights, Hoff's Fairy Tales... My favorite is the Emperor's New Clothes in Green's Fairy Tales. The emperor is too stupid and looks like a pig.

I want to tell you that you should also form a good habit of reading.

Grade 4 Narrative Composition (4)

That day, my brother went to Miao Yu's house to play. It was time for us to have dinner. My mother asked me to call him, and I promised. I went downstairs to Miao Yu's house to call him. Miao Yu said, "Feng Yuan..." Because Miao Yu didn't speak clearly, I didn't hear him clearly, so I didn't take it seriously. But when my brother came down, he chased a little sparrow. For some reason, this lovely bird could not fly, which surprised me. Maybe this is what Miao Yu wants to tell me, right? I was also curious, so I caught him home. Once I got home, my mother asked me to let it go, but I didn't want to. Maybe my strong curiosity made a big mistake.

I carefully put the little life as a treasure in the basket. I thought it would not run around, so I didn't tie a rope to it, but soon it disappeared. Mother was afraid that it would starve to death, so she turned the house upside down. But it seems that it deliberately plays hide and seek with us - never shows up. Mother looked for the TV cabinet with the last glimmer of hope, but could not find it. Mother's hopes were dashed.

In the evening, I cried a lot. My mother said, "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer. You deserve it!" I originally complained that my mother not only didn't comfort me, but also made fun of me. But think carefully: it's not my mother's fault, but mine. Who made me disobey my mother?

Although it has been one month since the incident, it has been deeply branded on my heart and will never be erased. I want to sincerely say to the bird: "Sorry, bird, sorry!"

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (5)

I played a game before Taomi, and there was an incredible phenomenon... of course, I tried many times.

To play this game, you need to prepare a bamboo chopsticks, a cup and a cup of rice. Put a cup of rice into a cup, press hard on the rice to flatten the rice without loosening it, then insert a bamboo chopstick between the fingers, and finally gently lift the hand. I found that the cup seemed to stick to my hand and could not fall off. The cup and rice were lifted together. At this time, I was like a magician, but there was no applause, only I cheered. But how could such a phenomenon occur? I have been puzzled, so I want to ask the adult.

I came to the flowerpot and asked our most knowledgeable mother, but she just said that it was impossible, unless you took a chance. I cried out, "No!" My mother really let me down. How could she say such a thing? Hum. I came to my father again and asked him this question. His answer was simple: "I don't know. There must be a reason to think about it." I was depressed and thought about it for a day, and finally got the result.

The air in the cup was squeezed out by the extrusion between the cup and the rice grains. At this time, the pressure outside the cup was greater than the pressure inside the cup, so that the chopsticks and the rice grains were tightly combined, so the chopsticks could lift the rice cup.

This game made me understand a big truth, worth it!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (6)

Get up, get up, the sun is shining. I patted my brother's butt and said. Do you still want to sleep? Little villain. The younger brother smiled and nodded. I took a car and put it in front of my brother and said: Do you want this? The younger brother smiled and said, "Thank you, sister. Give it to me.". The younger brother climbed up with a smile all over his face.

Dinner is over. Brother, come here quickly. Here is your favorite braised pork. I said as I cleaned up the dishes. My brother came running quickly and sat down at the table. When I went to pour a glass of water, the bowl was filled with vegetables. I smiled and said, "Really cute, thank you, brother.". My brother didn't speak either. I smiled slyly. It turned out that he gave me all the dishes he didn't like. I pretended to be angry and said, "What a little rascal!".

Give me a big car. My brother grabbed the toy car and shouted to me. I said: This toy is mine! Not yours, where are yours. My brother insisted that it was mine, not yours! When my brother saw that he could not rob me, he sat on the ground and cried. Alas, well, well, who let me be the elder sister? Good brother, don't cry, just give it to you. I said. I handed the car to my brother, who took it and smiled in his arms. Seeing his smiling face still hung with tears, he was really angry and funny.

This is my naughty and lovely brother.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (7)

Maybe in the eyes of many people, I am a good boy with good grades and mild temper. I will not deny it, but I will not fully agree with it. I did a lot of bad things when I was a child. The so-called "bad things" of course do not mean killing people and setting fires. For a child, stealing other people's vegetables, fighting, playing truant, disobeying parents and teachers are bad things. What's more, I once cut a girl's face with a sickle. What a bad thing!

When I was a child, I loved to play and was very naughty. My parents couldn't control me. Moreover, I didn't go to school at that time, and there was no teacher's constraint. I was really free. But since I cut her face with a sickle, I saw the invisible blood vessels overflowing from the lower forehead to the wound between her eyes and her cheek. Her tears and blood dissolved together with her cry and fell down to her cheeks. My pride was also destroyed in this cry, followed by fear and cowardice. I didn't want to hurt her. Even if I hated her, I thought a rusty sickle would not hurt people. I just wanted to scare her and let her flee. I want to argue that I want to get rid of the crime of "deliberately wounding", but the judge does not allow me, because I have no witnesses, but only one-sided words and the sickle that accused me. Finally, the prosecution won and I was convicted.

What should I do then? Waiting for punishment? Or apply for a retrial! I don't know how an eight or nine year old child can understand these complicated laws. After that, I dare not go home because neither of my parents will like children who do bad things. I am a bad boy, and I suddenly have these insights. Even if I didn't hurt others today, I am still a bad boy. I may have exploited the girl's face, which makes me even worse. Why does no one always tell me that I am a bad boy? Why should I bear the retribution of bad children? I spread out and sat on the ground powerless, holding my feet with both hands equally powerless. The head leaned on my knees and cried weakly. Tears poured out of my eyes. Even they hated me, a bad boy. They could not wait to walk out of my eyes to go to the sea, but finally they fell to the ground and waited for evaporation. When night falls, I want to cover me with darkness so that people can't see me. However, the street lamp beside the road teased me and lit me up. People would still see me as a bad boy. Time goes by, looking at the smoke on the chimney, listening to the laughter of every family, smelling the mouthwatering aroma of food, cowardice arises spontaneously

Finally I went home, but my father didn't scold me. There was no criticism, no investigation afterwards, and no summons from the court. Only once saw the girl and ____ Tell me to be careful in the future! That sentence is sincere. Later, I found that all the adults did was to protect a child's self-esteem and soul. I was a bad boy and they took great pains, but this growth crack inevitably formed in my heart. But maybe this crack will appear longer and more prominent in the girl's heart. I have been deeply sorry for her for many years. I don't know how much I hurt her. After this incident, I learned to think twice before acting, and calm down if not impulsive. I also saw through this crack, which is a turning point in my life, and I thank it. I find that people should not refuse cracks too much. They will not make us lose the brilliance of life gradually. If we understand cracks, they can become a beautiful part of our life.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (8)

In my memory, growth is a jointing cornstalk. Every time I experience an unforgettable event, I grow taller and grow up one year old. Opening my growth record, I could not help laughing when I saw that I was careful when I learned to ride a bicycle when I was six years old.

When I was six years old, I saw my neighbor's sister often riding a bike around the yard. I was very envious, so I begged my father to buy one for me. Strike while the iron is hot and begin to practice riding a bike.

A tall man like me will definitely do something extraordinary! I got on the bike happily. Unexpectedly, the handlebars didn't listen at all and fell on the butt. I gritted my teeth and stood up to ask my father for help. My father patiently told me the essentials of cycling: be bold, calm and confident. So, my father helped me hold the bike, and I tried to ride it for a few laps, with good results.

"Practice by yourself, you must be good," my father encouraged me.

"Huh? Let me fall again?"

"You'll never learn to fall back."

Go ahead! I got on the bike trembling, and the handlebars kept shaking.

"Don't worry, hold on!" I calmed down and the car finally stopped performing Yangko.

"Look here!" Dad picked up the camera.

"KAZA!" My funny expression was frozen forever: grinning and staring, as if I was stepping on a mine instead of riding a bike. However, after a short time, I can easily ride on the road. I not only learned to ride a bike, but also learned a truth of growth: there is always a process of learning things. It is impossible to become a fat man at one gulp. You can succeed if you learn from difficulties.

This is a small thing in my growth. These little things condense into a river of time, which makes me grow up and urges me to forge ahead.

In growing up, I have many stories, which accompany me day by day.

When I was a child, I also had my little story, that is, my mother took me to play slide and swing, played many games and toys, and many interesting things happened. These stories are my childhood stories, so my childhood stories are small.

Time and time flew before my eyes and slipped away at my feet. I have become a pupil. At this time, I also have many of my stories. These stories are no longer related to parents. I play with my friends, learn to sit quietly in the same classroom with my classmates, and live in a "small home". I also have my little story. For example, I went to play badminton, kick shuttlecock, jump rope, jump lattice with my friends, and learned many stories. But these stories are no longer as small as they were when I was a child. Now they have become slightly larger.

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." Now, I have grown up and become sensible. I am about to graduate and leave my alma mater. Now, I also have some interesting stories, but these stories are not as innocent and lively as when I was a child. These stories are about friendship, intimacy, teacher-student relationship and learning. On the sports ground, the companions shouted cheers! In learning, my parents and teachers cheer me up, and these stories become bigger and bigger.

Now I have become a middle school student. I have said goodbye to my alma mater, classmates, new classmates and friends. However, on the way, I still miss my old friends and classmates, whose faces and faces are still deep in my mind. Therefore, the current story is mature, slightly with a touch of sadness and sadness. But I know that there will be more stories in the journey of life. Let's cherish time and create more stories! It helps me.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (9)

If you want to talk about happiness, it is certainly the "snow spray war" on Christmas Eve. I think it's so funny and intense!

That night, I went to the White Tower with some good friends I had made an appointment with. When I arrived at the White Tower, I was surprised! The White Pagoda is really lively. Every road is crowded with people, and there are many children doing business. Some of the children are looking for stalls everywhere; Some are putting things; Others are selling. We walked around for a while and then started our "snow spray war".

Several of us were divided into two teams. One team had one person, and each person had a bottle of snow in his hand. Then one person shouted one, two, three, and the fierce war began. As soon as I heard the word "beginning", I sneaked into a corner to spy on every move of the "enemy". I saw an enemy coming slowly, I moved quietly, and then, suddenly together, sprayed the snow and turned him into a "grandpa"! As a result, I paid the corresponding price - I was sprayed with white hair! My enemies attacked me, and soon I became a snowman!

This snow spray war is really fun!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (10)

Today is the National Day. My parents said they would take me to the club. I'm so happy.

We walked into the club happily and were shocked - there were so many people inside! When I asked my mother where it was, she said, "This is a fishing club!" I exclaimed, "It's really a fishing club: with clear water, green grass, and colorful flowers, it's really beautiful."

This is a beautiful scene. Now let's take a look at your fishing. Fishers throw sausages, earthworms, etc. into the lake to lure fish, and then throw the hook with bait into the lake, quietly waiting for the fish to bite. Soon we returned with a full load, and I was even more happy.

It's time for lunch. We had a delicious "fish" dinner in the club. Don't mention how happy we are!

In the afternoon, my father and I went to the amusement park to play. We skated, trampoline, played sea ball, or water carnival, which made our family happy.

National Day is really lively and fun. I like National Day!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (11)

When I think of Robinson, a tall image will appear in my mind involuntarily.

Despite his parents' dissuasion, he wanted to complete his dream of sailing, but was trapped on a desert island. However, with his perseverance and wisdom, he built houses and planted food on the island. In the end, he did not die, but successfully escaped from the desert island. This spirit is really admirable. He not only has confidence in life, bravely faces life and creates life, but also has lived on a desert island for 28 years. 28 years!

This is totally dependent on his ability to survive. If we were on this desert island, how many days could we live? It's hard to imagine. But Robinson is not like this. He is always so calm in the face of difficulties. Instead of bowing to difficulties, he chooses to go on strong!

Look, compared with Robinson, how happy we are! Every morning, as long as we sit on the chair of the table, there will be milk and bread. But Robinson can only do it himself. Milk is his own goat milk, and bread is baked by himself and good flour. Sometimes, in order to save food, just eat a few raisins in the morning; And every day, he may have to guard against many animals, such as poisonous snakes, and even cannot sleep soundly. In contrast, we are much happier, very safe every day, and very reliable in sleeping. After all, we don't have this kind of animal, so we don't have to live in fear.

However, although our life is very beautiful, we have to learn from Robinson's courage and perseverance.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (12)

Today, Feng and I played an interesting hide and seek game.

That afternoon, I put my hand in my pocket to protect my baby. But he was so curious about the outside world that he talked with the wind. When I took it away, he jumped and the wind blew. He made a perfect arc in the air and landed in a corner perfectly. He laughed sideways. What was he laughing about? Maybe I didn't realize that it had stolen away.

Halfway, my hand couldn't help but reach into my pocket and touch it carefully - it was gone! Where did you go? Oh, what should I do? I hurried back to the campus to look for something!

I ran back to the classroom and looked in the drawer; Look at the ground, no; There are no drawers around. I frown, what should I do? What can I do now!

The dusk was heavy, the wind was blowing, and the sun put away the sword, like a steel plate weighing a thousand kilograms, and gradually fell to the ground. I walked out of the campus, looked around, and felt that it was hiding in someone else's wallet, pocket, schoolbag, stomach... I turned my head to the left, and the red thing appeared in front of me. It was it! It is! My 100 yuan! It was hiding in the corner of the wall.

The sun shakes down the soft light, shining on the earth, on the trees and trees in the campus. A breeze blew, and 100 yuan gently shook his body, as if singing.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (13)

One Tuesday morning, when I was in PE class, something moved me. The reason why I feel moved is that although this event is very small, it makes me unforgettable all my life. The details are as follows. On a sunny Tuesday morning, the leaves of willows are gently stirred by the breeze. During the physical education class, the physical education teacher allowed us to move freely. Dai Yingxing, Wu Mengling, Pan Junquan and several other students went to the football field in the playground to play football together. I accidentally stepped on the football in the process of playing football, and then fell heavily on the hard ground, with drops of red blood flowing from my knees, When several students who played football together didn't know what to do, Wu Mengling and Pan Junquan held my little hand without hesitation and helped me step by step to the teacher's office. When they got to the office, Wu Mengling and Pan Junquan said in unison, "Mr. Yang, Hong Jiasheng's knee is bleeding, please apply some medicine to him."

In the process of applying the medicine, I thought of the things I used to play tricks on them, but now they actually extended a helping hand to me, and I could not help but shed tears of emotion. This is a touching thing that happened to me in my second grade. In the days to come, I will also learn their spirit of letting go of past grievances and being ready to help others.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (14)

The most impressive thing is hiking. Speaking of feeling, there is only one word: tired! It's tiring, long and boring. I thought we could finish hiking early

After school, I didn't expect that the road would be so long. Instead of leaving school early, I delayed it for half an hour. Although the journey is long and the body and mind are exhausted, the long journey has taught us what persistence is. We all persevered in this hiking activity. Although we didn't feel very good on the way, we all persevered one by one. Although the body is tired, but the heart is happy! We walked step by step, we insisted with our sweat, when we entered the school, we laughed, even if the road is longer, we can not stop our pace of progress, we won ourselves and others applaud!

This hiking really explains a truth: persistence is victory

The school organized an outing this semester. This hiking is not just for fun. It's 30 kilometers long and it's a long journey! In fact, there are only two places we are going to: vocational school and Shengxi Lake Forest Park, but we are still excited and began to prepare a few days ago. Early in the morning, everyone arrived and was ready to start. At the beginning, we all walked happily, feeling like we were going to explore. On the way, we drew strange eyes and puzzled expressions from some passers-by. On the long road, everyone is still talking and laughing, very happy. Along the way, I visited a lot of good scenery, some lush trees, and some people chasing each other. They are full of vitality, and we should also move forward with vitality. About half the way, we stopped to have a rest. I sat down and hit it with my legs straight.

Some people seem to be tireless, walking around leaving the beautiful landscape with laughter and sweat at this time. After arriving at the vocational school, under the leadership of the large team, we took pictures with our mobile phones. At about 10:30 in a big school, we arrived at Shengxi Lake Forest Park, and we walked in excitedly. Although we were not here for the first time, this time we came together with teachers and many students, So the students took pains to record the scenery around them again. On the way back, I felt that only by running could I reduce the pain on my feet. But my strength was weak, so I had to continue walking. Stopping on the road is my greatest hope. Every time I take a step, I think: "Another small step, hold on!" Every time I reach a crossroad, I think: "Soon, as long as I take a step, I will win once! Come on!" When I see the school, I feel that she is so kind, and I should immediately throw herself into her arms. The moment I entered the school gate, I won!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (15)

Today, my mother took me swimming. I signed up for a swimming class last year, and I feel I can swim, so I am confident.

Once I entered the swimming pool, there were so many people. Many children as old as me were playing happily there. I was also anxious to get into the water and prepare for a swim. Just got into the water, wow! The water was so cold and deep that I was afraid of it. I quickly jumped and grabbed the shore. My mother encouraged me, but I just didn't dare swim by myself. Later, I put on a life buoy and practiced myself first. According to the teacher's instructions, I threw my hands off the water, held my breath, and swam out with my feet kicking hard. I practiced several times and felt that I had a good swim. My mother repeatedly encouraged me to take off the life buoy and swim on my own. I decided to let my mother have a look. I plunged into the water with a jerk, and just swam a few times, my nose was flooded, so I climbed onto the bank quickly. After that, I never dared to take the life buoy again. At this time, I found that I was too timid. I was not proficient in the basic essentials, and I always thought I was right. This was also true in learning. I had no perseverance, perseverance, and modesty. I am determined to correct my own shortcomings from today on. I can't do anything halfway and listen to others' opinions with an open mind.

However, I had a good time today. I'm going to go with my father in a few days. Let my father teach me well, and I will study hard.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (16)

Everyone should be sick sometimes! Did you feel uncomfortable and painful at that time?

Once, I was very uncomfortable. I threw up whatever I ate. It was really disgusting. My mother took me to the doctor and found that I had enterovirus. The doctor told me that you must have not washed your hands before eating. Wait, I nodded and went home. My mother took my bowl away and said, "You have enterovirus, so you can't use the same bowl with us." I asked why? My mother said, "Because enterovirus is a kind of infectious disease, which is terrible, and it may be infected by not paying attention to these small places." I asked curiously, is it really that terrible? My mother said, "Of course it's terrible! This serious disease may kill you!" I asked nervously, then would I die? Mom smiled and said, no! If it is very serious, don't make a fuss about it. I didn't know that enterovirus was so terrible until then. I took medicine obediently, and my disease gradually improved. I made up my mind that I would never have this disease again.

I have a friend named Liu Chang. He is very tall and strong, but he got sick during our mid-term exam. He stayed in hospital for several weeks. Everyone was worried. The teacher went to see him and asked him if he would come back for the exam? He said he was not sure. On the day of the midterm exam, he did not come. He called us and told us that he could not move his hands and feet. I was shocked because he was so tall that he could get sick. I found that no matter who he was, he would get sick. No matter how tall or short he was, he could get sick.

So many diseases are terrible, which really surprised me. I thought illness was nothing at all, but it might be very serious if we didn't pay attention, so we should take good care of our body.

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (17)

In my ordinary life, I have caught tiny ants, beautiful goldfish, interesting shrimp and so on. But what impressed me most was the time of catching crabs.

In the summer vacation, one day, my kindly grandfather, grandmother and I went to Changshu countryside with a tourist group. But the most important thing is to catch crabs! First of all, we found a "Crab Base Camp" in the very wet mud. It has everything from big to small. Then I took a thick branch and dug a hole in the hole. I thought that if I dug a hole in the hole, the space would be very crowded, and the crabs would be forced out by me and become my "prisoners of war". However, the crab did not dare to come out.

I found that crabs are very fast. When you just want to reach for them, they have already moved from this small hole to that small hole, and from that small hole to another large hole, which means that the reaction is very fast. After a while, he seemed to say sadly: "The enemy has occupied these holes, move the land quickly. If you don't want to die, go with our team! Be careful of being made into hairy crabs, curry crabs, spicy crabs, etc. by cruel humans!" Just then, Grandpa caught a big crab, almost as big as a bowl, and the people next to him caught all small crabs. Seeing the big fat crab, everyone was greedy and worked harder.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon! It's time to go!" Only the guide shouted, let's get on the bus. Finally, I reluctantly left this wet "crab base". This time, I had a preliminary understanding of the characteristics and abilities of crabs, such as their fast speed, sharp reaction ability, strange appearance, interesting love, etc. If I have a chance next time, I will take a small net to catch crabs!

Fourth grade Narrative Composition (18)

On a sunny morning, I got up early. Because I want to watch TV. If I don't get up early, my parents will find out. If I find out, I will eat "fried meat with bamboo shoots". For this reason, I got up early. Mom and Dad are very busy at night, so Mom and Dad don't get up very often in the morning. They usually arrive at 11:00 or 12:00. After watching TV for a while, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and was surprised!

Because standing outside is my friend "Qiqi" (Qiqi is his nickname, I have known him for four or five years Lego building blocks... We played a duel robot and enjoyed ourselves. Alas -- while we were enjoying ourselves, my mother came in! "Haohao, we are going to the store now!" I said, "Mom knows I will come out right away. Can you go, Qiqi?" "Go," he said happily.

When I got to the store, I followed Qi Qi to play in Wanda Community. We played the slide, played basketball, and picked pomelos... But just when we picked pomelos, my stomach was scratched: Qiqi and I saw a big tree. There were many pomelos on the tree. Qiqi and I wanted to pick it off. With our unremitting efforts, we finally picked four grapefruit. At the fifth grapefruit, I slipped and fell. The fork scraped my stomach. There was a four centimeter long cut. Qiqi and I hurried home. After my mother wiped alcohol on me, I felt much better.

As the teacher said, "If you don't die, you won't die!"