West Lake Composition in Winter (3 in total)
You said I always think too much
2024-06-30 06:57:42

West Lake Composition in Winter (1)

The snow falls with the beautiful pipa music, and the lake seems to be frozen. There is only white between heaven and earth, and the color of those creatures. A layer of fog rose in the distance, rising slowly and gently. All of a sudden, heaven and earth were drawn into a Chinese painting.

Several canoes flashed in the West Lake, and the water rippled, giving the grey West Lake a touch of vitality. The sound of banging continued, and the boat slid across the lake again, disappearing into the vast background.

On the bank, a few willows hung their heads, as if they were the only living beings in the heavy snow. The lotus leaves in the lake have withered, leaving only amber stems standing proudly in the water alone.

The trees on the mountain have already been covered with a layer of white frost, like a fairyland. Occasionally, large birds fly past. The pagoda stood in the mist in the distance. The farther mountains are like a dragon sleeping for thousands of years.

The snow melted in the lake, and the water vapor gradually spread to all directions. The three pools in the middle of the lake seemed to disappear with the snow. The snow is still falling, it's falling

That mountain, water, grass and trees create a beautiful West Lake. Its beauty has withstood the wind and waves of time. Some people say that the most beautiful place of the West Lake is the broken bridge and snow. But I think each place is unique. They are silently telling one beautiful legend after another of the West Lake

West Lake Composition in Winter (2)

"The water is shining brightly, and the mountains are covered with rain. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light makeup.". This is a poem by Su Shi, a poet of the Song Dynasty. How about the charm of the West Lake? This can be seen in Su Shi's poems.

I have been to the West Lake three times, in spring, summer and winter. I finally realized that it is not too much to describe the West Lake with heavy makeup. In spring, we took a boat to wave on the West Lake. It was the beginning of spring when the sun was shining brightly over the whole West Lake. The willow on the bank swayed gently in the breeze, and green shoots appeared on the willow. The green willow is reflected on the clear lake, a scene full of spring, which makes me feel relaxed and happy and a breath of life. I can't help praising the infinite scenery of nature!

It is summer to come to the West Lake again. Although the sun is shining high, the West Lake surrounded by mountains is hit by gusts of cool wind, and the lake water ripples layer upon layer. Suddenly, I heard a sound of "plop", and a white swan flew up in front of me. After circling the lake, it stopped in the graceful lotus cluster, and my sight was immediately attracted by the lotus patches. The dark green, large and round lotus leaf looks like a big disc, and drops of water fall on the big disc, which naturally rolls. Some of the pink lotus flowers bloomed their beautiful figures gracefully, some were in bud, waiting quietly for their turn to show, some had just formed flowers and bones, like a brush held in the hand, as if to tell everyone that one day it will be a stroke of pen, better than their companions. Ah! The lotus in summer is really beautiful! No wonder enjoying lotus in summer is the most classic scenery of the West Lake! On the stone benches beside the lake, people in twos and threes either read books or enjoy the scenery. Some simply slept lazily, fully enjoying the enjoyment brought by nature, without the annoyance brought by the hot summer.

The last time I went to the West Lake was in winter. I thought the West Lake in winter would no longer attract me, but I was lucky to see the precious snow scenery. At a glance, the buildings beside the lake are covered with a white coat, a world of white. The green pines and cypresses are covered with a thick layer of snow, stretching thick and big branches, like a big white umbrella in the sky, bearing the pressure from nature and never yielding. Of all the plants, only pine and cypress have this kind of tough and straight spirit. In winter, the West Lake is very calm. The lake in the distance emits light white smoke. The lake water is still clear, and the blooming wintersweet is even more beautiful. Don't forget, "Broken Bridge and Broken Snow" is to describe the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in winter. The West Lake is beautiful in winter. The West Lake is picturesque, a beautiful picture, whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter.

West Lake Composition in Winter (3)

Come to see the West Lake in the first month. The surface of the lake is gray. Although there is no rain, the mountains in the distance are still shrouded in obscurity, becoming more distant and deeper. Several pleasure boats were drifting alone in the middle of the lake, with the boatman standing at the bow and the oars leaning on one side. The plane trees by the lake are bare, and their leaves are scattered on the ground in disorder. When the wind comes, they are overturned in the air and fall again.

It seldom snows in winter in the south, so it did this year. The so-called "Broken Bridge and Broken Snow" is just a thin bridge, silently across the water. Su Causeway and Bai Causeway are even more boring. In addition to the hawkers on both sides, only the footsteps of tourists are left. Walking toward the center of the lake, several clusters of lotus flowers were scattered along the road. All the petals and leaves had fallen, leaving only withered stems and withered lotus buds, which glowed golden in the setting sun. No matter in the lake or on the island in the middle of the lake, there are not many tourists and boats, only the sunset at dusk is smeared with a thick orange.

In the silence, there was an occasional noise. Looking up, it turned out to be the shopping mall across the lake. The lights were shining. Scarlet, cyan, blue, yellow and green, and several bright colors were mixed together, confusing and dazzling. In front of the open door of the mall, there are countless pedestrians coming in and out, talking about laughter and music, which are very lively and joyful.

However, this towering building always makes people feel a little out of place with the West Lake, and it seems very abrupt. It seems that people who come to watch the West Lake have gone to the shopping mall, attracted by the dazzling commodities and confused by the dazzling counters. Looking back, the West Lake is still empty, and the only cruise ships left on the lake have disappeared. Only the reflection of the mountain sways in the cold north wind. The setting sun gradually sank into the back of the mountain, the sky became dark, the lake was dark, and the mall was still brightly lit.

It can't help recalling that those literati poets in ancient times wrote countless masterpieces after visiting the West Lake, attracting tourists from all over the world to come here to witness the beautiful scenery in the article. But now, people who come to the West Lake do not have the elegance of appreciating scenery and writing. Instead, they go to eat, drink and play, leaving a large bill.

In the winter of the West Lake, it was already cold, but now it is even colder.