Cat composition 150 (4 practical)
My world alone.
2024-06-15 06:53:10
primary school

Cat's Composition 150 (1)

In the art class this afternoon, the teacher asked us to draw a cartoon cat we like. At that time, I wanted to draw a magic cat. "It was wearing a gorgeous skirt, a pair of shiny shoes, and a beautiful curly hair. It not only can magic, but also can help people realize their wishes." But at the end of the painting, it would always draw a wrong picture, leading to failure to hand in homework. Maybe the magic cat is playing hide and seek with me.

Grade 2 of Fuyang Yongxing Primary School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang: My favorite is mercy Ji Congshan

Cat's Composition 150 (2)

Raster, the pet cat, did not expect that there was a group of wild cats outside the owner's garden and deep in the quiet forest. They inherited the teachings of their samurai ancestors and ruled the forest together, competing with each other for survival. What's more surprising is that this ordinary 'pet cat has become a samurai apprentice, named Fire Claw. I like the fire claw in the book best. He is smart and brave. When encountering danger and difficulty, he can always use his clever mind to overcome all kinds of dangers and difficulties. He insisted on his dream, no matter how hard it was, he would not give up for freedom. Finally, he became an excellent cat warrior.

Cat's Composition 150 (3)

The little porcelain cat is so cute!

There are two sharp little ears on the round head. A pair of slender eyes under the big head narrowed into a line, oh, it is sleeping. Then look at the black and long eyelashes, straight on the small pink face, showing its charm. The beautiful three valve mouth opens slightly upward, as if to tell people that it is having a sweet dream!

The little spotted cat is really cute: the white and snow-white clothes are simply impeccable, and when sleeping, she is reluctant to take off the big red bow on her neck. Its front legs knelt on the ground, fell back under its belly, and its small tail hung on the ground, looking lazy.

I really like this "kitten"!

Cat's Composition 150 (4)

I don't know when, very early, or now. Anyway, I have a lovely cat teapot waiting to be given away. One night when I was practicing the piano, I found that there was a cat under the piano, but there was no hair. When I looked carefully, it was not a cat, but a teapot. I like this teapot as soon as I see it. Because I am a cat fan in my class, can I not like such a lovely teapot (should be called a cat pot)? So after playing the piano, I picked up the teapot and looked at it. It turned out that the mouth of the teapot was the hand held by the cat, the lid of the teapot was the cat's head, and the cat's face was covered with blue stripes. The little eyes looked at me as if to say, "Meow meow! Who are you? Meow~" The tail of the teapot was the cat's curled tail, with blue and white patterns painted on it. Of course, when my mother saw that I liked this teapot so much, she didn't give it away. It was always on my tea table.