My distressed compositions (19 recommended)
Flowers too fragrant
2024-06-25 02:40:27

My Miserable Composition (1)

The long-awaited summer vacation finally came, and all the students were very happy, and my little abacus began to move: How to spend this holiday? Where will my mother take me to play? What I didn't expect was that my first day of summer vacation was like this.

Early in the morning, I lay lazily on the bed. I thought my mother would let me sleep a little longer, but my mother called me up before seven o'clock. I sat on the bed reluctantly, thinking: What am I supposed to do so early if I don't go to school again! She plunged her head into the pillow again and fell asleep. This didn't work for her. She just pulled me out of bed. After breakfast, my father and mother went to work. I waited at home for my grandfather to pick me up and go back to my grandmother's home. But what are you doing these days? The TV is not allowed to watch, the computer is not allowed to play, and you can't go downstairs to play. It's so boring to do my homework. I sit on the bed and stare at the clock. After a while, Grandpa came and took me to his home. My mother told me not to watch TV, saying it was bad for my eyes. I lay in bed for a while, and it was time to have lunch. It was boring all morning. In the afternoon, I thought to myself: What should I do? The homework hasn't been written yet! Alas, do some homework. After dinner, I can only go out for a walk with my grandma. There are no friends and classmates I know here. It's really boring!

Alas, the first day of summer vacation has passed so boring. I am impatient and think: When will school begin!

My Miserable Composition (2)

People have their own troubles, and I am no exception. My first worry is that I am fat.

In fact, I was not fat at all when I was a child, but as I grew older, my belly swelled, my face became round, and my "double chin" grew! I am very puzzled: it's strange that I didn't eat much. Why don't I still eat three meals a day? Why am I getting fat? My buddy Tang Xuanyu eats more than I do. Why doesn't he gain weight? What's more annoying is that I wish I could drink cold water and get fat. My deskmate Wang Yiduo is so good. He is still so thin after eating so much every day. When running in PE class, I always can't keep up; When doing sit ups, I have to spend several times the strength of others to do as much as they do... Alas!

My second trouble is my carelessness.

A very simple word or an easy arithmetic problem will be written or calculated incorrectly by me. Especially in the exam, I thought I could get high marks, but I was blocked by the disgusting carelessness and carelessness. Although I have thought of many ways to solve this problem, such as copying the wrong words ten times, doing the wrong math problem again and giving another problem to myself, doing exercises, etc. But when I arrived at the examination room, I ran into old problems. It really bothers me!

My third trouble is that I am weak in practice.

Since I was a child, I have lived a life of clothes and food. As a result, my practical ability is very poor, such as art and handicraft. I used the excuse of more homework, either doing it according to the online method or scribbling, in an attempt to muddle through. In life, I am the same. Such as folding clothes, making quilts, cleaning my own small room is also to let adults help me. This is really a headache!

These troubles are all my own. I want to get rid of these problems as soon as possible, and never let these troubles become a stumbling block in my growth!

My Miserable Composition (3)

I am a lively child. My parents get along well with each other, and there is nothing wrong with my study. Normally, I should be happy and carefree, but I also have one thing that bothers me, that is, I am very fat.

In the eyes of others, they think that getting fat is a sign of health, but they don't know how much trouble it will bring to people. Every time I run in PE class, others have run to the end for a long time, but I can only walk slowly behind. However, when I reach the end, I am out of breath. The physical education teacher always shook his head and said to me: we should take more exercise. Usually, some of my classmates laugh at me and say I am a fat pig. My face turned red at once, and I wished I could get into the earth. There were also times when we took food up the stairs. Because our classroom was on the fourth floor, I had to sit for a while every time I climbed to the classroom. Every time I saw others walking up the stairs with flying feet, my heart was always filled with envy, and the feeling of discomfort came straight to my heart.

Because I was fat, my mother always couldn't choose the clothes I could wear when I was dressing, so she had to go to the clothing store to buy new clothes. But when I bought new clothes, I couldn't buy children's clothes I could wear, so my mother had to buy some clothes for adults for me, but I didn't like them very much. What should I do? Continue to ask store by store. After a long time of asking, I finally bought a suitable dress, but my pants always tear when I exercise.

My mother saw that I had a hard time walking, so she bought me a racing car specially. However, after a while, the steel ring of my car was crushed by me. How worried I was then!

Whenever I think of these, I think of the teacher's words. I am determined to strengthen exercise, reduce the burden on my body, and get rid of my troubles.

My Miserable Composition (4)

Every summer, many primary and middle school students are busy charging. But we found a strange phenomenon. Many teachers in cram schools are school teachers. Their performance in cram schools is very different from their performance in class. This has drawn a big question mark in our young minds?

Why don't teachers teach well in class and only spend extra money to learn knowledge? According to the reaction of some junior high school students, in the extra-curricular class, some problems were also talked about in class, but only one solution was talked about, but when it came to the cram class, three solutions were told.

Some junior high school students believe that it is not because these teachers are not good enough. They can speak better in class to make students understand. However, teachers do not do this, but they are keen on after-school remedial classes. The students have improved rapidly after attending remedial classes, so many students have become dependent on extracurricular classes.

There are many teachers in famous schools who teach in after-school remedial classes. Due to the rising education consumption, teachers earn a lot in extracurricular classes, and the course fee in the morning is up to thousands of yuan. Driven by interests, some teachers are always happy, but they ignore their responsibilities and obligations in class. At a lower level, it is a problem of "teacher responsibility" and "teacher morality". At a deeper level, it will distort the next generation's interpretation of the sacred title of "teacher", and even cause distortion and distortion of our outlook on life and values.

The government has said to lighten the burden of primary and secondary school students, but where is it? The government has said that in-service teachers will not be allowed to open after-school classes, but who hasn't? When will this trend be eradicated! When will our troubles disappear!

My Miserable Composition (5)

In life, there are always some annoying things. Usually, I am very anorexic, and my parents often worry about it.

Today is Sunday. Early in the morning, my mother went to the food market and bought a lot of chicken, duck and fish meat. She spent a lot of money. When she came back, she cooked a table of good dishes non-stop: braised carp in brown sauce, sweet and sour ribs, fried chicken legs, cold radish shreds... I was bored at the sight of it.

Dad said chicken liver is nutritious, so eat more pieces; Mom said radish contains vitamin A, eat more; Dad also said that the ribs would add calcium, two pieces... My bowl was piled high. I just ate a little and didn't want to eat. My parents were a little angry. My father said: "Your body is in the development stage, you can't grow up without eating, and you can't study with spirit." At this time, I thought of playing table tennis for a while, or I would feel powerless... Thinking of this, I would eat, but I could not swallow the food when it came to my mouth. Dad saw through my heart and frowned. My mother thought of a way for me: "Son, eat with a big mouth, and tell yourself how delicious it is!"

Looking at my parents' sad faces, I really don't like it. I remembered that my mother told me to study with perseverance and perseverance when encountering difficulties. It was the same with eating, so I ate with a big mouth. After a while, a bowl of rice was really finished. Although I felt a little unbearable, I was also a little happy to see my parents' eyebrows stretching Keller.

Alas, I really envy other children and don't let parents worry about their children's meals.

My Miserable Composition (6)

Respected readers:


Although we haven't met, I want to tell you my troubles. I loved painting when I was young, and my dream was to be a painter. Every time I made more efforts than others, but in the end, I was not selected to participate in the competition.

Since I was young, I have had the dream of becoming a painter. Every painting of mine is clean and tidy, with smooth lines. Every time, I am working hard silently to stand up from failure, but I have one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, I draw too slowly. Since learning line drawing, the teacher has repeatedly stressed that drawing should be like eating, and we must chew carefully and swallow slowly. In this way, my speed began to decline. In the past, I could write a good script in ten minutes, and my thinking ability was rich. As soon as the teacher said what the key point was to draw, I immediately had an idea. Now, I have to think for at least an hour before I have an idea, so my level gradually declines. But my mother forced me to learn.

I like drawing, but I don't like line drawing. For me, drawing is an interesting thing.

I wish you all good health

A child who likes drawing

March 31, 20xx

My Miserable Composition (7)

Everyone has their own times of distress, and I am no exception. I can't watch the TV when it is broken, and I am a little tired after playing the piano for a long time... What I will never forget is today's swimming.

At one o'clock sharp, I entered the swimming pool. After the preparation, everyone lined up in a neat line. There was a fat brother in the fourth grade who was behind me and always scolded me. I pretended not to hear him and didn't take him seriously. Swimming began. The children jumped into the water one by one like frogs. Everyone was swimming hard, and I felt the sweat coming out of my body. However, the fat brother slowly swam behind him, holding others' buoyancy belt, which was a bit annoying.

One time, two times... In the past, when I swam for the fifth time, my fat brother jumped first and I jumped later. He swam in front of me, always kicking people with his feet and also kicking my body. What a bore! During the rest, Brother Pang took off my swimming goggles and threw them into the water. Then he pretended to be handsome. If nothing happened, he put on his swimming goggles and dived to the bottom of the pool, and then fished them out. Sometimes, he also lurks underwater, and when others swim over, he holds others' feet and lets them drink water. I am one of the victims.

The swimming time was coming, and everyone went ashore. He also sucked in the water and sprayed it on my face, body and head like a water gun. I couldn't bear it. I cut the water with my hands and sprayed a large amount of water on my fat brother's eyes, making him invisible for a short time. Then I climbed ashore.

Children, you are learning to swim. Do you feel distressed when you meet such a person?

My Miserable Composition (8)

"Shuyi, go and do your homework! There are so many things today, you have to..." This sentence often said by my mother rings in my ears again.

My mother's symbolic words will ring when I play computer games, which will bring down all my fun; It sounded when I was comfortably lying on the sofa, breaking my dream. At this time, I always said "Oh" reluctantly, and then walked into the room dejectedly, saying to myself, "Why is my life so hard? There is no break time!" "This is to prepare for your future." My mother's voice echoed in my ears. Ah! Who can understand me now?

Once, I was watching TV leisurely and contentedly. Grandma suddenly shouted, "Go and play the piano!" If I don't go, she will grab the remote control in my hand, "Pa", and she will turn off the TV. I didn't dare to resist, so I had to climb into the room like a turtle. Look, it interferes with my freedom again.

Another time, i was playing psp. The fifth item of my mother's "100 nagging sentences" came again like a gust of wind: "Well, the entertainment time is over. Come and recite English!"

"Huh?" I was stunned. "That dish has been chewed to pieces by me. Do you want to come?"

My mother still insisted on her own opinion: "Of course! 'Learning while learning' is also true!" I almost fainted after listening to it. How can you pretend to be an ancient man! Alas, I am so miserable!

I really want to shrink back to kindergarten! There are so few homework. But now, although there are not many homework, they are closely watched by adults. Is life like this?

My Miserable Composition (9)

The long-awaited winter vacation has come. I thought that the winter vacation was to relax, and everyone was like this, but I was wrong. This is not the case in my home. My mother asked me to do my homework all day, and I was really distressed.

During the holiday, I was faced with books and homework books. I worked hard at home with my head buried. There was no break time. I was very sad and complained that I had such a mother. However, I am also a student like other children! It's not like a robot! Then why do you make me so upset? Why don't you understand my mood at all? Besides, I'm just a third grade pupil, not a college student! Your every move keeps me in mind and makes me feel very hate for you. Maybe you are good for me, but when I see other children chasing and playing, I feel very inferiority, silently crying, thinking that I am different from them, you know? If you accompany me to relax every day, I will be satisfied, but have you ever done it? Every time I dare not tell you, I can't help it today. I am like a wild animal locked in a cage every day. How pathetic! Mom, I really want to say to you: "I want to be free!" But "freedom" is far away from me.

Mom, do you really love me? Then don't pile up more and more of my troubles, OK?

My Miserable Composition (10)

My troubles


I have a lot of troubles

Now I'm in Grade Six

Lots of homework every day

You can only have the main lesson every day.


My troubles are many, many

Now I don't even have time to watch TV

I have to go to bed at 10 every day.


My troubles are many, many

All students must make up classes on Sundays

Read this kind of book every day.


How hard it is to study in Grade Six!

I really want to go to grade one!

My Miserable Composition (11)

Because I am fat, I am often laughed at by my classmates. Now, let me tell you about my troubles

Worry 1: Mom said.

Once, my mother and I were happily shopping. However, when I saw those slim little girls, I envied them very much. I thought to myself, how thin others are! It's beautiful. But I'm so fat, I'm not good-looking at all. Mother said, "You see, they are so thin. You should eat less later." I just said helplessly, "Yes.

I am born fat, can I blame it?

Worry two: relatives said.

One holiday, my parents and I went home to play. When my uncle saw me, he came to me and said, "You have eaten all the good things at home. Are you getting fat again?" At noon, he went to his aunt's house, and her aunt said, "You are so fat! You should have gained a lot of pounds." I only laughed. I am born fat, can I blame it?

Trouble three: outsiders say.

My mother knows many aunts in some shops near their shop. Whenever I want to go to the small square in front of me, I often pass by their shop. They will ask:

"How heavy are you?"

"What size clothes do you wear?"

"What size shoes do you wear?"

Whenever they ask you how much you weigh, I don't want to answer, because I don't want them to know how much I weigh. I had to say to them, "I don't know." I was born fat. Can it be my fault?

Although I am fat, my grades are very good. I will study hard and lose weight when I grow up.

My Miserable Composition (12)

1 Trouble in my heart

The curtain fell slowly on the second day of the junior high school, but my final closing was so weak that my life fell into confusion again, and it was difficult to help myself.

The depression in the big exam continued like this, and the unforgettable past spilled bitterness in my heart. The fiasco of the junior high school entrance exam reminded me of my fear of the high school entrance exam, and these big exams made me more worried. Just like the thorns on the way of life pierce into the thigh, they bring more acid than pain. This trouble haunts my soul like a ghost, and delusions lead me astray. I kept struggling, but I couldn't get rid of it completely.

I have questioned myself countless times: are you destined not to be born for exams? Although this problem has not been solved yet, it has puzzled me all the time. In modern society, a good exam may not be successful, but a bad one seems destined to fail. Thinking that each exam will indirectly affect the future, I can't help but take a few breaths. Worries make exams a nightmare, making everything so dark. I can't bear the weight of it, and it's even harder to shake it off. The accumulation of two years has made it deeply rooted in my heart, as if it is connected with myself and inseparable from each other.

I will live in its great shadow, of course, it is also suitable for survival. I feel that I have become a walking stick in the exam and am being rejected by the world. Everything is far away from me. Destiny has teased me too often, but in some cases, it still gives me fair treatment, but what's the use of this? It's too insignificant. I don't want to complain because I am a real righteous person, but on the way to pursue the future, my troubles have disturbed my peace. I want to vent, but looking up, there is nothing worth venting, they are very realistic.

I wrote this composition willfully, and I hope my troubles can be gone forever like this water.

2 My troubles

Today in summer, we all go to school. Unconsciously, our time passed by little by little. Graduation is coming soon, and we are all cherishing the last few weeks! I silently sat back in my seat and sighed. I don't want to be separated from my classmates, especially my best friend. But we can't leave each other, because everyone has to go their own way. In early summer, several students in our class were from other places. Before they left, our class held a class meeting to see them off. Now think of the tears in our eyes when we saw them off.

I am worried because I don't want to see my classmates leave; I was worried because I didn't want to cry when I left school; I am worried because I have no ability to change all this! The third lesson was originally Chinese, but we are leaving school soon. The teacher said there would be a class meeting. The teacher asked us to talk about our feelings and the feelings between us in the past three years. I thought for a while, but I didn't know what to say. I don't know why I am worried. At this time, a male classmate stood up and said, "I want to tell everyone that everyone has different ideals, but you may not realize them. Please don't lose heart, you should look forward. God closes this window for you, and he will open another window for you!" Then he sat down. We all applauded for him, because he was right! I was very cheerful at once. I stood up and looked at the blackboard and said, "We never realized that understanding. Our efforts, achievements, hardships, etc. along the way are all our growth, and we never understand to understand! It's all our achievements! We would like to thank the teachers and students for their efforts. "With these words, tears came down, and I didn't know that my troubles would disappear.

Because in my life, I will never forget the bad friends who play, laugh and eat with me! We will work hard towards our dreams!

3 Worry, my inner trace

Me! No other problems, just too much trouble. From childhood to adulthood, I almost lived in trouble. Other people's lives are filled with troubles, while I am filled with troubles. Well, let's talk more. Look, troubles are chasing me now!

Today is a great day, because I welcomed the 70th certificate of award in my life. Early in the morning, I got dressed and went to the commendation meeting with my head teacher. When I got up early, the sun waved to me and the birds encouraged me in the tree.

After receiving the award, I couldn't care whether there was a car on the road or not, and I wanted to run home in a big stride to report to my parents. Soon, I will be home.

Who would have thought that when I got home, what I welcomed was not a burst of shouting, but a burst of cursing.

"Say, who asked you to get a broken prize? Say!" Dad said sternly. I stammered back: "Class, class, class teacher." My father scolded again: "You don't put your energy on study at a young age, but you put your energy on blogging. Are you learning culture or computer?" I cried "wow" and ran back to the room quickly.

Holding the doll in my hand, I asked myself secretly, "Why? Why? Why? When others win the prize, their parents will praise happily, while my parents... Why? Why? I asked myself again, why? Why? Why......" I finally had no strength to cry and fell asleep quietly on the bed.

So far, in retrospect, I still don't know why my parents are so disgusted with my blogging. Is blogging really as bad as my parents said? Is it because I have a "top sister" who always gets the first place in the exam, or... I still have no way to know the answer. It doesn't matter whether I know the answer now, but I still want to say: "Mom and Dad, no matter what you do to me, you will always be a good father and mother in my heart. Mom and Dad, I will always love you. But I also want you to make my troubles less! Let me live in a happy world without troubles, OK?"

4 My troubles

I am eleven years old this year, but I have a lot of trouble in my heart. The trouble is that I am too fat. Some students look down on me, don't play with me, and say some unpleasant words to stimulate me and make me happy.

One day after school, I saw several classmates playing basketball on the playground. I also wanted to participate, so I ran up excitedly and said, "I am one!". One student immediately said, "You are a fat man and can't run fast! If you want to join, go to the Fat Man's Club!". At that time, I was so angry that I said, "What's so important about you being thin? I don't care about you if you don't want to play with me!" Then I turned around and left.

I was very sad all the way. I really want to go back and beat him! But I still control myself. I strode home with my head held high, but no one looked at me or paid any attention to me. Tears were only turning around in my eyes, but I still tried not to let them fall.

Back home, when I saw my mother, I cried out. My mother asked me why, put her hand on my head, bent down, looked at me with a smile and said, "Oh, my child is wronged today, isn't it? It doesn't matter. It's also right that others don't play with you. You look at how fat you are. You must run slower than others. This will affect everyone's performance. So students don't want to play with you. You will be better if you want to lose weight in the future. A man should have strong perseverance! " At this time, my father came back. After hearing about this, he put down his things and said to me very seriously: "Children, fat is not ugly. The ugly thing is those children who don't study hard and have poor grades but also pay attention to dress."

My parents' words are reasonable, but just because I'm fat, some students look down on me, don't play with me, and even make fun of me, I still feel unfair. Therefore, I feel very distressed. But I have made up my mind to lose weight. I can't make my classmates happy anymore!

5 My troubles

People who know me think I should be a carefree child. Because my face is always smiling. At home, my parents take care of me and my brother takes care of me. In fact, I also have troubles.

Whenever guests come, I always play "To Alice". They are often praised and applauded by guests. At this time, my parents will give me a favorable look, and I am also very happy. But I paid a lot for it. I began to learn the piano when I was five years old. Since then, I have spent half to one hour playing the piano every day. When my brother was swimming, I was playing the piano; When my brother was playing basketball, I was playing the piano; When my friends were playing the computer, I was also playing the piano... In those days, I really had a thousand or ten thousand unwilling!

Every day when I came home from school, I just put down my schoolbag, and heard my mother's command: "Duoduo, play the piano quickly! In case it is too late to do my homework later!" Although I was reluctant, I was an obedient child, so I had to sit in front of the piano and play. Once, I made an early appointment with my classmates to play basketball in the afternoon. That afternoon, I just came back from my teacher's house and was preparing to play basketball with my classmates to relax. My mother stopped me and said, "Let's go and play the piano at the piano teacher's house." I said impatiently, "I don't want to go. I hate not having a break, I hate playing the piano! I want to play basketball!" My mother scolded, "Why are you so disobedient? You've been six years old, and how can you still be so ignorant?" I had no choice but to obey the "order". At the teacher's place, I played absentmindedly, and there were many wrong sounds. I couldn't play three or four consecutive sounds well, and the rhythm was also wrong. My mother became more and more worried, and the teacher became more and more angry. I was beaten by my mother when I came home. Alas! What can I do?

"To succeed, you must pay! Success is equal to 99% sweat and 1% inspiration!" This is what my mother often said. Alas, I don't know when my troubles will end!

6 My growing pains

Growth, worry and happiness, and is surrounded by the contradictions of worry. For a girl who is about to become a young girl, she should be naive and full of happiness. However, I am worried about a two-sided me.

At home, I want to play the role of a good girl. Only when there is no mother outside, can I really show myself. I have grown up, and something called vitality has sprouted in my bones, but the vitality I should have was suppressed by my mother and dare not reveal it. This double-sided me has confused me. I want to be a gentleman again and be myself all the time; But my mother is always proud of having a daughter like me. However, in my heart, there is unspeakable sorrow

Before going out every time, my mother always nags: girls should sit and stand in a proper way, and should not laugh loudly, and should say hello when meeting acquaintances... In fact, I have heard all this very well, and almost recited it backwards. My mother is just a "routine", just repeating it. But in my opinion, these are the false coat on my real appearance. Only outside. Without my mother's constraint, I can laugh loudly with my classmates, dance heartily, sing freely... and enjoy the joy of growth freely. Although the passers-by on the street felt that we teenagers were too crazy and unruly. But these can not stop us, we are still carrying on our happiness.

What kind of me am I: my mother's good girl? Active teenagers? Or the crazy girl in the eyes of passers-by? No, I'm me. I don't have to hide myself. I'm an energetic teenager. I'm no longer under the control of adults. I've grown up. In the future, no, from now on, at home, I am quiet but not rigid; Outside, I'm energetic but not crazy. This is another double-sided me, but I love this me, this double-sided me.

The pace of growth is inseparable from worries. I am growing, feeling growth, enjoying happiness, and also enjoying worries.

7 The troubles in my heart

Although I am happy all day long, the beating heart in my small chest is boring! Why? Just look at my height!

I have always been a high-profile person since I entered junior high school. Even girls are more than half taller than me. I stand in front of others like a child. Don't mention it! While walking with a male classmate, it's not hard to say that I feel bad, but every time I walk with my shoulder to shoulder, it's my day of pain. Every time I have to think about my feet and hug hard, and finally I can reach it. Again, he has already walked down the stairs, and I still have three steps, which makes me smile bitterly.

I suffered a lot for my height. I started with food tonic. I tried potatoes, carrots, and most vegetables one by one. Now whenever I see potatoes, I can't help recalling the taste of eating them raw in order to fully absorb nutrition. After that month, my face was obviously thin but my height did not improve, Who made this bad move? I will fall!

I stopped eating the next dish and drank milk instead, saying that milk is a good thing to grow taller. However, this milk is a big taboo in my life. I will never drink this cow smelling thing unless I have to. In order to keep up with Yao Ming, I will fight. After a week, I would retch when I heard the word "milk", and my stomach would be doomed when I smelled the taste of milk. It would be a bad idea if I vomited wildly! Then only the last one will be killed. Take the heightening medicine. One tablet after another, bottle after bottle, my heart trembled after eating.

Alas! In short, my height became a big worry when I was a teenager. I had no choice but to comfort my young mind with a kind of AQ like balance psychology. What's wrong with being low? Every day, you tall people will bear it! Hum!

8 Troubles in the heart

The soul is originally like a sky: in the daytime, there is no decoration of clouds; At night, there is no star or moon.

As I grow up, more and more things leave footprints in my sky. Blowing a white cloud or stroking a star at will will store my beautiful memories, endless secrets, memories, and love that I don't know how to express.

But what is hidden in the place where the sea meets the sky? Yes, that's the last thing I want people to know - my troubles.

I am a person who doesn't want others to worry about me. Faced with one thing, I work hard and seriously to do and complete it. My friends also said that I am a helpful person who has almost no shortcomings and has always been happy. I think: Maybe, I am willing to share my happiness with others, but I am not willing to confide my real troubles to others, even parents and close friends. I don't want others to worry about me. I will only put my troubles in my heart, without seeing the sun and the moon. Every time I think of trouble, it will be blown back by the wind.

In fact, I have a lot of troubles: why was I born in such a poor family? Every time I know a new place, I will fantasize about when to visit it and roam the beautiful scenery of our country.

Since I was in junior high school, I became a monitor. Due to my heavy sense of responsibility, I was too strict in management and was a bit fierce, so I would be scolded by many boys behind their backs, and I could only pretend not to know to escape. My heart has already shed tears: I know that I am not such a fierce person. Why should I have such a strong sense of responsibility? I really hope to have friendly exchanges with them and learn together.

Too many troubles precipitate in my heart and form an iceberg. I don't know when that iceberg will melt, so I can find a true friend and tell her.

My Miserable Composition (13)

Picked a half opened chaoyan flower, with our friendship on the lavender, and buried in the heart forever.

I still remember that once, our friendship blossomed like a morning flower, and we sat together laughing and chatting about life every day. But since that time, we seem to have really had a quarrel, which is out of control. You never pay attention to me again. Every time you see me, you bow your head and twist your face. It's embarrassing. That day, you met me at the door of the bathroom, and then turned around in a big circle without looking at me. To say the truth, I am very distressed.

Faced with this situation, I am at a loss, but I don't want to wait for death. After much thought, I decided to write you a letter. That night, I put aside other lessons, gently opened the bookcase, turned out the slightly yellowed letter paper, held the pen tightly, trembled slightly, and put it down again. The night is so quiet that I can see the scenes you and I used to talk about in my mind; The wind is so cold that my heart will release the unpleasant things about you and me again. At the moment, my mind suddenly went blank. I didn't know what to write to you to eliminate the gap between us. I kept thinking and scratching my scalp. I grabbed several hairs, but I had already forgotten the pain. The evening wind blew in, blowing my soft hair, driving my thoughts, picking up the pen again, and writing down my troubled thoughts

In the morning, a ray of sunshine outside the window falls on the table, which is your position. I kept wandering around you with the letter. The envelope was about to be crumpled by me. How can I give it to you? I'm afraid that you will avoid me again. Suddenly, a familiar but strange figure passed me by. I know, it's you. I suddenly pulled you down, and my mind suddenly went blank: just die, don't get tangled. I pushed the letter to you and ran out faster than the deer in my heart. I couldn't stop for a long time.

After a few days, my heart finally calmed down. I summoned up the courage and had the courage to come to you. I asked you in a soft voice, "Shall we be friends again?"? I just want to do whatever you want. The three cold words interrupted the words in my heart, cooling my half heart. What does that mean? Do you have to be so reluctant? I just hope that our friendship can blossom like that beautiful flower. I began to complain a little, lost in thought, I had never been so upset.

The half opened chaoyan flower is still in agony whether it continues to bloom or withers.

My Miserable Composition (14)

After finishing the intense review before entering junior high school, I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, and my troubles before entering junior high school would also fade away. However, after entering junior high school, my troubles became more and more.

My trouble comes from the pressure of my father and mother on my study. What they read most in my ear every day is "study". They always ask me to spend more time studying and less time playing. Even the weekend that should be easy has become exhausting.

Every morning I carry a heavy schoolbag on my way to school, and remember my father's words: "This final exam must be the top ten." The top ten in my class! I don't know whether I can do it, but I still try to listen carefully and study hard. When I came home from school and just entered the house, my mother began to give orders day after day: "Do your homework quickly, and then do the materials I bought, and synchronize them every day." I was reluctant to do so, but I still carried out the same order every day. After dinner, he was urged by his father to promote the room, write homework, read books, endorse, listen to English, memorize words

On Saturday morning, I wanted to have a good sleep, but just before 7 o'clock, my mother had stood in front of the bed, "Get up and do your homework I dug out my diary from my schoolbag and started writing at once. Finally, I finished. Just as I wanted to have a rest, my mother gave me several papers and said, "Hurry up, we must finish today..." It seems that my weekend is so "useless".

In the evening, my father came back and asked me: "Have you finished your homework?" I said: "Yes." "Have you memorized the text?" My father asked. I said: "Not yet!" "Don't hurry to carry it!" Dad roared. I was almost furious, but when I saw my father's stern eyes, I entered the room and took out my books to recite the text. "Alas..." I sighed.

Mom and Dad: Don't put any more pressure on me. I can't bear it anymore. The pressure is slowly accumulating, and more and more troubles are getting.

My Miserable Composition (15)

I am probably such a person who has spent some time on beauty.

Some people say that seeing me is like seeing Xiaobai in today's online game Legend. Xiaobai, why so many people? Please don't laugh at it. This is a pig. It can walk on its feet and fight.

Think about it, will you not be angry when others say you are a pig? Of course, the answer is yes: yes! But to be honest, I can't blame others. After all, my body shape is not satisfactory.

As a result, I had the idea of losing weight in my mind. So, how to reduce this fat? This was the most distressing thing for me at that time. For this reason, I turned over books and newspapers, read ancient books, sought medical advice, and sought advice from teachers. Finally, I got some secret recipes for weight loss, and I was very happy. However, I don't want to enjoy its benefits alone, but I would like to share resources with others, so I took the liberty to make it public.

1、 There are many ways to lose weight Take part in ball games The beauty of this method is that it can reduce weight and increase the efficiency of both. So I always hate playing football, and I often play basketball and football. I sweat a lot every day, but my heart is very happy. Because I believe that the evaporation of sweat can take away the heat and fat from me. After two months, I found that my body was really "thin", especially my face. However, it was later discovered that it was the hair that absorbed too much brain nutrition that made the face look thinner.

As for stature, on the contrary, it has grown a little taller. Of course, the improvement of playing skills has obvious effects.

2、 There are many secret recipes for weight loss, such as push ups and pull ups. In the first chapter, this recipe is really good. It has both the effect of weight loss and intelligence enhancement. However, it's really hard for me to exercise. "It's hard to go to the sky". At the beginning, doing push ups really killed me. How difficult it would be for my thin shoulders to support dozens of times its heavy body! However, I still persevered.

However, if the standard coefficient of action is calculated by 10, I can only achieve 3~4. And doing the pull up action is really like a little black bear on a swing. It's so awkward.

However, weight loss is beginning to pay off. One day, I went to the school doctor's office to weigh myself, and my weight dropped by more than half a kilogram in half a year

3、 The secret recipe for weight loss is to tighten your belt and eat less meat.

I heard that if I tighten my belt, I will limit the increase of fat. Later, I found that this was a serious mistake. It made me have a red bar around my waist. How stupid! As for the ban on meat, it's even more "Arabian Nights" for me. It's unbearable. How can you see others eat delicious food and drink spicy food while you swallow cabbage bangzi? Maybe someone can do it, but I can't. But "if you bite the root of a vegetable, you can do everything", I am desperate to lose weight.

In any case, I was annoyed by the restriction of food and meat, and finally I gritted my teeth and endured. God has eyes, and kung fu pays off. I was very happy to see my weight gradually drop, although it was not an immediate result. After carefully reviewing the tortuous experience of implementing the secret recipe for weight loss, I finally understood the truth: there must be joy waiting for you when you have trouble. The problem is to see how you can face the troubles in the world.

My Miserable Composition (16)

My mother always thinks that only the books written by Bing Xin, Cao Wenxuan, Shen Shixi and other great writers are good books, and those other books are so-called heresies. On several occasions, I almost tore up the books I borrowed, so this makes me a little distressed. I still remember that it was the last semester of my fifth grade. My mother and I went to the bookstore to buy books. When we saw the book Harry Potter on the shelf, we remembered that the book Harry Potter borrowed from my classmates in fourth grade was particularly beautiful. I really want my mother to buy me a copy, but I think my mother must think it's a crooked way not to buy it for me. I had to buy four famous books.

A few days later, my classmate Xu Bingyi happened to buy a full set of Harry Potter, and I had an idea. Since my mother won't buy it for me, I can borrow it from my classmates! So after class, I went to borrow books from Xu Bingyi. Unexpectedly, he readily agreed. However, I was the sixth person to borrow books from him, so I had to wait until next Monday, so I had to wait patiently. I never expected that he would not give it to me next Monday. It was Wang Yuhui who borrowed the book and left it at home. I had to wait until tomorrow to read it. On Tuesday, I couldn't wait to find him. He gave me the book and gently told me that I could only go home to read it in class. I agreed. In class, I expected the time to hurry up... Finally, the bell rang. I couldn't wait to get on the school bus and go home. When I got home, I read Harry Potter. One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes... Unexpectedly. My mother came back from work. As soon as she saw that I was not seriously doing my homework, but reading what she thought was a heretical book, she immediately grabbed it. If I hadn't tried my best to protect the book, my mother wouldn't have torn it up.

This is a very annoying thing for me. I want to tell my mother that positive and healthy books are good for our growth!

My Miserable Composition (17)

One morning, school was finally coming to an end. I looked at the time on my watch happily: "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Class is over!" As soon as the bell rang, I got up my schoolbag and flew out of this prison like school. When I got home, I found two dishes on the table, one was Coke chicken wings, the other was braised prawns. I was shocked by the cold sweat. In my eyes, these two dishes were natural enemies, and each time it was simply braised prawns that won.

At this time, my mother came with a dish in her hand. She told me to eat more prawns when she saw that I didn't eat braised prawns and always ate Coke chicken wings. But I won't eat it. My mother said, "Yes, but you must give me this wild shrimp."

I yelled, "You didn't know that I would get stomachache if I ate seafood!" "It could have been in the pond before, but this time it was wild. How could it hurt every time?" "It was pain, believe it or not!" But my mother forced me to pinch a lot.

I looked at the shrimp in distress and thought to myself: Mom always doesn't respect my feelings. She always says that she is good for me. But after I had an accident, she said that I acted like a real person. I am dumb and eat coptis. I can't tell the pain. It's really annoying. Sure enough, I responded after taking two mouthfuls. It hurt so much that I didn't listen to any classes in the afternoon. The teacher criticized me for not listening carefully in class. Alas, I was so unlucky that I carried it home!

Mom, Mom, can you believe me once? My troubles are all caused by you

My Miserable Composition (18)

Alas, poor me! At school, I was so angry with those very cute (poor nobody loves) pigs that my lungs were almost exploding. Don't let me vent and have a rest. I'm going crazy. (Because, if the brain is always thinking about things, and does not stop, it may become neurotic).

At school, I cried for my homework in math class! After the math teacher assigned homework and class work, I was upset. Because every time I and the two male team members have finished the class work, only Wu Zhouxin, who has the worst performance, is left. I thought: You and I are both surnamed Wu, why is the difference so big? In science class, boring Chen Ziyang still scolds people! He not only scolded us, but also called our parents prisoners, lunatics and wanted criminals. He really does all kinds of evil and says everything! He also scolded and cried me and three other girls, one of whom cried bitterly.

At home, I always have no free time. In addition to homework, I play the piano, eat and sleep. My life is constrained: I am at your command and command. Whenever I want to go out to play, someone will order me to do something. It's not happy at all.

I don't want to play the piano, so you forced me to play. I continued to resist, and you said you would hit me. If you didn't play, you would really hit me. At this time, I would be angry and sad to lock myself in my room and sulk.

When I eat, my mother always urges me to eat faster, eat more vegetables, not picky, but full. Since kindergarten, every time I have a meal, it is just a word - slow, I am tired of listening to these words. I once saw a sentence in a book: write slowly, and you will always finish; Think slowly, always think of; Eat slowly, and you will finish. But my mother tried to urge me to eat as hard as she wanted to kill me. I was bored to death!

Teacher, please help me!

My Miserable Composition (19)

600 words to describe the troubles in my heart Composition: I feel very distressed

I am eleven years old this year, but I have a lot of trouble in my heart. The trouble is that I am too fat. Some students look down on me, don't play with me, and say some unpleasant words to stimulate me and make me happy.

One day after school, I saw several classmates playing basketball on the playground. I also wanted to participate, so I ran up excitedly and said: I am one!. One student immediately said: You are a fat man and can't run fast! Go to the Fat People's Club if you want to join!!!. At that time, I was so angry that I said, "What's so important about you being thin?"? I don't want you to play with me! I turned around and left.

I was very sad all the way. I really want to go back and beat him! But I still control myself. I strode home with my head held high, but no one looked at me or paid any attention to me. Tears were only turning around in my eyes, but I still tried not to let them fall.

Back home, when I saw my mother, I cried out. My mother asked me why, holding my head with her hand, bending down, smiling at me and saying, "Oh, my child is wronged today, isn't it?"? It doesn't matter. It's also right that others don't play with you. You look at how fat you are. You must run slower than others. This will affect everyone's performance. So students don't want to play with you. You will be better if you want to lose weight in the future. A man should have strong perseverance! At this time, my father came back. After hearing about this, he put down his things and said to me very seriously: "My child, fat is not ugly. The ugly thing is those children who don't study hard and have poor grades but also pay attention to dress.".

My parents' words are reasonable, but just because I'm fat, some students look down on me, don't play with me, and even make fun of me, I still feel unfair. Therefore, I feel very distressed. But I have made up my mind to lose weight. I can't make my classmates happy anymore!