Fox and chicken composition (practical 10)
Maple Forest Leaves Fall
2024-06-28 02:24:27

Composition of Fox and Chicken (1)

One day, a fox was looking for food in the forest when he happened to meet a rooster crowing. The little fox drooled and tried to swallow it. The fox was clever and had a good idea. He said to the little cock, "I heard that you are a chicken saint, much more than those chicken sticks that can only chirp and eat rice. Would you please do something for me.

They were walking when the fox pounced on the big cock and the little cock was pressed down. At this time, the little cock calmly said to the fox: "Slow down! Don't eat me first. You are big and I am small. Don't bully the small with big!" "I will bully the small with big. Why?" When the cock saw that he could not talk about it, he thought again, "I told you that my master has a big fat pig. Come, I will take you! But you first let me go." "OK." The fox let him go.

The little cock flew to the tree. He stood on the tree and shouted, "You lied to me with flattery, and I wrote to deal with you with this move! Don't you know that it's your greedy character that killed you? Think for yourself!" When the fox saw that he could not catch the cock, he ran away with saliva.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (2)

One day, Brother Dog was going to be a guest. He said to the rooster, "You should stay at home, don't go out, don't open the door for the fox.". Then go away.

Soon, the fox came to the rooster's house and said to the rooster, "The rooster and the rooster are really beautiful,

Go outside and have a look. There is a big watermelon outside. The cock refused to go out after listening. The fox said, "The cock and the rooster are really beautiful. They have bright necks and golden feet. Go outside and have a look. There are many black sesame seeds outside.". After hearing this, the rooster still didn't speak. He wanted to go out, but he didn't dare to go.

After a while, the fox stopped talking. The cock heard the fox stopped talking and thought, "The fox may have gone.".

It looked out. The fox grabbed the cock's neck and ran out desperately. The cock shouted; Help! Help... The dog is far away, and the cock can't be heard anymore.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (3)

Since that day, Mrs. Fox took the chicken to a remote cave. Mrs. Fox wanted to eat the chicken alone.

Mrs. Fox boiled the water and was about to put the chicken in. The chicken hurriedly said, "I roll on the ground every day and my body is so dirty. I'd better take a bath first!" Mrs. Fox thought for a while and nodded yes, then washed the chicken clean. Mrs. Fox thought that she could eat after cleaning up. The chicken quickly said, "I'm so thin, just enough for you to have a meal, but if you fatten me up, you can eat a lot!" Mrs. Fox hesitated for a while, thinking that the chicken's words were quite reasonable, she bought a lot of snacks for the chicken, including chocolate, potato chips, ice cream, lollipop and biscuits. The chicken ate all the snacks at once.

The chicken wiped its mouth and said, "I have eaten so much of your food, you are not worth it! Otherwise I will be your nanny!" Mrs. Fox nodded and let the chicken stay. In the following days, Mrs. Fox left all the housework to the chicken. The chicken worked hard and waited for the opportunity to come.

One night, Mrs. Fox drank too much wine. When she got home, she fell asleep without even taking a bath. The chicken took advantage of Mrs. Fox's carelessness and ran away. The chicken walked on and on, and finally returned home. Then she told her mother everything exactly. So her mother informed the police, arrested Mrs. Fox, and put her in prison.

The chicken is calm and calm when facing difficulties, and knows how to use his intelligence to get out of difficulties.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (4)

On a sunny morning, Mother Fox gave birth to a lovely baby fox.

Baby Fox grows up day by day. Mother Fox said, "My child, you are not young, and it is time to learn some skills." Baby Fox said, "Ah, so fast? I haven't played enough." Mother Fox said, "My child, you should be diligent, and you can't be lazy." Baby Fox said, "OK, what should we practice?" Mother Fox said, "Steal things." Baby Fox said, "Ah?"

They came to an apple house. His neighbor is very powerful. He is a big wolf dog. Mother Fox whispered to Baby Fox, "Are you hungry? This is an opportunity to steal a hen and I will stew chicken soup for you when I come back at night!" Baby Fox said, "Mom, I don't want to steal a hen. I heard from my teacher that stealing is a bad boy. If I steal something, I will be a bad boy in everyone's mind." After listening to this, Mother Fox said, "That's right. Today we won't steal anything. Today we will eat mushroom!" Baby Fox said, "OK, OK, eat mushroom!"

They went home happily.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (5)

In a dense big forest, there lived a pair of friends. They were lovely chickens and cunning foxes. One day, the chicken came out from home to find food for the sick mother. At this time, the fox ran out of the forest. He saw the chicken drinking water by the river. He licked his mouth and said to himself, "Today I want to eat roast chicken."

After that, the fox ran to the chicken and said gently, "Chicken, my stomach has been uncomfortable recently and always hurts. Can you help me take a look?" The chicken knew that the fox was not kind, so it ran away immediately. But how can a running chicken be a fox's opponent. But after a while, the chicken was caught by the fox. The fox said fiercely, "I'm going to eat you!" The chicken pretended to be nervous and said, "Mr. Fox, don't eat me. I've got A (H1N1) flu. If you eat me, you may also be infected!" The fox was so frightened that he threw down the chicken and ran home to sterilize.

The chicken watched the fox run away and smiled secretly. The chicken went home and told her mother about it. Her mother said happily, "Baby, you should keep calm when you encounter difficulties, don't panic, and use your brain to find ways."

Composition of Fox and Chicken (6)

Fox and chicken

In the dense forest, there lived an agile fox and an old hen. Because the fox was a new neighbor, the old hen did not know whether the fox was good or bad, and was worried all day long.

After a while, the old hen had eggs. A few months later, the chicken hatched. The hen went to the fox's house and asked the fox, "Do you eat meat?" Because the fox knew that the old hen had many children, he lied to the hen and said, "I don't eat meat. If I eat meat, I will vomit. The meat is really disgusting." After hearing the fox's words, the old hen was relieved, "Fortunately, this new neighbor doesn't eat meat." But the old hen was still a little upset and wanted to watch out for the new neighbor.

One day, the old hen came to the fox's house with a smile, and said to the fox, "Oh, sorry, new neighbor, I have come to trouble you, and I want you to take care of my children." The fox thought, "Ha ha, stupid hen, I can finally eat enough." So the fox answered the old hen's request.

The old hen went out, and the fox came to the old hen's house, ate the old hen's children, and slept at the old hen's house. After a while, the old hen came back, and saw that her children were not there, but the fox was sleeping, and asked the fox, "Where are my children?" The fox lied to the old hen, "The children are too disobedient, and went to the roof." The old hen hurried to the roof to look for it, but the fox secretly ran home.

Later, the old hen knew that the fox ate meat and ate its children. She regretted believing the fox's words. Since then, the old hen and the fox have become enemies. (

Rooster and Fox

Once upon a time, rooster and fox were inseparable friends. But now they have become sworn enemies. The fox chased and chased the rooster when he saw it. He wanted to eat the rooster at once. Why is this?

According to legend, many years ago, people didn't have alarm clocks. In order to work and rest on time, they decided to choose an animal to wake people up every day. After a fierce competition among the animals, the fox and the rooster were selected into the finals because the fox whistled beautifully and the rooster whistled loudly and sharply. They were loved by people. But most people think that the fox's whistle is better. The rooster is jealous of the fox, so he uses the sincere friendship between their friends to come up with a bad idea.

The rooster said to the fox, "Brother Fox, you have a beautiful voice. You will win. I congratulate you in advance!"

The fox said, "Brother cock, you are also great!"

The rooster said, "I can't compete with you. I have a kind of potion here. After drinking it, my voice will become more beautiful. It was after drinking this potion that I entered the final. Because we are the best friends, I decided to give you some."

The fox was very happy and drank the liquid medicine at one gulp. As a result, he turned into a mute fox, and could no longer whistle beautifully. The rooster was elated and laughed, saying, "Damn fox, you have a good voice, and you want to compete with me for the championship. Hum! Don't think about it." Then he went away. So the fox lost the election.

From then on, the fox hated the rooster. He ate whenever he saw a rooster.

Dear children, this story tells us a truth: "If you do too much injustice, you will die.".

Fox and chicken

In a small town, there lived a very smart fox, and the animals called it Smart Fox; At the same time, its neighbor is a stupid chicken. The animals call it stupid chicken. They are a pair of old enemies.

Once, Smart Fox wanted to take care of a whole silly chicken, so he ambushed it at its door and threw a stone at it as soon as it went out. He took a pile of stones on the ground and waited for the opportunity. At this time, the silly chicken was wearing a tie to get ready to go out. He put his tie on his wing and ran into the door. With a bang, the door was opened. The fox grabbed the stone and threw it. But the door shot into the wall, returned, and closed. The stone hit the silly chicken's door and bounced back. It hit the fox, but he was stunned. It was really clever but he was mistaken by cleverness.

The fox learned a lesson and learned that silly chickens cannot be dealt with in a common way, so he was ready to launch a second attack. This time, silly chicken wanted to go fishing in the lake. The fox dived into the water and tied the bomb to the hook after the hook was put down. As soon as silly chicken felt heavy, it would pull up the hook, and then it would explode at that moment. The fox became more and more excited. Suddenly, the hook was put down, and the fox quickly tied the bomb. Who knows, silly chicken can't fish and it has been throwing the hook in the water, The bomb exploded at once, splashing water on the water, and the fox was lame and broke. Silly chicken looked at the rippling water and blood stains, and was frightened to roll back home.

This story tells us that even weak people cannot bully them, or they will be punished.

Chicken and Fox

Once upon a time, there lived many animal villagers in a small town. They were very happy and united every day, except that the fox and the chicken were almost incompatible. When they met, they had to quarrel for two words before giving up. Once the fox wanted to cross the river to see his grandmother, while the chicken wanted to see his friends on the other side of the river. The two animals met, the chicken said; I have to go ahead, because you don't think I'm younger than you? But the fox said; No, you are great since you were young. I don't know how long you have quarreled like this. Anyway, in the end, they walked side by side across the river, but it was dark. In this way, they quarreled every day and every month, which made all the animals in the town tired and protested. Chickens and foxes barely quarreled, but each time they looked at each other

Once, when the chicken was going to wash clothes by the river, it happened to meet the fox playing with his child by the river. The chicken thought that the fox was going to throw his child into the river, so it ran to the river in a hurry and shouted loudly; Stinky fox, what are you doing? Put down my child, or I will be rude to you‘ When the fox saw that the chicken was coming, he was about to return the chicken's child, but he was stunned by this sentence. When the chicken's child saw his mother coming, he hurriedly said; Mom, Sister Fox talked about me and played with me. 'Chicken is embarrassed to hear that

This story tells us not only to look at the ordinary attitude, because often in times of adversity can reflect a person's courage and personality!

Composition of Fox and Chicken (7)

Fox and Chicken Grade Three Composition

In the study, work or life, we always have to contact with composition. Composition is a genre composed of words, which expresses a theme through thinking and language organization. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is Xiaowodun's third grade composition of Fox and Chicken. Welcome to share.

Fox and Chicken Grade 3 Composition 1

In the dense forest, there lived an agile fox and an old hen. Because the fox was a new neighbor, the old hen did not know whether the fox was good or bad, and was worried all day.

After a while, the old hen had eggs. A few months later, the chickens hatched. The hen went to the fox's house and asked the fox, "Do you eat meat?" Because the fox knew that the old hen had many children, she lied to the hen and said, "I don't eat meat. If I eat meat, I will vomit. The meat is really bad." After hearing the fox's words, the old hen was relieved, "Fortunately, this new neighbor doesn't eat meat." But the old hen was still a little upset and wanted to watch out for the new neighbor.

One day, the old hen came to the fox's house with a smile and said to the fox, "Oh, sorry, new neighbor, I have come to trouble you, and I want you to take care of my child." The fox thought, "Ha ha, stupid hen, I can finally eat enough." So the fox readily agreed to the old hen's plea.

The old hen went out, and the fox came to the old hen's house, ate the old hen's children, and slept at the old hen's house. After a while, the old hen came back, and saw that her children were not there, but the fox was sleeping, and asked the fox, "Where are my children?" The fox lied to the old hen, "The children are too disobedient, and went to the roof." The old hen hurried to the roof to look for it, but the fox secretly ran home.

Later, the old hen knew that the fox ate meat and ate its children. She regretted believing the fox's words. Since then, the old hen and the fox have become enemies.

Fox and Chicken Grade 3 Composition 2

The fox asked the rooster to borrow money, "Little rooster, lend me fifty cents, and I will pay you five yuan tomorrow." The rooster thought: How can there be such a good thing in the world? I don't believe it!

So he said to the fox, "I have no money." The fox was very unhappy. "It's really penniless." He murmured and walked away angrily.

On the way, the fox met the cat again. The fox made a smile on his face and said enthusiastically, "Little Cat, you are a kind person. I'm in a hurry. Please help me. Lend me one yuan and pay you ten yuan tomorrow." Cat thought: One yuan will become ten yuan in one night. This is a good thing for a large profit!

The money comes fast and much, which is much better than my hard work to earn money and save money.

The next day, the cat found the fox. The fox said, "I don't have money today. Come back tomorrow." So the cat went to collect money every day. However, the fox had a new reason every time and never paid back the money. Huamao not only failed to make huge profits, but also lost the cost.

The story says that it is dangerous to covet ill gotten gains. Many people want more because of greed, and they lose what they have.

Fox and Chicken Grade Three Composition 3

Once upon a time, there was a happy village where there lived cats, dogs, chickens and foxes.

One day, on the way home, the kitten suddenly fell a piece of dirt from the sky. The kitten is confused; What kind of paper is this? The kitten picked up the paper and looked at it. It was a treasure map. The kitten said excitedly, "I have found the treasure map! I have found the treasure map!" Suddenly the fox heard it, and he thought to himself; If only I could get the treasure! After the kittens found the treasure, I kidnapped the chicken in the guise of a robber and let the treasure exchange with the chicken!

The kitten said to the dog and the chicken, "I found the treasure map! Look!" The dog and the chicken said in unison, "It's really a complete treasure map!" The dog said, "Let's go to look for the treasure now, right?" The kitten said, "OK!" The kitten went over three mountains and swam across four rivers. At last, the kitten got the treasure. The fox also came to the place of treasure. The fox pretended to be a robber, kidnapped the chicken and said, "You should exchange the treasure for the chicken!" The kitten said, "OK, I will give you the treasure and you will give the chicken to me." The fox said, "OK."

After saying that, the fox gave the chicken to the kitten, and the kitten gave the treasure to the fox.

Although the kittens didn't get the treasure this time, they learned a truth that friendship is more important than treasure!

Composition of Fox and Chicken (8)

Mother chicken gave birth to seven chickens. Mother chicken likes chickens very much. Once, the mother chicken wanted to go out to find food, but the father chicken was not at home. What should we do? The mother chicken thought hard, but still couldn't figure out a way. Just then, a fox came up to the mother chicken and said, "What's wrong with the mother chicken?" The mother chicken said, "I'm going out to look for food, but the father chicken is not at home, and nobody helps me look after the baby." So the fox thought of a plan and said to the mother chicken, "Let me help you look after the baby!" The mother chicken said, "OK! Thank you!" The mother chicken went to look for food in this way. The fox saw that the mother chicken was far away, so he wanted to eat seven chickens. At this time, Hou's father came back, and the chicken told him that the fox would eat us. Father Chicken said, "Don't be afraid." Then Father Chicken whistled. Father Chicken's team came and threw the fox down the hill.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (9)

The fox found that a group of chickens were raised in the farmer's house, and his saliva could not help but flow out. He went to steal chickens in the night, but he found two cages, one with chickens in it, and the other with big roosters. He thought that although there were many chicks, it was too hard to eat them, and none of them was enough to fill his teeth, so they might chirp, It would be terrible to wake up the farmers. It's better to eat a big rooster at a reasonable price.

The fox thought so and ran to the big cock's cage. Who wants to just approach the cage of the big cock. The fox fell into the trap with a plop.

The farmer heard the noise and ran out to see the fox falling into the trap. He laughed and said, "Hum! You know you are greedy.

Composition of Fox and Chicken (10)

One day, a fox was looking for food in the forest when he happened to meet a rooster crowing. The little fox drooled and tried to swallow it. The fox was clever and had a good idea. He said to the little cock, "I heard that you are a chicken saint, much more than those chicken sticks that can only chirp and eat rice. Would you please do something for me.

They were walking when the fox pounced on the big cock and the little cock was pressed down. At this time, the little cock calmly said to the fox: "Slow down! Don't eat me first. You are big and I am small. Don't bully the small with big!" "I will bully the small with big. Why?" When the cock saw that he could not talk about it, he thought again, "I tell you that my master has a big fat pig. Come, I will take you! But you first let me go." "OK." The fox let him go.

The little cock flew to the tree. He stood on the tree and shouted, "You lied to me with flattery, and I wrote to deal with you with this move! Don't you know that it's your greedy character that killed you? Think for yourself!" When the fox saw that he could not catch the cock, he ran away with saliva.