Sports Game Composition Diary (13 recommended)
Aunt Bangbang
2024-06-05 01:41:41

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (1)


The school held a track and field meet in a warm spring season.

Early in the morning, the students came to school happily. Teacher Zeng, the head teacher, led us to the playground. After a while, I heard the radio saying, "Please prepare for the 60m race in Grade Three." So all the students of the 60m race lined up.

The athletes rushed forward like arrows with a shot. No one would admit defeat. The cheerleading team nearby kept shouting: "Come on! Come on!" At this time, one of the athletes rushed up and ran ahead, followed by another athlete, who was unwilling to be outdone and tried harder to surpass the runner in front, who was the first to reach the finish line and win glory for the class.


The next day the school held a relay race. Teacher Zeng led us to the playground. After most of the day, I heard the radio saying, "Please get ready for the third grade relay race." The athletes quickly stood in line.

Then I heard the radio saying, "The relay race has officially started." The athletes were alert and serious.

The sound of the gun made our classmates Shao Xiaochuan pass the first stick. At the end of the race, he slipped and his stick fell off. Xiong Jie took the first stick and saw the scene without saying anything. He picked up the stick and ran quickly. Teacher Zeng helped Shao Xiao up and pulled her to a chair to sit down. I saw many small students running much faster than before. Soon after the game ended, our class won the third place.

Although there was a little mistake in running, we still won the third place with the strength of unity.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (2)

Inner Mongolia Arab League Jilantai Salt Middle School Grade 4 (2) Ban Chaichen

It's windy on Sunday of the seventh week of school on October 20, 2010

At the end of the sports meeting, we entered the intense and orderly learning process again. But in the sports meeting, I saw something beautiful that I didn't usually see.

In the sports meeting, every athlete in the class worked hard to add some points to his class. Although some students did not participate in the project, he was also doing his best for the class. For example, Li Jing's classmates are praising this athlete and that athlete. Although she doesn't have an event, she is also doing her best to write at least ten articles for the class in obscurity, which is just that she writes countless articles at home and at school. Finally, our class's contributions are the most in the whole school, making our fourth grade (2) Li Jing should be credited with the success of the class as an excellent contributor.

During the sports meeting, I was very moved to see that our class is a very united class. Although they have no projects and do not compete for points for the class, the seven points added when I won the first place are not only my own, but also those who take care of me Everyone who helped me because without them, I won the first place and won the seven points, but if I don't get back to normal in time without their help, then how can I participate in the next game? It's not to abstain and then waste the seven points that I worked hard to get, maybe more points will be deducted, so my first place belongs to all the people who take care of me and help me, not only It belongs to me personally. I said to them here: "Thank you." Although I could not thank them in time at that time, I would not forget and could not forget. After I finished the 200 meter preliminaries, Cheng Yanbing knelt on the ground and couldn't get up. It was her who carried me step by step from the finish line to the place in the class. At that time, I could feel that she was not only carrying me, but also carrying the whole Grade 4 (2) class. "I really thank you for your hard work, Cheng Yanbing, for the whole class and for me." Everyone has his own shining point, which I think is probably your shining point.

In this sports meeting, I saw the first style of true friendship, the second style of competition. When I ran four hundred meters, everyone said that running shoes were fast. I asked Wei Cheng to lend them to me, but he said that there was no way to borrow them. I had to ask Meng Guopeng to lend them to me, but he lent them to me. But when he just came here, he was ready to run. When I put them on, I felt much better, but it was too late to change them. I had to put them on with me Qin Fang and Qin Fang from their class ran 400 meters together. When they saw that he had lent me his shoes, Qin Fang also lent them to him, but he said that he had already lent them to me. Qin Fang had no choice but not to wear them. But when I finished running, my feet were worn out because the shoes were too big. But I still want to thank Meng Guopeng because he finally lent them to me regardless of size and didn't ask me to take off my shoes to Qin Fang because of their class Although my feet are worn out, it can only be blamed on my small feet to wear them out. It can't be blamed on Meng Guopeng. "Meng Guopeng, I really appreciate that you didn't ask for your shoes or lend them to me for your own work, but also that you didn't contradict me."

There are still many people worthy of my thanks in this sports meeting. I say again: "Thank you." I have seen many things in you, and learned many things. At the same time, I also know that everyone has different highlights and advantages.

Instructor: He Aimei

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (3)

Primary school fifth grade diary autumn sports meeting composition 1

"On the green field, schoolchildren dominate. They are not intoxicated, they are intoxicated." In the past few years of my life in the stalagmite street, many things have happened, some of which have made me happy, some of which have made me worried... But one thing I still remember is still fresh.

It was a day in the second semester of the second year of senior high school. Teacher Meng was admitted to the hospital because of a broken bone and could not come to school for classes. It happened that the school principal announced: "The annual sports meeting will be held in two weeks.

In the following days, all classes in our school entered the preparations for the sports meeting. After class, there are more students playing sports on the playground and their voices are louder. Some are throwing sandbags, some are running, some are jumping rope, and some are jumping long. Only our class has the least number of students who exercise, because there is no strict requirements and correct guidance from the teacher. Although the acting class teacher also asked us to go out for exercise, everyone ignored her words, and the whole class was like a mess. Some students also said: "In such a hot day, going out for exercise is not afraid of heatstroke!"

Time went by day by day. Two days before the sports meeting, the acting class teacher wrote several names on the list of participants, but my name was not on the list, which made me very disappointed, but I still look forward to the sports meeting.

Primary school fifth grade diary autumn sports meeting composition 2

The rest of the events should be played in the afternoon. After noon, we came to the playground. This time, there was a collective event, rope skipping, which was no problem for me. I didn't look at the event before the group rope skipping, because I was wondering what to do if I made a mistake. This pull will score many points. After a while, I heard the people on the rostrum say, let's go to the fourth grade to jump rope collectively. He also said that first, our Class 4 (9) collective rope skipping, so we came to the stadium to prepare for rope skipping. I just heard a whistle and began to jump rope. This is the same as the sit ups. The front is very easy, but the physical strength will continue to decline after that, so I began to work hard. Finally, I jumped one hundred and twenty-two. Is this the same as my previous performance? I'm so happy! But I didn't seem to hear the score of the rope skipping match. Even so, I am very happy because it is much more than before. Finally, we held the teacher's 4 * 100 meter relay stick, hoop and 100 meter run. After the meeting, the curtain closed.

Today's autumn sports meet is really happy! My skipping rope is more than before!

Primary school fifth grade diary autumn sports composition 3

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally look forward to the day of the sports meeting. I stayed up happily the night before. The first event was the 50 meter dash. Our class sent He Linfeng, who was recognized as the fastest runner in our class. "Three, two, one" As soon as the physical education teacher whistled, he started to run. In the blink of an eye, he ran to the end, while the other students only ran to half of the place. At last, of course, we won the project effortlessly. We thought that with such a good start, the result would be good, but it was really hard to predict!

The last group project is tug of war, which aims at unity. The competition began. All the participants stared at the red scarf in the middle of the rope. It jumped and looked so dazzling. It wondered which way to go. Each team hoped that the red scarf would be closer to their own team, but it moved to the other side one moment later, and suddenly, the red scarf moved to the other side. Although we made great efforts, it still moved to the other side, little by little... Finally, we lost. Exhausted, we were discouraged. Looking at the jubilant appearance of our opponents, some of our classmates were angry, some cried, some bowed their heads and walked away silently. All students were very heavy in their hearts. At this time, I only had one thought in my mind: if we had trained well before, the result would not be like this.

Although this matter has passed for a long time, this stalagmite story has been deeply imprinted in my memory, and let us know that only by practicing hard at ordinary times can we achieve good results in the exam.

Primary school fifth grade diary autumn sports composition 4

This morning we held the autumn sports meeting. There were both collective and individual events. I only had collective events, not individual events.

This morning we went to the playground with our hats on and books in hand. When I arrived at the playground, I was fascinated by the red of the second grade. It turned out that everyone in the second grade was cheering for his class with a small red flag. We found our seats and sat down. We first held the opening ceremony, and after that, the sports meeting began enthusiastically. The first is the fifty meter dash in Grade Two.

After watching for a while, we came to our fourth grade sit ups. Our class was the first, so we came to the game first. I lay down on the mat to do sit ups. I heard the teacher's whistle, and I did it in a moment. I did it quickly, but at the end of the day, my physical strength was gone. Finally, the teacher's whistle sounded again, and I made 28. Back in the stands, I really didn't know whether I had reached the average score. After a while, I began to publish my results. Our class was the sixth with an average score of 31. I knew I had an average score at this point when I saw this. At that time, I had an idea. I planned to practice 30 sit ups every day from tomorrow to increase my number of sit ups.

Primary School Grade 5 Diary Autumn Games Composition 5

Today, all the students in our class are very excited because today we are going to hold the sports meeting for our grade 2 and 6. After breakfast, we came to the playground with excitement and happiness under the guidance of Mr. Feng.

There are many group projects in our school. I took part in sit ups first. I quickly ran to my position and lay flat on the mat where the army green arrived. My legs were like a tall, big hill, and I was ready to start doing sit ups. With the PE teacher's clear "beep", I began to do sit ups. At the beginning, I felt very relaxed and did it very quickly. I also thought: this time, I won glory for the class, which means I had exercised well, but I didn't exercise well... However, my idea was later denied by myself. Because I was getting tired gradually, my movements naturally slowed down. Just as I lay down to give up, the girl who counted for me and pressed my legs said, "Come on! Hurry up! There is still a little time." I was shocked by the words of this unknown girl, so I tried harder than sucking and continued to sit up. At this moment, the clear "beep" sounded, and the game was over. I made 24, although more than 20, I was still dissatisfied.

Although I am not satisfied with my performance, Ren Zihui, a student in our class, plays an extraordinary role. She takes part in running. Although Ren Zihui is the champion of female running in the class, she may not be the first in the running competition in the grade. With the sound of a gun, Ren Zihui ran quickly. One, two, three... She surpassed one another. After finishing this step, she began to stride towards the end. I obviously saw that Ren Zhihui's speed was almost flying, which really made me sigh.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (4)

Today, all the students in our class are very excited because today we are going to hold the sports meeting for our grade 2 and 6. After breakfast, we came to the playground with excitement and happiness under the guidance of Mr. Feng.

There are many group projects in our school. I took part in sit ups first. I quickly ran to my own position and lay flat on the mat where the army green arrived. My legs were like a tall, big hill, and I was ready to start doing sit ups. With the PE teacher's clear "beep", I began to do sit ups. At the beginning, I felt very relaxed and did it very quickly. I also thought: this time, I won glory for the class, which means I had exercised well, but I didn't exercise well... However, my idea was later denied by myself. Because I was getting tired gradually, my movements naturally slowed down. Just as I lay down to give up, the girl who counted for me and pressed my legs said, "Come on! Hurry up! There is still a little time." I was shocked by the words of this unknown girl, so I tried harder than sucking and continued to sit up. At this moment, the clear "beep" sounded, and the game was over. I made 24, although more than 20, I was still dissatisfied.

Although I am not satisfied with my performance, Ren Zihui, a student in our class, plays an extraordinary role. She takes part in running. Although Ren Zihui is the champion of female running in the class, she may not be the first in the running competition in the grade. With the sound of a gun, Ren Zihui ran quickly. One, two, three... She surpassed one another. After finishing this step, she began to stride towards the end. I obviously saw that Ren Zihui's speed was almost flying, which really made me sigh.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (5)

"On the green field, schoolchildren dominate. They are not intoxicated, they are intoxicated." In the past few years of my life in the stalagmite street, many things have happened, some of which have made me happy, some of which have made me worried... But one thing I still remember is still fresh.

It was a day in the second semester of the second year of senior high school. Teacher Meng was admitted to the hospital because of a broken bone and could not come to school for classes. It happened that the school principal announced: "The annual sports meeting will be held in two weeks.

In the following days, all classes in our school entered the preparations for the sports meeting. After class, there are more students playing sports on the playground and their voices are louder. Some are throwing sandbags, some are running, some are jumping rope, and some are jumping long. Only our class has the least number of students who exercise, because there is no strict requirements and correct guidance from the teacher. Although the acting class teacher also asked us to go out for exercise, everyone ignored her words, and the whole class was like a mess. Some students also said: "In such a hot day, going out for exercise is not afraid of heatstroke!"

Time went by day by day. Two days before the sports meeting, the acting class teacher wrote several names on the list of participants, but my name was not on the list, which made me very disappointed, but I still look forward to the sports meeting.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (6)

The rest of the events should be played in the afternoon. After noon, we came to the playground. This time, there was a collective event, rope skipping, which was no problem for me. I didn't look at the event before the group rope skipping, because I was wondering what to do if I made a mistake. This pull will score many points. After a while, I heard the people on the rostrum say, let's go to the fourth grade to jump rope collectively. He also said that first, our Class 4 (9) collective rope skipping, so we came to the stadium to prepare for rope skipping. I just heard a whistle and began to jump rope. This is the same as the sit ups. The front is very easy, but the physical strength will continue to decline after that, so I began to work hard. Finally, I jumped one hundred and twenty-two. Is this the same as my previous performance? I'm so happy! But I didn't seem to hear the score of the rope skipping match. Even so, I am very happy because it is much more than before. Finally, we held the teacher's 4 * 100 meter relay stick, hoop and 100 meter run. After the meeting, the curtain closed.

Today's autumn sports meet is really happy! My skipping rope is more than before!

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (7)

This article "Sports Day Diary 400 Words" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Diary about the sports meeting

Our Yucai School held the New Year's Day Sports Meeting and Parent Child Sports Recreation Meeting on the eve of New Year's Day. After hearing the news, the students in our class were prepared to win honor for the class and rushed to sign up!

There are many events in this sports meeting, including five minute long rope jump, small rope jump, standing long jump, 50 meter relay race, 400 meter race... I chose "big rope jump" in these events not because I am good at it, but because I want to further break through and challenge myself.

Then began the intense pre match training, and many students came down to train at the break, jumping big rope, small rope, long jump... At the beginning, I was worried that I would not be able to jump, but after training, I also made progress in jumping, and many students also made great progress.

Then it was time for the game, with the headmaster's announcement. Our athletes from all classes entered the stadium one after another and started the competition according to the order of the referee. In the tense atmosphere, the game finally ended. Our class's jump rope is not excellent, the first, second and third prizes of the 50 meter relay are all in our class, and the 400 meter run is also excellent. Although we are very tired, there is happiness and a sense of achievement in our hard sweat.

Although not better than the Olympic Games, the atmosphere does not drop at all. This is our Games.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (8)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Sunny

Yesterday, the teacher finally told us to hold the sports meeting today. We all cheered, yes, we all looked forward to it for a long time!

Look, on the field of long jump, the students are all swinging their arms and kicking their legs. They are all like rabbits and kangaroos, jumping around in a hurry. The long jump competition has not started yet. Without the teacher and the referee, we can compare ourselves. We take the cement ground as the starting line, and try to jump onto the ground to see who can jump far. Finally, I jumped 1.97 meters. They must fail me in the official competition, so I asked the teacher to cancel their qualification, but the teacher did not agree.

The competition started. I let them dance first, and I was the last one to finish it.

They jumped first. Some of them were over one meter six or seven, and some of them were over one meter eight. None of them exceeded two meters. Zheng Jinbao came on. "One meter ninety-eight!" Last year, he was on a par with me. It was my thorn in the side, and I must exceed two meters. I inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, and then jumped over. "Two meters fifteen!" I exceeded two meters, and I won! yeah!

Before the men's 4 × 100 meter relay race started, the four of us began to shake hands and be eager to try. "Start!" As soon as the starting gun rang, the game officially began. Zheng Peng rushed out like a mad leopard, and quickly turned a circle to hand over the baton. Li Yang quickly took the first stick, jumping and galloping like a black horse with a broken tail. Chen Lei quickly grabbed the baton and ran, like a tiger pouncing on its prey. When the baton was handed to me, I was like an eagle flying in the sky swooping down on the rabbit on the grassland - the finish line was the rabbit, and I wanted to catch the rabbit.

Finally, I caught the rabbit and became a hunter with my partner, holding the championship trophy in my hands.

... There are still many competitions. Listen to me slowly in the future.

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (9)

On Thursday, the weather was sunny and cloudless. In this sunny weather, the autumn sports meeting that we thought about day and night finally came in our expectation.

The first item of the opening ceremony of the sports meeting was the queue display. Each class dressed in neat school uniforms and walked in neat steps around the playground. When it was our turn, our teacher He blew his whistle: "One two one, one two one, one two one..." Suddenly, he blew straight twice, We shouted together: "Three three, three three, Golden Bean Paradise, unite and march forward!" We showed our class to the teachers and students of the whole school in high spirits!

The next race was even more wonderful. My deskmate Zhang Yuxi ran faster than a cheetah, leaving her opponent far behind; Zhang Luhao took away the champion like wind; He Yechao easily got the first place that should belong to him... A series of surprises brought us.

There are also shooting accuracy and relay events. The teacher also called on us to write all kinds of cheering words for the athletes, and let us bring musical instruments to cheer them on, such as refueling sticks, clapping hands, drums, bottles with beans or pebbles

Beside the track, we desperately cheered for the athletes - even if there were no athletes in our class, we also cheered for their excellence, and they also achieved good results like our class.

The final result is that our class won all the awards, especially the entrance ceremony, and also won the first prize, the first place in the total score of the competition!

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (10)

The school is holding a sports meeting today. When the first sunshine in the morning hits the playground, the campus is boiling.

The first step was the parade. Each class shouted out their own slogans loudly. The voice was earth shaking and magnificent. After the parade, the competition began. The first event was sprint. At the order of the referee uncle, the competition began. The athletes rushed out like arrows. With the encouragement of the students, they made every effort to rush to the end. At once, the crowd roared with cheers and cheers throughout the playground, especially at the end of the race.

What impressed me was the men's relay race. The athletes of each class were standing on their respective runways, ready to run at any time, and the cheerleaders of each class were not idle. They posed to cheer the athletes at any time. "Bang "The starting gun went off, and the athletes ran away like nimble horses. Our class rushed over quickly, only to see the athletes of other classes running. Soon our class passed the baton to the second athlete, and the second athlete passed the baton to the third athlete quickly. The boys of our class quickly exceeded the boys of the other three classes It was quickly passed to the fourth athlete. Someone was shouting that the final fate was in your hand, and our heart was also raised to the throat. He seemed to hear our inner cry, and quickly passed by, winning the first place. When hearing the radio saying that our class had won the first place, our class seemed to dance happily and could not be expressed in words.

The sports meeting ended under the leadership of the teacher. Many people in our class said that they would strive to be the first one next time!

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (11)

Today, the sun is shining and the spring breeze is warm. What a good day! It is also the day when our Jigongling Primary School holds the sports meeting. We came to the playground excitedly. The playground suddenly seethed.

This year I participated in: sit ups, 30 meter running and weight bearing relay race. The most interesting is the weight-bearing relay race. To start, we saw that there was no relay stick, only a basin with sandbags. Everyone was very surprised! What is this used for? The teacher announced the rules and said: "We have eight classes competing at the same time. Each class has 40 students, 20 men and 20 women, divided into two groups. At the two ends of the track, the first student runs to the opposite side with a basin, and the opposite one runs back with a basin to the second student, in order." The referee gave orders, The first student in our class darted out to the opposite side. At first, our class took the lead. It was Fu Qiongyao's turn to run away. She took the basin and ran to the opposite side. As she was about to reach the opposite end, she stumbled to the ground, and the students sighed. At this time, my heart was like fifteen buckets of water - seven up and eight down. I closed my eyes and prayed secretly: "You must not wrestle. Don't be dragged back by the class." Suddenly the classmate behind me pushed me, "Oh!" It was my turn to run. I suddenly woke up and immediately rushed to the opposite side with the basin in my hand. My heart still silently said: "Don't wrestle, don't wrestle..." At the end, I finally felt relieved.

In the end, we won the fourth place. The students were all saying something strange to Fu Qiongyao. I think friendship comes first and competition comes second. Although it won the fourth place, it was also the result of efforts. I believe that as long as everyone is united, next year's sports meeting, we will certainly go to a higher level!

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (12)

Yesterday afternoon, the 20th Sports Meeting of Liyuan Primary School (North Campus) was held in an orderly manner as scheduled.

Under the guidance of the teacher, our whole class sat in the designated area to cheer for the athletes. All the athletes in our class go all out to compete for the best

Something bad happened. When Chen Guanyu was trying his best to sprint in the running race, he might have put too much effort into it. His running shoes suddenly flew out like long legs. He almost fell and stumbled to the finish line. Everyone was sweating for him... He had no problem with his shoes, but he had a chance to win the first place, only to win the fourth place.

Through this matter, we should make a good summary. To do anything, we should make full preparations in advance and not fight unprepared battles!

Sports Meeting Composition Diary (13)

Early in the morning, the students came to school happily. Teacher Zeng, the head teacher, led us to the playground. After a while, I heard the radio saying, "Please prepare for the 60m race in Grade Three." So all the students of the 60m race lined up.

The athletes rushed forward like arrows with a shot. No one would admit defeat. The cheerleading team nearby kept shouting: "Come on! Come on!" At this time, one of the athletes rushed up and ran ahead, followed by another athlete, who was unwilling to be outdone and tried harder to surpass the runner in front, who was the first to reach the finish line and win glory for the class.

Journal 2 of the Spring Games:

Today, we have a sports meeting. There are high jumpers, runners and tire rollers.

The opening ceremony began, and the military band unified the costumes, including drums and trumpets. Then the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played. All the young pioneers salute.

The game started, Zhuang Shilong started running, and we cheered him on. In the afternoon long jump competition, Xie Jiayu entered the final.

We are so happy today!

Journal 3 of the Spring Games:

After a night of sleepless nights, we finally ushered in the dream of the Spring Games.

Early in the morning, all the students, wearing blue and white uniforms and bright red scarves, skipped to the school track and field to participate in the spring sports meeting. After a while, the wonderful opening ceremony of the sports meeting began. The students leading the parade held colorful flags in their hands, and the high "Athlete March" came from the radio. Athlete representatives and referees walked at the front of the team with neat steps. The athletes and referee teachers swore that the bright five-star red flag was rising in the majestic voice of the national anthem. All the students and teachers stared at the five-star red flag that was red with the blood of countless soldiers. Look at this posture, it is no less than the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!

After nearly 20 minutes of the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, the exciting competition began. "Pa", when the referee teacher's starting gun rang, you see, the athletes rushed out like arrows. Listen, "Come on, come on!" The students cheered for the athletes loudly. I was no exception. When I saw the students in my class entered the finals with the best results in their group, I couldn't help cheering loudly and congratulating them. When I saw them hanging their heads because of their failure in the game, I also felt sorry for them. I didn't sign up for the competition. I have an important task. At the same time, I cheer for the athletes by writing a newsletter.

Journal 4 of the Spring Games:

Today's weather is particularly sunny, and the blue sky is cloudless. In the afternoon, we will hold the opening ceremony of the annual spring sports meeting.

In the afternoon, the opening ceremony began. The first to enter the arena were four flag guard sisters, who walked into the venue with vigorous steps, holding bright five-star red flags. Followed by various teams, there are colorful flag team, wreath team and flower drum team. Then, starting from Class 1, Grade 1, the squads of each class entered the meeting place in order. We are also anxiously waiting to play.

At last it's our turn. "The four classes in the second year, strive bravely and work together to win the first place." With the loud slogan, we walked through the rostrum with neat steps.

We also watched some wonderful programs, including Flower Drum Dance, Lala Exercises and Taijiquan.

After the opening ceremony, all teams left the venue in order. Tomorrow our athletes will fight bravely here, and we will also cheer for them.