Caring for Family Composition (19 in total)
be cynical
2024-06-25 03:53:37
Junior high school

Caring for Family Composition (1)

The most precious thing in the world is family! Relatives give us infinite love, which is the light in our hearts, the warmth in the cold, and the hope in the darkness; The most grateful and rewarding thing is to give us life, let us come to this colorful world! Next, I will bring you an excellent composition of family care. I hope it will help you.

Composition 1 of Family Care

Lying on the bright nanmu floor of my friend's house, the sun fell into my eyes and felt warm. "It's really good, your new house," I said with sincere envy.

"Do you like it?" The friend's eyes were bright. "Then stay a few more days."

"Hmm?" I pretended to suck my nose regrettably. "No," I said with a smile, "there is no smell of my family here."

In fact, the house is only paved with dark brown and yellow tiles. After years of trampling, every step seems to hear the faint sigh of tiles. But looking out of the window, you can see the sea blue sky floating with clouds, and large areas of sunlight through the green leaves, and the mood will bloom like summer flowers.

The clear fragrance of flowers and plants fills the air, and it is everywhere at home with the shadow of my mother. Mother always sits upright on the chair, with a straight waist and a calm appearance. She took good care of our flowers and plants, and those bright flowers on the balcony began to bloom proudly in the morning. In the past, I never brought my classmates home. I wish the whole world didn't know our maze like room structure. But suddenly one day my mother called me. She sat up and said to me, "There is nothing to inferiority, this is your home. Remember, home always has the flavor people like best."

My mother's voice has always been ringing in my heart since the night of early spring. Later, I often calmly invited my classmates to come home, led them to the spacious stairway, walked through the winding room, and proudly led them to every place I know best. When we were laughing and making noise, my mother always stood quietly in the distance, set up a fruit platter for us, and smiled gently. At that moment, I realized my mother's thoroughness and wisdom to "home". I always feel that she is the support of this family, and let me understand that contented life is really a kind of happiness. Mother and the bright kitchen together, far away floating the mellow smell of rice, which tastes like a stream, quiet and indifferent.

The rainy days are circling around the old house. For the first few days, I could still curl up leisurely in the small blue sofa and listen to the sound of ticking outside the window, such as listening to the song dynasty poetess who were full of worries. However, with the deepening of the rainy season, everyone can only perform their own duties. The rain proof plastic plate rolled by the strong wind has not been repaired, so all the clothes can only be hung in the small indoor balcony, line up, and hang their heads sadly. When the wet clothes dripped all over the floor, it was time for mother to mop the floor. The voice outside the window becomes honest. Dad always smiles and moves the precious flowers from the balcony into the room as if playing, so as to exercise his waist. As a rule, my books are spread all over the table. They are piled up one by one, and then neatly arranged in the bookcase, so that they can survive the rainy season safely. The garlic hanging in the kitchen has sprouted, and the banana leaves have given birth to eye-catching mold. When Grandma came to visit us, she would pick it off in a good temper and use it to make dumplings with straight and sharp corners.

In those days, the smell of rain with the smell of grass, the smell of soap, ink, glutinous rice dumplings, celery, beef and corn porridge mixed together, and together with the smell of the sun in my sleep, wrapped my heart tightly. In the tired busy, I feel a calm happiness.

With love, a house can become a home and become clear and vivid because of thousands of flavors.

Composition 2 of Family Care

People have all tasted that "only mother is good in the world". I have heard this song, "When I was a child, I sat on my father's shoulder". I think it is most appropriate to send these two songs to parents all over the world.

My father loves me like a mountain. My father is meticulous about my study, but he doesn't have high requirements for me. As long as he learns extracurricular knowledge and what the teacher says, he will do. I know my father's personality very well, and I was moved by his greatness. When I was young, the sun baked the ground very hot outside, but he also bought me diapers. He had become a "black man" when he saw his father.

My mother is a master of housework. Every exam, my mother would scramble eggs for my sister and me, and told us to study hard, check carefully, and not be careless. My mother repeatedly told me not to make small movements in class.

My mother worked very hard, and talked with the guests. My father was also very busy. I remember once he worked until one o'clock in the morning, which made him very tired.

My parents are so grateful to me. I just want to use college to repay their love for me. I love them for their efforts! This is my call from the bottom of my heart. I hope they can hear it.

Composition 3 of Family Care

Home is happy! He goes down with the setting sun and comes out with the rising sun; He accompanied the harmony and warmth of his home!

Everyone's home will be filled with happiness, but it must withstand the waves. Yes, as long as you are willing to pay, there will be gains. As long as you are willing to experience, there will be happiness! Happiness is everywhere, but it mostly stays at home. At home, happiness grows in warmth, grows in harmony, matures in wind and rain, and is like a fish in water. Happiness at home is like a cradle for babies. It's like a nursery rhyme like the sound of nature. It takes us into the wonderful dream kingdom and travels there.

At night, the wind rolled and the rain hit me face to face. My mother covered me with a quilt and got up. She moved gently with the wind, danced quietly with the rain, and turned on the tap. At night, I was shocked. My mother rubbed her clothes with deformed bones... I saw, I saw my mother's tired figure; I saw the broken hair on my mother's forehead, and it seemed that there was silver light. I saw again that my mother's face was filled with happiness. Although the smile was not as bright as hibiscus, nor as moving as Youlan's pure heart, it also had her unique charm and unique general demeanor; I saw my mother's inner joy as if the sun was warm and pleasant.

Mother is drying clothes. On the eve, that disobedient bad doll, the coat hanger, seemed to hear her mother's voice and became very obedient. My mother rubbed her hands. My mother's hands became more red because of the long immersion in the water. How worried! I couldn't help shivering... I was shocked, and my father was watching! My father and I have sweet smiles on our faces. I think the night is not dim. The rain is not cold with the wind. There is a warm current flowing in exultation and joy.

I am bathed in the spring breeze at home, baptized by the summer rain, cool in autumn, tested in winter, the wind is quiet, the grass is soft, I can not help but fall into thinking, hehe! Although there are ups and downs at home, what I still remember is the precious happiness in my heart.

Home is happy! He accompanied our family through spring, summer, autumn and winter! He accompanied our family through ups and downs!

Caring for Family Composition (2)

We all have our own unforgettable things. Let's share them. Let me share my unforgettable things first.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, I saw a kindergarten classmate wearing a pair of black riding boots. After school at noon, I asked my mother to buy a pair of shoes the same as my classmates'. My mother said to me, "You are still young now, and I will buy them for you when you grow up." 'I went home, and my mother cooked dinner, but I did not eat or go to kindergarten. My mother said, "Why don't you go to kindergarten? ”I said, "Who told you not to buy shoes for me?" My mother finally persuaded me to go to kindergarten. My family was not rich at that time. My father came home in the afternoon, and I cried that my father would buy shoes for me. My father said, "What kind of shoes make you cry like this?" I said, "I want them from my mother, but my mother won't buy them for me." My father went to ask my mother again, and her mother said, "He is still young, so he doesn't need to buy such expensive shoes." My father said:

"Buy her a pair. Anyway, the New Year is coming, so I can't find a way." So my father doesn't go home directly from work every day. He works in a small factory for a few hours. He worked for a month and earned more than 200 yuan. My mother bought me a sweater, coat, trousers and riding boots. When I put on my sweater, coat, pants and riding boots, I looked very beautiful.

After my father bought clothes for me, there was not much money left at home. After the New Year, I saw a small hole in my father's pants. I said to my father, "Why don't you throw your pants away when they are broken?" My father said, "Why do you throw them away? Just let your mother sew them." My mother came back in the afternoon and sewed them for my father, My father put it on. Grandma often said to us, "Be diligent and thrifty, and don't waste. Eating sea cucumber and abalone every day is actually not good for your health. It's better to eat some simple food."

Several years later, my father decided to start a company. It was difficult at the beginning. With my father's efforts, life gradually improved. I bought a good car and a good house, and my family lived in harmony. Although I have money, I am not as happy as I used to be. I used to play poker and games at night, but now my father is very busy. Almost every night I have social intercourse. It has laid the foundation for our future.

Therefore, we should study hard to repay our parents, be a useful talent and lay the foundation for our next generation. Thank you! My father and mother.

Caring for Family Composition (3)

When talking about the care of my family, I can't do without my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandpa, who care, care and protect me. I have a happy big family. They love me all the time. I live happily. Although sometimes my father severely criticized me when I made more mistakes in my homework, I felt that my father cared and paid for me. I remember very clearly that once I broke my leg. From the anxious eyes of my father and mother and the words of love, I felt extremely happy and fast. At that time, I cried excitedly. Another time, it was very cold that day. I forgot to wear a sweater. When I came home from school, my mother kept asking me, "Are you cold?" I said, "Not cold." My mother asked, "It's not cold." I said, "It's not cold." This time, my mother cared too much.

The care and efforts of our family members are worth recalling, remembering and cherishing. The love of father and mother is the greatest love in the world, the most selfless love, only pay, not return. The love of parents can't be bought with money. We should repay our parents' love with practical actions. We should start from the first place and start from small things. We should learn to care for our parents and care for others.

Caring for Family Composition (4)

Flowers should thank rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish their growth; The goshawk would like to thank the sky for letting it fly.

Today is a cloudy day. When I got up at 9 o'clock, I was in a bad mood. At noon, we were having dinner. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and powerless. My mother noticed my abnormality and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" "I'm... dizzy." My mother heard this and hurried over to touch my forehead with her cold hands. Mother's face was serious: "Oh, you have a fever, so hot!" Mother immediately put down her chopsticks, entrusted her younger brother and sister to the neighbors, and carried me downstairs. My mother put me down, let me sit on the bike, ride on the bike and go. After a while, we arrived at the hospital. My mother hurried to register. After reading my name, my mother took me in. She told me about the condition in detail, and the doctor asked me to take my temperature. Finally, the doctor said that three bottles of droppings should be given. When I heard this, I was shocked: "Who told me that I was ill? I deserve it. Why should I have three bottles of droppings when I was ill?" My mother sat beside me watching me anxiously.

Ah! Finally, my mother asked me: "Is my head still sore?" "Hehe, it doesn't hurt anymore."

One song said: "Thank God, thank you, thank yourself......" And I should thank my parents!

Caring for Family Composition (5)

Filial piety and loving relatives are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, and also the foundation of our life. Parents also told many stories about filial piety and love: "Kong Rong let pears", "lying on the ice for lithium". Let me grow up in an environment of filial piety and loving parents.

I remember one day when I passed a place, I saw a little sister sitting on the ground crying. I ran to her and helped her up. I asked, "Why are you crying, little sister?" She cried even harder when she saw that she was a strange brother. I hurriedly said: "Don't cry, I will take you to find your mother!" My sister stopped crying. As I led her along, I suddenly saw a friend. I was going to lead my sister to tell him the story. Unexpectedly, she ran faster than me. She ran to the friend and kept shouting "Brother, brother." I understood that the friend was the younger sister's brother. The friend said to me, "Thank you for helping me take care of my running sister. Thank you, thank you!" "You're welcome," I said hurriedly. On the way home, I smiled happily.

At home, I am the waiter of my father and mother. I will pour a glass of water after my father comes home from work and say: "Dad, you are hard!". I am also a small courier. The second uncle's house is not far from our house, but the second uncle's house lives on the seventh floor. Every time my father asked me to pick up something or send something, no matter what I was doing at that time, I would check in at the first time, and then send it to the second uncle's house. After completing the task, I would return home immediately and wait for the next task. I'm still a buyer. Every time my father asks me to buy something, I will go and get it back quickly, and give the money back to my father.

Filial piety and loving relatives are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. We should take this as a habit, rather than the parents asking you to do it many times. Students, hurry up!

Caring for Family Composition (6)

When I was young, I didn't understand my parents' intentions. I always felt that my parents didn't love me, but gradually I learned that every parent loves their children, but each parent expresses their love in a different way.

I remember once, when I was one o'clock deep, my whole body felt uncomfortable, my hands and feet were cold, my mother took my temperature, and the high fever was 40 degrees! Mom hurried to look for medicine, but there was no medicine at home. Now it was 1 o'clock, and the outpatient clinics around were closed. What should I do? Mother is so worried that she looks like ants on a hot pot. It's no use being urgent. Go to the clinic for injection as soon as possible. My mother immediately took a taxi to see a doctor. On the road, my mother urged the driver again and again to drive faster. As time went by, I found an emergency hospital and the doctor gave me an injection. When I woke up the next day, I found that there were still a few drops of sweat on my mother's forehead. The eye rims were dark and bloodshot. She smiled heartily as I looked fine.

"Examinations are the magic weapon of teachers; scores are the lifeblood of students!" This score is really the lifeblood of students. What will happen if the exam is not good? One day, the teacher was handing out the English test paper: "Huang Peiqi, 68!" I was shocked. "How could this happen?" I took the test paper and stared at the 68 points written in bright red ink. After school, my heart was very confused, like a leaf blown here and there by a whirlwind, and my head was too heavy to lift. It seems that this time there is no shortage of a beating, and the tears keep rolling in the eyes. After returning home, my mother learned about the exam, not only did she not hit me, but also comforted me: "It doesn't matter. The key is to know how to work hard. Next time, try to get 100 points. This is your real gain!"

I deeply realize that maternal love is the greatest, and maternal love will put us on a ship of life that is free from obstacles. When you are helpless, your mother's smile will reflect a bright light for you! Students, let's remember our mother's kindness and learn to be grateful to our parents! Let the mother feel beautiful, beautiful and unforgettable with a word, let her tears fill her eyes, let us say to her affectionately: "Mom, I love you!"

The love of parents is so selfless and great. All they do is show their love for us. Let's cherish the love of parents.

Caring for Family Composition (7)

There is a kind of love that is great and ordinary, and there is a kind of love that only knows how to pay... This kind of love is the love of parents, and it is our forever close love. This kind of love is mother's sweet kiss, this kind of love is father's powerful hands, this kind of love is mother's warm arms, this kind of love is father's generous shoulders. This kind of love is the love that envelops our family.

I remember once, I accidentally hurt my leg. Both knees were covered with blood. When my mother saw that she was too frightened to speak, my father quickly picked me up and sent me to the hospital. Mother also followed. When I was in the car, I kept moaning. My mother always comforted me and said, "No pain, no pain, my mother will blow." I looked up and found my mother's eyes were full of tears. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor said I would be hospitalized for treatment. Ask Dad to pay the hospitalization fee first. My mother put me in bed and said, "Have a rest!" I nodded and closed my eyes. Because I am already very tired. During my stay in hospital, my mother accompanied me all the time. My father runs around for me, and whatever I want to eat, no matter how far the journey is, my father will buy it for me. When I wake up in the morning, I always see those monotonous things - hot breakfast, my mother's red eyes, my father's tired body. Although these things are monotonous, they are full of the love of my mother and father. When I recovered from the hospital, I saw my father and mother showing their long lost smiles.

Family love is the most brilliant sunshine in the world, beautiful flowers in spring, and warm sweaters in winter.

Caring for Family Composition (8)

It has been ten or seven years since I came here. Because of his greediness, he paid special attention to what he drank. The transparent Sprite is not like a glass of boiled water, but it will make you cry if you drink it. The rich juice is my favorite for a while, but it will cause toothache if you drink too much; Wahaha and the like, once drunk, I don't know its taste afterwards; I also tasted the wine made by my father secretly, and got a meal of wrenches in addition to being spicy - how can children drink! What I like so far, and what I regard as the top grade is only the tea I call cement leaves!

It has its own unique mellow and unique fragrance. It won't make you think about it. Only by drinking it slowly and tasting it carefully can you know its taste.

It's like a father.

Because of his work, my father was away all the year round, but he did not forget his wife and children because of this. What I looked forward to most at that time was not the New Year, but the things that belonged to me in Dad's bag when he came back. Sometimes there will be a puzzle toy, and sometimes there will be several children's toys. But my father would never buy me a game machine. He thought it would not give me anything useful. He would play with me with toys and ask me to read poems. Touching the faded "Three Hundred Tang Poems", I will clearly remember the scene where my father left his job to read poems with his son and read words. The fatherly love contained in toys is the most memorable.

At this time, I can taste orange peel tea with sugar. I vaguely know that tea tastes sweet and has a better taste.

In the older age, the meaning of home has become a place to eat and sleep - every day. At this time, as long as my father had a little time, he would take me out to museums, cinemas, amusement parks and zoos. Let me enjoy the whole day and reveal the huge knowledge of life to me little by little. I will take pains to answer all kinds of childish questions for me: why do people eat? Why is there no sun at night? Will I have a beard when I grow up Every day after playing, I would sit on my bike and sleep with my father in my arms. My father took off his overcoat and wrapped me in it. He dressed himself in a single coat and rode home quickly with his car and my hand. My father is like a towering tree to me, covering me, sheltering me from the wind and rain, and nothing to be afraid of. Slowly understand a little father's love.

At this time, I have begun to drink only wild chrysanthemum tea. Because in addition to sugar, chrysanthemum peel tea has a faint but refreshing fragrance, which will make you drunk.

After junior high school, I thought I had grown up. I came to school with a lot of rebellious and cynical energy. I thought that I had to live a good life in the past three years, but I fought with someone the next day. Although it was not my fault, I still let me find my parents, and decided to get beaten first. I was afraid of being beaten, waiting for my father's arrival in despair. My father's first words were: I believe in my son! Until now, the words that moved me and filled me with love are still ringing in my ears. Great dad! Great love!

Without sugar, chrysanthemum and orange peel become a cup of tea with no outstanding points. But its greatness is that it seems plain, but in fact it has endless aftertaste.

I have a cup of tea that I can't finish drinking. Only after careful consideration can we know its flavor. I have a good father, who loves me like tea, always cares about me, encourages me, and infects me silently but everywhere.

Father love is like tea!

Caring for Family Composition (9)

I remember that spring, when I was only six years old, I was still in kindergarten. One day, my mother took me to kindergarten by bike. On the way, I didn't know why my foot got caught in the steel ring of my bicycle. The steel wire was immediately embedded in my leg belly, which made me cry out immediately. When my mother heard my startled voice, she immediately stopped the car and asked me: "What's wrong, kid?" I said: "Feet, feet..." My mother looked down and saw that my legs were bleeding. She quickly leaned the bike aside, even the car did not care about it, picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I came to the hospital, my mother went straight to the surgery room and asked the doctor to treat me. My mother comforted me and told me not to be afraid... After the doctor's examination, my mother asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is the child's foot?" "It's OK, but I have to walk less recently." "Oh!" My mother's face was settled. The doctor stopped my bleeding, applied medicine and bandaged me. Mom took out her mobile phone and called Dad to ask him to take a few days off for her. My father was so worried that he asked for leave to come to see me and then picked me up and my mother to go home. When I got home, my mother found a pair of slippers for me and put them in front of my bed. At the same time, she went to the street store and bought me many good things to eat, so that I wouldn't have nothing to do when I was idle. In the days when my leg injury was not good, my mother always accompanied me and took care of me every step of the way. Dad will go home as soon as he gets off work, and he also brings me many snacks that I like to eat. Seeing my parents working for me like this, I often can't even sleep well. I'm really sad. I wonder how I got hurt by the steel wire of my bicycle so carelessly... I really want to give my parents a little comfort and make my injury better at once... In daily life, my parents and my mother care for me everywhere. What impressed me most was that I was ill last winter, They took good care of me.

That night, I suddenly woke up from the cold. It was more than three o'clock in the morning when I looked at my watch. Then I lay down to sleep, but my forehead was too hot and painful to sleep. I decided to tell my mother, so I walked to my mother's room gently and pushed her sleeping mother. When she woke up, I said quickly, "Mom, I feel my head is painful and hot, and I feel extremely uncomfortable." My mother immediately touched my forehead and said in surprise, "You have a fever!" After saying that, my mother quickly and anxiously ran to the medicine cabinet and took out the heat probe, Put it under my armpit, and find a wet towel to put on my forehead to cool down. Ten minutes later, my mother took out a heat probe from my armpit and saw, "Wow, it's 40 degrees Celsius, I was sent to the hospital. After being diagnosed by the doctor, the doctor said, "Children, you have to take injections and medicine." My father and mother have been accompanying me to finish the injection. When I saw my high fever gradually receding, my frown was relaxed. After the injection, it was daybreak. After my father and mother sent me home, they were busy taking medicine for me.

Mom and Dad, I want to say loudly to you: "You are really my good parents. I am so happy to have such a father and mother!

Caring for Family Composition (10)

Parents' love for their children is the greatest and selfless love in the world. My parents, like all parents, grow up with their love. When I fell, they taught me how to get up; When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they encourage me and support me; When I win, they appreciate me and praise me; At any time, they care about me meticulously. They are happy for me and sad for me.

Worry about me and pay more for me. A recent incident made me understand my parents' love better.

In April, Huiwen training class suddenly added an exam, which was the worst exam I had ever taken. Although I didn't know the score, I felt really bad. Half of the 14 questions were not guaranteed to be correct, so I was ashamed. While I was thinking about how to face my parents, my father was waiting for me at the school gate.

When I saw my father, I heard his voice: "Is it an exam today?" I nodded, "Is it difficult? Did you fail in the exam?" This made me more unable to look up and more ashamed. On the way home, there was no other sound except the buzzing engine of the electric bicycle. I wonder how my father knew that I failed in the exam. I guess it was my expression! I came home before I knew it. When I got home, my mother waited for me at the door. When she saw me, she asked, "I heard that today's Huiwen exam was not notified in advance. How was it going?" Her eyes shone, which made me even more speechless. But seeing her like this doesn't make me have to say it. I said to my mother, "I failed in the exam. I haven't seen any of the questions before, and one fourth of the questions were covered." My mother's eyes were a little weaker, and she said to me, "How many points do you think you can get? Are you in the top 100?" "I don't know." I couldn't stand it any more, and rushed into the room. In fact, I know from the bottom of my heart that my father and mother have made great efforts for me. They have accompanied me to attend various training classes in the past year. I also know that they want me to go to a good middle school. Now that I have got such a result, I don't know how to face the heart of my father and mother.

At this time, my father came in and said to me: "If it is my good girl, she will stand up and fail the exam. There will be another exam, won't there? But once the heart is crossed, you can't do it again. Tell me, you are always the best, OK? I don't ask you to say now, but tell me with practice, I firmly believe that you can do it!"

My mother handed me the apple and said, "Eat the apple first!" Tears blurred my eyes. The apple was in my palm and seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. It condenses the power of love and makes me no longer sad.

Although I don't know what I will be like in the future, I firmly believe that I will not drive alone under the ocean of love, because with love, my heart will become bright and warm. I firmly believe this.

Caring for Family Composition (11)

I have a lot of things: mobile phones, books, backpacks, hair cards, etc. Seeing these things, I will think: I am really happy with it. A few days later, when I saw that thing, I thought again: I am so happy with it. But it seems to me that having parents' care is the happiest thing in the world.

Some time ago, a kind of make-up art was popular in our class. Use a red pencil, pen and pencil in your hand for a while to "draw lightly", and you will see a "black green" that looks like a "black green" where you are. As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to learn how they looked. When I finished painting, I saw that it was so similar; At this time, my mind started to make an calculation

"Open the door, open the door", my mother came back, I pretended to be serious and opened the door silently. My mother also found something wrong with me, otherwise, I would play with my mother for a while every day. What's wrong with you? Mother asked me. I gave my mother a look at the "wound" on my hand, and then withdrew my hand. "Ah" My mother was shocked. Please show me, what's the matter? I was afraid that my mother would see the broken anchorage and quickly draw back her hand. But my mother caught me. My mother looked at my hand, both heartache and blame. "Where did you crack"? Mother asked me. "I hit the desk with my classmates," I replied.

My mother continued to feel distressed, but I woke up with a burst of laughter. "Mom, you were fooled. This is a small invention of our class, is it very similar? Let me draw one for you, too. It's funny, hahaha/" As I said, I pressed the "wound" with my forefinger to confirm my words. Moments later, my mother woke up, her cousin on her face was unable to laugh or cry, and she kicked me.

Later, I asked my mother if she really loved me. Her eyes were red and she nodded.

With the care of my parents, who else in the world is happier than me? I think: there should be no more. I am the happiest person in the world.

Caring for Family Composition (12)

Time flies like an arrow. As time goes by, I have been in Grade 5. In addition to learning from textbooks, I also learned how to care about people. As long as you know how to care about others, others will also care about you.

In fact, caring is all around us. As long as you carefully observe your relatives or teachers and classmates, they are always caring for you. A nagging from parents and a criticism from teachers are all caring for you.

Care is everywhere around us, and it is also a very small thing that others do for you.

Remember May 12, 20XX? This is a day that the Chinese people cannot forget. The sudden earthquake suddenly ruins the original beautiful Wenchuan. The whole city is shrouded in darkness. Many innocent lives have left us, and many families have been broken up. At this time, there are many sobering stories.

Many places are donating money for Wenchuan, and our school is not included. I donated some of my pocket money to the people in the disaster area. A few days later, when I came home from school and saw that the community was also carrying out a "love donation" activity for Wenchuan, I immediately ran home and did not hesitate to donate another part of my pocket money. I also learned about the situation in the disaster area through TV every day, hoping that Wenchuan can "survive" this challenge.

Now, three years after the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, the people in the earthquake area have moved into new houses, and students can also have classes in bright classrooms. When my family sat around the TV and saw the news, my mother jokingly said: "Thanks to your donation!" I also replied with a smile: "Thanks to your donation!" Grandma smiled and said: "Thanks to the country!"

It is not difficult to care about others. As long as we each pay a little attention within our ability, this will change a lot.

Caring for Family Composition (13)

I always wanted to talk about my parents, but I never found a chance. A year ago, I would not think about this problem. At that time, I was still indignant about many things, immersed in my own world and not in the mood to care about other people. I have no patience, and I am not ashamed of my impatience. No compassion, and do not regret the lack of compassion. Disdain for emotional expression, enjoy satirizing people who disagree with their own opinions. Naturally, many things are not going well. I often wonder why filial piety is emphasized in Chinese tradition? Now I want to understand, because the attitude towards parents determines the attitude towards others in life, which is the most basic attitude towards life. This is the reason why unfilial people cannot pay. Whose kindness can reach the level of parents? Who can show kindness to parents?

I can't understand the past, I can't understand it from my heart. As for when I suddenly understood, I don't remember. Maybe on a very ordinary afternoon half a year ago, I accidentally hugged my mother, felt her warm breath, heard her heartbeat, and suddenly remembered that I had stayed in this body. The warmth and breath, the steady heartbeat, was a wonderful feeling, a feeling of security, a feeling of warmth. That feeling comes from the most primitive memory, just like instinct. Feelings have found a gap. From then on, I felt that I had a heart, and everything around me is no longer insignificant and can be sacrificed. The look at others is no longer cold. The world becomes fresh and touchable. My mother said that I had helped her, and I also wanted to say that she and he also helped me. From then on, I kept reflecting. I hope that I can repay others' efforts when I am indifferent by being nice to others. So I heard someone say that I have finally grown up.

My parents taught me a lot. They are no different from other parents in heart. I am no different from other children. Whenever I face them, I will also worry about their nagging and supervision. Whenever I want to lose my temper and yell at them, I always think of their compromise and everything they have done. Up to now, I can't write it down. Even if I only start with one head, I will burst into tears.

I deeply understand the meaning of compromise from my relationship with my parents. Getting along between people is a process of constant compromise. It was from them that I learned the knowledge of goodness and found the root of my heart disease. Learn to love others, out of their own prison.

Don't yell at your parents. They are really poor. They have nothing but us.

Caring for Family Composition (14)

We came to this world to get a lot of things, but we also have to learn to release a special energy, that is, love for others.

In this progressive society, the relationship between people has become more and more delicate. In this society, people also block a beautiful thing in their hearts, that is, love for others. People always think that it is enough to care for their own families, but they lock their love for others in their hearts. No one wants to get happiness from caring for others. Instead, they think that if I give him love today, will I suffer from disaster because of him one day? Complicate human relations. People treat the people around them with cold faces, and don't want people to know that they have deep love in their hearts.

Caring for others is a virtue that a person should have. If we are willing to release our inner love, how beautiful the society will be. I once read a poem, in which there was a sentence that made me feel deeply: "I stood on the street and looked at people coming and going. Through the wall of their cold and serious faces, I saw that what was struggling there was their love for each other." It is not difficult to see that people have great love in their hearts, He was afraid to show it because of various reasons buried in his heart. Why don't we put away the burden, let our inner love radiate the whole society, and make human society more harmonious.

The deep sleep of love is a great loss of society. The happiness that love can bring is beyond comparison with anything else. If we release the energy of our inner love, others can get needs from it, and we can also get happiness. Give your love free and you will get endless happiness. Isn't that the true meaning of life?

Give people roses and leave a lingering fragrance in their hands. Release the energy of your and my love, let more people get help, and let the society be full of love.

Caring for Family Composition (15)

Composition 1 of Family Caring for Me

I opened my eyelids solidified by tears, looked out of the window at the light flying willow, and a blinding light covered my eyes. When I woke up, I felt my cheeks were as hot as fire, my brain seemed to be filled with a stone, so heavy that I could not lift it, my limbs were weak, a heat was rising in my body, the ceiling in front of me was winding, my brain was confused, and I was trapped on the bed. When I woke up for the second time, I was very confused. I just saw a person sitting beside the bed, holding a cup of hot water in his hand, and the curly water vapor began to steam. I looked at the man from the vagueness, and the tears seemed to ripple in the corners of my eyes.

The man looked at me and said to me in a slightly hoarse voice, "You wake up, drink some water first."

It's Dad. At this time, I was unable to speak, but I felt a big hand lifted me up, and then the hot water was sent into the mouth. I have been staring at my father, looking at his solemn look with half closed eyes, and the deep wrinkles around the corners of my eyes, I choked. The dense heat in my chest began to boil, and endless warmth poured into my blood.

I went to sleep again. I didn't close my eyes. What I saw in my eyes was the outline of a wispy mist, the aging figure. He was also looking at me, stroking my head, my hot head, with those warm hands. A sudden cold spread over my head. Is it tears? My eyes are blurry, like a pool of muddy water. My wet eyes also confirm the fiery call from the bottom of my heart. I feel the whispers in my ears with my heart. It is my father who says to me, "Sleep! It's OK." I can't control the burst of tears. Let it turn into a spring after rain! Like spring rain, it moistens the land.

I fell asleep, along with the brilliance of the first day when I was rising, and the warmth of love that lingered in my mind, contained my happiness and rippled slightly in the corners of my mouth.

Composition 2 of Family Care for Me

It has been ten or seven years since I came here. Because of his greediness, he paid special attention to what he drank. The transparent Sprite is not like a glass of boiled water, but it will make you cry if you drink it. The rich juice is my favorite for a while, but it will cause toothache if you drink too much; Wahaha and the like, once drunk, I don't know its taste afterwards; I also tasted the wine made by my father secretly, and got a meal of wrenches in addition to being spicy - how can children drink! What I like so far, and what I regard as the top grade is only the tea I call cement leaves!

It has its own unique mellow and unique fragrance. It won't make you think about it. Only by drinking it slowly and tasting it carefully can you know its taste.

It's like a father.

Because of his work, my father was away all the year round, but he did not forget his wife and children because of this. What I looked forward to most at that time was not the New Year, but the things that belonged to me in Dad's bag when he came back. Sometimes there will be a puzzle toy, and sometimes there will be several children's toys. But my father would never buy me a game machine. He thought it would not give me anything useful. He would play with me with toys and ask me to read poems. Touching the faded "Three Hundred Tang Poems", I will clearly remember the scene where my father left his job to read poems with his son and read words. The fatherly love contained in toys is the most memorable.

At this time, I can taste orange peel tea with sugar. I vaguely know that tea tastes sweet and has a better taste.

In the older age, the meaning of home has become a place to eat and sleep - every day. At this time, as long as my father had a little time, he would take me out to museums, cinemas, amusement parks and zoos. Let me enjoy the whole day and reveal the huge knowledge of life to me little by little. I will take pains to answer all kinds of childish questions for me: why do people eat? Why is there no sun at night? Will I have a beard when I grow up Every day after playing, I would sit on my bike and sleep with my father in my arms. My father took off his overcoat and wrapped me in it. He dressed himself in a single coat and rode home quickly with his car and my hand. My father is like a towering tree to me, covering me, sheltering me from the wind and rain, and nothing to be afraid of. Slowly understand a little father's love.

At this time, I have begun to drink only wild chrysanthemum tea. Because in addition to sugar, chrysanthemum peel tea has a faint but refreshing fragrance, which will make you drunk.

After junior high school, I thought I had grown up. I came to school with a lot of rebellious and cynical energy. I thought that I had to live a good life in the past three years, but I fought with someone the next day. Although it was not my fault, I still let me find my parents, and decided to get beaten first. I was afraid of being beaten, waiting for my father's arrival in despair. My father's first words were: I believe in my son! Until now, the words that moved me and filled me with love are still ringing in my ears. Great dad! Great love!

Without sugar, chrysanthemum and orange peel become a cup of tea with no outstanding points. But its greatness is that it seems plain, but in fact it has endless aftertaste.

I have a cup of tea that I can't finish drinking. Only after careful consideration can we know its flavor. I have a good father, who loves me like tea, always cares about me, encourages me, and infects me silently but everywhere.

Father love is like tea!

Composition 3 of Family Care for Me

I remember that spring, when I was only six years old, I was still in kindergarten. One day, my mother took me to kindergarten by bike. On the way, I didn't know why my foot got caught in the steel ring of my bicycle. The steel wire was immediately embedded in my leg belly, which made me cry out immediately. When my mother heard my startled voice, she immediately stopped the car and asked me: "What's wrong, kid?" I said: "Feet, feet..." My mother looked down and saw that my legs were bleeding. She quickly leaned the bike aside, even the car did not care about it, picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I came to the hospital, my mother went straight to the surgery room and asked the doctor to treat me. My mother comforted me and told me not to be afraid... After the doctor's examination, my mother asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is the child's foot?" "It's OK, but I have to walk less recently." "Oh!" My mother's face was settled. The doctor stopped my bleeding, applied medicine and bandaged me. Mom took out her mobile phone and called Dad to ask him to take a few days off for her. My father was so worried that he asked for leave to come to see me and then picked me up and my mother to go home. When I got home, my mother found a pair of slippers for me and put them in front of my bed. At the same time, she went to the street store and bought me many good things to eat, so that I wouldn't have nothing to do when I was idle. In the days when my leg injury was not good, my mother always accompanied me and took care of me every step of the way. Dad will go home as soon as he gets off work, and he also brings me many snacks that I like to eat. Seeing my parents working for me like this, I often can't even sleep well. I'm really sad. I wonder how I got hurt by the steel wire of my bicycle so carelessly... I really want to give my parents a little comfort and make my injury better at once... In daily life, my parents and my mother care for me everywhere. What impressed me most was that I was ill last winter, They took good care of me.

That night, I suddenly woke up from the cold. It was more than three o'clock in the morning when I looked at my watch. Then I lay down to sleep, but my forehead was too hot and painful to sleep. I decided to tell my mother, so I walked to my mother's room gently and pushed her sleeping mother. When she woke up, I said quickly, "Mom, I feel my head is painful and hot, and I feel terrible." My mother immediately touched my forehead and said in surprise, "You have a fever!" After saying that, my mother quickly and anxiously ran to the medicine cabinet and took out the heat probe, Put it under my armpit, and find a wet towel to put on my forehead to cool down. Ten minutes later, my mother took out a heat probe from my armpit and saw, "Wow, it's 40 degrees Celsius, I was sent to the hospital. After being diagnosed by the doctor, the doctor said, "Children, you have to take injections and medicine." My father and mother have been accompanying me to finish the injection. When I saw my high fever gradually receding, my frown was relaxed. After the injection, it was daybreak. After my father and mother sent me home, they were busy taking medicine for me.

Mom and Dad, I want to say loudly to you: "You are really my good parents. I am so happy to have such a father and mother!

Composition 4 of Family Care for Me

Parents' love for their children is the greatest and selfless love in the world. My parents, like all parents, grow up with their love. When I fell, they taught me how to get up; When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they encourage me and support me; When I win, they appreciate me and praise me; At any time, they care about me meticulously. They are happy for me and sad for me.

Worry about me and pay more for me. A recent incident made me understand my parents' love better.

In April, Huiwen training class suddenly added an exam, which was the worst exam I had ever taken. Although I didn't know the score, I felt really bad. Half of the 14 questions were not guaranteed to be correct, so I was ashamed. While I was thinking about how to face my parents, my father was waiting for me at the school gate.

When I saw my father, I heard his voice: "Is it an exam today?" I nodded, "Is it difficult? Did you fail in the exam?" This made me more unable to look up and more ashamed. On the way home, there was no other sound except the buzzing engine of the electric bicycle. I wonder how my father knew that I failed in the exam. I guess it was my expression! I came home before I knew it. When I got home, my mother waited for me at the door. When she saw me, she asked, "I heard that today's Huiwen exam was not notified in advance. How was it going?" Her eyes shone, which made me even more speechless. But seeing her like this doesn't make me have to say it. I said to my mother, "I failed in the exam. I haven't seen any of the questions before, and one fourth of the questions were covered." My mother's eyes were a little weaker, and she said to me, "How many points do you think you can get? Are you in the top 100?" "I don't know." I couldn't stand it any more, and rushed into the room. In fact, I know from the bottom of my heart that my father and mother have made great efforts for me. They have accompanied me to attend various training classes in the past year. I also know that they want me to go to a good middle school. Now that I have got such a result, I don't know how to face the heart of my father and mother.

At this time, my father came in and said to me: "If it is my good girl, she will stand up and fail the exam. There will be another exam, won't there? But once the heart is crossed, you can't do it again. Tell me, you are always the best, OK? I don't ask you to say now, but tell me with practice, I firmly believe that you can do it!"

My mother handed me the apple and said, "Eat the apple first!" Tears blurred my eyes. The apple was in my palm and seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. It condenses the power of love and makes me no longer sad.

Although I don't know what I will be like in the future, I firmly believe that I will not drive alone under the ocean of love, because with love, my heart will become bright and warm. I firmly believe this.

Composition 5 of Family Care for Me

I have a lot of things: mobile phones, books, backpacks, hair cards, etc. Seeing these things, I will think: I am really happy with it. A few days later, when I saw that thing, I thought again: I am so happy with it. But it seems to me that having parents' care is the happiest thing in the world.

Some time ago, a kind of make-up art was popular in our class. Use a red pencil, pen and pencil in your hand for a while to "draw lightly", and you will see a "black green" that looks like a "black green" where you are. As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to learn how they looked. When I finished painting, I saw that it was so similar; At this time, my mind started to make an calculation

"Open the door, open the door", my mother came back, I pretended to be serious and opened the door silently. My mother also found something wrong with me, otherwise, I would play with my mother for a while every day. What's wrong with you? Mother asked me. I gave my mother a look at the "wound" on my hand, and then withdrew my hand. "Ah" My mother was shocked. Please show me, what's the matter? I was afraid that my mother would see the broken anchorage and quickly draw back her hand. But my mother caught me. My mother looked at my hand, both heartache and blame. "Where did you crack"? Mother asked me. "I hit the desk with my classmates," I replied.

My mother continued to feel distressed, but I woke up with a burst of laughter. "Mom, you were fooled. This is a small invention of our class, is it very similar? Let me draw one for you, too. It's funny, hahaha/" As I said, I pressed the "wound" with my forefinger to confirm my words. Moments later, my mother woke up, her cousin on her face was unable to laugh or cry, and she kicked me.

Later, I asked my mother if she really loved me. Her eyes were red and she nodded.

With the care of my parents, who else in the world is happier than me? I think: there should be no more. I am the happiest person in the world.

Caring for Family Composition (16)

Composition 1 of Family Caring for Me

I opened my eyelids solidified by tears, looked out of the window at the light flying willow, and a blinding light covered my eyes. When I woke up, I felt my cheeks were as hot as fire, my brain seemed to be filled with a stone, so heavy that I could not lift it, my limbs were weak, a heat was rising in my body, the ceiling in front of me was winding, my brain was confused, and I was trapped on the bed. When I woke up for the second time, I was very confused. I just saw a person sitting beside the bed, holding a cup of hot water in his hand, and the curly water vapor began to steam. I looked at the man from the vagueness, and the tears seemed to ripple in the corners of my eyes.

The man looked at me and said to me in a slightly hoarse voice, "You wake up, drink some water first."

It's Dad. At this time, I was unable to speak, but I felt a big hand lifted me up, and then the hot water was sent into the mouth. I have been staring at my father, looking at his solemn look with half closed eyes, and the deep wrinkles around the corners of my eyes, I choked. The dense heat in my chest began to boil, and endless warmth poured into my blood.

I went to sleep again. I didn't close my eyes. What I saw in my eyes was the outline of a wispy mist, the aging figure. He was also looking at me, stroking my head, my hot head, with those warm hands. A sudden cold spread over my head. Is it tears? My eyes are blurry, like a pool of muddy water. My wet eyes also confirm the fiery call from the bottom of my heart. I feel the whispers in my ears with my heart. It is my father who says to me, "Sleep! It's OK." I can't control the burst of tears. Let it turn into a spring after rain! Like spring rain, it moistens the land.

I fell asleep, along with the brilliance of the first day when I was rising, and the warmth of love that lingered in my mind, contained my happiness and rippled slightly in the corners of my mouth.

Composition 2 of Family Care for Me

It has been ten or seven years since I came here. Because of his greediness, he paid special attention to what he drank. The transparent Sprite is not like a glass of boiled water, but it will make you cry if you drink it. The rich juice is my favorite for a while, but it will cause toothache if you drink too much; Wahaha and the like, once drunk, I don't know its taste afterwards; I also tasted the wine made by my father secretly, and got a meal of wrenches in addition to being spicy - how can children drink! What I like so far, and what I regard as the top grade is only the tea I call cement leaves!

It has its own unique mellow and unique fragrance. It won't make you think about it. Only by drinking it slowly and tasting it carefully can you know its taste.

It's like a father.

Because of his work, my father was away all the year round, but he did not forget his wife and children because of this. What I looked forward to most at that time was not the New Year, but the things that belonged to me in Dad's bag when he came back. Sometimes there will be a puzzle toy, and sometimes there will be several children's toys. But my father would never buy me a game machine. He thought it would not give me anything useful. He would play with me with toys and ask me to read poems. Touching the faded "Three Hundred Tang Poems", I will clearly remember the scene where my father left his job to read poems with his son and read words. The fatherly love contained in toys is the most memorable.

At this time, I can taste orange peel tea with sugar. I vaguely know that tea tastes sweet and has a better taste.

In the older age, the meaning of home has become a place to eat and sleep - every day. At this time, as long as my father had a little time, he would take me out to museums, cinemas, amusement parks and zoos. Let me enjoy the whole day and reveal the huge knowledge of life to me little by little. I will take pains to answer all kinds of childish questions for me: why do people eat? Why is there no sun at night? Will I have a beard when I grow up Every day after a day of play, I would sit on my bike and sleep with my father in my arms. My father took off his overcoat and wrapped me in it. He dressed himself in a single coat and rode home quickly with his car and my hand. My father is like a towering tree to me, covering me, sheltering me from the wind and rain, and nothing to be afraid of. Slowly understand a little father's love.

At this time, I have begun to drink only wild chrysanthemum tea. Because in addition to sugar, chrysanthemum peel tea has a faint but refreshing fragrance, which will make you drunk.

After junior high school, I thought I had grown up. I came to school with a lot of rebellious and cynical energy. I thought that I had to live a good life in the past three years, but I fought with someone the next day. Although it was not my fault, I still let me find my parents, and decided to get beaten first. I was afraid of being beaten, waiting for my father's arrival in despair. My father's first words were: I believe in my son! Until now, the words that moved me and filled me with love are still ringing in my ears. Great dad! Great love!

Without sugar, chrysanthemum and orange peel become a cup of tea with no outstanding points. But its greatness is that it seems plain, but in fact it has endless aftertaste.

I have a cup of tea that I can't finish drinking. Only after careful consideration can we know its flavor. I have a good father, who loves me like tea, always cares about me, encourages me, and infects me silently but everywhere.

Father love is like tea!

Composition 3 of Family Care for Me

I remember that spring, when I was only six years old, I was still in kindergarten. One day, my mother took me to kindergarten by bike. On the way, I didn't know why my foot got caught in the steel ring of my bicycle. The steel wire was immediately embedded in my leg belly, which made me cry out immediately. When my mother heard my startled voice, she immediately stopped the car and asked me: "What's wrong, kid?" I said: "Feet, feet..." My mother looked down and saw that my legs were bleeding. She quickly leaned the bike aside, even the car did not care about it, picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I came to the hospital, my mother went straight to the surgery room and asked the doctor to treat me. My mother comforted me and told me not to be afraid... After the doctor's examination, my mother asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is the child's foot?" "It's OK, but I have to walk less recently." "Oh!" My mother's face was settled. The doctor stopped my bleeding, applied medicine and bandaged me. Mom took out her mobile phone and called Dad to ask him to take a few days off for her. My father was so worried that he asked for leave to come to see me and then picked me up and my mother to go home. When I got home, my mother found a pair of slippers for me and put them in front of my bed. At the same time, she went to the street store and bought me many good things to eat, so that I wouldn't have nothing to do when I was idle. In the days when my leg injury was not good, my mother always accompanied me and took care of me every step of the way. Dad will go home as soon as he gets off work, and he also brings me many snacks that I like to eat. Seeing my parents working for me like this, I often can't even sleep well. I'm really sad. I wonder how I got hurt by the steel wire of my bicycle so carelessly... I really want to give my parents a little comfort and make my injury better at once... In daily life, my parents and my mother care for me everywhere. What impressed me most was that I was ill last winter, They took good care of me.

That night, I suddenly woke up from the cold. It was more than three o'clock in the morning when I looked at my watch. Then I lay down to sleep, but my forehead was too hot and painful to sleep. I decided to tell my mother, so I walked to my mother's room gently and pushed her sleeping mother. When she woke up, I said quickly, "Mom, I feel my head is painful and hot, and I feel extremely uncomfortable." My mother immediately touched my forehead and said in surprise, "You have a fever!" After saying that, my mother quickly and anxiously ran to the medicine cabinet and took out the heat probe, Put it under my armpit, and find a wet towel to put on my forehead to cool down. Ten minutes later, my mother took out a heat probe from my armpit and saw, "Wow, it's 40 degrees Celsius, I was sent to the hospital. After being diagnosed by the doctor, the doctor said, "Children, you have to take injections and medicine." My father and mother have been accompanying me to finish the injection. When I saw my high fever gradually receding, my frown was relaxed. After the injection, it was daybreak. After my father and mother sent me home, they were busy taking medicine for me.

Mom and Dad, I want to say loudly to you: "You are really my good parents. I am so happy to have such a father and mother!

Caring for Family Composition (17)

When talking about the care of my family, I can't do without my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandpa, who care, care and protect me. I have a happy big family. They love me all the time. I live happily. Although sometimes my father severely criticized me when I made more mistakes in my homework, I felt that my father cared and paid for me. I remember very clearly that once I broke my leg. From the anxious eyes of my father and mother and the words of love, I felt extremely happy and fast. At that time, I cried excitedly. Another time, it was very cold that day. I forgot to wear a sweater. When I came home from school, my mother kept asking me, "Are you cold?" I said, "Not cold." My mother asked, "It's not cold." I said, "It's not cold." This time, my mother cared too much.

The care and efforts of our family members are worth recalling, remembering and cherishing. The love of father and mother is the greatest love in the world, the most selfless love, only pay, not return. The love of parents can't be bought with money. We should repay our parents' love with practical actions. We should start from the first place and start from small things. We should learn to care for our parents and care for others.

[Part II: Family Care]

People have all tasted that "only mother is good in the world". I have heard this song, "When I was a child, I sat on my father's shoulder". I think it is most appropriate to send these two songs to parents all over the world.

My father loves me like a mountain. My father is meticulous about my study, but he doesn't have high requirements for me. As long as he learns extracurricular knowledge and what the teacher says, he will do. I know my father's personality very well, and I was moved by his greatness. When I was young, the sun baked the ground very hot outside, but he also bought me diapers. He had become a "black man" when he saw his father.

My mother is a master of housework. Every exam, my mother would scramble eggs for my sister and me, and told us to study hard, check carefully, and not be careless. My mother repeatedly told me not to make small movements in class.

My mother worked very hard, and talked with the guests. My father was also very busy. I remember once he worked until one o'clock in the morning, which made him very tired.

My parents are so grateful to me. I just want to use college to repay their love for me. I love them for their efforts! This is my call from the bottom of my heart. I hope they can hear it.

Caring for Family Composition (18)

Article 1: Caring for Family 300 words composition

My parents and grandma love me very much. Mother's love moistens my young heart like a bottle of sweet honey. Dad's love is like a bottle of cool coke, refreshing my heart. Grandma's love is like a bowl of delicious rice, moistening my heart.

My mother's love is my most touching. One day at noon, I got sick and had a high fever. I was weak all over and coughed ceaselessly. My mother immediately sent me to the hospital, but I was too tired. My mother squatted down, holding her hands tightly, carrying me to the hospital on her shoulders. I was touched. My mother's thin shoulders were really warm. In the vagueness, I saw a big sweat drop on my mother's forehead. I immediately wiped sweat for my mother. My mother smiled at me. When I arrived at the hospital, a white coated doctor rushed to help me see a doctor. First, I took my temperature. I had a fever of 39 degrees. No wonder I was weak. I hung a bag of water in the hospital.

After this incident, I learned how great maternal love is.

Article 2: Caring for Family 300 words composition

Since I had a class on Chinese Studies and the Book of Filial Piety in Zhishan School, I understand that Chinese Studies include astronomy, history, geography, Chinese and mathematics. So I have to study hard to get more knowledge.

The filial piety scripture talks about the different ways in which the emperor, princes and common people treat their parents. Confucius said: If you have skin and body, you should accept your parents. It means that our body is given by our parents, so hurting ourselves is disrespect for our parents. My father and mother go to work very hard. I should always do something to make them happy and behave well at home! For example, when they come home, I will help them with slippers; When eating, help them to cook; Help them wash the dishes and do housework to lighten their burden! I love my family. When I grow up, I will give them a comfortable home and take good care of them!

The country is made up of many small families, so we must unite together to strengthen our country! Let's start from caring for our family!

Article 3: Caring for Family 300 words composition

There are many kinds of love: friendship between friends; Have mother's love; And care for each other. Today I'm talking about love. Care, who will, maybe you just accept the care of others, but never give others care. In fact, as long as we do a good job in every little thing in life for others, this is love, love is a virtue.

In the past, my schoolbag was carried by my grandma, and everything was taken by her. I was like a bird at leisure, carefree and free. This is true almost every time we go to school or leave school. Now, I gradually learned to care about others. From that moment on, I began to help Grandma with her bag and my schoolbag. Because I learned about love, it was love that made me understand adults.

If there are many people getting on the bus and one person has left, I will let Grandma sit first and I will stand. When another person gets off, I will sit in that seat. I once had a Chinese class and learned the lesson of "giving the tree". The little girl in the text was named Jinjiya. I thought that the little girl in the text would care about others. Without thinking about it, she took the card on the "giving tree" and handed it to the gift area with the money. She bought some lollipops with the rest of the money. When she returned home, her mother was very angry. Later, after hearing what he said, Her mother is very happy.

Caring for Family Composition (19)

Composition I of Caring for Family

Flowers should thank rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish their growth; The goshawk would like to thank the sky for letting it fly.

Today is a cloudy day. When I got up at 9 o'clock, I was in a bad mood. At noon, we were having dinner. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and powerless. My mother noticed my abnormality and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" "I'm... dizzy." My mother heard this and hurried over to touch my forehead with her cold hands. Mother's face was serious: "Oh, you have a fever, so hot!" Mother immediately put down her chopsticks, entrusted her younger brother and sister to the neighbors, and carried me downstairs. My mother put me down, let me sit on the bike, ride on the bike and go. After a while, we arrived at the hospital. My mother hurried to register. After reading my name, my mother took me in. She told me about the condition in detail, and the doctor asked me to take my temperature. Finally, the doctor said that three bottles of droppings should be given. When I heard this, I was shocked: "Who told me that I was ill? I deserve it. Why should I have three bottles of droppings when I was ill?" My mother sat beside me watching me anxiously.

Ah! Finally, my mother asked me: "Is my head still sore?" "Hehe, it doesn't hurt anymore."

One song said: "Thank God, thank you, thank yourself......" And I should thank my parents!

Composition II of Caring for Family

We should learn to care for our families. As time goes by, we spend more time with our families, but gradually we start to ignore them. We won't care about them. Some things that are not satisfactory in their work will make us angry with our families. But what we can often hurt is our closest family

We should learn to care for our families and learn to appreciate their love for you. Only in this way can our life be full of positive energy. How should we care for our families? I think this question is what many people want to know. Chinese people are not good at expressing their feelings. First, they should dare to speak out, so that their families can know how to feel love. They should be good at saying a word that can unlock many things buried in their hearts, and they should be good at communicating with their families.

The second point is to take action and pay practical action. I think the family has lived together for a long time, and there will inevitably be various small problems, but we also need to know that no one is perfect, and no one is perfect. Friction is normal. The key depends on how we should act. We should learn to tolerate and bear. We should understand how to be considerate of our family members instead of putting too much pressure on them. We should learn to care for our family members and not make them sad because family members are the people who love you most. Only family members can be your most reliable shoulder and give you everything they can do when you need help.

Learn to care for your family, learn to give your family the greatest support in life, and also open your heart to your family, tell them your heart, and learn to communicate. I believe this will make family life happier.

Composition 3 of Caring for Family

Filial piety and loving relatives are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, and also the foundation of our life. Parents also told many stories about filial piety and love: "Kong Rong let pears", "lying on the ice for lithium". Let me grow up in an environment of filial piety and loving parents.

I remember one day when I passed a place, I saw a little sister sitting on the ground crying. I ran to her and helped her up. I asked, "Why are you crying, little sister?" She cried even harder when she saw that she was a strange brother. I hurriedly said: "Don't cry, I will take you to find your mother!" My sister stopped crying. As I led her along, I suddenly saw a friend. I was going to lead my sister to tell him the story. Unexpectedly, she ran faster than me. She ran to the friend and kept shouting "Brother, brother." I understood that the friend was the younger sister's brother. The friend said to me, "Thank you for helping me take care of my running sister. Thank you, thank you!" "You're welcome," I said hurriedly. On the way home, I smiled happily.

At home, I am the waiter of my father and mother. I will pour a glass of water after my father comes home from work and say: "Dad, you are hard!". I am also a small courier. The second uncle's house is not far from our house, but the second uncle's house lives on the seventh floor. Every time my father asked me to pick up something or send something, no matter what I was doing at that time, I would check in at the first time, and then send it to the second uncle's house. After completing the task, I would return home immediately and wait for the next task. I'm still a buyer. Every time my father asks me to buy something, I will go and get it back quickly, and give the money back to my father.

Filial piety and loving relatives are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. We should take this as a habit, rather than the parents asking you to do it many times. Students, hurry up!