Composition of June 1st Garden Tour (17 anthologies)
Red Warbler and Green Willow
2024-06-20 05:37:01
primary school
describe the scenery

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (1)

Today is the day before Children's Day, and all the students come to school happily. It's nearly half past eight, and the environmental show is about to start. After listening to the music, some students began to wear colorful skirts made of plastic bags; Some students wear long skirts made of newspapers; Others wore clothes made of cardboard; Another part of the students made hats, which were also very beautiful.

When we returned to the classroom, it was almost half past nine. Mr. Wang gave each of us an experience coupon. On this piece of paper, there are activity items and activity locations, including skillful hand beading, football adventure, cloth doll DIY, glib tongue, top turning, future engineer, etc. There are more than 20 activities in total. I was so happy that I immediately began to look, and suddenly I found an interesting activity. As soon as the bell rang, I quickly left the classroom and walked to the activity classroom. The line at the door was lined up at the back door. I thought to myself: there are so many people here, which also shows that the students like this activity very much. The rules of the game were posted on the door, which said: every four people in a group, a total of four groups, use chopsticks to pick out small steel balls from the basin and put them in a paper cup within one minute. It was my turn. I quickly walked into the classroom. I thought: I have never tried before. Can I do it. I only saw a teacher holding a stopwatch and shouting, "Start." I held a paper cup in one hand and put a small steel ball into the cup with my chopsticks. Unexpectedly, the small round steel ball rolled off. I was a little sad, so I got down to my heart and put another one in my chopsticks and finally fell into the cup. I was very happy. Start to send one after another into the cup. The teacher shouted, "Stop!" I counted eight!

This is just one of my favorite activities. This year's Children's Day is the happiest and happiest Children's Day!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (2)

Today is Children's Day. Our school held another garden tour.

After the teacher gave us a form, we set out. We went to the first grade and came to a class. It was a game of pinball clamping. Using chopsticks to clamp, I said to myself, "Pinball clamping is really simple. It's easy to get scores." When I arrived, I held the chopstick clamp, but the pinball was slippery all over, like being coated with lubricant, and fell off after one clamp, The highest one is only half a cup high, and others have already clamped three. At this time, I remembered the way I used chopsticks to clamp vegetables. I must aim at a target, and I clamped it again. The marble was miraculously clamped up, and gradually caught up with him. The last one was left, which was also the decisive one. I clamped it as fast as I could. His chopsticks blocked me in the middle of the air. He went to clamp it. I quickly hit it with my chopsticks, and then clamped it up. When it came to the exit, he attacked me again. I dodged. I got six of mine, and he only got five. A small red flag was pasted on the class, I was so happy that I hurried to the next goal.

At the end of the activity, I got 15 red flags in total, and changed many things. The garden activity was really fun!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (3)

"Wow, how wonderful you are! You've thrown a table tennis ball three times!" Eh, why are there such noisy voices on campus? It turns out that today is Children's Day, and the school has prepared us rich and interesting garden activities.

We first looked at the program that our teacher sent us, and thought that the projects arranged by each class were very interesting, so we chose the game "Frog Diving". This is a more difficult game. Take three ping-pong balls and throw them into a basket one meter away from us on the table. Throw two or more ping-pong balls into the basket to get a beautiful gift. After reading the rules of the game, several of our good friends are ready to try.

After waiting in line for a while, it was my turn. I took a deep breath first, made a winner's gesture to them, quickly picked up a ball, aimed at the target, only heard a "bang" sound, the ball scored! I jumped and jumped happily, and I wanted to rush down to give them a hug. But because I was too excited, I didn't play normally the last two times, and now I think it's a pity!

In the end, I didn't get the gift, but I was still very happy. After all, the process of playing is the most important. This is really a happy "61"!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (4)

In order to celebrate Children's Day, our school held the Children's Day Garden on the afternoon of May 30. The teacher put the prize on the platform, and after arranging the props, the principal said, "The garden activity is now starting. I wish the students a happy holiday!" Hearing this, everyone cheered.

The first activity is a bowling game. The rules of the game are simple. You first take a small paper ball from the platform, and then throw it into a small carton. If you hit it, you can get a reward. If you miss it, you won't get the prize. This game is very simple. The students finished the game quickly.

The second activity is blind hitting. The rules of the game are also very simple. You can walk around with a paper stick, then walk to the ball and hit a stick in the position of the ball. However, a lot of jokes have been made. Just like my deskmate, the teacher gave her four opportunities. She missed the first three times. When she opened her eyes, she saw the ball in front of her. She hit a stick forward angrily, and then came back contentedly.

The third game is to choose words and make sentences on the whiteboard. Each class is very smart and can choose words to make sentences. It also ended the game quickly.

The fourth competition is a singing competition. Each of us has ten seconds to think of a lyric. If we can't remember, we will go back to our own place and get nothing. Besides, we still have three cowards who dare not sing, but with the encouragement of the teacher, the three cowards bravely walked up to the teacher and sang. Therefore, they also won the prize.

Our garden activity ended in a burst of happy laughter from the students. I really hope that the teacher can do more interesting activities for us, and every day is as happy as June 1!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (5)

"61" Children's Day is coming. I wear beautiful new clothes and come to school with a happy mood. In the morning, after watching a variety of programs on the playground, we began to wait and see the garden activities. I thought: I must get a lot of prizes.

There are a lot of people in the garden, which is very lively. There are many interesting activities waiting for us to participate. Some blind people play drums. They first cover their eyes, then turn around with a stick, find the direction, and then walk over for a dozen. If they hit, they can get rich prizes. There is a riddle. First get a piece of paper, and then figure out the riddle in the paper. If you know the answer, go to tell the teacher, and there will be a prize. There are also masters of chopsticks. They first pick up chopsticks and then clip five balls within 30 seconds, or they will lose.

Also... I thought for a moment and decided to play chopsticks as a master. I confidently went to line up and got ready for me. I saw that many of my classmates had failed, and my confidence began to waver. I said to myself, "Don't be afraid, I will succeed. Come on!" I tried hard to hold on. Time seemed to run away. I caught six, but I caught six, I jumped up with joy and got a beautiful prize.

"61" Children's Day has something to see, something to play, today I am very happy.

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (6)

Model Writing for Children's Day Tour

In ordinary study, work and life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition can be divided into time limited composition and non time limited composition according to different writing time limits. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a sample essay collected by Xiao Bian on Children's Day. Welcome to read and collect it.

Model essay 1 of mobile composition for June 1 Children's Day

This year's Children's Day will be the last time I spend my childhood. Through the long years, we will step into the carefree childhood of youth. In order to leave good memories in primary school life, our class decided to organize an unforgettable June 1 graduation flow.

This year's "June 1st" has finally arrived. How about the rehearsal in the class? I can't wait to see the school. So I sped up my pace and ran to the school. At the gate of the school, I saw students from different classes wearing their own children's clothes, bringing various snacks and ribbons to the school happily. When I came to the corridor, I saw that the layout of the non class was very beautiful and the atmosphere was very lively, which strengthened my enthusiasm. When I came to the gate of the class, the atmosphere was different and very lively. I sat down at random and looked forward to the performance. When the bell rang, the flow began. First of all, he performed magic and the host played music. He began to perform, and the whole class stared at him. He took out a box of playing cards, asked one of our classmates to draw a card from it and let him guess. He guessed right. Another one asked the student who came up to take one out of it, and then put it into the shuffle. The student who performed was asked to take one out of it, and the result was a winner. Pupils can also change. It's amazing. The programs passed one by one. At the end of the flow, the host called on the whole class to attend together. Each student's feet should be tied with balloons. It was originally a game of stepping on balloons. The game started. You step on me and hide, and I step on you and dodge. Everyone tried their best to protect the balloons from being stepped on. Some students hid under the table and let others trample on each other, so as to reduce their opponents. As a result, his balloon was broken because it hit something. He was shocked. Some students form a group. Some students are experienced masters... I can't bear to see such happy smiles from my classmates in this flow.

Although my life in primary school is about to pass, the education of teachers' love and the happy time with my classmates flash in my mind one after another, which will make me hard to forget.

Model essay 2 of mobile composition for June 1 Children's Day

The "June 1" Festival is coming, and we are all in high spirits, with happy smiles on our faces. We celebrate our festivals in various ways, and I am no exception. He participated in the school's "June 1st" movement, and also participated in the "Red Scarf Art Troupe" special performance on June 1st. It's a joy to be busy!

On the morning of May 30, during the mobile art performance of "Red Scarf Art Week" organized by the school, the students performed excellent performances. What attracted my attention most was the Guzheng playing performed by Liu Jiafang in our class. Look!

The zither played a lively and melodious melody, and Liu Jiafang sat in the middle of the green carpet, looking so elegant. The sound of the zither sometimes leaps, sometimes slowly. I am intoxicated by the very soft and beautiful sound of the zither!

In the afternoon, a special performance of "June 1st" was broadcast live on TV. I performed three dances: Blessing is the top bowl dance of a nation. We wear Mongolian clothes and go back and forth on the stage with bowls; "We are in the Bright Sunshine" is a group of children singing and dancing. The beautiful and pleasant singing and our gentle dancing show the style and features of our new generation of teenagers; "Running" shows a fanatical atmosphere. It can take you to the fierce arena, and you can't help dancing and cheering with us!

After the performance, I was sweating, but I was very happy. Mother said she would give me a holiday today and asked me what I wanted to do? I jumped up and said I would go to the park. Mother agreed. There are many measures in the park playground. What interests me most is a machine that can turn over. I can't name it. It can rotate 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 360 degrees without rules. I have seen others sit before. Seeing how exciting and enjoyable they are, I also want to try. When I sit on it and hang in the air, I feel that the blood stops moving and my heart stops beating. I relaxed slightly when I slipped, but I hung upside down in the air before I recovered. I felt dizzy and dizzy after going back and forth for several times, and my legs became weak when I came down. Although I was also afraid, I felt that I had challenged myself, as if I had grown up a lot.

Children's Day, our festival, let's play heartily!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (7)

On Children's Day, our school held a special carnival activity of "happy games, melting teams, healthy life" for us.

It's time for the carnival. My team members and I will play "Silkworm Crawl" first. The rule of the game is that each person puts a newspaper with a big hole on his neck, and then squats down and holds his newspaper in front of him and the newspaper of the team members in front with his hands. The game started. We were neck and neck with each other. The other side was also very strong and overtook us all at once. Our team members were a little tired during the sprint, so we let the other side win by a small distance. Although we lost, we have tried our best to compete, and we have no regrets.

We played the game of "donkey transporting melon". The donkey carries melons like this: one person is in front, the other person is in the back with a football on his head in front of his classmates. I teamed up with a member of the team. At the beginning, we were a little nervous. At the end of the line, the ball fell off and the other team caught up. I picked up the ball and continued to move forward. Finally, we made no mistakes and won the first place. My team and I applauded happily.

This game carnival is really colorful, let me know what to do should be united, for our Children's Day added a lot of happiness!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (8)

Yesterday was Children's Day, and the school carried out a variety of garden activities. The school is crowded and bustling. Everyone is preparing for the activity.

The garden tour has begun! My favorite program is the program "Chopsticks into Bottles" held in our class. The staff gave me three chopsticks and put a bottle on the ground, asking me to put the chopsticks into the bottle. I lay on the table and thought: this program is very simple, I will get full marks! I held a chopstick at the mouth of the bottle, "Pa!" A chopstick fell into the bottle. In this way, I put chopsticks into the bottle one by one, and got full marks. I jumped three feet high happily.

The simplest program is the "Frog Diving" program held by Class 1. My first to one (1) class, ah! There is no one to play in the class. The staff gave me two ping-pong balls, pointed to the basin on the ground and said, "Throw in!" I listened, picked up two ping-pong balls, threw them into the basin one by one, and got another ten cents.

The most difficult program to complete is the loop organized by Class 2 (4). The staff sent me an iron ring and said, "If you set it to something far away, you will get ten points, and if you set it near, you will get five points.".

I am the happiest today! Happy "61"!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (9)

Today, I came to the school excitedly, because today we are going to celebrate the "June 1st" and hold a garden activity. We can't wait to see the club performance, finish lunch, take the list, listen to the command given by the teacher, and rush out of the classroom like the wind. The school suddenly became boiling up

My good friends and I went to the gym first, and we played table tennis with five goals, and I threw nine in a row. We played "Little Frog Crossing the River, and easily won the second place. Then we left the gym, and played many games: origami planes, cooking, picking black beans with chopsticks, folding creative toys with paper, and using wire

Making toys with tools, wrapping book covers with several ropes, tying bows, etc., but the two things that I like most are "catching loaches" and "making dumpling skins". Large mirror

I like to play "catch loach" first. A large basin filled with water is placed on a table, in which dozens of small loaches are placed. The small loaches are like little earth elves who look at dragons and tigers. I and the other three people were in the east, west, north and south corners of the table. Each of us had a washbasin in front of us. At the teacher's command, we all stretched out our hands to catch the loach, and then put it in our own basin. A lot of loaches fell on the ground, on the table, and were picked up by people who were short of eyes and quick with hands. When the time came, we had a lot of rest in our washbasins. The little loaches swimming were really fun!

I also like making dumpling skins. First, I took a piece of dough with just the right humidity and hardness, rounded it with my hands, sprinkled flour on it, and then flat it on the table. Then, I pressed it back and forth with a rolling pin to make a round piece of dough. One piece of dough was finished. The uncle of the canteen gave us points and signed.

At the end of the day, we reluctantly returned to the classroom. I got a lot of stars and got a pen. I still remember the happy scenes when I visited the garden.

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (10)

On Children's Day, the weather was sunny and we were very happy. We took part in the school garden party with great interest.

These games are so interesting! There are "transporting goods", "bridging the river", two people holding the ball, drawing the nose, transporting table tennis, etc. If you successfully complete a game, the teacher will give you a seal, and the seal can also be exchanged for prizes!

First, I came to the game ground of "delivering goods" to queue up. The goods transported are badminton. When it was my turn to deliver the goods, I was very nervous. My heart was pounding, as if I had a "little white rabbit" in my arms. I took the badminton racket, and then put the badminton on the racket, carrying my "goods" to the end quickly. As I walked, I wondered whether my opponent had caught up. Finally, I won my opponent and got a seal. I'm so happy! Hurry to play other games.

It's very interesting for two people to clip the ball. Many people stand by and watch. I think this game is a little difficult. Two people put the ball on their backs and clamp it. Then they work together to move the ball to the opposite side. Some groups cooperated quickly and well, while others didn't cooperate very well, and the ball fell off while walking. They quickly picked up the ball and moved on. You must cooperate with each other to play this game successfully. I was afraid I could not walk well, so I went elsewhere.

Composition of June 1st Garden Tour (11)

The park activities include fishing, shooting, blowing candles, shooting, riddles, glass beads, blind ball, shuttlecock, hula hoop, floating needles, table tennis Among them, I think the most interesting project is blowing candles. The rules of this project are: if you blow out three or four candles at a time, you can get a pair of lottery tickets; If you blow out five or six candles at a time, you can get two pairs of lottery tickets.

When I arrived at the activity site with enthusiasm, there were already more than 20 people waiting in line there, so I had to wait patiently at the end of the line. The team flows forward slowly like flowing water. I really hope it will be my turn in the blink of an eye. At this time, some students blew out six candles in one breath, and their faces showed complacency. I thought to myself: look at me later! Some students only blew out three or four candles at a time; Other students made great efforts. Their mouths were round, but they didn't even blow out a candle. Disappointed, they wanted to blow again, so they had to run to the back of the line and continue to queue up. Watching their performance, my heart was both happy and nervous, and I was really worried that I could not blow out any of them. If so, it would be too boring.

After a while, it was my turn to play. I walked quickly to the candlestick table, took a deep breath, and then ran quickly forward and blew the breath to the candle with the greatest strength. "Wow!", the teacher and the students exclaimed. I looked back and said, "One, two, three, four, five". Unexpectedly, I blew out five candles in one breath. I jumped up with joy. The referee teacher gave me two pairs of lottery tickets. At this time, the students behind me cast envious eyes on me.

Later, I played a lot of projects and felt that they were all very good. When the garden tour ended, I was sweating and my clothes were soaked, but I didn't feel tired at all. I really hope that every day is "61", and I can have such a happy mood every day!

On the morning of June 1st, the bright sunshine shines on the whole campus, making the school that has just entered the provincial level more beautiful. In order to celebrate our children's festival, the school held a colorful and interesting garden activity.

The park activities include fishing, shooting, blowing candles, shooting, riddles, glass beads, blind ball, shuttlecock, hula hoop, floating needles, table tennis, etc. Among them, I think the most interesting project is blowing candles. The rules of this project are: if you blow out three or four candles at a time, you can get a pair of lottery tickets; If you blow out five or six candles at a time, you can get two pairs of lottery tickets.

When I arrived at the activity site with enthusiasm, there were already more than 20 people waiting in line there, so I had to wait patiently at the end of the line. The team flows forward slowly like flowing water. I really hope it will be my turn in the blink of an eye. At this time, some students blew out six candles in one breath, and their faces showed complacency. I thought to myself: look at me later! Some students only blew out three or four candles at a time; Other students made great efforts. Their mouths were round, but they didn't even blow out a candle. Disappointed, they wanted to blow again, so they had to run to the back of the line and continue to queue up. Watching their performance, my heart was both happy and nervous, and I was really worried that I could not blow out any of them. If so, it would be too boring.

After a while, it was my turn to play. I walked quickly to the candlestick table, took a deep breath, and then ran quickly forward and blew the breath to the candle with the greatest strength. "Wow!", the teacher and the students exclaimed. I looked back and said, "One, two, three, four, five". Unexpectedly, I blew out five candles in one breath. I jumped up with joy. The referee teacher gave me two pairs of lottery tickets. At this time, the students behind me cast envious eyes on me.

Later, I played a lot of projects and felt that they were all very good. When the garden tour ended, I was sweating and my clothes were soaked, but I didn't feel tired at all. I really hope that every day is "61", and I can have such a happy mood every day!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (12)

Interesting "June 1st" garden activities

Huang Ying, Class 5 (1), Gongming Central Primary School, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, in the morning of June 1, the bright sun shone on the whole campus, making the school just entered the provincial level more beautiful. In order to celebrate our children's festival, the school held a colorful and interesting 'garden tour'.

The park activities include fishing, shooting, blowing candles, shooting, riddles, glass beads, blind ball, shuttlecock, hula hoop, floating needles, table tennis, etc. Among them, I think the most interesting project is blowing candles. The rules of this project are: if you blow out three or four candles at a time, you can get a pair of lottery tickets; If you blow out five or six candles at a time, you can get two pairs of lottery tickets.

When I arrived at the activity site with enthusiasm, there were already more than 20 people waiting in line there, so I had to wait patiently at the end of the line. The team flows forward slowly like flowing water. I really hope it will be my turn in the blink of an eye. At this time, some students blew out six candles in one breath, and their faces showed complacency. I thought to myself: look at me later! Some students only blew out three or four candles at a time; Other students made great efforts. Their mouths were round, but they didn't even blow out a candle. Disappointed, they wanted to blow again, so they had to run to the back of the line and continue to queue up. Watching their performance, my heart was both happy and nervous, and I was really worried that I could not blow out any of them. If so, it would be too boring.

After a while, it was my turn to play. I walked quickly to the candlestick table, took a deep breath, and then ran quickly forward and blew the breath to the candle with the greatest strength. "Wow!", the teacher and the students exclaimed. I looked back and said, "One, two, three, four, five". Unexpectedly, I blew out five candles in one breath. I jumped up with joy. The referee teacher gave me two pairs of lottery tickets. At this time, the students behind me cast envious eyes on me.

Later, I played a lot of projects and felt that they were all very good. When the garden tour ended, I was sweating and my clothes were soaked, but I didn't feel tired at all. I really hope that every day is "61", and I can have such a happy mood every day!

Instructor: Huang Xiuping

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (13)

Composition 1: Children's Day Garden Party

On Children's Day, our school held a special carnival activity of "happy games, melting teams, healthy life" for us.

It's time for the carnival. My team members and I will play "Silkworm Crawl" first. The rule of the game is that each person puts a newspaper with a big hole on his neck, and then squats down and holds his newspaper in front of him and the newspaper of the team members in front with his hands. The game started. We were neck and neck with each other. The other side was also very strong, and suddenly overtook us. Our team members were a little tired during the sprint, so we let the other side win by a small distance. Although we lost, we have tried our best to compete, and we have no regrets.

We played the game of "donkey transporting melon". The donkey carries melons like this: one person is in front, the other person is in the back with a football on his head in front of his classmates. I teamed up with a member of the team. At the beginning, we were a little nervous. At the end of the line, the ball fell off and the other team caught up. I picked up the ball and continued to move forward. Finally, we made no mistakes and won the first place. My team and I applauded happily.

This game carnival is really colorful, let me know what to do should be united, for our Children's Day added a lot of happiness!

Composition 2: Children's Day garden activities

On the Children's Day, students took part in a grand garden tour on campus. There are so many items in the game that everyone has fun.

Let's talk about it first. The military red scarf blindfolded, turned three times in place, and then walked forward. He carefully touched the clown's face and stuck his round nose on it. One of the students laughed, but the army suspected that he had posted it incorrectly, and moved to the side quickly. The referee asked the army to have a look. Ah, he stuck it to his mouth! The students couldn't help laughing, and the army also laughed shamefully.

The place where darts are thrown is also very lively. One by one darts shot out of the students' hands. Some students are experts. They hit either 9 or 10 rings. It's really a shot in the arm! Some students always hit the outer ring of the disc, and all the students enthusiastically shouted "Come on" for him.

Fishing is more fun. At the order of the referee, everyone threw the fishing rod with magnet to the "small pool". The long fishing line swayed and swayed, but the fish never got hooked. Some students were sweating all over their heads, but Xiao Ming held his breath and patiently put the magnetic fishhook close to the mouth of the fish. The fish finally got hooked! Xiao Ming hurries to catch more fish. He is going all out to catch a dozen small fish in a row!

In the playground, some students play ball games, some watch puppet shows, some play computer games, and some play cat and mouse games... "61" Children's Day is really a happy holiday!

Composition 3: June 1st Garden Tour

On Children's Day, the weather was sunny and we were very happy. We took part in the school garden party with great interest.

These games are so interesting! There are "transporting goods", "bridging the river", two people holding the ball, drawing the nose, transporting table tennis, etc. If you successfully complete a game, the teacher will give you a seal, and the seal can also be exchanged for prizes!

First, I came to the game ground of "delivering goods" to queue up. The goods transported are badminton. When it was my turn to deliver the goods, I was very nervous. My heart was pounding, as if I had a "little white rabbit" in my arms. I took the badminton racket, and then put the badminton on the racket, carrying my "goods" to the end quickly. As I walked, I wondered whether my opponent had caught up. Finally, I won my opponent and got a seal. I'm so happy! Hurry to play other games.

It's very interesting for two people to clip the ball. Many people stand by and watch. I think this game is a little difficult. Two people put the ball on their backs and clamp it. Then they work together to move the ball to the opposite side. Some groups cooperated quickly and well, while others didn't cooperate very well, and the ball fell off while walking. They quickly picked up the ball and moved on. You must cooperate with each other to play this game successfully. I was afraid I could not walk well, so I went elsewhere.

The garden party was over, everyone happily returned to the classroom, and the teacher gave us prizes. We are very happy! This year's "61" garden party is like a beautiful little shell left on the beach in my memory.

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (14)

Fan Wenyi: Happy June Day Garden Tour

The Children's Day, which we all look forward to and belongs to ourselves, has finally arrived. Just after the first class this morning, my classmates and I happily followed Mr. Shao to the garden.

There are many kinds of activities, such as fishing for cans, glass balls, chairs, rings... Among them, the most impressive one is fishing for cans. The competition requires that whoever catches the most fish in the specified time will be the first. The teacher quickly assigned us a group of six contestants. "Ready, start!" With the command, everyone was busy. At first, I was a little worried. Although I was the first to drop the pole, I came back empty handed. The second time, I carefully summarized my experience, and when the rope rotates freely, I quickly put it in. Sure enough, the naughty hook obediently went in. In this way, I easily hooked up the first pop can. I am so happy! I caught three cans in a row and won three notebooks for myself.

Then I played "looking for the moon from the bottom of a sea". I saw the right moment, calmly clamped the table tennis ball, and steadily squeezed it out. After a while, I picked out three ping-pong balls. Look at other students, they are also "fruitful".

I also participated in bowling, glass ball and other activities with my classmates. The colorful garden activities not only let us return with full loads, but also brought us infinite joy!

Fan Wener: Summary of June 1st Garden Tour

The sound of cheering and cheering is deafening and resounding all over the sky. Do you know what we are doing? We are carrying out the annual "June 1st" garden tour, which is deeply loved by students! It is not surprising that it is so lively.

Garden activities, as the name implies, are to visit the whole campus and participate in the activities of each class. Its main rules are: each class prepares a game for the students to play, and they can also get prizes if they win!

The teacher brought the gift, and I turned my eyes to it. Wow! The heavy prize bag and various prizes made me more competitive. The teacher's loud whistle pierced the sky, and the game began. I went to the link of playing table tennis. Its rule was: fill four cups with water, and blow the table tennis ball to the fourth, and you will win. I thought to myself, "I can't be too nervous, I must calm down, I must be able to pass!" I came to the table to take a deep breath, and then quickly blew, but the sky was blind, the ball bounced out. My prize flew away with a bang.

Then I went to play table tennis. The rule is that a single person holds a racket and puts the ball in the center from one side of the classroom to the other, and the ball cannot fall off. "Ready... start!" I held the racket holding the table tennis ball steadily and walked to the end. Suddenly, the ball broke away from the center and slid down! I held the slippery ball in a hurry. It was really safe! Finally, it succeeded.

At the end of the game, the teacher smiled and gave the students prizes. I got a ruler, which was sweeter than honey.

June 1st is our children's festival, and garden activities are our ideal paradise!

Fan Wensan: On the June 1st Garden Tour in Primary School

The sun, the bright red sun, looks like a jubilant lantern. It rises slowly and shines in every corner of the campus. The lovely white clouds that pass by here are also red and look even more lovely!

Under the golden light, the campus is full of excitement, laughter and chasing figures everywhere. Sitting and running, some are talking and laughing in groups, some are playing hide and seek, and some are chasing. Look, a few kids over there are taking idioms with relish It turned out that when the "June 1st" Festival came and the school held a garden tour, how could the students be unhappy?

With the ringing of the bell, we walked into the decorated classroom and sat down one after another. But there are still chattering voices

At this time, the teacher went to the platform, introduced various rules of the game, demonstrated, and prepared candy for prizes!

Just listen to the "start", the classroom is full of people, and we are all cheering!

Several students here are playing table tennis, and several students over there are "fishing". In one corner of the classroom, a group of students are lining up to "hit the nose"

Look at the "fishing" side, surrounded by students. The four fishermen were calm and focused on the hook. How confident Jiang Taigong was! The students next to me are also eager to catch fish. Some of them are too nervous to speak out, some of them are making gestures, and some of them are shouting here! This way! No time!

"Teacher, I caught a fish first! I caught a fish!" It turned out that one of my classmates caught a fish. The teacher happily rewarded him with a big and round apple. My heart was eager to try, and I thought: Come fishing!

When it's the next round, our group will play. Needless to say, of course, there is one belief: strive for prizes! Each of us picked up the fishing rod, and when we were ready, we dropped the "bait" and started "fishing". All of a sudden, I was attracted by the various "fish" in front of me. I don't know which "fish" to catch? "Hurry up!" I can't think much about it. I'm ready to bite the "fish". For a long time, I've almost tried my best to revolve around the "fish". I see in my eyes that I have to stamp my feet! At this time, "It's not good to be nervous." I calmed down and said: God bless, God bless

"Ah, I caught a fish." I jumped three feet high! Run to the teacher's prize office

This Children's Day is really unforgettable!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (15)

Today is Children's Day, my "June 1st". Early in the morning, I walked briskly to the school, thinking about the garden activities to be held today, let alone how happy I was!

In the past, I always thought that the school breakfast was not delicious, but today I feel very different. The soymilk is sweet, the bread is fragrant, and everything has become delicious.

When the bell rang, the students lined up and came to the auditorium. The first was the Young Pioneers' entry ceremony. Watching my younger brothers and sisters wear bright red scarves, I seemed to return to the moment when I put on the red scarves. My heart was filled with pride. Then, I gave awards to star students, and I was one of them. Although it was only a "star", I was very satisfied.

After the award ceremony, the long-awaited garden tour finally began. Several good friends and I are like birds just released from the cage, happily "flying" in the campus. With the sound of "pa pa", we came to the site of blowing balloons. Listen to the students, you can get a lottery ticket if you blow the balloon. An invisible force made me summon the courage to ask the teacher for a balloon. You know, at ordinary times, I'm very timid. Can I blow the balloon? Dare I blow it? I took the balloon and began to blow it carefully. As the balloon continued to grow, I became more and more nervous. I was in a dilemma because I wanted to blow it but was afraid of blowing it. When I hesitated, the balloon suddenly became smaller. Seeing how bold and hard the students next to me were, I had the courage to close my eyes and blow again. With a sound of "one, two, three" and "Pa --", the balloon finally broke, and I jumped up with joy. This is the first time for me to play such a thrilling game! Because it was unintentional to blow the balloon in the past, but today it is intentional, so funny!

Finally, I played two games, "floating gold coins" and "blowing candles". Unfortunately, only one of the six gold coins came up and only one of the six candles was blown out. Although a little depressed, but the overall mood is good.

I really hope that next year's "June 1" will also be like this.

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (16)

On the morning of June 1, the bright sunshine shines on the whole campus, making the school that has just entered the provincial level more beautiful. In order to celebrate our children's festival, the school held a colorful and interesting garden activity.

The park activities include fishing, shooting, blowing candles, shooting, riddles, glass beads, blind ball, shuttlecock, hula hoop, floating needles, table tennis, etc. Among them, I think the most interesting project is blowing candles. The rules of this project are: if you blow out three or four candles at a time, you can get a pair of lottery tickets; If you blow out five or six candles at a time, you can get two pairs of lottery tickets.

When I arrived at the activity site with enthusiasm, there were already more than 20 people waiting in line there, so I had to wait patiently at the end of the line. The team flows forward slowly like flowing water. I really hope it will be my turn in the blink of an eye. At this time, some students blew out six candles in one breath, and their faces showed complacency. I thought to myself: look at me later! Some students only blew out three or four candles at a time; Other students made great efforts. Their mouths were round, but they didn't even blow out a candle. Disappointed, they wanted to blow again, so they had to run to the back of the line and continue to queue up. Watching their performance, my heart was both happy and nervous, and I was really worried that I could not blow out any of them. If so, it would be too boring.

After a while, it was my turn to play. I walked quickly to the candlestick table, took a deep breath, and then ran quickly forward and blew the breath to the candle with the greatest strength. "Wow!", the teacher and the students exclaimed. I looked back and said, "One, two, three, four, five". Unexpectedly, I blew out five candles in one breath. I jumped up with joy. The referee teacher gave me two pairs of lottery tickets. At this time, the students behind me cast envious eyes on me.

Later, I played a lot of projects and felt that they were all very good. When the garden tour ended, I was sweating and my clothes were soaked, but I didn't feel tired at all. I really hope that every day is "61", and I can have such a happy mood every day!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour (17)

Qiu Riyue Fourth (1) 21

In the morning, we watched the wonderful performances of our classmates, and in the afternoon, we enjoyed the garden activities!

In the afternoon, as soon as Mr. Xu said that we could go to play, our class rushed out immediately and didn't want to waste a moment.

First, we went to Class 3 (1) to play "Chuanchuanle", Class 3 (2) to play "I'm a pilot", Class 3 (3) to play "Skillful book binding", Class 3 (4) to play "Star knows my star", Class 3 (5) to play "Douyou", and Class 6 (2) to play "DIY hair beauty"??

Among them, if it is my favorite, no one can beat six (3) "catching loach"!

"Catching loach", as the name implies, sounds very interesting. You know, it's a real loach!

When I came to Class 6 (3), the line was already like a long queue. I waited and looked for a long time before it was my turn.

When I got inside, I found a vacant seat and stood down. After a while, one of my classmates said loudly, and we all tried our best to catch the loach in our own basin. But the little mud scale is always playing with its skin. It can't be grasped by any means. Even if it is caught, it will quickly "slip" away from your hands. Time is up! I counted only 6, and the brothers and sisters around me all have more than 10!

After playing 12 projects, we went back to the classroom. Until now, I still can't forget it!

Composition of June 1 Garden Tour

Class IV (1) Li Jianghe

Today, I came to the school excitedly, because today we are going to celebrate the "June 1st" and hold a garden activity. We can't wait to see the club performance, finish lunch, take the list, listen to the command given by the teacher, and rush out of the classroom like the wind. The school suddenly became boiling up??

My good friends and I went to the gym first, and we played table tennis with five goals, and I threw nine in a row. We played "Little Frog Crossing the River, and easily won the second place. Then we left the gym, and played many games: origami planes, cooking, picking black beans with chopsticks, folding creative toys with paper, and using wire

Make toys with tools, wrap book covers with several ropes, tie bows?? Wait, but the two things that I like most are "catching loach" and "making dumpling skin". Large mirror

I like to play "catch loach" first. A large basin filled with water is placed on a table, in which dozens of small loaches are placed. The small loaches are like little earth elves who look at dragons and tigers. I and the other three people were in the east, west, north and south corners of the table. Each of us had a washbasin in front of us. At the teacher's command, we all stretched out our hands to catch the loach, and then put it in our own basin. A lot of loaches fell on the ground, on the table, and were picked up by people who were short of eyes and quick with hands. When the time came, we had a lot of rest in our washbasins. The little loaches swimming were really fun!

I also like making dumpling skins. First, I took a piece of dough with just the right humidity and hardness, rounded it with my hands, sprinkled flour on it, and then flat it on the table. Then, I pressed it back and forth with a rolling pin to make a round piece of dough. One piece of dough was finished. The uncle of the canteen gave us points and signed.

At the end of the day, we reluctantly returned to the classroom. I got a lot of stars and a pen. I still remember the happy scenes when I visited the garden.