Animal Writing Kitten (10 in total)
accomplish sth. lasting by leading a quiet life
2024-06-18 02:47:51

Writing about Animals Kitten (1)

Can you see it? It was a neighbor's nocturnal cat. Its eyes were shining with green light. It was eyeing our fish.

Suddenly, he jumped up and landed at my house's small platform. He came close to my beloved fish pond. He crawled forward with his eyes shining with green light. Those stupid fish I raised are still happy. I don't know that the evil cat like death is going to catch them. Look! The kitten was still moving forward, and it walked up carefully step by step. Its meat pad was exposed, pink and pink, and there was no sound at all. In the bright moonlight, its brown and black cat hair showed its calmness, and it was better to hide it

Suddenly, it quickly jumped onto the thick trunk of a ginseng fruit tree I planted, and continued to move forward slowly, looking directly at the fish. But I, who always cared for the fish, did not move. I just thought I should enjoy the whole process of the cat fishing.

Here, the reflection of a pair of sharp green eyes suddenly appeared in the water of the small fish pond. The fish immediately scattered and fled back to the small rockery cave. However, the kitten ran quickly along the cobblestone path beside the fish pond. After surpassing a small goldfish, it suddenly stopped, raised its hand, put out sharp claws, and smoothly caught the goldfish in the water, Then bite the goldfish with the sharp teeth in the pink mouth, jump onto the small rockery, run back to the warm nest built by the owner on the eaves, and taste the spoils

Writing about Animals Kitten (2)

My family has a kitten named Mimi. It is very cute.

Mimi is white all over, like wearing a snow-white "fur coat". It's a pair of big eyes embedded in a small face looks particularly divine; A pair of sensitive ears always stand straight, as if ready to "stand by". Its four small claws are light and small, and its sharp toenails are like sharp knives. Its tail is long and soft, and it feels very comfortable.

Mimi is not only cute, but also very playful. Once, when I was doing my homework, he played by himself. He grabbed a wool ball with his paws, first took the "ball" in his hand and played it like a clown: up, down, left, right... Then he threw his paws on the "ball" and rolled forward, rolling... Eh? Why not? Mimi gave a meow, and I was attracted by it when I was doing my homework. I was ready to watch its wonderful performance. Mimi suddenly became a detective again. She turned around magnificently, saw all the plush on the floor, and gave a meow again. It seemed that she understood something and bowed her head and left sadly.

This is my kitten Mimi. She is so cute and playful. After listening to my introduction, do you like it?

Writing about Animals Kitten (3)

Hello! I am an ordinary and ordinary kitten. My name is Mimi.

I'm wearing a yellow coat. It's plush and warm! I'm wearing a hairpin with two triangular cat ears. It's very beautiful! I have a pair of big, watery eyes, like emerald eyes, very strange! I have a small, loving, pink nose that people can never get tired of seeing. It's very cute! I also wore white plush gloves, as beautiful as an angel, very elegant! Some people say I'm clean and cute, some people say I'm smart, some people love me, some people say I'm fickle and cute, in short, I'm loved by everyone!

During the day, I am very sleepy. I especially like sleeping in the sun. It is warm and comfortable. People call me "Lazy Cat" after sleeping for hours; I'm also greedy. I can't eat a meal without fish and shrimp. People also call me "greedy cat". In the evening, my spirit is enough. I patrol everywhere. I will not let go of the slightest disturbance. People praise me as a "little detective"!

I have many friends. My companions, dogs, human beings, even a wool ball and a fancy ball are enough for me to play for half a day. But what I like most is human beings. In my spare time, I always snuggle up to my master's side, or kiss his little master, or act coquettishly, play with his little master, or leisurely close my eyes, feeling a sense of inexplicable security. Usually I like to gather and smell everywhere, as if I'm afraid that the world will forget me.

This is my kitten Mimi. I believe you must like me too!

Writing about Animals Kitten (4)

Mimi is a lovely female cat in my friend's house. I like her very much.

It has a pair of lovely eyes, sensitive ears, a long body, and sharp claws. Mimi is very cute, but also very arrogant.

Once, when I went to a friend's house to play, Mimi made an attack when she saw me. I pretended to fight with him, but he turned around and ran away, making my friends and I laugh. It was a paper tiger! When I closed the door, Mimi rushed to me and jumped on me with a thunderclap. Her tail was up, and her hair exploded like a small ball of fur. Her mouth hissed and growled, as if she was ready for a bloody shame!

When we watched TV, he also "sat" on the sofa, his four legs together, his back straight, and his head high. He looked left and right, as if no one was better than him. At this time, it really looked like a queen, and we were all its servants, waiting for its dispatch at any time.

But when he was hungry, he would "meow" and rub his head against my friend's leg, looking very pitiful. At this time, his eyes turned to pleading, making your heart soft, and you couldn't help but want to love him. When it was finished, it returned to its original arrogant appearance.

How about this cute one.

Writing about Animals Kitten (5)

My family has a lovely kitten - Mimi.

Mimi's small and exquisite face is inlaid with a pair of sapphire like eyes. Her snow-white hair looks like a beautiful wedding dress. Her long tail swings like a whip.

Mimi is very naughty. Mimi and I are watching the cartoon Cat and Mouse on the sofa. He runs around the house like Tom cat. At this time, his mother "floats" past Mimi's eyes with a snow-white sheet. Now, he has some fun. He scratches on the sheet with his little paws on the soil, and jumps and jumps from time to time, like a horse riding dance, Seeing its naughty appearance, I laughed my head off, and soon my mother found out that Mimi had already escaped.

Mimi is greedy. Whenever my mother cooks cooked food to greet us to eat, Mimi always runs to her mother for the first time and stares at the food she cooks, as if to say, "Master, I'm hungry, give me something to eat." At this time, I always can't laugh or cry, thinking that the cat can understand people.

Mimi also likes to be clean. Whenever it wants to be convenient, it always shouts at me, and I will open the door and let it out. It first digs a pit, and then covers it with soil after convenience. Maybe it is afraid of polluting the environment, ha ha!

This is my cat Mimi. It is naughty and greedy, greedy and clean, so I want to say: "Mimi, you are great!"

Writing about Animals Kitten (6)

I play hide and seek with Chun

Spring is a naughty little doll. In spring, you are like a dancer, sowing green seeds with a cheerful dance.

In the flowers, there are little buds in bud. "Flower, flower, can you tell me why Spring Girl came so late?" "Spring has come quietly, just to see if you can find spring, find spring!" Looking at the round buds, I think this is the trace of spring. I continued to walk. In the withered grass, I saw the green grass. Oh! Lovely grass, you must have accepted the magic of spring. You must be very happy after seeing the world with thousands of postures. Grass, please join hands with your brothers and sisters to pave a green carpet for the earth! Birds singing on the branches, you also look forward to the footsteps of spring with me!

I love spring. Spring is a smart angel, awakening life, letting everything return to spring, and blooming its own unique color.

Spring is a beautiful girl, dancing on the stage of the earth, bringing infinite vitality to the earth!

Ah! I love spring, spring is so beautiful and moving!

Writing about Animals Kitten (7)

Previously, my father brought a kitten from a family, and I gave it a nice name - "Mimi".

"Mimi" has white and soft hair all over her body, and a long tail behind her, which is really like a giant caterpillar. Under its flexible and agile limbs, there are pale yellow and soft meat tiptoes, which walk gently. Its eyes are blue and green, with a small nose in the middle, only about two centimeters long, and a small mouth below.

Mimi is not only cute, but also naughty. One day, when I came home from school, it ran to me as soon as it saw me, and while running, it also meowed. He ran up to me, licked my shoes with his tongue, grabbed my pants with his paws, and gently bit my leg, making it a delicacy. At night, when I went to bed, Mimi became dishonest. She jumped onto the sofa and climbed onto the table, sometimes mewing, which made people uneasy. In the morning, when I got out of bed, I saw a hole in the quilt caught by "Mimi". I was so angry that my nose was almost crooked, but I finally let it go.

I like this cute and naughty kitten - Mimi.

Writing about Animals Kitten (8)

My friend has a kitten at home. Its name is Mimi

"Mimi" is very beautiful. Her hair is yellow and white, her eyes are green, and she gives out a beautiful light. Her small red nose always sniffs on the ground.

"Mimi" was really strong. Not only did the cat in my grandmother's shop run to my friend's door that day, but "Mimi" also squatted at the door. They both looked at each other. At this time, "Mimi" suddenly attacked her cat and scared her cat away, but Mimi meowed happily.

"Mimi" is also very cute. I was watching TV at my friend's house that day, when "Mimi" slowly climbed onto my lap, I thought it was just "passing" on my leg, and then left. But what I didn't expect was that it fell asleep on my leg. I gently blew it with my mouth, and it woke up immediately, with its ears still moving. Do you think it is cute?

"Mimi" is also very interesting. One day I went to play with Mimi and saw such a scene - "Mimi" was grabbing the marble on the ground with her little paws. But as soon as its paws touch the marble, the marble will "run" and "Mimi" will also run with it, which makes me laugh. Do you think it is interesting?

Ah, after listening to my introduction, you always know Mimi!

Writing about Animals Kitten (9)

In daily life or work and study, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a selection of articles about animals organized by Xiao Bian: Kitten, welcome to share.

My family has a little black cat. Its fur is shiny, with round eyes, two pointed ears, a sensitive nose and a greedy mouth. It has sharp teeth in its mouth and two mustaches in its corners. Under its two front legs, it has garlic like claws. Each claw has five toes. Under the toes, a sharp hook like claw tip protrudes. Behind the body, there is a long tail that likes to swing.

The kitten likes to run around on the roof and is very agile. If someone wants to catch it, it will flee to other places and will "miao miao miao", as if to say: "Look, you can't beat me." Once, it ran to the neighbor's house. I thought it was lost, so I looked for it everywhere. When I found it, I patted its back and said: 'Don't run around again.' The little black cat cried wrongly; "Meow, meow, meow" seems to say, "Little master, I didn't mean it. Please forgive me."

The little black cat likes to live in a warm place. If the weather is good, he will bask in the sun, looking lazy. Sometimes he has to roll twice. If it is winter, it will be heated in the oven or by the stove.

Cats like to eat fish, mice, and animal livers. When eating food, they will use their sharp teeth to chew it up first, and then swallow the food into their stomachs.

`One afternoon after school, I went home excitedly and thought: What will the little black cat do at home? Maybe he is sleeping, or he is waiting for me to go home. He must be very good. However, when I came home, an unexpected thing happened: the little black cat was scraping ash out of the pan for its dung, which made the balcony covered with dust. I angrily caught it and beat it with a stick. It cried like crying, so I picked it up again and said, "Don't be naughty in the future."

Ah, little black cat, how lovely you are! How naughty it is!

Writing about Animals Kitten (10)

My little spotted cat's golden hair was smooth as if it had been oiled; The round head has a pair of sharp ears, a pair of glass ball like eyes, a small mouth, and a few whiskers on both sides. It's very cute! It has a thick meat pad on its feet, which makes no noise when walking. Under the meat pad, there are sharp claws. Such a structure is the secret weapon for the little cat to catch food.

In the daytime, it is a lazy cat, and often curls up to sleep. Sometimes it sleeps with its head up, sometimes it sleeps with its head up, and sometimes it sleeps with its head stretched out. It's very beautiful!

At night, it pedals its blue eyes and patrols around. As soon as there is any movement, act immediately. Since it came into being, my mice have escaped without a trace.

When I came home from school, the kitten happily walked around my feet and made a mewing sound, as if to say, "Hello, hello!"

When I put down my schoolbag, he came to grab my schoolbag again, yelling, yelling, and then turning around with his tail up and playing around me

My lovely kitten!