Composition of the most hardworking person (15 in general)
Lone ranger
2024-06-30 01:36:11

Composition of the most hardworking person (1)

In my mind, there are many people who are very hardworking, such as mother, father and teacher... But the most hardworking people are those farmers who live in small villages. Because they work almost every day. Almost every day I work day and night.

I used to study in a small village. Later, my mother sent me to Zhuhai to study. I stayed in the village for 10 years. There, I experienced these labor things personally.

I remember that one autumn was the harvest season. One day the sun was blazing. I saw many farmers' uncles and aunts working hard in that yellow rice field. They bent over, holding the rice in one hand and the sharp sickle in the other. The hot sun made everyone sweat. Sweating profusely. But they don't care for their work. Peasant uncles and aunts work in the sun during the day and are busy doing other things at home at night. For example, find out tomorrow's farm tools. Watching over in the field

Although farmers are dirty and black among some people, they are very hardworking and work hard. If there were no farmers in the world, wouldn't people starve to death? They work day and night almost every day, not afraid of hard work, not afraid of difficulties. If someone asked me, "Who do you think is the most hardworking person?" I would not hesitate to say, "The most hardworking people are always working people!"

I respect the hardest working people.

Composition of the most hardworking person (2)

The most hardworking person in our family is the housewife - Mom.

In the morning, my mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. The black smoke rushed into her face, which was very irritating. The black smoke was very harmful to her skin, but she endured it. Her mother's expression was very special. At one time, her eyebrows were locked, and at another time, she sighed. At lunch that day, I really understood my mother's hard work.

In the afternoon, my mother was busy doing housework. When washing clothes, my mother put the heavy clothes in the shaker with difficulty. Every time after a lot of trouble, my mother was so tired that her hands ached. But she persevered and continued to work, which could be said to be a day without rest.

In the evening, after tutoring my homework, my mother helped me get the foot wash water. After I went to bed, she was busy doing other things. I asked her to take a rest for a while, but she turned a deaf ear to my words and did what I should do. I'm really worried about my mother's health!

This is the most hardworking person in my family - Mom.

Composition of the most hardworking person (3)

Once upon a time, there was a hardworking man who had two sons. One son is very hardworking, and the other is very lazy.

One day, the hardworking man abandoned his lazy son because he liked his hardworking son.

The lazy son wandered to the palace of another kingdom. He found many books in the palace. It suddenly occurred to him that he didn't study hard before. He would either sleep or eat, watch TV and play computer all day long.

The lazy son cried regretfully. Just in time, the king and the princess came here to see the flowers. He went up and asked, "Child, why are you crying?"

"I-I." The lazy son could not speak sadly.

"Take your time, don't worry, tell me what's going on?" said the princess gently.

"Well, I was kicked out of the house by my hardworking father because I was lazy. I regret it now. If someone would lend me the book, I would study hard. I would be a promising person in the future."

The king was very moved. He said to him, "My child, I will lend you all the books in the palace. Three years later, I will ask the princess to test you. If it is not difficult for you, you will be my son and the princess's brother!"

Then he took his lazy son into the library of the palace. The princess and the king left quietly.

Three years later, the princess came to test her lazy son. Unexpectedly, he passed all the tests and answered very well and completely.

The king immediately made the lazy son prince. From then on, the lazy son lived happily in the palace.

Composition of the most hardworking person (4)

Zeng Guofan once told his descendants that "nothing is difficult if you work hard". Diligence can make up for a person's stupidity. They all said that stupid birds fly first.

My third uncle once warned me that "the poor people in the world are due to disease and laziness". I carefully observed the people around me, and it was true.

Take learning as an example. Those who immerse themselves in hard work every day get into the books all day long. Even if their learning methods are wrong, they can always find a way to learn in their own earnest. Although they are not as easy to learn as intelligent students, they are doing one thing silently, that is, to follow them, Will always reflect a spirit of progress. This spirit is commendable. Even if their academic achievements are not so good, they must be interesting people in life and will live their lives in a vivid way.

There is a diatom mud paint shop in Lanshe near my community. What they want their employees to do is to be a hard-working bee. They want employees to leave their tracks in every corner like bees. The reason why they name their team this way is that bees are always a sign of diligence.

As the saying goes: "Diligence can make up for weakness", be a hardworking person and rely on your hardworking hands to create the wealth you want.

Composition of the most hardworking person (5)

Do you know that in the home of a friend of mine, they work non-stop every day, so I call them the most hardworking family.

It was the summer vacation. I went to his house to play, but when I entered the house, my grandma took off my shoes, which made me very embarrassed. I almost fainted when I just entered his house. My friend kept wiping the table, wiping it again and again. The table was painted by him. It seems that he will wipe it apart later. Look at the grandma who took off my shoes just now. She doesn't make people feel old at all. Because she has been sweeping the floor, sweeping again and again, sweeping again and again, so that there is no garbage left, she simply borrowed garbage from the neighbor's house, then dumped it on the ground, and finally repeatedly swept again and again. Say auntie again, she has been washing clothes. Brush the clothes again and again with a brush. At last, there was no dirty place, so she took out leftovers from the refrigerator, poured them on the clothes plate after plate, and washed the clothes again and again. And my uncle, as if he was never tired, smashed the refrigerator and repaired it, smashed it and repaired it. Finally, the refrigerator could not be repaired, and he smashed other household appliances again.

Alas, look at how busy this family is!

I'm tired of watching. Are they really so hardworking?

They are really the most hardworking people.

Composition of the most hardworking person (6)

My grandma is eighty-two years old. Her weather beaten face is covered with wrinkles, but her body is very strong. Grandma has been strong, hardworking and thrifty all her life. Her mother said, "My grandpa died when she was fifty-two years old. My grandpa dragged eight children by herself, never yelling pain and fatigue. When she was in her 70s, she still worked in the fields, and when she was 81, she cooked by herself. She never let others take care of her.

I grew up near my grandmother. Grandma often taught me to be honest, kind and labor loving. I still remember a children's song she taught me: "People can't live without food, and people can't beat food without fat on the ground. If you want to be strong, the shovel can't leave the big dungbasket." It's funny to read now. But in Grandma's simple children's songs, I really received education. Grandma is not only hardworking, but also very thrifty. I remember one time, my pants were accidentally scratched a hole by the iron wire, and my mother wanted to buy me a new pair of pants. At this time, Grandma said, "It's wasteful to change a new pair of pants after a hole is broken. Can I wear these pants after a seam is sewn?" Then she took the pants to her room. I saw it. I was very angry. I could have got a new pair of pants, but Grandma broke it. I said something bad about Grandma. After a while, Grandma called me to her room. I saw that Grandma had embroidered a red rose on the broken hole. I looked and saw that the pants were much more beautiful than before. I quickly praised: "Grandma, your hands are really skillful."

This is my grandma, a simple, kind, hardworking and thrifty old man. I love my grandma.

Composition of the most hardworking person (7)

Grandfather is over 60 years old this year. He is tall, with silver hair and a pair of kind eyes under his light eyebrows. Grandfather cares about me very much and smiles his eyes into cracks every time he speaks.

But grandpa was very busy. In the hot summer, we had to play air conditioning at home, but grandpa had to go outside to do masonry work. I remember once, when the village built a pond, Grandpa dug a hole on the bank first, and then carefully observed the huge rocks transported by tractors on the bank. He picked the most suitable one. This big stone is heavier than me! The foreign official took great pains to pick up the big stone and walked to the pit with heavy steps. He had to put the big stone into the pit, knock it with a big hammer, repair it, and then cover it with a layer of cement to prevent it from being washed away by the flood. In this way, the river embankment is higher and higher. When the typhoon comes, there is no need to be afraid of the surging flood over the river bank to flood the crops and destroy the houses. Whenever the sun went down, Grandpa dragged his heavy steps home. He was either sweating or wet with rain, and his pants were stained with mud. My mother and I always painfully advised him: It's so hard to do stonework, please don't do it! No pains, no gains, no pains, no gains. Grandpa said. I blushed and lowered my head.

I am proud of having such a good grandfather, and I am even more proud. I want to learn from my grandfather and be a man of perseverance.

Composition of the most hardworking person (8)

My mother is a hardworking and beautiful person. I can't imagine what would be like without her at home.

Every morning when I get up, I have a delicious breakfast. I see two eggs and two cups of milk on the table. Mom prepared it for my sister and me! I don't eat at school at noon. My mother is busy looking at the shop every day and preparing lunch for us. When lunch is ready, she will hurry to pick me up from school and my sister to go home. Three meals a day, she never said she was tired. She saw that my sister and I ate well, not to mention how happy we were. When we finished eating, she washed the dishes clean again.

When sweeping, she took a broom in one hand and a mop in the other until she wiped the floor so that people could be seen. I remember one night when my sister and I went to bed, I vaguely heard some voices. I asked aloud, "Mom, what's the noise?" My mother said, "Baby, I'm washing clothes with a washing machine. Is it bothering you?" "No, no, Mom." So I went to sleep with the sound of the washing machine.

This is my best mother.

Composition of the most hardworking person (9)

My grandmother is more than 60 years old. Her eyes are round and bright, her mouth is small, and her hair is black and dark. She likes to wear red clothes most, and she looks very energetic. Others say she looks like a man of fifty. One of her characteristics is that she is diligent.

My grandmother's home is in Changde, Hunan Province. My grandmother has mined a vegetable field in the suburbs, where she grows cabbage, radish, eggplant, lettuce, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, green beans, cabbage, celery, rape, everything. Grandma also planted two vines beside the vegetable field. The fruit of the vines is black and colorful. It tastes sweet and delicious! There are also several apple trees. The apples on the trees are red, like children's faces.

This summer vacation, when I went back to my grandmother's house, I saw her diligently watering, fertilizing, killing insects, and weeding the vegetable fields. Each cabbage grew big and fat. At lunch, I tasted cabbage. At this time, I remembered a popular saying: Kung Fu pays off.

This is my hardworking grandmother.

Composition of the most hardworking person (10)

Grandma has taken good care of me for more than ten years. During this period, the only thing I can't forget is Grandma's thinning face, thinning hair and wrinkled hands.

I have never looked carefully at Grandma's busy and tired hands for most of my life.

It was my mother's warm and delicate hands that started my first step in life; It was my father's powerful and strong hands that taught me how to be a man; It was grandpa's big and callous hands that made me know more about being strong.

Where's Grandma's hand? Didn't it ever appear in my growth? no It appears in the eyes of the family. Silently and selflessly doing the most ordinary and trivial things in ordinary days, but these things are just the most important and indispensable, such as cooking, sweeping the floor, feeding chickens, working in the fields

Look back at Grandma's hand: the whole hand is basically dry and has lost its moisture. There are some gray spots on the back of the hand. There is a color of land that is difficult to wash off between the nail and the skin. Maybe only a lot of ointment can make the hand shiny, moist and energetic!

At home, the most educated are my father and mother, and the most uneducated is my grandmother. She can't read a few characters. I remember once I asked my grandmother why you didn't go to school? Grandma reluctantly smiled and told me: "Not that she didn't want to, but that her family was too poor and had many brothers and sisters, so she gave the opportunity to study to the only eldest brother in her family according to the ideas at that time." Therefore, Grandma told me that her hands could give me anything, but the only thing she couldn't give me was knowledge.

Yes, my grandma's hand has really given me a lot of love, care and help for more than ten years... In spring, summer, autumn and winter, which season will my grandma's hand be asleep?

Now it seems that Grandma's hand has proved her dedication. Her hand is weathered, not only rough, but also dry and cracked in winter. But the scars left by careless labor in the field are still vaguely visible.

Ah, what a pair of hardworking and great hands created such a great grandmother!

Composition of the most hardworking person (11)

My grandfather is more than 60 years old this year, with a lot of white hair in his hair, but he is tall and strong.

In January, when the cold wave came, I was frozen in the quilt early in the morning and refused to come out. Even my mother, who got up early, asked me to "rush to the peak and fall into a trap". I casually said, "I will not leave my dear quilt even if I kill myself, unless... unless someone gets up earlier than me." "Weiwei, it's 10 o'clock, why don't you get up?" Unexpectedly, grandpa's call came from outside. "No! It's really unlucky." I got up with regret. The mother on the side secretly smiled. I glared at my mother and walked out of the room. A piercing cold wind blew in my face, making me shrink my neck, shiver, and "call it cold." Grandpa put on his coat and didn't know what to do. "Wait for me. I'll go out and buy some vegetables. I'll be right back." "Grandpa, wait a minute." "Ping." Before I finished speaking, he took his bag and left. Today is 8 degrees below zero! Grandpa just wore a coat and left! It's really acute.

"It's really cold outside!" After a while, Grandpa came back, his hands were red with cold, and his head was still shrinking. "Rub your fists and palms." "Ding, Ding..." Suddenly a phone call came, and I hurried to answer the phone. It turned out that yesterday's guest's mobile phone was left here. After a while, the phone found. "I went. Anyway, I was idle." Grandpa grabbed the mobile phone from me, put on his coat again, and prepared to go out "to deliver goods." "Dad, I'll go!" Mom said. "It's OK, I'll go."...... After a while, I, my father, mother, brother and grandma are worried about Grandpa's health and won't let him go. The house is noisy. "Well, I will come back soon and go!" "Bang." Grandpa's kung fu stunned the five of us. Now no one resists. We can only look through the window to see Grandpa riding his bike in the snow.

"Old, old, not like young." This is what Grandpa often said when he fell ill the next day after delivery.

Look, this is my hardworking grandfather.

Composition of the most hardworking person (12)

My grandmother is one of the most industrious in our family.

Every day, Grandma gets up earlier than me. The biggest puzzle in my life is when Grandma gets up. Moreover, I found that the used dishes were quickly arranged neatly in the cupboard, and the dirty clothes were dancing on the clothes hanger the next day. So I'm going to find out.

That day, I set my alarm clock very early. The next day, I woke up before dawn and heard my grandmother's door open. She came out, and I quickly got up from the bed, put on my clothes secretly, and crept behind Grandma. Seeing Grandma enter the kitchen, I followed her and hid behind the door. Grandma brushed the bowls, and the dishes in the pool were full of oil stains. Grandma rolled up her sleeves, turned on the tap, and the oily dishes became shiny after a trip in Grandma's hands. Just after finishing washing the bowl, Grandma turned around and went into the toilet again, picked up the clothes piled up by everyone and began to wash them. The dirty clothes piled up like a hill were all radiant, washed away the stains and hung on the balcony.

I went back to bed and recalled what had just happened. No wonder I have done all the work every day. Grandma got up so early to do it! Grandma is nearly 80 years old, and she does so much housework every day. She will be tired and ill.

In the dim light, I seemed to fall asleep again. There was a sound of unlocking outside the door. I looked out of the room and saw Grandma coming in with several bags of vegetables. Her forehead was full of sweat, her face was red, and she could not help breathing heavily. She carried vegetables into the kitchen and began to prepare today's breakfast. At this time, genius just dawned.

Cheng Zinuo, what are you doing? It was my mother. I lowered my voice and said: Shh, Mom, I'm looking at our 'Snail Girl'! Seeing my busy grandma, my mother suddenly understood and rubbed my head with a smile: Grandma always said that she could not be free, in fact, it was all for us to have more rest.

Grandma is 78 years old this year, and she is still very strong. This is all because of her hard work. Her hard work is full of love for the younger generation.

Composition of the most hardworking person (13)

In the golden autumn of October, the sky was clear and the air was crisp. On a field in Dongguan Town, a tall figure loomed in the corn field. Who is that man? Oh, he is my great uncle.

Big uncle is very tall. Although he is nearly 50 years old, his whole body is full of vitality and health. His thin face has two bright eyes, and his sideburns are a little gray, but he doesn't think so. He is industrious and thrifty in running his family and never kills animals. He is an upright vegetarian.

With the faint sound of the axe, one after another corn stalks fell down, and the sound of clatter resounded through the sky. My uncle pulled up his sleeve, swung his hoe, aimed at the root of the corn, and hit it down with great force. The corn stalk fell down in an instant.

After working for a long time, the eldest uncle finally put down his hoe, gently wiped the glistening sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, spread his legs, picked up a part of the cut down corn stalks, tilted his head, and laboriously transported them out of the field. The cool wind is blowing the scattered dead leaves on the corn stalks, "sand, sand, sand"... like a symphony of nature. Five or six times back and forth, my uncle finally transported out all the corn stalks. Then, my uncle moved them to the tricycle which had been used for some years.

After doing all this, my uncle took a long breath, sat cross legged against a strong tree, closed his eyes, and breathed heavily. A few wrinkles on his face were all stretched out, revealing a kind face. From time to time, he wiped the naughty sweat dolls on his face with a handkerchief. Looking at the empty space on the tricycle, he took a breath, swung his arms to stand up, slapped the dust on his pants, and firmly rode the tricycle to the peanut field.

At this time, a cool wind blew, and several white clouds floated leisurely in the blue sky. The sun was not so powerful, and the light was much weaker. The bird was chirping happily on the branch, and the uncle whistled, bent over and began to pull up the flower. Gradually, as the sun set, my uncle pulled out a sack of peanuts. He shook the dust on the bag, carried the tricycle and drove away.

The tall figure is fading away in the sunset

Composition of the most hardworking person (14)

Do you know the most hardworking person in the world? Ha ha, I don't know. Then let me tell you.

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a farmer who gave birth to a child. The child cried and moved from birth to birth. When my parents saw him, they thought he was an industrious child, so they named him "industrious".

Because I am so industrious, I can walk in one month, sweep the floor and wash the dishes in two months, cook in three months, and by four months, I can already do adult work. He worked all day and didn't even sleep. Finally, I was tired to death when I was two years old.

Because he was industrious, Black and White impermanence dragged him to the underworld and ran with him, almost exhausted. However, Yan Wang was very happy and said that the work of Black and White impermanence was efficient.

Before the interrogation began, he was too industrious to be idle. He cleaned the whole hell inside and outside. This coke spoiled the workers. When all the work is finished, the King of Hell can finally interrogate him.

"The hall and people?"

"The villain is hardworking. He lives in Xinghua Village. He is 2 years old this year. His mother is Wang Xiuhua, and his father is Qin Kuai. He has an 80 year old grandmother and seven younger brothers at home. His ancestors are from Henan, and he moved to Yangzhou..." Diligence still talks endlessly.

"Stop!" The King of Hell stopped his industrious words, because he was really stunned.

"Ah? Lord Yan, what's the matter?"

"Oh, talk about something else!"

"No, I haven't finished yet!"

"Stop talking! Otherwise, I will punish you to be a hardworking person in your next life!"

"Oh." (Oh my god! This is the shortest thing that Diligence said in his life. It is the King of Hell who made Diligence create miracles.)

"What do you want to do in your next life?"

"I want to be a cow in a poor family. I can't finish my work every day!"

"Well, I will meet your requirements."

Now, if you see a cow as skinny as wood, you must give it more work to satisfy its work addiction.

Composition of the most hardworking person (15)

The most hardworking person in our family is the housewife - Mom.

In the morning, my mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. The black smoke rushed into her face, which was very irritating. The black smoke was very harmful to her skin, but she endured it. Her mother's expression was very special. At one time, her eyebrows were locked, and at another time, she sighed. At lunch that day, I really understood my mother's hard work.

In the afternoon, my mother was busy doing housework. When washing clothes, my mother put the heavy clothes in the shaker with difficulty. Every time after a lot of trouble, my mother was so tired that her hands ached. But she persevered and continued to work, which could be said to be a day without rest.

In the evening, after tutoring my homework, my mother helped me get the foot wash water. After I went to bed, she was busy doing other things. I asked her to take a rest for a while, but she turned a deaf ear to my words and did what I should do. I'm really worried about my mother's health!

This is the most hardworking person in my family - Mom.