Candle composition 300 words (19 selected articles)
Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy
2024-06-13 03:51:51

Candle composition 300 words (1)

At night, a delicate and graceful desk lamp appeared in front of people. It showed off itself to the unknown candle hiding in the corner. He said proudly, "Hum, look at me, my light is stronger and more beautiful than you. People like me, not like you here, you are a burden!" The candle was not angry, Instead, he said modestly, "Although I am not better than you, I am willing to use my life to change the brilliance of others." Suddenly, the lamp crow was speechless.

The next night, the table lamp was about to show off to the candle, but nobody expected that there was a problem with the circuit, and the lamp would not light up after two or three flashes. In a blink of an eye, the room was shrouded in darkness. The master took out the candle and lit it. The room was bright.

The desk lamp blushed and couldn't raise its head, but it said sincerely to the candle: "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torch will be turned into ashes and tears before it dries." We should learn the spirit of selfless dedication like the candle, never mind others, and be good at ourselves.

Candle composition 300 words (2)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful desk lamp in a small room. It wore a silk scarf on its head. When it lit up, the whole room was full of light. The owner liked it very much. However, there was an inconspicuous dirty candle in a small corner. The desk lamp took a furtive glance at the candle and looked down upon it and said to the candle, "You see how beautiful I am. I have a beautiful scarf on my head and the light is very bright. But, look at yourself, it is a dirty and inconspicuous candle. Ha ha ha!" The candle ignored the desk lamp as if nothing had happened, The desk lamp didn't speak when it saw the candle, and said to the candle, "You can't speak, you are mute.

Ha ha ha! " Suddenly, the room was shrouded in darkness - power went out. The master came to the corner silently, picked up the candle and lit it in obscurity. A little light came out of the room. At this time, the candle said to the desk lamp: "My light is not as strong as yours. My life is almost over, and you should not be like this in the future." Then it went out. The desk lamp was deeply moved and never boasted.

This story tells us that everyone has shortcomings. Don't boast.

Candle composition 300 words (3)

People live in a bright and colorful world. But all the scenes of the sudden power failure are gone. When people are at a loss, they suddenly see a beam of light and a candle standing proudly. It is burned up without complaint. It is a candle.

It does not have the dazzling desk lamp and the bright electric lamp, but it can bring light to people. Which of the lights and desk lamps that usually flash when the power is cut off? Only candles, light it, it slowly melted, leaving only a pile of tears. Usually it lies in an inconspicuous corner. When the power is cut off, the owner is excited to pick it up, but it is still unknown and does not ask for return.

Isn't it just like our teacher? Teachers are like candles, offering silently. For countless sleepless nights, the teacher was correcting our homework. The empty ink bottles used up are a good witness. In class, we are all sitting on chairs, but you are standing on the platform. You must be very tired! You are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others!

Teacher, your life is ordinary, but you are doing a great job - teaching and educating people. You give your students selfless love. You are a guide board when students get lost, and a lamp in the dark. Teacher, I want to say: You have worked hard!

Candle composition 300 words (4)

Maybe someone has mentioned candles, but I don't think so. There must be some people who think that candles are meant to serve human beings, but I don't think so.

Candle is an unknown hero. It is willing to sacrifice itself in obscurity and selflessly, but also unwilling to let people know it. In my mind, it is sacred and great, and I admire it very much.

It was a very hot summer, and it was still a night. Suddenly, there was a power failure. When we were desperate, candles appeared in my mind. I thought: Hum! Small and inconspicuous things also deserve to go on stage. At this time, before the electricity came, my mother came and said, "Light the candle quickly." At this time, when I first saw this little thing, the candle light can also illuminate the whole room. "Wow! How beautiful! How beautiful!" said my sister happily. At this time, the whole family was smiling. After a while, the electricity suddenly came, so I strode to it, carefully blew it out, held it in the palm of my hand, looked, thought and thought.

Candles have dedication, but what about people? Have they? What a wonderful candle! It is willing to light up itself, but also to light up others. His spirit of selfless dedication is really worthy of our future generations to learn!

Candle composition 300 words (5)

Candle is a very common thing in life, but who has noticed its importance? "It burns itself, lights up others, silently serves mankind, and never asks for return.

The candle has served mankind all its life. Although it has only spent a few hours from burning to extinguishing, it has brought light to people and freed them from fear.

Speaking of the selfless dedication of candles, it reminds me of one thing:

One night, there was a power failure in my home, and the whole house was shrouded in darkness. At this time, my mother felt for the wall with both hands, took out a candle from the cabinet and lit the candle with a lighter. The room was bright. I said, "Mom is so boring, you two can tell me a story." My mother agreed, but my father could not object, So they told one story after another in the candlelight. A few hours later, the candle went out and the electricity came. I had a very full day.

Isn't it worth learning that candles selflessly serve mankind?

Candle composition 300 words (6)

I came back late because there was a power failure in the family home, so I went home in the dark tonight.

When I got home, my mother lit a candle and asked me to do my homework by candlelight. Inadvertently, when I looked up, I saw the flames beating. The outer side at the bottom of the flame is light blue, which is a color that cannot be transferred with a brush; The interior is orange, very small, shorter than half of the pencil head; The top of the flame is bright red. At this time, the candle seemed to feel that I was observing it. Its face was getting redder and redder, the flame was getting higher and higher, but its body was getting shorter and shorter.

I can't help thinking of Li Shangyin's poem: "The silkworms in the spring will be exhausted until they die, and the wax torch will become ashes and tears will start to dry." Isn't this dedication of candles a reflection of our selfless dedication to our beloved teachers? Burn yourself and illuminate others.

Candle composition 300 words (7)

Candles are common objects around people. It is practical to light and heat. People always compare candles to teachers, which I think is very appropriate. Candles are to light people's lives and sacrifice their own lives; Teachers sacrifice their time for students. Do you think they are very similar?

There is a famous line from ancient times, "The silk of the spring silkworm is exhausted until it dies, and the wax torch turns to ashes and tears before it dries." The meaning of this poem is "The silkworm has been spinning silk all its life, until it dies. The candle burned into dust in the air, and the wax oil left behind has dried up." It can be seen from this poem that the candle mailbox nurtures our parents, and the purpose of the candle mailbox is to let us live a good life from life to death.

I think candles are also like Yue Fei. He intended to serve the country faithfully from childhood, and would not yield until he died in battle. I think Yue Fei, a hero who has devoted his life to the future of the country, deserves my admiration.

There are many things worth our admiration in our life, such as batteries, erasers, etc. But I respect candles more.

Candle composition 300 words (8)

A lamp stood proudly on the table. It was wearing a pink hat, and its slim body was wearing big shoes. Every night, the little master will turn on the desk lamp to illuminate him. One day, a new friend - candle - came to him.

When the lamp saw its thin, dry body with a long black braid on its head, it asked: Who are you? What do you do? The little candle replied, "My name is Candle, and I help the little master to light up." The desk lamp looked at it and said, "Just you? If the little master needs to light up, he will definitely choose me and throw you away." The little candle was very aggrieved and said nothing.

One night, the little master was concentrating on his homework. Suddenly, there was a power failure, but the little master had not finished his homework. The desk lamp was worried, but the little master calmly picked up the candle and lighter. The desk lamp was surprised to find that the candle was on, and the red light was very bright in the dark. The little master continued to write his homework.

When it was dawn, the lamp came to greet the candle. It looked left and right, but could not find it. Finally, it found the short candle in the corner. It was surprised and asked, "How did you get shorter?" The candle calmly said, "This is how we candles burn our own candles to illuminate others." The lamp was extremely ashamed. It said to the candle, "I will not look down upon you anymore."

The desk lamp hopes that the power will not be cut off in the future, because it does not want to let its good friends disappear from its face.

Candle composition 300 words (9)

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The three German officers finally left, and the family was relieved. Jacqueline looked at the three terrible figures from afar upstairs, secretly pleased with herself, but most of them were afraid. Holding the half extinguished candle in her hand, she walked down the stairs quietly. Mrs. Bernaud, who found her little daughter, hugged Jacqueline excitedly and said, "Little baby, you are wonderful."

At this time, Jack was already sleepy, lying on the table with his eyes half closed, and did not move. Mrs. Bernaud took a cloak and carefully covered Jack. Then he gently pulled out the half candle in Jacqueline's trembling hand. At this time, Jacqueline was in high spirits and did not feel sleepy at all. But her expression seemed to be mixed with a little panic. She leaned against Mrs. Bernaud and fell asleep.

The morning light of the second day, through the window, lit up the house and shone on the faces of the family.

What a beautiful day.

Sixth grade: lying cat

Candle composition 300 words (10)

"Half a Candle" tells a story about a case in which three Bernaud mother and son, who were involved in secret information transmission during the Second World War, fought wits and braves with German officers who suddenly broke in, and finally saved the information.

Mrs. Bernaud was very calm, still very calm in the face of German officers. After the lieutenant lit the candle, he slowly blew it out and lit the oil lamp. When Jack, the eldest son, faced the candle and was lit again, he was quick to get wise and reached for the candle to carry firewood. But the German officer stopped him, and he did not show any fear. He calmly put down the candle, moved the firewood and sat there quietly. At this time, the candle flame flickered and gave out a faint light. Mrs. Bernaud's heart was raised to her throat for fear of information leakage. At this time, the younger daughter Jacqueline said, "Mr. Commander, it's late, can I go upstairs to sleep with that light?" The lieutenant agreed when he saw that the little girl was very cute.

The little daughter saved the family and protected the motherland. As primary school students, we should study hard, make progress every day, and repay our motherland when we grow up

Candle composition 300 words (11)

Candle Spirit Composition 300 words

At night, it lights up the darkness, and its long body slowly devours and disappears... It was at that night that I felt the spirit of candles!

At 5 o'clock on the evening of the weekend, I was looking at my book vigorously. Suddenly, Ka, the room suddenly became dark, which frightened me. He hurriedly called, "Dad! Is there a power failure?" Dad came and said, "Yes, I'll light the candle quickly!" Dad lit the red candle with a lighter, and the whole room lit up in a moment. Dad put the candle on the tea table in the living room, I continued to read attentively by the light of the candle

More than three hours have passed. I closed the book and looked at the candle again. It became shorter. It kept crying, but it seemed to me that it was a man who could speak. There was no complaint. It still lit up the light silently. About half an hour later, I saw that the candle was only one centimeter old and was going out. I looked at it silently, Watching him use up all his years, suddenly, with a "poof", the room suddenly turned dark, and the candle went out

At this moment, I was deeply moved. This candle spirit is selfless and selfless. It sacrifices itself for the sake of light, which is worthy of admiration. There are many people like candles around us. I will learn from them and pass on the spirit of candles!

The Spirit of Candles 550 words

I think everyone must have seen candles! In fact, candles are very great, but they are very common, so no one pays attention to them. When it was lit, the small golden flame gently shook, and drops of wax beads flowed down, like a string of tears, until the fire of life was extinguished, it quietly left the world. In our life and study, there are also many people with this spirit. They offer silently like candles, "burning" themselves and illuminating others. There is an old saying that the silk of spring silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes and tears. I think this sentence is a metaphor for those who have made contributions silently. I commend those doctors who regard patients as higher than their own lives. For the sake of the patient's safety, to help the patient overcome the disease, to let them not be tortured by the disease, and to save a fragile life, they do not eat, drink, sleep, and concentrate on their work. Aren't their actions great and selfless? I commend those lovely police uncles who stick to their posts to protect people's safety and prevent the city from being damaged. They have never left their posts, no matter in the hot sun or cold weather. Although the sun often makes them sweat and the heavy rain often makes them soaked, their determination has never wavered. Although their work is very ordinary, they have made extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. I would also like to commend the engineer of the human soul - the teacher. They burn themselves like candles to illuminate others. They work silently like silkworms until they die. They sacrifice themselves like chalk to gain knowledge for others. They are like guiding lights, illuminating the path of success for young people. How selfless they are. We, the flowers of our motherland, have thrived under the cultivation of gardeners and will shoulder the responsibility of building our motherland. Although there are many people in the world, there are few people who devote themselves wholeheartedly like this. If everyone can help each other, care for each other, and think of others, the world will become a better place.

Delicate little candle composition 300 words

In people's eyes, wax candles are long and round. But I have a unique candle.

The wax candle is shaped like a small wine cup. The cup is filled with wax, and a line is inserted in the center of the wax. As long as you use a little fire on the line, the line will emit a crackling sound and golden sparks. The wax in the wine cup is not only transparent, but also can see the faint pink, which is attractive! At the bottom of the middle of the cup is a red starfish. On the opposite side of the starfish stands a small soldier holding a conch, as if defending the underwater world. At the bottom of the cup, there are many small diamonds, and a beautiful wreath is put on the exquisite small wax candle. If the whole candle is lit, it is like coming to a beautiful and magical fairyland. As long as the wind blows, the fairyland candle light will swing to the left and right with the wind, just like a fairy dancing. The shape of the whole candlelight fairyland reflection on the desktop changes from twisted circle to inverted triangle... Although this candle is small, it can also illuminate people and decorate rooms. Don't underestimate it!

Envy! This is a gift I got through hard work! Although it is a gift, I will not give away this exquisite candle.

Candle Spirit Composition 1100 words

Candles are a little strange to modern people. Aromatherapy candles are the most common in modern life. They are fashionable, fragrant and full of modern flavor. Does anyone remember her who accompanied us through the long days and nights and gave us light? Although there is no fragrance of incense candles, there is a brighter light, no fashionable color, but there is a simple feeling. This reminds me of the teacher who grew up with us.

When I stepped into the door of junior high school, I always wondered what the new teacher was like? When I walked into the classroom of Class 1 of Junior One, a strange face came into my eyes, with thick black hair and big bright eyes. The teacher gave me the first impression that he was kind, amiable, strict and responsible. The first sentence the teacher said at that time was "Welcome to this new group. It's our destiny to be in this group. My surname is Mu, and it's OK to call me Teacher Mu". At that time, I firmly believed that this teacher was a good teacher. Many people would ask, how could we know that he was a good teacher when we first met? The reason is very simple, that is, the eyes that can see through the hearts of students. At that time, I made up my mind to study hard and make a good impression on my teacher.

We are going to the military training. After two hours of driving, we came to the Lantian Base for military training. In the seven days of military training, even in the hot summer, we still practiced martial arts, walking and sitting on the playground. The sun was burning our skin. To be honest, the skin was hot and painful at that time. I really wanted to cry, and tears rolled in my eyes, But it never came down. When I looked around with watery eyes, I saw Mr. Mu staring at us in that corner. The teacher could have blown the air conditioner in the room, but Mr. Mu didn't. She accompanied us through a day of hard training. When I took a break, I opened my sleeves and saw my black and white arms, but my heart was warm.

On the second day of the military training, the teacher called me over to check the military training diary in our dormitory. A small thing filled my heart with joy and happiness. When my teacher praised me, my heart was excited beyond words. No matter how painful things I encountered in life, as long as I felt the teacher's recognition of me, The heart becomes very comfortable.

When our classmates make mistakes, she will not criticize in front of us, and always protects our dignity. The teacher always looks at us first and doesn't speak. When we look at the teacher's deep eyes, we always admit our mistakes and make us repent without forbidding our wrong behaviors.

A year has passed in a flash. We are going to have our summer vacation, but I am not happy at all. Because I failed my final exam, I felt uncomfortable throughout the summer vacation. If I felt really uncomfortable, I would talk to Mr. Mu. The teacher said to me: "Don't lose heart. Catch up with the summer vacation. The second day of junior high is the beginning of competition." I also said to the teacher that I was afraid of the embarrassment of a bad exam room, The teacher encouraged me to say: "Bad exam room is only an objective factor, and your internal motivation is important. The teacher believes that you are a miracle maker." The teacher said to me: "No one was born so perfect, no need to blame themselves, and slowly learn to overcome shortcomings." This sentence impressed my heart, making me work harder to improve myself.

If I can use a poem to praise the teacher, it is that "the silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes and tears"

There is a good saying: "A teacher is a candle. Although it is thin, it is hot and light, illuminating others and exhausting itself."

I will never forget this teacher who is like a candle in my life. He gave me great spiritual encouragement when I was sad.

Small candle composition 300 words

I am a small candle, lying in the dust of the cupboard.

Since we are made by human beings, we can only be used by human beings for life. We shouldn't have come to this world. It is human beings who created us. From that moment on, our destiny was set - to serve mankind all our lives. In this messy cupboard, our existence is really a sad ornament. But you can spare your sympathy as much as possible, because this fate is actually our own choice, otherwise we don't have to burn without regret when human beings ignite us. The sacred cause is always painful, but only this kind of pain can give us depth.

Whether it is day or night, we can only see the endless darkness and the faint light when we are lit. In this big city, power failure is rare, and we are just a thing forgotten by most people.

Maybe one day, a playful child will take us out of the cupboard, light us up, appreciate and play with the weak light we send out. This is our proudest moment

Lying in the dust of the cupboard, I am a small candle

Candle composition 300 words

I am doing my homework, and the desk lamp is shining for me. How bright it is! The whole room can be seen. There is no sound in the room. It is quiet. The candle I threw aside also stayed there quietly. The desk lamp lit up the desk. When I finished, it was completely dark in front of me. Suddenly, the room was shrouded in darkness. I was looking at the desk lamp, which did not emit the light in the illuminated room. I understood that it was power failure. "Ah! How can you do your homework in such darkness?" I complained.

Suddenly, I remembered the candle I had thrown aside, and hurriedly took it to light. The candle gave out a yellow light, which seemed to be a star in the dark, giving out a weak light to illuminate.

I looked at the candles and found that they were actually beautiful: white wax candles were like white jade pillars, and red candles were like beautiful red agates. There are also colorful birthday candles, leaving us happy memories. When the candles were lit, drops of candle oil rolled down like a string of tears. No wonder the ancients said: "The silk of spring silkworm will be exhausted until death, and the wax torch will be dried into ashes and tears." This is to use silk and candle tears to praise the dedication. People praise it, more because the candle, although small, can illuminate the dark night and bring people lovely light.

Grade 6 student of Luobu Junior High School in Lujiang County, Chaohu City

Candle composition 300 words

I am a candle, standing in the endless darkness. How I look forward to the light, but I can only enjoy the darkness alone. How I wish to burst out my sparks and the sun, but I can only spend the night with the moonlight. Unlike plants and trees on the vast land, enjoying the moisture of sunshine and rain, or some objects in the house, which can meet the warmth of the first sun shining on them, I can only stay in a dark and narrow cabinet full of cobwebs. When I was used for the first time, my image was "unattractive".

I love fire, although it is so painful to me, and although I watched how he slowly melted my body, I still love him. It is like the sun, lighting up our hearts in the endless darkness. He depends on me, and I also depend on him. He dances at my fingertips and slowly melts, although it is painful.

But I am not afraid. I can bring light and joy to the whole world, although only the world around me, to drive away fear and loneliness, and let the small flame quietly and quietly rely on me flicker. We light up words, lines, smiles and hearts.

Since I can't meet the sun, I will bring the sun to others in the dark. In this way, I will also light my own sun. As someone said, "pain and happiness."

Candle composition 300 words

The little candle under the windowsill is almost burnt out. A small corner on the desk is covered with wax oil.

That candle, which followed me for only a few days, has contributed so much to me. When I read, it accompanied me; When I do my homework, it accompanies me; It was also willing to accompany me when I looked up information on the Internet - after paying so much, it not only had no complaints, but was willing to remain unknown until it burned out.

Each candle will come with its master. If the master wants to play with the help of light, it will look at it; The master wanted to take advantage of light to take an adventure in the wild. Although he was reluctant, he still went. It is afraid of the wolf's cry and its murderous eyes; It is afraid of fierce tigers; He was afraid of the spring that kept making Ding Dong's voice. He was afraid - so much afraid, he was still closed in his heart. He didn't dare to make a sound or have the heart to make a sound, because he was afraid of making his master frightened again.

Candles are unknown and selfless. A few of us have this quality, but the vast majority are selfish and proud. We should learn from him and be an unknown and selfless person.

Now, whenever I see a candle, I will feel admiration. I will never misuse it like before.

Jian'an Primary School VI

Candle composition 300 words (12)

Everyone knows about candles, but how many people know the truth of life in candles? Candles are cheap, and anyone can buy them. Although they are small, they can illuminate the whole house. But when they illuminate the house, their lives are slowly exhausted. Just like a doctor, he selflessly brings health to the people and works all the time. He can't be tired anymore.

The same is true of teachers, who taught us all the knowledge. It is our profound knowledge that leads to success. But they spend every day in toil, working from morning to night, preparing and lecturing for us, and their bodies are aging day by day.

Once, I read a book, in which there is a content about how ants escape from the fire. Ants will first gather together to form a "circle" and then roll out of the fire. Although the ants on the outer layer are burned to death, the ants on the inner layer will be fine. Only in this way can they prevent extinction, otherwise they will have to die.

The little ant has such awareness, and we should learn from it. Although the candle is small, it can tell me the truth of life - no matter how small, insignificant and useless you are, as long as you have a selfless dedication, self sacrifice and willingness to help others, you must be the highest and most respected person in others' hearts.

Candle composition 300 words (13)

Out of the supermarket, holding a bag of candles.

It is said that there will be a power outage in the city tonight, so I have to buy some candles to give out the only light tonight.

Sure enough, seven o'clock. The sky suddenly darkened, lit several candles, saw the bright blue flame flickering, saw the drops of wax forming in groups below, I could not help but feel that the candles have very powerful power.

In addition to lights, stars, fireflies, candles can make us glow at night.

The milky white "trunks" and upward flames make the dark sky bright.

Suddenly, the candle went out. It was burned out, and the life of the candle was so short? What is the meaning of its existence? Is it not to illuminate the dark night for us? Is it selfless for us? But I think it must be very happy, because the premise of its death is that it has made contributions to mankind. Isn't that what we live for? Create unlimited value in the limited life!

Maybe a long time later, in the future, the candles have disappeared, but when someone holds a candle many years ago, he can't help exclaiming, "What a pure and bright light!"

Candle composition 300 words (14)

One day, there was a sudden power failure at home. Mother lit a candle, and the house suddenly lit up. The next day I woke up early and found that the candles had gone. In the past, when there was no power cut at home, candles were always placed in inconspicuous places, and no one in the family paid attention to them. It has no complaints and has been quietly and silently in the corner. When there is no electricity, people think of it. It burned its own body and brought light to everyone, but each time the remaining wax liquid declared the end of their lives. When there is no use, it waits quietly; Once it is needed, it has no complaints, silently burns itself and dedicates its life. Isn't this just like those selfless people around us?

I think of the sanitation workers who work from morning to night. They clean the garbage for us every day to create an elegant and clean living environment, while some people ignore their existence; I think of the teachers who prepare lessons and correct homework day and night. The red hook drawings are full of their hard work; I also think of those scientific and technological personnel who are fighting in the front line of scientific research. They work hard for the takeoff of the motherland, just like burning candles

We should cherish today's peaceful and beautiful living environment, because it is permeated with the hard work and selfless dedication of many people.

Candle composition 300 words (15)

One day, the little master went to school. The desk lamp thinks that the little master uses me every day. I am the right assistant of the little master, and no one can compare with me. I can't help feeling proud. It suddenly saw a candle in a small corner, and it was covered with ashes. The lamp held its head up and said to the candle, "Look at the candle beside you. You are rustic and dusty. Look how clean and beautiful I am. The little master wiped the dust on my body every day, and you will never be better than me!" The candle beside said, "Brother lamp, you are indeed more beautiful than me. We have our own strengths and weaknesses. You should not be so proud!

Just as I was talking, there was a power failure. The desk lamp thinks: Not good! How can I light up for my little master without electricity! Then the little master picked up the candle in the corner and lit it. Candles burn until the end of life. The little master said to the candle, "Your spirit is really great, and you are the best!" After listening to the lamp, he thought: I can't compare my strengths with others' weaknesses in the future.

Yeah! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We can't compare our strengths with others' weaknesses!

Candle composition 300 words (16)

A piece of post disaster ruins, surrounded by darkness engulfed. A small candle lit up the surroundings, bringing a faint light. He is a brave knight who dispels the darkness, and the embodiment of the god of love who brings hope. Give people hope, burning is their own body.

When a joyous rhythm rings, the candle shakes its bright light. With the love and expectation of his parents, he quietly ended with laughter. Perhaps, he is just a form of birthday, but he brought joy, also brought us laughter, but also carried a better wish.

When we meet with the candle again, we are in darkness again. The candle appeared silently beside my bed. Loneliness and timidity were dispelled by the faint orange light emitted by this small candle. It silently accompanies us, leaving a smaller and smaller figure, but without complaint, and finally disappears.

The spirit of candle is selfless dedication, no complaints and no regrets.

It is like a laborious teacher, who irrigates our growth with knowledge and love; It is like our mother, dedicated to life, only wish us happiness and health.

I like candles, I praise them!

Candle composition 300 words (17)

When people light it, it will shed ruby like tears, and soon its life will be exhausted. Even so, it is still a necessity in our daily life. One day, our family had just finished dinner and was about to turn on the TV [facial expression] when all the lights in the living room and bedroom went out, suddenly the room became dark. "It seems that there is a power failure," said his mother. Dad asked me to get some candles. I ran to the locker, felt around, and finally found two candles. I put them in a conspicuous place in the living room, took out the lighter, and carefully lit it. The room was suddenly filled with warm light. Looking at the flickering candle light, it seemed that a life was slowly disappearing... Strangely, I didn't see the fear of the candle when it faced death. It is constantly jumping, happily illuminating everything around.

From this, I understand a truth: in the limited life, unlimited dedication to oneself, this is the greatest happiness of life.

Candle composition 300 words (18)

One night, the desk lamp was still proud of itself. In the blink of an eye, the desk lamp did not light up. The little master used the candle. The candle burned itself hard to make people bright until it died. The desk lamp looks at the candle to give light to people, but it disappears. I feel ashamed.

The desk lamp felt that it was necessary to learn the spirit of candles, "'When the silkworms die, the wax torch will become gray and tears will start to dry.' Do not show off, do not be proud, do not care about personal gains and losses, and make steady contributions to mankind."

Candle composition 300 words (19)

There are still many people who sacrifice themselves like candles to illuminate others, such as teachers, border builders, sanitation workers

The frontier builders not only gave their youth, but also gave their children and grandchildren... They all did so for the frontier of our motherland, for the glory and prosperity of our motherland!

The teachers have also given their youth to deliver the knowledge they have learned in this life to us continuously, and the teachers are aging little by little. Teachers are the cultivators and sowers of beauty. It is they who shine with beautiful sunshine and moisten our hearts with beautiful rain and dew that make our hearts green and beautiful. As the saying goes, "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the candles and torches will become ashes and tears will begin to dry". Isn't this the true reflection of their dedication?

The sanitation workers also have the spirit of dedication. They work from morning to night and use their time to make our city beautiful and tidy.

Therefore, I would like to thank people who have the same quality as candles and have selfless dedication for us.