Memories of Compositions (15 popular articles)
Tianya Life
2024-06-05 06:45:56

Memories of Compositions (1)

Memory is like a cup of warm coffee, warming our hearts. Memory is like a photo album. You can always find the beautiful moments in your memory. The following is a 600 word book describing memories compiled for you I hope it can help everyone!

Autumn is coming, chrysanthemums are blooming. When I smell the fragrance, my thoughts have gone far away.

That year, I went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. I stayed in my hometown for a few days, but in these short days, I had a conflict with my good friends who were inseparable from childhood. I remember that it was also the season when chrysanthemums were in full bloom. We went to play in the chrysanthemum field and played. I was intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers. When we reached out to pick one, they suddenly interrupted me and said, "Can't pick it!" At that time, I was extremely humbled because I just wanted to have one of my own chrysanthemums. Regardless of her feelings, I rushed out of the chrysanthemum field without looking back.

Since then, we haven't seen each other for several days. Sometimes I really want to find her to explain things clearly and apologize again, but because I can't put aside my face, I have been staying at home all the time, and I feel very uncomfortable. My grandparents seemed to see through my mind, comforted me and asked me to take action, saying: "The contradictions on the friendship road are very normal, and should be resolved into small things. Also, tomorrow you are going back to the city, should you leave with regret?" After listening to their words, my heart became a big knot, my heart was as heavy as lead, but I still could not lose face.

On the day when I left, I longed for flowers to come and see me off. I kept looking back, but there was no sign of her. When I was about to get on the bus, I suddenly heard someone calling me behind. I turned my head to see that it was really blossoming. I was so excited that I gave her a big hug and cried, "I thought you wouldn't come!" She said, "Why? Look, you don't want a chrysanthemum of your own? I promise you." She gave me a beautiful box, Then he said, "The chrysanthemum field we played in is Uncle Zhang's livelihood. If you pick one, he picks one... What about Uncle Zhang? Is that right?" I nodded and waved goodbye to her.

When I got on the bus, I opened the box and saw that there was a crystal clear craft chrysanthemum with a line of words engraved on it. Suddenly, my tears ran down disobediently. Through the window, I could vaguely see the flowers wiping their tears and waved goodbye to her again.

Over the years, I still keep this craft chrysanthemum. Whenever I see it, I will remember this beautiful memory.

On the wooden desk, the thick leather loose leaf book lies quietly in the center. The light of the desk lamp is like a spotlight, illuminating the book and the beautiful memories.

After finishing a mountain of homework, I stretched out and felt very happy with the stars shining outside the window. When I opened the drawer, I saw the clean and retro cowhide book. The golden frame and the bright but not vulgar pattern on the cover make it look "intense".

The leather book is heavy to pick up, because it is full of memories! Gently put it on the table, quietly opened a page, afraid that the precious memory would slip away inadvertently, let me turn through the box named Memory and find nothing.

"Today, for the first time ever, Grandma spent more than 300 yuan to buy me my favorite backpack. I must use it for a long time. I believe it will be the best thanks to Grandma!"

"It's time for the parents' meeting. I feel like a deer is bumping into my heart. I can't help but shiver when I think of the stern and horrible look in my parents' eyes when they came home last time. I called my cousin to hide from her for a night, but my sister said that I could not avoid the first day of the lunar new year but the fifteenth day. I had to go home and wait for the 'end'. When the door opened, I didn't know whether it was a dream or reality, but my mother smiled. I was stunned for a moment‘ Mom, I...... "What's wrong? Still immersed in the sadness of not doing well in the exam, my mother knows that you have made progress this time! Come on, clap your hands and celebrate. 'Your smile shows up in front of me, dispels fear and warms my heart. "

"In the morning, I 'crept' to put the card that I had worked hard to make for the afternoon in my parents' room. In the morning, I pretended to walk into your room as if nothing had happened. You gently touched my head and praised me for growing up. I accepted the praise with joy and pride. Although I was not used to touching my head, I really wanted to enjoy it for a while. This morning, I am very happy! "

Up to now, when I see these immature handwriting mixed with light paper fragrance, there is still warm current flowing slowly in my heart, which gives me inspiration and motivation. There are too many good memories to load in life, but the memory is always so short, so we should write it down and tell ourselves: memory is so beautiful, and I am so happy.

When I pick up the pen, a beautiful memory gradually emerges on the paper

On the 20th of December, our head teacher said that he would visit home to check his homework.

I was so happy that the teacher was coming. I got up early and waited for the teacher. However, I waited until noon from morning. Why didn't the teacher come! Just when I was worried, several male classmates came in from my house. As soon as they came in, they asked me to take out my homework and said that the teacher was here, behind me. Now I was so happy that I took all my homework out of the room and put it on the table.

The teacher came to my house and looked at my homework carefully. I know what I did was not good enough, but the teacher did not criticize me. After talking with my family for a while, the teacher wants to go to other students' homes. I also go with the teacher.

Let's go to Du Yuanbin's house first. It's fun. Du Yuanbin's home is far away and he wants to climb a mountain. On the way, several boys walked very fast in front. Lei Ting and I led the teacher to walk slowly in the back, because the teacher had just finished the surgery and was still in poor health. While we were walking, the teacher took pictures for us. It was very happy.

I walked for more than an hour, but I haven't arrived yet. The teacher asked where Du Yuanbin's home was? Ryle said it was fast, just below the TV tower on the top of the mountain. Ah, it's still so far away! Looking at the blurred TV tower on the top of the mountain, I began to regret not coming!

"Today, what would you do if I fainted on the way?" Suddenly, the teacher began to joke.

"Then call an ambulance!" said Riel.

"How can an ambulance drive up this mountain?" retorted Shuai Shuai.

I said, "You should nip people in the middle."

The teacher smiled and said, "You still have some. Pinching people is a good way to give first aid."

"First call an ambulance, and then we will carry you down the mountain," Riel said with a smile.

We laughed all the way, but we didn't realize Du Yuanbin's home. Du Yuanbin's mother brought us steamed buns, oranges and many pine nuts, and then cooked for us.

After dinner, we went to Han Yunxia's house again. Han Yunxia was not at home. The teacher talked with her father for a while. After learning about her family, we returned.

That day, we walked a lot and my feet hurt. The teacher was just well and had a hard time walking. When they went down the mountain, Ruier and Chen Bo helped the teacher to walk.

On that day, although everyone worked hard, we were all very happy.

Childhood once had, like a meteor, fleeting; Once the friendship, fell to the edge of the cliff, can not see the trace; Once there was a piece of snow called "memory", which was gradually melted by the temperature of time. The fun of childhood has gradually faded away, and the "catching scorpions" event is still fresh in my mind because of the short time interval.

Scorpions seem to be something that many people are afraid of because they are poisonous and have a big hook on their tail. I am not afraid of them. Scorpions are caught by accident. My father works in the railway, so my family is close to the railway no matter now or before. It was a summer vacation in the fourth grade. In the evening, in order to enjoy the cool, my parents took me to the platform for a walk. Looking up at the twinkling stars and the moon illuminating us, my heart calmed down and I enjoyed the quiet night. Suddenly we found a man walking slowly with his head down on the railway, as if looking for something.

So we walked over and found the man holding a purple flashlight shining on the platform and the railway. Dad asked the man, "What are you busy with?" The man held a small bottle in his hand and showed it to Dad. It was all scorpions. It was like this - he was catching a scorpion, and I was curious, so I looked aside, and suddenly a fluorescent thing appeared in front of me. Under the light of the purple light, the scorpion was not the original color, but the fluorescent color, and even the texture could be seen clearly. When the scorpion was illuminated by the purple light, the uncle quickly grabbed it with tweezers, and put it into a bottle. Scorpions can cure diseases, especially wild ones. We also learned how to catch scorpions. The three members of our family are very interested in catching scorpions. On the way home that day, my father decided that we would also catch scorpions tomorrow night.

The next day, my father bought two essential items, tweezers and purple light lamps. In the evening, we began to work hard. My father gave me and my mother protection. My mother and I walked slowly along the railway, afraid of missing anything. Suddenly, my mother said anxiously, "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" My father and I hugged the scorpion nervously and excitedly. Three members of the family surrounded the scorpion. Then my father began to catch the scorpion. My father picked up the tweezers and stared at the scorpion, It was said that it was late and fast. When the scorpion just noticed it, my father pinched it up. I hurriedly opened the mouth of the bottle, and my father quickly put it in. Then I quickly covered the bottle again. I watched the scorpion running around and bumping into the bottle, but I couldn't get out. We continued to walk along the railway until all the lights on the platform went out at more than nine o'clock, and then we went home. I feel very tired, but I'm still interested. When I slept, I put the fruit -- a small bottle with eight scorpions on the table, and I didn't know how happy I was. After turning off the light, use the purple light to shine on them, and they all emit fluorescence, just like the shining stars in the darkness of the sky. So every summer vacation, when we have free time, we will catch scorpions. What a memorable time!

Catching a scorpion is a beautiful memory in my memory. It is also like a shining star in the Milky Way in my childhood, which is unforgettable to me.

In one's life, there will always be something worth remembering. There are many things worth remembering, just like the stars in the sky, but there are always two or three stars that are the brightest.

Those brightest stars are always imprinted in your mind, with deep memory and unforgettable.

Award Moment

It was the third grade. In the final exam, I got very satisfactory results. In order to encourage students, the school specially customized trophies and held a commendation meeting. When I came to the stage to receive the award, I was very happy.

The teacher told me to continue to work hard, and my mother also said so, which gave me the motivation to learn.

This event left me a good memory

My friends

I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Hong. That time, Liu Hong explained a math problem to me. After several times, I was still in a fog. Liu Hong tapped my head with a pen and smiled: "Why can't you turn around?". Liu Hong held on to me, compensated me for the mistake, and patiently told me again. It was clearly my fault, but Liu Hong was so tolerant and tolerant of me, and I couldn't help being moved. Seeing the moved tears in my eyes, you smiled and said, "Who made you my best friend?" In the reckless days of youth, her tolerance and understanding helped me more.

This event left me a good memory

Birthday party

I remember that on my eighth birthday, my father bought me a super large one, and I jumped and jumped with joy. My father also called my good friends here, and they all came to my house with gifts to hold a party for me. Everyone put candles in it, and the candles were red, like red flowers reflecting on my face. I took a full breath and blew hard at the candles. Some of them were extinguished, and some of them were obstinate. I tried my best to blow out the rest in one breath. At that time, I shouted happily. Dad snapped my happy face when I wasn't paying attention.

This event left me a good memory

This is only a small part of the stars in the sky. Can you also pick one or two stars to share?

Memories of Compositions (2)

The hourglass of time flows quietly little by little, and the traces of time are depicted in detail one by one. And good memories often bring me a lot of warmth and emotion.

When I was in the fourth grade, Mr. Cui once asked us to tell a family story we had experienced. Family love is not mother son love, father daughter love, brother sister love, grandchild love? In the ladder of my growth, there are too many such stories. As a result, scenes of the past passed by like a movie. Especially when that scene is frozen——

When I had a fever, my mother carried me to the hospital alone. In order not to let me catch cold, she took off her coat and put it on me. When I felt uncomfortable, my mother stayed up all night in the hospital bed, taking care of me. Thinking of this scene, I couldn't help shedding tears. When the teacher came to ask me what was going on, I told it off and on. Maybe the story of my mother taking care of me was too vivid. Even the teachers and students were moved. With the encouragement of the teachers and students, I wrote a composition entitled "Mom, I'm grateful to you". Then the teacher took my composition away and submitted it.

About a few months later, when I returned home, I saw my father and mother smiling and saying, "Our child is finally sensible. I'm really happy." Even my grandmother laughed happily and said to me nervously, "Great." This sentence made me feel confused when I put forward my question, What the hell is going on here.

My mother said to me, "Congratulations, your composition has been published in magazines and newspapers."!

Just now, your teacher called and said your composition "Mom, I'm very grateful to you". It was published successfully. Somehow, instead of being overjoyed, I emerged a sentence that Cui always said: true feelings and true words are the most attractive.

Although it was half a year ago that I won the prize, I still have endless aftertaste when I think about it

Memories of Compositions (3)

In daily study, work and life, everyone inevitably has to contact the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So, how to write a composition? The following is the afternoon memory carefully organized by Xiao Bian - the composition of the first day of junior high school, hoping to help everyone.

The gentle warm air mass gently pushed away the cold air mass following the March song. Quietly spread the dense, revealing the smiling face of the sun. The wisp of sunlight jumped on the trees, eaves, and people's busy shoulders, like a small fire slowly burning the air around. The sun gently touches the fingertips, and the fire like elves are whirling around, dancing with a touch of warmth, flowing along the blood towards the center.

I lay on the rocking chair, gently shook my legs, and let the sun beat on me leisurely, feeling the strength and temperature. Suddenly a beautiful melody sounded, and the lyrics told a warm memory.

This song is called Mommy's Kiss.

How many kisses did my mother give me? How many kisses did she give me? She dried the tears on my face and warmed my young heart. Mother's' kiss, sweet kiss, made me miss today, singing in a low pitch, memories fly to childhood with the notes.

She stayed quietly at her eighth birthday party (March). On the lovely cylindrical cake lies a beautiful pig. The story is caused by this pig. Yaya and I fell in love with the cake with the pig lying on it at the same time, and we didn't like each other. Finally, we had a big fight. I accidentally scratched Yaya's face, and she cried. At that time, my mother was very angry and hit my palm very hard. The palm was apple red. (Hands on hand, this hand is red, what about the other hand?) Tears of grievance quickly fall down the cheek, "bada" and "bada" hit the skirt, tearful eyes looking at mother holding Yaya, coaxing her.

Tears are cold. I feel that my mother doesn't like me anymore. I feel a little uneasy at the bottom of my heart and gradually feel cold.

I was very sad and decided to ignore my mother no longer.

The night came quietly, but the moon hid behind the clouds. The small night light in the room gave out a slightly bright light, which shrouded the room in confusion.

I heard the door lock turning and knew it was my mother. I decided to close my eyes and ignore her. I felt my mother was closer, and finally I sat beside the bed, gently pulled up my hand, slowly rubbed it open, and felt the warm fingertips rubbing gently in the palm of my hand. After a long time, I almost fell asleep. The hazy salty hair in front of the forehead is gently brushed away, leaving a warm touch on the cheek, gentle, soft and comfortable. Take a warm current and flow quietly, taking away all the anxiety and unhappiness. It is also like the sunshine in March, gently touching the skin, with a trace of warmth, some light, warm the heart, and drive away the dark shadow. I happily opened my mouth and fell asleep

Turn back to the lost focus and watch the setting sun in western language. The surrounding clouds are stained with the last temperature of the sun. Warm the heart.

Memories of Compositions (4)

In my memory, you are a quiet child, never making a big deal. Standing on the hillside in the east of the town, looking at the whole town, the wind gently lifted your skirt, like a butterfly. In my eyes, you are an angel.

The first time I met you was on the path of my hometown. On both sides of the road were neat French parasol trees, which grew luxuriously and glittered green, and stood out in the sunlight. You are dressed in white, standing under the biggest Chinese parasol tree, smelling the breath of summer, enjoying the sounds of nature from cicadas, and smiling sweetly. Since then, I have had another good friend like you.

Do you remember? That summer, when we went swimming, the pool was as warm as the sun. You closed your hands and gently scooped up some water from the pool. You said loudly, "Look, what is this?" I walked over, but you smiled mischievously and splashed the water in your hands on my face. Alas, I didn't expect you to be so naughty! "Look at me!" 'Wow! Ha ha! ' The sound of "" resounds through the whole pool, and also penetrates into my heart, becoming a rainbow that will never disappear in my heart, a permanent memory. Were you happy then?

I will never forget that time when we climbed the mountain together. There is a wide cement road in front of me, but you tell me: "There is a small road over there, which is much more fun!" "Really, hurry up!" It is a dirt road, because some people walk through it, they left some shallow tracks. I followed you step by step, holding the weeds by the road tightly. I was afraid that I would slip to the bottom of the mountain accidentally. When I saw you, I was brave. I told me which way to go was better and safer. Suddenly, a piece of flat grass appeared in front of me: the ground was green, dotted with small blue wild flowers. To the west of the grass, there was a small stream winding through the mountain. The water was clear and transparent, but it was not like the usual 'clear water makes no fish', Full of small fish, reach in, they actually swim to your hand and kiss your fingers, and it's like a massage. How nice! We sang "How I Want You" together and looked at the distance happily. You tell me that this road is the only way to get here. Many people miss this view because they are afraid of danger. At that time, you know, I sincerely admired you in my heart. You were so brave and good.

The picturesque days have passed, but they have not disappeared. They are deep in our hearts, along with the original joy of singing "I want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want", and miss the most innocent years and selfless friendship in that life.

Remember? The song "I want it so much"?

"I really want to be with you

Count the stars with you

Collect the spring drizzle

I really want to be with you

Listen to your old stories

Count the feelings in your eyes

Think, think, think

I really want to be with you

Traveling through thousands of rivers and mountains

Go all over the world

Let every day

We are the most beautiful

The most beautiful memory! "

That time, forever you, forever I, forever laughter, never forget!

Memories of Compositions (5)

"I'm very happy. When you smile at me, that smile can melt everything."

I am really very happy. When we still stay in the past memories, the laughter is incomparable.

Although spring is still far away, although not every day is very happy, although today still remains the scars of yesterday, but we have that smile. Even today is still full of pain, but as long as we change, one day, it will become a warm memory.

Meeting you is fate's arrangement. It's faster than everything. We run ahead of everyone. Under the separation of love, we ran together for a long time with friendship. Look at the sky, those stars are the ones we have counted, those arcs are the traces of our wishes; Look at the river. Those waves are the traces of happiness left by us after playing; Look at the growing tree, without the shadow of new leaves, which is the evidence of our mischief, is a naive memory; Look at the flowers. Why is there less red in the green leaves? That's our childish game

I closed my eyes to get the music I had, but it was hidden in the clear sky, while the sky was overcast. I sighed, hoping it would turn into an autumn wind and go away, hoping that the sun would cover the slope. However, the sky seems to tell me that since it is already a memory, why do you need to retain it? I began to hesitate, maybe that's the case. If she didn't decide to leave, how could all this become a memory? Even if I persist, she will not come back. Maybe all these things really decide their fate. They should return to the basket and spend the rest of the time quietly.

I know very well that maybe I will never smile like this again in the future, maybe I will never smile like this again in my life, but I think very clearly, will it be happy if I hold on like this? Can the forced retention really change the smile? can't! Because everything has passed. Maybe it's really a long time. We are all tired of that kind of smile, that kind of silly smile. And we, since we are tired, why insist on living with scars on our backs? Maybe letting go is liberation.

I think even if we really leave, those memories will always exist, those about our stories, those about our happiness, those about our admiration, and those about us, about our {fruit}, about our little love, I think we will remember for a lifetime, we will remember for a lifetime.

For the last time, goodbye.

--800 words

Memories of Compositions (6)

"These things are eternal memories; in the moonlight garden, under the vine leaves..." Grandma Bing Xin collected her feelings and memories at any time and anywhere and compiled her first poetry collection - The Stars. These poems are like jumping notes in her life.

Appreciating these beautiful and interesting poems, my thoughts can not help drifting to those happy times.

I still remember last year in late spring, my sister and I walked hand in hand in a piece of "green". Suddenly, my sister's eyes lit up, and she pulled me to point to the front: "Sister, sister, look!" I looked forward, ah! A rape flower. We jumped to the flower field with cheers. The cauliflower is in full bloom, so yellow, so dazzling, so pure, so lovely, as if it were cut out of the bright sun and spread on the earth. My sister and I danced, ran, and shuttled in the sea of flowers, as if we had integrated with flowers. I break a flower and shake off dew; Fold a flower, put it on your head, and let the hair with flowers float in the wind. The shaken pollen smeared my sister with yellow rouge and gave me a faint fragrance.

The warm sunshine gives the golden branches a layer of golden light. Seeing this beautiful scenery, I couldn't help but become poetic. I hurried home to paint and change, and then I had this little poem:

The sun is shining brightly.

spring is in the air

On the grass beside the ridge

Full of golden rape flowers

Crystal dew

Fall to the ground

My sister and I are in the sea of flowers

Run, jump, play, chase

The hair with flowers

Against the wind

In the waves of flowers

Gone with the wind

The ones who follow us

It's cheers

It's the fragrance of flowers

Memories of Compositions (7)

There are many memories in my heart, like a river, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent... sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

My childhood made me proud. I often got 100 points in exams, won many honors, participated in many competitions, and wrote many excellent compositions... This made my parents proud of me, and my brother regarded me as an example, so I tried, tried, and tried again!

My childhood was also full of fear and trouble: fear of being criticized by teachers, fear of being bullied by classmates, fear of no one's trust, fear of losing friends. Whenever I go to bed, I always think of those things, such as being discussed behind my back by my classmates, failing to get full marks in the exam, and being afraid that others will see my every move... I often tell myself that there is no fear in my childhood, as long as I open my eyes and rush forward, I can't lose!

My childhood also occasionally has some small grievances: there are always some small things that make me sad and angry. They are small obstacles in my growth. In fact, as long as I jump gently, I can jump over them. But I am a knife mouth and glass heart. I can't help it! After enduring a grievance, I went to complain to the teacher. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help crying. I seem to be a serious "glass heart syndrome". Every time I feel uncomfortable, I always think: I must be the best child!

My childhood was very happy: I had many friends, who were angels sent by God to protect me. When I cry, they comfort me; When I was worried, they told jokes and made me laugh; When I am happy, they play with me... They are my amulets. They always make me laugh no matter whether it is cold or hot or sunny or rainy. I often say, "It's good to have them!"

In my childhood, there were storms, rainbows, snowflakes, and the sun. Anyway, I will write about my childhood and remember everything about it!

My childhood memory composition 600 words related

Memories of Compositions (8)

My best memory is in my hometown.

My hometown is far from Nanjing, but the air there is fresh and the scenery is beautiful. There is a clear river in my hometown. Walking to the river, you can hear the sound of running water. Ah! The water is so clear, so transparent, and the sound is so clear and sweet! The river bottom is covered with large and small stones, and there are many small fish playing here in summer. Little fish sometimes swim here; Sometimes I swam there; Sometimes hiding under water; Sometimes they come out to play, just like a group of lively, lovely and naughty children!

In summer, my friends and I had a good time, sweating, and we were fighting in the river, which was not very deep. The time, the laughter, and every bit of it made me unforgettable.

In winter, the north wind is blowing. It's the most beautiful and fun when it snows. The ground, the house and the trees are white. Sometimes very thick ice will form along the river. When it snows heavily, we will get together to have a snowball fight. You fight me, I fight you, and all our troubles will be forgotten.

I haven't seen the spring and autumn of my hometown, but I think it will be beautiful there. In spring, the sound of running water in the river will be clearer, and the flowers there will certainly bloom. Wow! How beautiful that should be! In autumn, the river should not be so busy. From time to time, there will be withered and yellow leaves floating on the river

My hometown gave me the best memories, which brought me endless happiness. I love my hometown, but also the river!

Memories of Compositions (9)

It was a glass bottle buried in the sand, which contained memories that I would not open. I have only met him twice.

When I was a child, I went back to my grandmother's house with my mother in a hurry, because my grandfather, whom I had never met, died early. I followed my mother to the funeral without knowing how sad or happy I was. At the funeral, people in white cried bitterly. I don't understand. At this time, I saw a child always hiding in the door, looking in with his head stretched out. His eyes were clear and innocent. He was about my age, so we became friends.

He took me to play, took me to herd cattle and ride a bike. He also boldly let me ride on the back of cattle. In short, I was happy to play with him. However, the happy time is always short. When my mother told me that I was leaving, I was very reluctant, so I ran to the boy's house and said to him, "Let me hide, don't tell adults". This period of time passes slowly and painfully. I don't want to leave, and I'm afraid that adults will find me. However, I will be taken away by my mother in the end.

In fact, I have a vague memory of my childhood and have no deep impression on him, but when I think about it, I feel very happy.

The second time I saw him was last winter. After six years, things have changed and people have changed. I can't remember his appearance clearly. The only thing that impressed me deeply was Grandma's old face and bent back.

Some funny things happened when I saw you again. I walked past his house. He and his brother were drying corn. At that time, I didn't recognize him. I didn't know it was him until he came to play at Grandma's house. People grow taller and more handsome. I was very idle and bored at my grandmother's house. He took me to watch the annual bullfight, set off fireworks, play on swings, and eat barbecues like a child. It was exciting and happy.

We don't spend much time together, and our common memory is not rich enough, but it is profound. Now, we are far from each other, and I will collect this memory and bury it on that beach

Memories of Compositions (10)

The past time can not be retained, and has gone far. However, what left me most is the memory in time. I used to fantasize about turning back the clock, but I couldn't do it after all. So, in my heart, the past life left me only good memories.

I remember spring, the season of birds singing and flowers fragrance. We sang loudly and walked on the path in the field. Spring outings are the most attractive for children, but cooking and running games are even more enjoyable. We sat under the tree and looked at the sky. The sky is blue. Under the blue sky, buds have grown on the branches. I seem to see it growing up and bathing in the spring sun. Isn't that young bud just us?

I remember summer, full of new green season. In my small garden, there are countless flowers and grass. Grass and green land shine, while flowers bloom more brightly! Sporadic flowers are scattered in the small garden. Although they are not as beautiful as peony or jasmine, they are still so beautiful and lovely. In the distance, a yellow dot flew in, close, closer! Oh, it's a bee, very small. It fell on a wild chrysanthemum, sucking sweet nectar. When it leaves, the pollen goes with it, along with the bees, making their homes everywhere. Isn't that bee our diligent gardener?

I remember autumn, the harvest season. The fields look golden, rising and falling with the wind, like a billowing wave. In the orchard, apples and pears are all hung on the branches, which are so delicate that people are salivating. One bite will make you feel fragrant and unforgettable for a long time. On campus, we chattered incessantly. After a summer vacation, we missed each other unavoidably. In the summer vacation, we learned a lot of things. Isn't that knowledge our harvest?

I remember winter, the warm season. Although the leaves have fallen, birds can still be seen singing in the trees occasionally; Although the grass is withered and yellow, it will grow again next year; Although the cold wind on New Year's Day is still biting, the New Year greeting cards are full of warmth everywhere. It reposes a friendship, a sincerity, and the blessing of the students. Isn't it just the lasting warmth? I recall the past, but yearn for the future. Let my future be full of birdsong, full of new green, destined to harvest, full of warmth. Let them leave me more beautiful memories!

Memories of Compositions (11)

Even though time flies, we are getting farther and farther along with the growth rings of years, and the colorful world of mortals has changed our appearance. Never forget, we remember the fleeting years we had gone through. I like memories, like unbridled but unrecoverable memories. Remembering those happy and unhappy things, when I walk on the road alone, I always think about the past years of mixed joys and sorrows, and then, with the confused eyes of others, I laugh and feel very happy.

I remember when I was in primary school, I always liked to wear some "abnormal" clothes, or was teased or despised by my classmates. Another time, my father drove me to a school less than one kilometer away from home. It was the inconspicuous time when he drove me to school that really deserves permanent memory!

Sometimes I really want to recall some things from the past. The group of teenagers in the primary school who used to be ambitious, went forward and retired with me. However, whenever I returned to primary school, I would never stop leaving tears of sadness. When I was in primary school, for some days, my mood was inexplicably upset, and Xiao Yuxin, who was closest to me, naturally became a victim.

Although I was very regretful after I lost my temper, I cried bitterly and felt sad, but I still couldn't control myself. But, even so, Yuxin didn't stop by my side. It reminds me of a song; "If you love me or not, I will never leave the Expo." Even though he is a boy, his heart is so kind, which makes me cry again!

Memories like songs wake up birds; The memory is like a picture, embellishing the warm picture; Memory is like a poem, recited colorful colors, warm memory, can never be forgotten.

If you ask me now, I will definitely choose the good memories of junior high school. Now I am in the eighth grade. When I recall my life in the seventh grade for one year, I feel sad and happy, but I am proud of it. Learning in a beautiful environment, my beloved new school Hongli. The environment here is beautiful and clean, including Xiange Lake and Imperial Garden.

Memory is really a kind of enjoyment. I always remember those fleeting events in my green years, either happy or sad, which make my present life more colorful.

Time flies like an arrow, and years of time pass by carelessly from the fingertip. Being at home while in a different place, it is also a kind of enjoyment to often want to remember when facing the sky of school

Memories of Compositions (12)

"Boom!" A huge thunder sounded in the rain covered sky, and then a lightning flashed. Immersed in the book, I suddenly came back to my senses. I walked to the window and looked at the heavy rain. The past came back to me

When I was in primary school, it was also in summer. One morning I was so busy that I forgot to take my umbrella with me. When I arrived at school, I found that I had no umbrella. When I saw that the sky was clear, my heart could not help but secretly rejoice.

However, as the saying goes, the day in June is like the face of a child. When school came to an end, the dark cloud army occupied the sky in an instant, and the heavy rain immediately came, hitting the earth a little bit, making a sound of "popping". "Alas, it's really unlucky that I can't get off early or late. It's just at this time that I can get off so much." I leaned on my desk and looked out of the window and sighed.

After a while, the students left, leaving me and a girl in the classroom. I think she didn't bring an umbrella.

Suddenly, I found an umbrella lying there quietly on the platform, and I was immediately happy, as if I saw the savior. I think that this should be left behind by those students who were picked up by their parents. Take it first! Just when I wanted to get the umbrella, another thought flashed into my mind: this umbrella can't be hers, can it? After some reasoning, I immediately denied the idea, because if the umbrella was hers, she would have left early, so I didn't have to wait until now. So I went up.

When I picked up the umbrella, a clear voice suddenly came out, "My classmate, that umbrella is mine." She looked at me, and I couldn't help being embarrassed. I pretended to say, "Sorry, I took the wrong umbrella." I handed her the umbrella. She looked at me and said, "I don't think you have an umbrella." Then she smiled. I was embarrassed to scratch my head, but I felt that both ears were hot.

She opened the umbrella, then looked back at me, smiled and said, "Do you mind walking together?".

The rain is so heavy, but our umbrellas are so small. The umbrellas that should be held by one person are squeezed two. Before I had gone far, I felt my shoulder wet on one side. Looking at her again, there was water dripping constantly under the corners of her clothes, and my hair was almost all wet. I could not help feeling a little ashamed. I grabbed the handle of the umbrella with my hand and tried to tilt it toward her. But just as I leaned over, she ran out of the umbrella, leaving only one sentence: "My home is here, tomorrow you can return the umbrella to me at school." Then she disappeared in my sight, leaving me with endless frustration and emotion.

That time, for the first time, I got help from others. That time, I was moved for the first time. That time, I left the most beautiful memories of my primary school.

Memories of Compositions (13)

On the wooden desk, the thick leather loose leaf book lies quietly in the center. The light of the desk lamp is like a spotlight, illuminating the book and the beautiful memories.

After finishing a mountain of homework, I stretched out and felt very happy with the stars shining outside the window. When I opened the drawer, I saw the clean and retro cowhide book. The golden frame and the bright but not vulgar pattern on the cover make it look "intense".

The leather book is heavy to pick up, because it is full of memories! Gently put it on the table, quietly opened a page, afraid that the precious memory would slip away inadvertently, let me turn over the box named Memory and find nothing.

"Today, for the first time ever, Grandma spent more than 300 yuan to buy me my favorite backpack. I must use it for a long time. I believe it will be the best thanks to Grandma!"

"It's time for the parents' meeting. I feel like a deer is bumping into my heart. I can't help but shiver when I think of the stern and horrible look in my parents' eyes when they came home last time. I called my cousin to hide from her for a night, but my sister said that I could not avoid the first day of the lunar new year but the fifteenth day. I had to go home and wait for the 'end'. When the door opened, I didn't know whether it was a dream or reality, but my mother smiled. I was stunned for a moment‘ Mom, I...... "What's wrong? Still immersed in the sadness of not doing well in the exam, my mother knows that you have made progress this time! Come on, clap your hands and celebrate. 'Your smile shows up in front of me, dispels fear and warms my heart. "

"In the morning, I 'crept' to put the Thanksgiving card that I had worked hard to make for the afternoon yesterday in my parents' room. In the morning, I pretended to walk into your room as if nothing had happened. You gently touched my head and praised me for growing up. I accepted the praise with joy and pride. Although I was not used to touching my head, I wanted to enjoy it more. This morning, I am very happy! "

Up to now, when I see these immature handwriting mixed with light paper fragrance, there is still warm current flowing slowly in my heart, which gives me inspiration and motivation. There are too many good memories to load in life, but the memory is always so short, so we should write it down and tell ourselves: memory is so beautiful, and I am so happy.

When I pick up the pen, a beautiful memory gradually emerges on the paper

Memories of Compositions (14)

Childhood once had, like a meteor, fleeting; Once the friendship, fell to the edge of the cliff, can not see the trace; Once there was a piece of snow called "memory", which was gradually melted by the temperature of time. The fun of childhood has gradually faded away, and the "catching scorpions" event is still fresh in my mind because of the short time interval.

Scorpions seem to be something that many people are afraid of because they are poisonous and have a big hook on their tail. I am not afraid of them. Scorpions are caught by accident. My father works in the railway, so my family is close to the railway no matter now or before. It was a summer vacation in the fourth grade. In the evening, in order to enjoy the cool, my parents took me to the platform for a walk. Looking up at the twinkling stars and the moon illuminating us, my heart calmed down and I enjoyed the quiet night. Suddenly we found a man walking slowly with his head down on the railway, as if looking for something.

So we walked over and found the man holding a purple flashlight shining on the platform and the railway. Dad asked the man, "What are you busy with?" The man held a small bottle in his hand and showed it to Dad. It was all scorpions. It was like this - he was catching a scorpion, and I was curious, so I looked aside, and suddenly a fluorescent thing appeared in front of me. Under the light of the purple light, the scorpion was not the original color, but the fluorescent color, and even the texture could be seen clearly. When the scorpion was illuminated by the purple light, the uncle quickly grabbed it with tweezers, and put it into a bottle. Scorpions can cure diseases, especially in the wild. We also learned how to catch scorpions. The three members of our family are very interested in catching scorpions. On the way home that day, my father decided that we would also catch scorpions tomorrow night.

The next day, my father bought two essential items, tweezers and purple light lamps. In the evening, we began to work hard. My father gave me and my mother protection. My mother and I walked slowly along the railway, afraid of missing anything. Suddenly, my mother said anxiously, "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" My father and I hugged the scorpion nervously and excitedly. Three members of the family surrounded the scorpion. Then my father began to catch the scorpion. My father picked up the tweezers and stared at the scorpion, It was said that it was late and fast. When the scorpion just noticed it, my father pinched it up. I hurriedly opened the mouth of the bottle, and my father quickly put it in. Then I quickly covered the bottle again. I watched the scorpion running around and bumping into the bottle, but I couldn't get out. We continued to walk along the railway until all the lights on the platform went out at more than nine o'clock, and then we went home. I feel very tired, but I'm still interested. When I was sleeping, I put the fruit -- a small bottle with eight scorpions on the table, and I didn't know how happy I was. After turning off the light, use the purple light to shine on them, and they all emit fluorescence, just like the shining stars in the darkness of the sky. So every summer vacation, when we have free time, we will catch scorpions. What a memorable time!

Catching a scorpion is a beautiful memory in my memory. It is also like a shining star in the Milky Way in my childhood, which is unforgettable to me.

Memories of Compositions (15)

In my spare time, I opened a photo album. That is my own album, which records my growth process.

The first thing I saw was a picture of me when I was two years old. At that time, I was so innocent, lively and lovely. My white face was inlaid with two big bright eyes, which was really cute. I am playing happily in my comfortable bed. Although it has been several years now, I still have some dim memories.

Turning back two pages, this photo records what I looked like when I was young. At that time, I was just in primary school, full of childishness, and I made a smart gesture with a happy smile on my face. At this time, I could not help laughing, laughing that I was so naive before, compared with me now, it was too childish and ridiculous.

I continued to enjoy the pictures of my third grade. At that time, I had my own ideas, and the taste of childishness gradually faded. His smile is not so crazy, so silly, but has a mature feeling. Smile sweetly, very close to me now. Therefore, my memory of that time is the clearest.

On the last page of the album, I found the photos taken a few days ago. Ah! That's a real big brother. There is a charm in my eyes. The jeans on my body and the cowboy hat on my head are handsome. That's me now.

My photo album records my growth process. My appearance and character are changing. Seeing these photos, I recalled how beautiful everything was before, and I was totally intoxicated