My deskmate composition High school composition (practical 10)
Ancient Confucianism
2024-06-15 00:40:47
college entrance examination

My deskmate composition High school composition (1)

My deskmate has a pair of pea eyes, which narrow into a slit when laughing. Flat nose, big mouth. "He has a stomach of bad water, which is not surprising but hidden deeply." This is my evaluation of him. But if you ask the teacher, you will get a different answer, saying that he is an introverted little boy. What's the basis of my words? See below.

Today, I agreed with my deskmate to finish proofreading my homework. As a result, he couldn't do the last question. I'm doing other homework. He stealthily picked up my notebook. I found him when he wanted to "see it at a glance". I grabbed the notebook and shouted, "You thief? It's very simple. " The fawning expression on his face disappeared and turned to dissatisfaction: "Why are you so unsympathetic..." After mumbling for a while, I could not bear it anymore: "You can't do it yourself and still talk about others. You are itchy today, aren't you? Don't think for yourself? Say you are right. If I am wrong, you copy it, then how can you know the correct answer?" He saw that I gave in, The flattering expression came back: "Oh, how could you be wrong? Even if you are wrong, I have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and I will not copy you if I see you are wrong!" Then I said a lot of flattering words, and I was just trying to tease him: "I will show you three seconds." I picked up the notebook and quickly said: "Three, two, one." He said angrily, "I didn't even see it."

At this time, Tu Chenhao, who was sitting in the back, leaned over and said, "This question is very simple. I'll teach you." His deskmate went to get his notebook. "I won't copy it for you, but I will teach you." He suddenly remembered that I counted three seconds and teased his desk mate: "I also counted three seconds." He looked at the pointer and said: "Three, two, one." The desk mate just made it.

Unexpectedly, when I registered my grades in the office, this diary had already been passed around in the hands of my classmates. Fortunately, Tong Chenyao told me. I was so angry that I clenched my fists and pointed them at my desk mate's face. The table mate carefully accompanied the smiling face: "Never again! Never again!

My deskmate composition High school composition (2)

At the beginning of the new semester, the teacher rearranged our seats. I bid farewell to my old deskmate Zhu Jiazheng and welcomed my new deskmate Jiang Qianyong.

He is a dark skinned, strong boy. In my impression of the past three years, he is a shy, quiet little boy. When the teacher first made him my deskmate, he thought: How can the teacher let me sit at the same table with him? When I sat at the same table with Zhu Jiazheng, I could ask Zhu Jiazheng for questions that I would not have, and we could discuss each other when we met difficulties, But I don't know this taciturn Jiang Qianyong. When I ask him questions, will he ignore me? Let's wait and see!

Once, the teacher asked us to do a mathematical thinking problem, and I wanted to discuss it with him. I said to him with the mentality of trying: "Jiang Qianyong, what do you think about this problem? How do you do it? Let's talk about it!" He said: "I think it should be ten times two equals twenty times, and then twenty plus one equals twenty-one times, and both can be answered. What do you think?" I looked at my answer and said, "No problem, I think so!" It was easy to get along with him! He is just not used to talking with others on his own initiative. If he is familiar with him, he is actually a very talkative and interesting boy.

One day, when I was doing my homework, my nose suddenly bled. I quickly covered my nose with my hand and said, "Jiang Qianyong, please help me get a piece of tissue, can you?" Jiang Qianyong: "Sorry, I have blood sickness." But he still squinted his eyes and put the paper on my hand. I saw how funny he was, so I decided to tease him again. I quietly put the paper with blood in front of him, He looked pale, I smiled and took the paper away. ha-ha! He was so scared after joking. What a cowardly boy!

Later, for some reason, I changed to a new deskmate - Hu Chenxiao, alas! I don't know what kind of boy he is!

My deskmate composition High school composition (3)

My deskmate is mischievous and cute. He is a happy fruit in our class. Sometimes, his words can make you laugh and cry, and people can't help him. He is my deskmate Chen Meng.

Once, the teacher went to a meeting to let us have a self-study class. As soon as the teacher left, Chen Meng ran to the front of the classroom. He looked left and right. He did not find the teacher's trace. He ran to the platform, picked up a mop, waved it, and shouted: "Monster, eat my old Sun!" His vivid appearance made us laugh. I was drinking water and even water gushed out. Just then, the teacher came back and stood at the door with a serious expression on his face. The classroom suddenly became quiet. Because he had his back to the teacher, he didn't understand what was going on. So, while learning from Sun Wukong to scratch his head, he said, "What's the matter? Why don't you talk? Are you frightened by my old Sun's golden cudgel?" I forced myself to stop laughing and pointed to the teacher behind me. He turned his head and looked startled, but immediately pretended to learn from Sun Wukong calmly and said, "It seems that I can't escape from the palm of the Buddha, and my old Sun will go!", He dropped the mop and ran back to his seat. At this time, everyone could not help laughing, even the teacher with a tight face laughed.

Another time, he and another classmate were grabbing a toy during the break, and the classmate shouted, "Who are you when you dare to grab a toy from me?" Everyone knew that the fight had to be fought. Chen Meng smiled and said, "My mother gave birth to me. Who do you think I am?" Everyone laughed when they heard that. The classmate also said, "I'm laughing to death. Forget it. I won't rob you. Here you are!" The dispute was settled.

This "pistachio" not only brings us joy in our intense study life, but also makes our classroom more interesting. So although he is naughty, everyone likes him.

My deskmate composition High school composition (4)

The new semester begins, and I welcome a new deskmate, Cheng Xueyao. Although her name sounds nice, in fact she is a tomboy who is different from others. She wears a high ponytail and is a little fat. She usually pouts when she is angry and cannot keep secrets. If she finds that the answers are the same, but the teacher's comments are different, she will make a big noise and would like to let the world know her "achievements".

When I first sat at the table with her, I would first draw a line. The purpose is very clear: don't want to make trouble with her, and live in peace. However, the situation near the "38th parallel" is often tense, with occasional small wars. In order to stop the war, we came to an agreement and finally the relationship between our deskmates returned to normal.

In a math class, Mr. Meng took an exam in class. I wrote fast and did several questions at one time. But the off formula calculation baffled me, because the teacher asked me to use a ruler to make symbols, and I searched my schoolbag and stationery box but couldn't find a ruler. What should I do? I became totally disoriented. Just when I was extremely anxious, a ruler came from the "38th parallel". In order to preserve my image, I whispered, "I don't need to". "Don't try to be brave, use it quickly, I will use it after you use it!" Cheng Xueyao glared at me and whispered. I took the ruler and continued to work on the problem. With my efforts and the help of my deskmate ruler, I finished the test paper perfectly. Whenever I think about this, I am always embarrassed. If it were not for the help of my deskmate, could I finish the examination paper so smoothly?

"Hey, Liu Zhilin!" My deskmate nodded at me, and I saw that I had occupied most of the desk again unconsciously. "Hey", I smiled embarrassed, and immediately moved my arm over

My deskmate composition High school composition (5)

She is tall, with a symmetrical figure, a ruddy little face, and a head of shiny black hair. She always wears a pair of cornucopias. When she walks, the cornucopias tremble. Her eyes are a little nearsighted, and she always squints at things. The pink winter coat is matched with a pair of purple mud pants, which makes it fit, dignified and beautiful.

As she was nearsighted, the teacher arranged her to sit in the first row with me, a small man. She is a little biased in her study. Chinese is not the best in the class, but it is also good. Basically, every exam result is among the best. However, her math score is a little different from mine. Miss Wang asked me to help her more.

Once when she was studying by herself in the morning, she couldn't solve a math word problem, so I patiently explained it to her. At the beginning, she listened carefully, but soon she was distracted - blocking two slightly windy ears with her palms, and constantly muttering, "I'm bored!" Then she stamped her feet, twisted her head, and cocked her mouth upward with a "hum". With a sound of "Pa", the pen fell to the ground and became two pieces when it bounced. I was so angry that I was "furious" and said very hard, "I'm tired of it!". So we fought with each other. The noise became more and more fierce, and Huang Chao, the study committee member, immediately came to stop it: "If you two make another noise, you will be punished for copying a word. Only when Huang Chao, a member of the study committee, rushed back to hold us, could the "battle" be resolved. We didn't speak for a long time because of this. Sometimes I found that she did wrong math problems without pointing them out to her. Therefore, the teacher would talk to her after every math class. At first, I was very happy, but later I felt a bit sad.

One day two weeks later, she seemed to understand something, bought a bag of "Spicy Jump" for me, and sincerely apologized to me. So we made up and helped each other in learning. When she met a problem in math, I helped her solve it conscientiously. Since then, she will never say "boring". Every time after class, he flew out of the classroom like a swallow and was happy like a fairy on the playground.

This is my lovely and annoying deskmate, Tang Xinyu.

My deskmate composition High school composition (6)

Today, several unpleasant things happened between my deskmate and me. I feel very wronged.

In math class, we are taking an exam. Each student was seriously answering the questions, but my deskmate and I did not answer them. Because during the exam, I managed to overcome a particularly difficult mathematical Olympiad problem. But I looked at my deskmate and saw her face and eyebrows. Maybe she was puzzled by this problem. So, I was even more gloating and thought: Ha ha, I am really a genius, and I should have made such a difficult problem!

Suddenly, my deskmate quickly glanced at me, looking like a sudden enlightenment. Then she buried her head in the paper and answered it quickly. Not good! She copied the paper! Unfortunately, why didn't I block my schoolbag! Forget it. I learned a lesson called "mend the prison after the sheep has died", which means that it is not too late to remedy a mistake in time. Although I made no mistake, I still need to remedy it in time. So I was afraid that my deskmate would copy my question again, so I blocked my schoolbag with lightning speed. Put your schoolbag right on the "38th parallel".

"Hiss --- hiss ---" Suddenly, I heard a sound. With this sound, my territory has been shrinking. Bad, there are "enemies" invading our territory! I immediately took up the elbow of "combat weapon" and began to claim the occupied territory from the other side. My deskmate stood up to resist, but where was she my opponent? I recovered the territory in a few seconds.

This time, she changed the content of the battle to "Gentlemen talk but don't do anything". But she has been sitting with me for three years. Why doesn't she know me? In fact, on the surface, I am a timid and quiet girl. In fact, my verbal skills are very good. This time, my hero finally has a place to play. Before he regained consciousness, his deskmate began to provoke a war: "Why did you put your schoolbag on the 38th line? It's all over the line!" Then he pushed the schoolbag ungratefully and pushed it back.

I refused to be outdone and said, "What if you copy mine?"

She said, "This is your stuff. It should be put there!"

I was about to retort when the math teacher came in angrily and said, "Stand up for me!" When I saw the person on the teacher's fingertip, it was me! I had to brave myself to stand up. Fortunately, the teacher only said, "Five points will be deducted for the roll face. Sit down!"

Alas, I really don't want to be her deskmate, but I'm also wrong. Why do we haggle over a little thing and destroy our friendship?

My deskmate composition High school composition (7)

When the new semester comes, we will say goodbye to our old deskmates again. I don't know who we will sit with this year. Oh, it's really exciting! After the teacher lined up the tables and chairs, we all sat down according to our student numbers. I heard a cry in the classroom: "Woo~I don't want to sit with you!" It turned out that my friend was crying.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked hurriedly. "She has been his deskmate for more than four years, and has been scattered in this semester, don't you know?" "Ah? That's what happened!" My heart "thumped", faster and faster! "Bang, bang, bang..." I was really afraid that I would sit with someone I didn't like. This... I didn't dare to think about it anymore. I just sat there. I didn't come to my senses until the teacher called my name. "Here!" My loud voice echoed in the classroom. "Hurry, go beside him!" the teacher shouted sternly. no The scene is exactly the same as I imagined. I did it with him. Forget it, just bear with it! When I got to the new seat, I didn't say a word more, thinking: "How can I spend this semester?" My deskmate sniffled and said to me: "Hello, I'm glad to be your deskmate. Please take care of me more!" "Mm-hmm." I said, but thought: "Take care of you more? Bah!" Soon, half of the semester passed, and we became more familiar with each other, It turns out that he is not so annoying. He is just a little sick. It's no big deal! He cares about people.

I remember that once again, I was ill and could not leave my seat. He helped me to hand in my homework and everything. He even brought me food. Speaking of it, I really want to thank him! If you don't like your deskmate, as long as you get used to it, you will find that he has many advantages. Sitting together is also a kind of fate, so you must treat your deskmate well!

My deskmate composition High school composition (8)

About my deskmate composition

Since I went to school, I have changed many deskmates. My current deskmate is Tu Shikang.

When I was a sophomore, one noon, the bell rang for a long time and no teacher came in. Some students whispered, some stood on the bench and made a loud noise. The classroom became a mess. Suddenly, Mr. Liu came in, and the classroom immediately became quiet, followed by two boys. One of them has a round face, and its skin is a little dark. A pair of big eyes like black pearls look at us curiously. He is Tu Shikang from Yunnan.

This semester, the teacher readjusted our seats, and everyone changed to a new deskmate. I also have a new deskmate - Tu Shikang.

His mathematics has always been among the best in his class; Chinese is a mess, especially Pinyin, so every day there are many wrong questions to correct. However, he is now very self-conscious. After class, he does not need to be reminded. He corrects the wrong questions before playing. He is a bit careless, occasionally forgets to copy his homework, but he will finish the missed homework in time between classes. He is also willing to help his classmates. Some of them didn't bring extra books, so he would lend a helping hand. However, he has a bad problem - tamper with my things: take the safflower in my pencil box; I took my pencil without my consent and broke it, which made me go home to be scolded; Sometimes I rummage through my schoolbag when I'm doing hygiene or not paying attention. My deskmate, when can you change this bad habit!

This is my deskmate, Tu Shikang.

Excellent composition My deskmate

Everyone has a deskmate, and so do I. But my relationship with her is not good. We always quarrel. And I can't beat her. You must think I'm weak. Let me tell you something: "It's not that I'm too weak, but that she's too violent." If you still don't believe me, let's see below.

I have challenged her several times, but... look!

NO.1 Nine Yin White Bone Palm VS Cat Scratch

After class, I formally declared war on her: I would be better if I started first. Use both hands to deal with her. One hand grasps her hand, and the other hand scratches her itch with great effort. Now I am very angry. I scratched and said, "Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?" But I ignored her feet. He stepped on my feet, and I let go of my hands when I felt pain. This is the end of me. I run when I see something bad, but how can I beat her? I was caught by her, and the next thing can be imagined. She used the Nine Yin White Bone Palm to tear me apart.

NO.2 Meridian Splitting Skeletal Hand VS Lion Roaring Skill

I went back to the nutrition essence to save tax for three days, and then fought again. This time I don't believe in this evil. I'd better start first. I pretended to be pathetic and said, "Great Xia, I was wrong. I lost. Please let me whisper to you." What can't be said openly and honestly? "" Put your ears close. "I asked her to lean over her ear while I was talking. She believed me and tentatively leaned over her ear. I calmed down. She leaned over, getting closer and closer, and she completely leaned over. I found the right time. Now I said four words loudly beside her ear," You!!! Yes!!! Stupid!!! Eggs!!! "But she didn't respond at all. After a while, she took out the paper of that ear. I thought to myself," What? She had been prepared, but since she had paper in her ears, she didn't hear it. Great!!! "But things weren't as beautiful as I thought. She stared at me with her angry eyes. She pulled and folded my hands like this with her split muscles and wrong bones. My voice echoed in the classroom:" Oh Ah... "It's terrible!

This is my deskmate, a violent deskmate. But when I sat with her, my grades improved a lot, because although she was very bad, she always helped me with my lessons. My deskmate! What kind of person are you?

Describe my deskmate composition

Our Class 5 is a single table system. But after a school year, this system was broken by the new head teacher, Chen, who was killed halfway. That is to say, since the second grade of junior high school, I have a deskmate! The so-called deskmate, in fact, is that the teacher dislikes the small classroom, so let's put the tables together to leave a wider aisle. When quarreling, you can leave a gap between the tables to show the boundary between the Chu River and the Han Dynasty.

She and I live in the same community, go home to school at the same time, share the same class, and now lie on the same table. The world is so big, but we can meet, know each other, and feel like brothers, which shows how predestined we are. Her name is Li Wan, just like her name. Her personality is totally opposite to mine. She exudes a faint fragrance, and also reveals a trace of elegance, quiet and sweetness. The most vivid thing is her big eyes. Although they are big, they are still funny. Maybe it's because I'm around, laughing after class, after school, and doing homework (narcissism doesn't matter). After sitting at the same table with me for half a school year, she has a big black box on her small nose. But even with the big black box, I still can't see the blackboard sometimes. After class, I begged me to lend her my notes.

By the way, and her cherry mouth, a pout can really hang a small oil pot. I remember another time, I rushed to school before breakfast, and took out the dry noodles I bought on the way to school after the second class. Listen, what's the noise? Bad, dangerous, protect dry noodles! Sure enough, a magic claw slowly attacking dry noodles stopped in mid air, looked up, a pair of big watery eyes looked at me plaintively, and a small mouth pouted high. "Hey, why are you looking at me?" "I'm hungry!" (with small eyes discharging) "Don't look, I won't allow my dry noodles to be requisitioned by your stomach!". She held dry noodles in her hand and wept like a poor beggar who had received ten yuan, and kept sending out sugar coated bullets: "Thank you, thank you, you are a good person, and I wish you more and more beautiful... beautiful kind person, do you have any milk? Eating dry noodles is too dry!" Hehe, although she always bullies me, I still love her and love her! As the saying goes, people will only bully the person who loves them most, because she knows that no matter how she bullies her, she will not leave her no matter how wronged she is.

Long live my deskmate. I wish us to make common progress in our study and life in the next school year, the third day of junior high school, and strive to be admitted to our ideal high school!

My deskmate composition High school composition (9)

About my deskmate composition

From primary school to now, I have many deskmates, but the closest and best one is Wang Ming. His round face, high nose, big ears, thick eyebrows and big eyes always seem to convey a message of wisdom and friendship to you.

Wang Ming has a quick mind and quick reaction. Every time the teacher asks questions in class, he always raises his hand first and answers them accurately. He not only studies well, but also loves work. We are inseparable friends in life and good partners in study.

I remember once, the math teacher left a math problem in class and asked us to give it to him the next day. I said, "Let's go play!" He seemed not to hear what I said, and still sat there thinking about problems. I was ashamed to disturb him again, and ran out to play alone. When I entered the class, I saw that he was still frowning. I looked at him quietly. I was infected by his learning attitude. I also thought about it in the sea of questions. After a lot of deliberation, I finally worked out the answer. I said, "You can go out to play this time!" But he still didn't want to play with me. He was calculating another solution, I had to wait for him anxiously, looking at the figures on her manuscript paper, like tens of thousands of ants lying on it, densely. After about ten minutes, his eyebrows finally opened, and his face showed a satisfied smile. Suddenly, he jumped up and said to me, "I can figure it out!" Then he explained it to me, and I suddenly realized that this solution was simpler than the one just now.

One more thing made me admire him. He always regarded himself as the master of the class. He volunteered to keep the class clean without being sent by any teacher, so as to prevent dust and paper scraps from invading the class. It is our class that wins the first place in every health assessment and is on the school list.

He has helped me a lot both in school and in life, and I always regard him as a model for my study.

Excellent composition My deskmate

As soon as I mentioned my former deskmate, I immediately worried about her because she was an overbearing girl and loved to fight against others. She is tall, tall, with short hair flowing down her forehead, a pair of small eyes matching her fat face is very unattractive, and she likes to keep a stiff face and stare, which will make you feel scared.

When I was at the same table with her, she made many "treaties" for me: no crossing the 38th parallel. Rubber is provided free of charge. Pencil...... If you don't follow it carefully, you will be beaten and kicked by her. Although I have made many revolutions, they have not succeeded, so I have to swallow my pride.

One thing that I still remember is that in a final exam of Chinese simulation, everyone was seriously answering questions, but my deskmate kept copying my answers when the teacher didn't pay attention. I couldn't stand the "bombardment" of her eyes, so I covered the part with my notebook while doing it. When I looked at her again, she was already angry and stared at me with eyes that seemed to say, "Wait after class!"

As expected, after class, as soon as she waited for the teacher to go away, she threw the pencil box on my desk hard to the ground when I was not paying attention. The pen spilled all over the ground, and I hurried to pick it up. Before she could get over her anger, her eyes widened. She picked up the pen I hadn't picked up and threw it outside the classroom. When I saw this situation, I was so worried that I almost cried. She stood aside, her hands akimbo, and she bit her teeth and said, "This is the end of you not letting me see the answer!" I was so angry that tears rolled in my eyes. I went to the teacher to judge. I thought she would "die miserably" this time. Unexpectedly, when she came to the teacher, she looked like a changed person, pretending to be very aggrieved, and timidly said: "I accidentally knocked the pencil box off. I looked out of the window to think about the question during the exam, but did not copy his question." The teacher just casually said a few words to her and let her go, After coming out from the teacher, she still made faces at me. I was so angry that I felt very aggrieved. I can't say how bitter I am. I had to admit that I was unlucky to meet such a deskmate.

This is my deskmate, a deskmate that I can't forget and that I hate very much.

Describe my deskmate composition

My deskmate is called Yang Bosi. He is a small talker, so he is often criticized and fined for writing instructions. The only time he likes him is when he neglects to finish his homework. When he writes instructions, he often asks him how to write them, So he also has a nickname - "explain the master". In short, his position in my mind has been low until something changed my view of him.

I still remember that it was a math class. At that time, the class made me hate having trouble. It was the fraction word problem. Teacher Zeng asked us to do exercises after he finished his lecture. I saw that the first question was very simple and quickly worked out. But when I looked up, I saw that Yang Bosi, my deskmate, was working hard on the question. He racked his brains and still didn't work out. At that moment, I thought to myself: "Yang Bosi is often inattentive. Maybe teacher Zeng will call Yang Bosi and ask him to answer the question later. I might as well use this opportunity to tell him the wrong answer. Maybe he will make a fool of Yang Bosi later. What a perfect plan! I then told him the previous wrong answer in detail, and he was also very happy as if he didn't know that he was in the dark, but the second question baffled me. I couldn't do it anyway, and I was very anxious, so that I was about to be burned. At that moment, Yang Bosi came to my ear and quietly told me the answer to the second question. I was doubtful that he would tell me the wrong answer. But time was running out, so I had to trust him. During the evaluation, I was excited and hoped that Yang Bosi would make a fool of himself at once, but it was not as I expected. Yang Bosi was not invited. I told him that I was not to blame for the wrong answer, and I also gave me the correct answer to the second question, which made me very moved.

Although Yang Bosi is very naughty and likes to gossip, he is also helpful, but he never changes these bad habits. It's really "easy to change a country, hard to change its nature"! This is my deskmate Yang Bosi.

My deskmate composition High school composition (10)

600 words in high school composition: my new deskmate

When the new semester comes, we will say goodbye to our old deskmates again. I don't know who we will sit with this year. Oh, it's really exciting! After the teacher lined up the tables and chairs, we all sat down according to our student numbers. I heard a cry in the classroom: "Woo~I don't want to sit with you!" It turned out that my friend was crying.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked hurriedly. "She has been his deskmate for more than four years, and has been scattered in this semester, don't you know?" "Ah? That's what happened!" My heart "thumped", faster and faster! "Bang, bang, bang..." I was really afraid that I would sit with someone I didn't like. This... I didn't dare to think about it anymore. I just sat there. I didn't come to my senses until the teacher called my name. "Here!" My loud voice echoed in the classroom. "Hurry, go beside him!" the teacher shouted sternly. no The scene is exactly the same as I imagined. I did it with him. Forget it, just bear with it! When I got to the new seat, I didn't say a word more, thinking: "How can I spend this semester?" My deskmate sniffled and said to me: "Hello, I'm glad to be your deskmate. Please take care of me more!" "Mm-hmm." I said, but thought: "Take care of you more? Bah!" Soon, half of the semester passed, and we became more familiar with each other, It turns out that he is not so annoying. He is just a little sick. It's no big deal! He cares about people.

I remember that once again, I was ill and could not leave my seat. He helped me to hand in my homework and everything. He even brought me food. Speaking of it, I really want to thank him! If you don't like your deskmate, as long as you get used to it, you will find that he has many advantages. Sitting together is also a kind of fate, so you must treat your deskmate well!

High school composition 600 words: my deskmate and I

My deskmate and I are enemies against each other. I sit at the same table. It can be said that the table is like a "battlefield", and the smoke of gunpowder is billowing. Next, please listen to my two "wars" that startle the world and cry ghosts and gods!

Beyond the "Chu River Han Border"

My deskmate and I are sitting at a single table, so there is a line between us. We call it "Chu River Han Border". Once, the hand of my deskmate accidentally exceeded the "Chu River Han Border". I turned around and said to my deskmate, "Your hand is beyond the 'Chu River and Han Dynasty'. Stretch it back." But I didn't expect that a kind advice would be exchanged for a malicious swear words, "I will surpass it. How, upset?" My deskmate looked at me provocatively. "Hum, good! You are unkind, please don't blame me for my injustice!" So I also reached out, and a fierce war began. I bumped my hand, and my deskmate also bumped into me... I fought for ninety-nine eighty-one times in this way, and I was tired and panting. My deskmate didn't agree with me, so he ran into me again. This time, he knocked out my pencil box. With a bang, the whole class looked at us. The teacher walked up to us and asked us to have a meal of "bamboo shoots and fried meat".

"Push yourself to others"

Today, the English teacher made a sudden "attack" - memorizing English words. I was stunned. I didn't have a back. What should I do? I feel uneasy. At this time, the teacher came to me, called my deskmate and asked him to recite the eighth unit of words. My deskmate was nervous. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He pulled me and said to the teacher, "Teacher, my deskmate has no back." The class's more than 50 binoculars looked at me in unison, and I wanted to dig a hole in it. "Oh, really? Is it too humiliating not to recite as a team leader?" said the teacher. Then, after class, the teacher invited him to the office to "drink tea".

Ah. When can my deskmate and I stop this "war in troubled times"?

High school composition 600 words: my deskmate

This Monday, the teacher changed his position again. We are all afraid of changing places, and the most afraid is that those violent women are deskmates, which would be shameless! Unexpectedly, a gentle girl came.

Her fringe is very special. The fringe on the left is long enough to cover your eyes, and the fringe on the right is short enough to not know whether it still exists. You can imagine it. Do you feel very murderous? She is very "gentle".

The first day, I sat at the same table with her and found that I was too naive. First of all, she set a boundary of 38, and defined 38 on my desk, treat it equally OK? Put it in the middle! She immediately reached over and gave me a hard squeeze. "Ouch!" What a tough Ma Po. It seems that she is quiet, but in fact, she is very violent! Well, I don't like it when I see it. I will kill it immediately! He also said, "I'm the shortest girl in the class, and you despise me with your height!" "Ouch!" After all, you can't avoid being pinched!

I had a brainwave and thought: "We can make a shield. Once you do something wrong, I will add a shield inside. If you don't like me, I can use the shield to offset your attack!" She nodded in agreement. Until now, I have more than 100 protective covers.

Our deskmates need to help each other, so I opened a key management office. Two people at the same table have 5 silver keys every day. One silver key can help one person, and 18 silver keys can be used for three days without use. There is a gold key every week, and each gold key can help 10 people. Of course, you can also cheat. For example: I am not happy today, I will give you a silver key; I'm very happy today. I'll give you 10 silver keys.

We have been deskmates for a week, and now we have changed from unaccustomed to accustomed. We still want to continue to be her deskmates. She is now gentle again. She won't beat me at any time, except that I made her very unhappy!