Write Xiaoxi Composition (15 in total)
Huamao Chunsong
2024-06-02 06:14:07
primary school

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (1)

The brook with flowing water hums and sings. It leaps over difficulties and hardships. Dingdong Dingdong, the brook is like an outstanding musician. The performers have beautiful songs and cheerful rhythms, which make many people forget their troubles, and the waves condense much happiness. Now let's share with you some stories about brooks I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The gurgling sound of water and the gurgling stream flow through the winding path to the vast sea to continue their journey.

Spring comes quietly. At this time, the earth is no longer a dead silence. Green grass grows slowly, and small animals gradually come out to breathe. The songs of birds and insects break the silence, and the stream slowly flows through the forest; Flowing through grassland; After flowing through ditches and streams, everything seems to be alive, and the forest is dense; Abundant green land; There are clear streams.

Summer takes away the charm of spring, and the dazzling sun shines on the earth, paving a layer of golden carpet for the earth. In the stream, occasionally, some goldfish and carp will jump out of the water to breathe, laughing and singing lively songs, and flow eastward.

Autumn drove away the hot summer, the trees turned red slowly, and the leaves swayed and danced in the west wind. Suddenly, two or three leaves fell into the stream and drifted away freely to the vast dam and sea. Our life was like this leaf. For the future world, there might have been several leaves gathered together and arrived at the sea, Everyone is marching towards their own future. Although they are helpless, they can make their own life and their own destiny.

In winter, the cool autumn was driven away, and the sharp north wind blew through the trees, making people shudder. The small animals hid underground to avoid the cold winter. The stream, flowing quietly, continued to maintain the small animals and environment inside, and the spirit of sticking to the end and never giving up, made me marvel.

I walked quietly to the stream and looked at the flowing river; Looking at the small fish in the stream, people feel that there is a kind of magic mystery. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the stream is always so exciting; So touching. The stream is still flowing slowly. Looking at it flowing to the river and the sea, I think that in twenty or thirty years, the stream will still remain unchanged, but the river and time flowing away will never turn back.

"White hair floats in green water, red palm paddles in clear water", as if to see a group of geese splashing on the clear water, reminds me of a small stream at my grandma's home - Shixi Stream.

Shixi is the mother river of Shishan, with a total length of about 15. 5km, nourishing both sides of the stream. Through wind, frost, cold and rain, and changes in the world, Shixi is also constantly changing.

Listen to grandma talk about the past years, a trickling stream, children like to catch fish and shrimp in the stream; Adults will go to the stream to wash clothes or even take a bath. The stream has become a happy garden after everyone's work. With the development of the town's industry, a large amount of industrial waste and domestic garbage continue to flow into the stream, gradually turning the clear stream into a "dirty stream". Fish and shrimp are almost extinct, plastic bags are floating on the water, white garbage, and swarms of flies also come to "care for". At this time, the helpless "Mother River" is crying and wailing!

"Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment", people finally wake up and start to save the Mother River: prohibit the discharge of waste into the stream, clean up the garbage in time, salvage the domestic garbage on the water surface... The stream gradually becomes less turbid, the floating waste is gone, the mosquitoes and flies are gone, and the old looks new. This series of changes of "Mother River" surprised everyone! Let everyone more firm on the call to protect water resources.

Today, Shixi River has become a beautiful scenic spot with the continuous investment of the government and the completion of the renovation and reconstruction of its banks.

"Hualalala" and "Hualalala", the brook is singing a cheerful song and running away

The stream in my hometown flows in my heart forever. As soon as I miss the stream in my hometown, I will tell you a lot about it. Well, stop talking nonsense, let me be a little tour guide and introduce the streams in your hometown one by one.

In spring, the stream was awakened, and the fish and shrimp in the stream rubbed their eyes, cheering the arrival of spring with the stream. The grass beside the stream stretched out its small head to look east and west, as if it was collecting the "pearls" of spring, and the rape flowers were blooming. Butterfly girl also keeps picking nectar.

When you walk into a summer stream, the scenery will make you linger and forget all your troubles. In summer, the sun loves to play on the water. The stones in the stream sparkle like gems embedded in the stream. The breeze slowly sends them, flowers blossom and fish run out of the water. I always love racing with the stream, running through the dense jungle, across the pitted "roadblocks", and running along the winding stream. When you are tired from running, you will throw yourself on the grass. It is very comfortable to lie on the soft grass.

The scenery of the brook in autumn is very beautiful in my mind. Autumn brought a golden coat to the stream. The mature fruit trees beside the stream always throw their fruits to the stream because the scenery of the stream is too beautiful.

In winter, Snow Grandpa ordered all animals to hibernate and all plants to sleep. The stream was involved and I fell asleep. The surface of the stream was frozen. We met in groups and fell down accidentally, which made our partners laugh.

Although the stream in my hometown is not a scenic spot, it is the most beautiful in my heart. It will flow forever in my heart.

I have seen the rough sea; Have seen the spectacular Qiantang River; I have seen the beautiful West Lake and the Thousand Island Lake surrounded by islands, but among these rivers and lakes, it is the stream of my hometown that has left me a deep memory.

At the foot of Huangshan Mountain, at the source of Qiandao Lake, there is a small village. The stream flows slowly around the village. Although she does not have the magnificent momentum of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. However, she came from the deep mountain, with a faint smell of soil. She moved from time to time, which made her very cute.

In the warm spring, willows on both banks gently shake their delicate twigs. Those green grass reflected in the water, mixed with unknown wild flowers in twos and threes, light yellow, light blue, pink and purplish. Like eyes, like stars, but also blink and blink. A group of cute little fish, sometimes floating on the water, sometimes swimming into the water; One moment they gather together, and another they disperse. These little fish are pitifully small. Most of them are only half as long as a matchstick, but their eyes are big and black, and their bodies are transparent. So, from a distance, it looks like groups of small tadpoles flashing.

The brook is quiet. She always flows quietly and slowly, like a white jade belt. Occasionally, she also splashes small waves, but it is still quiet and slow. She is not like a mischievous little boy, jumping about, nor is she like a crazy girl who is far from the point, chirping.

The brook is lovely. There is a layer of beautiful pebbles under the water. They are different in size, shape and color. Some are like a leaf, some are like a sandwich biscuit, some are like glass marbles, and some are like chicken heart pendants. They often lead us to lie on the side of the stream, staring blankly. Sometimes, my sister and I would argue over a stone. Of course, we often go into the water to collect the lovely and interesting stones.

The stream nurtures and moistens the village around her. She is close to people living by the stream. Everyone should consciously protect her from getting sick. Everyone and the stream are inseparable.

Back home, a few hundred meters along the path, there is a river as smooth as a mirror. There is a paradise for my cousins and me!

The scenery there is beautiful. The small waterfall flows down from the rock, and the water flows down again, forming a stream. There are thick trees on both sides of the stream. Like the forest, the air is very fresh, there is no carbon dioxide, and there are many stones, which can let us step on. Occasionally, there are several naughty fish playing in the stream.

The year when I returned to my hometown was the summer vacation. My cousins and I played in the brook. The trees blocked the sun's red face for us. The splashed water sparkled in the sun, like many white pearls.

There are many large and small stones beside the stream. We turn over the stones one by one to find the small crabs hidden under the stones. We should be careful when catching crabs. If we "irritate" them, we will use two "scissors" to clip people, which is extremely painful. I've tried this!

Once, I turned over a large stone and revealed a relatively large crab. I was just about to reach out to catch it. Who knows, it launched an "attack" on me and clamped my thumb with one of its "scissors". Fortunately, it was blocked by a finger clip shell, which did not hurt at first, but later, it made me cry with pain. How powerful it is! Through this lesson, let me know that crabs are not so easy to provoke.

The beautiful day soon passed, and the sun waved to us and slowly "walked" to its home. We also took our own harvest and went home happily.

The stream in my hometown gave me a deep impression. It brought me happiness in my childhood, made me have a good time, and also taught me a lesson.

I love my hometown, but also the brook!

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (2)

In my hometown, Xiaguan, there is a clear and bright stream, where my childhood memories are treasured.

In spring, the ice and snow melt, and the brook flows away with a happy song. In the crystal clear stream, groups of small tadpoles are playing freely; There are many small fishes and shrimps playing hide and seek in the cobblestone crevices with various colors! On both sides of the brook are peaches red and willows green, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and everywhere is full of vitality.

In summer, the scorching sun baked the earth fiercely, and the brook was still so lively and flowing, looking more charming. The stream is sparkling under the sunshine, and the water surface is flickering, like dotted with small stars. Let's plop into the water, look! The stream splashed small flowers, like white pearls on both sides, and swirled small dimples, showing a bright smile. We chase and play in the cool stream, not to mention how happy we are!

In autumn, the cool wind blows gently. The stream flows slowly and becomes a quiet little girl. But it suddenly became very colorful. It was dyed red by the fiery maple leaves and yellow by the withered leaves. The "butterfly" floating on the water is like a small boat gliding through the stream, rippling.

In winter, the snow is falling, and the snow is white. A thin white mist curled up from the stream, like a fairy's veil. The water surface was also covered with thick, white snow, and fell asleep in a quiet and peaceful place.

I love every tree and grass in my hometown, and I love the brook in my hometown more. It has been gurgling in my heart.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (3)

There is a beautiful brook in my hometown. The brook babbles around the village all the year round.

There is a clear stream in my hometown. There are cute fish and shrimp in the stream. They are playing and playing. Beautiful cockscomb flowers are planted on both sides of the stream. Behind the cockscomb, there are several families who often wash their vegetables and hands in the stream. Whenever the stream is dry, the stream will change from a long and thin stream to a small stream that is running out of water. At that time, I came to the brook with my friends and caught the fish and shrimp in the brook and put them in glass bottles to play. There is a big waterwheel in this stream. The waterwheel will pour the water from the stream into the farmland on the left of the waterwheel. People don't need to carry water to irrigate the fields. On the right side of the waterwheel are many grains and vegetables, including corn, peanuts, beans, etc. All kinds of vegetables are really a garden. There is a wooden bridge made of wood on the stream. People walk across the bridge to go to the market in the morning. In the evening, people walked across the bridge to go home. Sometimes people walk across the bridge to see their relatives.

This is the stream in our hometown. It brings benefits to people. I like this clear, beautiful stream, which also brings benefits to people.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (4)

The mountains and rivers are beautiful. Since ancient times, scholars and writers have gathered together to appreciate and admire them. Yes, I don't know how many people are impressed by the natural scenery. The Lijiang River, the Three Gorges known as the Turtle Green Pond, and Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains, are not unique. However, I don't like the surging sea or surging river. I only love the stream in my hometown. It has neither a clear stream nor a sinking scale, but it has flowed into my heart.

The stream in my hometown is very soft, like a soft ribbon, warming your heart.

Early in the morning, I quickly walked to the brook, gently stroked her with both hands, and felt her temperature with my fingers. My hands are cold, but my heart is warm. She seemed to kiss me gently, then ran away blushing like a shy little girl. At noon, I sat quietly under the tree, listening to everything here. The brook gurgles past, as if singing a soft song. I held out my hand as if notes were flowing between my fingers. In the evening, the afterglow of the sun fell on the stream, as if it had covered the stream with a golden veil. The quiet stream seems quieter now. I snuggled up on the bench, closed my eyes and enjoyed quietly. The sun dyed the sky red, and the brook was still flowing, but I imagined myself as a drop of water, flowing to the horizon with the rhythm of the brook. At this time, the tired body becomes fresh, and a warm current slowly flows into my heart, washing away all the unhappiness and sadness, so that I can quietly enjoy a moment of peace.

Ah! Home stream, you are my soul's comfort, my emotional blend, you are my life's confidant home stream!

Writing Xiaoxi's Composition (5)

Once upon a time, there was a stream where fish lived carefree.

Once, a little boy almost fell off the cliff near the stream. He hated the stream. Slowly, the child became the boss of an enterprise. He thought: "That hateful stream almost let me fall off the cliff. This time I must destroy this stream without leaving any trace." He gave an order: "Drain the stream in the village and build a new road." The workers tried to dissuade him from making this decision, but he turned a deaf ear to it.

The water pumps are inserted into the water one by one. At first, the fish thought it was very novel, thinking that people wanted to give them a life of peace and contentment. Unfortunately, it is not to let them live and work in peace and contentment, but to let them be destroyed. In the stream, unfortunate things happened one after another. The plants in the water withered, and the black smoke from the pump made the water pitch black. When small fish suck this water, they are depressed and will be pumped dry when they see the stream. Unable to bear such pain, the fish had to leave his hometown and flee everywhere. After hearing the news, Heat Devil danced happily and wanted to go there to show off his arrogance. When the hot devil got there, he changed the sun into nine. The earth suddenly split and the vegetation withered. Without water, it will be thirsty, without water, it will be cool, without water, life will be threatened. People are hungry and thirsty, and can wait for the merciless death. The stream disappeared.

Once the little boy sat down on the seat, regretfully closed his eyes and never opened them again.

In this way, the stream was forever destroyed by these cruel people.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (6)

My hometown is in Wenquan Town. I like the brook in my hometown very much. The brook is a lovely place with beautiful scenery.

The water in the stream is endless all the year round. The ground on both sides of the stream is covered with green grass, mixed with some blue, purple and yellow wild flowers, just like a beautiful carpet on both sides of the stream. The water in the stream is as green as jade. The water in the stream is very clear, and you can see all kinds of rocks at the bottom of the stream.

There are thick trees on both sides of the stream. A gust of wind rustled the leaves, as if to say to the stream: stream, stream, how clear you are! Let me dress you up with my leaves! The little fish swam back and forth in the brook, as if to say to the brook: You are so kind, I live happily in your arms, I am so happy! The tree beside the stream shook its branches and gently brushed the stream, as if to say to the stream, "You are really like a big bright mirror. Let me see my long hair and let me dress for you.". Our children often catch fish and shrimp and play in the stream. I want to say to Xiaoxi: Xiaoxi, how much happiness you have brought us!

I love you, Brooke. The stream in my hometown is so beautiful and charming. I like the stream in my hometown.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (7)

My hometown is a small mountain village, which has brought me a childhood full of poetry and painting.

There, my favorite is a beautiful, quiet, lovely stream. It is it that brings endless joy to my childhood.

The brook is beautiful. The brook is crystal clear. The sun shines on the water, and the water glitters, like good stars. Ah, beautiful brook, you are like a silver ribbon, inlaid with beautiful lace on the small mountain village.

The stream is very calm. It always flows quietly and slowly. Occasionally, it splashes small waves, but it is still quiet and slow. It doesn't like naughty little boys, jumping around; I don't like the little girl who can talk and chatter. Oh, she is a quiet and shy girl. She is ashamed to see me!

The brook is lovely, and its bottom is covered with beautiful pebbles. They come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Some are like leaves, some are like sandwich biscuits, some are like glass balls, and some are like chicken heart pendants.

Ah! Lovely, beautiful and quiet brook, you added endless fun to my childhood.

Writing Xiaoxi's Composition (8)

There is a stream in front of my house. It is beautiful all the year round.

The spring flows slowly. At the moment when the waterfall falls, the stream takes away all the worries and sadness; In the clear stream, the small fish swim happily, just like a group of carefree children.

Streams rush in summer. The reflection of Laojun tree by the stream has been swaying and never stopped. The fish in the stream bravely fought with the stream, as if playing the game of rushing forward.

The stream is cool in autumn. Look, pieces of red leaves fall in the brook, like red sails, so beautiful! I couldn't help bending down to touch it. It's as cool and comfortable as the weather in autumn.

The stream is cold in winter. When the weather is cold, the stream will wear an ice coat. Fortunately, the ice was not thick, and it broke with a finger prick. The evergreen trees beside the stream will be covered with white frost, which will make the stream more lovely.

I like the beautiful nature and the beautiful brook in front of the gate.

Writing Xiaoxi's Composition (9)

There is a beautiful stream in front of Grandma's house!

Spring is full of vitality. The ice and snow melt, and the crystal clear brook flows forward like a fluttering ribbon.

In autumn, the leaves near the stream turn yellow and fall into the stream. The yellow leaf is like a boat on the river, and the little fish uses it as an umbrella. Little ants regard it as a mobile playground and play on it!

In winter, there is a thick layer of ice on the river. Ducks and birds skate on the smooth river! The duck slid with its heavy body and soon fell down, while the bird's flexible body glided freely on the river. Unexpectedly, the river in winter brings so much fun to birds and ducks.

I like the stream most in summer, because we all like fishing for small fish and crabs by the stream. The laughter beside the stream became a beautiful scenery.

On a rainy day, it rained cats and dogs from the sky and fell into the stream, making a loud noise. The wind and rain intertwined, as if there was a singing party.

The stream in my hometown is not as beautiful as Lijiang River or West Lake, but it has its own unique charm and charm.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (10)

The brook swims happily, singing a beautiful song while swimming: I am a happy brook, and I want to swim to the embrace of the sea mother. Indeed, the brook is very happy. It is especially beautiful under the sun's father-in-law. The surrounding lush flowers and trees make the brook more magnificent. There are some birds chirping happily above the brook, which is almost a fairyland on earth.

Not far away, there was an obstacle, a very, very huge rock, and the brook rushed to the river for help: Brother River, there is a big rock in front of me, what should I do?

I have no choice but to take a detour! Brother River said to the stream.

what! The brook looked discouraged and said, "That's too far. I won't go.".

Flowing is the secret of our water family's eternal youth, and static smelling is equal to the road to death. The river said seriously.

Then go by yourself! The brook said impatiently.

The river sighed away, but the stream still stayed there. Although the sun is shining nearby and thousands of flowers are competing for research, Xiaoxi still feels lonely. As the time went by, the dove handed a letter to the brook, saying that the river had reached the sea. The river told him in the letter that the stone was a divine stone, and no one could remove it, so he had to make a detour.

Seeing here, the brook said scornfully: Hum! I want to flow to the sea mother with difficulty, and I want to cheat me with myth, even without a door!

The river has reached the embrace of the sea mother, but the stream still stays there, waiting for others' help.

Writing Xiaoxi's Composition (11)

I am a stream in the big forest, and I live happier than a fairy every day. Sometimes I feel the fish and shrimp in the water, sometimes I take the sand and stones on the bank to the bottom to play, sometimes I kick the colorful pebbles on the bottom. Not long ago, this place was developed as a tourist destination. When people are tired of playing, they will put their hands into my body and spray a handful of water on my face; When people are thirsty, they will hold a handful of water to quench their thirst.

There are so many people who like me and appreciate me, but there are also some people who are not very good to me. They dump poisonous and harmful sewage and garbage on me at will, making me dirty. The fish and shrimp in the water have been poisoned. The birds that used to fly on my head don't think I'm dirty and smelly. They don't play with me anymore, and tourists don't come here to play with me anymore. I often feel lonely, sad, like the previous life.

But one day, people seemed to suddenly wake up and shovel away all the garbage in my body, and the factory was forbidden to pour poisonous and harmful dirty water into my body. A few months later, my body has completely recovered, my former 'good friends have also returned to my side, and I have a happy life again.

Thank you, hardworking people. I believe you will save the stream or river in disaster like me in the future.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (12)

The brook is beautiful on weekdays. In spring, the brook is lively and cheerful, while in summer, it is very lively. In autumn, the stream is quiet and elegant. In winter, streams are the most beautiful and intoxicating.

When winter comes, those hexagonal and rose shaped snowflakes fall down one after another, like soft catkins, like little paratroopers roaming the world, like dandelions flying all over the sky... crystal clear as jade, spotless. Snowflakes are like a magician, which can be easily noticed. The earth has been dyed snow white by it. The footprints that people stepped on made marks on the snow. The willow leaves by the stream have fallen. But the lovely little snowflakes fell on it, adding a silvery white smell to the dead branches of willows, like hairy silver bars, which are more beautiful than before. And those evergreen pine trees in winter and summer are covered with fluffy, heavy snowballs. A gust of wind blew, the branches gently shook, beautiful snowballs rustled down, jade like snowflakes fluttered with the wind, reflecting the sun, showing a colorful rainbow. The snow is falling more and more heavily, and the snow on the ground is more than a foot deep. The feet make a creaking sound, as if it were a beautiful song. Look at the heavy snow that night. It reminds me of the poem "Suddenly, it's like a night of spring breeze, and thousands of pear trees are blooming." "Chatter and chirp" A few little sparrows are talking excitedly. They seem very excited to jump on the branches, fly up from time to time, and suddenly disappear. After a while, all of them suddenly gathered on the branches and began their fierce chat.

The brook is so beautiful in winter. I love the brook! I love the brook more in winter!

Writing Xiaoxi's Composition (13)

If I were a stream flowing out of a cave, I would come to this beautiful nature.

I am rushing along, wearing thousands of rivers and mountains, flowing around the ends of the earth, birds flying freely, fish swimming happily, flowers competing for beauty, birds singing happily!

I came to a piece of green grass, which could not see the edge at a glance. I am smaller and longer now, oh! It turns out that I have already run into a clean ditch. It seems that it is specially built for our stream.

I saw tall people playing golf, lovely children playing football happily, and old masters playing chess attentively······

I looked at it and went away happily.

I came to a small river again. There were many strong fruit trees beside the river. The big fruit was red, as red and lovely as the small sun. I couldn't help watering the tall trees.

The river flows slowly. A beautiful girl is fetching water by the river. I clean her delicate feet with water. Butterflies flying in the flowers, what a beautiful scene!

After five days and nights, I have arrived at the sea. I dance and continue to swim like before, with fish talking and waterfowl flying······

The sea is wonderful. Many interesting fish swim and play in the water!

I am determined to flow into the Daze River, to enjoy the scenery at home and abroad, and to see the beautiful earth!

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (14)

The story of streams and rivers entering the sea

One day, when the brook and the river met, they began to talk about something. Originally, they want to enter the sea. This news was known by the sea, and it asked Baiyun to send a message to them, warmly welcoming them to their arms. The river and stream set out. After a while, a gust of wind blocked their way and tried to blow them back. When the wind passed, the stream and river set out slowly again. After many days, dozens of kilometers away from the sea, they were tired and had a rest.

It is autumn now, and many withered leaves have blocked their way forward. They are angry and anxious, and wash away the leaves. A few days later, the streams and rivers gradually become less and less, and they gradually regret it. But they are very strong, and they want to flow into the sea to meet their good friends.

In the morning, there was a heavy fog, and the river and stream could not see where they were going, so they lost their way in the middle of the road. After a long time, the sun came out and was not dispersed, and they began to set out again.

Finally, the brook and river finally flowed into the sea. Their three good friends finally got together. The sea took them to visit the beautiful scenery in the sea. Many colorful fish lived happily in the embrace of the sea. Later, the water of the brook and the river mixed with the sea, and we could not distinguish each other.

Writing Imagination with Streams, Rivers and the Sea Article 2: Streams, Rivers and the Sea

Streams, rivers and seas

One day, the river? The sea began to quarrel.

The sea said, "My stomach is bigger than yours. I should be the head of the water.". Besides, without me, people would have no seafood such as kelp and lobster.

The river listened angrily; If there were no my river, would there be so much water in your sea? I didn't give you the water in your sea. I am the source of water. I should be in charge.

The sea was unconvinced and said: My water is rich in iodized salt, which can be eaten by people. Once a person does not eat salt, he will be exhausted. Are you? Plain rivers. I am the source of human life. The sea deliberately accentuated the last sentence.

The river retorted: 60% of people's weight is water. Without water, people will die of thirst. People's drinking water can only be provided by Danshui River, you know? I am the source of human life. When the river finished speaking, he looked at the sea with a contemptuous look from the corner of his eyes, as if he was laughing at the ignorance of the sea.

The sea began to roar. The river does not show weakness. If you don't let me, I won't let you argue.

A trickle of water is coming. That is a stream. The brook opened its mouth: Although I am small, I can receive the water from the spring and then flow to the river. The river flows to the sea again. When it comes to the source of water, I deserve it. However, I don't mean to be the leader, but I want to tell you that it's not important to be the leader. What matters is how we serve people. People can't live without any of us. Besides, if there is no one among us, it is difficult for me to converge into a river, and the river cannot converge into a sea. Let's work as before. The river and the sea bowed their heads in shame after hearing the words of the stream. They calm down and think about it, and blush for their ignorance.

After all, the sea has a broad mind and has admitted its own mistakes. The river apologized to the sea. They quickly made up.

Since then, streams, rivers and seas have been singing their own songs of joy.

Writing Imaginary Composition with Streams, Rivers and the Sea III: River and the Sea (450 words) Composition

Selected composition: River and Sea (450 words) composition

In autumn, the river rises and the river becomes wider. Xiaohe feels that he is the biggest in the world. So she said proudly: Look! How old I am! Nobody can match me! Sister Xiaoxi heard this and said to the river: Sister Xiaohe, what are you talking about! Brother Dahai is countless times bigger than you! Hearing this, Xiaohe said unconvinced: Hum! I don't believe it. sea

Brother, how can he have such great ability! After listening to this, Sister Xiaoxi said, "Don't believe me, then go and compare with Brother Dahai!"! The river flows triumphantly into the sea. Along the way, she leaned forward, straightened her chest, and rolled the spray down the river. Sometimes, she sings cheerful songs. Sometimes, she stopped to tell some animals and plants on the shore her good news! When we reached the sea, we saw only a vast ocean. Looking into the distance, I saw that the sky connected to the sea, and the sea connected to the sky, boundless. The river showed no sign of weakness, exhausted all his strength, stood on tiptoe and even jumped up, but he could not see the shore. She said to herself regretfully, "Alas, I thought I was big, but Brother Dahai is much bigger than me.". Brother Dahai smiled and said modestly: Yes, I am much bigger than you, but if there were not countless rivers coming to me, I would not be so big! Hearing this, the river could not help blushing, hanging its head, and walked away in silence. Grade 5: Love in Row 1: Streams, Rivers and the Sea

Streams, rivers and seas

One day, the river? The sea began to quarrel.

The sea said, "My stomach is bigger than yours. I should be the head of the water.". Besides, without me, people would have no seafood such as kelp and lobster. The river listened angrily; If there were no my river, would there be so much water in your sea? I didn't give you the water in your sea. I am the source of water. I should be in charge.

The sea was unconvinced and said: My water is rich in iodized salt, which can be eaten by people. Once a person does not eat salt, he will be exhausted. Are you? Plain rivers. I am the source of human life. The sea deliberately accentuated the last sentence.

The river retorted: 60% of people's weight is water. Without water, people will die of thirst. People's drinking water can only be provided by Danshui River, you know? I am the source of human life. When the river finished speaking, he looked at the sea with a contemptuous look from the corner of his eyes, as if he was laughing at the ignorance of the sea.

The sea began to roar. The river does not show weakness. If you don't let me, I won't let you argue.

A trickle of water is coming. That is a stream. The brook opened its mouth: Although I am small, I can receive the water from the spring and then flow to the river. The river flows to the sea again. When it comes to the source of water, I deserve it. However, I don't mean to be the leader, but I want to tell you that it's not important to be the leader. What matters is how we serve people. People can't live without any of us. Besides, if there is no one among us, it is difficult for me to converge into a river, and the river cannot converge into a sea. Let's work as before. The river and the sea bowed their heads in shame after hearing the words of the stream. They calm down and think about it, and blush for their ignorance. After all, the sea has a broad mind and has admitted its own mistakes. The river apologized to the sea. They quickly made up.

Since then, streams, rivers and seas have been singing their own songs of joy.

Chapter 2: Streams, Rivers and the Sea

Streams, rivers and seas

Once upon a time, there was a lovely

brook. Every summer, people fish, swim and play in the stream. There are many fish swimming happily in the river, as if dancing. Xiaoxi felt great and went out to see the world.

One day, when I was swimming in a small stream, I saw a big place. There was a lot of water in it. The water was very clear. There are many ships running on it. There are many fish in the water, and many people are swimming on the shore. So this is a river. The river said kindly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The brook said, "I am your old friend, Xiaoxi." The river said, "Oh, I see. If there were not so many brooks like you, I would not be a river." The brook said strangely, "Really?" Then they became good friends.

One day, they went out to play together and came to a far place. They saw there was a lot of water, fish and shrimp in the water. There are many warships in the distance and many seagulls flying back and forth on the water. There are many people swimming and enjoying the cool on the water bank. So this is the sea. The sea said modestly, "Who are you two? What are you doing when you come here?" They said, "I'm a stream, it's a river." The sea said, "Oh, that's right." "If you don't have the same stream and river as us, you can't be a sea." The sea said, "Really, I am so big. It is the streams and rivers like you that together make a sea as big as mine." Finally, the three of them became good friends. Through this incident, the three of them learned that nothing, anything, does not exist independently of itself, but is interdependent and interdependent.

Writing Xiaoxi Composition (15)

There is the creek that a the four seasons often sheds before my door, it was brought to us a lot of joy and convenient, we can like it. Spring, the willow of brook edge sprouted, peach blossom is red, these beautiful scenery dress up this brook beautifully, transient person cannot help stopping see much eye. Summer, this brook became the child's paradise, natant swim, make the fight hitting water of water battle, extremely happy. Some girls still are picking the wild flower of brook edge, halcyon summer and move a vibrant picture, really extremely beautiful. The autumn, the fruiter result of brook edge, people is picking fruit, it is the picture of a bumper harvest really. In the winter, brook froze, children are in ice skate, the winter that their mirth is hush is not doleful. I love you, brook!