Writing about scenery (17 required)
Listen to the wind and watch the moon
2024-06-07 06:20:33
describe the scenery

Writing about Scenery (1)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. If you want to ask me what season I like best, it must be cold winter.

Winter is happy. After it snowed, the ground was covered with a thick quilt, on which children played heartily. Winter is cold. People wear a thick down jacket in winter, with a long scarf and a big hat. If you don't wear one, the biting wind will freeze you. Winter is white.

After it snowed, the house was covered with snow, and the land was covered with snow. They all seemed to be covered with a quilt. The world seems to have become a fairytale world made of powder and jade. Winter is delicious. Candied haws are sweet and sour, delicious, and crispy. Winter persimmons are sweet, like jelly. Baked sweet potatoes are warm, and when you have a big bite in the cold winter, the whole person is warm. There is a lot to eat in winter. You can try it if you have a chance. Winter is a time of reunion. During the Spring Festival, the whole family watched the Spring Festival Gala, ate the New Year's Eve dinner, set off firecrackers, played games

Winter in my eyes is happy, cold, white, delicious, and reunited. I love winter!

Writing about Scenery (2)

Our community is a big garden. My favorite is the small garden near the fire door of the ninth building in the community.

Peach Blossom Tree, the "guardian" of the small garden, stood at the door politely, as if welcoming everyone to visit the small garden and guarding it. A row of blue plums sprouted and cheered. The tall white magnolia and purple magnolia have big and long flowers. The white magnolia flowers are bigger than the purple magnolia flowers, and the purple magnolia flowers are more beautiful than the white magnolia flowers. The white magnolia is pure and flawless, and the purple magnolia is colorful. My eyes turn to the protagonist of the garden -- camellia. It is beautiful and moving, just like the little flower fairy "Chun" of Zhongshan camellia in the cartoon "The Little Flower Fairy". It is so graceful and graceful. From a distance, it looks like red cotton. It looks like the camellia tree is dressed with bright red dots, and is attending the dance! Looking closely at the flowers, one after another flowers have a myriad of postures. Some flowers bow their heads and are very shy, but also seem to be thinking about problems. Some flowers hold their heads high, watching the changing clouds in the sky. Some flowers are head up, smiling, and telling stories to the tourists! The little bee and the little butterfly also came to join in the fun. They flew around the camellia tree and rushed into the flowers to enjoy themselves. The little bee filled the bucket on her leg with pollen but refused to leave for a long time. The little butterfly sucked unknown amount of nectar and did not leave the camellia flower, very greedy. Xiaolancao silently pays without asking for return. The camellia is more beautiful with its new green dotted with the fiery red.

I like the small garden best. Go home to have a look at it after school, and play with them after finishing my homework. I immerse myself in the small garden, and I love it!

Writing about Scenery (3)

Can you imagine that on the side near the equator, there is a holy snow mountain stretching like Athena, towering over the world. When we ordinary people's cars arrived, mischievous clouds gathered around our waist, surrounded by fairy fog, and the snow mountain turned into a feather fairy with "fairy clothes fluttering in the wind". Even though we are still far away from it, we can't help but feel a pilgrimage when we look around. It seems that the snow mountain in the distance is a belief that we must look up to with a pious mind and dare not defile half a percent.

Human beings have no choice but to delay the coming of tragedy. Climate warming makes the snow line keep climbing, and the remaining white is very precious. How many people travel thousands of miles just to engrave the "white" of "can only be seen from afar, not played with" in their lives. Beyond the color, they are merged into a wordless wake up.

Stepping on the land at the foot of the mountain, inexplicably full of guilt, violated the holy land, a burst of self mockery. The mountain is dotted with plants, and a dense and lush area. The clear spring water slides down along the scattered stones. All the way to happiness, it seems that a crystal clear ribbon is paved on the deep place, even though the diamond with the highest purity in the world is also eclipsed.

Blue Moon Valley, 3100 meters above sea level, is starting a soul shaking performance: a dark and sturdy man, driving a horse under him, and a happy Mercedes Benz at the Red Summit, demonstrating the bloody spirit of Naxi people walking on the ancient tea horse road six hundred years ago. The mountain road is difficult and dangerous, even zigzags and eighteen bends. The brave people use their lives to practice "the bell rings in the mountains and the caravan comes". Go or stay, wine is like the Naxi people advocating horses? Where to enjoy, you must use the altar! The most primitive voice is matched with the simple and warm lyrics, the most stretched limbs are matched with the wild and powerful dance, the sound of throwing the ground makes the sound of gold and stone, the step by step view of Kunshan jade fragments, hibiscus sobbing dew, which is a drinking order that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

Lose the splendor of Mount Tai, lack the beauty of Mount Li, more jue jade to remove dust, and make up an inch of the wild dragon Yulong Snow Mountain.

Writing about Scenery (4)

I got up very early this morning because I wanted to see what the sunrise was like in winter at the end of the winter vacation.

The sky was gray, and there were a few remnant stars hanging loosely, and there was no sign of the sun coming out. People haven't got up yet, and even the rooster hasn't woken up yet. It's extremely quiet around.

I watched the eastern horizon patiently. I don't know how long later, the white fish belly appeared in the east, and the sky gradually revealed a narrow dark red long belt. I don't know when the stars were hidden quietly.

In a twinkling of an eye, the dark red band slowly expanded into an orange light band. The orange became thicker and deeper gradually. A moment later, a cloud in the east became dark red.

In the red clouds, a solitary Phnom Penh loomed out. I knew that the sun was coming out, so I stared at it intently for fear of missing the exciting moment in the blink of an eye. Phnom Penh is getting brighter and brighter, and the sun finally peeps out of a small part of the face. The color is really lovely, but there is no light.

The sun seemed to be carrying a heavy burden, slowly rising bit by bit, and finally it completely jumped out of the horizon, revealing a round, red smile. After a while, it became radiant.

It shines on the fields, the rivers, the farmyard and the wheat fields. The whole earth is full of vitality. With a squeak, the door of the neighbor's house opened, and the uncle in his coat went down with a hoe, followed by the big yellow dog whose tail tip was shining. Mother also got up. She wore an apron around her waist and pulled a handful of spinach from the vegetable garden. Under the sunshine, the spinach leaf also shone golden.

I also turned around and went back to the house. After dinner, I put my schoolbag on my back and walked happily in the morning light.

Writing about Scenery (5)

I love summer, because I can go to the beach to play in the summer vacation. I go to the seaside to collect shells. The colorful shells become colorful under the sunshine. I can't wait to see them. I play with sand on the beach, and pile sand into hills and castles. I also planted a small five-star red flag on the castle! I can stand at the seaside and listen to the sound of the waves. The sea breeze blows in and makes me feel relaxed and happy.

I love summer because I can fly kites in summer vacation. My father and I go to fly kites together. My father holds the string of the kite, and I run a few steps with the kite and throw it into the air. The kite goes up in the blue sky. My father pulls the string of the kite and gives it to me. I hold the kite up and down, and it takes a long time to stabilize the kite flying between the blue sky and white clouds, For a moment, I looked like a naughty monkey greeting me and the earth, and for a moment, I looked like a happy bird flying freely in the air. At this time, my mood also flew freely in the air like it.

I love summer, because I can eat cold drinks and shaved ice in summer vacation. Every time I see cold drinks, I will be salivating. When my father and mother go to work, I always steal cold drinks at home. When my parents come back and see that cold drinks are missing, I will scold them at most. I don't care. I can eat as I like, and my parents also blame me. Summer is a colorful season, It brings great joy to our children, so I love summer! I like summer in the four seasons, my favorite is summer, because the summer scenery is pleasant.

In summer, what I like most is that charming green grass appears in front of me like pieces of green carpet, green as jade, green as jasper breeze, grass seems to nod to you with satisfaction, sometimes bow to you, as if to say to you: welcome you, hope I can bring you happiness in summer, I also like hibiscus flowers and husband and wife crabapple. Every flower they open is like a little red hibiscus in a green cluster. The umbrella shaped husband and wife crabapple is orange and wing shaped, like an angel growing up in the stamen. As the saying goes, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, it is not beautiful without green leaves, The leaves are indispensable flowers. The leaves have many shapes: needle shaped, water drop shaped, elliptical leaves, not only green, but also red and yellow. They add a color to nature. The tree is a model of nature. It is so tall and strong. So tall trees stand upright on both sides of the horse road, like soldiers full of confidence, upright and upright, Waiting for the order to go to war, it's really admirable!

In summer, the dancing insects are also a beautiful scenery. The beautiful butterflies are flying around with beautiful wings; There are also many dragonflies: the big head with red tail and flower wings surprises me that there are two connected. Maybe they are twin brothers and sisters, otherwise how could they be so close! In my eyes, the scenery of summer can be compared with the landscape of Guilin and all the scenery in the world. You are so beautiful and I love you, It was already early at five or six o'clock in the morning. At six or seven o'clock in the evening, the moon was about to crowd it out. But the industrious sun still lingered. It was hot to stay late to work in summer. According to different degrees of heat in summer, it can be divided into early summer, midsummer and late summer.

The early summer is a time when people are tired of winter after having passed the dreaded long winter. Although spring is full of flowers, it is relatively short after all. In early summer, people can finally take off the miscellaneous clothes wrapped around their bodies. Women can wear elegant dresses, revealing snow-white skin and slim figure; Gentlemen's trousers and t-shirts, dressed in relaxed early summer, ate Bingqilin's sleeping mat, covered with thin quilt, and opened the doors and windows, which was the most comfortable and enjoyable; When you are happy, you can go to the swimming pool and jump like a fish in water. It is a golden season in the north, when early summer is the golden season, the countryside is active and beautiful. The white clouds are floating slowly in the sky, and farmers on the vast land work hard with tender willows hanging down on the quiet river. The river finally thaws and has vitality, Little fish, little loach and little frog all jump happily. The urchin by the river is even more overjoyed, breaking the tranquility of the field: look! Come and see! Loach, this is a small loach! The sound and laughter floated in the morning when the flowers were in full bloom, which made people deeply feel the joy of summer.

Writing about Scenery (6)

In the cold winter, the yellow trees exposed their bodies, and many factories lowered their heads, making the earth shrouded in a gloomy winter day. But if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

The first dawn of development in the morning lit up the green buds on the banyan tree. The small and lovely leaves were rolling with dew like Chinese pearls, as if to attract our attention; The already withered and yellow trees have also changed into green clothes designed by Spring Girl with young leaves and weaving, making the inconspicuous trees even become a dazzling model.

Then Miss Hua woke up. They were eager to be the most beautiful and moving flower queen, so they tried to show their proudest features: kapok helped them dress up as bright orange, standing on the high branches, overlooking the earth; Cherry blossoms and blooming buds on Ali Mountain enable tourists to hold enough cameras and keep flashing magnesium lamps; In the flowers, clusters of wild flowers are floating with charming fragrance; Bees and butterflies shuttle among flowers, forming a beautiful picture.

At night, there are groups of 'swallows' beside the sunset, each wearing a handsome black tuxedo, flying freely around the air. Sing sparrows in banyan trees. "Spring." Spring is the most comfortable, suitable for all seasons, and also the busiest season. Spring brings us joy and good times. So let's welcome the spring with sincerity and happiness!

Writing about Scenery (7)

Grandpa Winter was snowing away, and Sister Chun came to us with a smile and gifts. She said to us quietly, "Children, go find the gift I brought you!"

So we came to Xinhua Park for spring outing. Along the way, Sister Chun accompanied us with a drizzle. She gently shook hands with the willow, and the willow stretched out its small green hand, dancing happily with the spring breeze. Sister Chun is also very diligent. She pours thousands of rain and dew from the sky and gives the earth a fresh bath. The grass has drunk enough rain and poked out its green head from the soil; After drinking enough rain, the flowers smiled with bright dew.

After finding Sister Chun's gift, we went to the aquarium again. Entering the aquarium, I saw a big turtle lying motionless in the tank, with a dark green shell on his back, and a little moss growing on some places, as if telling us about the years. The interpreter's aunt said that the tortoise was 305 years old. Wow! I thought to myself, "If only I could live that long!" We continued to walk in, and I saw a small colorful fish lying quietly on the coral in a tank to rest. There is also a small red and white fish swimming happily. Its body is very smart. It swims with its tail wagging. It looks so cute! As I continued to walk inside, I found a fish tank with "Jellyfish" written on it. Strangely, there was nothing in it. But when I calmed down to observe, I found a stone moving. It turned out that there was a jellyfish hiding in the stone and moving slowly. It looks like a sesame cake, and its head is vacuum, which can produce venom to anesthetize the enemy. Its color is light white and slightly red, which is similar to the color of those stones. I think these may be its defensive measures. Walking further inside, a huge thing appeared in front of me. It was a giant crab. Its eight claws are so big that if you knock on its cylinder glass, its mouth will be opened one by one, as if to say, "Hey, intruder, I will tear you to pieces if you knock again.

The spring outing is over, and there is still a drizzle in the sky. The willows are waving goodbye to us, and the flowers are reluctant to part with us. We left our happy laughter in the aquarium, in the spring drizzle

Writing about Scenery (8)

The next morning, it was still raining, but it was much smaller. I opened the window and took a deep breath, ah!

What fresh air!

On my way to school, I saw that many trees in Nanda Nanyuan were blown down by yesterday's "tornado rain". The blown down trees were lying on the ground or on other people's trees. They seemed to be saying, "Help!


”Seeing this scene, you can imagine what the storm was like yesterday

Tuesday afternoon is something I will never forget.

In the afternoon, I finished my composition class and walked alone on my way home. I looked up and suddenly a group of dark clouds like waves spread over the sky in the distance. It swallowed up half of the clouds in the sky. I knew it was going to rain soon. I ran home quickly. After running for a while, I stopped and suddenly there was a strong wind, I think I can't run because the resistance is too great. When I came to the Affiliated High School of Nantah University, I saw that the students were running home quickly.

I looked up again. Oh, no!

The blue cloud was almost swallowed up by the black cloud. I ran quickly. Although there was a strong wind, I still tried to run. Suddenly, a lightning fell from the sky. The lightning was so long and bright. After a while, there was a roar and thunder. The sound was deafening.

Finally, I got home. The thunder was getting louder and louder. The desk lamp seemed to be frightened by the thunder. The light flashed and the power was cut off. I looked out of the window and saw that only one piece of the blue sky was engulfed by dark clouds, and the whole sky became black. The dark clouds rolled, and suddenly it began to rain heavily. It was a world of rain, and the drizzle was like thousands of needles, hitting others. The relentless wind tore the face of the tree, and still ran on people.

After a while, it rained more and more heavily, the wind blew more and more heavily, the lightning flashed more and more, and the thunder became more and more loud. In this way, all the rain, thunder and lightning gathered together, and they combined the hidden power to form the largest power in the world. At last, the wind seemed to be possessed, and it used its greatest power.

At last, the wind seemed to be possessed, and it rolled up the rain with its greatest strength, forming a "tornado rain". The "tornado rain" seemed to be coming at us, desperately hitting our windows. The "slap" sound was very loud. I looked out of the window, and I could see nothing. I only saw that "tornado rain" was wanton here, and there were leaves inside, so I could only look at it, We can't stop it and let it go wild here.

The next morning, it was still raining, but it was much smaller. I opened the window and took a deep breath, ah!

What fresh air!

On my way to school, I saw that many trees in Nanda Nanyuan were blown down by yesterday's "tornado rain". The blown down trees were lying on the ground or on other people's trees. They seemed to be saying, "Help!


”Seeing this scene, you can imagine what the storm was like yesterday.

A thunderstorm, let me see the power of nature - this great power!

Writing about Scenery (9)

In a twinkling of an eye, time slipped away. I am one year older. I am not the child who has not understood since I was 13 years old. I am about to face a new challenge. I can't believe everything. Time has passed too fast.

It is another night to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Night is coming, and the moon is rising. The earth was shrouded in darkness. Several small stars jumped out of the dark sky. They were blinking like naughty children, greedily watching the bustling scene of people's family reunion. Today is New Year's Eve, and every household is decorated with bright lights. The streets, firecrackers sound.

Accompanied by the deafening sound of firecrackers, a rich New Year's Eve dinner ended, and my curiosity led me to the window. The most noticeable thing was the fireworks that were "not spent but more spent". My sister and I watched from the window sill, and a dozen fireworks pointed straight into the sky, and each "gold sand" shot out, proudly blooming in the air. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, everything is complete, colorful, decorating the night sky beautiful and graceful, and illuminating the earth like the day. "Tong!" A big red fireball rose on the ground. When it flew in the middle of the sky, it turned into thousands of small sparks and splashed, dragging a long, shiny tail down slowly, like a flying butterfly, spinning down from the air; It's like a dandelion blown away by the wind. I don't know who the naughty ghost is. Paint them with colorful colors... "All in all!" "Shih, Shih, Shih!" Look! One after another, bright, colorful flames with long tails rushed up into the night sky one after another; Look! Over there, "The Heavenly Maiden Scatters Flowers" appears, and here, "The Peacock Spreads Its Screens" appears! Wow! Look at the "budding" there... The sky suddenly became a "flower" garden, the sea of "flowers", dazzling, flaming trees and silver flowers, how beautiful! My sister and I also quarreled to let my father set off fireworks, so my father had to take a lighter and fireworks downstairs. Dad put bundles of firecrackers at the bottom of the building and lit the black wire. After a while, he heard the thunder like sound in the sky, and then suddenly opened. At that moment, the night was like day, the sky was full of golden rain and silver flowers, like blue waves and silver waves, and the red plums in the snow were flying like dragons, and the golden snakes were dancing wildly. For a while, the roots were as thin as willows; For a while, it looks like the epiphyllum in the night sky; After a while, it became a dense sesame... The fireworks were colorful and varied. It seems that the sky is full of stars, shining silver. It is also like a peony, shining brightly. There are many colors in the sky, red like fire, white like snow, green like jade, pink like rosy clouds, yellow like gold... It is dazzling.

With the approaching of twelve o'clock, more and more people set off red firecrackers, and the sound of "crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling through the sky broke the silent night. The sound of firecrackers and firecrackers converged into a happy and harmonious symphony, adding a beautiful scenery to this beautiful night.

This year's New Year's Eve is particularly beautiful, I will remember that night full of fireworks!

Writing about Scenery (10)

Walking in the garden, the whole garden looks extremely beautiful. Look, the yellow is elegant, the white flowers are elegant, the purple flowers are warm and deep, and they are brilliant in the autumn wind.

Of course, in the autumn of hometown, the fog is the most charming and popular among children. Every morning, the world is filled with clouds and mist. Fog mountain and sea, rolling mountains, looming and looming, just like Penglai Island, are exciting. Occasionally, a farmhouse was exposed in the clouds, and the smoke was around. The aroma of breakfast and the morning fog with a little meaning formed a harmonious and charming picture.

Whenever the fog rises, the beautiful mountains and rivers of my hometown and the mirage in my heart become one. No matter what year and month, how far away, where I am, the autumn scenery of my hometown will always be hazy in my life.

Autumn in hometown is also the world of wind and heaven of rain. In autumn morning, the breeze is singing. Pearl like dew was sent. It brings the coolness of autumn and absorbs the heat of summer; It brought white clouds and wiped away the remnants of the scorching heat. The rain is the most common. It is as thin as cow hair. It is closely woven diagonally, like a flower needle, shining brightly. How nice it is to say that "the wind sneaks into the night, moistening things silently". Before the autumn rain in my hometown. There are always signs of autumn wind first. The autumn rain fell on the ground without any sound. The autumn rain is harmonious. It takes away the long drought in summer and brings the long-awaited wet and cool. I like the autumn rain.

Autumn in my hometown! Whenever you come, my happiness is always beyond words. It can only be summed up by a poem by the great poet Du Fu, "The book of poetry is full of ecstasy".

I love my hometown, and I love the intoxicating autumn in my hometown even more.

Composition on Scenery (11)

Qinglongshan Park is located in Donghai Middle Road, Shenjiamen, where the scenery is beautiful and the environment is elegant. On Sunday, my father took me there to play.

Go up the steps to the gate of Qinglongshan Park. The gate is built of several tall stone pillars, and the plaque reads "Qinglongshan Park" in big, vigorous characters.

Entering the gate, there are some low trees on both sides, and a steep and winding step in the middle. As we walked along the steps, we enjoyed the charming scenery of the park. In spring, the grass on the roadside stealthily comes out of the soil, tender and green, and the small trees also begin to draw out their tender branches and leaves. The wild flowers beside the trees are all blooming: red, blue, yellow... colorful and various. The fragrance of flowers attracts many bees and butterflies. Some of them are meticulously collecting honey; Some whispers, like whispering; Some chase and play with each other. In summer, trees grow more luxuriant. Some low trees are crowded together. They are holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, quietly guarding the park. A gentle wind blew, and the small tree swayed its green branches, as if waving to us. The camphor tree has thick branches and luxuriant leaves. The dense shade brings us cool. In autumn, the leaves of many trees gradually withered and yellowed. They took them to the grass, like laying a golden carpet on the park. In winter, most trees take off their green coats and prepare for winter. Only camphor trees and pine trees are still alive. They are like sentries guarding the park against the biting cold wind.

On the top of the mountain, a tall monument to heroes stands in the middle of a wide open space. Around the Hero Monument, looking into the distance, you can see a piece of blue sea. The houses, roads, fields and trees near seem to be just a little bigger.

The scenery of Qinglongshan Park is really colorful. I like Qinglongshan Park in my hometown.

Composition on Scenery (12)

In the morning, the sun had just risen from the horizon, spreading her orange light and warmth to the bay.

The sea is like a mother who has just woken up, emitting a warm breath. The soft waves are a morning song humming on her mouth. The seagulls are like her children. With this song, they flap their wings around her chest. I can't wait to change my swimsuit and go to the beach with Uncle Wang Yang. Ah! The sea is so magnificent. Standing on the beach on the bank, I looked at the vast expanse of whiteness. The sea and the sky were connected, and I could not tell where the sky was and where the water was. The sea waves in the distance, like naughty children constantly jumping to the shore, I hurried to the beach, jumping again and again. There were many crabs the size of small spiders crawling on the beach, and their mouths spit out streams of water, splashing my feet. Later, I squatted down to pick up shells, which were gifts from the sea. When I chased the spray in the waves, it had already retreated, and it poured up again, as if to throw me into the white spray. Then, I stroked my feet with the sea water, as if to comfort my friend who came from afar.

At noon, the sea opened up, and the waves in the sea came to the shore one by one. Some of them rose like rolling hills. Some of them hit the rocks, splashed waves several meters high, and made a sound of "wow... wow...". Some of them spilled onto the beach, like big fish swimming ashore, and then retreated back, leaving the shells and sand in the sea on the shore.

Ah! Beihai Silver Beach I love you!

Composition on Scenery (13)

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" "There's so much snow, let's have a snowball fight!" "Wow, there's snow on the leaves, on the handrails, and even on the stones. It's so beautiful!" Pure snow, all over the mountains and fields, makes me feel like I'm in a fairyland on earth.

In Tian'ao Mountain of Longwan, snow falls on trees and cemeteries. We all went to the mountain to visit the tomb, but an incredible scene happened. The wind, gently blowing branches, snow, slowly fell on everyone's head. In everyone's eyes, there is only snow, white snow, beautiful snow, covering the green pines, piled on the gray, layer by layer tiles. After a second, everyone cheered.

The snow all over the mountains and fields is piled up by us, becoming snowmen and snowballs. I grabbed a handful of snow, pressed it into a ball with both hands, and then used a lot of snow to merge them into a big snowball. Waiting for my father to come and be punished by snowball. Unexpectedly, instead of "exploding", the snowball bounced back to my feet. I didn't admit defeat. I picked up the snowball to "attack" again. My father was not afraid. He reached out to catch the snowball and hit me back. I ran around with a sad face, so I had to make snowballs while running. Within two minutes, another snowball "came out". I turned around and saw two snowballs flying towards me. I bent down and hid. Two snowballs brushed my eyes. It was when I counterattacked that the snowball battle began

When I passed my mother, I found her making a snowman. I shouted, "I surrender!" Then I left them alone and watched her make a snowman. My mother squeezed and pressed two small pieces of coal on my face, and a pair of vivid small eyes looked at me as if she was "cute". Mother took a twig as the mouth of the snowman. He also made headdresses and scarves for the little snowman with several small leaves. It forms a vivid snowman. Mom looked excited and took out her mobile phone to take pictures.

Just then, the sun came out, the snow slowly melted away, and the little snowman disappeared. We didn't have snow to play, but instead of being sad, we laughed happily. The snow has melted, so we have to go back. Snow, come again next winter!

Composition on Scenery (14)

As the saying goes, a child's face will change on the day of June, which really corresponds to the old saying. Just now, the sun was burning like fire. People were still sweating when they were fanning under the shade of the trees. The dog was sticking out its tongue under the eaves because it was too hot. Those who had just enjoyed the shade of the trees ran home and closed the windows because a thunderstorm was coming.

After a while, the thunder followed the pearl like raindrops of lightning, falling on the houses, trees, and glass windows with a crackling sound. The big raindrops fell from the eaves, because they were too hasty, like broken beads. As soon as they fell to the ground, they became streams, and everywhere was white. Those people who didn't have time to rush home became drowned chickens. Those with umbrellas walked against the wind with umbrellas, but the wind was too strong. They turned their umbrellas upside down at once, and then became baskets to catch the rain. The driver drove slowly through the water. It's like a boat on the blue waves.

The heavy rain came and went quickly. After about an hour of heavy rain, the rain gradually diminished, the wind stopped, and the sun came out. A beautiful rainbow hung in the east. When people opened the windows, a fresh air came to their noses. The children downstairs were fighting in the water. At this time, the trees were green, and the house was like a new dress. Then the frog came out and croaked on the bank. The wheat is drinking water in large mouthfuls, which brings me endless fun in rainy days. I like rainy days.

Writing about Scenery (15)

The hot summer quietly left, and the cool autumn gently came to our side. Miss Qiu came to the world with Sister Feng and passed Miss Xia. She quietly entered our campus and used her magic brush to make my autumn campus more beautiful and charming.

As soon as you enter the campus from the south gate, you can see that the leaves of the willow trees around the playground fall to the ground like rain again. Then, the leaves of the willow trees will gradually turn yellow and black until there is nothing left. In this way, if it always withers, it will become a bare tree, just like a poor little girl, whose hair has fallen off, which is very ugly. From the west gate to the north, you can see a row of pine trees at a glance. They are not as beautiful as peach trees in spring, nor the huge leaves of plane trees in summer, nor the golden coat of ginkgo trees in autumn. It's just a pine tree in a simple green coat in winter. In front of the playground, there is also a row of pomegranate trees. The pomegranates are ripe, and they burst out one by one with cute round faces and smiles like dolls, competing to report the good news of maturity to people. The pomegranates were all growing into cracks, revealing teeth like pomegranate seeds. The top leaves were all gathered together, like bows, making it more beautiful. In autumn, persimmons are red, like little red lanterns hanging on the branches, which gives people infinite comfort and warmth. In the spring, the persimmon tree sprouts small and green, just like many newborn babies, flashing and showing off on the branches. And the dragon claw locust, which has luxuriant branches and leaves. The trunk is as thick as the mouth of a bowl, it is brown, and the bark is rough, with vertical cracks on it. The branches are bent like dragon claws. No wonder they are called dragon claw locust trees. It surrounds the campus, like a loyal guard guarding our campus.

How beautiful the campus is in autumn! I love the campus in autumn!

Writing about Scenery (16)

I like spring when flowers are blooming and everything looks fresh. I also like summer when trees are shaded and lotus flowers are in full bloom. The sweet and rich fruits in autumn and the brilliant golden chrysanthemum also make me praise.

Winter gives many people the impression that the weather is cold and the north wind is howling, and their feet are numb and their hands are like carrots. If you open your mouth and say something, you will vomit white air. But winter also has many unique fun, which is incomparable to other seasons

Not to mention winter morning, you should pay attention to your window glass. Wow! Did the gods come at night? He left his magical paintings on the window of my house. The curly seaweed, the elegant phoenix tail, the strange flowers, the antlers with vertical and horizontal branches... are all crystal clear, magical and natural.

After several days of cold current, the long river has become a shining jade belt. The round pond turned into a bright ice mirror, and became a natural skating rink for children. Skilled well, glided across the ice like a shooting star, and made several moves from time to time to win everyone's admiration. The new cat sat on his waist, staring with his arms, and paying attention to the movement of his wings bit by bit. From time to time, 'plop!' A butt butt makes everyone laugh! Even mature adults can't help trying their hand. Look at their excited expressions as if they are ten years younger!

Of course, the most beautiful scenery in winter is the snow. 1 In the evening, groups of mysterious silver elves quietly fell from the sky, silently dancing the most elegant and light dance steps. Sometimes it flies with the wind, sometimes it turns around

As the night went deeper and deeper, more and more elves were weaving a huge silver blanket hand in hand, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in tenderness.

It's dawn! A red sun is rising, ah! One night, we entered the fairy tale world! Everywhere is pure white snow, reflecting sunlight, bright people dare not face. Those ugly broken bricks and tiles, garbage dumps, dead branches and leaves are gone. As if touched by magic fingers, cars turned into white bread, and small mounds of earth looked like white mushrooms just emerging from the ground. The ordinary grey brick building looks like a small snow castle. The pathetic street trees whose green leaves have long been cut off by the autumn wind, their dry branches covered with silver powder, like coral trees

A gust of wind blew, and the silver foam fell down from the sky like rain. It sauntered into people's necks and stuck to people's hair. Who would be annoyed? This lovely spirit! Everyone smiles excitedly, as if coming to a beautiful new world

Composition on Scenery (17)

In the morning, when I opened the window, I bumped into the oncoming autumn wind. Birds sing in the trees to welcome another perfect day.

It was still early, there were not many cars on the road, and the air was fresh, so I took this rare opportunity to walk alone in the street. The breakfast shop opened, and the big steamer was steaming hot, and the fragrance was diffused all over the street. There are many people coming out for morning exercises on the street. My heart suddenly felt that the street was quiet and warm.

While enjoying the roadside scenery, I hummed a song, feeling extremely comfortable and happy. Before I knew it, I came to the door of the children's bookstore. Before the store opened, there were many children standing beside it. Some of them were staring at the store door, while others were leisurely eating breakfast. Their thirst for knowledge makes me admire them.

The store finally opened, and these children swarmed in. The bookstore suddenly became silent, and only the rustling sound of turning books was heard. At this time, I also walked in. I saw a little girl with glasses holding a book and looking at it carefully. Her glasses were about to fall off, so she hurriedly lifted them up; A little boy who is not yet six years old points to the comic book with his hands, and his face looks happy; There was also a little girl reading a book and taking notes. Their desire for knowledge moved me very much. The future pillars of our motherland should be like them!

The street is becoming more and more lively. People go to work, buy vegetables, go shopping, talk, shout, horn, and the sound of vehicles speeding away. The peace and warmth of the morning is gone.

The scenery here in the bookstore is unique. There are no miscellaneous sounds. Some are just the rustling sound of people turning books, some are just quiet and warm, and some are just scenes of people trying to learn knowledge for a perfect life in the future.