Refusing to write mediocre essays with full marks (16 anthologies)
Don't forget when you are at peace
2024-06-07 04:36:54
third year in high school

Reject mediocre full score composition (1)

Ordinary sand contains precious gold, and ordinary soil cultivates fresh life. A beautiful life stands after an ordinary career. We don't have to envy the star's collection of thousands of favourites; There is no need to yearn for politicians' maneuvers; There is no need to deliberately pursue splendor and wealth. As long as you grasp it well, ordinary life also has a unique scene. Yuan Longping, a graduate of Agricultural University, taught at the Agricultural School. He is very serious in teaching. He teaches biology, crop cultivation, genetic breeding and agricultural basic courses and specialized courses. He teaches while learning, and goes out of the classroom to the field to find answers from practice. He is not satisfied with being only a qualified secondary school teacher, but also wants to make some achievements in agricultural research. During his long 19 year teaching career, he accumulated knowledge in teaching and created many agricultural scientific and technological achievements through the combination of teaching, production and scientific research. Today, Yuan Longping's hybrid rice has not only solved the problem of food shortage in China, but also made great contributions to world food security. An ordinary teacher, who is not fixed on the three foot platform, has a broad view of the earth and the future, planting dreams and hopes, and sowing hard work and sweat, has finally made a great cause of benefiting the world and reaped a heavy life. Ordinary post, with a heart unwilling to mediocrity, can create extraordinary performance. A postman will introduce himself to the customer and ask the customer to introduce himself, so that when the customer is away from home on business, he can keep the customer's letters for the time being, pack them up and send them back when the customer comes home. The postman is Fred the postman. Fred takes everything seriously and will never stop until it is perfect. His rule is that no matter how confused people are, how worried and anxious others are, he will not be perfunctory. He never delayed or mistakenly delivered any email. He never takes chances and pursues absolute accuracy. He devotes himself to the customer, and through his imagination and creativity, he provides customers with many value-added services, making every day a representative work of his career. In the United States, whether it is the world's top large companies or some growing small and medium-sized companies, Fred the Postman has become a synonym for innovative services and value-added services. Every year, enterprises set up a "Fred Award" to specifically encourage those employees who have professionalism in service, innovation and responsibility. Fred changed the minds of 200 million Americans. Being ordinary, but refusing to be ordinary! Opportunity is equal to everyone. It depends on whether you look for it and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary things. All extraordinary achievements are based on the ordinary. To do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. In dealing with work, first, do not despise the ordinary; Second, do not make ordinary work mediocre. Don't be satisfied with your acceptable work performance. Only by doing your best can you become an indispensable person. (Chongqing examinee) The full score analysis article has a distinct theme. As long as you have a special preference for work, ordinary life will also have a new scene. The examinees used the method of illustration. The examinee has an accurate grasp of the case and a true description of the details, which is very convincing. It is forbidden to give examples and demonstrate unclear facts, which will greatly reduce the strength of proof. The examinee's accurate description of the case should be derived from the usual accumulation and extensive reading. This is worth learning from. The language of the article is clear, fluent and full of literary grace, and the expression is closely related to the theme. On site scoring: 25 points for content+25 points for expression+10 points for development: 60 points in total

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (2)

The mountains refuse to be mediocre and rise from the ground, so they can become mountains and peaks, stretching for thousands of miles; The sea refuses to be mediocre, and the waves roll, so it can be splashed and magnificent; The plum blossom refuses to be mediocre, and stands alone in the cold, so it can become its beautiful and noble style; If people refuse mediocrity and make unremitting efforts, they can create miracles and achieve possibilities! When did the sea become a mulberry field; Once several times, the years wasted solidification; Human civilization is poetic and picturesque, with little ink and light graffiti. Your and my tracks are like the plum blossom hidden behind the branches. They are unnoticed, unsurprising, even a little damaged, a little dim, a little sad, a little confused... But in the winter of wanmu withering, snow melting, and cold, they use their purity They use their blood to play up the meaning of belief and report the news of spring to people Their persistent footprints, lingering clangs, and towering clank iron bones, although wandering in the long river of history, hurt those frustrated and confused eyes. The hermit in the bamboo slips Who endured to live, and played the swan song of historians? Who is it? You are struggling to sing the unrhymed Lisao? The irony of the world, the pain of prison, and the humiliation of the crippled body had polished his heart to stop moaning. He tolerated the humiliation and torture with great magnanimity, and wrote the vicissitudes of the thousand years with the fortitude of the mountain. From the Three Emperors to the Five Emperors, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty, every drop of blood and every inner cry are hidden in bamboo slips. The heaviness of history was engraved on his face, and the mediocrity of superficiality was abandoned by his fortitude. Walker in the Sky of Poetry He is confident that his natural talent will be useful; He is wild, but we are not Penghao people; He is open-minded, talking and laughing for you, Jinghusha! Called to Beijing, he went out laughing; He consecrated the Imperial Academy and claimed that his ministers were immortals in wine. When he found that his purple robe and jade belt could only write some beautiful tunes of the palace lyrics, "clouds like clothes, flowers like looks", he resolutely broke up, abandoned romance, wealth and wealth. This house has created a generation of poetic immortals who startle the wind and rain and cry ghosts and gods; This throw has raised the highest peak of Chinese Romantic poetry for five thousand years. Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to become a powerful person. He refused mediocrity and got a happy face! Duer on the nib He is tall and proud with a blue robe; A pair of sharp eyes, see through the chaos of the world; A sharp pen can break the shackles of thought. He refused to be mediocre. He abandoned medicine and went to the operating table of Chinese people's hearts, and began to rescue them completely. Do not die in silence, break out in silence! He makes his indifferent heart boil, and makes people who are unwilling to be mediocre wake up and stand up! Dancers of the times Time flows like a song. Facing the new era, new life, new ideas and new realm, what kind of people should we be as post-90s youth? The stage extends as far as the heart goes; Anything is possible; If the heart is there, the dream is there... The strong voice of the times is urging us to forge ahead. Reject mediocrity, let's be dancers of the times, because the world belongs to us, because "we can"! (Jiangsu examinee) Full score analysis At the beginning of the article, the natural images such as "high mountains", "sea" and "plum blossom" are very powerful and powerful, with four subtitles, namely, "hermit in bamboo slips", "walker in poetry", "fighter on pen tip" and "dancer of the times". In this way, it is naturally layered and clear. The language is full of lyricism, and expresses his praise and admiration for the sages to his heart's content. Structurally, from the past to the present, it closely combines the new era and new ideas, and shows the aspirations of the post-90s youth, which has strong practical significance. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development: 60 points in total

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (3)

If I can only become a caterpillar, then I will choose to transmute and let my life shine in the butterflies; If I can only be a grain of sand, then I will choose to be honed in the clam shell and become a shining pearl; If I can only become a tree, then I will choose to become a diversiform leaved poplar, let myself accept the baptism of the storm in the desert, and create an extraordinary life. I don't want to think how difficult it is to hone this process. It is my own choice whether it is success or failure. I will not regret, pursue perfect life, refuse mediocrity. "No excuse" is the consistent tenet of West Point. Because of this, West Point has cultivated three presidents, five five-star generals, 3700 generals and many business elites for the United States. "If you have the ability to tie your shoelaces, you will have a chance to reach the stars in the sky. There is no excuse to prevent you from success." West Point is asking students to complete tasks with their best ability, rather than looking for excuses for failing to complete tasks. "Refusing mediocrity and pursuing perfection" is the goal of West Point students. I will not look for any excuse for my failure, even if it seems to be the right one. I know this will only make me more dependent and find more reasons for the next failure. Only the life that experiences setbacks will be more brilliant. Since you have chosen to refuse mediocrity, you will not stop because of the difficulties on the road to success. The wheel of the long history turns around, and I saw that man repeatedly hit a wall in his political career. At last, he understood his heart, so he chose to travel around the countries, and chose the mood of "facing the sea, spring blossoms". Chuang Tzu, the bright moon waiting for the soul, refused to be secular and mediocre, and became a tree waiting for the soul. "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can easily see the Nanshan Mountain." This is Tao Qian's desire for a peaceful life. The officialdom is too complicated for him to engage in, and he is not willing to be mediocre and become a secular person. So he chose to retire, to find the inner part of the countryside, with a broad-minded mood. They are all people who refuse to be mediocre, refuse to be mediocre officials, refuse to live mediocre lives, and finally they find their inner belonging, and their spirit can be sublimated. Refusing mediocrity means the enterprising spirit of striving for progress and self-improvement. As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement. Reject mediocrity and pursue excellence. Or Qu Yuan "drank magnolia dew in the morning, and ate chrysanthemums in the evening", or Ban Chao abandoned his pen and joined the army, crisscrossed the battlefield and defended his country. Rejecting mediocrity is a quality of self-improvement, but it is also a spirit of being upright and not falling into the secular world. Paul rejected mediocrity and achieved his magnificent life; Hawking refused mediocrity and achieved the free flight of thought; Helen refused to be mediocre, which made her feel the world that others could not feel. Refusing mediocrity and pursuing perfect life, let our spirit fly freely and make our life more colorful. (Jiangsu examinee) Full score analysis The author begins his article with a parallel sentence pattern, which is very powerful. The argument is deepened by objects and people. From refusing to be mediocre, he wrote about West Point and its purpose, and cited people who were unwilling to be mediocre at all times and in all countries, with rich materials and clear center. Structurally, it is steady, interlinked and thoughtful. The language uses parallelism and quotation, and the sentence pattern is neat and full of literary grace. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development=60 points in total

Refuse to write a mediocre composition with full marks (4)

I also use microblog. But I have a habit of just watching without "sharing"; Only write, rather than "quote". Some Weibo friends asked why? Answer: Reject mediocrity. Admittedly, the jokes are exquisite, the information is fresh, the pictures are eye-catching, and the videos are eye-catching. But in my opinion, it's just wine and food. Poetry is just like sprinkling, epigrams are just like meat, but wine and meat go through the intestines. Only the personal truth and thinking sparks that come from the heart and are awe inspiring and generous are left in the heart. If you are busy following the crowd, you will fall into a rut and fail to live up to the magic of the micro table itself as a platform for people to refuse mediocrity. Refusing mediocrity is not willing to be ordinary or degenerate into mediocrity. When I read the Dongpo Preface and Postscript when I was a teenager, I read Su Shi's comment on Han Yu's Preface to Sending Li to Pangu, and wrote: "I would like to follow this example in my life. Every time I write it, I would stop writing, because I laughed at myself and said, 'If you don't let it go, I will teach you to leave alone. If Su Shi really imitates Tuizhi to write a preface, he may not be as brilliant as Han Wen, and he may be lost in thousands of imitations, which may be inferior. Not like today, with the "not if and let go" of the open-minded reputation for thousands of years, a powerful criticism of the "literati despise each other, since ancient times," the conclusion, how can ordinary people! Refusing mediocrity is the reason why we only want to go out of our own way. Let's still take Su Shi as an example. Although he gave up imitating Korean, he never gave up the exploration of the meaning of life and death. The two "Red Cliff Ode" before and after the poem display the great beauty of ancient and modern speculation with profound questions about life metabolism. It may not be said that "we can understand the changes of the past and the present, and study the relationship between heaven and man", at least it has become a saying of one family. Writing here, I can't help but think of Lin Shu, who abandoned the tradition and walked freely. He is famous for his "Han Liu Essay Research Method", and even more famous for his poem: "I don't belong to the three Wangs' family in my life, and the family method is slightly bitter melon. I want to spare the scenery alone, so why bother to learn from famous scholars!" Going out of the road of self is to believe that "it's better to have seed", and to be confident that "heroes don't care about their origins", Just ask whether to jump out of the rut, stand for the people's livelihood, and speak as your heart! "The wonders and wonders of the world are far away, but the people are far away." I think so. Too many predecessors, too many distant places, even the scenery is like chicken ribs that have been chewed a thousand times, which further urges us to take up our own rationality, reject mediocrity, and embark on the road of self. Refusing mediocrity and being willing to be ordinary is not a rhetorical question, but a question of survival or death. make a concise evaluation The article starts with unusual writing and cuts ingeniously. It uses the typical events of Su Dongpo's unconventional style of writing and famous scholars' customs handed down through the ages to illustrate that if you want to refuse mediocrity, you must be willing to be mediocre, not become mediocre, and step out of your own way with genuine feelings and thinking from the heart. The essay is skilful in using the writing technique, showing the atmosphere and nimbleness in all directions, which provides us with an excellent sample of argumentative articles on how to say the truth to verify propositions.

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (5)

There are too many mediocre people in this world. If you want to doubt, you can go to the noisy place to see -- noisy is the original creation of the mediocre. This is largely because mediocre people are most likely to "unite". When a policy is unfavorable to them, when some scandals of high ranking people are disclosed, and when others have not yet spoken, they are the first to raise their voices. This is also a cry that gathers them like a tide, and finally forms a spectacular sound wave, filling any corner of the world in the noise. Mediocre people have attitudes, and their attitudes always show up after the event; The mediocre have communication, and the noisy or less noisy discussions in the streets and lanes are mostly their actions; The mediocre people take action. This action now takes root and sprouts everywhere through the media and the Internet, like a prairie fire will gather one day. In fact, they are wrong. After all, the genius in the world is a minority among the few, and the vast majority of people have to be classified as "ordinary" people. There is no inborn talent, no opportunity for young Yang Ming, but only the experience and lessons learned from the mud time and time again, and the steps built repeatedly with life. They need painstaking efforts to get something. They are the real subject in the world ordinary people. However, mediocrity is by no means mediocrity. The process of admitting self mediocrity is not equivalent to accepting mediocrity to stay in one's own home. On the contrary, mediocre people lose themselves in the messy and noisy heart, and also lose the direction and tranquility of life because they refuse to admit their own mediocrity. Only by acknowledging the ordinary, quietly struggling in the world from the most common perspective, firmly holding the true self, and not allowing it to distort under the double oppression of hot expectations and cold reality, can you refuse the mediocre last attachment and let you become short-sighted. It is better not to be mediocre. They spend their lives in noise and chaos. Admit their own ordinary, so that ordinary people's life from the quiet self starting to reject mediocrity in a quiet place. make a concise evaluation For the mediocrity of "painting the soul", make a direct observation of the essence. It is sharp and profound. It can scan the souls of mediocre people in a spiritual way, and maintain a literary depiction. It is alarming, but there is no lack of depth. It is rare!

Refuse to write a mediocre composition with full marks (6)

Flaubert once wrote a dictionary of mediocrity, in which he joked about the mediocre views of the "majority" people prevailing in French society in the 19th century. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face to the mediocre, and also shows us his resolute attitude of rejecting mediocrity. Many of the entries are still enlightening to today's society, such as "coffee - makes people intelligent. Drink unsweetened", "dictionary - it is used by ignorance." Many people follow such a mediocre social view and live like "most" people. There must be such people around us. Even if they become "card slaves", they will also use luxury goods. Even if they become "house slaves", they will also have a fixed address. They may live like an advertisement or a success story, but there is no denying that they live mediocrely. Rejecting mediocrity does not mean blindly following the trend of the times, nor deliberately disobeying the public's understanding, but living soberly, recognizing your own heart, maintaining an independent personality, and maintaining the spirit of freedom. Just like the hero in The Moon and Sixpence, he obeyed his heart's guidance and pursued his own dream, but abandoned what people think is a "good job". He came to Paris alone, overcame the pain and suffering, and eventually exiled himself to an island, creating a famous painting that shocked the world. Instead of being satisfied with the sight of sixpence on the ground, he pursued the bright moonlight in his heart, rejected mediocrity and realized his pursuit. Of course, it is difficult to refuse mediocrity and conform to the heart. Even the maverick Han Han cannot easily refuse mediocrity. He once made "12 no" regulations, such as no signing, no endorsement, no business, etc., but we still saw self advertised advertisements like "I am not a flag bearer, I am me, I am Han Han". In his repeated apologies to readers, we saw his helplessness. Writers are always the most sensitive to this. The "helper" image in Lu Xun's works testifies to the bloody sacrifice of revolutionaries like Xia Yu. In Nabokov's Cloud Shadow · Castle · Lake Light, a passenger who does not want to get involved in collective activities but wants to enjoy the beautiful scenery alone is disturbed and assimilated by other passengers, and finally is beaten to death. These writers are keenly aware that in order to make more people successfully reject mediocrity, society needs to be able to accommodate more dissent. I think that the social environment is important, but if you want to have your own space to sing alone on the edge of the era chorus, you still need to refuse the mediocre choice. It may be the best attitude to refuse mediocrity if you do not blindly follow the mainstream or deliberately touch the scale. make a concise evaluation The article is introduced by Flaubert's Dictionary of Mediocrity, summarizes the performance of mediocre people in today's social life, and then proposes that "refusing mediocrity" should "live soberly, recognize your own heart, maintain independent personality, and maintain the spirit of freedom", and analyzes the difficulty of "refusing mediocrity" from both subjective and objective aspects. The writing is clear, analytical and dialectical, reflecting the author's strong thinking ability.

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (7)

I can't help thinking of a small restaurant I saw when I came here for the exam this morning. It's called "Sandstorm Ferry". These three words are unique in artistic conception, and the disordered storefront seems not to be rough, but there is a kind of rough and remote pride surging in the chest. It is just a signboard, but it can make this ordinary restaurant stand out from a host of "XX restaurants" and "XX snacks", which is beyond the power of mediocrity. I can't help thinking of a group of people who once sat in the examination room and fought for their ideals. Now they are called "ant tribe"; Their residence is called "Dwelling Narrowness". When the wind and frost of the society cooled the blood and smoothed the edges and corners, and when the learned knowledge was discarded at the end of the brain, they had long forgotten the pride of being highly educated talents, and became silent and mediocre. The most tragic thing is not living in a room that is not full of feet, nor eating less than food and clothing, but the loss of ideals and pursuit, leaving only tolerance and obedience. No one is born to be trampled by others, but if there is a heart willing to be mediocre and willing to be humble, the only end result is just ants. To be a strong man, you must have a strong heart; To overlook mediocre beings, we must first have a sense of "coming". Yes, the climb was Xin Qiji's "look at Wu Gou, take photos of the railings, no one will, climb" climb, and Du Fu's "will be the top of the mountain, see the small mountains" climb. Whether there is a strong heart, a heart beyond mediocrity, is the watershed between mediocrity and excellence. People are just reeds that can think, and the noblest is thinking. So the nobility of people comes from the soul and the nobility of thought. With a heart that refuses mediocrity, someone will see your uniqueness from the firmness in your eyes, from your uncommon speech and clenched fists. Even if the result is still unsatisfactory, even if there is a slander that "the heart is higher than the sky and the life is thinner than the paper", even if "the pieces are crushed into mud and dust", there will still be "fragrance as before". What about the "ant tribe"? If I look down at the swallow with a lofty ambition and a generous situation, I firmly believe that one day, I will be able to "soar up to 90000 miles", "swim towards the North Sea and dusk Cangwu", and go with the long wind. I believe that the owner of "Sandstorm Ferry" is not a mediocre and secular businessman, right? If he is not a man from the Loess Plateau, he must also be a scholar who has poems and books but has to be confined to the secular world. Otherwise, how could there be such a heroic and ancient signboard? I will go to "Wind and Sand Ferry". Food and wine are no longer important. After a little drink, I looked at my boss and went out laughing. Are we Penghao people? Refuse mediocrity, the world is wonderful with you.

Refuse to write a mediocre composition with full marks (8)

In the vast world, there is a subtle but not negligible connection between all things in the universe. A light touch may also lead to a domino like chain effect. Therefore, every seemingly unintentional act may have a profound impact on society. As the western saying goes, no rain can think that it caused a flood. When we complain about the decline of social morality, and when we hate all kinds of bad behaviors with resentment, should we also reflect on whether there is anything wrong with our own behavior, or whether we have condoned and encouraged such "evil"? Afat, an American writer, once put forward a concept: mobs. This word refers to the common people who do evil unconsciously without feeling guilty. Inevitably, this kind of behavior will not only cause losses to the family and country, but also paralyze people's minds. You should know that this word is quite applicable in China. Whether it is the overturning of trucks on the highway that attracts hundreds of farmers to loot oranges, or many residents take a brick each to cause the collapse of the Leifeng Tower, or the familiar "Chinese way of crossing the road", all of them are manifestations of the "hooliganism" character. It seems that since ancient times, people have the impression that officials are evil and greedy, while people are good and innocent. This idea is obviously a bit incomplete. When an individual is trapped in a group, he will think that what he does with others is beyond reproach, and he will not even realize that he is doing evil. What a terrible and sad thing! The concept of "law does not hold the public accountable" has become an excuse to encourage this "mediocre evil". "No shame, no man. No sense of right or wrong, no man." Today's Chinese people are no longer the numb spectators described by Mr. Lu Xun. However, some people gradually fall into a more absurd circle. Therefore, we must introspect, distinguish between good and evil, and stick to ourselves. It is no use just talking but not doing. Verbally speaking, "moving China" can never help an old man who falls down. Of course, we should see the dawn of hope. Today, the development of the network has also made positive energy widely spread; how many warm and touching stories have brought us the pulse of the dawn. With the awareness of more and more people, China is taking firm steps towards the dream of a civilized country. It is far from enough to just do "not do evil in small ways". Only by doing "not do good in small ways" can the face of Chinese society be truly changed. Reject "the evil of mediocrity", support a noble righteousness, walk with the whole country on the road of pursuing dreams, and you will surely see the bright sunrise of tomorrow.

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (9)

The mountains refuse to be mediocre and rise from the ground, so they can become mountains and peaks, stretching for thousands of miles; The sea refuses to be mediocre, and the waves roll, so it can be splashed and magnificent; The plum blossom refuses to be mediocre, and stands alone in the cold, so it can become its beautiful and noble style; If people refuse mediocrity and make unremitting efforts, they can create miracles and achieve possibilities!

When did the sea become a mulberry field; Once several times, the years wasted solidification; Human civilization is poetic and picturesque, with little ink and light graffiti. Your and my tracks are like the plum blossom hidden behind the branches. They are unnoticed, unsurprising, even a little damaged, a little dim, a little sad, a little confused... But in the winter of wanmu withering, snow melting, and cold, they use their purity They use their blood to play up the meaning of belief and report the news of spring to people

Their indefatigable footprints, lingering clangs, and towering clank iron bones, although wandering in the long river of history, hurt those frustrated and confused eyes.

The hermit in the bamboo slips

Who endured to live, and played the swan song of historians? Who is it? You are struggling to sing the unrhymed Lisao? The irony of the world, the pain of prison, and the humiliation of the crippled body had polished his heart to stop moaning. He tolerated the humiliation and torture with great magnanimity, and wrote the vicissitudes of the thousand years with the fortitude of the mountain. From the Three Emperors to the Five Emperors, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty, every drop of blood and every inner cry are hidden in bamboo slips. The heaviness of history is engraved on his weathered face, and the mediocre superficiality is abandoned by his fortitude.

Walker in the Sky of Poetry

He is confident that his natural talent will be useful; He is wild, but we are not Penghao people; He is open-minded, talking and laughing for you, Jinghusha! Called to Beijing, he went out laughing; He consecrated the Imperial Academy and claimed that his ministers were immortals in wine. When he found that his purple robe and jade belt could only write some beautiful tunes of the palace lyrics, "clouds like clothes, flowers like looks", he resolutely broke up, abandoned romance, wealth and wealth. This house has created a generation of poetic immortals who startle the wind and rain and cry ghosts and gods; This throw has raised the highest peak of Chinese Romantic poetry for five thousand years. Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to become a powerful person. He refused mediocrity and got a happy face!

Duer on the nib

He is tall and proud with a blue robe; A pair of sharp eyes, see through the chaos of the world; A sharp pen can break the shackles of thought. He refused to be mediocre. He abandoned medicine and went to the operating table of Chinese people's hearts, and began to rescue them completely. Do not die in silence, break out in silence! He makes his indifferent heart boil, and makes people who are unwilling to be mediocre wake up and stand up!

Dancers of the times

Time flows like a song. Facing the new era, new life, new ideas and new realm, what kind of people should we be as post-90s youth? The stage extends as far as the heart goes; Anything is possible; If the heart is there, the dream is there... The strong voice of the times is urging us to forge ahead. Reject mediocrity, let's be dancers of the times, because the world belongs to us, because "we can"!

(Jiangsu examinee)

Full score analysis

At the beginning of the article, the natural images such as "high mountains", "sea" and "plum blossom" are very powerful and powerful, with four subtitles, namely, "hermit in bamboo slips", "walker in poetry", "fighter on pen tip" and "dancer of the times". In this way, it is naturally layered and clear. The language is full of lyricism, and expresses his praise and admiration for the sages to his heart's content. Structurally, from the past to the present, it closely combines the new era and new ideas, and shows the aspirations of the post-90s youth, which has strong practical significance. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development: 60 points in total

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (10)

No matter how small the fish is, it can break through the billows; No matter how small the grass is, it can shake the spring; No matter how small the silkworm is, it can spit out a silk road; No matter how small the stream is, it is the cradle of the sea. All kinds of life in the big stem world, even if the tiny life can't hold the wings of pursuit, they also refuse to accept the mediocrity and go forward to create a different wonderful life.

Rejecting mediocrity, Li Bai has the heroic spirit of "going out with a laugh". He chants "I am born to be useful". Ambition stirs up the waves and embellishes the splendor of his life. So, when he embroidered, it was half a prosperous Tang Dynasty; Rejecting mediocrity, Xin Qiji had the ambition of "watching the sword while drinking", so he ordered troops on the battlefield to listen to the sound of horses' hooves fifty strings away, and was dazzled, achieving a lifetime of heroism; Refusing mediocrity, Fan Zhongyan had the determination of "the general's white hair is against the tears of his husband". He "worried about the world first, and happy after the world". Therefore, even when hunger and cold hit him, he was still determined. Refusing mediocrity, Gou Jian had the courage to "endure hardships and hardships". He endured humiliation and persevered with his faith, so the painstaking people finally "can swallow Wu after three thousand years" and become the overlord of one side.

The stubborn old man was unwilling to bend to the lonely hut and look at the rolling river. He resolutely chose to sail, to sail on the vast sea, unwilling to be mediocre. He chose to fight with the cannibal fish, so a period of glorious years of "The Old Man and the Sea" achievements was written into history; The delicate mind is not willing to be buried by the dark silence. He indulges in singing. The arrogant style holds bright lights under the bright moonlight. The small stamp with homesickness, the eternal thoughts under Cambridge, become the best weapon for him to get rid of mediocrity; The kind old man was not willing to be mediocre. Even though her hair was gray, she still greeted every reader with a smile. She told people to "read more, read good books, and read well." She watered every growing heart with loving notes, refused to be mediocre, and her great style doomed her to a bright life.

Refusing mediocrity, even under the shadow of darkness, they also chose to move forward and choose the vigorous life struggle. Even if the sky mercilessly took away her light, the ship was not willing to be mediocre. She chose to fight against the darkness and created her with indomitable perseverance, a wonderful flower of victory in the 20th century; Even if the deaf blow broke his strings, Beethoven was not willing to be mediocre, but played the unique sound of life with perseverance, so that the flaming stage still belonged to his music palace; Even though pain tortured his body time and time again, Shi Tiesheng was not willing to be mediocre. He accompanied the Ditan and made friends with the pen. He showed the hope of life with a smile. The smile was a symbol of his strength. Even if his life could only be in a wheelchair, he was no longer ordinary. The world was full of him, Shi Tiesheng, a resounding name.

Reject mediocrity and create a blue sky with perseverance; Refuse mediocrity and use strength to cultivate a field. (Jiangsu examinee)

Full score analysis

The article begins with three kinds of natural things, "fish", "grass" and "silkworm", which reject mediocrity. The sentence pattern is neat and the momentum is extraordinary. From things to people, it conforms to the law of people's understanding of things. The main part lists the examples of Chinese and foreign celebrities such as Li Bai, Xin Qiji, Fan Zhongyan, Helen, Beethoven, Shi Tiesheng, etc., which are rich in materials, rich in content, and extremely persuasive. In the choice of sentence patterns, the combination of whole sentences and scattered sentences is not only rich in change, but also neat and powerful. The topic of the end rebate echoes from beginning to end, making the structure integrated. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development=60 points in total

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (11)

Ordinary sand contains precious gold, and ordinary soil cultivates fresh life. A beautiful life stands after an ordinary career.

We don't have to envy the star's collection of thousands of favourites; There is no need to yearn for politicians' maneuvers; There is no need to deliberately pursue splendor and wealth.

As long as you grasp it well, ordinary life also has a unique scene. Yuan Longping, a graduate of Agricultural University, taught at the Agricultural School. He is very serious in teaching. He teaches biology, crop cultivation, genetic breeding and agricultural basic courses and specialized courses. He teaches while learning, and goes out of the classroom to the field to find answers from practice. He is not satisfied with being only a qualified secondary school teacher, but also wants to make some achievements in agricultural research.

During his long 19 year teaching career, he accumulated knowledge in teaching and created many agricultural scientific and technological achievements through the combination of teaching, production and scientific research. Today, Yuan Longping's hybrid rice has not only solved the problem of food shortage in China, but also made great contributions to world food security. An ordinary teacher, who is not fixed on the three foot platform, has a broad view of the earth and the future, planting dreams and hopes, and sowing hard work and sweat, has finally made a great cause of benefiting the world and reaped a heavy life. Ordinary post, with a heart unwilling to mediocrity, can create extraordinary performance.

A postman will introduce himself to the customer and ask the customer to introduce himself, so that when the customer is away from home on business, he can keep the customer's letters for the time being, pack them up and send them back when the customer comes home. The postman is Fred the postman. Fred takes everything seriously and will never stop until it is perfect.

His rule is that no matter how confused people are, how worried and anxious others are, he will not be perfunctory. He never delayed or mistakenly delivered any email. He never takes chances and pursues absolute accuracy. He devotes himself to the customer, and through his imagination and creativity, he provides customers with many value-added services, making every day a representative work of his career. In the United States, whether it is the world's top large companies or some growing small and medium-sized companies, Fred the Postman has become a synonym for innovative services and value-added services. Every year, enterprises set up a "Fred Award" to specifically encourage those employees who have professionalism in service, innovation and responsibility.

Fred changed the minds of 200 million Americans. Being ordinary, but refusing to be ordinary! Opportunity is equal to everyone. It depends on whether you look for it and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary things. All extraordinary achievements are based on the ordinary. To do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. In dealing with work, first, do not despise the ordinary; Second, do not make ordinary work mediocre. Don't be satisfied with your acceptable work performance. Only by doing your best can you become an indispensable person.

(Chongqing examinee)

The full score analysis article has a distinct theme. As long as you have a special preference for work, ordinary life will also have a new scene.

The examinees used the method of illustration. The examinee has an accurate grasp of the case and a true description of the details, which is very convincing. It is forbidden to give examples and demonstrate unclear facts, which will greatly reduce the strength of proof. The examinee's accurate description of the case should be derived from the usual accumulation and extensive reading. This is worth learning from. The language of the article is clear, fluent and full of literary grace, and the expression is closely related to the theme.

On site scoring: 25 points for content+25 points for expression+10 points for development: 60 points in total

Reject Ordinary Full Score Composition (12)

Ordinary sand contains precious gold, and ordinary soil cultivates fresh life. A beautiful life stands after an ordinary career.

We don't have to envy the star's collection of thousands of favourites; There is no need to yearn for politicians' maneuvers; There is no need to deliberately pursue splendor and wealth.

As long as you grasp it well, ordinary life also has a unique scene. Yuan Longping, a graduate of Agricultural University, taught at the Agricultural School. He is very serious in teaching. He teaches biology, crop cultivation, genetic breeding and agricultural basic courses and specialized courses. He teaches while learning, and goes out of the classroom to the field to find answers from practice. He is not satisfied with being only a qualified secondary school teacher, but also wants to make some achievements in agricultural research.

During his long 19 year teaching career, he accumulated knowledge in teaching and created many agricultural scientific and technological achievements through the combination of teaching, production and scientific research. Today, Yuan Longping's hybrid rice has not only solved the problem of food shortage in China, but also made great contributions to world food security. An ordinary teacher, who is not fixed on the three foot platform, has a broad view of the earth and the future, planting dreams and hopes, and sowing hard work and sweat, has finally made a great cause of benefiting the world and reaped a heavy life. Ordinary post, with a heart unwilling to mediocrity, can create extraordinary performance.

A postman will introduce himself to the customer and ask the customer to introduce himself, so that when the customer is away from home on business, he can keep the customer's letters for the time being, pack them up and send them back when the customer comes home. The postman is Fred the postman. Fred takes everything seriously and will never stop until it is perfect.

His rule is that no matter how confused people are, how worried and anxious others are, he will not be perfunctory. He never delayed or mistakenly delivered any email. He never takes chances and pursues absolute accuracy. He devotes himself to the customer, and through his imagination and creativity, he provides customers with many value-added services, making every day a representative work of his career. In the United States, whether it is the world's top big companies or some growing small and medium-sized companies, Fred the Postman has become a synonym for innovative services and value-added services. Every year, enterprises set up a "Fred Award" to specifically encourage those employees who have dedicated spirit in service, innovation and responsibility.

Fred changed the minds of 200 million Americans. Being ordinary, but refusing to be ordinary! Opportunity is equal to everyone. It depends on whether you look for it and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary things. All extraordinary achievements are based on the ordinary. To do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. In dealing with work, first, do not despise the ordinary; Second, do not make ordinary work mediocre. Don't be satisfied with your acceptable work performance. Only by doing your best can you become an indispensable person.

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (13)

A Full Score Composition on Rejecting Mediocrity in College Entrance Examination

Haiyan refuses to be mediocre. It does not enjoy the warm cabin and shuttles freely in the storm; The eagle refuses to be mediocre. It does not live on safe branches, but flies freely in the blue sky; Chimonanthus refuse mediocrity, it does not pray for the protection of the sun, in the cold winter resolutely bloom.

It is the spirit of these creatures to refuse mediocrity that will create one miracle after another and form our colorful world.

"Anneng humbled his brow and bent his waist to become a powerful person, which made me unhappy." Such a heroic poem with some rebellious spirit can only be written by the poet. Li Bai did not care about the country and the people as Du Fu did all his life. He lived more comfortably and with more dignity.

Li Bai did not pander to his superiors, please the powerful, flatter and sell his personality and dignity like those ordinary people. He could not bear to see the corruption and decline within the ruling class, so he "went out with a big laugh" and sent out "How can our generation be

Penghao people ". Since then, he has traveled through famous mountains and rivers, leaving more than a thousand masterpieces. The famous lines such as "When the wind breaks the waves, the cloud sails will be set straight to help the sea", "When you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky, and it will never return to the sea" are still popular today. Li Bai refused to be mediocre. He chose his own way and created a colorful and brilliant life.

"Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". Only in Tao Yuanming's poems can you find such a leisurely and comfortable pastoral life. The Jin Dynasty, a crazy dynasty, was full of chaos. Tao Yuanming has been floating and sinking in the official sea for decades. He is tired and tired. He doesn't want to associate with those mediocre people, because those practices violate his inner yearning and principles, and will make him lose his personality and dignity. So he decided to retire to the mountains and seek the clean stream hidden in the turbid world in the quiet garden life. It's really a good day in the mountains. The morning is clean and the moon lotus is hoed. You can plant and harvest by yourself. You can also go to the Peach Garden from time to time to see the beautiful scenery of fallen flowers. Tao Yuanming rejected mediocrity and secular ideas, and completed the baptism of his soul in his pastoral life.

The grass is willing to be mediocre, so it can only grow silently, and no one cares about its feelings; The wild flower is willing to be mediocre, so it can only become an extremely small one among the myriad colors, and no one pays attention to its existence. The green leaf is willing to be mediocre, so it can only serve as a foil for flowers, and no one pays attention to its sacrifice and dedication.

People have no way to choose their own origin and family. Ordinary is inevitable, but we must choose a way to reject mediocrity. When we embark on this road, our creativity and enterprising spirit will all be mobilized to maintain their noble integrity, adhere to their own principles, and courageously pursue their own goals. On the way of life, you can freely wield your boldness, and have an extraordinary and brilliant life.

Excellent composition with the theme of rejecting mediocrity

Xiaoming worships his father most, because his father seems to have countless good stories hidden in his beer belly.

That day, Xiaoming jumped up against his father who was reading the newspaper. His father was surprised. Before his father could speak, Xiaoming explained why he had come.

"Today, the teacher taught the word 'mediocrity', and he wrote four big words on the blackboard, 'Reject mediocrity', let's explain the meaning." Xiaoming touched the back of his head, glared at two big round eyes and said.

Dad raised his mouth, put down the newspaper, picked up Xiao Ming, and said: "I will tell you four stories later, and you will tell me what is mediocre and what is not mediocre, OK?" Xiao Ming nodded heavily.

"The hero of the first story is A, who is as old as you. His grandfather has a big farm."


"He was asked by his grandfather to milk in the early morning. It's like this every day. Do you think he is mediocre?"

"Too mediocre, he should go to school." Xiaoming blinked. Dad was silent.

"Later, he became very diligent. His grandfather made him a cowherd boy. He would hold books on the back of the cow and turn over several books. Do you think he is mediocre?"

"Not mediocre!?" said Xiao Ming.

The second story, the hero is B. He is older than you. He works in the master's carpentry shop. The master is very strict with him. Sometimes, if he doesn't do a good job with one piece of wood, his master will hit him with a stick. "

"Ah?" Xiaoming couldn't help shouting.

"The next day, he could hardly walk, but he didn't shed tears. Do you think he was mediocre?"

"Well, mediocre."

"The third story, the hero is C. Dad used to see him when he was on the train. He shouted to sell newspapers, and whenever anyone came to buy them, he would 'giggle'. No matter whether the weather was good or bad, he insisted. When it rained, he would find a corner, sit down, dust off the newspapers, and read with relish. In fine weather, he will shout hard. One day, he has a hoarse throat and only earned five coins, but he still giggles. Do you think he is mediocre? "

"Well, it doesn't count," said the son hesitantly.

The fourth story is about Ding. He is as old as his father. Before talking about him, my father asked you a question. Do you know the XX Evening News? "

"Yes, Dad watches it every day," Xiao Ming shouted.

"Ding is the chief editor of XX Evening News. Do you think he is mediocre?"

"Not mediocre, just great!" Xiao Ming said.

My father put down Xiao Ming, picked up XX Evening News, and said thoughtfully: "A is a milkman and a cowherd, but he works from morning to night; B is a carpenter's apprentice, who is often beaten when he does wrong, but never cries; C is a newspaper seller, who always giggles even though he doesn't earn much at times; D is the chief editor of the evening newspaper with a large circulation. What I want to say is that, in fact, A, B, C and D are the same person. "

"No!" Xiao Ming blurted out.

Dad touched Xiaoming's head and said, "It's the same person indeed. You said that he is mediocre, but has he ever been mediocre?"


My father realized that life is full of mediocrity, and it is simple to refuse mediocrity, that is, hard work, strong, optimistic, and make your own career. Do you understand now? "

Xiaoming nodded in amazement.

Describe the college entrance examination composition that rejects mediocrity

If someone asks me, what is rejection? I will tell him the complete meaning! If someone asks me, what is mediocrity? I will definitely say: "What do you think?" - inscription

When I saw the topic of this composition, two huge words "vulgar" were projected in my brain, and a sense of joy spread to my mind. A continuous stream of thoughts came and patted my shore. Words collided with each other, and the sound became more and more violent. The "waves" were higher and higher, hitting the Berlin Wall formed by these four words, but none of them could break through. The dazzling sunlight is constantly shifting, and the shadow covering the "sea surface" is getting bigger and bigger. I can't tell whether it is dark or blank. It successfully rejected all the mediocre words in my mind. What seems vulgar may not be vulgar, and what seems noble may not be mediocre!

From birth, people are endowed with the right to accept or reject certain substances or spirits. In every exercise of power, a certain "element" will inevitably have a qualitative change, slow or fast? On the "ground surface" or "underground"? Which "element" will react with it, physical or chemical? But the only thing that is certain is that the reaction result must have some influence on the generation of new substances at present or in the future.

If I could cross it, I would definitely cross to the State of Chu, on the bank of the Miluo River. Look at Qu Yuan, who is only pure when the whole world is turbid, who is only awake when everyone is drunk. He would rather go to Hunan and be buried in the belly of a river fish than be turbid when everyone is drunk when he is immersed in the mud. He is drunk when everyone is immersed in the mud. He remains noble until he dies, letting the river clean his body and sublimate his soul. "There is a long way to go, and I will go up and down to seek" to awaken ordinary people and literati with death! Reject all dust, mediocre thoughts, mediocre life in the secular world, and reject the mediocrity of drifting with the tide and joining forces with others. Even if you are stuck in the mud, you can also open white flowers. Even if the dark clouds block the sun, there is also dazzling light! I think the "Songs of Chu, Sao Style" created by Qu Yuan must be a wonderful work in the literary world after he rejected mediocrity!

If I can go through it, I will certainly go through the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, enjoy the pastoral life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain", enjoy the beautiful scenery of fallen flowers, and feel the world of great harmony as imagined by "Mr. Wu Liu"! I once saw a decoration company whose name was "Qianmo Decoration". The advertising slogan of "From life, refuse mediocrity" was eye-catching. I think that if Tao Yuanming had not rejected the mediocrity of material, fame and wealth, and secular mediocrity, there would have been no pastoral poetry, and the Peach Blossom Garden would no longer exist. Then the decoration company will not appear in my sight. Fortunately, he refused. With a calm attitude, he calmly walked out of the mediocre life!

In today's era dominated by money and power, what kind of people live under the pink walls, black tiles and gorgeous clothes piled up by money? What kind of heart is concealed? It is undeniable that no one will absolutely give up the pursuit of money and status, so that they will not survive and eventually be eliminated, let alone shout the slogan of rejecting mediocrity, which will only become a more mediocre joke.

Mediocrity is always torturing people's thoughts, and everyone wants to be the focus, either for a moment or an instant, or clear or ambiguous. Striving hard to pursue, have those who pursue dreams ever thought about what you are pursuing? Tired and happy or to complete the obligation? In the process of chasing, is the dream already covered by money or some desire or has been replaced and lost its original self!

Every thing and every thought will influence each other, either "attract" or "repel". Those who "attract" each other will drift with the tide and eventually flow into a river called "mediocrity". In that river, live the same life, have the same thoughts! Those who "repel" each other will set up their own doors. After being hit by wind and rain, they will gradually condense into a river and have their own happy world!

Rejecting mediocre conditions has nothing to do with wealth or hardship. It is based on your heart. What kind of world is your heart? Accept what? Reject what? How firm can you be under the secular, temptation and greed? Rejecting mediocrity is by no means a no word. From the moment of rejection, it means that this war can be won by perseverance has begun!

What is mediocrity to us today? What is the mediocrity we want to reject? Ask your heart?

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (14)

On Refusing the Ordinary Composition of College Entrance Examination

The mountains refuse to be mediocre and rise from the ground, so they can become mountains and peaks, stretching for thousands of miles; The sea refuses to be mediocre, and the waves roll, so it can be splashed and magnificent; The plum blossom refuses to be mediocre, and stands alone in the cold, so it can become its beautiful and noble style; If people refuse mediocrity and make unremitting efforts, they can create miracles and achieve possibilities!

When did the sea become a mulberry field; Once several times, the years wasted solidification; Human civilization is poetic and picturesque, with little ink and light graffiti. Your and my tracks are like the plum blossom hidden behind the branches. They are unnoticed, unsurprising, even a little damaged, a little dim, a little sad, a little confused... But in the winter of wanmu withering, snow melting, and cold, they use their purity They use their blood to play up the meaning of belief and report the news of spring to people

Their persistent footprints, lingering clangs, and towering clank iron bones, although wandering in the long river of history, hurt those frustrated and confused eyes.

The hermit in the bamboo slips

Who endured to live, and played the swan song of historians? Who is it? You are struggling to sing the unrhymed Lisao? The irony of the world, the pain of prison, and the humiliation of the crippled body had polished his heart to stop moaning. He tolerated the humiliation and torture with great magnanimity, and wrote the vicissitudes of the thousand years with the fortitude of the mountain. From the Three Emperors to the Five Emperors, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty, every drop of blood and every inner cry are hidden in bamboo slips. The heaviness of history is engraved on his weathered face, and the mediocre superficiality is abandoned by his fortitude.

Walker in the Sky of Poetry

He is confident that his natural talent will be useful; He is wild, but we are not Penghao people; He is open-minded, talking and laughing for you, Jinghusha! Called to Beijing, he went out laughing; He consecrated the Imperial Academy and claimed that his ministers were immortals in wine. When he found that his purple robe and jade belt could only write some beautiful tunes of the palace lyrics, "clouds like clothes, flowers like looks", he resolutely broke up, abandoned romance, wealth and wealth. This house has created a generation of poetic immortals who startle the wind and rain and cry ghosts and gods; This throw has raised the highest peak of Chinese Romantic poetry for five thousand years. Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to become a powerful person. He refused mediocrity and gained a happy face!

Duer on the nib

He is tall and proud with a blue robe; A pair of sharp eyes, see through the chaos of the world; A sharp pen can break the shackles of thought. He refused to be mediocre. He abandoned medicine and went to the operating table of Chinese people's hearts, and began to rescue them completely. Do not die in silence, break out in silence! He makes his indifferent heart boil, and makes people who are unwilling to be mediocre wake up and stand up!

Dancers of the times

Time flows like a song. Facing the new era, new life, new ideas and new realm, what kind of people should we be as post-90s youth? The stage extends as far as the heart goes; Anything is possible; If the heart is there, the dream is there... The strong voice of the times is urging us to forge ahead. Reject mediocrity, let's be dancers of the times, because the world belongs to us, because "we can"!

Excellent composition with the theme of rejecting mediocrity

The ends of the earth share the boundary, and the falling flowers share the fragrance. All the moment, into immortality, cumulative eternal—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The so-called mediocrity, no creation, no dream, no miracle. Reject mediocrity, keep striving, keep pursuing, and keep moving towards success.

Louise, the great American modern architect? Kahn has set a good example for us. His architectural works are always full of imagination and inspiration, and contain fantastic ideas. He has a strong pursuit and passion for the design of works. He is considered to be one of the greatest landmark figures with innovative spirit in the world's architectural field in the 20th century. His famous saying: "Even a brick should be an outstanding brick." This sentence has sounded the alarm bell of many people, and has become a Bible that rejects mediocrity. It has been widely spread around the world, inspiring, inspiring and promoting millions of people to reject mediocrity and commit to innovation and creation. It is precisely because he refused to be mediocre that he built the charming Yale University Art Museum and the Essette Library, which bloomed the brilliance of his life.

Westerners can refuse mediocrity, our children of the Chinese nation?

Zu Di and Liu Kun refused to be mediocre. When the golden rooster crowed, they danced and worked hard to be patriotic; Zhao Pu refused to be mediocre. In his later years, he worked hard and read at night by candlelight to realize his life value; Lv Meng refused to be mediocre. When the war was about to start, he kept reading the war books hard and won the praise of "three days apart, you should look at it with new eyes"; Ziong Lqiu refused to be mediocre. When others were blind to things outside the window and bent on reading only the books of sages, he began to travel around the world to spread his morality. When others were not honored by the toad officials, he had already filled the world with peaches and plums.

Li He, who said, "Young people's worries are local. Who wants to sit in secluded cold?", refused to be mediocre; Li Bai, who said "Anneng is so powerful that I cannot be happy", refused to be mediocre; Wen Tianxiang, who said that no one has died since ancient times, stays true to history and refuses mediocrity.

The carp refused to be mediocre, demonstrating the fighting spirit of "carp leaping over the dragon gate"; Kuafu refused to be mediocre, which engraved the determination of "Kuafu chasing the sun"; Plum Blossom refused to be mediocre, and did not compete with other flowers for spring scenery. It won the praise of "snow loses a fragrance of plum blossom".

God gave us a rain, just like a small white dot, which was danced in a short straight line, and finally turned into a little surprise. It hopes that the rain can wake people up, make people refuse mediocrity, and bloom the rainbow of life.

God gives each of us a dream. The light slowly flows through the clothes in the dream, leaving a section of breath. When the rain falls on the ground, it turns into countless birds and returns to the sky. It hopes that dreams can wake us up, let us reject mediocrity, and bloom the glory of life.

God gives us a moment of silence, and the steps fall on the rose petals, like a vast white floating in the rainstorm. It hopes that quietness can wake us up, let us refuse mediocrity, and bloom the glory of life.

Reject mediocrity, weave rainbow like dreams in thought, weave bright life!

A model essay describing rejection of mediocrity in college entrance examination

Wang Xiaobo is an ordinary employee of the company.

"Xiao Wang, why is your performance this month still like that? It's not going to work like this. Don't think about the bonus this month. Please give me a good introspection. I'm not enterprising at all." The boss said with a face.

"Oh", Wang Xiaobo agreed and walked out of his boss's office.

This month's bonus is gone again. What should I say when I go home? Wang Xiaobo has a bitter face.

"Xiaobo, you are back. Please sit down. Today I cooked your favorite fish." The wife said with a narrow smile.

Wang Xiaobo sat down to eat in silence.

"Wang Xiaobo, I heard that your company paid a bonus today. How much did you get?"

"Hmm! Well, this month's performance was not good, the bonus was canceled, and the salary was deducted." Wang Xiaobo bowed his head.

"What?" The daughter-in-law put down her chopsticks, and her face suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy. "Why did I marry you, a wimp? It's really unlucky. You see how promising Xiao Li is. He worked about the same time as you. He was promoted to manager when he was only 27 years old. His wife is really enjoying her life. Can you give me a little ambition and stop doing nothing!"

In the face of his daughter-in-law's complaints and accusations, Wang Xiaobo left the house before he finished his meal and came to a big tree to drink.

"Why are you so unhappy? Have you quarreled with your wife?" said a middle-aged man.

Wang Xiaobo looked at the middle-aged man, said nothing, and lowered his head to drink his mug.

"Brother, what can I do for you? Maybe I can help you."

Wang Xiaobo used the strength of wine to tell all the unpleasant things.

"So that's true. It's easy to do. I'm a stock trader. You can invest in stocks." The man said with a smile.

Wang Xiaobo always mutters when he hears that there are many cheats these days, so he'd better be careful.

"Don't disbelieve me, brother. I won't cheat you. You invest 300 yuan first and I will help you to invest in the stock market. If you make a profit, you will be counted. If you lose, you will be counted on me. You want your wife and boss to look down on you all your life."

Wang Xiaobo was cruel, and took 300 yuan out of the bag and gave it to the man.

A week later, Wang Xiaobo came to the tree. The man had already waited there. He gave Wang Xiaobo 400 yuan.

It turns out that you can earn so much by investing in stocks. Wang Xiaobo thought.

So he took another 3000 yuan to the man and later earned another 1000 yuan.

Wang Xiaobo tasted the sweetness. In order to stop being mediocre, he gave all his savings of the past few years to the man. As a result, the man never appeared again.

Wang Xiaobo felt cheated and afraid of his wife. He went to the lake and wanted to kill himself.

"Help! Help!" Someone fell into the water.

When Wang Xiaobo heard this, he jumped into the water with a splash and rescued the drowning boy.

The boy's father is the boss of a company. Later, the boy's parents came to Wang Xiaobo's company and sent the banner to express their gratitude.

"Thank you for saving my son. You are a hero."

"I'm not a hero, I didn't do anything, I just did what I should do," Wang Xiaobo said modestly.

"You are absolutely a mediocre person who acts bravely and rescues in danger. Come to me if you have any difficulties in the future."

Wang Xiaobo opened his heart to him

Before long, Xiao Wang's performance soared, his boss looked up at him with new eyes, and his wife loved him even more.

Wang Xiaobo is secretly determined to refuse mediocrity, cherish opportunities, work hard and make a difference.

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (15)

Haiyan refuses to be mediocre. It does not enjoy the warm cabin and shuttles freely in the storm; The eagle refuses to be mediocre. It does not live on safe branches, but flies freely in the blue sky; Chimonanthus refuse mediocrity, it does not pray for the protection of the sun, in the cold winter resolutely bloom.

It is the spirit of these creatures to refuse mediocrity that will create one miracle after another and form our colorful world.

"Anneng humbled his brow and bent his waist to become a powerful person, which made me unhappy." Such a heroic poem with some rebellious spirit can only be written by the poet. Li Bai did not care about the country and the people as Du Fu did all his life. He lived more comfortably and with more dignity.

Li Bai did not pander to his superiors, please the powerful, flatter and sell his personality and dignity like those ordinary people. He could not bear to see the corruption and decline within the ruling class, so he "went out with a big laugh" and sent out "How can our generation be

Penghao people ". Since then, he has traveled through famous mountains and rivers, leaving more than a thousand masterpieces. The famous lines such as "When the wind breaks the waves, the cloud sails will be set straight to help the sea", "When you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky, and it will never return to the sea" are still popular today. Li Bai refused to be mediocre. He chose his own way and created a colorful and brilliant life.

"Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". Only in Tao Yuanming's poems can you find such a leisurely and comfortable pastoral life. The Jin Dynasty, a crazy dynasty, was full of chaos. Tao Yuanming has been floating and sinking in the official sea for decades. He is tired and tired. He doesn't want to associate with those mediocre people, because those practices violate his inner yearning and principles, and will make him lose his personality and dignity. So he decided to retire to the mountains and seek the clean stream hidden in the turbid world in the quiet garden life. It's really a good day in the mountains. The morning is clean and the moon lotus is hoed. You can plant and harvest by yourself. You can also go to the Peach Garden from time to time to see the beautiful scenery of fallen flowers. Tao Yuanming rejected mediocrity and secular ideas, and completed the baptism of his soul in his pastoral life.

The grass is willing to be mediocre, so it can only grow silently, and no one cares about its feelings; The wild flower is willing to be mediocre, so it can only become an extremely small one among the myriad colors, and no one pays attention to its existence. The green leaf is willing to be mediocre, so it can only serve as a foil for flowers, and no one pays attention to its sacrifice and dedication.

People have no way to choose their own origin and family. Ordinary is inevitable, but we must choose a way to reject mediocrity. When we embark on this road, our creativity and enterprising spirit will all be mobilized to maintain their noble integrity, adhere to their own principles, and courageously pursue their own goals. On the way of life, you can freely wield your boldness, and have an extraordinary and brilliant life.

(Jiangsu examinee)

Full score analysis

"Refusing mediocrity" runs through the whole article, with clear clues and rigorous structure. A parallel sentence pattern is used at the beginning and the end to make the writing neat and powerful, and the rhythm is bright. There are a lot of poems quoted in the article, "Anneng broke the brows and bent the waist to serve the powerful, which made me unhappy", "Look up to the sky and laugh and go out", "We are not Penghao people", "Sometimes we can ride the wind and waves, and hang the cloud sail to help the sea", "You can't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, and rushing to the sea will not return", "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely", enriching the content of the article, It increases the cultural connotation of the article and makes people's lips and teeth stay fragrant after reading it. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development: 60 points in total

Refusing to write a mediocre composition with full marks (16)

The mountains refuse to be mediocre and rise from the ground, so they can become mountains and peaks, stretching for thousands of miles; The sea refuses to be mediocre, and the waves roll, so it can be splashed and magnificent; The plum blossom refuses to be mediocre, and stands alone in the cold, so it can become its beautiful and noble style; If people refuse mediocrity and make unremitting efforts, they can create miracles and achieve possibilities!

When did the sea become a mulberry field; Once several times, the years wasted solidification; Human civilization is poetic and picturesque, with little ink and light graffiti. Your and my tracks are like the plum blossom hidden behind the branches. They are unnoticed, not surprising, even a little damaged, a little dim, a little sad, a little confused?? However, in the winter of withering trees, melting snow and ice, and freezing cold, they use their purity and blood to play up the meaning of faith and report the news of spring to people??

Their persistent footprints, lingering clangs, and towering clank iron bones, although wandering in the long river of history, hurt those frustrated and confused eyes.

The hermit in the bamboo slips

Who endured to live, and played the swan song of historians? Who is it? You are struggling to sing the unrhymed Lisao? The irony of the world, the pain of prison, and the humiliation of the crippled body had polished his heart to stop moaning. He tolerated the humiliation and torture with great magnanimity, and wrote the vicissitudes of the thousand years with the fortitude of the mountain. From the Three Emperors to the Five Emperors, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty, every drop of blood and every inner cry are hidden in bamboo slips. The heaviness of history was engraved on his face, and the mediocrity of superficiality was abandoned by his fortitude.

Walker in the Sky of Poetry

He is confident that his natural talent will be useful; He is wild, but we are not Penghao people; He is open-minded, talking and laughing for you, Jinghusha! Called to Beijing, he went out laughing; He consecrated the Imperial Academy and claimed that his ministers were immortals in wine. When he found that his purple robe and jade belt could only write some beautiful tunes of the palace lyrics, "clouds like clothes, flowers like looks", he resolutely broke up, abandoned romance, wealth and wealth. This house has created a generation of poetic immortals who startle the wind and rain and cry ghosts and gods; This throw has raised the highest peak of Chinese Romantic poetry for five thousand years. Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to become a powerful person. He refused mediocrity and gained a happy face!

Duer on the nib

He is tall and proud with a blue robe; A pair of sharp eyes, see through the chaos of the world; A sharp pen can break the shackles of thought. He refused to be mediocre. He abandoned medicine and went to the operating table of Chinese people's hearts, and began to rescue them completely. Do not die in silence, break out in silence! He makes his indifferent heart boil, and makes people who are unwilling to be mediocre wake up and stand up!

Dancers of the times

Time flows like a song. Facing the new era, new life, new ideas and new realm, what kind of people should we be as post-90s youth? The stage extends as far as the heart goes; Anything is possible; If the heart is there, the dream is there?? The strong voice of the times is urging us to forge ahead. Reject mediocrity, let's be dancers of the times, because the world belongs to us, because "we can"!

(Jiangsu examinee)

Full score analysis

At the beginning of the article, the natural images such as "high mountains", "sea" and "plum blossom" are very powerful and powerful, with four subtitles, namely, "hermit in bamboo slips", "walker in poetry", "fighter on pen tip" and "dancer of the times". In this way, it is naturally layered and clear. The language is full of lyricism, and expresses his praise and admiration for the sages to his heart's content. Structurally, from the past to the present, it closely combines the new era and new ideas, and shows the aspirations of the post-90s youth, which has strong practical significance. On site scoring: 25 points for content+20 points for expression+15 points for development: 60 points in total