English Composition Teacher (18 in total)
Water like Love
2024-06-10 00:47:59

English Composition Teacher (1)

With accurate pronunciation, beautiful writing and interesting class, this is my English teacher, Mr. Zhu.

The first time I saw her was in the autumn of 20xx, when school began and I was promoted to the third grade. I met her for the first time in English class on the first day of the new school year. Mr. Zhu is not tall and his skin is not white enough. She has short hair and a pair of glasses.

Every time she enters the classroom, her movements are so neat. After erasing the blackboard, quickly write the blackboard and prepare for class. Her words were so vigorous and forceful that when she picked up the chalk, she heard a sound of "dong dong dong" hitting the blackboard. The chalk seemed to be enchanted in her hands, and immediately flew up. Three or two times, a row of neat and even English appeared in front of me.

After class, my friends and I tried to imitate Mr. Zhu to write on the blackboard, but we failed many times. Even if we imitated him, we could not write his free and easy and vigorous style.

Mr. Zhu is very strict with us. If anyone writes like "straw" one day, she will let him rewrite it without mercy.

On the first day of returning to school on National Day, I made two mistakes, and the handwriting was ugly. There are only five members in the class, and Yuan Jiarun is the only one who can write well, let alone our wrong person. Teacher Zhu was furious and ordered everyone except Yuan Jiarun to rewrite. I thought: Rewriting is right, because I enjoyed playing and did my homework carelessly during the holiday. When I got my exercise book, I rewrote it carefully. Later, when I went to criticize, Mr. Zhu drew a long face and said angrily, "Oh, even your monitor can't do homework for seven days at home, let alone others! It's not like words!" After hearing that, I blushed like a big apple, and could not help but bow my head in shame. I was secretly determined not to make the same mistake again.

Miss Zhu is such a strict teacher. It is precisely because of her strictness that I now become self-conscious!

English Composition Teacher (2)

Since English teacher Ma was pregnant, our English class has been taught by the new teacher Li. If we want to talk about their common ground, it is only "ferocious". Don't believe it, they are each fierce.

The students all think that English class is important and boring. So I listened while playing. This angered the English teacher, who had to be tough on us.

Teacher Ma is a tough guy. For example, once, Mr. Ma was lecturing on the platform, but we played and talked. This made Miss Ma very angry: she slapped the desk suddenly, and we were all shocked. She then said: "You don't listen carefully, but you play and talk!" Teacher Ma was serious, his mouth was curled, and his eyes had a murderous look. Suddenly, the whole class was silent. After a while, she said: "Zhang Peinan, Ansar -- still say! Stand behind and copy the text a hundred times!" Teacher Ma's face was red with anger. Since then, no one has dared to fight or talk without reason.

Teacher Li is "gentle" and ferocious. For example, on one occasion, we talked in full swing below, but Miss Li only said a few words gently. She smiled as if she didn't care. But when the students' voices overtook Miss Li's voice, she was a little flustered and said, "Don't talk!" The students could not hear what she was saying, so they continued to play and talk. One English class after another was over, and Miss Li was still "gentle".

Although they are different, I still like them. I also like English classes. Although sometimes the content is boring, I still like it. However, I hope our classmates will not talk, play and listen carefully in English class, so that the teacher's "ferocity" will be much less.

English Composition Teacher (3)

She is 1.65 meters tall, with long curly hair and high heels. She walks like a female soldier. Her rough and dark skin, high nose and large mouth make her feel like a foreign teacher on campus. Yes, she is our English teacher, Teacher Xin. She is a native Chinese.

Once upon a time, I didn't like English or even hated it, but from the third grade, that is, from the time when the teacher taught our class English, I gradually liked English and found it a very interesting course.

In the past, when learning English, we were afraid of memorizing words, and we always memorized them by rote. But Teacher Xin can let us remember every word in a variety of ways. For example, "strong" reads "die strong", which means strong. In order to let us remember it, Teacher Xin said, "This person must be strong and strong when he dies. Can he not be strong? So" strong "is pronounced as" dead "in English.". Although it caused us a burst of laughter, the word "strong" was always remembered by us.

When learning the word "but", Teacher Xin reviewed the word "bus" on the blackboard, led the students to read it once, and then changed the "s" in "bus" to "t", let the students try to read it by themselves. The students quickly read the correct pronunciation, and also memorized it deeply in their minds.

Teacher Xin's unique teaching method of "learning while playing, learning while playing" has made our class's English scores rise straightly, and almost the second exam ranked first in the grade, which has further increased our "morale" and made us particularly fond of English classes.

We prefer to trust teachers, not only because she is full of wisdom, but also because she is approachable and amiable. At ordinary times after class, we often ask teacher Xin some questions about her study and even life. She will patiently answer them one by one, until we get satisfactory answers, she will leave with a smile.

Teacher's Day is coming, I will salute Teacher Xin respectfully to thank her for her kindness to me!

English Composition Teacher (4)

A person sits quietly in front of the desk, looking at the teacher's amiable face in the picture, ripples appear in his heart. Because of you, there will be a special festival - Teachers' Day. From then on, we have a deep respect for you. It is you who sow the future, you light the fire of my ideal, you sow the seed of happiness in my heart, and let all the happiness I feel rise from your love. You gave me an encouraging look when I could hardly stand. When I am sad, you light my fire of hope; When I am confused, you light up the way for me! Although we only got along for one year! But those unforgettable days! You, teacher, let me learn how to face difficulties, how to feel life, how to cherish happiness, and how to develop myself.

I wonder if you still remember that midterm exam. I did poorly in the exam and was sad for several days. After you know it, you will talk to me. You will look at me quietly, your eyelashes will blink from time to time, but your eyes will not move. The serious face of the past, with a gentle smile. It is such a kind of eyes, with love, warmth, expectation, motivation, so bright, so shiny, give me warmth, give me courage! In a moment, the feeling from the heart spreads all over the body, which is shock and gratitude. Sadness is no longer necessary, there is only a new starting point, a fall to climb up again, a success must meet failure.

Teacher, the time we spent together is 365 days, but the time has already passed away quietly. Maybe someone said that the happy time is easy to lose, and I can feel that you have done your best for us during this time. Because of your encouragement, I have confidence to set sail again; Because of your email, I have the confidence to face difficulties bravely; Thank you for making me energetic for the present and ideal for the future. Little by little and touching scenes of this year have embellished my life beautifully and consolidated my memory deeply. I can't forget you!

In my heart, I silently thanked for being 0 when I failed in learning, and encouraged me to succeed from here; When I am sad, comfort my English teacher, Wu Xiaozhen. However - everything happened so suddenly that I was about to leave you when I started working hard according to your words.

"A grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me through my happy senior year. A grateful heart, thank fate, I will cherish our relationship with teachers and students as well as flowers." Thank you, teacher, thank you for pouring sweat on the platform of our thirsty; Thank you for burning yourself like a candle and illuminating us all the year round; The wind blows a fallen leaf, carrying a word in my heart: teacher, I love you! I really hate to leave you!

Finally, let me sincerely say: "Thank you!"

English Composition Teacher (5)

Now I am already a student of Grade Two. Everything around becomes familiar and strange. I am familiar with it. My classmates are former classmates. Strange, all the teachers have changed. In class, I don't know why, when I listen, I think of the teacher who taught us in the first day of junior high school, and tears will come to my eyes unconsciously. Nostalgia should be part of the reason

Among all the teachers who taught me in the first grade of junior high, my English teacher Miss cui was the most impressive.

She was transferred in the process of exchange study organized by the Education Bureau and came to our school to teach for one year. She used to teach English in No. 2 Middle School, which is the best public school in our county. I think: since the school is the best in our school, the teaching quality of teachers will certainly not be poor.

Of the three main subjects, English is the last one I like. At that time, I always thought: we are Chinese, what's the use of learning English? When she started teaching, I would only listen to it where I was interested. But slowly, I found that her teaching method was not as rigid as I thought, but fresh and interesting. So far, I like English classes. In the first monthly exam, my English score won the first place in the class.

Let me talk about her teaching methods.

In order to improve our interest in learning English, she divided the class into several groups, each group also has its own name. There is also a point system, which can be obtained by answering questions and dictating full points. Those with high total points can subtract homework, while those with the lowest total points not only have more homework, but also clean the sanitary area. Because of this, everyone is very active in class.

But in the process of dictation, a group of students in order to make their homework less written, they played a careful eye - plagiarism. How can this be prevented? She came up with a better method: let everyone supervise each other. If a student suspected of plagiarism is found, report to her in time, and the informant will be able to add points to his team. For a plagiarist, his team will not only be deducted points, but also may punish the plagiarist and the whole team. Now, those who only want to plagiarize can only record it in a down-to-earth way, and don't want to think about it any more.

She has a "shortcoming" that she assigns homework every day. As time passes, many students in the class want to be lazy, not write homework, or cut corners. As for her, she has her own way. Each time the homework is handed in, the class representative will carefully check it, find out who has not handed in the homework, write a list and give it to her for disposal. But she also thought that the class representative was busy and irresponsible, so she would make a surprise attack from time to time, making it impossible for those who did not write homework to guard against it.

In this way, a year later, she will go back to the school where she used to teach and continue her teaching career. I wonder if she will remember our class and our naughty children in the future. 90% may not remember, after all, she is an old teacher and has led many students

Whether she remembers it or not, I will always remember her. Because she is one of the best teachers I have ever taught since I began to learn English

English Composition Teacher (6)

To speak English, I hate it from childhood to adulthood, because since I came into contact with it, the time I spent playing computer and watching TV can only shrink again and again until I say goodbye with tears. Do you think I can hate it! But when I was in junior high school, I gradually developed a little interest in English, and the excavator of this interest is my current English teacher, Mr Wang!

Mr. Wang's full name is Wang Rui, and his English name is Ray. He is tall and strong. If he doesn't have a pair of square glasses, he can be a PE teacher. Although he is young, he has taught English for nine years (although I don't believe him). What I like most is his humor. Every time I go to his class, I will be amused to death by him. So I firmly believe that I can't learn English well without believing in me. Sure enough, I got 115 points in the first test! I'm so happy... Oh, too happy. I forgot to tell you the story in class. Listen to me

A few days ago, during class, Mr. Wang suddenly stopped to look at us and asked for no reason: "How did you get in?" It turned out that the bell for class had been ringing for several minutes, and one student still bent over and didn't know what to do until Mr Wang has been talking for a while, but this brother hasn't sat down well to listen to the class yet. Ray doesn't know the truth! He walked forward and looked at the student from left to right, up and down, and came to a very wordless conclusion: "You are a U.FO!" After saying that, the whole class burst into laughter.

Another time, Mr. Wang thought that a classmate's answer was very satisfactory, so he asked: "What's your name?" The classmate replied loudly: "Li Yiqiu!" As a result, Mr. Wang's expression was exaggerated - "What, you are a loach?" After saying that, he wrote the word "loach" on the blackboard, and we laughed. At this time, Li Yiqiu corrected: "Teacher, my name is Li Yiqiu." Mr Wang listened clearly and said, "I'll tell you! Who can call loach?" This sentence caused us to laugh wildly again. After that, as long as Mr When Wang gave examples of names, he would dump Li Yiqiu as an example.

The teacher's humor belongs to humor, but when he gets angry, he is also very scary!

At that time, we had a very fierce fight. It was useless for Mr. Wang to raise his voice to the highest level. At last, he could not help shouting: "Don't be noisy, bored!" Suddenly, there was silence under the platform. The kids picked up textbooks to cover their faces. At that time, they could hear the light footsteps outside the corridor clearly. This event makes us know that no matter how humorous a teacher is, he will get angry sometimes.

Now, I know Mr Wang has been with us for more than a month, and he will accompany us through the three school years. Here, I would like to thank him: he made me realize that English has a humorous side; It was he who made me realize that English can still be learned happily. His humorous English class I write down one by one, my interest in English, ah, will be growing!

Finally, shout: "I love Mr. Wang! I love humorous English!"

English Composition Teacher (7)

In the Duilong English Training Center, I like Miss Zhao best.

Miss Zhao has black hair. She likes to coil it up. She has a round face and a pair of talking eyes. You can see encouragement and comfort in her eyes Her eyes also had a pair of black lace glasses with red background, which matched her favorite red and white skirt with brown background. by the way! There is also a healthy and ruddy mouth and white and tidy teeth, which makes Mr. Zhao smile brilliantly!

Miss Zhao is good at teaching English! She always tells some jokes about learning English, so that we can learn useful English knowledge and correct pronunciation while laughing; In addition, she often plays Disney children's English and English songs for us to see and listen to, so that we can easily learn English; She also always holds some English karaoke, English performances, English competitions, etc Let everyone have a stage to show themselves; And she always encourages us, so our English will make great progress every week.

Mr. Zhao is not only a good teacher, but also a good friend.

She always smiles when talking to us. She doesn't have any teacher's airs. She also allows us to call her name directly. She often chats with us to help us solve problems. When chatting, she is not afraid to say her own embarrassments. Just say this once! I met a "roadblock" when I was doing the "Gold Medal Practice Test" assigned by Mr. Lu. I thought about it, but I couldn't figure it out. I was so worried that I scratched my head. Just then, I thought of Mr. Zhao, so I took it to find Mr. Zhao. After reading the title, Mr. Zhao said kindly: "'Tom and Jim' are names of people, 'Tom' is Tom, 'Jim' is Jerry, 'and' means" and ". What does' very are funning 'mean?" "It's very funny". "Yes! You're smart! What does that mean?" "Tom and Jerry are very funny!"! Through the guidance of Mr. Zhao, I finally solved the "roadblock".

Another time, I chatted with Miss Zhao on QQ. She pointed out my shortcomings, encouraged me from time to time, and humorously asked me to take her to dinner after I had passed the National CET-6 exam, and patiently told me how to "quit TV". She said, "I used to be an expert at playing computer. One day, in order to play computer, I blocked the door with a quilt and the window, so there was no light, and adults thought you were asleep. Then I played all night long. The next day, I heard a noise, and went to sleep quickly. Then I didn't go to work. When I slept until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, my father came to call me, and I said it was still dark. " She also asked me to take a rest and arrange my Internet time reasonably. After reading Miss Zhao's words, I feel warm and like her more and more.

When we are with Mr. Zhao, we can laugh and shout without repressing our feelings. It's really cool! awesome!

Mr. Zhao, your love, your teaching It is as simple as white rice, but she is the most indispensable to me!

Mr. Zhao, I will never forget your Chunchun teachings!

English Composition Teacher (8)

Lovely you, bring me warmth.

When I first came to this class, the first person I met was you. I couldn't make quilts, but you helped me like your mother in the dormitory. At that time, I kind of liked you.

When you asked me to be your English class representative, I agreed without hesitation. Because you are not only young and pure, but also have a girl's heart.

Unfortunately, after a long time, I found that I hated you.

The teaching method is not good, the words are easy to write incorrectly, and the knowledge points are incomplete. I feel that my English is dying. Every day, I talk with some students who have good grades behind your back about your bad performance. It's really more and more annoying. Unfortunately, no one dares to say you are bad, and we are all very troubled. Looking at the smile on your face, I can't help feeling a little hypocritical, and my heart is also bleeding with depression.

Until one day, you asked me to go out to talk and calmly said to me: "I didn't speak well. The students don't seem to like me. It seems that we don't have the same understanding as before.". I finally said what I wanted to say all the time. The teacher and I talked for a long time, and I felt warm. The teacher was also struggling with this problem, but he still pretended to be in a good mood to come to class every day, and didn't want to disturb everyone's mood. The teacher used to think from another perspective. As an authoritative teacher, he asked me for advice. How brave it must be. It suddenly occurred to me that the teacher was serious and that her books were full of notes.

Until now, I have fallen in love with you. I like the relaxed atmosphere in your class, not like the rapid excitement of the Chinese teacher; The seriousness and quietness of the math teacher; The physics teacher was nervous and bothered. It's relaxing. I like your sweet voice and let people focus; I like your cute appearance and make people laugh; I like your serious attitude, which is admirable.

I sometimes don't understand you. You will arrive on time every second three. Even if no one writes English homework in the whole class, you will try to squeeze some time for everyone to learn English, educate poor students, or silently sit on the chair and change dictation. You are optimistic. Even if our class's English is not very good, you will always come back to life after losing. You are very young, so you will always get along with us after class, and understand our thoughts very well. Students will also tell you their true thoughts instead of telling other teachers. You work hard. Even if you stand alone for three lessons, you are complaining about being tired, but you are always full of energy and still stand and talk desperately. You are a bit silly. When the head teacher gives you the PE teacher's lessons, you always show your lovely smile and say that the head teacher is very considerate. Do you want to give you more money? Aren't you tired after so many festivals? Don't you want to rest? Aren't you afraid of being blamed by your classmates? You are so stupid, willing to sacrifice yourself.

Lovely you have given me many opportunities to learn English well; Every day I take the trouble to instruct and enlighten me. When I am in danger, I will also lend a helping hand. You trust me very much, so I won't let you down.

Lovely you, please always smile, because I will be with you. Thank you, thank you for bringing me lovely warmth.

English Composition Teacher (9)

I have learned English since the third grade of primary school. There are several teachers who have taught me, among whom the longest and best teacher is Mr. Wang.

Maybe learning a language is not difficult for me, so I feel relaxed and happy when I learn it. The English classes in junior high school were basically taught by Mr. Wang. At that time, when the teacher just graduated from school, she told us that she should try her best to teach in English and everyone should try their best to adapt to it. This was a very avant-garde idea at that time, but I thought it was really good for cultivating a sense of language. The children in junior high school are still naughty, and not every child is interested in English class, so there will be children who speak small words and are not disciplined in class. If it goes too far, Miss Wang will stop lecturing and be silent. When everyone realizes that the class is quiet again, she will just say "Now let's go on" and go on. The impression is that she has not lost her temper and has good self-control. She was just out of school at that time.

I like her way of lecturing. She doesn't talk much, but if she says it, it must be very pertinent. There is no superfluous comment on "The Gift of Maggie", but the emotional tone of voice gives me space to imagine, which is a bit like the blank space in painting. At that time, I was very proud of having such a good teacher, but after high school, for personal reasons, she could not continue to teach us, for which I also felt very sorry. Fortunately, she was able to come to class again later. Under the strong request of us who loved and trusted her, the school replaced the English teacher, and she taught us again. I remember that she thanked everyone for their love for her, but said that we would not be good for other teachers if we did so. We don't care so much about young people, and the college entrance examination is coming. We need teachers who are worthy of our trust. I finally waited until she gave me another text I loved, The Sixth Ring, which was perfect.

Before the college entrance examination, everyone was under great mental pressure. In one lesson, Mr. Wang held his glasses and said to everyone, "In fact, the college entrance examination is nothing..." Before he said anything, everyone slapped the table and began to cheer. At that time, in our view, the college entrance examination was a critical moment that determines a person's fate. How can we say nothing? I think the teacher is too heroic and hard to understand. Mr. Wang smiled and didn't go on. Looking back now, isn't it? At that time, it seemed that it was difficult to climb over the ditch and ridge in the past. It was just past. It was really nothing.

When I was young, I was more reserved and reserved. I liked Mr. Wang very much, but I never expressed it to her. I can only remember that on the day of the college entrance examination, I felt nervous when I waited outside the gate for the entrance examination room, and I saw Miss Wang smiling at me.

I don't know where Miss Wang left school. It is said that she was transferred to Beijing to be reunited with her husband. In my heart, she is always my respected and favorite teacher

English Composition Teacher (10)

All the teachers in our class have great powers and have their own characteristics. Today, let's not talk about the Chinese teacher who can write and draw, nor the head teacher of the old Jianghu. Today, let's just talk about our English teacher who has just become a junior high school teacher.

The English teacher's name is Guo Yuqing. Hey, Mr. Guo is a very beautiful woman. The teacher likes to laugh very much. Every time she smiles, two round dimples appear on her face, and her face is often pink like a sunrise, which is very cute. People say that "phase comes from heart", which is really right. Our teacher is really quiet and gentle.

I like the teacher's eyes best. The teacher's delicate eyes are as bright as crystal clear black grapes. They are often full of trust and approval. Moreover, the teacher's eyes seem to have a calming function. Facing these eyes, the flustered mood will become calm, and the impatient mood will become calm. From these eyes, you can read the sincere trust and encouragement from the bottom of the teacher's heart, giving people confidence in learning and motivation to work hard. Facing the eyes of trust and encouragement, I often feel that if I don't study hard, I will be a bad boy.

Miss Guo is gentle. She loves us very much. When someone is injured or ill, she will be more nervous and worried than her injured or ill classmates. But when she was in class and managing learning tasks, our teacher was very sincere.

Once the teacher assigned a few homework and class ended. Before leaving, she also said: Today's homework is not much, I believe you can complete it.

The next day, the teacher checked the homework as usual. The result was completely unexpected to the teacher. It was found that several students had not completed it. It was not so bad when I found one, and it was OK when I found two. Finally, I found five or six.

The teacher could not stand it. His face was red with anger, and his voice trembled: What happened? Just a little homework, isn't it? Time left for you, right? What's the situation now? What happened? Those students who were short of homework were indifferent at first, and they were all flustered when they saw that the teacher was so angry. After a reprimand, the teacher stopped talking, but stared at them with serious eyes and said nothing angrily.

Those students did not dare to look her in the eyes, bent over one by one, and hung their heads low. Seeing this scene, the teacher seemed to have lost his heart again. But he still pretended to be severe and asked, "Is there another time?"? They immediately replied: No next time, no next time. Well, make up this assignment and add the vocabulary of Unit 3. I'll let you go this time! Alas, a soft hearted teacher!

You see, this is our class's English teacher, our gentle and principled. Mr. Guo. If someone wants to exchange another English teacher with our teacher, it will be impossible to think about it. A gentle, lovely, friendly, knowledgeable and serious teacher like her is our treasure!

English Composition Teacher (11)

Remember the time, sitting behind a lot of people in class, everyone's notebook in hand earnestly do record. In order to do public class, ling teacher carefully prepared presentation, public class to go with us, we have no laughter in class, because we all know about the teacher and our public class is an important public class. At first everybody very nervous in class, a pedestal and did not think the teacher should play games with us, later we were in stitches but still resist, so we also let the ling teacher on his perfect the public class is over.

This is my English teacher, every time to her class, we all listen to particularly serious. And she's in her class, we are all most laughter. I think, only my English teacher, is the most vivid, the most interesting. I love my English teacher!

English Composition Teacher (12)

My English teacher's surname is Yang, and we all call him Tom. He is a wonderful but ordinary person. I just want to write down his love for life and the true meaning of life that I learned from him.

Teacher Tom began to teach our class in the fifth grade. In the first lesson, we bought a flower from outside as a gift for the first time. His bright smile and blooming flowers added radiance to each other. At that moment, our classmates integrated his image into their hearts: we all like people with bright smiles. It's really interesting to have his English class. He likes to bring his expressions from daily life into the classroom. He laughs, frowns, and pouts like a child. It seems that he can hang a soy sauce bottle. You will feel that what he talks on the platform is not only a teacher, but also a close friend; You are not only listening to the class, but also listening to him talk about his life; There is no need to deliberately pursue any atmosphere in his class. As long as there is him, the happiness that cannot be concealed between his eyebrows will naturally drift away. We noticed that Tom and Mary were the most frequently used names in his sentences. After a long time, when he said Tom and Mary, there would be a burst of laughter in the classroom. We jokingly said, "Teacher Tom, you and your teacher's mother are Tom and Mary, right?" He shook his head and said nothing. His smile was as bright as the spring breeze. "Ah Tom" came into being.

In the autumn afternoon, the sun was warm on the ground. After school, Mr. Tom and his two-year-old son Haoran came out to bask in the sun. Xiaohao ran hobbled in the sun but ran around happily, while Mr. Tom followed him leisurely. As we walked around, Xiaohaoran called out in his childish voice, "Sisters - good!" In the sound of our boisterous laughter, Mr. Tom's face was filled with a happy smile like sunshine, and his family happiness touched everyone present. Moved to take root, sprout and slowly open in my heart, what a warm family!

Mr. Tom is just an ordinary person. He is not dignified, talented or heroic. He is just his true self. He never fastidious about life, nor does he deliberately pursue appearances. He just lives a down-to-earth and simple life. Through him, I learned that life can not shine, but at least be full and happy. This is my English teacher - Tom.

English Composition Teacher (13)

In our academic career, what impressed us most is our teacher. And one of the most impressive teacher, I was the English teacher of our class, ling teacher!

My English teacher, is the most beautiful teacher, we all the teachers is the youngest teacher, too. And we most with ling teacher dozen hello day!

The look of her eyes soft, sometimes a glasses, small ears, her waist is a bit like a novel one small pretty waist. Occasionally take us one or two games in the classroom. And ling from the outlet of the teacher's personality like eyes soft. Every day there will be a smile on his face. Very happy every day. In ling teacher classroom work there will always be a little laughter, people in our class all like her class, because her class is very interesting, is also very fun!

English Composition Teacher (14)

In the daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are no strangers to composition. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. What kind of composition can we call an excellent composition? The following is a collection of English compositions written by the teacher. Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

Teacher zhang like children naively laughed, his mouth with a row of neat white teeth, a few wisp of hair hung on the corners of the mouth, her little finger hook up lightly.

The new Chinese teacher is slender, light step, as graceful as a willow in March.

The teacher is medium height, round face, always with a smile. Different is dragging behind her was a great black braid, our classmates all call her braids teacher.

Teacher wang more speak more excited, pearly eyes blink blink ah.

See the teacher Chen that slightly gray eyes, penetrate the harsh glare, tightly staring at me.

Teacher wang delicate face with a pair of fine eyes, meet happy thing, a smile is narrowed down two lines; Her two slender eyebrows fell like two small brackets, particularly interesting.

White teacher watched it again and again when he saw the calculation results, suddenly suddenly eyes a bright, as if found something again, with a smile we asked again.

Teacher, you still remember I on the day of admission, is your smile get me into the campus, and you hug me in your arms, tell me to do an obedient boy. All this makes me feel you warm like my mother.

English Composition Teacher (15)

In real life or work and study, everyone has written a composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So, how to write a composition? The following is about 1200 words of written English teacher's composition reference collected by the small editor for everyone. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to everyone.

In total, I have been studying for more than 10 years, and I have a lot of contacts with teachers. Since the third day of junior high, my relationship with my teacher has become closer and closer. Every once in a while, I have to communicate with my teacher. The click rate is really high. Every day, there must be a heart to heart talk. I don't know why, I only know that the teacher likes to chat with me.

After the first monthly exam, I accidentally made more than 70 progress in the whole grade. I didn't pay much effort. How to play or how to play? Maybe it's what the old seniors said. The rain flower stone occasionally reflects. Therefore, I still have the habit of dozing off in class. One day, when I had a conflict with my deskmate, she stopped watching the teacher for me and let me sleep, but she didn't care. Just in time, it was the head teacher's class. As a result, I was caught by the teacher. The teacher said: Liu Bosen, come to the office after class. I stood up and nodded, saying: Can I sit down now? You stand for me. Please, teacher, I was reading a history book last night. I didn't sleep well. I stood up and couldn't sleep. The class was quiet for a while. The teacher smiled (history teacher): What? Did you watch history last night? Well, it's good. You sit down and suddenly get a reaction. What do you mean? Why don't you stop looking at history? Stand, there's nothing to say! After class, I went to the office and squatted down. The teacher looked back and said, "Did you do well in the exam?"! Look at your achievements! At the end of last term, she took a ruler and drew it from the grade sheet to my name. She was stunned for a moment, cleared her throat and said, "Let's not talk about the problem of this grade, let's talk about your sleeping in class. I am speechless.".

One day, when the English teacher was in class, he wrote a sentence and the whole class laughed wildly. I laughed with him. The teacher asked: What's wrong with this sentence? Liu Bosen, let's talk about it. I can't laugh anymore. Don't say, I really didn't see what was wrong. I stood up, stared at the sentence for a long time and said: I don't know. The teacher reminded: How many verbs are there? I counted: it seems that there are three more. The teacher said, "These sentences are not any sentences. They are made according to the subject clause. I haven't used the subject clause for many years. I'm in a coma. How dare you use them?"? I laughed again. The teacher gave me a white look: still laughing, you wrote it! I was stunned. Did I write it? The teacher then said, "This is what you wrote. You are a master. What are you writing?"? I read my composition book and I wrote. So I said: I didn't write that. In any case, it is half a dozen. I looked again: yes, the format is correct. Since then, no one has regarded me as a master of English.

After the final exam, I fell a lot. I won't say the reason. When the head teacher saw the results, he immediately became furious and called me to the office and said, "What's wrong with you?"? Do you want to go somewhere else? Hand out, I will teach you a lesson. Then he picked up the teaching staff and hit my hand indiscriminately. Then he asked: Do you remember to study hard? Keep sth. in mind. All right, let's go. I looked up. Just as I was going out, the teacher called me back! I asked: What else? The teacher said: What have you left unsaid? I thought about it for a while, but I didn't think of it. A friend squatting on the ground next to me said, "I don't see how to enter the office. You forgot to say thank you to the teacher.". I quickly said: Thank you, teacher. The teacher nodded: Well, go ahead. My sweat

I am now looking forward to what will happen in the second period of the third day of the junior high.

English Composition Teacher (16)

I have a teacher, although she is not as dazzling as flowers; No celebrity like fame; She doesn't have the authority of a headmaster, but she is a good teacher in my heart, and there is nothing between us. She lit us up and burned herself like a candle. She led us to success, but she welcomed white hair...... She is my head teacher, Miss Chen.

I clearly saw and remembered that in the first grade, we met Miss Chen and became her students with the beginning of fate. At that time, we were only as big as bean sprouts, while the teacher was a big tree in the sky, which not only provided shade for us, but also made us feel happy. Because I was young at that time, I didn't understand many languages and words at all, but at first we didn't have deep feelings, so I didn't have the courage to ask the teacher. The teacher seemed to be my bosom friend, who suddenly saw through my heart and gave me advice step by step. Although in this case, I would feel a bit unnatural, but I felt the kindness of the teacher, she would naturally show a kind and kind expression from the bottom of her heart, which made me feel warm.

After a few semesters, we are also familiar with Mr. Chen. We will not speak hesitantly and act unnaturally like employees facing their superiors. Every time I see Mr. Chen being amused, a sunny smile opens on his mouth, and my heart is sweeter than honey.

The teacher's class style is really different from other teachers! In class, Mr. Chen does not want silence or laughter. He does not like other teachers who have a dirty face and talk to students about the content and key points of knowledge. While Mr. Chen is lecturing, he will let us ask our own questions, then let the students answer them one by one, and finally make our own supplement. It's like being free in a bookstore when you are in Mr. Chen's class. Although it's very lively, it's not at all casual.

Mr. Chen, it is you who taught me moral character, gave me the power of knowledge, and let me swim in the ocean of knowledge. In the sixth grade, the moment of parting has quietly approached, but how reluctant I am to you, I wish I could stop the time at this happy moment. Once upon a time, I didn't know how to cherish until I met you: every time you said a word, I would take a picture of the scene and treasure it in my heart

Mr. Chen, I remember your kindness to me. You are a good teacher. In the past six years, we have tasted the ups and downs together. In times of difficulty, you will never leave; When you are happy, you share happiness with me. Maybe every student will have this feeling, but this strange feeling you give me is like a rainbow falling from the cloud to my side!

English Composition Teacher (17)

Write the teacher's English composition Primary 1

My Chinese teacher has a black head of hair, high nose, tall, very clean and simple clothes. A pair of black eyes which can speak, whenever we played a good time, a smile on the face, eyes narrowed into a crescent, as if to say: "you are good, come on! Come on!" If we do not observe discipline and her eyes immediately with wide open, staring at us, as if to say: "can't do that, to concentrate on the class.

On one occasion, I class to play things, discovered by the teacher, she with her stern eyes glared at me, as if to say: "prohibit to play things in class, to concentrate on listening to lectures, teaching knowledge to learn today." I'll just sit still and body, listen to the teacher carefully. The teacher's eyes immediately there was satisfactory.

This is my Chinese teacher, with a pair of tongs, talking and large eyes, both kind and strict.

Write the teacher's English composition Primary School 2

In our academic career, what impressed us most is our teacher. And one of the most impressive teacher, I was the English teacher of our class, ling teacher!

My English teacher, is the most beautiful teacher, we all the teachers is the youngest teacher, too. And we most with ling teacher dozen hello day!

The look of her eyes soft, sometimes a glasses, small ears, her waist is a bit like a novel one small pretty waist. Occasionally take us one or two games in the classroom. And ling from the outlet of the teacher's personality like eyes soft. Every day there will be a smile on his face. Very happy every day. In ling teacher classroom work there will always be a little laughter, people in our class all like her class, because her class is very interesting, is also very fun!

Write the teacher's English composition Primary 3

Remember the time, sitting behind a lot of people in class, everyone's notebook in hand earnestly do record. In order to do public class, ling teacher carefully prepared presentation, public class to go with us, we have no laughter in class, because we all know about the teacher and our public class is an important public class. At first everybody very nervous in class, a pedestal and did not think the teacher should play games with us, later we were in stitches but still resist, so we also let the ling teacher on his perfect the public class is over.

This is my English teacher, every time to her class, we all listen to particularly serious. And she's in her class, we are all most laughter. I think, only my English teacher, is the most vivid, the most interesting. I love my English teacher!

English Composition Teacher (18)

You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.

——James AngelWe all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers.

This profession deserves the special recognition and respect.

There is no more appropriate time than this to honor you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.We are more thankful than we can express.

You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulneand thankfulneon this special day.A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. — Henry AdamsIt is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.This small gift is only a tiny token of our g ratefulness. We all want to thank you.

I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.

Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.

The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.Thank you for ma-ki-ng learning not a dull thing but a great joy.We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedica- tion could w e achieve no suc- cetoday.Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honor you sincerely.