I Love Laughing in Composition (20 required)
A game, a dream
2024-06-05 03:41:15

I Love Laughing in Composition (1)

Life is like an endless river, and laughter is its accompaniment to joy; Life is like the sea rising from the waves, and the laughter is its surging spray; Life is like a rainbow in the sky, and the smile is its dazzling brilliance.

Laughter is the most beautiful expression of human beings. I have laughed heartily like a poet, grinned like an ancient woman without showing her teeth, and laughed freely like a tourist. I appreciate smiles, I like smiles, and I am happy to smile.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning came into my heart. I opened my eyes and stood in front of the mirror to look at myself. I smiled at myself in the mirror and told myself that today is another day full of hope. Take advantage of today and don't let down the brilliant smile.

The sun is always warm, with the rising sun on the head, enjoying the touch of the breeze, and humming the familiar song "The sun shines on the flowers and smiles at me, and the birds say early..." Everything around seems to be infected by me. Looking at my bent eyes, they seem to nod and smile at me.

As a junior three student, I always have a lot of learning pressure. When the math teacher spoke enthusiastically on the platform, I was sleepy in my seat; At the moment when the bell rang, I was as soft as a piece of noodles and stuck to the table. Suddenly, my morning smile appeared in front of me, and I suddenly became energetic!

This smile always helps me at the critical moment, so it has become my standard action. The classmate asked, "Why do you like to laugh so much?" Yes, why do I love to laugh so much? Because smile is the sunshine in my life. With it, wherever I go, it will be sunny!

The fountain of hope gurgles, and laughter is the source of hope. Laughter is a good medicine to cure our life, whether in the face of difficulties, when we are depressed, or when our achievements are declining.

On the way to youth, let's raise our mouths and embrace the hope of life.

I Love Laughing in Composition (2)

I am a boy who likes to laugh. Now, let's talk about my funny story!

On Wednesday evening, the sky was red, and the golden sun was slowly receding. The streets were crowded with people. Everyone was busy on their way and wanted to return home early. I dragged my tired step forward in the crowd. Despite this, I still smiled happily, because today my brain is loaded with a lot of new knowledge! Suddenly, I stumbled, my weight was unsteady, and the crowd behind me "helped" me again, so I fell down with a "plop", and my back suddenly burst into an uproar. Ren Dongchen hurried to help me, "Are you all right?" He asked with concern. I stood up with difficulty, patted the dust on my body, and smiled gratefully at him. "It doesn't matter, thank you!"

When I arrived at the trusteeship class, I immediately wrote my homework. "Dinner is ready!" With the greeting of Miss Yang, a delicious meal came. My stomach had already grumbled and protested. I immediately devoured it. "Is it delicious?" The old woman who cooked the dinner asked us with concern, "It's delicious!" I replied with a smile, thinking that the old woman had worked hard for us to cook every day. It's time to go home. I said goodbye to my teacher with a smile. I came downstairs. The street was empty and the breeze was blowing. It was a little cold. Standing under the dim street lamp, I saw a tiny bright light floating in the distance. I stared at the car. The light was getting closer and closer. I could see the license plate vaguely. It was Grandpa who came to pick me up! I can't wait to get on the bus. I'm still giggling. Grandpa is also happy to see me... So, Grandpa and I went home happily!

After listening to this, you know I am a smiling person! Smile makes people feel warm, friendly and happy. I would like to be a smiling boy and grow up happily!

I Love Laughing in Composition (3)

Laughing My Composition (I)

Laughing my composition

Laughing My Composition (I)

Me, Chen Yun. I am a smiling girl. I tell you jokes very often, but also very particular. Everyone has heard the saying "Laugh and be young". I believe it.

There are several ways to laugh. The most common and my favorite is smile: once, my mother took me to meet her little sister. I was very shy, and I just didn't want to leave. Later, my mother won. When I got to the destination, my relatives opened the door, and I gave her a "signature smile" as soon as I went in. It worked. When I saw that she began to like me, I came to the "strike while the iron is hot" style and said, "Hello, my aunt!" Seeing that I was so sensible, my aunt politely took me to KFC. It was a good day, thanks to my "signature smile".

Another way to laugh is to laugh, which means to laugh heartily. What exactly is it used for? Let's have a look! I remember another time when my whole family went to see a movie and it was a clown show. We were very interested in it. The clowns on the screen are very funny. One by one, they make me laugh and can't stop. Smile, ten years old, I think this kind of smile will make us healthier.

Listen to my mother, laughter has a lot of knowledge, and I want to constantly explore it.

Laughing My Composition (2)

I am a smiling girl. When I see my classmates, I always greet them with a smile. When I see the teacher, I will smile and say to the teacher, "Hello, teacher". My mother said I was a "pistachio", I don't know what trouble is. My classmates all said that I was a "sunshine girl" and never cared about trifles.

I was born to laugh. My mother said that when I was young, even when I was crying, I suddenly saw a bird flying outside the window, and I would laugh with tears. At the age of seven, I went to school. Sitting in the bright classroom and listening to the teacher, I can't help laughing. The teacher sometimes asked me: "You are smiling all day long. What are you happy about?" I smiled and said: "I am happy. My father and mother are good at home, my sister and sister are good, and my teachers and classmates are good at school. I feel happy and want to laugh."

But, as the old carpenter said in The Story of the Little Puppet, laughter is very important. However, if you can only laugh, you will also cause a lot of trouble. The puppet in the story was misunderstood by the police first because he could only laugh, and then the old woman said that he lied. I have had this in my life.

Once in an English class, the teacher taught two words and asked each student to read them. I>My deskmate could not pronounce correctly. As a result, I couldn't help laughing. The whole class laughed under my leadership. The teacher angrily knocked on the table, but the students kept laughing, so that they could not teach, so the whole class was scolded and punished in the end. After class, the teacher asked me to go to her office. I knew I was in trouble, so I bowed my head and walked to the office. The teacher angrily pointed at my nose and said, "I thought you were a good student, but I didn't expect you to disturb the classroom discipline!" Then he dismissed me as the representative of English class. I cry.

Laughter follows me wherever I go. Although laughing has caused me a lot of trouble, I still love laughing. Do you like to laugh? Let's laugh to the end!

Laughing My Composition (3)

A few years ago, I loved to laugh. I laugh when I hear something funny or something funny.

When I was a sophomore, when I learned to swim, I always thought of funny things and laughed. People thought I had taken stimulants. I was told not to laugh, but I couldn't help it.

But it's not entirely a good thing to laugh. Once, I laughed all the time during the>military training, and was punished. The thing is this: one day when we were standing in a military posture, the students all looked serious. When I thought of the students standing there with serious faces, they would fall like dominoes if I pushed them? When I thought of this, I burst into laughter. At this time, I saw the drillmaster staring at me, but I could not help laughing. So the instructor pulled me out of the team and severely criticized me. The instructor punished me to do 200 push ups when I was still laughing. When I did the recumbent support, I regretted it. I thought, "Oh, I could not laugh before I knew it." But after that, I lay on the ground like a ball and laughed again. Instructor said; "This man can't train here, so we'd better send him home."

Laughing My Composition (2)

I Love Laughing "Ha ha ha..." Listen, what's the sound? Who is laughing? Oh, it's me. I am one of the millions of people on the earth. My name is Su Xiaoxin, and I am a seventh grade student. I have a pair of beautiful eyes, round, like two black grapes dripping on the ground, a small nose inlaid in my face. Although my mouth can not be said to be a cherry mouth, it is also pink. The long Qi Liuhaier covered the thick eyebrows, and a dark short hair made me look more energetic. I always keep a smile on my face and look very friendly, so I should make many friends. If I get a good place in the exam, I will laugh; I will laugh when I solve a puzzle that I have been pondering over; I will laugh when praised by parents or teachers; Even if I met a sad thing, I would laugh it off. I think that if I regard all my feelings in my life as 100, according to the current situation, I estimate that 80% of my time will be spent laughing. Because I love to laugh, my classmates gave me a nickname - "Smiling Star" (homophonic to Xiaoxin, haha, so interesting!). Everything has two sides, and "smile" is no exception. I have been wronged by "Tianda" because of "smile". Once, a student's Chinese book was missing in the class, and the teacher made an investigation in the class. I was just seeing a small gecko rolling down from the wall outside the window. Because it was class, I didn't dare to laugh loudly, so I had to hide under the table and laugh secretly. The teacher saw it and thought that I had taken the student's Chinese book, so... "Oh my God, it's a great injustice!" I explained the reason to the teacher and cleaned up the "injustice", but I was criticized by the teacher. At this time, the student's Chinese book was found. It was in the small interlayer of the schoolbag, but I was too worried to ignore it. I laughed again. There are many such things. The teacher has said several times that I can't help it. I am such a smiling girl. In fact, there is nothing wrong with smiling. After all, "smiling is ten years old"! Junior 1: Su Xiaoxin

Laughing My Composition (3)

Laughing me

I am a little girl born in the post-90s. I like to laugh.

I love to laugh because I am happy! I am happy because I have a strong motherland. The earthquake could not break her backbone, the wind and snow could not stop her steps, and the flood could not wash away her body. She led people to work hard. We explored the moon and walked leisurely in space. When the five-star red flag rose slowly, I showed a proud smile.

I love to laugh because we have a harmonious society. The old man who is over 60 years old happily dances the dam dance; Innocent children sing beautifully; Lively young people, following the pace of the times, go to the world. In the daytime, the weaving cars play beautiful music; At night, the light in the window emits warm light. The rapid development of cars and people's hurried steps have made our times develop rapidly. We sat in the bright classroom, quietly listening to the teacher, curious to peek at the secrets in the computer, I showed a satisfied smile!

I love to laugh because I have a happy family. I have a mother who loves me very much, and a father who cares about me very much. They raised me with great pains and made me grow up quickly. Looking at their kind backs, I showed a sweet smile!

I love to laugh, because I am a lively little girl, I love singing and dancing, and study hard. In the classroom, I often have a happy figure, and I can hear my laughter like a silver bell in the campus, lingering in the sky from time to time. Think of the children in the poor mountain areas, they work hard to make progress; I think of Zhu Xiaoyang, who is physically disabled and has a strong will in my class. Although he has trouble with his hands and feet, drooling on his face, and his handwriting is distorted, I often see his firm eyes, and I send out a smile of admiration!

I smile because of the development of the motherland, the prosperity of the society, the harmony of the family and the progress of the times! I smile because of the love of the Party, the love of parents, and the love of teachers!

I am happy to live in today's society. I will work hard to make everyone laugh forever!

Laughing My Composition (4)

I love to laugh She likes to laugh. She is a cute and funny girl who likes to laugh. She, an unprecedented master of humor, can make others laugh every time. She has a pair of big and flexible eyes, a round nose, and an eloquent and smiling mouth. There are a pair of ears like Monkey King on both sides of the face. With a baby face, I am a smiling person. My smile has helped many people. Once, my cousin accidentally fell down and cried in pain. I pulled him up with a smile. He not only stopped crying, but also smiled at me! My smile also helped me make many friends! I remember that when the third grade started, many new students came to the class. The teacher asked us to do our homework. My new deskmate's pen was too thick. I borrowed an automatic pen from him. The automatic pen he had just bought died early. He hurriedly said to me, "I'm sorry, I'll compensate you." "No need. I'm a happy man. I'll break it if I break it. I can buy another one at the worst." Although I feel bad, But I smiled and handed him a pencil. With this smile, we became good friends who talked about everything. "Smile, ten years old. Worry, white head." So people should smile. Because I love to laugh, I have been liked by many people; Because I love to laugh, I overcome the intrusion of colds; Because I love to laugh, I have overcome numerous difficulties, because I love to laugh, leaving me many beautiful memories! I would like to dedicate my brilliant smile to everyone and make everyone happy!

Laughing My Composition (5)

I love to laugh I'm a girl who likes to laugh, and people say I love to laugh. What's wrong with laughter? The joy of life lies in laughter! Only you can understand what to laugh about. The strength to stop when you think about where you shouldn't smile has long been gone. Just talk about me! They can laugh for several minutes, so they are always teased. I read a book about dog life that said dogs can laugh too! Of course, people are much better than dogs. People should smile every day and get rid of that stiff face. Laughter is an indispensable beauty in life. Laughter is an advanced enjoyment without a penny. Laughter is a beautiful thing. Laugh when you face friends. Laugh when you go to other people's homes. Laughter is essential because it is small when you meet others. One of our former teachers always kept a straight face, so no one spoke to her. But after she loved to smile, my classmates were willing to be beside her. It can be said that laughter is also a tool for communicating feelings. We have to laugh, when you are depressed, when you are happy, just laugh more!

Laughing My Composition (6)

A smiling me

She has a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose, and a very smiling mouth. A pair of big ears like Maitreya grow on both sides of the face, and with a melon seed face, I become a smiling person.

I smile all day long, and I never stop smiling. Once a classmate robbed me, but I didn't make a sound. Later, a classmate asked the classmate who robbed me: "She doesn't seem very happy that you robbed someone else's things!" The classmate who robbed me immediately replied: "It doesn't matter. He Huishan likes to laugh very much and won't be angry!" Look! Even my classmates say I love to laugh!

Sometimes, I always feel that the word "Hui" in my name always smiles at me, especially the word "Xin" below it, as if it always smiles slightly! You see, my words will smile at me! Doesn't that mean I love to laugh?

A small smile can make people feel comfortable

I Love Laughing in Composition (4)

In the present Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese, "smile" is to show a happy expression and make a joyful voice. In this way, it seems that "laughter" is ubiquitous, and there will be laughter and laughter wherever there are people. As the saying goes, "Laugh, ten years old." It can be seen how important laughter is to us.

In life, I am a smiling person. When greeting acquaintances, I will smile brightly; In class, the teacher's humorous behavior makes me laugh knowingly; When doing homework, I will laugh happily because I have overcome a difficult problem; When playing, I will sneer at a "grimace" of my partner; When watching TV, I will laugh heartily because of the funny story... In short, laughter has become a part of my life.

I remember one time when I went to play in the sand with several partners. In order to increase the fun of playing, I quietly dug a small pit on one side, and found weeds to spread on it. Then I covered it with sand and pretended to be a flat ground. Then I loudly called my partners to come over for the long jump competition.

The companions, unaware of the plan, came running excitedly. But I was laughing in my heart.

Xiaogang was the first to stand at the position I designated, and with my command, he jumped out. Just listening to the "Ouch", Xiaogang fell into the trap. Ha ha ha... I laugh heartily!

Laughter can enliven the atmosphere; Laughter can release pressure; Laughter can make people forget their troubles; Laughter can shorten the distance between friends. I also hope that everyone around me can smile!

I Love Laughing in Composition (5)

I am born to laugh. No matter where you are, you can hear my laughter. Laughter is happy, funny, but also brought me a lot of trouble.

Once again, my mother was going to buy vegetables, but she forgot where the money was. I was so worried that I felt like an ant on a hot pot. I thought I didn't know where to put my money. It was ridiculous, so I laughed. Who knows, when my mother saw that I was smiling, she rushed to me indiscriminately and shouted where you had hidden the money. Take it out quickly. My God, I became the suspect. I quickly argued that I didn't take it. You should look for it carefully. My brother also came here to say that it was right. Please look for it carefully. We can't conclude early. We finally found it in an old wallet. It turned out that mother wanted to protect money and put it in her wallet.

I could not help laughing when I saw my mother's anxious and proud appearance.

I Love Laughing in Composition (6)

I'm eleven years old this year and I'm going to grade five soon. But one of my biggest characteristics is that I love both crying and laughing.

I love tears. Whenever I am wronged, I will be like a fool. First, I will drop "Jindoudou", and then I will run to a place where no one is. I will hold my cheeks and look at the blue sky, white clouds, and birds in the distance. I will cry silently. But before long, I will tell myself to be a man again. Come out and don't cry! So I will wipe away my tears and go back bravely to do what I should do.

I love to laugh, maybe it's my nature to laugh! Whenever I am happy, I always dance with my hands and feet. I keep laughing, laughing at the passing vehicles, the flowers and trees on both sides, and the birds in the sky I also love helping others. My mother and I went shopping in the supermarket once, and she was waiting for an aunt to move a car. Because the two sides were too crowded, a car was about to overturn, so I hurried to help it. The aunt smoothly pushed the car away. Although she did not praise me, my heart was very beautiful.

This is me who likes crying and laughing.

I Love Laughing in Composition (7)

Ah! Today is the tragedy after the exam. I can't escape. The exam papers of yesterday's exam were handed out. I looked at the scores. Oh, my god! My mind was completely blank. The score was 86. I couldn't escape the tragedy. I was so anxious to find a seam on the ground to get into it, but the seam could not accommodate me. Even if I got into it, my mother would dig it out. I was so anxious that I sweated.

Suddenly, a plan came into my mind. I thought: Will a smile ease my mood? With such a score, my mother will invite me to eat two kinds of dishes: one is "Malatang", which will bring disaster to my buttocks; The second is "burning pancakes". If you suffer from it, it's not a good result anyway. It's better to have a good mood!

So I went home with a smile. When my mother asked me my score when I got home, I still smiled and replied: "86 points." My mother opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Why are you so happy?" I smiled and replied: "If you want to ease your mood, you should come! I'm ready!" My mother suddenly realized, "My daughter is still very smart!" Once happy, Mother also forgot to be ready to hit my mood, I ah! More happy, because I finally escaped the disaster, hahaha! Do you think I like laughing? It's good to laugh! At least it can avoid suffering from skin and flesh. Since this incident, I like to laugh even more.

I Love Laughing in Composition (8)

hello everyone! Do you know my name? How old are you this year? From which class? Ha ha, you can't guess! Let me tell you!

My name is Wu Yihang. I'm in Grade 3 this year. I'm a pupil from Class 318. I'm 11 years old this year. I am a lively and cheerful little girl. As long as I smile, my eyes will be curved into two curved crescents, so my characteristic is to love laughing.

Once I went to a recitation contest in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, and I was very nervous. When it came to me, I thought: the last time I went to the competition, I just laughed to ease my tension, so I laughed. When I laughed, I felt very relaxed. I walked onto the stage with a smile. I smiled until I finished my reading. I found that smiling could also ease my nervous mood. Since then, I have loved smiling.

I am willing to use laughter to overcome any difficulties in life. Once, my good friend stopped playing with me, but I was not sad at all. I smiled at her because I knew that no matter how good a friend was, there would be fights. But after a few days, I would be good friends again, so I smiled at life.

I have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, I am very careless.

I want to say to everyone: "Every inch has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no perfect person in the world."

I Love Laughing in Composition (9)

My name is Yangruiduo. Many people who do not know me think my surname is "Mu" and "Ye" Yang. In fact, I am "Yang" of "Sun". Then someone must ask me again, "Why do you call me Yangruiduo?" Let me tell you, because my parents want me to be like a budding flower in the sun, blooming into a flower. How about my name? Is it beautiful?

I have a round face, a bright black hair is always combed into a ponytail by me, with thick eyebrows, big eyes flickering, long black eyelashes, a high nose, and a small mouth. Many people think I am a Xinjiang sister at first sight! The most interesting thing is that I have several moles on my face, like a black gem. I love to laugh. When I smile, I have two big dimples, which are very cute. Now let me introduce to you how much I love to laugh!

Once, I had a very serious cold. As a result, I was hospitalized in the hospital. When the nurse aunt came to give me an injection, I did not cry like other children, but opened my big eyes, looked at the angel in white, with a sweet smile on her face, as if to speak softly to the nurse aunt. Even when the nurse aunt pricked the needle, I still endured the pain with a smile. After the injection, the nurse aunt gave me a thumbs up and said, "Boy, you are so cute!" When I heard this sentence, my smile was even brighter, and my white teeth were exposed.

This is me, a smiling little girl. I want to be friends with you, do you want to?

Laughing Me in Composition (10)

Are you surprised to see this topic? Why am I timid and smiling? Let me explain it!

I remember one Monday morning meeting, I was going to speak English in front of all the students in the school. Before the speech, I was so nervous that I trembled all over. I really wanted this hard time to pass quickly. But after the speech, the director gave me a thumbs up. At this time, a big stone pressed in my heart was put down. So I swear, I will never be nervous when I come to the stage.

I used to hear that laughter can live a long life, so I love laughter very much. Every Saturday I try to watch jokes and books, so I always laugh until my stomach hurts. At school, I often listen to my best friend Peng Qianyu's jokes. He is good at telling jokes. Once, before we had a shower, he was talking there. At that time, I laughed so hard that I could not walk, and my heart ached for a while, as if someone had pressed me, and I could not breathe. At this time, the teacher asked me to take a bath, and I used all my strength to get up. After taking a bath, I still wanted to hear his jokes, but he said today's jokes were over, so I had to leave him regretfully.

Do you think I am a strange person.

I Love Laughing in Composition (11)

Hey, everybody! My name is Li Wenhao. I am 9 years old this year. I am medium height, have short, energetic hair, and my eyes are not big, but they are full of energy. When I smile, I narrow into a crack.

Once, my sister wanted to buy books with money, but she forgot where the money was. When I saw it, I smiled and thought: It's funny that I forgot where to put my money. They giggled. Who knows, when my sister saw me laughing, she thought I had hidden the money. So he shouted at me indiscriminately: "Did you hide the money? Please hand it over.". I thought again: It's over. I've become the object of suspicion. Now I can't wash myself when I jump into the Yellow River. I shook my hand and hurriedly said: "I didn't take it. You are looking for it. My sister glanced at me and went to find the money. Later, she found it in a book. Seeing it, I couldn't help laughing again.

Another time, when I came home from school, I saw my mother sulking alone in the room. I asked my sister before I knew that my father had gone out to eat again. I tried my best, and finally came up with a good idea. I rushed into my mother's room and laughed at him. When my mother saw me laughing, she laughed too.

This is the smiling me.

Laughing Me in Composition (12)

I really hope to be good friends with you. To be good friends, you need to get to know each other first. Now I would like to introduce myself. I am in Grade 5 this year. My name is Lin Hua. I am a girl. I like painting, but I don't paint well. I live a full and happy life every day.

I will smile every day. Laughing is also good. Smile every day. There is no trouble in life! So I hope everyone can smile every day, and life is free of troubles! I remember once I played at my grandma's house. My aunts, uncles and aunts also came to play. I played there all morning and was very happy. However, in the blink of an eye, it was noon. I was the youngest, but with my brother, I was not the youngest. But adults still like me very much. They like me very much. When they see me, they ask me, where are you going? Have you had enough? Wait for some questions, but I can't answer some questions. If I don't answer, I will smile at them, so adults all say: 'Laugh, laugh, you always laugh!' At that time, I was like Xu Shu entering the camp -- without saying a word, but I laughed even more. Adults also said to my mother, 'Look at your daughter, she always smiles all the time!' ' I was helpless.

I hope everyone can smile every day, and life is free from troubles!

I Love Laughing in Composition (13)

Laughing me

Zhou Fan, Class 32

I, a third grade girl, have a round face with a pair of black gem like eyes and a cherry like mouth. Maybe this is why I love to laugh.

Once, my mother was angry in the room. I didn't know what was going on. When I asked my grandmother, I knew it was because my father had gone out to eat again, but my father promised my mother that he would never go out to eat again. After much thought, I finally came up with a way to make my mother happy. I rushed into the room and laughed at my mother. My mother was confused by me and laughed with me. It seems that my method has succeeded. Grandma also praised my cleverness!

But sometimes laughing will bring me trouble. Once, the dancing teacher asked us to dance on the stage in turn. It was Xiaohong's turn, and she made a difficult move. Maybe she was too nervous and fell to the ground at once. I immediately laughed and the teacher asked me to go to his office after school. After school, all the students went home happily. I was the only one receiving education in the office. I really shouldn't have!

After listening to my narration, do you like me who likes to laugh?

(Counselor Mu Yuanyuan)

I Love Laughing in Composition (14)

Hehe, when it comes to laughter, it seems to be an eternal topic. As long as there is joy, there is laughter.

Children's laughter is like silver bells; The adults smile kindly; The old man's laughter was peaceful; My laughter has no characteristics, but I would like to decorate my life with laughter to make my life colorful!

In the teacher's eyes, I seem to be unsmiling and sad all day long; In the eyes of my classmates, I may be the same. But that's not me. Only a few people who have good relationships know that - I like to laugh, I like to be funny, and I'm very humorous.

Laugh, you can have the infinite power to turn hostility into friendship: remember that time, I went to the canteen to play with lunch boxes first, and just ready to evacuate, who knows who was so reckless that he bumped into me, causing me to scratch the skin, and the lunch box also flew far away. Angry and hateful, he gritted his teeth to find the "troublemaker". My inspection eyes squarely met the timid eyes of a little boy. He looked at the "crazy and angry" big sister in front of him in a daze. Her eyes flashed with crystal tears. Suddenly, I seemed to see myself from the tears: I remember that three years ago I was just a new student. At that time, I was very timid and kept a distance from everyone for fear of being hurt. However, I never thought that I hurt her. On that day, the canteen was very crowded, and I accidentally pushed a big sister down. I was afraid and wanted to escape, but I had no way to escape in full view of the public. She had to look at the form blankly. One, two, three, she stood up, and the food was covered with clothes. She was very embarrassed, and several people laughed. I thought to myself that this was over, and she smiled at me: "It's OK, I still have clothes.".

Yes, it was the big sister who let me understand the true meaning of laughter, let me stop hesitating and worrying, let me change myself with laughter, and bring happiness to others.

Laughter is an eternal topic of human beings; Laugh, convey happiness; Laugh, it was the sister who passed it on to me. I will not be ashamed of my mission and continue to deliver that joy and tolerance.

Laughing Me in Composition (15)

I am a fifth grade student, very lively and lovely. A chubby face, a pair of big eyes, flickering; The black hair, tied into a ponytail, is like a fairy, swinging from side to side. Can you guess who I am? Yes, I am Zhang Huimin from Class 507.

You may think that I am just an ordinary primary school student. I live an ordinary life every day. What's the difference? In fact, my difference does not lie in my appearance, nor in my study, but in my rainbow like smile.

In school, I am a real pistachio. I am willing to do whatever I am asked to do and do my best. When I finish something, I will be happy like a rabbit, jumping up and down.

Even if I was criticized, the smile would not leave me. Maybe you think I'm pretending to be cute, or disrespect my teacher, and always be playful... But none of these are true. My smile comes from the heart. I know that the teacher's criticism of me is an encouragement to me. Because I think that smile is a symbol of beauty and everyone has it. Even if something bad happens, we should face it with a smile. Therefore, students often say that my smile is like a ball of chewing gum, no matter how to drive it away, it is always on my face.

At home, I am the same. When guests come to my home, I am just like a swallow. With my smile, I either serve tea or pour water. I walk around the guests happily. Everyone praises me for being sensible. My smile is more like a blooming flower. Sometimes, I will smile foolishly, my mother will say that my smile is like a bright moon, embedded in my face; Sometimes, I will smile faintly, and my mother will say that my smile is like a curved wicker, flying with the wind.

This is me, a different girl who likes to laugh.

I Love Laughing in Composition (16)

I love to laugh. I laugh at anything funny and humorous. But I also like to cry. Students often say that when I cry, my eyes will "fire a cannon". But there is one thing that makes me cry and laugh. You must feel strange, don't you?

It was a Friday morning last year. We were going to the teaching building to do morning exercises. Suddenly, I tripped over something and fell heavily on the ground. When I got up, I just felt my mouth hurt. My old habit of crying came again, and I sat on the floor crying. The cry startled everyone. Several students and teachers helped me up and sent me to the village health center at the school gate. After diagnosis, my upper lip was torn, and the doctor covered my lips with ointment and liquid medicine. The students all joked with me when they saw my appearance, saying that my mouth was like a cow's mouth covered with mud. I laughed when I heard it. But I'm chuckling this time. Don't think I'm afraid of exposing deformed teeth. I'm actually afraid of the ointment spraying out. But after a while, I couldn't help laughing. I smiled and immediately closed my mouth again. Thank God, I didn't spray out the ointment

Look, this is me, a girl who likes crying and laughing!

Laughing Me in Composition (17)

I Love Laughing, Grade 3 Composition 1

She is a playful and lovely optimist girl. She loves to laugh and is full of "laughter" in the world. She, an unprecedented master of humor, can make others laugh every time. She has a pair of big and flexible eyes, a round nose, and an eloquent and smiling mouth. There are a pair of ears like Monkey King on both sides of the face. With a baby face, I am a smiling person.

My smile has helped many people. Once, my cousin accidentally fell down and cried in pain. I pulled him up with a smile. He not only stopped crying, but also smiled at me! My smile also helped me make many friends! I remember that when the third grade started, many new students came to the class. The teacher asked us to do our homework. My new deskmate's pen was too thick. I borrowed an automatic pen from him. The automatic pen he had just bought died early. He hurriedly said to me, "I'm sorry, I'll compensate you." "No need. I'm a happy man. I'll break it if I break it. I can buy another one at the worst." Although I feel bad, But I smiled and handed him a pencil. With this smile, we became good friends who talked about everything.

"Smile, ten years old. Worry, white head." So people should smile. Because I love to laugh, I have been liked by many people; Because I love to laugh, I overcome the intrusion of colds; Because I love to laugh, I have overcome numerous difficulties, because I love to laugh, leaving me many beautiful memories!

I would like to dedicate my brilliant smile to everyone and make everyone happy!

Laughing My Third Grade Composition 2

I am 9 years old this year. I have a pair of big watery eyes and a big forehead. People call me Big Ben Head. I also have a low bridge of the nose. There is a cherry mouth under the bridge of the nose. Every time I smile, my small teeth will be exposed. From a distance, I have neither yellow nor black hair. I love to laugh. Every time my classmates and brothers talk to me, I laugh all the time, and sometimes my stomach hurts.

Another time, my brother and I were walking on the street. My brother said to me, "Let me tell you a joke!" I said, "OK, it should be funny."

So my brother told me a joke, saying: "Once upon a time, there was a man named 'Lv Lv'. He went to buy a piece of donkey meat one day. When he came home, he put the donkey meat into a pot and boiled it. He thought to himself," Didn't I cook myself? At this time, my brother heard bursts of laughter nearby. When he looked back, he saw that I was laughing, so he couldn't get up. "Is it so funny?". "Yes, it's really funny."

There are many funny things. I will tell you one by one when I have a chance. This is me who loves to laugh.

I Love Laughing Third Grade Composition 3

I'm a laughing person. Would you like to listen to me?

I laugh when I hear a little joke. Once, my deskmate told me a little joke between classes. When he said: "There is a vast ocean on the bed, Xiao Li is still asleep, and when he woke up, he reached out to touch it. The quilt is wet and cold, I was already breathless with laughter.". Another look at the other students did not laugh, they all said; You are too fond of laughing.

If I see sketches, I will laugh. Once at home, I saw a sketch. It was performed by Xiao Shenyang. His antics made me laugh. When he said, "I'm home", I laughed until tears came out. Mother said, "It's not so funny. You can really laugh.".

I am also the person who likes laughing most when playing games. When we play the game "Wooden Man", I am always the first to be amused. I am sure that I will laugh when my classmates make a stroke or play a strange gesture in front of me. I must be the first to be eliminated.

To tell you the truth, I even laugh in my dreams! One weekend I slept at home and had a funny dream. When I fell asleep, I suddenly laughed. My parents were puzzled. I laughed when they woke me up! They said, "This child loves to laugh!"

Laughter brings me happiness! I like to laugh. This is me who likes to laugh.

Laughing Me in Composition (18)

I have a round face, a bright black hair is always combed into a ponytail by me, with thick eyebrows, big eyes flickering, long black eyelashes, a high nose, and a small mouth. Many people think I am a Xinjiang sister at first sight! The most interesting thing is that I have several moles on my face, like a black gem. I love to laugh. When I smile, I have two big dimples, which are very cute. Let me introduce to you how much I love to laugh!

Once, I had a very serious cold. As a result, I was hospitalized in the hospital. When the nurse aunt came to give me an injection, I did not cry like other children, but opened my big eyes, looked at the angel in white, with a sweet smile on her face, as if to speak softly to the nurse aunt. Even when the nurse aunt pricked the needle, I still endured the pain with a smile. After the injection, the nurse aunt gave me a thumbs up and said, "Boy, you are so cute!" When I heard this sentence, my smile was even brighter, and my white teeth were exposed.

This is me, a smiling little girl. I want to be friends with you, do you want to?

I Love Laughing in Composition (19)

I love to laugh. Laughing is the most important thing I do all day long. My classmates all said that I was a sunny boy with a lively and cheerful personality. Because of the characteristic of laughing, I also took a lot of blame for it. For example, one student lost his pen bag. A group of people gathered there, and I smiled. When my classmates saw me smiling, they thought I had taken the pen bag, so they kidnapped me. Start checking my bag and drawer. Even the places where I may have hidden my pen bag have looked for the bottom of the sky. Finally, they did not find the pencil case. They began to torture me: "Say, where is the pencil case?"

I smiled and said, "I don't know!" But they didn't believe me, so they handed me over to the teacher. The teacher asked me, "Did you take Zhao Zixuan's pen bag?" I shook my head straight and said, "No." The teacher believed me and asked each student to check his desk bag and drawer to see if there was Zhao Zixuan's pen bag. Finally, the truth came out. It turned out that a classmate saw Zixuan's pen bag was too beautiful, so he took it over to take it for himself. My black pot has finally cleared up.

This is the handsome, cheerful and smiling me. I like myself very much, and I hope everyone likes me.

Laughing Me in Composition (20)

I have wheat skin and long black hair. I don't have many characteristics, just like laughing. I am a "two faced person". My first side is a person who likes to laugh, and my second side is a person who is thoughtful. It is calligraphy that has changed my life.

Whether I am happy or sad, my face is always smiling. When I am sad, my face is smiling and my heart is crying. Once, I was defeated in the third grade examination of calligraphy. However, I didn't cry like those sentimental people. Instead, I said happily, "It's OK, I didn't pass the exam this time, and I will continue to work hard next time. However, I was a little worried about whether Teacher Zhang would say I would be in calligraphy class next time, because Teacher Zhang always likes me. This time I failed to live up to Mr. Zhang's expectations. "

Another time, our head teacher left us because his home was far away from the school. The head teacher is an English teacher. She is very talented. She always dresses up the class as beautiful and bright. She suddenly left, making our favorite classmates cry. Fortunately, the new head teacher is our Chinese teacher, and she also dresses up the classroom as beautiful and bright, just a little more Chinese elements. When I learned that we were going to change our head teacher, I was not sad at all, because the new head teacher was not a new teacher, but our Chinese teacher. Speaking of this, I am still smiling.

In daily life, I have a low point of laughter. Anyone who tells a joke can make me laugh until my stomach hurts, let alone a joke that can make me laugh more.

I like calligraphy very much, because calligraphy can cultivate sentiment. I am a very angry woman, and I will take some interest classes to improve my cultivation. I chose calligraphy. Unconsciously, I have learned calligraphy for five years. The calligraphy teacher is humorous and humorous, and his handwriting is particularly good. I always feel that Mr. Zhang has a strong magnetic field that deeply attracts me. I learned a lot from my calligraphy teacher.

Before learning calligraphy, I was a hot and noisy woman. It was calligraphy that made my characters beautiful. More importantly, it made me do things much slower.

This is me, who likes laughing and calligraphy!