Composition of a cat (15 compilations)
The day will be bright and the heart will be warm
2024-06-07 06:58:37

Composition of a cat (1)

After I became a lively and lovely cat, I happily played with flying insects and butterflies on the grass all day long. I thought I was really happy without endless homework and my mother's nagging

Now, I and the so-called cat mother, sisters and sisters are raised by a girl named Tingting. Tingting is very good. She finishes her homework on time every day and is a good student. A few months later, I grew up from a suckling kitten to a kitten. It's time to learn our skills. Instead of letting us have a meal, Mother Cat led us to the riverside to learn how to climb trees, catch fish, catch mice, and so on.

Unexpectedly, I was still so lazy and naughty. I didn't listen to my mother cat at all. While my sisters were studying hard, I hid under a big tree and dozed off. When it comes to exercising my skills in front of the cat mother, I can't catch any small fish, and climbing a tree is nonsense. I fell down at once. Alas, the cat's world also depends on skills to eat! I thought that my mother cat would criticize me and nag me just like my original mother, but she said to me gently, "It doesn't matter, child, come on next time"! Then I shared the fish I caught with me. I felt lucky to be a cat. I could get something for nothing. It seemed that my choice was right. I enjoyed the delicious food while I was happy in my heart. On the second day and the third day, I was still like this. My cat mother still encouraged me to refuel, but I just went my own way and ignored her words.

One day, when my cat sisters were learning to catch mice, I stole away to bask in the sun in the yard next door to our house. Suddenly, a big dog named Lao Huang rushed at me, and I ran away. Because I only ate all day long, fat and stupid, I was still bitten by Lao Huang. Under a plane tree, I tried to break free from Lao Huang's paws as if I had caught a life saving straw, I climbed up the sycamore tree, but I didn't learn to climb the tree at all, and finally fell down. I regretted that I didn't listen to my mother's words and study my skills carefully. At the critical moment, my master Tingting heard my helpless call and saved me. But I was still bitten by the hateful yellow dog. I was disappointed and hated the cat world, I longed for the days when I was a little girl. Although there were endless homework and endless chatter every day, it was a kind of fun, a kind of happiness to be loved, and the KFC and lollipop to satisfy my cravings. When I thought of this, I cried like rain, I regretted my choice, and I made up my mind to be the original me, and I would go home

Composition of a cat (2)

If I were a cat, I would lie on the owner's leg in the afternoon sun, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the owner.

If I were a cat, I would be like a brave warrior. Whether you are a snake or a mouse, I would challenge you until I eliminated you.

If I were a cat, I would only eat a big meal to my taste. I would ignore the master's compulsion. I have my own opinion.

If I were a cat, I would play with children all morning until the motor nerve on my body collapsed, the heart speed exceeded the standard, and the limbs twitched.

If I were a cat, I would fly around the tree in search of food, but I would not like to imagine Awang tying himself with chains for a stable job.

If I were a cat, I would grow old in a free, self-conscious and unrestrained life, and would not be trapped in an iron cage

If I were a cat, a cat of thought.

Composition of a cat (3)

hello! I'm a cat! A very cute white cat! But my life is miserable!

I am a stray cat. I was caught in a forest, so I started my life as a hermit.

One fine day, I was forced into the cage, ready to be taken in. I watched pedestrians, some of whom were students, riding bicycles to school; Some students play along the path; People in the market are bargaining

In this colorful world, only my destiny

I'm glad that my host treats me well, eats delicious fish every day, and often bathes me.

I enjoy a noble life. Later, I met another person I like, and "married" that person, and finally gave birth to a boy and a girl. I feel very happy, but the good life is not long. After giving birth to a child, the owner thinks that there are too many owners of animals, while the son of the owner likes young animals. So they sold me again, so that I was separated from my children.

This time I was tortured. The master is a miser. He refused to sell me food, which made me lose a lot of weight; And don't give me a bath; It makes my body full of fleas, which is extremely itchy. I suffer from these torments, and I miss my children. My body can't resist it gradually. I feel that death is coming.

But death seemed to give me another chance. Once, the master was drunk, so I sneaked out. In the original owner's home, I met my children. They have grown up a lot, and they will not be sad because they have no mother. When I saw it, I felt comforted and didn't hesitate to die.

Disasters keep coming, and my life has never changed. As the days go by, my body can't bear it. I hope the host can treat me and others better.

Composition of a cat (4)

I heard someone sighing because there seemed to be no change. However, from another perspective, it is found that there is a big difference.

From my grandparents, I learned that in their time, every family wanted to have a cat. They had a cat, which was not used as a pet, but used to catch mice. Do you know that at that time, there were countless mice in the family. It was not easy to get a pair of new shoes, and the mice bit a hole in them; It's not easy to find a tent that has been hidden for many years. It seems to be used this summer, but a mouse has bitten a hole in it... But who should blame it? In this famine era, it is difficult for one person to feed. People go out early and come home late. Everyone is skinny, let alone raising a cat. Not long ago, my father told me that when he was young, there was a cat in his family. But even he was not enough to feed a cat. But the cat was very competitive. He tried to catch mice every day. His body was covered with tendon flesh and was very strong. We were also very happy. The number of old mice in his family gradually decreased. Now it's very different.

Once upon a time, the cat saw the mice staring at them with shining eyes, as if they were going to fight each other to death. And now? Today's cats eat delicacies all day long, and they don't even look at mice squarely. I remember one time, on the way back to my hometown, I accidentally saw a cat biting a mouse in its mouth. When I saw it for the first time, I naturally became curious and wanted to see it. The cat walked for a while, crossed the road, stopped, and threw the mouse aside with a disgusting expression, as if saying, "Where did the mouse come from? It stinks all over." At this time, the mouse was already bloody. As you can imagine, the difference between cats of the past and cats of the present.

Now we are also here, sleeping in soft beds, and if we want to eat chicken, we have chicken to eat; If you want to eat eggs, you can eat them; Not only do we eat well, sleep well, but also play well. We have badminton rackets, leather balls, and dolls at home. But we don't know how lucky we are when we are blessed. Now, all of our things are miracles created by our ancestors with sweat and wisdom, so I will cherish this hard won life even more.

Composition of a cat (5)

I want to be a cat Excellent composition

In real life or work and study, we often see the figure of composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of solitude, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is an excellent composition of my little editor, I want to become a cat. Welcome to share it.

I want to be a cat. Because the cat is very cute, with a pink nose and a pink tongue hidden in its mouth, it is very cute when it comes out. Especially the kitten, with four short legs, short claws and hairy body, is very childish when walking.

Finally one day, I became a cat.

I am a tiger print cat hunter. I love to sleep. I wake up naturally every day and stretch a long stretch when I wake up. As soon as the master saw that I was awake, he quickly prepared delicious food for me and combed my hair. My master served me like a nanny for fear that I would not be excited.

As a cat, I live a very comfortable life. When I'm happy, I play with the host. When I'm not in the mood, I play with Mao and small balls. If I am unhappy, I will teach the animals that bully me severely, whether they are dogs, chickens, ducks or not, whether they offend me or not, as long as I don't like them, and stretch out my sharp claws to scratch them in the face, they will call their parents and run away. Even if it is useless for them to complain to the master, the master will not criticize me, because she knows I am the bully in the family.

Finally, I don't have to go to school. I don't have to lie on the desk all day writing homework, pondering how to write composition, dealing with boring math problems, or reciting boring English words. I'm only responsible for playing with the fake mouse or the owner, and going to bed whenever I want. You can bathe in the sun every day and stay in a leisurely daze without racing against time.

The master went to school, and I was alone at home. I lay on the high bay window and looked out bored. The pupils walked to the school in groups, talking and laughing. When I walked into the school gate, I suddenly saw the students I knew were saluting to the teachers. They carried heavy bags, walked into the teaching building with their heads held high and disappeared in one classroom after another. The school bell rang, and the campus was silent. There were only a few sparrows walking around in the huge campus.

The sun was shining brightly. Suddenly, I felt extremely lonely. Compared with written knowledge, the wool ball I played all day long almost set me off as a retarded person. Besides, I take pleasure in bullying those small animals, which makes me even more rude and incompetent.

I looked around. What a small space! God, I actually feel like a bully.

I fantasize about becoming a primary school student, under the guidance of knowledge, exploring the mysteries of knowledge, running on the playground, traveling by plane, and attending parties with my parents... What a rich and colorful life!

I don't want to become a cat. I want to be a child, childish and cute, loved by my parents and teachers, and have a colorful life. I hit the glass with my paws, and I want to shout loudly so that the teachers and students can hear the sound, but I clearly heard the sound of "Meow Meow".

I waved my paws anxiously and shouted. At this time, someone finally responded, "Did you have a nightmare? Get up quickly and go to school."

It was my mother's voice. I suddenly opened my eyes. It turned out that I had a long dream during the lunch break.

Composition of a cat (6)

I am a kitten, a very interesting animal.

I am very sleepy. I spend at least 14~15 hours in sleep in 24 hours a day. Some of my companions even sleep for 20 hours! Because of this, we are often called "lazy cats"! I was said to be addicted to sleep, but I didn't really sleep all the time. I only have four or five hours of true sleep. Other times, I have been keeping my eyes closed.

Although I am a lazy cat, I also have something particularly attractive, that is, I can catch mice! Every night, in many people's homes, there are always mice out to steal food. They are cautious and tiptoe for fear of being discovered by me. However, how could it be so easy to escape my eyes? When I called, the mice ran away in a panic and disappeared. I will not be discouraged because I didn't catch a mouse, but will work harder. I usually find the mouse's hole by smell first, and then I quietly guard by the hole, waiting for the mouse to come out. In this way, I can always catch some mice.

Besides, I'm a Wulin expert! Do you know why I can easily "climb the eaves and walk the walls"? Because I have outstanding reaction nerve and sense of balance. I only need to slightly change the position and height of my tail to achieve balance. And I have thick meat pads on my feet, which can help me absorb shock and prevent slipping.

This is me, a lazy cat who can sleep, catch mice and master martial arts

Composition of a cat (7)

Meow, hey! I was scolded by the master again, and the sofa of the master's house was torn by me!

My name is Mimi. I am a lovely cat. I am obedient and docile. In fact, I only scratched the sofa to keep my paws sharp and clean. I really didn't mean to, but it seems that I didn't choose the right place. I took the owner's furniture as a "tree" to sharpen my paws. This is totally a misunderstanding. Alas, as long as humans treat me well, you will find that we cats are really cute animals.

I'm going to be a mother! Among our cats, most female cats stay in their original places, while male cats usually come and go alone, so I have to shoulder the responsibility of baby rearing. After 60 days of pregnancy, I will have a baby.

I can have four cat babies at a time. When they are four or five days old, their eyes and ears are still closed. When the babies grow up to seven to thirteen months old, my responsibility will come to an end, and they will begin to be independent.

Mice are our favorite cats. Unfortunately, some of them are completely pets and will never catch mice again.

Generally, our hair will become thicker and larger as we grow larger. Don't underestimate my tail. There are more than 20 bones on it!

Dear friends, do you like me? I'm going out to play. Bye!

Composition of a cat (8)

I am a cat, a gentle, lively and lovely kitten, living in a family in the city.

I have a yellow and black tiger skin, round eyes, a triangular mouth under my small nose, a beautiful "eight" shaped beard on both sides of my small mouth, and two sharp ears sticking up from my round head, which makes me look very smart.

I love to destroy the natural enemy: mice. There is a trash can downstairs at my house, and mice often appear on the street, which must be said to be a disaster, so I am determined to eliminate it. Hey, a big mouse is chewing a piece of corn with less than half of it left, and looking around from time to time, so cautious! I hid aside, afraid of being found by it, but my eyes were staring at me. Oh, no! It sensed me. He left the corn and ran away in a hurry. I pursued him.

It ran at full speed, and I chased it through the streets. Suddenly, it made a sharp turn and disappeared into the "maze" alley by taking a car. I don't know where it is. I took a deep breath, then held my breath, walked to the drain with sensitive breath, and stared with bated breath. Something happened. A round nose appeared at the drainage outlet. When I got to the small mouth, I "mewed" and played with it. The mouse suddenly retracted its mouth and nose into the sewer. I waited for a while, and the head of the mouse stretched out again, and then the body stretched out. I bit it and pulled out the tail of the mouse. The mouse could not imagine that I had patience waiting for it. I swallowed it in one mouthful.

I want to eat all the mice in the trash can, but I can't rely on an ordinary cat. We need to work together to classify the garbage and turn waste into treasure, so there will be no mice "making trouble" in the street.

Composition of a cat (9)

I am a cat, a carefree happy cat.

Living in the wild, freedom is my pursuit. I chased and fought there. The vole is our favorite food.

One day, two people suddenly came with something called sacks in their hands. When they saw us, their eyes lit up. I heard my partner's painful breathing sound, and was scared to shit. I hid in the tree and looked anxiously at everything. In a blink of an eye, one of my companions was thrown into a sack, and the man tied a rope and dragged away. Since then, my companions have gradually become less and less, and we live in fear.

Cats are not as good as people. I can't escape the bad luck. I fell into their trap and was locked in an iron cage. I screamed wildly, grabbed wildly, and seemed at a loss. Later, I was "adopted" by a family. At first, I tried to run away, but my feet were tied by the rope. The harder I tried, the tighter the rope was. It was really painful. I had to give up the "cat walking plan". Another cat of the master came to me and said, "Don't be so upset. You see, he gives me delicious food every day and can sleep late, which is better than sleeping in the open air." Inspired by it, I ate a bowl of food with half a doubt. It was really delicious in the sky, and I ate and ate. Since then, I have gradually forgotten the strategy of slowing down and become a domestic cat, living a life of food and clothing

Soon, there was a rat plague in the master's house. The master wanted us to show our skills, but we had already got a big belly and a round waist, lost our home skills, and acted so slowly. This reminds me of the cartoon Cat and Mouse that children like to watch now. We are now like being played by rats. So, the master was angry and let us wander on the streets

I hope I will be a cat in the next life, but don't let me meet a "kind adopter" again.

Composition of a Cat (10)

Animals are the closest friends of human beings. If you give me a chance to transform myself into a small animal, I want to become a cat that is as quiet as a virgin and as active as a rabbit.

I want to be a cat, because the cat is smart, clever, docile and cute. Small and exquisite body, round head against a pair of ears that are always upright. There are eight white whiskers on both sides of the herringbone mouth, which are extremely hard. It is a natural ruler, which is specially used to measure the size of the mouse hole hole. Especially, its eyes that emit light green light are like two green light bulbs every night. Reach out and scratch it gently. It can't help but lift its chin and snuggle up beside you, at your disposal.

I want to be a cat, because the cat is clean and capable. In the warm sun, the cat licked the meat pad under its paws with its tongue, and then scratched its face a few times to wash its face. The delicate hair on its body was also neatly cleaned. It is said that Cat is the master of the "king of beasts" tiger. He has 18 kinds of martial arts and is proficient in everything. The cat is the natural enemy of mice. As long as it sees a mouse, it will attack it quickly, torture it to death, and finally have a good meal.

I want to be a cat, because the cat is free and smart. In the brilliant spring, while basking in the warm sunshine, the cat leisurely played chess with Grandpa Zhou. In the hot summer, cats hide in the cool woods and play happily with birds. In the fruitful autumn, cats playfully climbed the treetops and played hide and seek with pomegranates. In the snow covered winter, Cat became a freelance painter, leaving beautiful pictures in the ice and snow.

I want to be a carefree, happy cat. I want to become a cat who can do whatever he wants instead of playing cards according to common sense.

Alas, the sky is vast and the wild is boundless. Why is learning too crazy? If I were really a cat, how wonderful it would be!

Composition of a Cat (11)

I am a cat, a little greedy cat.

One day, when I was doing my homework, my mother shouted below: "Ting, I bought a bag of candy and put it in the cabinet. I took advantage of my mother's absence, quietly grabbed a handful of sugar in the cabinet, put it into the desk, and ate sugar while doing my homework. After a while, my teeth began to ache. My mother asked me what was going on, but I couldn't hide it, so I had to confess everything.

I am a cat, a night owl.

Because I was eating while writing my homework, I was slow to write my homework. The lights in every house were "resting". I was still doing my homework. It was 10 o'clock when my homework was written, my tears fell down, and my mouth was still full of disgusting candy.

I am a cat, a little lazy cat.

Because I wrote my homework very late, my mother shouted hoarse below every morning, and I still didn't get up. When I was late, I got up in a hurry and rushed to school.

Every day when the school gate is almost closed, a cat cat girl with a pink schoolbag runs in from the outside.

So, I am a little wild cat.

Composition of a Cat (12)

A cat jumped out of the window and knocked a blue porcelain flower pot on the window sill onto the steps, smashing it in half.

The cactus, which had just been watered, was thrown out along with the smashed porcelain flowerpot and fell on the ground, shedding tears, making a faint voice: "What a pity!"

"That's nothing, I'm a cat!" The cat didn't apologize and didn't even look back. Instead, he bent his back and put up his tail. He slowly stepped forward as if nothing had happened. "Last night, I caught 13 mice as soon as I stretched my paw!"

"Ah..." The cat stopped suddenly, his ears stood up high, made two moves, and then spread out his four legs and flew over.

Two butterflies are dancing back and forth on top of the impatiens. The impatiens lifted up their rosy smiling faces and tried their best to emit fragrance. They kissed warmly, one after another.

The cat suddenly flew to the butterfly and waved its teeth. They were so surprised that they jumped up and flew away like two broken kites.

"Hey! Don't run!" The cat screamed and rushed. Butterflies are butterflies after all, fluttering their wings up and down in the air. The beautiful wings sparkle in the sun, just like two flowers floating in the air. Not convinced, the cat followed the butterfly up and down, from left to right, and waved its orange paws in the air. "You...... You...... You...... Have the guts not to fly, come down, let's...... Let's have a good competition, do you dare?" But the butterfly stopped in the air, "you think we are stupid!" said the white butterfly. "That's it." Yellow Butterfly nodded straight. "You can't fly yourself, let's get down, why? Come on! You know what this is? Jealousy! Naked jealousy!" Butterfly flew to the cat and said contemptuously, looking at the cat proudly, wondering how to do. When the cat looked at the butterfly, some fear came into her heart. His face was purple with anger, and he jumped on it with a meow. At that moment, he felt as if he really flew up. It felt so second! But it fell to the ground with a loud crash. It was a cat's illusion, a daydream. Her face was dusty, embarrassed and humiliated... The cat watched the butterfly fly away one after another, and refused to climb up for a long time. "Well... if only I could fly!"

The cat walked down the path dejectedly and ran away completely. "Last night, I caught 13 mice as soon as I stretched my paw. Today, I didn't catch two butterflies. Alas!" "Gugu..." My stomach cried, hungry! I haven't eaten lunch yet! The cat was unhappy, lying lazily on the ground, looking at the red apples on the tree, and the grapes on the grape trellis. It wanted to eat! Forget it. I can't pick it anyway. The cat rolled over, alas... If only I could fly.

So the cat decided to find a way. It watched the bubbles float higher and higher with the wind. Suddenly, it had a whim, pinched its nose, and "googoogoogoogoogoo" went down dozens of bottles of soapy water. Look, as the saying goes, good people are rewarded. What about the next sentence? It's silly cats who have silly rewards! When the silly cat burps, a group of bubbles come out of the cat's mouth... Hmm... The picture is too beautiful, I dare not see it!

The cat was taught not to eat at random. Walking in the amusement park, the cat suddenly catches two eyes! Look! The balloon was full of air and flew straight up high! The cat squinted and had another "good idea". He excitedly went home and grabbed the pump. "Ha! I'm so smart! Give yourself a puff of gas, and then you can fly!" The cat took out his breath and "poopoopoopoopoopoopoopoo..." for a long time. His body became bigger and bigger, becoming a big round balloon. It happily floats out of the window, slowly floats through the treetops, and flies over tall buildings

Now, the cat is playing with the clouds in the sky! When tired, lie on the white clouds to sleep, and when hungry, eat the clouds around, oh! I forgot to say that the clouds are really delicious! Orange flavor, strawberry flavor... Oh yes, and the dried fish that cats like best! I'm full. "Hiccup..." Ha ha! The sky has a colorful bubble rain!

Composition of a Cat (13)

Cats have joys and sorrows, smiles and tears, joys and sorrows. The most unforgettable worry in my life is not that I abandoned it, but that it abandoned me.

················- Title

(1) This kitten has come to my house for a long time.

Brown cat color, ordinary long, with a bell hanging around his neck, but unlike many stray cats, it has two pupils. From its deep eyes, we can see a melancholy. Because of this, I took it in and named it "Youyou".

(2) Worry is always curled up in a ball, hiding in a corner, looking at me with unfathomable eyes. I think the house of the former owner of Youyou must be dark and damp.

(3) With it for a long time, the sense of closeness has also deepened. It often walks up to me, rubs me down, and barks coyly.

At sunset, the sun slowly merged with the mountain stream, and then I found that my worries were gone! Looking everywhere, but still no trace, I fell into an abyss, as if I had lost my closest friend. Later, I learned from my neighbor that he had gone to Grandma Zhang's house.

(4) Grandma Zhang is over sixty now, and her face is full of traces of time. When her parents died when she was young, she had no relatives. At the age of 30, my husband moved on and never remarried. Now she is alone in an old house, which was given to her by a kind-hearted person.

It was completely dark. Youyou came back. It ignored me and found a corner to rest on its own.

Later, every evening, he would go out of the house alone, and would look back at me to greet him. His eyes collided with each other. Finally, he left with a gentle mew. I wonder, does it always go to Grandma Zhang? There is something fishy!

(5) That day, as always, he looked at me before leaving, and again "mewed". There was no ambiguity, no gentleness, and there was a taste of farewell. The voice pierced my heart.

I followed it secretly, and really arrived at Grandma Zhang's house. She was laboriously plowing, and her head was full of sweat. Every time she did it, she gasped for breath. Youyou rushed forward immediately. Grandma Zhang saw her, put down her hoe, and picked up Youyou. She was as gentle as a child. She stroked Youyou's fluffy hair, and her eyes were full of comfort. Youyou's eyes also became gentle.

Although I was ignored, I understand that these days, Youyou has been accompanying the lonely "empty nest old man", always around her, bringing her a sense of home.

At this moment, I realized that Youyou had grown up, and it was no longer the kitten that would act like a coquette to me. Under the setting sun, only she and it are left········

(6) Another evening, Youyou and I went out of the house at the same time. The sense of closeness was decreasing. The afterglow of the sunset was integrated with its figure. I firmly believed that it would look back at me, but I was wrong - it was a cat that never looked back.

Day 1: Blue Stars in the Deep Sea (Chen Ting)

Composition of a Cat (14)

I caught a mouse in sunny weather today. Instinctively, I put the mouse on the master's table and wanted her to praise me for my good work, but I was scolded... I was in a bad mood.

I like mice because they are very delicious. I like this kind of high protein food and also like the instinct of hunting as a hunter.

I decided to go out for a walk because I was scolded by my master. The waxy yellow dog next door should make me happy.

Standing on the wall, I yelled at it and saw that it ran to the wall and jumped under the wall. It seemed that I wanted to let me go down to play with it. To be honest, I would be happy to watch it jump on the wall, but if I wanted to jump off the wall and play with it... It was too big, I was afraid that it would step on my tail.

After playing with the waxy yellow dog for a while, I happily returned to the roof of my house. I didn't dare to go to the master's' room. I was afraid that she would blame me again, which made me very sad. I did a good deed. Doesn't the owner like a beautiful and delicious mouse?

It seems that I fell asleep when the sun was too warm.

When I woke up, I saw a bamboo pole on me······

Scared, I jumped up and saw my master calling me home······

Now that you are here, I will go with you, although I was just sitting on the roof for a while.

When I returned to my warm home, I decided that I would never bring my prey to the table to make my master angry again.

Composition of a Cat (15)

One day, there was a meeting in the forest. Suddenly there was a rapid thump. Broke their peace. "Who is it?" The elephant officer went to open the door impatiently and shouted.

"I'm a cat," said a faint, frightened voice outside. "A fierce dog was chasing me. Please open the door. " The cat broke in before the elephant police officer could speak. He slammed the door shut. "Ah! It scared me to death. I thought it would be eaten." The yellow cat hid in the corner and said. "Are you the cat? "The elephant officer looked at him doubtfully.

"Alas, thanks to all of you, I was able to escape from the dog. I am the cat. It is a hunter's cat." The yellow cat looked up at the elephant and whispered. "What? Hunter's cat!" The elephant police officer became alert. Without saying a word, he drove the yellow cat out. Not long after the door was closed, the elephant police officer and other animals heard a heart rending scream, as well as the barking of dogs.

After a few hours, their hearts gradually sank. The elephant police officer carefully opened the door, glanced at the door, and sighed. "What's the matter? What's going on outside?" The animals asked the elephant police officer in unison. "Nothing, but the cat died. It was bitten to death by a dog." The elephant police officer rolled his eyes casually while spreading his hands. "What? How can a noble person like you do such a cruel act? " Miss Rabbit bent her long ears and pointed angrily at the elephant police officer.

"What did I do wrong? It's just a cat, let alone a hunter's cat? Aren't you afraid that he will call the hunter and kill us all?" "So you are such a person." The monkey's eyes were puffing with anger. Pointing at him angrily, his body trembled. At this time, the stunned animals also got angry. Shook the elephant police officer out. The reputation of the elephant police officer plummeted, and many animals regarded him as their enemy. The elephant police officer, seeing that he had no place to hide, escaped from the forest and never heard from him.

The animals in the forest were still very sad. They buried the cat. And I will make up for my mistakes on the annual Horse Month Festival in the Year of the Rat. But this year there was a flood. The forest was flooded. So the small forest no longer exists.